Fear Strikes Again
Rebecca's POV:
I woke up that morning to Matt laughing. What the hell? I thought, wondering why he was laughing so hard. So, I went out of the room, and both he and David were cackling. David had his head in his hands, and he was trying to stay standing. He was laughing so hard he had tears coming out of his eyes.
"Matt? David? What's so funny? Did I miss a funny thing?" I asked, quoting the Day of the Doctor and feeling proud of myself for it. I saw Matt nod. They calmed down a few moments later.
"Ok, so Rebecca, I left a key to the little house thing here under the doormat for Matt here, and he showed up while I was asleep on the couch. He dropped his bag on accident and I fell off of the couch and spoke my own language and pointed a pillow at him. He scared me so bad." David said, starting to laugh again. He doubled over, and tried to breathe. I found myself laughing too.
"Why does it not shock me that that happened?" I asked through my own laughs.
"Probably because you know me so well." David said, finally gaining his composure again and calming down. He got my siblings up, and we stayed there for three more days. On the last day we were there, it was his birthday. I baked him a cupcake and put a candle on it, and as a present I got him a Proclaimers t-shirt. When he opened it up, his eyes lit up like a lightbulb, and he smiled really big.
"Thank you, Rebecca. You really didn't have to get me anything, but thank you so much." He said, giving me a small hug. He knew I wasn't too keen on the whole human contact thing, and I noted that the hug lasted hardly longer than a second. Matt was there on David's birthday for a while, but he had to go back to London because one of his friends needed his help moving. We ended up staying until after the day after his birthday, and then we left. The night before we left, there was a huge lightning storm. I went outside to watch it, and then it started raining. Not a light rain, it was a downpour. David came outside moments after it started pouring.
"Rebecca, get inside. You'll catch a cold if you stay out any longer." He said, grabbing my hand. His hand slipped out of mine because both our hands were so wet.
"I wanna stay out here." I told him, putting my hand back in my lap. He sat down on the log next to me.
"Rebecca, if you catch a cold it could very well kill you. I don't want that to happen." He said tenderly.
"Why not? We aren't even related..." I told him, my voice trailing off and my eyes wandering to the lightning that was flashing.
"Because, you're a very lovely person and I'd hate to lose you. I've grown attached to you, you know that, right?" When he finished that, my heart broke.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"For what?" He asked me, sounding completely puzzled.
"Making you get attached to me. I'm gonna die and when I do, that's gonna really hurt you and I'm sorry because that's the last thing I ever wanted to happen to you. I'm a grenade, and when I go off, I'll hurt everyone around me." I told him, remembering what Hazel in TFIOS had said.
"Rebecca...you're not going to die. I won't let that happen." He replied, pain filling each word.
"You can't stop death, David. Nobody can. At some point, I am going to die. And because of this stupid cancer, I'll probably be dead before summer." He closed his eyes, and I thought I saw a tear make its way down his cheek. It could've been the rain though.
"Rebecca, I will do everything I can to ensure that you don't die." He told me, his voice cracking. I looked at his face and then saw that he was crying. The thought that I was the case of his pain made me feel terrible, and it still does. He opened his arms for a hug, and I knew he needed it, so I leaned into it and let him hug me. It's wasn't a normal hug. It was a cross between a hug and holding. Either way, I didn't mind. I was touching David freakin' Tennant, and that's all that really mattered. A few minutes passed, and then David spoke to me again.
"Let's get you inside, and I'll have no more of this talk of you dying, alright? I refuse to accept it and I won't." I felt his grip on me tighten in endearment, and I couldn't help but smile.
"Can't we stay out here a bit longer?" I begged him, my cheek still on his soaked through t-shirt, right over his chest.
"Why do you like the rain so much, love?" For a moment, I didn't know what to say. So I told him the truth instead of buttering it up like I normally did when people asked me that.
"I have too many happy memories in the sunshine, and instead of those memories being happy, they're painful now. I can't stand the heat and warmth because it reminds me of when my mum would come outside with my siblings and I and play with us. I don't have any happy memories in the rain, and so it doesn't hurt. And the rhythm of the rain drops hitting the ground comforts me, and the deep, booming rumble of the thunder always makes me feel happy. The way the lighting lights up the sky it's....it's indescribable. I love it. So, that's why I can't stand the summer, and love the rain." After I finished speaking, he rested his chin on the top of my head, and we sat in silence for a few more minutes watching the rain. It was a while before he spoke up.
"Rebecca, you are the most amazing person I know." He said, matter-of-factly.
"No, I'm not."
"I do believe you are." He retorted.
"David, I don't like it when people lie to me. Please stop." I said, getting a little frustrated.
"Hey, listen to me. I am not lying to you. I promise here and now that I will never lie to you, no matter what I think may be best. You are the most amazing person I've ever met. You've managed to stay relatively ok considering everything that's happened to you. I admire you for that. If for one second, you think you're not amazing, I want you to think about all that you've overcome and then correct yourself. And if you can't, I'll always be here for you . Always, no matter what." At that point I felt like crying, so I did a little.
"Hey, don't cry now. No tears, please?" He asked softly, wiping my tears with his thumbs. I smiled.
"They're happy tears. Never thought the person I admire above all others would tell me that he admires me, so thank you again, dad." I said. Something flickered in his eyes, like a thought had just ran across his highway of thought screaming "she called me dad!" He seemed to like it, so I decided I'd do it more often. But then, I started coughing.
"Oh shite." I heard David mutter under his breath. He stood up, taking me with him, and walked inside with me still in his arms. Everyone else was asleep. Both of us were soaked to the bone, so before we went to bed, we got changed into fuzzy pj pants and hoodies and curled up on the couch. He told me
"I refuse to let you go to bed with the possibility of you having a chill because if you've got one, you could get a cold and that means a cough. A cough wouldn't be good for you so I'm gonna make sure you're warm." I swear to god this guy was seeing how nice he could be before I melted. After a while, I was completely warm, and he let me go to bed. Then in the morning I woke up to the sound of my siblings lauding the car and David's face staring at mine.
"Time to go Rebecca." He said softly, smiling out of the corner of his mouth before leaving. So, I quickly got up and got ready to go. I left the room, and put my stuff in the car and hopped in just as everyone else was. The drive back home was great. We listened to Coldplay albums, and we talked. I did almost make David throw up though. I asked him
"David, would you rather break your legs and you can move for months, or would you rather eat a tray of sushi?" (A/N he actually HATES sushi. I don't blame him tbh its gross) When I asked him that, he visibly gagged.
"I honestly don't know which is worse, so I'm gonna pass." He said, turning up the music as if to say "no no no no no don't ask again nope." The rest of the trip was smooth, and I didn't make him almost puke again. When we got home though, things stopped running smoothly. I got out of the car, and immediately my lungs betrayed me. I was simply going down the walkway, and they stopped working again. I passed out, I didn't know what was going to happen, and I was terrified.
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