CHAPTER 3:Andrea
We continue with the carnage, and if i may say so, we are quite skilled at destruction.
"Let us go into the upstairs now!" Becks shouts out
"Seriously becks? Home?" I ask
"Yeah i love that animation girl, i mean the botched english was absolutely magnifico" she says while laughing like a maniac, like i said before craaazzy.
"Guys if we're going to this and get out we need to do it now, benny will be back any second" says vee
"Okay then, up we go" we march up the stairs weapons in hand, and in my mind i see us moving in slow motion while little mix's song power plays in the background, okay okay i know i'm wierd.
We eventually get to benny's bedroom and just like downstairs, everything is white, seriously! What is with the white decor?, ha! Men can be such hypocrites, acting like dirty animals but putting up colours that symbolize purity.
Becks still has two bottles of red wine in her hand, so she empties them on the duvet and the rug, vee is in the bathroom getting all the stuff in the cabinet on the floor.
Becks opens the wardrobe and starts flinging out benny's clothes and shoes which i gladly massacre with a scissors i found in the drawer i just finished destroying, i do a really good job because benny's expensive suits are laying in a tattered heap all cut up and looking fancy on the floor, and the shoes......well lets just say they are no more wearable (note my evil snicker)
Becks and i finish up in the room and join vee in the bathroom
"This is not good enough" states becks upon entering
So she uses her axe to break the toilet, the sink, the bathtub, the floor just about anything she sets her sight on
At this point vee and i are just standing back watching becks work her personal brand of magic that is destruction.
Water starts gushing out from the broken sink and toilet so we all make a quick exit into the bedroom.
Becks stands there heaving like she just ran a marathon, that girl has pent up anger issues
"Hey becks you're heaving alot, u okay?" Asks vee
"Si si i'm fine" she says out of breath
"You shouldn't be heaving this much though, you should come to the gym with me next time i'm going"
I was trying to cut up the rug but that statement vee made stalls my movement
"You saying i'm fat chica?!" Becks shouts out angrily at vee
She's holding that axe awfully tight
"Because if you are chica then......"
"Look becks......"
"I'll have to say thank you" becks finishes.
Wait what? Thank you? What.....?
Becks continues
"because mi padre always tells me that men like women who they can grab, you know like really really grab, like you and me, not skinny girls like andrea"
"Heeey!!" I shout while getting up from my position on the floor. Why do i feel like there was an insult in there for both vee and i.
"No offense chica, just telling you what mi papa said"
"Yeah right! You're lucky i love my skinny self"
"Mmhhmmm" becks mumbles skeptically
"It's called self love bitch!" I tell her
"Okay okay whatever"
"Okay lets get out of here" i state urgently
I make a move to leave when i realize that vee isn't near us anymore.
I see her near the upturned bedside table, she's on her knees looking at something she's holding, when i get closer i see it's a picture of her and benny from when they went to Dubai.
"Vee" she's too engrossed in her thoughts and doesn't hear me
"Vee! Come on"
"We need to go"
"Oh...okay sure lets go" she lets the picture she's holding drop to the floor and follows me out of the room to meet becks who is already downstairs
"Let's go! Lets go! Girls come on" we hear becks shouting as we get downstairs, we are almost at the door, when suddenly the front door flings open.
Benny walks in on us as we are about to leave and the scene behind us is....well it is what it is.
"Wha!.......wha.......what the fuck happened here?!" He's looking confused like he doesn't recognise where he is.
He looks at us confused, we are obviously responsible for the destruction because vee is holding the golf club, i'm holding the baseball bat and becks has the axe slung over her shoulder looking like a serial killer with an axe.
Becks, vee and i are stuck standing there like statues, i mean it's not like he doesn't deserve it but getting caught when you never wanted to be seen can be quite shocking.
"No no no no no, not the vase, not the vase!, oh my God no" he runs towards the dining table and picks up the glass vase that was once on the table but is now on the floor.
He's at the point of tears now, it's like we're invisible to him at this point, he just runs around like a mad man looking at everything, he runs into the kitchen shouting "no! No! No! Please no! Not the wine no!"
It's like he hasn't seen the new job of the sitting room or he has, but he's in too much shock for his brain to know it's his wine.
"Let's go" i tell vee and becks
"Yeah lets" vee says looking a bit sad
"Stop right there!!!" We hear him scream just as we get to becks' car parked on the driveway.
The shout startles us into stopping
"Veve what happened here baby?.....did someone break in?.....did...did someone rob the house what fucking happened to my house!?"
"Oooh pwoor baby trying to rationalize" i say in a mocking child-like voice
"We did this benny!!" Vee screams at him, she's getting red with anger.
"Wh...wh...wh...why!?" He asks with a stutter, he's looking pale now
"Why benny? Did you just ask me why? Well it's because you're a lying cheating bastard!
