24: Pixie Dust
There weren't any stars to guide them through the snowy blizzard. The sky and everything surrounding them was white, only white.
They couldn't even see what their hands clung to, the only thing that enabled them to not plummet out of the sky.
Andrew felt it would be redundant to yell again that this was a bad idea, also it made no difference now, but he held deep animosity toward the imagineers you came up with Tinkerbell flying off the Matterhorn. His hatred for the lederhosen was rising as well, which made him jaded toward the magic that allegedly was helping them.
Both knew their whole situation was immutable, being in the Happiest Place on Earth was not something controllable. Their hope was that playing by the rules the place would allow them to leave, but in the back of their heads they knew nothing was guaranteed.
The man scoffed and muttered to himself. "Look where they're headed next. Insufferable boy, with his fairy friends and mermaids. She'll buy right into it, should have told her not to..... Tech! Where are you?"
"It's Fred--"
The man looked at Fred.
"Sir." Fred finished quickly.
"Is there any way to make her avoid contact with the flying green twit?"
"For God's sake, Peter Pan!" The man yelled.
"I can only affect them, the place is untouchable, it does what it wants." The tech said timidly, recoiling back.
"I don't care if you affect them just make that boy leave her alone."
"The girl?"
"Skylar, yes."
"I don't have that within my power. The characters have their own free will."
"They may have free will but you don't."
Fred was quiet, he couldn't do anything; they didn't have that much power over the place and it was all foreign to him. They had told him it was all a video game just a video game that they need help programming but he knew it wasn't a game. These were real people, somewhere... somewhere different.
The sudden cessation of the whirling snow and wind took them by surprise. Andrew and Skylar found their feet on hard ground and slowly let go of Tinkerbell's flying line hookup, hoping the floor under them wouldn't dissolve.
The snow disappearing revealed to them their location.
It was a bedroom, a nursery but for young children not babies. There were three empty beds with rosewood plaid blankets. The walls were a dark red with white stripes and the floor was wooden. Alphabet blocks, among other toys, were scattered around the room waiting to be played with again but no one was around.
Except a brown and white Saint Bernard that wore a auburn collar and, oddly enough, a nursemaid hat. Her big blue eyes blinked at them calmly for a moment but then she seemed to register that they were intruders.
The dog barked defensively but Skylar cut her off.
"Down Nana!"
The Saint Bernard sat down instinctively, perplexed at her name being said.
"Nana..." Andrew put the pieces together. "Does that mean I'm like Peter Pan?"
"I don't think so," Skylar looked down at their clothes. Andrew was still a yodeler.
They were in the Darling's nursery but the Darlings were not there, only their nurse Nana was.
A tall open window had its the curtains billowing lively as the gentle wind from the outside animated them. The two doors of the window were partially open revealing the night and city lights that shone in it.
Then suddenly the doors of the window blew all the way open and slammed the walls of the bedroom with its wooden panes.
A dark figure swooped into the room and sped along the walls in a gust of wind. It seemed to be stuck on the walls or the floor, any surface really. When the two teens finally got a clear view of the figure, when it stopped zooming around, they saw it wasn't a figure at all. A figure, a person should have been there but only his shadow was.
That shadow belonged to Peter Pan and he was not far behind. The boy who would not grow up flew in after the silhouette of himself and chased it down. Pinning it to the ground Peter Pan began reattaching his shadow with a needle and thread just as he had learned to do from Wendy.
A third thing came into the nursery through the open window. It moved even faster than its predecessors and was only a glowing blur as it zipped around. Suddenly it stopped, hovering above Peter Pan's head and the light could be identified as a fairy.
This fairy was dressed in a light green skeleton leaf that was cut low and square. Her hair up in a bun tied with the strip of a vine sat straight up on her head. Hanging in the air above Peter Pan she talked to him, irritated that he lost his shadow again.
Peter Pan understood Tinkerbell but all Skylar and Andrew heard was the loveliest tinkle as if golden bells answered him. That was the fairy language and despite it sounding pleasant the fairy wasn't saying the nicest things. She was annoyed that once again his shadow had gotten free and led them follow it back to the same house.
"Yeah, I know Tink." Annoyed, he waved at her in the air but she avoided his swiping hand and kept pestering him.
Peter Pan was still sitting on the floor, putting the finishing stitch through his shoe and shadow. Then he sprung up off the ground, taking his fairy by surprise as Tinkerbell found herself flat on his hat.
