Ch. 11 ( Long Chapter )
{ Tatianna }
I woke up and checked my phone. I had a message from Nessa on Facebook and Jordan through text. I checked Jordan's first.
{ Beginning Of Convo }
1-10-15: Good morning baby. Did you see my Hickey?
Tatiannaa_1-10-15: Lml yess. Ian even gone try ta cover it & Good morning
1-10-15: Lol you better not. I made that.
Tatiannaa_1-10-15: Aha. Lml well lemme go get these sleepyheads up. Love you & I'll try to text you at lunch.
1-10-15: Okay baby & I love you too.
{ End Of Conversation }
I then checked Nessa's.
{ Beginning Of Convo }
Nessa Morgan: Your cousin is lying if she said me and Erica tried to beat her up. We were going to the bathroom to use it and found her on the ground like that.
Obey Tatianna: Okay. I'll take care of it. Thanks.
{ End Of Conversation }
That stupid lying ass bitch. I fucking hate her guts! Ian gone let that stress me.
Anways , I got out of bed and turned on my TV. I went to the Music Choice and clicked on N8 - Nae Nae. I went in my bathroom and did my business and washed my hand then I walked out. I went to Khaleyah's room.
Me: Leyah. Wake up.
She opened her eyes and stretched and yawned.
Leyah: Im up.
Me: Okay.
I went to Sierra's room and opened her door. She wasn't in bed but I heard the shower running. I walked back out and entered my room. I stripped and climbed in the shower. I washed my hair with my Cherry scented shampoo / conditioner and washed my body with my Forever Midnight body wash that I got from Bath and Body Works. Once I got out the shower , I went out into my room with a towel wrapped around my body. I went out to my room and dried my body off. I then put on my Forever Midnight body lotion and my deodorant. I then went in my closet and pulled on:
- Grey Highwaisted Studded Destroyed Shorts
- White Long Sleeve Tucked In Shirt
- Jean Studded Sleeveless Button-Up Vest
- Brown Timberland Boots
I then went into my bathroom and did what I had to do , which was:
- Hair in bun ontop of my head
- Silver Hoops
- Mascara & Liquid eyeliner
- Contacts
I then went back into my room and pulled on my:
- Gold Studded Necklace
- Thick Black Studded Bracelet
I grabbed my book bag , keys and lunch money and left out my room. I went downstairs and saw Sierra and Khaleyah sitting on the couch watching Spongebob and laughing. I smiled.
Me: You girls want any breakfast?
Sierra: Yep.
Me: Okay.
I put my things on the couch beside Sierra and went into the kitchen. I made eggs , bacon , and biscuits.
Me: Come eat girls.
They came in the kitchen and sat down and ate.
Khaleyah: I can't wait until I get to school.
Me: Why?
Khaleyah: There's this person.
Sierra: Oh do tell.
I looked at her with a smile on my face about to laugh. I shook my head and looked back at Khaleyah.
Me: Yeah. Do tell.
Khaleyah: Well. There's this boy.
Sierra: He gotta name?
Khaleyah: Jonanthan.
Me: Okay Continue.
Khaleyah: Everytime I see him. I feel a certain type of way.
Sierre / Me: Awe. She's falling in love!
We laughed and she flipped us off.
Me: Oh. I feel loved.
Sierra: Right. How rude.
- - - - -
I was at Khalayah's locker talking to her.
Khalayah: Oh my gosh guess what.
Me: What.
Khalayah: Bitch I said guess.
I laughed.
Me: Haha , um , You got a dog?
Khalayah: Nope.
Me: A cat?
Khalayah: Nope.
Me: A horse.
Khalayah: No animals dummy.
Me: Oh haha. I give up.'
Khalayah: Alana and Mae no longer together.
Me: Oh. What happened?
Khalayah: Iono.
Me: Oh. So. You like her?
Khalayah: You know it.
Me: Aha. Okay. Awwh , You two would make a cute couple.
Khalayah: I know right!
Me: Girl you crazy.
Khalayah: I know. My mama told me that but I don't believe her.
Me: You should.
Khalayah: Oh hush.
The bell rang.
Khalayah: So , I'll see ya in second block?
Me: Yep.
Khalayah: Okay.
I walked down the hall and entered the class. I sat beside Jake.
Me: Hey Jake.
Jake: Don't hey me.
Me: What I do?
Jake: You haven't filled me in on you and Ms. Jordan.
I laughed.
Me: Okay well. She gave me this hickey.
Jake looked at my neck.
Jake: Oh my gosh. she give them good hickeys!
I blushed and hit his chest laughing.
Me: Shut up. We made out.
Jake: Did you two do the nasty nasty?
I blushed and groaned. The teacher came in the class room.
Me: Oh look. The teacher's here.
Jake: Don't use that old hag as a excuse.
Jake is the funniest person I've ever met.
Me: What you mean?
Jake: Mhm. Did you two do the nasty?
Me: No.
I dragged out the no.
Jake: Hahaha , I believe you two did.
Me: Forreal forreal no.
Jake: Okay. Okay.
Me: But-
Jake: Oh gosh! There's a but. Lord help me. I might have to kill my best friend.
I laughed.
Me: No no. It's just I need some advice.
Jake: Okay. Tell me what's up.
If anybody ever needs advice , Go to Jake. He gives really good advice.
Me: Okay well. Last night Jordan was at my house and her phone rang. It was her ex girlfriend Alonna.
Jake: Okay.
Me: Well , Alonna got beat by her girlfriend.
Jake: Damn.
Me: Yep and she wanted Jordan to go help her and Jordan said she's gonna go.
Jake: Okay here's the good part.
