Chapter 17 day 12 of the month:Future performance 2/Photoshoot part 1
(Ok I'm sorry if I'm putting too much music video and singing in recent chapters.but please don't play the song....not yet)
In the morning
The alarm clock rang,and the whole people in the room got annoyed ,Subaru then notice the sound was more closer to him.
"Grrrrr"-Subaru then flip to his right and throw the alarm clock to the other side of the room.
"Finally"-Subaru then turn to his left and saw Yune sleeping happily
"Atleast she isn't awake"-Subaru then closed his eyes...and right at that moment a certain person came in the room wearing a thin summer sport jacket with a light yellow tank top,white shorts,white fluffy slippers, and ........holding a tuba?
"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS!!!!!NO TIME TO WASTE!!!!! BAAAAAABOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!"-A loud tuba played very loud.
Then Subaru's eyes shot wide open and turn to see Mahiru with a grin.
"REALLY!!!!!"-Subaru throw a pillow at Mahiru,which she easily dodged
"MAHIRU KASUMI/MOOOMMMMM/AUNTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"-more pillows came to Mahiru,but knowing her she quickly dodged every one of them.
"Ughhhhhhh"-Everyone then pulled the blankets over their heads closing their eyes.
"NUH UH!!!!WAKE UP!!! NOW!!"-Mahiru yelled VERY LOUDLY
"Make us"-Asahi mockingly ,but very tired
"You asked for it"-Mahiru mumbled, Mahiru then went out the room
After she did the whole room was full of sighs and finally
"By the breakfast if u don't wake up :p"-Mahiru smirked while going out the room.
"NOOOOOOO!!"-The sons then sloppily get out of their blankets
"Sigh"-The daughters then also followed the boys
"I don't wanna wake up"-Subaru said while Kanata,Ako,Yume,Laura,Koharu,Asahi,and Nozomu was walking out the room
"What do u expect,it's Mahiru"-Ako
"Tru"-they all said in union
Then they all went out and get in the bathroom one by one to freshen up.when they were all done they went to the kitchen get food ,go to the dining table,eat.
Mahiru phone then rang.
"Who is that"-Asahi asked,but more demanding
"Someone ,well I have to take this"-Mahiru exited the room
"What the heck. Is it a boy!"-Asahi thought out loud
"Your getting TO worried Asahi ,it's probably the headmaster"-Koharu tried calming down Asahi
"But it's out summer vacation?"-Kanata
"Maybe, we just gotta wait"-Laura
They all shrugged ,and continued their conversations
To Mahiru side
After Mahiru left the room she picked up the phone called
"Hello,is this S4"-Someone
"Uh yes,this is Mahiru Kasumi speaking"-Mahiru
"Ah,this is the headmaster"-Headmaster
"No wonder the voice sounds familiar"-Mahiru thought
"Ok,what do u need headmaster?"-Mahiru
"You ,S4,M4,and ur manager Koharu have to do a photo shoot today"-Headmaster
"Uh why? Isn't this our summer vacation?"-Mahiru curiously
"Yes, but the models who were suppose to be here ,had plans and we need people quick "-Headmaster
"Alright,I'll tell the others about this.When does it start?"-Mahiru
"11 am sharp"-headmaster
Mahiru looked at the time and it was 10:20 am
'Alright we'll be their around 10:35 "-Mahiru
"thats good"-headmaster
"good day ,Kasumi"-headmaster
"good day headmaster"-mahiru ended the call and later went in the dining room, that caught Asahi's attention.
"so mahiru was that a boy "- asahi and if u look closer you could see his eyes narrowed alittle.
"it wasn't a boy, yeesh you act like dad when he heard Yozora's phone rang in dinner time once(Asahi blushed embarrassed) and it was the head haster he wanted us to be at a photoshoot"-Mahiru
"oh"-all of them in union
"YES MA'MAM!" everyone except mahiru yelled and quickly ate their breakfast and went to change
5 minutes later
'"took you all long enough"-Mahiru standed by the front door
"yeah sorry mahiru"-yume,and the girls and the daughters came
The girls looked like this⬇️
Shizuka wear
Aria wear
Hana wear
Kiyomi wear
Naomi wear
"We're here!"-Asahi came with the boys
"Finally dad,you took to long"-Kiyomi
Mahiru and Koharu quietly trying to hold back their laughers,and succeeded
M4 look/wear is:
Yuto and Izayoi(left to right) wear:
Natsume(he fixed his hair and now suddenly he looks like this for some chapters.He still has his green hair and ruby colored eyes):
Shun wear:
Kou wear:
Then they all went to the small van and Kanata was driving,in the van was conversations,funny arguments,jokes,idol talks,and more conversations.