"There was a reason my shadow came down here though." For the first time he looked at the two teens that stood in the room. "Tink--hey Tink!" Peter Pan couldn't find her for a moment and took off his hat in puzzlement only to find what he'd been looking for on it. "Stop messing aroun' Tink these two flew a long way, don't know how but--awh it doesn't matter."
She unstuck herself from the felt of his hat and answered him insolently.
"You'll have to excuse her, she's just a common fairy." Peter Pan addressed them then looked back at Tink as she jingled some more. "You can't be my fairy, I've told you before, besides you don't own me."
The fairy kept tinkling, getting red in the face but Peter Pan ignored her.
"Where was I-- Oh!" Peter Pan's feet rose off the ground a little. "Right, you two, flying like birds. Now how did you manage that?"
Andrew didn't have a clue but Skylar had an answer right away.
"Thinking happy thoughts did the trick." She said without a moment's hesitation.
"Ah yes, lovely wonderful thoughts are powerful things." Peter Pan said this with certainty but had no idea where it came from. "Although some pixie dust wouldn't hurt. Tink--There you are." He made a grab for the fairy but only got a handful of dust.
Then he did the strangest thing, pushing some of the dust into a small pile in the palm of his hand Peter poured it into a tiny vial that was no taller than an inch and a half after he corked it. The dust shimmered through the clear little bottle as he offered it to Skylar.
"For your true leap of faith I present you with a kiss." He held out the dust to her.
There was some very loud jingling from the fairy and Andrew was about to go ballistic but Skylar stepped forward and accepted the pixie dust.
"That's very kind of you, just don't give me a thimble." She laughed at Andrew's major confusion.
Skylar rolled the tiny bottle of dust in her fingers once then slipped it into the shoulder bag she still carried.
"You know, you remind me of an old friend, can't quite put my finger on it though. Oh well." Peter Pan was quite forgetful. "Say, would you like to fly again?"
"To Neverland I assume?" Skylar answered smiling.
"Yes of course it's just-- hey! Have you been there before?"
"No, never."
"Well then you must come! It's second to the right and then straight on till morning." Peter announced his address proudly.
"We can go at once then." She beamed at him but her partner was cautious.
"And you want to jump off something again?" Andrew took a look out the window and felt uneasy.
"If you're such a-- codfish then fine, stay here." Skylar knew this remark would have the right result.
"No, no, we'll go." Andrew said quickly. "Although, pixie dust wouldn't hurt." He added quietly.
"Codfish, that's a good one!" Peter Pan laughed, rising up to the ceiling.
Andrew became indignant but Skylar was pleased, thinking it funny since she got the name from Peter Pan himself.
"Well I guess we better be off then." She said, ready to get on with yet another adventure.
"Yes!" Peter Pan exclaimed and rushed out the window, Tink following him, but then he popped his head back in. "Come on, the stars tell me now is the time!"
Andrew and Skylar walked to the window.
"The stars tell him." Andrew repeated mockingly.
"Have you never read the book?" Skylar asked.
"Seen the play?"
"Definitely not. I like the Disney version just fine." He said curtly.
"Well they missed some details." She had to say.
"I gather you've read the book, but seen the play?" Andrew didn't know she had a thing for the theatre.
"Peter Pan was always a favorite among my Dad, or so it seemed. He is obsessed with any version of it. So yes, I have seen the play."
"Okay I'll add Peter Pan to the list." Andrew said softly.
"What list?"
"The list of random things that I have learned about you but that do not yet add up." He said this all in one breath.
"You keep a list?"
"Mentally." Andrew stepped onto the window seat and glanced down, seeing the Darling's yard down belong.
Skylar stepped up next to him, seeing Peter Pan waiting for them on a nearby cloud.
"Ready?" She asked.
"To jump?"
"To fly."
"We've done it once already."
And they did again. They flew through the brisk night above the smoking chimneys of the London houses. The sky was clear and the bright yellow moon looked close enough to touch as they headed toward the stars.
Peter Pan played on his pipes as he sailed through the sky quite effortlessly. Andrew and Skylar were slower in their flying and tried keeping up with him as much as possible. There were moments, however, where Peter was not with them. He would suddenly shoot out of sight, to have some adventure in which they had no share in. He did this several times coming back laughing over something fearfully funny he had been saying to a star, or he would come back with mermaid scales still sticking in him, and yet not be able to say for certain what had been happening. As previously said, he was quite forgetful.
Tinkerbell kept up with his pace and gave the impression she wished to leave the teenagers behind. She talked every so often, but the jingling of the bells gave them no clue as to what her real feelings were.
