If You Break It, Fix It
Harry's POV
I want to die right now. I mean to completely die. I want out of this coma and to just enter the grave. I have done everything I could to please Louis. Touching him when he wants and giving him pleasure to the point of a black out at times. You may wonder why I am so upset right now. Well, it all started almost a month ago.
Louis had found Josh in his apartment and made it to the elevator to try to get away. Sadly, Josh was able to get in but he couldn't do anything because there were other people in the elevator. He tried to stand near Louis but Louis backed away to the other couple and began shakily speaking with them. I spoke soothing words to him to keep him calm and it all worked out pretty well. Once the elevator reached the lobby, Louis got out followed by Josh. The other couple was heading to the garage for their car so Josh made his move. He tried to pull Louis away again threatening him, but there were too many people and Louis began to fight. He was yelling, punching and kicking at Josh and I was cheering him on. After what seemed like forever, and Louis almost being dragged out, hotel security finally arrived. Louis was pulled off of Josh and they were both held in the security office until the police arrived. In the end, Louis was let go and Josh was finally in custody after trying to lie saying Louis attacked him. As the police carried him away he did his best to ensure Louis in the coldest most deadliest voice that he could muster, that it was not over and that he would be back. However, the police told him he would probably never see freedom again for his crimes against Louis.
End Flashback
Now, everything has changed. Louis has been on edge every since then. I have tried to reassure him that he has nothing to worry about. Josh is in jail and if he were to escape, he would get a call and the police would be at his house straight away. This didn't matter to him. He has been pushing me away and I don't understand it. He has been getting really close with Thomas. They have been spending a lot of time together and it makes me want to cry. I probably would if I could. Thomas is always touching him and they kiss a lot. It makes me feel sick. We were doing so good until Josh came back. Now, everything we had built up has been torn down. I don't think I stand a chance even when I wake up. I wish I couldn't feel his emotions. He likes Thomas a lot and I don't seem to matter anymore. I have shut myself off from Louis. I can't sense him anymore. It has been 3 weeks and I think I am at my end before I get my last beginning.
One thing that hurts me most is that Louis does not even visit me anymore. Since I blocked him, my days are mostly spent in silence. I can't take it. Even here, the silence is deafening. I just wish I could take back the deal I made and just let everything be over. I feel like I have lost over and over again with every glimpse of Thomas I get through in my mind. I decided to tune in to Louis and maybe try to talk to him again and I wanted to scream. Thomas is currently on Louis' bed hovering over him, with Louis' legs thrown over his shoulder pounding into him. The thing that hurts the worst is how good Louis seems to feel and how much he seems to want Thomas. I think it is time for me to give up before I even get my real chance. I guess I have lost him again. He is too into Thomas to ever want me now. Maybe I can get my angel back here and just give up. Yeah, maybe that.
Louis' POV
"Ah fuck, yeah! Ha-Harder!" I nearly screamed. Thomas is giving it to me so good right now and it feels fucking good but I feel so bad at the same time. I hate to do this to Harry, but I need this. Well not this per say, but someone. Harry has been treating me so well despite everything. However, Thomas is here. He cares a lot about me and I need someone here with me. Yes, Harry is always here but then again he is not. I can't see him. I can't touch him. I want to touch him so bad and feel his arms wrap around me while we stare into each other's eyes. But we can't. I can't have that. He has been in this coma almost two and a half months. I had been praying constantly for a miracle and for him to wake up these past few weeks so he could be here with me. No such luck as always.
"Yeah, shit. Faster babe. Harder, please." I yelled to Thomas. I feel so good right now. It's like I don't have a care in the world. As good as it feels, I just want it to be over. More so, I want it to be Harry. However, it seems like that won't be happening so I have Thomas. He is not so bad. He is a really great guy and he has shown that he cares for me a lot. We have been together now for almost a month, but I have known him a tad bit longer. I am not sure what will happen between us. Truth be told, I could see myself being happy with Thomas. Maybe I won't be as happy as I could be, but I think I'll be happy enough to have a good life.
