Chapter 5
Mimi loved chaos, especially when he was the one who created it. TaeTae and Yoongles had a hard time containing him when he played back with his bullies. Because Mimi was just so petty like that. Time flew past so quickly and for once, Mimi wasn't bored or lonely.
Soon his best friends TaeTae and Yoongles came for a visit. Their work was going well and soon they will be moving closer. The fall was finally here. They sat in one of the tree branches not far from the cottage, chatting about everything.
"I wish I could come for a visit, but I'm allergic to other pixies." Mimi scrunched his nose with a disgusted look on his face.
"Now you talk like those Fae folks," Yoongles grunted. His green eyes revealed nothing, but they were sharp and scanned their surroundings meticulously even when they were in the safest environment. "You love us and we are pixies."
"You're both an exception. You're my people. But they aren't. Besides, they started first," Mimi argued. "They hated me first."
TaeTae sighed. "They're prejudiced. Fae are cunning and manipulative."
"My father was an asshole. I shouldn't be punished for what he did to my mother. I didn't ask to be born." Mimi pouted. "They made me into this and I won't let it slide anytime soon."
Okay so what if Mimi was a bit different. He liked to wear light, comfortable clothing and was slightly bigger than other pixies even in his pixie form. Mimi could transform into his Fae form. Perks of being a hybrid. He was stronger than most pixies and every creature feared what they didn't understand.
Only Yoongles and TaeTae befriended him when he was shunned by every other pixie in the Pixie Hollow. Their friendship started when Yoongles saved Mimi from drowning after being drunk on one of the fruit wines by mistake as a child. Later, they learned it was other pixie children who replaced Mimi's drink.
They began to hang out often with each other but their bond strenghtened when Mimi protected Yoongles and TaeTae from a hawk attack by shifting into his Fae form and using his strong magic. He had killed the four hawks that circled them that day.
But what had he gotten back? He was banned from using his magic by the queen who also threatened to banish him from Pixie Hollow if he dared to shift into his Fae form again.
"You'd have been a great warrior," Yoongles mused. "There's no one as strong as you in Pixie Hollow. It's their loss."
True. He alone could have guarded the Pixie Hollow. But the truth was that the pixies didn't trust him. He wasn't welcome among his father's people either. Because he inherited his eyes, hair and wings from his mother. His facial features were soft. He looked so different from actual Fae who are all had green eyes.
"Hush, my Mimi." TaeTae hugged him. "You will always be my best friend and protector. So tell me about this human occupant. How are things now? He isn't troubling you, is he?"
Mimi chuckled. "Troubling me? He's no match to me," he launched into everything that happened since their last visit. TaeTae and Yoongles listened with wide eyes.
"I don't like this," TaeTae mumbled. "Humans are dangerous. They are also selfish creatures."
"We don't meddle with human affairs, Mimi," Yoongles added. "You should have left as soon you saw the human here.
"But this is my home," Mimi whined. "I found it first and it's mine."
Yoongles sighed. "I'm sure that's not how it works. Your home is in Pixie Hollow."
"Pixie Hollow stopped being my home long ago," Mimi scowled.
"You always have a home with us," Yoongles stated sadly.
"So, what are you planning to do?" TaeTae asked, diverting the conversation. "Are you going to chase this human away?"
To be honest, he didn't want to harm the human. He had a name. Jungkook. But it was mouthfull and too big so Mimi decide to call him Koo. Koo was too cute for his own good. Mimi also kinda liked having him around, but that didn't mean he wan't annoyed. The human was just too loud. So he continued his antics. It had always been harmless though.
Hiding keys, tying shoelaces together when the human wasn't looking, hiding his clothes, turning off the microwave or the stove, hiding ingredients in the kitchen, stealing his fruits. Mimi was having the time of his life. On the nights, the human played loud music Mimi stayed out. He even learned to unplug the sound system but used it only when the human was too loud and the music began to give him headache.