30 minutes later
They have reached their destination and everyone was trying to get out,keyword "trying" . The van was easy to get out of but suddenly everything got mixed up when they were all trying to get out.
"Get your ,FREAKING FOOT OUT OF MY FACE!"-Naomi yelled to Izayoi
"What,like this"-Izayoi mocked her and put his feet closer to her face ,which Noami dodged and pushed it out of the way. Making Izayoi fall over Natsume,making both of them fall on Shun.
"GET OFF ME!!! UR BOTH TO HEAVY"-Shun being the one on the ground
"IZAYOI GET OFF ME!"-Natsume getting annoyed
"Don't know what ur talking about"- Kiyomi then was about to get out but the door didn't work.
She kept pressing the button to get out but it didn't work.
"What are u doing?"-Hana
"Getting this to open"-Kiyomi
"Here let me try"-Laura ,then Laura tried pressing it but it didn't work
The car seat order
Door|Front:Kanata .space. Ako|Door
|Back trunk:Nozomu,Asahi,Mahiru,Yume,Subaru|
Trunk door
"What on earth are u guys doing-_- I haven't even park yet"-Kanata said loud enough for all of them to hear.
"Oh"-all in union
Then Kanata parked and he opened the door by pressing the door button.
Nozomu,Asahi,Mahiru,Yume,and Subaru went out the trunk door.Izayoi,Natsume,Shun,Kou,and Koharu had to wait till the middle seats get pushed up to get out. Kanata and Ako just went out from the front 2 doors
"Waaa~ it feels nice to get more space"-Noami
"Hey all of you lets go already"-Ako motioning them to go becuz everyone already went.
"Hai Aunt Ako"-Naomi,Izayoi,and Shun
Later then....
"Hello all of you ,I see ur finally here...."-Headmaster then looked behind them seeing the future kids.
"And I see u brought your friends too"-Headmaster
"Yes,we hope you don't mind"-Mahiru
"No it's fine"-Headmaster then lead them inside where the photo shoot will take place.
"Boys that way"(headmaster pointed to the left) girls that way(headmaster pointed right) "-Headmaster
The gang looked confused.
"It's where you will get into ur outfits and makeup ,and would ur friends would like the participate?"-Headmaster
The gang then nodded in understanding. The future kids looked at each other and knew there answer
"Sure why not"-Kou
"Then signed here"-Headmaster gave them a clipboard with a pen to write their names.
Each of them took turns writing their names.
"Good now...CHOP CHOP!"-Headmaster clapped his hands
Then they started going to get ready
While they were getting ready headmaster then said.
"OK!SUBARU & YUME IS UP!"-headmaster hollers.
"Eh.....EHHHHHH!!!"-The future kids hollers
"Yes headmaster!"-S4 ,M4,and Koharu
When Subaru and Yume was done they went out and smiled to each other and went on. The whole gang and their future kids were watching with a smile. Mahiru was somehow bringing out her own camera taking pics with her eyes sparkling and whispering "ships ships shipppsss" .
Izayoi who was standing next to his young past mom sweatdropped and said
"Like mother like daughter"-Izayoi remember when Naomi weirded them out becuz her eyes was sparkling weirdly and was holding a camera whispering "ships ships shippps" creepily.w
(Ok so their wearing the clothes from the picture and their also doing the facial expression,that goes for every picture in the photo shoot,and their doing the same poses the people in the photo are doing)
1st pose
"Aww~ that's so cute^^"-Mahiru
"Waaa~ I always knew Yume would be my sister in law"-Ako
"Subaru is even blushing 😂"-Asahi
"😂😂😂"-The future kids,The girls,M4
Subaru and Yume got off and quickly put on their next outfit and their makeup artist did their makeup quickly.
"2ND POSE!"-Headmaster
2nd pose
"Aww~ SUBAYUME GOOOOO!!!!!!!"-All the girls
Yume and Subaru was blushing after the photo was took.
The both of them rushed off and get in heir last outfit and the makeup artist did their make.
"3RD POSE!"-Headmaster yelled
3rd pose
"That's actually a really good pose"-Nozomu
"It absolutely fits in the topic romance"-Laura
"Mom and dad really outdone themselves"-Shizuka
"Yeah,even in any age they still beat us"-Yuto
"All our parents beat us cuz....."-Hana
"They are.."-Kou
"And only"-Kiyomi
The kids smiled.