"What?....what makes you think i'm cheating!? I would never cheat on you, i love you, why would you do this to me?"
He asks her looking so dejected, i can see a tear roll down his cheek but before it reaches his chin he quickly wipes it off with the back of his hand.
"You lying bastard, i smelt the perfume on you!"
"What perfume i don't get it?" He looks genuinely confused
"When you came over to my house last night i smelled it! a woman's perfume on you, it was all over you! Don't deny it! My house still reeks of it, i mean who even sprays that much perfume? It's an abomination?!"
"I have never cheated on you! Yes there was a woman's perfume on me but there is a very good explanation for that"
Why do they always say that? I hate it when men say that, especially in movies, because they are never able to explain and they just keep opening and closing their mouths like a fish out of water, sooo annoying.
"Okay cabro let's hear what you have to say" becks tells him
He turns to vee "well when we were in hawaii last month.....and we were walking by the beach, you told me that you would love to have a house by the beach and...."
"So? What does that have to do with anything?" Vee interrupts
"Well i saw a beautiful house by the beach i thought you would love, and i made an offer for it, i wanted it to be your wedding gift from me, i met up with amanda sinclair yesterday at the delmar hotel, she's the real estate agent who sold me the house, it's her perfume you smelled on me, it was so strong that even i almost choked!"
he says all this with such sincerity that i'm almost tempted to believe him, keyword being almost.
"Seriously cabro you think we are that stupid?" Becks asks him looking very angry
"Okay...okay i can prove it, the papers are in my car"
He fumbles around for something in the pocket of his sweatpants, he eventually pulls out his car keys and opens his car, he picks up a white envelope sitting on the driver's seat.
He walks over to us and holds out the envelope to vee, but she doesn't take it, so i move closer and snatch it from him.
I quickly open the envelope and skim through the contents
"Girls it's true, these are house documents in the name of Veronica de luca, there are pictures of the house here, it's a beachside house, the date the document was signed is shown was yesterday"
"What?.....but..." vee mumbles
"Let me see that" becks takes the papers from my hand and looks them over. When she's done she hands them over to vee
"Fine then the perfume issue is settled, but what about all the other things?" Becks asks
"What other things?! I have never cheated on her"
"Tell him vee" i pipe in. Silence.
I turn to her and she is just looking at the house documents with a dumbfounded look.
"Vee!" Becks shouts
"We said tell him all the ways you knew he was cheating" becks encourages.
"Well there was the perfume"
"We already know what happened with the perfume, not that we can take his word for it entirely but atleast he has proof for that, so what else?"
She's quiet for a few seconds, too quiet for my liking
"Veronica douglas de luca how else did you know that benny was cheating?" Becks asks calmly
"The perfume, i mean it was a woman's perfume, it's a joy baccarat pure perfume limited edition"
As if knowing the name of the perfume makes the situation any better.
Becks holds her head with both her hands and closes her eyes.
I'm currently in a state of panic "vee i mean....there must be something else, what about a used condom?"
"Text messages about how great last night was?"
"Give me something to work with vee!, not even a lipstick stain on his clothes?, his car?, his phone?......him? Nothing at all?"
It probably seems wierd to have a lipstick stain on a car or phone, but i am so not in a calm state right now sooo...
"No!! It was just the perfume okay!"
"Dammit vee!, we just........we......we....what we did........"
I can't even string a complete sentence, because the ramifications of what we did to an innocent man's house just hit me full force.
The flood gates of guilt have been opened and i am feeling terrible.
You know that moment when you feel so terrible that your throat feels narrow, and you can't swallow saliva, and when you do swallow it hurts? Well that is exactly what is happenning to me now.
"I'm sorry girls, i really thought he was cheating"
She turns to benny who is now sitting on the floor of the driveway
"i'm so so so sorry babe" at this point she's crying
"I'm sorry i doubted you" she moves towards him still holding the documents.
She squats down beside him and reaches out to touch him but he doesn't let her, he just gets up and walks back into his warzone house like a zombie, she follows him to the door but he closes it with a bang.
Becks is just pacing while holding her head, i'm sure she's feeling more guilty because she did more of the destruction than any of us.
Vee is just standing there bawling her eyes out.
The painful thing about this situation is that, it's not the first time vee wrongly suspected a man of cheating.
I guess violence is never really the answer.
1(Mi) meaning (my) pronounced as (me)
2(Si) meaning (yes) pronounced as (see)
3(Chica) meaning (girl) pronounced as (chika)
4(Cabro) meaning (he-goat) pronounced as (kabro)
If there is any spanish word i missed please do tell me in a comment. ♥️♥️♥️ Thank you loyal readers and God bless.
Till the next update😘😘
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