Reliving The Nightmare

ATTN READERS!!!!: I listened to this song as I wrote this. I thought I would not make it through it. I had it on repeat. This gets a bit gruesome. If you can't take reading about hardcore rape and battery, you should not read this chapter. I cried multiple times writing this.

Louis' POV
As I began telling the police what happened, I could feel Harry holding my hand. When I would get overwhelmed, he would give my hand a gentle squeeze to let me know it was ok. I don't think I could have made it this far if it was not for Harry. He is not here in the flesh, but I can feel him. I still can't believe this has happened. I never thought I would see Josh again, let alone be in a relationship with him. I was in love with him. How could I not realize he was one of my childhood bullies? Harry's best friend of the bunch no less. It is amazing what almost 10 years and a bit of surgery can do. I am so upset with myself. It is like I brought all of this on myself. When I finally decide to love again, I fall for the one who helped to kill me. I am trying to keep this out of my mind as I tell the police the events that led to tonight.

"So, you and Mr. Peters have a past," the officer asked me. "Yes, we do. It is as I have just explained. However, I did not realize it was him. I didn't recognize him. He looks nothing like he did in school. I just wish I had known. Maybe I could have saved myself from this." I said to the officer. "Alright, you have told us about everything leading up to tonight, correct?" the officer asked. I nodded my head and felt a strong wave of anxiety hit me as he asked me to tell him what happened that led me to call them. I began to sweat and I could hardly breathe. My hands began to shake and I felt faint. I leaned on the back of the chair for support, hissing when my back touched the fabric. I could feel Harry squeezing my hand and he began to stroke my hair. Tears streamed down my face. I opened my mouth to begin and I was a stuttering mess. The officer asked permission to get me something to drink and I nodded my head. After he brought me a glass of water, I tried to begin again.

"Well, when I arrived home after the last incident at the hospital, I was afraid. Not because Josh had ever been anything but gentle with me, but because I knew how angry he was when he left, or at least I thought I did. When I unlocked the door and came in, I felt a bit overwhelmed suddenly. He was not in the room at the time thankfully. I assumed I would have time to take a breather, but he came in. He came walking towards me kind of fast and he looked like nothing happened and I got really scared. He grabbed me by my shoulders really tight. I asked him to let me go, but he held me tighter. Just as I was about to scream he pulled me into his chest and kissed me. It was like it has always been. No different. He walked me backwards to the bedroom. I was so caught up, I hadn't even realized." I said before stopping to take a deep shaky breath. "Take your time son. Do you need a minute?" the officer asked me. "No," I replied.

I took a sip of my water before I continued. Harry is still stroking my hair. I hope he can sense how much I appreciate him right now. I know this is hard for him as well. I know how he feels about me and seeing what happened while not being able to do anything was a killer to him. I know it was without having to hear him tell me. It was just like high school all over again, except this time, he wanted to help but couldn't. As the officer cleared his throat and looked at me to continue, I snapped out of my thoughts, sat up a bit, and bowed my head before I began. "When we got into the room, he broke the kiss and glanced over his shoulder. When I looked back, there were rose petals and candles all over. I was in awe. It was such a beautiful sight. I was thinking he wasn't," I said sniffling a bit.

"When I turned back around, Josh was staring at me and it felt a bit creepy. Then he slowly began to undress me. I don't understand how he changed so fast, but he abandoned unbuttoning my shirt and slapped me. Then he started asking me things about Harry and slapping me each time until I eventually fell on the floor after about the fourth or fifth slap. Then he began shouting things at me while punching and kicking me. All I could do was curl myself into a ball to try and protect myself as best as I could. I remember he did a really hard kick to my stomach and I grabbed it and he kicked me in the face. I started to feel like I was going to faint. I wish I could have." I said and then stopped for a moment. I didn't know if I could go on. I drank a bit more water. I was full on crying reliving the events that I had to sit here and speak out loud. I just wanted to forget. "It's alright, baby. I am here. Just breathe for me love." I heard a voice say. I knew it was Harry of course. His voice helped to calm me down a bit and he began to stroke my cheek. It was so comforting. I leaned into the touch.

