Meeting The Boys

Rebecca's POV:

I woke up to my body being shaken by Mac, a huge grin plastered on her face. I groaned and swatted at her hands.

"Becca, wake up! Today we're gonna go meet the boys!" When I registered what that meant, I bolted up and accidentally tipped Mylo (my portable oxygen machine) over. I scrambled over and switched to Carlos (the oxygen machine with wheels) and went into the bathroom. I began to brush my teeth when I heard Mac hysterically laughing. I finished brushing my teeth and she was still laughing. I went out to see her on the floor leaning up against her hotel bed.

"Mac, what are you laughing about? You need to get ready, today is a big day!!" I said to her. She only started to laugh harder.

"I have never seen you move so fast!" She cackled. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the bathroom. Several minutes later Mac walked into the bathroom with........ a brush stuck in her hair?!

"Help?" She asked in a small voice. I laughed so hard my lungs started to burn. When she asked me what was so funny, I just laughed even harder. Only because it made me remember that episode of Doctor Who from Season 2 called School Reunion, with that scene where Sarah Jane and Rose were cackling their heads off, and that it wasn't acting. It made me remember that David Tennant had a mustache painted on his face and their laughter was real. And his face too. Oh god his face. In this case, I was Sarah Jane and Rose. Mac was the Doctor, and it was hilarious. Mac slapped my arm, and I looked up at her. She looked worried now, and then I realized why. I was laughing so hard that I turned color, and now I wasn't breathing normal. So I calmed down, and finished getting ready. We walked down to the lobby after we were both ready, and my lungs had stopped hurting. Mac was wearing her red converse, a red tie-dye t-shirt that looked like the void, and a pair of blue jeans. I was wearing my TARDIS blue converse, a TARDIS blue tie-dye t-shirt just like Mac's, and my pair of blue jeans. We had both agreed to go in sorta-matching outfits for the effect of us being the total nerds that we are. Mr. Roland walked in. He saw us and walked over.

"Are you two ready to go?"

"Yes!" We both replied in union.

"Okay then let's get going!" He said. We walked outside and started to walk down the sidewalk. Mac sped up a bit and was walking right next to Mr. Roland.

"Um, what are we walking for? Rebecca can't handle a long walk with her lungs." Mac said, and I detected a hint of anger in her voice.

"It's only a block away. And traffic isn't that lovely. Plus it would be silly to just drive one block." Mr. Roland replied. Mac nodded.

"Seems legit." She said, and fell back to walk with me. I was shaking lightly and my breathing was getting really shaky. Mac looked at me and started to rub my back.

"Are you okay, Becca?" She said, a worried expression seeping into her face. I nodded.

"Just a little nervous and exited I think." I started to hyperventilate a little bit. "But my inhaler would be nice." I said, trying to control my breathing. She yanked it out of her pocket and handed it to me. I took the cap off, put it in my mouth and inhaled. In a moment my breathing was back to normal. I put the cap back on and handed it to her. She replaced it in her pocket. We were walking behind Mr. Roland the entire time.

"I hate this stupid disease." I muttered under my breath.

"I know you do. But you wouldn't be meeting the boys without it." She said. Mac was one of those people that always tried to be the inspirational one, the optimist. I'm pretty sure that that's one of the reasons as to why we were such good friends. I opened my mouth to reply, but Mr. Roland stopped in front of us.

"Here we are!" He said, holding open a door to a little chips shop. We walked in and a man came out of the back wearing every day clothes. I assumed it was the owner. He saw us and walked over.

"Hi! Are you two Mac and Rebecca? I'm assuming you are because of the oxygen tank, not trying to be rude or anything." He said, looking directly at Mac and I. I put my arm out to shake his hand. He shook it and I replaced it back to my side.

"You're right. I'm Rebecca, and this is my best friend Mac." I said, pointing at her with my thumb. Mac shook his hand. I looked directly at Mr. Roland. "And that's Mr. Roland, our escort and chauffeur." Mr. Roland smiled and shook the owners hand.

"And I'm Jimmy, I own this joint." He said to us, smiling.