Some may see this as settling, but what else can you do when you can't have who you truly want. If I had never gone to that club, I think I could have gotten over Harry eventually. Maybe. I nearly was. I think. Then when I saw him, everything came rushing back. My Hazza. Then, when I got to talk to him in the hospital and get everything off my chest, I felt like I was nearly ready to let go. Closure. Then he took those fucking pills and it felt like my world was ending. Don't leave me. Now, he is still alive, talking to me, touching me, and being there whenever I need him. Want you. Sadly, it is not enough. Or maybe it is. I am just afraid he won't wake up. I'd be alone. Either way it doesn't matter. I think he shut me out. He never answers me and I can't feel his presence like I used to. I should have expected him to stay around to watch me with someone else. That would be selfish of me.
"Fuck, I'm going to cum," Thomas forced out as his hips began to sputter and lose rhythm. "Ahhhh, Lou," he let out as he filled the condom. We both were panting heavily from such a good fuck but I never felt worse after sex. Well, this is the second worst. "Babe, you didn't come?" Thomas asked but more stated. "It's alright," I said to him. "No. My baby is going to cum. Flip over babe." He said to me. I tried to protest but he flipped me over and began to massage my ass. No, I didn't really want to do anything more, but it still felt so good. I don't know why I couldn't cum. It was there but something was keeping me from going over the edge. I am so confused.
As I lay there on my belly with my ass in the air thinking, I scream out when I feel Thomas' tongue lick a long, slow stripe over my hole. It burned and make me shiver. It felt unbelievable. "Ah, fuck. Do that again... pl-please." I nearly begged and a pleasured sob racked through me. I feel it again and I nearly sob into the pillow when it continues. I can hardly hold myself up. "Babe," Thomas called to me. I turn to him and he asks, "Are you alright love? I haven't even did anything to you yet." As I try to collect my thoughts, my mind begins to scream Harry, Harry, Harry. Fuck, why would he do that? Shit! I feel it again. Oh fuck, fuck fuuuuuck! He won't stop. I quickly had to think of something to say to Thomas. I quickly came up with, "Touch my ass more babe. It feels so good. Please!" Fuck! Harry please! I wanted to scream out. He stuck his tongue in my ass and made me yell out please to Thomas. He looks at me a bit skeptically as my body continues to vibrate from the pleasure Harry is blessing me with. I know I sound a bit pathetic, but apparently it worked. Thomas began to massage my ass more and place open mouth kisses there and on the backs of my thigh. Don't get me wrong, it felt alright but there is a touch that I long for over any other. Harry's.
I felt a tongue licking at my hole and I moaned a bit. I knew it wasn't Harry now because the electric feeling was not there. Thomas began to eat me out hard and had me writhing on the bed. It felt good but it was not good enough. "Ugh, shit. Ah, just like that, fuck." I cried out to Thomas as he stuck in a finger beside his tongue. This has been going on for about ten minutes and I am still no closer to cumming now than I was before. "Harry," I found myself calling out quietly. I needed him and I should feel ashamed for calling him with Thomas' tongue in my ass but I don't care. I know Thomas is here and he pleases me well, but I want Harry's touch. I need to feel his hands on me. I need him. I feel like a slut calling out for another man right now but Thomas is nothing compared to Harry.
I began to feel a cool pressure going up my back and I shivered. I knew it was Harry. He began placing kisses over my shoulders and moved around to the front of my body and began kissing me, hard. I melted. I began to moan much louder and I know Thomas felt like it was from his actions, but it wasn't. Harry began to pinch my nipples as he kissed the life out of me. I silently prayed that Thomas wouldn't look up and notice me. I don't know how I would begin to explain it. I am felling so good right now. Thomas is licking me out so good and having Harry kissing me and rubbing my body makes this my on personal heaven on earth. Although, it still would be without Thomas but not without Harry.