When the officer cleared his throat again, I realized how I must look. "Are you ok? Do you think you can go on?" he asked me looking concerned for me. "Yes. I just needed a moment," I responded to him. "Uhm, where was I? Oh, yes. After the kick to my face where I thought I was going to pass out, I didn't. He yanked me off the floor. I could hardly stand. He threw me onto the bed and I knew what was coming. I begged and pleaded with him to please stop. He was hurting me. He wouldn't stop. I could feel more and more blood leaking from my skin. Josh didn't care. He was tearing my clothes off and continuously scratching me in the process. I was trying to fight him but it didn't do any good. The more I fought, the more he hurt me. He grabbed my throat and told me to be still, take it, and enjoy it. He said if I didn't, he would kill me. I continued to struggle and he said he would kill Harry. That was when I went still," I said. I couldn't let him kill Harry. I just accepted my fate. I didn't have to explain who Harry was because I already had in the beginning.

So I continued on saying, "When I stilled, he flipped me over and pressed my face down into the mattress. I thought the beating was done until I heard something whipping through the air and a harsh stinging in my back. It didn't take me long to figure out it was his belt. He hit me over and over again. It got so bad. I thought I was going to die. I could feel my back ripping open and my blood splattering around my back with each hit. I could hardly breathe. I prayed for death to come. It seemed to go on forever. I couldn't even scream or cry anymore. I was numb. Then everything stopped. My body was aching so badly. I could barely move. I went to lift my head and he hit me with the belt again but so much harder this time. My body shook from the pain and I almost blacked out. He yelled and told me I would always be his and his alone. You will always belong to Josh Peters," I said repeating his words.

 "When it registered to me who he was, he screamed that yes, he was Harry's best friend from school. He said he always wanted me but he couldn't tell me. He said when he found out Harry and I were dating he was mortified. He had seen Harry's texts to me one day somehow. He had known about us for months before he said anything. That was why the other boys started to bully me so much. It was because of Josh. Finally when he found his chance he took it. That is why he joined in the beating I got back in school," I said fighting not to cry again. 

"After hearing his confessions, I tried to get up again and he grabbed the back of my neck and held me down. He sp-spread m-my legs open and he, he..." I stopped and broke down crying. I could feel Harry squeezing my hand and trying to comfort me, but this time was not enough. It was too much. As I tried to catch my breath, everything began to fade away. I heard the officer yelling for the paramedic to come over, and I blacked out just as I felt myself being lifted to the gurney.

When I woke up, I was in the hospital. I had all kinds of tubes and wires running from my body to different machines. Best of all, the pain was gone. I was on my stomach. I didn't like that very much, but I assumed it was because of the damage to my back. I was in a hospital gown and the lights were dimmed. When I looked out the window, it was dark. I just lay there crying, thinking about what had happened. How could Josh do this to me? Even though he was who he was, we had a great relationship. I would have never known who he was. I am glad that I found out, or that he told me rather, but why did he have to hurt me like this? It is like he all of a sudden didn't care for me. If he wanted me so bad and he finally had me, why would he destroy me like this? I don't know how I will ever get past this. It is just too much. I know I still have to finish with the police and I am dreading it. The sooner I get it over with the better. Just as I was about to drift back to sleep, I feel a hand in my hair. "Harry," I called out. "Yeah. It's me, love. Rest love. You need it. You have been through a lot. Rest," he replied. So I closed my eyes and let my sobs and Harry's touch lull me to sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, Niall, Perrie, Zayn, and Liam were there. Perrie was a complete mess and I was trying to comfort her and let her know I was alright. She spoke about the blood coming through my bandages on my back and called for the nurse. When the nurse came in she asked them to leave so they could redress my back. About thirty minutes later, she was done and they were allowed back in. There was someone with them this time I had never met. Niall introduced him and told me his name was Steve. He said it was his boyfriend of eight months. I wish we had met under better circumstances but it is what it is right?

