- Chapter Forty-Six -
"Hurts like a bitch."
"Because we look like the damn Village people just lost a fight." Diego replied to Klaus snappishly, looking back at his brother and snatching his hat from his head as the group of them walked through the quiet park where they had originally taken refuge after the fight with the Sparrows - Klaus wasn't exaggerating, everyone they passed gave them a very odd look.
Klaus immediately tried to get his hat back, nudging Prim out of the way slightly to reach Diego and practically jump on him to try and reach it. He didn't manage of course because Diego simply swapped the hat to his other hand and Klaus slid off of his brother in frustration. Primrose came and stood in the middle of them, holding Klaus to one side whilst Five reprimanded them.
"Okay, you know what? I need to go find Claire, I will catch up with you guys later." Allison said, holding a hand up to the two brothers who had been fighting a few seconds ago. Primrose looked around at the rest of the group, trying to decipher who was going to break the news.
She supposed it would be Five but he didn't seem to be in a rush to stop Allison from walking away, although he did look slightly concerned and looked back at Prim who raised her eyebrows. Five simply nodded at her, the both of them communicating through nothing but looks but eventually Prim just let the issue go and continued walking.
It turned out that Vanya was the one to speak out against Allison.
"Hey, Allison, no." She came walking from the middle of the group, up to the front where she approached Allison who had begun to walk away from them to go and find Claire. "First, let's get somewhere safe, clean up those cuts, and then we'll go find her."
"Yeah, I've got a search mission of my own to do but I want some well-earned rest and relaxation before it starts." Primrose mentioned, thinking of her family and how the hell she would react if she saw them alive, if she saw another version of herself. Happily married and perhaps a mother, that had always been her plan. "I gotta clean up this."
She pulled open the hole that had been made by the knife and then ripped open some more. Luckily when it close it just made a little slit in front of the wound so her whole abdomen wasn't exposed. But the group grimaced as she opened the hole in the dress so the wound was on show.
"Yeah, it hurts like a bitch." She admitted, letting go of the material before rubbing the area softly. Diego came by her side and rubbed her back a little as though trying to help with her pain, obviously it did nothing but Primrose still smirked a little at the gesture, finding it amusing.
"Man, I hate those guys." Luther said out of the blue and Primrose turned to him, raising her eyebrows before she followed his eyeline towards one of the large buildings in the city, a big poster of the Sparrow Academy hanging over the office windows.
One was a large photo of Marcus and Ben, taken professionally and Primrose tried not to let herself admit that Marcus was a very pretty man. Another poster above a building consisted of all 7 of the Sparrows with Marcus in the middle as their number one, Prim imagined what it might've been like if none of the Umbrella's left the Academy.
"Look at 'em with their...stupid smug..." Luther stammered, seemingly trying to come up with an insult and Klaus appeared at his side, trying to encourage his brother and help him figure something out. "...s...smug...smugness."
"Keep working on it, big guy, you'll land one eventually." Klaus pat him on his back despite his disappointed sigh whilst Primrose smiled at Luther's concussed attempt at insulting the Sparrows. Diego exhaled slightly through his nose but said no more.
"But, honestly, what are we doing?" Allison asked them all again and they all turned to her, tilting their head and furrowing their eyebrows at her. "We can't stand here bleeding out in this park."
"I don't know but we better gear up fast before they come for a round two." Diego took his hand away from Primrose's back, putting both of his hands upon his belt and staring up at the posters of the Sparrow's with squinted eyes. The fight with the cube had definitely shook him.
"What makes you think they'll come after us?" Vanya asked her brother, Primrose was wondering the same thing.
"Because I would." Diego answered and Prim reckoned that was a good enough attitude, from what she saw it seemed as though every Sparrow shared Diego's fighting spirit and determination. Perfectly exemplified when Diego started asking the cube who its daddy was, not Diego's best moment.
"Yeah, we did break into their house..." Klaus trailed off.
"Our house." Allison interrupted him. Primrose was about to argue that technically since it was obviously a different timeline that it actually wasn't their house but thought better of it when she saw Allison's angry face.
"...bust up all their antiques and shit." Klaus continued, waving his hand about in the air in front of him. Primrose nodded along, she definitely remembered Allison and the bird lady breaking a couple of vases during their brawl. As well as a table that Luther had been thrown onto.
"Yeah." Luther agreed, still staring and glaring at the large pictures of their faces pinned up on buildings. "I don't think the crime-fighting...super nerds are gonna let that go."
"Let's just think of some place off the radar where we can lie low and not draw attention." Five suggested and Primrose immediately turned to Klaus, but he was busy looking at the trees for some reason and finding them very interesting. She reckoned he would know a place.
"What kind of a weird-ass place are we not gonna draw attention?" Diego asked and one by one, the siblings joined Prim in staring at Klaus who was now doing some sort of odd dance by himself. Primrose smiled and raised her eyebrows at his groove.
It took him a moment but eventually he noticed the looks that they were all giving him, pausing his dancing and slowing to a stop at the stares of his best friend and his siblings. Another moment passed where he looked away from them, getting a small faraway look in his eyes before he looked back at his family and did a small gasp and nodded.
"Oblivion?" Primrose asked with a small grimace, she had only been once before and that had been to go and pick up some of Klaus' stuff from the room he had been buying out and take it back to her apartment where he slept for another couple of months.
It was an off place, but Klaus loved it.
"Yes, Rosie. Hotel Oblivion."