"NEXT!KANATA &AKO!!"-Headmaster hollers....VERY LOUDLY
Then everyone's ear bleed ,then the room got tense ,SUDDENLY hooded people swung in the room holding guns shooting everywhere randomly... Everyone got shot except The kids. Their eyes showed fears in them .Hana and Naomi was shaking back and forth hands at their ears muttering "I can't do this,I can't do this"............JUST KIDDING AHAHAHAHAHA did it get you guys?^^ what really happen:.......
"Yeesh ,he didn't need to yell-_-"-Kiyomi
Ako and Kanata went on and did their poses
First pose
"I can see the fans will be FANGIRLING about this pose fufu"-Mahiru
"Yup! It looks like their going to kiss but their not"-Yume
"I wonder how their fans gonna react ahahahaha"-Laura chuckled
"Waaa~so romantic"-Koharu giggled alittle
"MA BABIES ARE GROWING UP *many sad emojis* "-Asahi blows on a tissue with tears running down his face anime style,while Koharu was comforting him with a smile and was sweatdropping .
"My gosh....never knew dad was such a drama queen"-Kou said flatly
"Ah-ha maa~ maa~ dad ur overreacting "-Hana also trying to calm down her young past dad.
Everyone was sweatdropping at Asahi's .........emotional breakdown.
Ako and Kanata went to change outfits and he makeup artist did their makeup
"NEXT POSE!"-Headmaster yelled like on the top of his tongue
"Ma hearings-_-"-Future kids in union
2nd pose(their not crying)
"Awww~ thats so cute"-Koharu
"ADORABLE!!!!"-Mahiru ,she kept taking too much pictures
"KANAKO KANAKO KANAKO KANAKO!!!!!!!!!!!!"-The gang was chanting and after that photo was took ,Ako's face was blushing red.
"OIIIIII STOP IT!!!!! O////////O"-Ako yelled making the gang laugh and Kanata smirk,cuz.......her whole face was tomato red.
Kanata and Ako went to change their outfits and the makeup artist did their makeup
Headmaster tried not laughing at the young antics and he cleared hid throat and.....
"LAST POSE!"-Headmaster
" hearings"-Future kids
3rd pose(it's Ako and Kanata with petals falling on them)
"So ..........romantic"-Mahiru eyes was almost tearing
"Waaa~"-Aria eyes was sparkled
"That definitely fits in Romance"-Subaru
"Young love~"-Asahi
"I'm gonna be an uncle soon "-Nozomu eyes glinted
"Those petals made it more romantic"-Yume
"Yaaa~ that's a good last pose indeed"-Koharu
"Yup the petals made it more deeper :)"-Laura
Then the both of them got off
"Good job you two:)"-All of them
"Thanks:)"-Kanata and Ako
"Who's next?......ok..NOZOMU AND LAURA!"-Headmaster first looked at the clipboard and hollered.
"My goodness"-Kiyomi
Nozomu and Laura came up
1st pose
"Awwww~ Laura's blushing"-Mahiru eyes glinted
"Adorable!!!!!^^"-Koharu and Yume
"WAHHHHHH!!!~ YOUNG LOVE !!!!"-Asahi blowed on a tissue
"Is he ok-_-"- Kou
The whole gang just smiled
Then Nozomu and Laura went to change their outfits
When they were done headmaster then yelled AGAIN
"2ND POSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"-Headmaster
"Is he trying to sing opera?"-Izayoi
"Probably not.....his just trying to make our ears bleed -_-"-Shun joked at the last part
Natsume and Laura did their pose
2nd pose
"AWWWWWWWWWWWW~"-All the girls
Tears came out of Asahi's eyes ,chibi style
"Woaahhhhhhhh"-All the boys
That made Nozomu and Laura blushed at their comment, and went to change outfits.
"3RD POSE"-Headmaster
"Des-Pose-cito I am not a taco ,I'm a pug burrito ,some say I'm smart but I'm kinda stupido ,But it's ok cuz I'm super cute doh Des-Pose-cito ~"-Kiyomi and Naomi
Everyone was looking at them
Everyone laughed alittle and got back to work
3rd pose
"Waaaaa~ they look so natural in that pose"-Yume
"Un, I agree it is a good pose"-Subaru
"The fans would be surprised if they see this "-Asahi chuckled
"That does look Natural ..."-Kanata
"Like they aren't even notching the camera:)"-Ako completed Kanata's sentence
"Exactly:)"-Kanata gave a genuine smile at Ako,maki her blush and look at Nozomu and Laura
"GET A ROOM"-Aria and Natsume
That made both Ako and Kanata blushed and Both of them laughed at their future kids antics.