The long periods of time where Peter did fly off, Andrew and Skylar had time to talk.
"So," Skylar tried not to laugh. "I think I need to explain to you what Peter Pan thinks a kiss is."
"Okay." Andrew said slowly.
"So it all started with Wendy or maybe with Maime..." Skylar paused for a moment in thought. "Anyways, someone offered Peter a kiss and he held out his hand expecting her to put something in it, so she gave him a thimble instead. Now he thinks kisses are little objects and that thimbles are kisses. Does that make sense?"
"Somewhat. So, if you thimbled someone that'd mean--"
"You kissed them."
"Right okay then, glad that's cleared up."
They were silent for a while after that and Peter Pan came back up to lead them on toward Neverland. It was a long flight, and eventually they were led away from the city, out over open ocean and then finally arrived at the island.
Neither Peter nor Tink had been good tour guides but the island had been out looking for them. If not for that they would have never got there.
"There it is." Peter Pan announced calmly.
A million golden arrows began to point down to the island as the sun rose. It was an idyllic island that many saw in only their dreams. The sparkling lagoon inside nice white sandy beaches was just below them and the palm trees beyond the shore covered the island, hiding many of its secrets within the forest. In the distance was the smoke rising up from the Indian camps somewhere in the mountains just across a river.
They flew lower, touching the treetops with their feet on some occasions. The island grew brighter as the sun took its high place in the sky. The palm trees swaying as they passed over them but Peter Pan then stopped and they did the same.
"Would you like to have an adventure?" He said, poised in the air, listening intently for something to rustle in the forest.
"What kind?" Andrew asked cautiously.
"Perhaps a duel with Captain Hook?" Skylar proposed.
"Hook?" Peter said with interest.
"Your arch enemy? Or maybe you have forgotten, you killed him, at least in the book but the Disney version..."
"I forget them after I kill them." He replied carelessly, not listening after he heard this foe was vanquished.
This remark took Andrew aback a little, it was a dark thing to say. Skylar, on the other hand, remembered this exact quote in the book and wasn't surprised, although it wasn't a comforting thing for her to hear either.
Peter was becoming restless and longed to do something thrilling. He hated any lethargy and suddenly swooped down into the trees with the two teens following him in a hurry. Maneuvering around the tree trunks was a tricky thing and they almost ran into several as they rushed after him.
"Where is he going?" Andrew yelled rather irritably.
Before Skylar could answer they heard him crow, a signal to the lost boys that he had returned.
They caught up with him, coming to a clearing of some sort. There were only a few trees in the center all connecting under ground. Those trees also all led to the same place; a home under the ground. Each tree was for one person in particular for each was hollowed to their size by Peter Pan himself.
As he crowed the lost boys responded with a lot of loud whooping and hollering, coming up their trees to greet him. All the boys wore animal skins for they were not allowed to look like Peter and this made them appear to a newcomers as quite savage.
"Who are they?" Shouted one of the boys, spotting Skylar and Andrew now landing behind Peter.
"Who are--oh them." Peter seemed to have some trouble remembering them. "They are merely my loyal subjects, came to Never Never land in order to serve me."
"That's not--" Andrew began but Skylar signaled him to be quiet.
"It's make-believe, and I do suggest you play along." She whispered quietly to him then continued louder. "Yes, we are Pan's humble servants, ready to be of service." Skylar bowed.
To Peter, make-believe and truth were the same thing. The lost boys knew the difference but Peter would never let them recognize it. If they broke down in their make-believe Peter Pan wouldn't be happy.
"Yes! Well, I do feel it's time for an adventure!" He exclaimed to the lost boys and the two new arrivals. "What say you?"
The lost boys cheered their assent while the two older kids just stood in the midst of them, not sharing their high level of excitement.
"Off we go then!" Peter announced into the deep forest. "Follow the leader!"
He was the leader, no doubt, and no one ever questioned him.
The boys followed after their fearless leader, marching with perfect rhythm. Andrew and Skylar trailed after them, not having all that much say in the matter.
They eventually arrived at the Indian camps they had seen in the sky. Peter Pan had made friends with the Piccaninny tribe a while back, when he had saved Tiger Lily, although he didn't remember doing it.
The tribe welcomed him and his followers into the chief's wigwam where a lot of celebrating commenced around a vibrant fire.
After, they went to war, make-believe war but war nonetheless. The lost boys took several Indians as captives and the Indians captured a good amount of boys in return. Peter Pan was caught up in the thrilling adventure, crowing triumphantly to all the boys' dismay. Peter kept revealing their position, but he could fly so it wasn't a problem for him.
