A Time To Fight
Louis' POV
These past few weeks have been hard. Going through what I did and then what I went through in the hospital was enough to nearly drive me mad. I had started to have really bad nightmares and Harry was always there to comfort me, but it was not enough. The doctor suggested that I see a therapist. I declined that and decided to join a peer group for domestic abuse. It has really helped me a lot hearing stories from others and it was comforting to know that I was not alone. I had met a new friend there named Thomas. He was a very sweet guy. He had blond hair that was slightly curly. It came down just past his ears. His eyes were grey and so, so beautiful. He was much taller than I was. He was maybe around six feet. When we first met, we hit it off instantly.
That was two weeks ago. We have spent a lot of time together since then. I have not been able to go back to filming with the movie yet because of the bruising on my body. The skin on my back has been healing well, but it is still very tender. Everything else is mostly okay though. I had invited him over for the first time about a week ago. We watched movies and cuddled a bit. I was expecting it to be just a friendly time, but before I knew it we were kissing. I felt a bit uncomfortable at first, but there seemed to be something comforting in his kiss and I melted a bit. Apparently, this wasn't sitting too well with Harry. I could hear him sighing and the big gasp he took as Thomas laid me back on the couch. However, I couldn't bring myself to stop him. I needed this. I had been feeling so low and I know this was fast. I knew I wouldn't sleep with him, but what was wrong with getting off with a beautiful man without shedding my clothes.
Thomas began grinding his hips down on me and it felt so good. I just needed to be lost in this feeling and forget about everything that has happened; even if only for a little while. Thomas began to kiss down my neck and he eventually found my sweet spot. He had me moaning and squirming around on the chair. It just felt so good. I knew Harry may be hurting but he wasn't here. I feel so alone even with Harry. Having Thomas here with me right now is what I need. He is a good distraction from the chaos that is my life right now.
As I feel my orgasm growing, Thomas begins to grind down harder on me and I can tell he is close as well. The heat pooling in my stomach feels so intense and my body begins to shake. Before I realize it, Thomas has reached his high and is grinding me through his orgasm. Then he begin to palm me through my joggers. It feels so good. He begins to kiss me and not a minute later I reach my high. We both are breathing heavily and staring at each other.
"That was amazing and unexpected," Thomas says and I have to nod my head in agreement. "I hadn't expected that this is where this evening would end up, but I can't say I didn't enjoy it," I added on. As we decide to cuddle up and finish the last part of the movie, I can feel Thomas staring at me intently. I want to look at him but I am afraid of what might happen. I mean, I just let him get me off and I have only known him for two weeks. I know it was just a spur of the moment thing and I have no intention of going any further, but I don't know what he is thinking. After a few minutes I decide to just glance over to him and I wish I hadn't. He is looking at me with a look that reminded me so much of Josh. It is really making me afraid.
I cleared my throat a bit with a cough and asked, "What?" He just stared at me a moment before he said, "You are so beautiful, Lou. I wish you would let me take you out sometime." I went a bit wide eyed because I was completely stunned. We both have supposedly come out of an abusive relationship and he is asking me out? I can't do this yet. I am not ready. That is exactly what I told Thomas. He said he understood and he would wait until I was ready. After that, he said he was going to go because it was getting a bit late. I agreed and got up to walk with him to the door. He kissed my cheek and said goodnight. I pulled him into a hug and said goodnight as well.
After Thomas left, I went to run myself a nice hot bath. My back was a bit sore and I knew this would help. I put in some bubbling oil and added in my favorite bath bomb. It smelled like lavender and vanilla. I grabbed my big fluffy towel and went back to the bathroom. I was feeling a bit sticky from the events earlier. Thinking back on it now, I do regret it. Not because I didn't enjoy it, but because of Harry. I know he could hear and see everything. Although it is not my fault, I could have at least considered his feelings. He has told me how much he still loved me and how he would be here for me. He has been nothing but great to me since all this happened. He comforts me so well. His strong invisible hands rub my back and through my hair so gently. The soft brushes on my cheek and all the comforting words of love he whispers to me when I cry. If it was not for him, I think I would not have made it this far. Yes group has been great and so has Thomas for the most part, but without Harry in the mix, I would still be lost.
