
Louis hummed as he played with his fingers, drumming them aganist the dash of Edward's expensive car. They were driving to work, bright and early, the traffic however was on their side, afterall it was 7am.

"I have a suprise for you little Omega." Edward moved his hand to Louis' thigh, giving it a small squeeze. Louis smiled excitedly.

"What is it?" Louis admired Edward's black satin button up shirt.

"I know how much you love the band 5 seconds of summer and I have a teen vogue photoshoot with them. I kept it a suprise from you. And I presume, as my lovely little assistant, you would want to join." Edward smirked staring at Louis as they reached a red light.

"Oh my god. Ed! Are you being serious? I'm so excited! I thought your diary looked rather empty." Louis squealed, squeezing Edward's hand in appreciation.

"Oh, i'm sure you can find a way to thank me tonight." Edward smirked, eyebrows wiggling.

Louis giggled, "oh and I will thank you tonight." 

Biting his lip, he began to look foward to what was to come.


"Ashton, please why can't you be serious like Calum." Niall whined as he finally watched the singer pull the sleeveless shirt over his head.

Niall was trying to prepare the singers for the photoshoot, it was easier said than done with four rowdy young boys. All of which where Alpha's.

"Calum just hinks he is the boss of all places." Bickered Ashton, Niall snickered in response.

Just then Edward and Louis walked through the room. The tiny brunette Omega hid behind his future Alpha, nerves building throughout his body.

"Hello boys. I am Edward Styles, CEO od Vogue. May I ask for your names?" Edward screamed power in designer head to toe, and brief case in hand. He looked at Calum, who stepped foward, peaking around the CEO to stare at the Omega. 

He ignored  the CEO's question, instead zoning in on Louis.

"Who's that?" The dark haired boy stared into Louis' blue eyes.

"This is my assistant, and soon to be mate - Louis Tomlinson." Louios stepped foward as Edward guided him, with a palm on his back.

Louis smiled, shaking Calums outstretched hand, "hi! Sorry i'm a fan actually, been watching you since you were posting covers on YouTube."

Louis spoke with confidence, except Edward could tell the boy was shaking with nerves, it was adorable really.

"Who is your favouirte, I bet it is me." Luke asked, toying with his lip ring.

Louis stuttered, small 'ums' and 'ah's falling from his lips.

"Luke stop, everyone knows i'm always the favourite." Ashton flipped his hair, before being scolded by the hairdresser Edward had hired.

"Oh god, I just spent so long gelling your hair, and now it's a complete mess Ashton!" She huffed, moving to grasp a hairbrush.

Edward stopped the beta from worrying.

"Just put a hat on him." She smiled at the CEO's suggestion and instead moved to grasp a black rimmed hat from her collection. Edward frowned moving to look around, "god damn, where is this damn interview?"

Louis looked shocked for a moment, ceasing his conversation with Luke and turning to Edward, "oh Ed, i'm sorry I forgot to tell you. I just got a call before from the interviewer. She said she can't make it because her ex husbands wife just went into labour."

Edward looked at Louis stragely for a moment, the clogs turning in his head, "that's one messed up family." He shook his head, coming to his senses, "who the fuck is supposed to do the interview then?"

Louis bit his lip, "I could see if anyone int he building is available? And knows how." Edward frowned, pulling at his hair. A low growl fell from his lips, becoming more and more stressed. He tossed his briefcase to the ground, moving to the balcony.

Louis excused himself, following the Alpha outside. There was the man, leaning over the balcony, a cigarette to his lips, being lit from the green lighter.

Louis frowned, "you smoke?" Edward just shrugged puffing out a ring of smoke.

Just then the balcony door opened once again, welcoming Harry. The Alpha smiled at Louis before frowning as he noticed Edward's actions.

"Edward... I come to visit and this is what I see. I thought you quit?" Harrry stomped over to his brother, grasping the posion from his fingers and smashing it under his shoe.

"Me quit?" Edward scoffed, "do you realise how stressful this job is Harold?" He grumbled, taking another from the pack in his pocket.

Harry groaned, "you're going to end up dead by fourty. Lungs blacker than your shirt."

The door to the balcony was open, now all four 5 Seconds of Summer boys, the stylist and camera man staring at the confrontation.

"Should we leave?" Michael asked, looking uncomfortable.

Louis smiled, stepping away from his future Alpha's, "oh no guys don't worry. Um. we weill just find an interviewer one moment. Step into the other room for me? We will start with some photos. Mario?" Louis called the photographer, "can you get them set up?

With a nod, they were all walking into the other room, leaving Louis with Harry and Edward. Louis huffed, grasping the cigarette  from Edward and trashing it against his shoe.

"Stop fighting, both of you!" Louis whined, tugging on Edward's arm from where he was rolling his eyes as Harry chastisied him.

"There are four boy's waiting for your direction. They flew here to do this shoot for you Edward, hurry up and get your shit together."

Edward looked shocked at the sassy Omega staring at him. Harry moved to stand behind the Omega, almost as if he was backing him up.

"You heard him Edward." Harry nodded towards his brother.

The CEO growled lowly, pulling Louis into his arms and kissing his lips soflty. 

"I expect your thank you tonight, to be extravagant."

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