A Sorta-Great Weekend
Hey guys I know it told you that this story was always gonna be in Rebecca's POV but a bit further down the road someone else is gonna have a POV. Okay that was just a little fyi so let's get on with the story.
Rebecca's POV:
I woke up with a tube attached to my stomach and my lungs hurt. I looked around me to see that I was in a hospital room, and the blinds were down. I heard footsteps, so I looked at the door. Mac was walking slowly, a vary solemn look on her face. She saw that I was awake.
"Becca!" She ran over to me and gave me a tight hug. She didn't let go, and that's when I started to get a bit afraid.
"Mac, what's wrong?" I asked her, moving her to where I could see her face. She sat down.
"Becca, we have to go home tomorrow." She said grimly, all joy drained from her face.
"Why?" I asked her, tears welling up in my eyes.
"You're not healthy enough to stay longer. You've got to get home as fast as you can. I spoke to your doctors, and they said that if we left tomorrow, you might be able to get home. At least you'll be able to get the States. I'm sorry Becca I know that there's so much more you wanted to do but either we go home now, or we never go home." She told me, the tears now streaming down my face in an uncontrollable little river. Mac handed me the box of tissues and then got up.
"I'll leave you alone for a couple minutes." Mac knows me so well. I thought to myself. In my fit of tears, I just nodded my head.
It had probably been about 10 or so minutes since Mac left me alone to cry, when I heard her crying. I heard a set of fast paced, long strides. Then the strides broke into a run. David and Matt appeared the next moment. Matt stayed outside and talked to Mac. These men are extraordinary. I reminded myself for what was probably the bazzilionth time. David knocked on my door frame.
"Knock knock." He said. I looked at him and forced a weak smile.
"Can I-" He asked, pointing to the chair. I nodded. He gracefully swooped into the chair, and leaned forward.
"I heard about you having to go home tomorrow." He said, looking down at his thumbs as if it was his fault.
"It's not your fault, you know." I said to him, hoping to Chuck that he wasn't blaming himself. He looked back up at me with his most thoughtful expression I had ever seen.
"Oh, I know, but I just can't help but think that I could've done something more." He said, looking me dead in the eye with apology flickering in every corner.
"You have done so much, I really couldn't have asked for more." I told him, trying to understand where he thought that he was at fault.
"I hardly did anything." He said, looking down again. I rolled my eyes, getting slightly flustered that he wasn't understanding my point. I adjusted myself in my bed so that I was on my side facing him.
"Look here, you agreed to meet someone that you knew nothing about and for all you knew, I could've been a murderous psychopath and killed you with a butter knife. You talked to me not like I was a child, but like I was an equal age as you. You tried to keep me from passing out and grabbed me so I wouldn't injure myself further. And even now, you came to see me and my best friend when I was put in here. You may not see it, but you are amazing. It's actually quite depressing that you can't. But my point is, shut up about not being all that great because you are wonderful." I ranted, letting loose all of my opinions. I looked at his eyes and so many things were racing down his roadway of thoughts. He looked me dead in the eyes with a all smile playing on his lips.
"Thank you, Becca. Thank you. You're not ever gonna get me to see "how great I truly am," But I do thank you for being so lovely. I don't think I'd be as nice as you are if I had the same disease, I'd rather be a bit of a grinch. But you are wonderful too, even if you can't see it." He told me, making my brain implode into a supernova: one great big, brilliant flash of beauty, and then it all gets sucked into a black hole. The black hole: me. Just as I was about to open my mouth to reply to him, Matt and Mac walked in. David quickly got up and offered Mac his seat. Mac shook her head, and David did the same with Matt. Matt did the same as Mac had done and shook his head. David sat back down.
"How are you doing, Rebecca?" Matt asked, his depressed voice spilling like coffee in a tipped mug.
"Well, I've been better, but I'm alive I suppose." I said, his face lighting up immediately. He looked like a kid in a candy shop he was so happy.
"There you go! See the good, ignore the bad for now!" He said, bouncing once and clapping his hands together. We all busted out laughing. My lungs began to hurt so I stopped laughing really suddenly. David looked a tad confused.
"My lungs started to hurt so I stopped laughing. Didn't want to injure them further."
"Oh. That- that would make sense." He said that just like his Doctor spoke and I nearly had a heart attack. Literally. The nurse walked in the next moment.
"All right, it's time we left Rebecca alone so that she can rest and heal. I'll give you another 2 minutes." She said, leaving as quickly as she had came. Mac looked annoyed.
"Well, I'm staying here." I looked at her questioningly. She put her hand up and pointed at me.
"I'm staying here, and you're not gonna complain. Get it? Got it? Good." She said, never giving me time to respond. Matt chuckled. We all looked at him, our eyes pleading to know what was so funny. He still had his big grin on, which would have warmed my heart if I had had one.
"I can tell you two have known each other for a long time." He said, hand motions taking up the air space that he had.
"How can you tell?" I asked him.
"Oh, it's easy!" David piped up.
"You two speak to each other without saying a word." Matt started.
"And you tell each other what you're going to do and that you will not be stopped." David added.
"And plus, just the way you two talk. It's like you've known each other forever." Matt out in.
"Well, neither of you are wrong." Mac and I said at the same time. We all laughed again, and then the nurse walked in.
"Times up!" She cheerily said.
"We'll talk to you when you get home, okay Rebecca?" David said, shaking my hand.
"I look forward to it!" I said, shaking his hand. He grinned and walked over to Mac to say his goodbyes. Matt was next to me, and then he had missed my cheek. It was a struggle for me to not blush profusely, but I won.
"You take care now, love. You hear me?" He said, a smile of two emotions across his face. Fear and joy. I quickly dismissed it though.
"I will try my best, but I might not succeed." I said, not even realizing that I had made a Coldplay reference. Matt grinned and walked off to go say goodbye to Mac. David came back over to me.
"That Coldplay reference was beautiful. Good job!" He said, grinning like a two year-old and offering me a high five. Which I accepted, of course.
"You guys need to go." The nurse said, getting flustered sounding. Matt and David waved goodbye as they walked out the door.
"You too sweetheart." The nurse said, motioning to Mac. Mac stepped back a little bit.
"I'm not going anywhere. I don't have anywhere to go other than a lonely motel. I don't know the way back, and plus, I'm not leaving my best friend alone in a different country in a hospital. I'm not gonna voluntarily do that. So, either you can let it go and let me stay here, or you can call security and make a scene." Mac said, having planted herself in the chair halfway through her little rant speech. The nurse gave up.
"Alright. You can stay with your friend. The name's Suzie. Let me know if there's anything you need." She said before walking out. Mac sat back down in her chair.
"Go to sleep Becca." I didn't need to be told twice. I rolled over and fell asleep.
Mac and I were walking to our airplane, each hauling our own suitcases. As we were walking down the pathway to our plane, I saw out of the corner of my eye, Mr. David Tennant and Matt Smith. I elbowed Mac.
"Ow! What was that for?!" She asked me, giving me her death glare.
"The boys are here." I said, pointing over to them. They saw us waved, and smiled. We did the same. I felt a little woozy, but that's as to be expected sometimes. We continued walking. Mac and I were almost to the entrance to get to the plane, when the same thing happened that happened at the café. My vision went blurry, I got dizzy, and this time my knees buckled. I collapsed on the ground, still able to see a little bit. I saw Mac, Matt and David all rushing over to me, Mac first, David coming up just a moment behind her, and Matt was about three seconds after David. I could see them trying to talk to me, but I couldn't hear anything other than the ringing in my ears. My vision went dark, and that was the moment my life truly went to Hell in a hand basket.
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