Even If You Can't See Me, I'm Here

Louis' POV

I can't believe I just kissed Harry. After Josh stormed out, I noticed everyone was looking at me. "Louis?" Anne asked looking at me confusedly. As I looked around the room, I noticed everyone looked a bit shocked at my words. Zayn however, looked a bit angry. It left me a bit confused but I just turned to Anne as she called my name again. Tears began to run down my face again and I just gave a small smile and quickly left the room. I don't know what came over me. I just told Harry I loved him and kissed him in front of everyone; including my fucking fiancé! Why would I do that?

As I made my way out of the hospital, I didn't see Josh anywhere. He had left me here. I kind of understand him. Well actually, I fully understand him. All these things adding up like this. I am starting to wish Harry had never come into my life again. Everything was going great. Now, my whole world is being turned upside down. I have to stay away from Harry or Josh will end up leaving me, unless he is already planning to. That is what I would do if the situation were reversed. Fuck! What am I saying. i know I can't stay away from Harry. Not now anyway.

I pulled out my phone and called an uber and waited in front of the hospital for them to arrive. I tried texting Josh to see what kind of mindset he was in before I went home. I am actually a bit afraid. Yeah, Josh has been rather kind to me during this whole "welcome back into my life Harry" episode, but he has been a bit distant and cold at times. I know that he knows I still have some feelings for Harry that have been brought up again. At the same time, I don't know what he is feeling exactly. We have never really talked about it these past weeks. I know he hates Harry for what he did to me and doesn't understand how I could welcome him back into my life so easily, but that is all. I also know he doesn't want me to be around Harry; especially now.

When the uber arrives, I hesitantly get in and give my address. Fifteen minutes later I was outside of our apartment. I see Josh's car parked outside, so I know he is here. I pay the driver and slowly exit the car. All kinds of thoughts are going through my head. I hope he is not angry, but who wouldn't be. I don't know what to expect when I open the door and it frightens me a little. I have never been afraid to be around Josh, until now. He is the love of my life and I am his. I hope I am still anyway. The sad thing is, he is not my only love. Josh is my heart and has taken care of me and helped me get to where I am now. Without him, I would probably be dead. He saved me and showed me life is worth living no matter how bad things are. Then, the man who caused it all is back and has slipped through a crack I let in the wall I built around his memory, and has found his way to my heart again. No, I am not in love with Harry but there are feelings there. Memories of us together are starting to come back. I need to get control of myself before something happens.

I finally enter the lift to get to our floor. When I finally get off on the 28th floor, it is like walking the green mile. My hands get clammy and I begin to sweat a bit. As I stick the key in the hole and unlock the door, I take a deep breath. Josh is not in the living room and I take a sigh in relief thinking I have time to catch my breath and calm my nerves a bit before I see him. I close the door and begin to make my way to the couch. Just then, Josh comes storming in the room with an unreadable expression on his face. He comes and stands in front of me and grabs me by both my shoulders in a tight grip, pulling me up from the couch. I am sure there will be bruising later. I look at him with fear in my eyes and he just yanks me forward into his chest. His eyes are dark and I can't figure what he is thinking.

"J-Josh, p-pl-please let me go," I say with a shaky voice. He doesn't. He only holds me tighter, staring into my eyes.

Harry's POV

I am just sitting here in this empty room for the next three months. It is a punishment of sorts for changing my mind and wanting to stay. After my guardian angel lead me through the door, I did not like what I saw. It was dark. Like, no light at all at first. Then as we walked a bit further, there was a faint glow off in the distance. It was kind of weird. It is like it was ghostly. I was afraid and hearing the moans and groans in the distance didn't help either. I turned away before I stepped over a long crack in the floor that I couldn't see the end of in either direction. It was like, it separated the side I was on from the unknown. As I turned away, I looked to my future self and said, "Please get me out of here. I changed my mind. I want to stay. Please." I was not above begging at this point. He turned to me and told me there would be consequences for returning after entering the afterlife, but I didn't care. All I knew was I did not want to step over this crack... EVER!