Otherwise Koo looked too cute, playing games with his friends. Talking and drinking with no care in the world. Mimi thought the human had a beautiful laugh. He liked the sound. Maybe this human was different from the others.
Koo liked to talk to thing around him. Mimi once caught him talking to a frog and then a fish. While he thought Koo was absolutely adorable, it didn't mean he was any less annoying.
Mimi shrugged. "I don't mind having him around. Free food you know."
TaeTae rolled his eyes. "It's surprising the human hasn't found you yet. From what you said, you've been creating quite a ruckus in his home."
"He thinks it's a monkey. There are no monkeys in this part of the woods." Mimi giggled. They were also infuriating creatures by the way. Mimi was glad he didn't have to deal with them here. "It's funny actually. But he hasn't tried to do anything else."
Yoongles rolled his eyes. "You should be careful, Mimi. Don't take it too far."
Mimi sighed. He wasn't taking it far. He even stopped tying shoe laces together after the human fell face first that one time and ended up with a big bruise on his forehead. He watched as the human lament to his friends. The bruise vanished next day though. If Mimi spend an entire night, tending to Koo with his herbs, no one has to know. Not even TaeTae or Yoongles. They would make fun of him.
And maybe...for the first time in his life, Mimi felt guilty for pulling a prank on someone.
"Anyways, watch out, Mimi. This human seems harmless and from what you said you really like it here. Why would you make it unbearable for him? You can stop playing your pranks and just co-exist," TaeTae said. "I mean you live alone and away from all of us. This cottage is sturdy and keeps you safe from everything. You don't have to fear the predators or keep an eye open whenever you're asleep."
"I agree," Yoongles piped in. "We will try to visit you as frequently as possible. Stay out of trouble, Mimi."
Mimi nodded absent-mindedly. His friends had a point, but he'd be missing out all the fun if he stopped suddenly though. He watched them leave with a soft pout. He'd miss them dealy and can't wait to see them again.
However, he listened to his friends and reduced the amount of mischief. As much as it was possible that was. He didn't want to force Koo to move away. The human had a sweet tooth and often baked cookies, leaving jars full of cookies in his cabinets to munch on. Mimi was addicted to the ones with chocolate chips. He also loved those rasberry ones.
Not to mention, the house was always warm. Mimi thought it'd be warm even in Winter. He might not have to go to Pixie Hollow if he could stay here. So with time, Mimi convinced himself allowing the human to stay had its benefits.
The human, who once used to grumble at the tiniest mess he left behind was now willingly leaving out the mess. He would leave his scarves strewn across the furniture or anywhere in the room. There were more fruits on the table, more varieties of that syrup. Last week, Koo even brought home more plants though he barely watered them or took care of them.
Mimi grumbled as he cared for the plants. He watered it, praising how well they were growing and caressing every new leaves and buds, kissing the tiny flowers. They were just so pretty.
Irresponsible human.
"This is for not watering the plants," he mumbled, turning off the microwave with a gleeful smile and hurried away unaware of the pair of curious doe eyes watching him with an endeared expression.
For a long time, Jungkook was convinced it was the monkeys or a raccoon. That was until one of the workers told him Avalon didn't have any monkeys. There were no raccoons in this part of the town either.
His hyungs stuck to the ghost theory while Hoseok alone tried hard to deflect anything that was ridiculous. He said maybe it was a small time thief, who was cold and hungry. But it didn't explain why he would hide his things. So Jungkook did the only sensible thing. He was a techie.
Jungkook fixed hidden cameras almost everywhere in the home, connecting the feed to his laptop and phone. He would be able to monitor his home anytime.
Then to his surprise and delight, Jungkook caught the culprit red-handed. A tiny fairy, much to his disbelief. The palm-sized fairy dressed in pastel colored clothes was the cutest thing he'd ever witnessed. He had blonde hair with rainbow colored streaks, quite unique if you asked him. It was a male fairy. He had big, round eyes and his pupils were pink. Rosy cheeks and pinkish lips with a cutest pout. His pointy ears and vibrant wings proved that he was indeed a fairy and Jungkook wan't mistaken.