"I have a booth in the corner reserved for you girls." He said, showing us to the far right corner in the back. Mac and I sat down on the ends. Mr. Roland bid us goodbye and left. As soon as we were alone again, Mac and I squealed at the same time.

"Oh my god I am so exited!!!" She squealed. I squealed in response and flapped my hands. I grabbed my inhaler and inhaled again. Mac and I got ourselves collected, just when I saw a familiar silhouette approaching the door. Spiky hair, a skinny figure, tall like a pine tree, and the prettiest face in the world. He was wearing a black Beatles T-shirt, blue jeans, red Converse shoes, and he was freshly shaven.I leaned over to Mac as he opened the door.

"He's here Mac. David Tennant is here!!" I squealed to her. Her eyes flashed pure excitement when I told her that. The next moment, I heard my favorite voice in the world.

"Are you two Mac and Rebecca?" We just grinned and smiled while we nodded madly.

"I'm Rebecca." I said, getting up so that he could sit down and I could shake his hand. I offered my hand to shake, and he took the offer.

"I should probably sit on the inside of the booth in case you need to make a run for it, yeah?" He said.

"Yeah, that would be really appreciated." I told him. He sat down and I got in after him. I was sitting next to David Tennant. Let me repeat that for you. I was sitting right next to DAVID FREAKING TENNANT. That was probably the most extraordinary thing that had happened in my life. My breathing went all wibbly wobbly in about .5 seconds.

"Are you all right?" David asked, rubbing a hand over back. Mac understood what was happening and handed me my inhaler. I quickly inhaled and my breathing returned to normal.

"Sorry about that." I said to him, genuinely sorry.

"Oh, that's quite alright, love." At that last word there I had a mini heart attack. He just called me love. I thought to myself. The exact moment after I said that to myself, Matt Smith sat down next to Mac. He looked absolutely wonderful, like always. Matt was wearing an orange t-shirt, no print, just orange. I thought it was kinda strange, no print and what not, but it's Matt freakin Smith. He could do anything and I wouldn't mind. He was wearing tan shorts that went to his knees and Nike sandals.

"Hi." All three of us said to him, the moment he was fully seated. He smiled his adorable smile.

"Hello, hello!" He said, shaking mine and David's hand. He leaned over to Mac and gave her a hug. Mac beamed with joy.

"Well it's nice to see everyone here." David said, Mac and I nodding profusely.

"I was sorta worried that one of you guys wouldn't be able to make it." I said, ridding my mind if that fear.

"We were pretty exited to meet you two, we were." Matt piped up, grinning like the adorable human being that he is.

"I was absolutely stoked. Still am, really.Couldn't wait." David said, making my heart swell from pure joy.

"Thank you guys for coming. Thank you so much it honestly means the world." I said to them, worried that I was being too........... out there.

"You're both very welcome. Thanks for inviting us, it's an honor. Well, at least it is for me." David said in that oh-so-wonderful voice of his. After that we small talked a bit. Mac talked with Matt while I talked to David. I wanted to talk about him, but he wanted to know more about me. Like my favorite color, stuff I liked to do in my free time, the itsy bitsy stuff like that. Even though I wanted to talk about him, it's David Tennant. Of course I'm gonna do what he wants. Then, he made the mistake of asking what my favorite band was. That's when I pulled out the metaphorical podium. Mac and Matt had just happened to have a pause in their conversation and Mac heard that.

"You know Mr. Tennant, that, was a mistake." She said after seeing the evil grin I had on my face.

"One, I'd really like it if you'd just call me David, and two, why was that a mistake?" He asked, his signature confusion becoming a thing of beauty.

"Well, David, look at her. That was a mistake." He looked at my face and saw that eveil grin and his face went from a look of "what is going one here?" to "oh snap" real quick.