"I can't believe that asshole. If I ever see him I am going to...," I cut Perrie off shaking my head. "Perrie, it is ok. It is over now and he can't hurt me again," I said to her. "I know babe, but he had no right. I am your friend and I love you. I may not have known you for long, but you are one of us now. We are ride or die," she said with a small laugh that made me smile for the first time in what felt like forever. "I wish I was there with you guys," I heard Harry say. Without thinking I responded, "You will be soon enough Harry." "What?" I heard Liam say. I looked at him with wide eyes. Harry was laughing and I was getting a bit angry because they will think I am crazy. "Just tell them you can hear my voice, Lou. Don't tell them anything else. Then they will definitely think you are crazy." he said through his laughter. Gosh, I love his laugh.

I cleared my throat first to get everyone's attention. "Uhmm, I know this may sound weird guys, but I can hear Harry's voice. He talks to me," I said and was glad I was still on my belly so I couldn't see everyone's face. "I know it sounds crazy, but I can." I continued saying. "What do you mean? I," Liam began but was cut off by Zayn. "What the hell are you on about, Louis? How do you think you are hearing Harry?" Zayn asked walking around so he could see my face. "I don't know. Every since Josh," I paused... "did what he did to me, I have been hearing his voice amongst other things." I whispered the last part so no one else could hear it.

 "I don't believe that," Niall said getting hums of agreement from the other boys. Perrie was quiet. Finally, she said, "I believe you, Lou. Stranger things have happened." "Babe, I know you can't be serious," Liam said. I turned on my side so I could see everyone. Niall rushed over to help me when he saw me struggle a bit. "It is true guys. I swear to you. I was a bit dumbfounded at first, but he has been talking to me since. He's been comforting me and trying to help me since I regained consciousness after "it" happened." I told them. "I wouldn't have made it through talking with the police had it not been for his words in my head," I said as tears flowed once again.

Everyone was quiet. I didn't know what else to say so I just took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment as Harry began to speak. "Tell Liam when we were in uni, he found some money on the ground and cried because he left his wallet at home but since he found the money he could get lunch. Then before he could get to the café, a girl came up and told him she saw him pick up her money. She said she couldn't catch it because of the wind, but she would like it back and smiled at him. He gave her the money, but then cried again because now he couldn't get lunch again." Harry said laughing. He also told me no one else knew about that except for the girl. As I told Liam, his mouth dropped. I almost couldn't get it out for laughing. It felt so good to have a laugh despite everything. Thanks, Harry.

All you could hear throughout my room was laughing. I had tears in my eyes again but for a good reason this time. By the time it was over, Harry had told me something to tell each of them in order for them to believe me. Liam's story took the cake though. It turns out the girl who took the money from Liam was Perrie. The killer was that it really wasn't her money. She just saw him pick it up, was broke, and wanted it for herself. However, she never knew Liam cried. That was so embarrassing for him for her to find out. I apologized even though it was not my fault. I had no idea the girl was Perrie until after the story was told. Soon enough, they started getting me to ask Harry all kinds of things. Well, everyone except Zayn. He just sat back watching me and it made me a bit uncomfortable.

I started getting a bit tired having to repeat so much. Soon enough, Harry told me to tell them they needed to leave so I could rest. As they said their goodbyes, Harry spoke again. He said, "Tell Zayn to stop stroking my cheek and holding my hand when he comes to visit me. That shit is weird." Then he burst out laughing as I told him. Zayn's cheeks turned a bit pink and he just stared at me as everyone else stared at him. Liam cleared his throat and Zayn broke the stare he had on me and exited the room. That was creepy.

After everyone was finally gone, Harry and I talked a bit. I wanted to know more about how he was able to touch and talk to me. He said it was just a gift, but he didn't know how far it could go. "I mean, can you touch me anywhere or is it just limited to how it has been in my hair or whatever?" I asked. He said he didn't know, but maybe we could explore one day and find out. I was a bit anxious. I wanted to forget Josh's touch. I wanted the pain to be gone. I wanted Harry to try to touch me and make me feel good. I knew deep down I shouldn't do it, but I needed it. I begged Harry to touch me. He wouldn't do it. "I can't do that love," he said to me. "You are in a vulnerable state and I don't want to do anything you may regret and resent me for later." I just cried. He tried to soothe me, but I swatted him away and told him not to touch me. I knew he was right in what he said, but I was just too done with everything at that point.