"Harry," I find myself calling out. I have not even gotten into the water yet. "Yes Lou," I hear Harry reply quietly. I can hear the sadness in his voice for what happened earlier. "I'm sorry Hazza. I shouldn't have let that happen with Thomas. It was too soon and I know it hurt you. I am truly sorry for that," I say with a guilt laced voice. I hear Harry sigh before saying, "What you do is your choice Louis. I can't tell you that I enjoy having to hear and possibly see it if you open your eyes, but you have to live your own life and make your own decisions. My current situation should be no hindrance as to what you do. I told you I would be here when you needed me. Other than that, pretend I am not here."
Those words hurt a bit. I always want Harry here with me for as long as he can be. It is not like Thomas and I are dating. We are just friends that let our comforting each other go a bit too far. It is not like I plan to let it happen again and I try to explain this to Harry. He says he understands and I hope he means it. As I add a bit more hot water to my bath before I step in, I begin to think to what extent of power does Harry have? I mean, I know he can touch me, but is he able to do it sexually? Harry was so good at sex when we were together. We didn't have a lot of sex, but when we did it was worth the wait between. Fuck it was amazing. The way he dominated me made me weak. He could kiss me and I felt like I was floating. I need him so bad right now. Fuck, I really need to calm myself because my cock feels like it is about to explode. Thinking of Harry's hands on me still gets me hard as a rock. I squeeze the base of my cock a bit to try relieving some of the pressure building up. My mind is a mess. The old and new Harry were merging together in my mind into one blissful explosion of thoughts. I think I am really going to enjoy this bath.
I finally step inside the water and it feels so good. I lay back and enjoy the feeling of the water engulfing my body in the most comforting way possible. I moan at the feeling of the water easing the pains and tension from my body. I can feel Harry's hands brushing through my hair and I almost want to cry. If I couldn't have his affections anymore I don't know what I would do. I feel his hands lightly tugging at my hair and I moan a bit. Fuck! He knows I love having my hair pulled. I feel as his hands slowly move down to my shoulders and he begins to apply pressure there in the best way possible. He begins to knead the skin there and it feels so fucking good. I let out a content sigh as he continues to rub my shoulders.
As I am beginning to fall asleep, I feel his hands go lower. I can feel his hands caressing my sides and I begin to get harder. "Harry, please," I cry out as I feel him begin to dig into my hips and lower back. My cock is so hard right now and I know it is leaking precum into the water. His hands feel so good. Just as I remember. "You are so beautiful Lou," he says as he finally decides to speak. "If you needed someone to touch you and make you feel good, why wouldn't you want that from me? I know I am not there in the flesh, but I can make you feel good love. In every way," He told me. I couldn't help but let out a moan as I felt his hand stroke my cock. "Fuck," I cried out. He was not even here and he could make me feel this way. "Tell me what you want from me right now love. Don't be afraid. It is only us here and I want to please you. Tell me what you want. My mind and hands are for you and you alone,' Harry says as I let out a shaky breath at the feel of him stroking me a bit faster. "Hazza! Make me feel good, please." I cried out.
Before anything else began, Harry asked me if I was sure because he didn't want me to regret it later. I assured him that I wanted it and it is like a switch was flipped. I could feel his lips on mine. It was so weird that I was literally kissing air but I could feel Harry's lips. It was amazing and it only got better from there.
Harry's POV
I hate this. I really do. If Louis needed someone to make him feel good, why wouldn't he want me? Why can't I be enough for him? I know he doesn't know that I am going to recover, but still. I am here now. Well, sort of. I have been practicing on sharpening up these perks I have been given. I am able to do so much more now. I have so much more control over these powers. There is nothing and I mean nothing, I can't do to him. That is if he would want me to.
I don't even want to think about the Thomas situation or what just happened on the couch. This has been a bad couple of weeks for Lou and if he felt that Thomas could help him deal with it a bit then who was I to speak out. It hurt me hearing him moaning for someone else. I could have done that for him. I hope I get the chance to. I would never unless he specifically asks me. I'd never just start something like that with him if he did not consent. I need to get him to fall in love with me and that is not the way to go about it.
Louis is running a bath right now and I couldn't be happier. The sooner he washes his time with Thomas away the better. I wish I could see him. Too bad I can only see through his eyes at a time like this. Louis standing naked would be a sight to behold. Maybe I could ask him to stand in front of the floor length mirror in his room. No, no, no. I am not going to do that. I will wait until he does it willingly for me to see. I don't want to ask for it. "Harry," I faintly hear Louis call. As I connect with him, I can see he is looking in the mirror. I can see his beautiful face an it nearly makes me lose my breath. "Yes," I replied to him. He started to apologize for the whole thing that happened with Thomas. I stopped him and told him basically he could do what he wanted. If he felt that was what he needed then that was his choice to make. I told him that my presence should not keep him from doing what he wanted and to simply pretend I am not here. Those words tasted like shit in my mouth and I could tell he felt saddened. It was true though. He was free to do what he wanted. With or without me.