Jungkook was endeared immediately. At first, he couldn't believe his eyes. But there was no mistaking the footage he had on his laptop.
The tiny fairy had a very neat schedule if you asked Jungkook. He slept in a small box in the attic, and yes, Jungkook found his missing car keys and his scarf, but he dared not to touch them.
When he wasn't working, he was obssessed with watching the camera, looking for any feed about the fairy. During the daytime, the fairy went outside. He didn't know what the fairy did all day, but at night he would return with an exhausted look on his face, almost immediately passing out on his scarf bed.
The morning was the only time the fairy ate and Jungkook wondered what was the fairy like. His hyungs didn't believe him at first, but they too were delighted to see the little fairy.
It became their secret. They would gush over the tiny fairy for hours. Hoseok more so. Jungkook knew what would happen if someone where to find out, so he always deleted the footage, and it stayed within his friend group. He knew his hyungs would never tell anyone.
Peach was a rare commodity in Avalon. They didn't grow it here, and had to be imported. It sold off almost immediately, too and was high in demand. Fortunately, Jungkook was able to get his hands on a box of peaches. He couldn't wait to see the pure delight on Mimi's face when he tasted this.
He loved buying the best fruits for Mimi, who despised spicy foods. The tiny fairy once threw a small fit in the kitchen after tasting his spicy ramyeon and almost threw the pot outside the windown before casually walking inside.
So Jungkook made sure to leave only sweet things for the little one. The fairy was a pain in the ass sometimes, but to Jungkook, everything he did was endearing. He had to be on watch most of the time, but he never did anything harmful yet.
Sometimes Jungkook would leave our things like lemon and other sour things just to see Mimi's comical expression. After observing him for months, he soon learned Mimi often retaliated when he didn't like something Jungkook did.
Like when he left purposefully put a grapefruit instead of oranges, Mimi had thrashed his laundry basket and left all his clothes strewn on the floor in a fit of rage. Then when he put lemon, Mimi had flown around the kitchen a few times, rubbing his tongue furiously. That day Mimi threw all his pillows down and hid his shoes. Another day Jungkook dared to mess with Mimi by putting a wasabi-mixed cookie among the raspberry ones; Mimi dropped a chunk of bird poop on his car's windshield.
The fairy was too pouty when he was furious, and his cute stomps after hiding his stuff were too endearing for Jungkook. He let the fairy get away with anything and everything because the proud look on his face after doing a mischief was just so cute.
Jungkook enjoyed these small banters, but also cared for the tiny fairy. For one, the fairy didn't like anything cold. So he made sure his house was always warm. On particularly cold nights during the fall, he kept his hearth lighted.
If he noticed the fairy sleeping on top of a pillow right in front of his hearth on a cold morning, he pretended he didn't see.
He even bought more plants after learning about the fairy's love for plants. Now he was in the process of building a small greenhouse in his backyard because the Winter was approaching, and people told him how harsh Avalon winters are. He also began to repair the home, making sure they had everything in place to handle the upcoming Winter.
Jungkook noticed the house lacked an effective heating system. Something he overlooked while decorating his home. Heat pumps were one of the effective ways to heat old houses and cottages. But Jungkook wasn't going to rely on them alone. He spoke to his neigbors and others.
The small inn he stayed had a good heating system and he normally loved Winter. But he moved here when it was almost over, so he didn't know how worse it could get.
After much contemplation, he also decided to add electric floor heating. However, the materials weren't available in Avalon and had to be brought from the outside. So he decided to install them in the attic and the living room, which tended to get colder than other areas.
One couldn't be more careful. Jungkook bought a portable heater and even went as far as to convert his furnace to run on gas in case the electricity failed him.
His hyungs made fun of him, but Jungkook was adamant. He diligently prepared his home for Winter. Only he didn't know the tiny fairy often went home for Winter and never stayed on the mainland.
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