
Hoseok threw himself on the couch, loosening his tie and throwing it on the armchair beside him with his already discarded jacket.

"Hey Hobi." A voice sang out from the hallway behind him. "How'd it go?"

"Alright I guess." He sighed, craning his neck to look at the boy behind him.

Blond, petite and adorable in a loose grey sweater and black skinny jeans, Jimin entered the room almost skipping.

"You think you got it?" He plopped down beside him on the couch and snuggled against his chest.

"I'm not sure. The pink hair didn't go over so well." He said, automatically draping an arm around his younger sibling.

"This is stupid! You should be a teacher not a secretary. You've wanted to be a dancer since forever." Jimin pouted up at him.

"Yeah well those who can't do, teach and apparently those that can't teach, type. Don't worry too much about it, Minnie, ok?" He held him close and kissed the top of his head affectionately.

"Maybe I could get a job, help you out, then you could stay at uni." He suggested hopefully.

"No, Jiminie. I've told you before, concentrate on school. Besides, even if you did, it wouldn't be enough. It's not so bad, really."

Jimin looked doubtful.

"Seriously, it's just an office job, not the end of the world. I might even be able to go back in a few years if Mama gets better." He said optimistically.

"But you hate office work! I heard you this morning telling the mirror you looked like a corporate monkey!"

"Lots of people hate their jobs. It's really not that big a deal. And anyway, I don't even know yet if I have it yet."


"No buts, Jimin." He cut him off firmly. "If they offer me the job, I'm taking it. I promised Dad I'd always take care of you guys and that's exactly what I intend to do."

After a few minutes of silence it became clear Jimin was sulking. Hoseok nudged him with his shoulder. "Hey, I have a few hours before class. Wanna go visit Mama?"

The boy instantly brightened. "Ok!" He jumped up and headed toward the door.

Hobi laughed. "Whoa! Slow your roll, buddy. Let me get changed first."


Hoseok sat quietly beside his mother as Jimin babbled excitedly to her about the choreography they were working on for the upcoming showcase. His hand entwined with hers, taking comfort in its warmth.

She looked worse, her skin papery and sallow, her eyes face gaunt, her eyes drooping with exhaustion, but she was still the most beautiful woman in the world to him. She'd get better, she had too. He couldn't handle losing her, not so soon after Dad.

"Hey. It's ok, Hoseokie. Things will work out, you'll see." Her voice was still sweet and melodic, optomistic, belying none of the pain she must be in.

"I know, Mama." He said, squeezing her hand in gentle reassurance. "You just rest and get better. I'll take care of everything."

"Mama!" Jimin whined loudly. "You're not watching!"

Her indulgent laugh cascaded around the room, bringing a smile to his lips. "I'm sorry, Minnie, do it again."

"Try to land on your feet instead of your ass this time." He teased.

"Hoseok, language!" Censure from his mother.

"Hey that was one time!" Indignation from his brother.

God he loved them, they were his whole world.


"You're still not hitting it right, Taehyung. The transition is smooth, but you need to pop it at the end. Pah, pah, pah, PA! PA!" Hoseok twisted his body fluidly before aggressively hitting the last two steps.

"Again from the second bridge." He reflexively mopped the sweat off his face with the towel hanging around his neck and took the track back.

"Like this, Tae. One and two and three and! four!" Jimin encouraged, performing the moves perfectly.

The music start up again and the three of them took their starting positions in front of the studio mirror, running it again and again until Hoseok was satisfied.

"Alright that's enough for today." He announced, watching the two boys drop to the floor in relief.

"Slave driver." Jimin accused.

"Hey, you want to be good, or do you want to be great?" He shot back. "Because the only-"

"The only difference between good and great is hard work, dedication and perseverance. We know, Hobi." They monotoned, having heard his pep talk a hundred times.

"Exactly. Now stop groaning. Grab your gear and we'll get noodles. My treat." He offered, amused at how quickly his students perked up at the promise of food. Teenagers.

"Bye Tae!" Jimin waved enthusiastically from the back seat.

"You like him." Hobi sang tauntingly to his brother.

"No I don't! Shut up!" Jimin denied.

"Uh huh, then why are you blushing?" He asked dryly.

"I'm not! It's just stuffy back here!" Jimin turned redder if that was possible.

"Nope. You were making heart eyes at him all the way through dinner." He clasped his hands before him dramatically and pitched his voice mockingly high. "Oh Tae Tae! You're such a good dancer-"

"He is a good dancer!" Jimin defended.

Hoseok continued as though he hadn't heard him. "...and strong and handsome and smart and amazing. I luuuuurve you!" He made kissing sounds at his equal parts mortified and enraged brother.

"Shut up!" An empty water bottle came flying over the seat, hitting him right in his pursed lips and he laughed.

"Seriously though, it's cute. And if it makes you feel better, I think he likes you too." He said, his eyes back on the road as he put the car in gear.

"Really? You think he likes me?" Jimin tapped his sweater paws together shyly. Adorable.

"Why do you care? I thought you didn't like him." He smirked.

"Ugh! You're the worst brother ever!" Jimin folded his arms across his chest and pouted the rest of the way home.


Yoongi Min sat in his bed, back resting against the headboard, trying to assure himself he was not a stalker as he clicked on the next video.

All it had taken was a quick google search to find everything he could ever want to know about Hoseok Jung. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and lastly YouTube. Which is where he had been for the last hour and a half, greedily clicking link after link.

The same dance studio that had featured in most of the recent uploads came into focus. Hoseok appeared from behind the camera, smiling brightly as he skipped back to the other figure in the frame. Yoongi hadn't even noticed him, too focussed Hoseok. He'd been in a few of the other videos too, small; blond; annoyingly good looking and far too handsy for Yoongi's comfort.

Then the music started and they began to dance. They were both amazing, but it was the tall pink haired man he kept his eyes glued to. The way he moved! He was so fucking sexy. Confident, controlled, masculine, beautiful. Yoongi chewed his bottom lip. He was perfect.

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