After a few minutes, he turned away from the mirror. He had a look in his eye that made me wonder what he was thinking those extra few minutes after we talked. He looked horny. I want to please him so bad if he needs it, but I won't unless he asks. When he was finally in the water for a few minutes, he was laying back relaxing when I decided to help him relax a little more. I began to stroke his hair and tugged on it a little. I know how much he likes his hair pulled. He let out a small moan as I continued to stroke and tug on his hair. Slowly, I made my way down down to his shoulders. I began to massage him gently. His body relaxed and he let out a content sigh. I began to massage a bit more firm before I slowly trailed my hands down his sides, stopping at his hips. I began to squeeze the flesh there and he moaned again.
My thumbs caressed his lower back while my fingers stretched the expanse of his hips. He feels so fucking good. I wish I could really be there with him. I want him to be able to look into my eyes and see the love I feel for him. "If you needed someone to touch you and make you feel good, why wouldn't you want that from me? I know I am not there in the flesh, but I can make you feel good love. In every way," I told him. I moved one of my hands from his waist and began to stroke his cock. "Fuck," he cried out. If I could get hard, I know my cock would be rock hard right now. His moans sound so good when I am the cause of them.
"Tell me what you want from me right now love," I found myself saying. He begged me to make him feel good. I was a bit skeptical at first, thinking he may regret it later. I voiced this and he assured me that he wanted it more than anything right now and he would not regret it. With that being said, I kissed him and removed my hand from his hip to caress his cheek. He moaned into my mouth and I began to stroke him faster. I pulled away and began to kiss down his neck. He threw his head back to give me better access. I began to suck love bites onto his skin. "I am going to make this a night you will remember for a long time princess," I said. He used to love it when I called him princess, so I thought I would throw that in there. He preened at the name and began to moan as I began to kiss down his chest.
"Put your arms on the rim of the tub and don't move them," I said in as sturdy and dominant a tone of voice as I could muster. I may not be able to get hard but I can still feel arousal and I was nearing my peak. I began to suck on his right nipple and he arched his back and called out my name. "Fuck, Hazza! Ah, yeah," he nearly screamed as I began to bite down lightly on his small nub. I am sure I would look weird as fuck right now with my mouth and hands moving while touching nothing, but the pleasure I am giving my angel would be worth the weird looks.
"Hazza, I'm close. Fuck!" he nearly screams as I flick my wrist and rub my thumb over his slit. I began to pump him faster and he cums, shooting up on the top of the water. I watch it float through his eyes as he tries to control his breathing. "I'm not done with you yet love," I whisper and I could see the shiver that racked his body. I pecked his lips to let him know I was there before I began kissing him again. I swiped my tongue over his top lip and he slightly parted his lips for me. He is moaning into the kiss and I begin to palm him to get him hard again, while inching his nipples with my free hand. Fuck he is such a great kisser. When I pull back he looks as if he is in pure bliss.
He is a moaning so loudly and I feel proud. I remove my hand from his nipple and begin to circle his rim. He arched his back and his arms came from the tub and to his chest. I brought a sharp smack down on his right thigh. "Ah, fuck," he cried out with a jolt. "I told you not to move your arms didn't I," I asked him and he nodded his head. "Speak your words," I told him sternly. "Yes, Hazza. I'm sorry," he replied. "I hope I won't have to punish you love, though I know how much you love to be spanked," I said in a teasing tone. He moaned at my words. "Are you going to be good for me love," I asked. "Yes, Hazzie!" he replied when I slapped his thigh again for not answering. "I wanna be so good for you." He replied breathlessly.
I slowly began to circle his rim again and I decided I wanted more. I flattened my tongue and licked from his balls to the top of his ass. I placed open mouthed kisses on his inner thigh as I continued to stroke him. He is moaning loudly and it makes me want to explode. I began lick his rim and he cried out. Nice and slow strokes, I want to make it last as well as tease him a bit. I am a bit angry that he allowed that Thomas to touch him despite what I said. I smack my hand down on his left thigh and push my tongue into him swiftly. In and out. In and out. It is so amazing how I can taste him. He still tastes so fucking good. I moan around him and the vibrations cause him to cry out again. Between me stroking his cock, licking at his rim, and now rubbing his nipples, he is getting close fast.