I softly laughed.
Me: But , I'm scared that her and her ex will end up doing something.
Jake: To me it looks like you have trust issues from a past girlfriend. You just need to trust Jordan. If she ends up cheating , then you two's love wasn't real. If she doesn't end up cheating , then that's how you two know your love is real.
Me: Thanks Jake. That's good advice.
Jake: Ah. I know.
- - - -
{ Lunch Time }
It was lunch time and I walked out my class room. All eyes were on me. Khalayah was beside me and Jake was on the other side.
Me: Why is everybody looking at me?
Jake: Iono.
I saw a big group of people surrounding something or somebody. I couldn't see. Every step we took forward , the group moved until it was in the middle. I saw the bag and got fumed up. On the ground laid a naked Sierra. She had blood between her legs and bruises all over her body. Tears came to my eyes. I dropped my stuff and ran over to her.
Me: Sierra!
She wasn't breathing.
Me: Sierra babygirl wake up. Somebody call the got damn ambulance! Jake give me your jacket.
Jake took off his Jake and handed it to me. I wrapped Sierra up in it and gave her CPR. She was tryna cough something up. I opened her mouth and put my hand in tryna grab it. It was a bunch of paper towels. I kept pulling and she kept coughing.
Me: Sierra cough it up! You got this.
She looked at me while she tried to cough it out. I kept pulling and finally got everything out. Sierra fainted again. The hall cleared as EMT's came and put her on the stretcher bed. I fell crying into Jake's chest. Khalayah hugged us from the other side as I cried. I'm gonna kill them. I pulled away from them and scanned the hallway until I found Nessa and Erica in the corner laughing. Well Nessa laughing and Erica fake laughing , but I don't care. I want to kill them both.
I walked up to Nessa and slammed her head into the fire extinguisher. She screamed and I dragged her ass into the bathroom that was closest by her hair. I'll get Erica next. I banged her head on the sink 5-6 times. I threw her ass on the ground and got ontop of her. I started throwing punches left and right now stopping. Khalayah and Jake came in and tried to pull me off her , but I wasn't letting go. I pushed them off me and threw Nessa into the wall.
Me: Bitch you want to fuck with fam and lie to me!? Bitch you gone die.
I dragged her into the stall and banged her head on the toilet. I grabbed her arm and twisted it until I heard a pop and scream. I then picked her up and threw her into our bathroom window that has bars on it. I stepped on her neck trying to cut off her air ways but somebody grabbed me and put me on their shoulders.
Me: Put me down! Im gone fucking kill her! You don't fuck with my got damn family!
Another set of EMT's flew past us and into the bathroom. I got set down and saw it was Jordan that picked me up. I put my face in her jacket and cried. She wrapped her arms around me and let me cry. Not saying anything , just rocking us back and forth.
Jake: We should probably go to the hospital.
I nodded and pulled my head from her jacket and wiped my tears with the make of my sleeve.
Me: Anybody seen my bookbag?
Khalayah: I got it.
Me: Thanks.
I grabbed it and grabbed my keys and phone from it first.
Jordan: Jake why don't you drive her car.
Jordan took my keys out my hand and handed them to Jake.
Jake: Okay. I'll meet you at the hospital.
Khalayah: Same.
Me: Looks like I'm riding with you , Jordan.
Jordan; You sound like you don't want to.
I laughed.
Me: Of course I want to.
I stood on my tippy toes to reach her lips and she connected them. I heard her mumble something.
Me: Huh?
Jordan: I said that might be the last kiss we share.
Me: What? Why?
Jordan: You'll see.
Me: Okay.
We walked out the school hand in hand and everybody was still staring. Fuck em. We got to her SUV and I saw somebody in the passenger seat.
Me: Uh who's that?
Jordan: Alonna.
Me: Why is she with you?
Jordan: That's a story for another time.
Me: Fine but tell her ass to get the hell out of my seat.
Jordan: Okay.
I opened the passenger side.
Jordan: Alonna , kick it to the back.
Alonna: Why?
Jordan: Just do as I say.
Alonna got out and I climbed in. I buckled up and looked out the window.
Jordan drove to the hospital. I got out before she even parked and ran to the front desk.
Me: Im here for Sierra Carter
RN: Room 206.
Me: Thank you.
She nodded. I waited for Jordan and we went up to her room. We all entered and I saw Jake and Khalayah already in. I looked at her and wanted to cry again.
Me: Sierra?
She opened her eyes and turned her head towards the door slowly. I walked in and sat beside her in a chair.
Me: I'm so sorry. If it helps , I think I may have put her in a coma.
I saw a faint smile and knew it worked. The door opened and incame a doctor.
Doctor: I'm Doctor Vienna and I'll be Ms. Carter's nurse today.
Me: Okay. Update us.
Doctor Vienna: Okay well , Sierra has no brain damage so that's good. Whoever shoved paper towels down her throat caused her to have surgery. They shoved so much down , it was inbetween her lungs so we had to give her surgery to get it all out. She had to have stitches in her head and uh , she was raped.
Doctor Vienna: That's what our test say.
Me: Is she pregnant?
Doctor Vienna: Those results hasn't came back yet. Is there a number we can reach you at?
Me: Uh yeah.
I gave him the number and he walked out after saying he'll give me a call when the results come back and she can be released in 1 week.
Me: I can't stand seeing you like this.
Sierra: I know. I'm sorry.
Me: It's not your fault.
Sierra: I just feel like it is.
Me: It's not Sierra.
I sighed and put my head in my hands. I felt my self being lifted and on somebody's body. After that , I fell asleep.
- - - - -
- Sierra.
- Nessa
- Long Chapter
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