"My music taste. Very interesting thing, my music taste. You might want to pray. Basically, it's all of the songs except the ones I don't like. I can play some of my favorite songs. Prepare for awesomeness in the air." I said, ripping my iPod out of my pocket. His eyebrow raised, and Mac and Matt observed with excitement on their faces. I opened my music app and played "Traveling Man" by Chameleon Circuit. When it ended Matt and David's faces were both saying the same thing "she like quieter music. Calm person." Then, I played "Teenagers" My Chemical Romance. Their faces were hilarious, and Mac and I just started laughing like hell. David looked really shocked that that was something that I liked, and his face was priceless. Matt just looked a little stunned, nothing much though. When the song ended, David decided to pipe up.

"Well that was an........... interesting switch." He said, being completely speechless.

"Hey, you asked what I liked to listen to, and I'm showing you. The next one is basically my first life theme song, and I think you'll like it David." I said to him, playing "Paradise" by Coldplay. The moment he heard the beginning part he started grinning. He and I were humming along to it, generally feeling great in the presence of music. When that ended, we had a moment of silence to appreciate the amazingness of Coldplay music.

"Well you're not wrong, Rebecca. You do have an interesting taste in music." David said, looking a bit interested by it.

"I'll say. We went from a Doctor Who rock band, to a metal band, to Coldplay. That's quite the collection of tunes you have in that little device there." Matt said, making hand gestures that an Italian would be proud of.

"You wanted to know, and I told you. Well, showed you. Whatever the right word is." I said, getting flustered that I couldn't talk right.

"Speaking of Doctor Who." Mac said, putting the train back on the tracks. I looked at her and said thank you to her using my eyes.

"What about Doctor Who? Matt asked, leaning on the table like it was some sort of secret.

"Well, it basically saved my life when I first learned that I was gonna die from cancer." I said bluntly, really not caring if they disagreed.

"Well I'm certainly glad that it did." David said, sipping away at his water. I got slightly confused.

"Why?" I asked him, my left eyebrow raised.

"Why am I glad that it saved your life?" He asked, doing the same (only better) with his left eyebrow.

"Yeah, why?" Matt and Mac were looking at whoever was talking, like it was some sort of verbal tennis match.

"Because. You're different and extraordinary. You see things in a way that no other human being on this planet sees things and I think that's fantastic. You are so different and unlike everyone else that it confuses me as to how you think you're unimportant. I have never in all my years met anyone that is not important. You're you, and that's what's so amazing." As David spoke, I really saw the tenth and eleventh Doctor in him. This man is amazing. I reminded myself. He busted into a smile. Oh dear god that smile!

"What's so funny?" I asked him.

"Your face after I spoke to you was great. You looked shocked, to say the least." He said, his grin slowly going back down.

"But I meant it. Really I did. You are truly extraordinary." I don't know what I was thinking, but before I knew what I was doing I was hugging him. I realized what I was doing and quickly gathered myself.

"What was the hug for?" He asked me.

"Well, I have my reasons. One, you are an amazing human being. Your soul is gorgeous. Two, that was probably the nicest thing anyone has ever told me. Three, you agreed to meet two 13 year old American girls from Montana. You even skyped to see how we were doing. I have so many other reasons, but I don't think you want to be sitting here listening to my reasons for the next decade." I finished every single word without taking in one breath the entire time, which really took its toll on my crappy lungs. I started hacking, and I quickly had my inhaler ready to be used. I used my inhaler, but I was still coughing. I grabbed a napkin because I felt spit ready to come out, and it did. But when it did, it was a blood ball. I looked at Mac, Matt, and David. All of them had the same emotion dancing across their faces; fear. I felt myself starting to drift away from consciousness. My vision began to go blurry and sound started to fade away. I felt David grab me to prevent me from falling and potentially hurting myself even more. I heard Matt rush over to the counter and tell the worker to call an ambulance. I could practically hear his hand motions. Mac got up and come over to where I was sitting, wiping at the blood that was rushing out of my mouth.

"Rebecca!" I heard David shout. His voice was faded, and I looked at his blurred face as the darkness took over my vision. The last thing I remember hearing was him calling out my name one last time, trying to keep me awake. His voice was so drowned out that it sounded like he was talking through a rag underwater. I remember thinking, Am I going to die?

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