Skylar and Andrew were separated from the lost boys most of the time, but knew their location from Peter announcing it so often. They were mostly just spectators to the game, most of the tribe was after the main prize, Peter Pan.
They walked through the jungle, somewhat following their leader in the battle but their minds were not on the fight, they weren't even on the island.
"Not a message since Toontown, and the last one was just... well you know." Skylar had the phone in her hand, and wished the blank screen would light up with anything.
"Yeah, it doesn't exactly make any sense. Should we try contacting them?" Andrew said, looking to his left as an Indian yelled out a battle cry.
Skylar showed her answer by typing hello and sending it.
"I don't think we'll get a reply." She admitted, slipping the device into her back pocket.
"I feel the same, they would have said something by now." He was quiet for a short while but finally brought up another topic of interest. "Do you think we will find Mickey somewhere in Fantasyland?"
"I don't know. They think--the characters think that--" Skylar lowered her voice. "Walt is still alive. They aren't the most reliable source of information."
"Sure they're characters but give them some credit. They told us about, at least, who we think was texting us on that phone."
"Yes, what we found out is that they both have red hair and are quite depressing. That's helpful." Skylar sighed.
"It may be, if they are real we'll find them."
"Mickey wants me to do it, therefore I have to." Kenton breathed typing rapidly once again.
He was researching one of the two people currently in the HPOE or Happiest Place on Earth but Kenton didn't like to say this whole name and preferred the abbreviation. In his opinion, it wasn't a happy place at all.
He did an simple web search at first, finding the public records which gave him the basic information on Andrew.
Mickey had said that it was Andrew he'd need to contact when the time came so Kenton needed to know everything about him by that time.
On the internet was Andrew's date of birth, address, possible associations and family relations, and an email that was presumed to be his. For now this would do, Kenton just had to wait until they got out. When that would be was hard to gauge. Andrew and Skylar were in their last land, the land of Fantasy but that was the hardest one of all. Quinn and him didn't have the greatest experience there.
Just thinking back on their trip to the HPOE two years ago made Kenton shut down the computer forcefully and take a minute to just breathe. He had to keep his thoughts off of her.
Mickey had left quickly after he told Kenton what he had to do. As soon as they got out he'd have to act. If the company still used the same methods, which he believed they did, they would be quick to interrogate Skylar and Andrew. Kenton was instructed to get to them before that but as to how he would still had him stumped.
If only Quinn was there.
Skylar and Andrew were now way off the war path. The sounds of victory cries and Indian drums were drowned out by the eerie jungle noises from all around. They had walked for quite a while, venturing further and further from Peter Pan in the process.
Flying over the whole island once, they knew vaguely of what it looked like but that didn't help them place where they were now. All places in the jungle looked the same with tons of leafy trees and abundant tropical flowers blooming. It was all beautiful and, unfortunately, all identical.
Both of them were getting sick of the endless forest, with its overgrown and tangled vegetation, when there came a splash. Pushing past the last trees that blocked their view, they finally saw the mermaids' lagoon.
It was a secluded pool that led out to the ocean in calm rolling waves. The clear water glistened with vivid colors in almost an ostentatious way as it lapped up the shore. Out in the lagoon were several bright rocks in rather jagged shapes which the mermaids of the island would spread out on, basking in the sunlight and combing their hair lazily.
Such a mermaid had just vanished from Marooners' Rock, with a splash of her tail as it slipped under the surface of the water.
Mermaids were not known to have any civil words with humans. They avoided them most of the time unless of course it was Peter. They adored Peter Pan who would chat with them on Marooners' Rock and sit on their tails when they got cheeky.
So, when two teenagers had arrived at the mermaid hangout they dived into the water quickly. However, they did not swim away, they stayed within a good distance, close enough to hear and observe the interlopers.
Mesmerized by the beauty of the lagoon, the humans didn't notice the fish-tailed eavesdroppers. They talked of dull boring things that didn't interest the partial fish.They were about to swim away when something caught their interest.
"--Peter Pan seems to have forgotten all about us." The girl said.
"Peter Pan?" Gasped a mermaid with many starfish in her blonde hair.
Much to the mermaids delight, the pleasant tune that Peter always played on his pipes suddenly filled the air. Forgetting the pesky people for a moment they all came out from behind the rock calling out for Peter Pan.
Sure enough, the boy who would not grow up flew out of the trees and landed, posed pompously, on a rock. The mermaid were overjoyed, all crowding around him, fawning over his magnificence.