Laura and Nozomu got off and changed back to normal clothes.
"Good job you two:)"-Everyone
"Thanks"-Nozomu and Laura
"Next is........ok...ASAHI AND KOHARU!!-headmaster yelled
The gang stayed away from the headmaster chibi style and the headmaster looked confused
"Your raising ur voice TO loud"-Natsume
"Oh ok"-Headmaster said camly
Everyone sweat dropped
Asahi and Koharu then went up
"What?"-All in union
"Look at the time,it's too late so we'll continue the photo shoot tomorrow"-Headmaster
"Ok"-All in union
"WAIT! What was the photoshoot for which magazine?"-Aria curiously
"Oh it's the magazine "Romantic Love" "-Headmaster
So they went to change their clothes into their own clothes and wash off the makeup and went to the van in the same order.
There were conversation,funny arguments,jokes,and ect.... For the whole ride back.
30 minutes later(it's 9:00 pm)
The whole group arrived back at the Yuki's residence and went in the gate and the front door,and went in to take a shower, eat and change into their sleep clothes.
The daughters had to borrowed their young past mother's clothes and the boys had to borrowed their young past father's clothes.
They went to eat dinner at the dinner table ,and talked and it was just lively.
After they were done they decided to go to the game/movie room and ,the boys were playing games , the girls were watching anime ,and .....shipping anime characters with each other.
Then Mahiru said
"HEY! We never got to hear our other kids sing,why don't we do this right now?"-Mahiru
"Sure"-All of the future kids said
They talked about it and Kiyomi and Shun was going to do it becuz they haven't.
Everyone gathered and Shun started the music
(Play the song,I dare you guys to even sing along..if u want to)
I've been reading books of old
The legends and the myths
Achilles and his gold
Hercules and his gifts
Spider-Man's control
And batman with his fists
And clearly I don't see
Myself upon that list
Is he where d'you wanna go?
How much you wanna risk?
I'm not looking for somebody
With some superhuman gifts
Some superhero
Some fairytale bliss
Just something I can turn to
Somebody I can kiss
I want something just like this
Oh,I want something just like this
I've been reading books of old
The legends and the myths
The testaments they told
The moon and it's eclipse
And superman unrolls
A suit before he lifts
But I'm not the kind
Of person that it fits
She said ,where d'you wanna go ?
How much you wanna risk?
I'm not looking for somebody
With some superhuman gift
Some superhero
Some fairytale bliss
Just something I can turn to
Somebody I can miss
I want something just like this
I want something just like this
Shun & Kiyomi
Oh,I want something just like this
Oh,I want something just like this
Where d'you wanna go?
How much you wanna risk?
I'm not looking for somebody
With some superhuman gifts
Some superhero
Some fairytale bliss
Just something I can turn to
Somebody I can kiss
I want something just like this
Oh,I want something just like this
Shun & Kiyomi
Oh,I want something just like this
Thre was silence then there was clapping and cheering
"Good job Kiyomi,Shun"-Laura and Nozomu
"Thanks mom ,thanks dad"-Shun and Kiyomi
"We'll look at the time ,It's late ,let's get some sleep"-Mahiru
"Oh yeah it's 11 already"-Ako
Then they all talked alittle and fell asleep.
The couples(SubaYume,KanAko,NozoLaura,AsaKoharu) was sleeping on big beanbags. The daughters were sleeping on the water bed.
Mahiru was playing games with the boys next to a Izayoi so the sons were sleeping on the fluffy clean smooth light turquoise huge carpet. Mahiru fell asleep next to Izayoi.
At another place in the night
A bluenette was sitting on a chair with a cold eyes.
"Did you find anything"-The bluenette on the chair said to another bluenette
"Yes we found they were doing a photoshoot ..."-The other bluenette was standing said
"And?"-The bluenette on the chair
"We got the pictures they took but they weren't finish ,tomorrow they will continue"-Another bluenette said who was leaning on the wall
The bluenette on the choas looked at the pictures and eyes were filling with rage.
"Tch,continue finding more .."-The bluenette was cut off
"More info? I got new ones,Those people who were their close friends ,are going to do the photoshoot too"-Another bluenette came in the door.
"Hmm,ok keep watching them"-the bluenette on the chair said
"We will have our revenge soon"-The bluenette on the chair smirked evilly putting her hand together evilly on the desk.
The other 3 bluenette smirked evilly too.
A/n:YAY! I completed this chapter finally. Sorry I haven't upload for too long ,later on next week I would have school and would try continuing on the next chapter,please forgive me><
Hope you enjoy this chapter:)~Lunarsunny
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