I remove my hand from his nipple and insert it in his hole. I begin to pump him quickly in time with his cock. I kiss him again shoving my tongue into his mouth and kissing the life out of him. I swallow every moan he lets out and every scream when I began to jab mercilessly into his prostate."Fuck. Ah yeah, hazza. Fuck yeah. Ha- Har....," he tried to get out before he was cumming again. I decided I would let that be enough for him for tonight. He lay there silent except for his heavy breathing. I wish I could see him right now. Next time I will have to tell him to position himself in front of the mirror. Better yet, get a mirror over the bed. No wait. I am getting ahead of myself a bit.
"Harry," he called out to me. "Yes love," I replied a bit hesitantly. I was a bit nervous as to what he was going to say. "Thank you." He replied to me. "Why are you thanking me love," I needed to ask. "For everything. You have been with me through all of this. You have always treated me so well even though things eventually went to shit. You have never treated me anyway other than with love and affection. You have always been my knight in shining armor. Now, here you are tonight, taking care of me again. I still love you so much Harry. I wish I could touch you. I wish I could hold your body against me pressed tightly. I hope you pull through this. I need you to pull through this. I don't want to live the rest of my life without you whether we are together or apart. I will always need you, Hazza," he finished through his tears.
I was at a loss. I know how much I love Louis but to know he loves me back makes me feel I might actually have a chance with him when I wake up. I know I still have a long way to go but I am willing to go the distance. Louis is worth it. I will make him mine. "You don't have to thank me love. I would do anything to make you happy. You know how much I love you," I replied simply.
Soon I heard the water draining from the tub and he turned on the shower to rinse off. I closed my eyes and imagined him in the shower and how beautiful he would look with the water cascading down his naked body. Oh what I wouldn't give to be able to feel his touch right now. I'll just have to wait. Hopefully things will only get stronger between us and then I won't have so long to wait.
Louis' POV
It has been three weeks since Harry was intimate with me and it has only gotten better. I still visit him in the hospital because I still need to see and touch him. Funny enough, he told me he can feel my touch. I used that to my advantage and caressed certain parts of his body just to hear him moan. I kissed and licked at his neck, careful not to leave a love bite. I mean, that would look weird to his visitors. I love to hear him moan. I tugged harshly on his curls knowing how much he loves it and he nearly screamed my name. Eventually, I had to stop because he began to touch me as well and I did not want to cum in this hospital room.
Soon visiting hours were over and I had to leave. I gave him a kiss goodbye and I could feel him kissing me back even though his lips were not moving. I hope he wakes up soon. Hopefully we can mend what had been broken between us and we can be together again. I know the physical part is intact, but it is everything else we need to work on. We have been apart for a long time. Jumping into something would be stupid. Even though we are practically together now, it is not the same. I am sure it will all work out though.
As I exit my car and enter my apartment building, a feeling of gloom washes over me. I don't want to go in for some reason. So I call up Perrie to see if we can hang out a bit. They are all working tonight so they told me to come by the club. I walk back out to my car and I realize I didn't have my wallet. As I think back, I realize I forgot to pick it up on my way out of my apartment. I quickly go inside and hop on the elevator.
As I get to my floor, I pull out my key to unlock my door. Once it's open, I grab my wallet. As I turn to leave I hear a voice say, "Welcome home honey. I have missed you." I would know that voice anywhere. A feeling of dread washes over me. "Harry," I whisper as I slowly begin to panic. "Josh please," I say in reply to my living nightmare. Before I have a chance to run, I feel his breath on my neck and he spins me around to face him. I can feel my body shaking terribly. This is it I thought to myself. Just when I thought all hope was lost, something back in the apartment falls and I hear Harry shout, "Run Louis! Run!" With all the strength I had in me I punched Josh in the side of the head as he turned around towards the crashing sound. As he was falling to the floor I ran as fast as I could to the elevator.
I was afraid to take the stairs in case he caught me in there somehow. Just as the elevator was opening, I heard footsteps moving quickly toward me. I turn and Josh was coming down the hall full speed. I rapidly hit the button to close the doors. Just as the doors were closing he reached the elevator. "Too late you bastard," I thought to myself. Unfortunately for me, I looked up and saw his fingers through the door." "Fuck," I murmured as the tears began to stream down my face. I was fucked.
Harry's POV
Oh my gosh. This can't be happening! I began screaming, "Lou! Fight! Don't just let him take you if he gets in there. Lou! No, no. no. Fuck, no! Please!"
Thank you guys who are reading this. It really means a lot to me!!
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