Meanwhile, Andrew and Skylar had made their way to one of the rocks out there as well, Marooners' Rock in fact, attempting to get a better view of everything. It was when Andrew slipped on the crumbly surface that the mermaids noticed them.
Peter Pan was enjoying the mermaids obsequious attention, beginning the tale of one of his many adventures when one mermaid interrupted him.
"Who are they?" She cried and all her fellow fish joined in, expressing their discontent.
"Awh that's just--" Peter didn't really remember. "Them."
"A girl?" A black haired mermaid shrilled.
By this point, they had used their long tails to swim over to the rock that Skylar and Andrew were now carefully balanced on. Both mischievous and vain, the mermaids had a deep hatred for any girls that knew Peter Pan. They went straight to work, splashing both humans with water and trying to drag them into its depths.
Despite their cries for help, Peter Pan found the humans' situation quite amusing.
When asking Peter for help didn't work Andrew tried to reason with their attackers instead. They didn't listen to logic and it was all the more irritatingly boring to them so Andrew tried a different approach. It was a ditch-effort but he had to try, the tide was coming in, and Marooners' Rock was shrinking at a rapid pace.
"Hey!" He yelled as loud as possible. "Do you ever wonder why Peter Pan is always flying?"
The mermaids perked up at this but one said scathingly. "Don't you dare talk about Peter, you filthy human."
"So you don't know then? I would have thought you would know why he stays in the air." Andrew taunted them just the right way.
"Why? Why does Peter always fly?"
At this point, even Peter's eyes were on them, awaiting an answer.
"Peter Pan always flys because he
Peter thought the joke was a riot, and he flew high while he laughed his head off. The mermaids, on the other hand, didn't comprehend the pun in the slightest and they were even more vexed than before.
Thrashing their tails in the water angrily, the mermaids succeeded in hauling the teens into the no-longer-beautiful lagoon. The Marooners' rock was fully submerged in the fishes' domain, and so were the air-breathing humans at the moment. Oh how the last air burned as it escaped from their starving lungs and rose to the surface of the water as small, quiet bubbles.
Thus perished Skylar and Andrew.
• • •
That is what the mermaids believed, and Peter would have too, had he remembered them three minutes later.
Either way the matter was solved, they were dead, or so it was concluded by Peter Pan's biggest fans in the ocean.
Truly, they weren't dead, just not in Neverland anymore. The pair gladly found themselves to be back on Main Street, sopping wet on the pavement, but glad. Though their relief was melted when a certain figure loomed over them. All they saw at first were his metal feet.
"I oughta wring your neck out!" The statue screamed so suddenly.
Both felt too dazed to say anything with their insides still filled with extra water but got up off the floor nevertheless. Andrew got an immediate head rush and staggered to the left while Skylar tried holding herself upright, mostly successful.
When Skylar got up, her face was inches from the bronze one of the statue. His black metal eyes narrowed at her and she jumped back immediately. He took a few steps toward her again, and she backed away just as fast. Then he stopped, seeing as he wasn't going to get any closer to her.
Andrew was more coherent when the statue yelled again.
"You are too smart to be making such dumb choices! I thought--." His voice softened when he seemed to see Skylar's face.
Andrew was not sure what to make of anything. He wanted to slug the statue when hearing what he said but knew metal wasn't hitting material. Also, the statue was not addressing him at all, wasn't even looking at him. The Walt figure was solely focused on Skylar, and this was puzzling.
Skylar wasn't noticing any of these details for she was too petrified to make any logical connections. Yet, she had really strong deja vu.
"You have to finish this." The statue said, strikingly calm all of a sudden. "Get through all the attractions and then you can--well, go home, to your--families." He now acknowledged Andrew's presence, glancing quickly his way. "Just, don't do anything dangerous, okay?"
Both were speechless, completely without any words that would even come to their mind. This spell only lastly a moment though, and then a billion and one things did fill their minds so much so that what came out of their mouths was only a jumble of things that didn't make much sense.
Finally one clear question came out of Andrew's mouth.
"What?!" Only it wasn't worded so politely.
"Your next location is up to you." The Walt remained calm and ignored Andrew. "Once you're done with Fantasyland you should be back here and I will let you out. Just be careful, I--." He stopped mid-sentence.
Skylar and Andrew waited for the frozen figure to continue but he did not. He stood there, mouth still open, not moving a muscle or rather a bronze piece. Time went on, still no movement or sound whatsoever from the statue, he really was now just a statue.