After I finally fell asleep, I was awakened a few hours later by my nurse. "Mr. Tomlinson, there is an officer that would like to speak with you if you are up to it," she said. I began to panic a little and she assured me if I was not ready, they would wait. I told her I would be fine and she exited the room. "Harry," I called out but got no answer. I think he is upset because of how I treated him before. I feel really bad about it, but at the time, I needed his touch. I needed him to touch me sensually because I know he loves me and I needed to forget. If only for a moment, I needed to forget. 

The officers entered about twenty minutes later. Harry was still not here with me. I began to get nervous. Just when the officer prepared to take notes and told me to continue from where Josh grabbed my neck and spread my legs, I felt Harry take my hand. I nearly sobbed as I opened my mouth to continue the horrid tale.

"Well, after he grabbed my head and pressed me into the pillow, he spread my legs. I remember it hurt so badly. I thought they would break apart from my hips. He was holding my neck so tightly. I was afraid to move. Then he rammed himself into me. He didn't prep me or anything, not that I expected it. He was relentless. It felt like he was ripping me from the inside out. It felt like it went on forever. After a while, he pulled out and flipped me over. He began pounding into me again. I was crying so bad I couldn't see. I tried to push him off, but he reminded me of why I needed to stay still and he also punched me in back of my head. I just lay still hoping it would be over soon. Shortly after that, he pulled out. I was thinking he was done but he came up to my face and I knew he was going to shove his dick in my mouth. He made sure to tell me if I bit him or anything I shouldn't he would kill me then Harry," I said and paused for a few moments before going on.

"I opened my mouth and he shoved his dick in. He started pounding into my throat. I could not breathe, but he didn't care. He just kept going and going. When he looked down and realized I was borderline unconscious, he pulled out. He began calling me names and started hitting me again. He said I deserved this and that he always knew I was a piece of shit. Then he shoved his dick into me again and started to try to reach his high. He told me that I had better cum. As I said before, he had told me I better enjoy it or he would kill Harry, so I had to try to find pleasure in him r-r-rapping m-me. So, I began to think of Harry and when we were together in school. I thought about our first time together. I was in a completely different place. Before I knew it I had released, but I accidentally called out Harry's name.

That set Josh off even more and I thought he was going to kill me. We had this box of toys under the bed that we used sometimes. Just some basic things. He got off me after slapping me several times from disgust of what I said and grabbed the box. He then tied me to the bed despite me begging him to just let me go. He also gagged me so I couldn't scream. Before I knew what was happening, he shoved a dildo in me. He turned it all the way up and just let it sit there. I was so ashamed. Then he walked away from the bed. When I was able to blink hard enough to clear the tears from my eyes, I noticed him packing. It seemed like forever before he finally took the vibrator out. I wanted to die. I was barely conscious and all I could do was pray that death would take me," i said feeling Harry squeeze my hand at those words.

"After he removed the restraints and the gag, he stood beside the bed stroking himself. Then he was on me, pounding into me again. I don't know how long it lasted because I fell unconscious." I finished saying in barely a whisper and drenched with sobs and tears. Harry had been here doing everything he had been before to try to help me maintain my control. I held back my emotions until I got through it but when I looked up and saw the look of pity for me on the officer's faces, I finally broke down. The officer tried to comfort me but all I could hear, all I could feel was Harry. I just wished I could get to Harry, wherever he was. My breathing was heavy and I had severe pains in my chest. The machines were beeping and going crazy causing the doctor and nurses to rush in. The last thing I remember is the doctor shouting, "His pressure is dropping. Move people!" When I opened my eyes again, I wanted to cry at the sight. "Hazzie"...

Thanks for reading, to those of you who did. I know this was a hard read and I can't say it gets better soon. More troubles are to come. Luv you guys. Until next time...

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