As I get closer to my release, Harry pulls my nipple into his mouth and sucks hard as he begins to pump my cock at a fast pace. I am a quivering mess right now. I suddenly feel Thomas add a second finger and he squeezes my balls as he continues to eat me out. I feel like I am going to die. All this stimulation is gonna make me cum too hard. I can feel it. I begin to cry out to Harry, "Fuck Daddy. Making me feel so good," as Harry takes my cock into his mouth. I felt Harry hesitate a bit, but then he continued on. His hands feeling so firm yet gentle against my skin. He knows how to touch me. He knows what I like, even after all these years. No one can touch me like Harry. No one ever has and no one ever will. Only harry. Daddy. "Ugh, fuck," I grunt out as Harry's hand begins to fly up and down my shaft again going faster and faster. It was almost animalistic.
Thomas is grunting and panting behind me. I can tell he is stroking himself. I hope he doesn't want to fuck me again. I don't want that. I just want to kick him out and be alone. Harry is sucking me off again; so good. I start to buck my hips trying to chase my high. I am so close when I feel two hard slaps on my ass. Harry. After that, I feel myself explode. I didn't have time to prepare myself for this. "Fu-fuuuuuck... oh my g... ahhhhh, Hazzaaaa!" I screamed as I fell breathless onto the bed not realizing what I had said. "Fuck,mmmm, mmm, aaaaaah yeah! Fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuuck! Yeah, fuck!" I scream as my orgasm continues to rip through me while harry and Thomas slow their actions. I see white spots flashing brightly behind my eyelids and I try my hardest not to black out.
"Fuck! That was so fucking amazing." I said a bit loudly as Harry continues to suck at my nipples again. "Yeah it was babe, but what is hazza," he asked. "What," I said back to him trying not to shiver from Harry's tongue. How does he know that name? Oh gosh. I didn't. "That is what you said when you released love," Thomas said to me. I nearly died right there. What am I supposed to say? I called him Hazza. Well technically, I merely called out Hazza and for good reason. I would NEVER call Thomas, Hazza. Ok, think fast, think fast Louis. "Oh, that was nothing. I was just agreeing with you, yeah?" I responded trying to use my best convincing voice. "Agreeing with what, Louis?" he said with an unsure voice. I cleared my throat and took a breath. "You said I was gonna cum babe. Since I was, I was agreeing with you. That was the biggest orgasm I have had in a long while. Thank you," I said to him as he smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Fuck, I hate he is such a great kisser. He literally makes me melt and I don't want to. I felt this emptiness wash over me at that moment and I knew Harry was gone. I'm sorry Harry. Don't leave me again, please.
Thomas started to get a bit heated and I didn't want that. I wanted to pull away but I couldn't. It felt so good and relaxing. Luckily, Thomas pulled away and went to get a cloth to clean us up. Apparently, he had cum again while he ate me out. After he had us wiped up, he climbed into bed beside me as usual when he stayed over. He always held me so close like he thought I would float away in the middle of the night. As I snuggled into his side, his breathing began to even out. I tried my best to fall asleep but I couldn't. I slid out of bed and went into the bathroom. I splashed a bit of cold water on my face. What the fuck is wrong with me? I have this beautiful man, who literally thinks the world of me, in my bed and I'm not feeling it. All I can think about is Harry. I wonder if Harry knows what I am feeling. I wish he could see what is in my heart for him.
"Why can't I feel you now Harry?" I say out loud. "Why are you ignoring me again? What have I done now?" I asked all in one breath. I just wish he would talk to me. "In case you haven't noticed Harry, I don't want him. Not like that anyway. I was thinking I did and that I could be happy with him. Well, happy enough anyway. But, I don't know if I can. I couldn't even get off without your hands on my skin. Say something please." I beg him. "Talk to me," I nearly scream out as I let out a tiny sob. "Please forgive me for what I just said to Thomas, Haz. It was all you. I only cum hard like that with you and only you," I pleaded. Nothing. "Please, Hazza. Don't leave me alone after that," I begged. Silence. I wait a few moments. Still nothing. I think I lost him and all I could do was cry.
Harry's POV
It has been a week since that night Louis was with Thomas and I joined in when he called out for me. I still can't get it out of my head. I felt used. I have not spoken a word to Louis since that day. He has begged and pleaded with me but I have remained silent. What am I supposed to say, huh? Oh Louis, I know you chose Thomas over me but it is alright. I know you called him daddy and thanked him for the biggest orgasm you had in so long and then let him kiss the life out of you, but I'm still on call for you. Bullshit! That is NOT the case. He called him daddy. You don't just call anyone that. That means a lot when you choose to call someone that. He used to call me that.