"Just 'ad to do it, didn't you? Pulling de strings of de statue, pulling the strings of de kids, I know a lotta 'bout strings, oh de money that puppet without dem did make." Stromboli seemed to lose himself for a moment. "Dey aren't 'appy wit you, you shouldn't 'ave messed with dose kids."
"I don't care if they aren't happy with me, I wasn't about to let them die." The man snarled at him and turned back to the screen. He had let the statue sit there so long, he could not continue, they now knew he what he'd done and the teens were already on their way to the next attraction anyway.
"What do you care? It is no skin off your nose, eh?" The Puppet Master scratched himself lazily. "I'm just 'ere to warn you, because dey sent me, that dey're watching you. First de failure with dat red-'aired girl, now dis."
"Get out, before I--" The man stood up, approaching the round Italian and raising his right hand in the air threateningly.
"Before you what? You 'aven't got it anymore, remember? Besides, you can't claw your way outta dis one anyway." Stromboli growled and then left the room.
The man sank back into the computer chair. He didn't know what to do, or couldn't do anything, or both. He had interfered too much, saving Skylar and Andrew a second time. Now it was up to them to survive. He just hoped that when they were finished, they'd have a way out. He didn't know if he could provide the escape, using the statue to create the lightening. Someone else in the company may be put up to the job, and then who knows what would happen.
His forget-me-not blue eyes, that displayed profound melancholy, traveled to the clock that hung on the wall. The day was ending once again, as it did too often. This would be the 22nd day she was in the HPOE, at least he thought it was the 22nd day.
He now deeply regretted sending Skylar into the strange land, he had previously thought her prepared though now felt differently. But, even if he had not wished to send her in at the beginning, it's not like he really had a say in the matter.
His hair was no longer jelled back and now showed it's true nature in a mess of curls, each looking like a little black candle from a distance. He was very ghost-like with a pale yet rakishly handsome countenance. He flexed his right hand disconcertedly as if he was trying to regain feeling in it and then shut the computer monitor off with his left one.
His mind was spinning. He had so many things that pressed in his head for attention. Skylar was the main reason for his distress but what he'd recently discovered was troubling him as well. The company this whole time had known, they had kept it from him for the longest time waiting until the right moment to throw him off. The reasoning behind it he still had no idea, and things were still a little hazy for him. It wasn't all clear, he only knew bits, memory came back slowly. He recalled something about a contract, he'd signed it back in his land, and well he wasn't quite sure what he had signed on for.
He stared at his hand again as if it were a foreign object.
He had first been enlightened the day the two newest teenagers had gone into the Happiest Place on Earth. They had done something to jog his memory and the major points had come back. Who he was, where he was from, his life's one aspiration, his arch enemy. He was extremely confused who he was, he had led two lives and was now stuck in both.
He now understood his natural hatred for the red-haired children, he believed he knew exactly why they were orphaned. Still, he didn't want it, he didn't want to know anymore what he really was. Better to live in ignorance than know the agonizing truth. He didn't want to be like all of them, but they'd all signed the dotted line. Most had known way before him, he was different in the fact that he had started new life over. Others were the same people both places but no, he hadn't been. Ignorance had been idyllic, it really did wonders for his character.
Alas, like all facades, his fell down at last. Skylar and Andrew's facade had also fallen down, they knew all was not right. But could it be fixed? Not the facades, surely, no one wanted that, but rather the truth. Was the truth the answer? And did anyone really want to know it?
Hello readers, and welcome to the end of the chapter.
I'm sure you too have many pressing questions and that's great, so sorry I can't answer them. You'll just have to wait.
I was very inspired when writing this chapter, you may have noticed, because I read J. M. Barrie's story (the original story) of Peter Pan, it's official title "Peter and Wendy." It's a great book and I encourage you to read it, it may even help you out with this book, may answer some questions...
And if you do find out something or are guessing, well great for you, don't spoil it!
(I'd like to comment on the Italian accent I attempted for Stromboli (the Italian Puppet Master from Pinocchio, just in case you didn't know). He had a very small part he and isn't crucially important to the plot or anything but I threw him in and it worked out great. With the accent I don't mean to offend anyone. I have to say I'm not all that great with accents but have been trying to learn. If you have any feedback on how Italians really sound let me know :) )
So, yes you probably have many more questions like:
-who is that? -what? -why do you keep trying to kill your characters?
but be patient. Things will become clear. All in good time.
P.S. this was almost 6,000 words, longest chapter ever!
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