As we went back through the door, we entered a different room. This room was dimly lit and it did not have a calming feel to it. I was on edge as soon as we entered. I stood looking around as the angel began to tell me my consequences. "You will be placed in a coma on earth for the next three months. You will be attached to the soul of the one you love, Louis Tomlinson. What he feels you will feel," he said. This made me a bit alarmed because there is no way I would want to feel what he feels if he is having sex with his damn fiance. I think I would rather step over the crack! As if he knew what I was thinking he continued saying, "You will not feel anything he feels physically. It will all be emotionally. After three months, you will awaken and be given one month to make Louis fall for you. If you do not get him to fall for you in this time, your watch will stop and so will your heart. Your sole purpose is to get Louis back," he said in finishing his speech. The only thing I could think to say was, "What watch are you speaking of?" I have many, but it is frightening to think one of them holds the beat of my heart. He turned to look me in the eyes and said, "The watch Louis gave you on your first anniversary."


Louis and I had shared a beautiful evening together. It was our first anniversary and I made sure to make it special. As we were preparing to leave the restaurant, we exchanged our gifts. Louis opened his gift and his mouth fell open. It was a promise ring with a blue and a green stone in it. On the inside was engraved "To My Sweet Creature. Love, H". Louis' eyes began to fill with tears as I slipped the ring on his finger saying, "Louis, I am so glad I met you. You have changed my life and I love you so much. I can't wait until I put the next ring on your finger and call you my fiance and the next when I call you my husband. I don't know what I would do without you. This is me making a promise to you that I will always be there when you need me and even when you don't. I will protect you with my life and I won't ever let anything or anyone come between us. I know things are bad right now with the hiding, but I promise you that one day it will all be over. I love you, Blue."

He cried for a bit as I hugged him and kissed his hair whispering how much I loved him into his fringe. When he got himself together, he pulled out a box. He grabbed my hand and said, "Hazzie, I love you so much too and everything you said to me is meant from me to you as well. I never want to be without and I can't wait to be your husband one day. You are all I want so much it hurts. I looked at him with tears in my eyes as well. He was near sobbing by the time he was done. It was so amazing the love we had for each other. It was the kind of love that feels like it burns. It is so deep and so wide, nothing could cover it or get underneath it. He passed me the box and I opened it. It was a Rolex watch. It was simple, yet beautiful. I loved it. He put it on my arm after I read the engraving. It simply said, "Always You, Hazzie. Always. Blue - End Flashback

I didn't realize I was crying until I choked a bit on a sob. It was a bit weird as I touched my face and felt no tears. Either way, it was such a beautiful memory tears or no tears. Too bad for me it was only a memory. With that, the angel snapped his fingers and the watch appeared on my wrist. I stared at it in awe as he said, "Your time starts now. Don't forget, when you awake, you will have only one month to make him fall in love with you again. After that, you will be back and you will have to cross this time. No exceptions."

As he walked away to leave me alone, he turned and began to speak again. "I forgot to mention. There are three other abilities you will have alongside feeling Louis' emotions. I will not tell you what they are because you need time to adjust to feeling his emotions. It will be more difficult than you think. Once you figure them out, one of them will be a big one. You will need to use it wisely, but you can use it as often as you please. Just be careful. You will understand what I mean soon enough. Good luck to you. You will need it," he said and disappeared.

I was trying to think what abilities they could possibly be when a bubble opened up and I could see into my hospital room. I could see my mom and Gemma there along with my friends. Louis was in the room beside my mom at my bedside. I listened to my mom tell Louis about my condition and then suddenly he hugs me and says he will be there for me. What I didn't expect was for him to kiss me. I could feel the love in his heart for me as he did it, although it was nowhere near what it once was. It hurt a bit, but I knew there was no way he could feel for me what he once did. He was soon to be married to his fiance and that was it. After the shock of the kiss, from both of us actually, I heard a door slam. It was Josh leaving. Maybe I shouldn't have felt this way, but I was so happy. However, Louis' heart began to ache. Even though his pain was basically my pain because I could feel it, all I was thinking about was how much I wished I could have felt his lips.

He quickly left the room and when outside he noticed Josh was gone. On his way home, his mind was racing and he was afraid. I could feel his fear. I wish I was there to help him. He was so fucking scared. I wish I could read his thoughts. Was Josh hurting him at home? Would he do something to cause him pain because of the kiss? I wanted to kill Josh. Why couldn't I just accept going back in the beginning. Then I could be there now and he wouldn't be going through this because the kiss would never have happened.