Maybe if we had not come so far and did so much together I could take this better. I have been intimate with Louis multiple times now and he has even been intimate with me. I could feel him as he touched my body the last time he visited me. Every touch, every kiss. I felt it all and it was wonderful. He kissed my pliant lips and I kissed him back and it was the most beautiful kiss I have ever shared with him or anyone. Then after the Josh mess in the elevator, he runs to Thomas. Then calls me back only because he needs me to get off! Why? I know I am not there in the flesh, but he knows how I feel. He just used me. I wish I could be there in the flesh. Oh. Damn.
That is the fucking problem. I can't do anything but talk to him and pleasure him. Fuck. I can't protect him. I can only comfort him after he is hurt. Omg. I have been so stupid. I need to talk to Louis. What would I even say? He may hate me now, right? I have completely shut him out since that night he spent with Thomas. I still don't know how, but I had completely cut him off again. It was like I was never connected to him. Leaving him like that, I am afraid of what I might find if I tune in to him again. What he did and said after his orgasm was not right, but I still need to go to him. I hope he is alone. regardless, I have to get my baby back. Here goes nothing.
"Louis, we need to talk." I say when I get a grunt in response and everything is black because his eyes are closed. "Louis?" I call out a bit louder. I think he is asleep. No wait. Fuck! "Mmmm," I hear Louis mumble as he opens his eyes. I nearly vomit at the site. Louis has his tongue out licking up and down Thomas' shaft. "That is it," I think to myself. This shit ends now or I am gone for good this time. If he keeps up with Thomas and falls in love, I am good as gone anyway. As my hand touches Louis' back he arches it deep. He knows it's me. He always knows. I run my fingers slowly and teasingly back and forth, and he moaned out. "No more Louis. That is enough. You are mine. I am done sharing." I whisper in his ear and I kiss down his neck while running my finger over his ass and put a slight pressure on his hole. "Ahhh, Hazza" he moans out as I slid my tongue over where I kissed. "I love you Louis and I am so sorry. I should have never been angry with you. I know I can't be here in the flesh and apparently that is what you need," I say as I lean my body over his back and hold him tightly massaging his chest and stomach. "I felt so sad about the things you said to Thomas after, you know, and plus you called him daddy," I said with sadness in my voice.
Louis halted his movements and began to shake his head. Then I said words that I never thought I would say. I was scared for what he would choose. Shakily and hesitantly I say, "If you want me to leave you, I will. I can do no more than I have before this mess, but maybe it will all be alright one day. You just have to have a bit of faith, Blue. Just say what you want love." In a moment of desperation of him not responding, I climb in front of him to where it is as if he is looking at me. I don't know how it is possible, but I am looking into his eyes and it's like he is looking right back into mine. His eyes are so blue and I get lost in them.
"Fuck, I love you so much Louis," I slip out accidentally along with a small, tearless sob against my will. As I stare into his eyes I ask, "Should I stay or should I go love? Your wish will be my command whether it is what I want or not." Thomas begins to squirm a bit and he looks down at Louis. Thomas clears his throat to get Louis' attention. He looks up at him and then looks right back to me. Thomas calles out to him but Louis' eyes are seemingly trained on mine and I am wondering if he can really see me. "Hazza?" Louis asks still staring unblinkingly. Instead of speaking, I raise my brows a bit and he takes a sharp intake of breath. I knew then he truly was looking into my eyes without him saying so. Just then a door slams. Thomas is gone and I hear a soft whisper of stay leave from Louis' parted lips. I surge and kiss him hard. I just hope Thomas is gone for good.
Thanks to all who are reading this story! I really hope you are enjoying it. I hope more people come across the story. I think it is really good. Please share it with others. Also, the song I was listening to on repeat was a cover of "Perfect" sang by Bars and Melody (LISTEN TO IT!!). Original song by Ed Sheeran.
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