"Absorb her." Klaus told the others as they stood patiently in the lobby of Hotel Oblivion, people in all different types of styles sat everywhere. The staff were all old, the decoration was modern but also a little bit old-fashioned, a perfect mix of both. "Absorb her into your bosom."
However, this was certainly the right place to go because no one bat an eye towards the group of dishevelled adults, one with an odd hat he had stolen back and another with a large blood-stained rip in her dress. And certainly no one questioned why there was a young boy in a school uniform with them as well as a very large muscular man with a cut face.
"You know, cause back in her heyday, she played host to world leaders." Klaus lectured the family in front of him as they stood with their backs to the entrance and the other man stood openly, soaking in the atmosphere of the hotel. "Roosevelt, Gandhi, Stalin, Gorbachev, Castro, King Olaf of Norway, one of the Kim Jongs, Tito, Dalai Lama, Elvis, and not one but two of the Kardashians."
"Allegedly." Primrose added, remembering the speech that Klaus gave the first time Primrose stepped foot in there. The very same, naming many Russian leaders and some celebrities although the Kardashians were still yet to be confirmed.
Allison immediately began to walk off with an eye roll, claiming she had to make a call and Primrose pursed her lips as she walked away, wincing slightly at her attitude as Klaus stared at her back.
"Nowadays," Klaus turned back to the remaining members of the family listening to him talk about the hotel. "She's just a flophouse, a party house, for those of us not looking to be judged by society's rules and norms."
"You mean a place to hide?" Luther asked him, shrugging his shoulders as Primrose took in the architecture. It looked as though it had changed since the last time she had visited which in fairness was 5 years ago for her, three years ago for her original timeline and maybe never for the timeline they were in now.
"Exactly! It's perfect!" Klaus pointed at his brother before starting to walk backwards a bit. "And the best part is, she's gonna look after us, no questions asked. Never ever. Right?" He traipsed backwards more. "Come on."
"I may have some questions." Diego said with scepticism, glancing at Luther and Prim. Luther agreed but Primrose just shook her head and laughed as she fell into step with them and followed Klaus. "Why are you laughing, huh?"
"It's a weird place, yes, but that's all it is. Think of Klaus, just as a building. That is what you're in." Prim said as they followed Klaus down the small corridor towards the concierge desk, Five had his hands deep in his pockets and looked as though he was about to start whistling on a leisurely walk.
"So what you're saying is I'm tripping." Diego concluded, coaxing another laugh out of Primrose that made her grin grow wider and her hand cover her mouth in amusement. He smirked at how he had made her laugh and smiled himself, biting his lip.
Once they had all congregated behind the concierge desk, Klaus rung the bell and Primrose gasped at the sight of the dog in the bed on the desk, putting a hand to her heart and pouting at the sight of it. It was absolutely adorable. She went to pet it but it gave a little growl and Prim pulled her hand back in fright.
"Chet! Mon frère!" Klaus gasped as an old man in a blue blazer approached the desk where the dog sat, he was approaching very slowly but looked at Klaus in an odd manner. "It's so great to see you, I'd like my usual suite por favour."
Chet brought his fingers down on the bell, making it ring faintly again as Luther reached forward to pet the dog, yet it didn't growl at him like it did at Primrose. It accepted his pets with whimpers. "I have never seen you before."
"See? Told you, discreet." Klaus looked at his brothers petting the dog and Primrose scowled at them, wishing the dog would let her pet it too. The puppy whimpered as he nuzzled against Luther's hand.
"Please stop scaring my dog." Chet ordered, stepping from behind the bell to behind the dog as he looked in between Luther and Diego with an air of dislike. The largest brother pulled back awkwardly and Diego just straightened up with a clear of his throat.
"We need some rooms, please." Vanya requested from the back of the group.
"Super." Chet smiled and grabbed something from the desk to display to the family, putting it on the surface that the bell was on. It was a golden sign that had 'cash up front' written on it and Prim furrowed her eyebrows at the old concierge. "And how will we be paying today?"
At once, everybody made noises of surprise or difficulty as they felt in their pockets for money that Primrose guessed none of them had. You don't really think of cash when you're saving the world for the second time. Prim dug around hers and found some useless coins which she deposited on the polished desk as well as a single dollar.
Klaus pulled out some condoms, earning a disappointed look from Primrose as well as a disgusted exclamation from Luther. Vanya pulled out some peppermints, Five had some lint and Diego deposited a knife which Primrose pushed his arm down because of, giving him a small scowl.
At Chet's disapproving look at all of them, Luther sighed and started to take the watch off of his wrist, lying it on the table beside Primrose's cash before pushing them forward towards Chet.
"What does that get us?"
The old man picked the watch up off of the wood and held it delicately in his hands, getting out a small eyepiece thing to inspect the watch more closely. A second passed and then he walked back towards the shelves where they keep the keys, he took two off of the hooks and brought them back to them. Prim looked around at the group and sighed.
"Two rooms." Chet lay the keys down on the desk and Klaus nodded his head, pressing his lips together and obviously impressed by the service. "Mazel Tov."
"Awesome." Klaus smiled, picking up one of the keys.
"Right, let's Brady Bunch this bitch." Allison returned and picked the other one up before Prim could reach for it, walking off towards where she spotted the elevator afterwards, followed by Primrose and her siblings.
"I suppose this is gonna be girls in one and boys in the other?" Prim said, asking the question to anyone but Diego was the only one who heard her and answered her, a tiny little smirk on his face like there always was.
"I was hoping we would split 2 and 5." He mentioned and she snapped her head up to him with a hot blush creeping up on her pale skin as he winked at her and rushed up to the front of the group, leaving her in the dust.
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