When he finally reached home and got inside, he was a mess. Before he could even have time to take a good breath, Josh came marching in the room and grabbed him by his shoulders. Louis' was a bit frantic and he was very scared. The look he had in his eyes was unreadable, yet scary. It was then I realized one of the powers was that I could see what Louis saw. This could be a good and bad thing. Like now, I could have to watch Louis being beaten. I can't tell what Josh is going to do, but I know Louis is scared shitless and I can't do a damn thing about.

Louis is begging Josh to let him go. He must be hurting him. Louis' voice is shaky and I can tell from experience he is near tears. Just as I wanted to scream, I literally did. Josh pulled Louis in for a kiss and it was like he was kissing me. I could see Josh's eyes close and him moving forward. Thank goodness Louis closed his eyes as well and luckily for me, I could not feel it. However, relief washed over Louis and all I could feel in his heart was love. So much love. All for Josh. It is killing me to feel how much love Louis has for this man when his love for me feels nothing like this. It is nowhere near this. I have a lot of work to do I can tell. The kiss seemed to go on forever and since Louis' eyes were closed, I couldn't see anything. I guess he is really enjoying it. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it did. Louis opened his eyes and they were in the bedroom. They were kissing all the way there. Sadly, I could hear it all. Every groan or moan that fell from Louis' lips as well as Josh's. Louis sounded so beautiful, but sadly it was all for Josh.

Josh looked over Louis' shoulder and smiled. My heart dropped. As Louis turned around, I saw the bed. It was covered in rose petals and there were candles lit around the room. The light was dimmed and I died a little on the inside. I knew what was about to happen, and it would be like I was literally in the room having to bear witness to it all. They began to undress each other and I wanted to die. How I wished I could go back and step across the crack right about now. However, just as I was about to try to kill myself again, Josh spoke. His voice was cold and his look had changed. However, it was not the tone of his voice that sent a cold chill down my spine, it was what he said and did. He grabbed Louis again and Louis cried out this time. The next thing I saw was Josh's hand go up in the air and come down fast. I heard a smacking sound and Louis suddenly became terrified and he began to sob.

"So you love him, ey?" Josh spat. Then another slap. "After all I have done for you?" Josh screamed. Then another slap. "I was hoping it would never come to this ya know," he nearly yelled towering over Louis who had fallen on the floor. A punch to the face. Louis was begging Josh to just leave him and let him be, but Josh was nowhere near done with him apparently. He began to hit and kick Louis relentlessly. Louis was still on the floor, but I could no longer see because his eyes were closed. Suddenly, they jolted open because Josh apparently yanked his beaten body from the floor. Louis could barely stand and his eyes were barely open. Josh pushed him on the bed.

Louis begged and pleaded with Josh. He apologized over and over again but he never took his words back that he said to me. He never said it was a lie no matter what Josh said to him. I knew what was going to happen as Josh began ripping the rest of his clothes off. He was going to rape him. If only I could do something other than watch from above. I prayed Louis would close his eyes. I prayed someone would come. I prayed for a miracle, hoping Josh would leave and just never come back. However, it didn't happen when I wanted it to. 

By the time he grabbed his bags and left, Louis was a bloody and bruised mess lying on the bed covered in semen and with new found information that shook him to his core. As much as I hate it and as much as it killed Louis, it was his cum on his chest and stomach. Josh told him if he didn't lay there, take it, and enjoy it that he would kill him. When that wasn't working he added that he would kill me as well. Louis became pliant on the bed. He gave up fighting and tried to find pleasure in the brutal assault on his body he was receiving from Josh. He did not go easy on his body at all.

All I could say was, "Louis I am here. Even if you can't see me, I'm here love." I brushed my hand through my hair and down my cheek. Louis gasped and looked around the room as if someone was there. At first I was afraid Josh had come back, but then Louis grabbed his hair and then his cheek looking confused. "No," I thought to myself but apparently he felt it. How the fuck did I do that. "Oh m-my gosh. I ccan to-touch him." I said to myself. I now have some freaking out to do and some things to figure out. This must be what my angel meant when he said I needed to control myself. I wish he could hear me. I wonder what Louis is thinking right now. I wish I could read his thoughts.

Louis' POV

Oh my God. Hazzie...


 I am back now and ready to write. I hope you enjoyed this new chapter. It got a bit painful to write. I left out the details of what happened for later. As long as you read this, you know what I mean. So until next week, leave your thoughts at the bottom. I may try to update again on Saturday which is the normal updating day. I won't make any promises though. L8tr guys!!

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