It's not a wonderful life

After James and Winn contacted Peter and Alex that Kara hasn't shown up for work, they checked in on her at her place.

What they found was Kara on the floor with something attached to her chest.

They bring Kara to the DEO to find out what's happening to her and what the thing attached to her is.

"What's her condition?" Hank asks Gwen after sending James and Winn away.

"She's unresponsive to outside stimuli, but her brain activity is normal." Gwen tells them from the data she's collected. "It's like her body is unaware that anything is wrong."

"What the hell is attached to her?" Peter asks his girlfriend.

"Whatever it is, it's not from earth." Gwen says from what she can tell.

"We have someone that might know what it is." Alex states referring to Maxwell they have in the basement.


In reality, it was the work of Astra and Non who attached the parasite, called the Black Mercy.

Astra was unaware of what happened and now knows she has to help Kara. After all, she's still family.


Gwen has come with a solution to force the creature off of Kara using a titanium alloy claw.

"We just need to pull it off of her slow and steady." Gwen explains as the claw gets into position.

"Claw is secure. Commence extradition." Hank tells her.

As they start prying it off, Kara's condition becomes unstable and they stop the claw.

"What the hell happened here?" Hank asks Gwen.

"That...was a symbiotic defense. If we try to pull it off by force, it'll kill Supergirl." Gwen tells them.

"Parker, see what you can find out what's wrong with our satellites while we work this out." Hank tells Peter and he heads off to see if the dishes are working.


Peter was repairing the satellite dish when his senses go off, warning him of a kryptonian and quickly turns to see Astra and quickly sends repulser blasts her way until she uses her super speed and grabs him before raising him into the air.

"I came here to help Kara, not fight." Astra informs him.

"You tried to kill me and Kara, why should I believe you?" Peter asks her.

"Kara saved me from a death without honor. As a fellow soldier, I expect you understand the meaning of that." Astra tells him and he lowers his repulsers as Astra let's him go. Peter then starts using his repulses to stay in the air to see what she has to say. "Kara has been attacked by a telepathic parasite known as the Black Mercy."

"She's in a sorta coma. Her brain waves are still active. It's like as if she is awake." Peter tells her.

"The Black Mercy has her trapped in lifelike hallucinations. Her perfect fantasy life that grows more real with each passing moment." Astra explains.

"How can I get her out of it?" Peter asks, wanting to help his friend.

"Kara must reject the fantasy herself." Astra explains.

"How can she do that if she doesn't even know it's fake?" Peter questions.

"I can tell you how to help her. But you have to trust me." Astra warns him.

"Last time I took your word, six innocent people died." Peter reminds her.

"What does my niece mean to you?" Astra finally asks.

Peter thinks about her question and starts to question it himself. "She's my friend." He answers honestly.

"Are you going to listen or not?" Astra asks him. "If she's your friend, how far are you willing to go to help her?"


"There's no way I'm letting you do this!" Hank states to Peter. "Is too risky."

"It's the only way that we can stop the Black Mercy, and save Kara." Peter defends. "Gwen can easily modify the virtual reality tech so I can get into Kara's head, and explain to her what she's experiencing see hallucinations."

"Unless Astra's playing you." Hank replies.

"Kara is going to need Winn and James when she wakes up." Alex tells them.

"Bring them in." Hank tells her.

"I thought it was gonna take some more convincing." Alex admits.

"I'll check in on you later, after I've dealt with Cat." Hank states before leaving.

It didn't take Gwen long before she was able to change their tech to amplify itself to be in link with Kara's mind.

"Okay, so, this helmet will instantly connect you work Kara's consciousness. It will allow you to experience whoever's going on in her mind and affect it as much as you want." Gwen tells him as Peter starts lying down on the table.

"Remember, you're going into a unfamiliar environment. And we don't know if you'll have your powers in there." Alex warns him.

"Don't worry, I still have my training." Peter assures her. "Besides, just need Skirt to see the truth in order to get out. Shouldn't be so difficult." He states as Gwen places the headset on his head.

"Okay, Peter, you're going into the matrix. In 3..2..1." Gwen counts down and activates the machine.


Peter starts opening his eyes in confusion to what's happened, and looks around to see he's in some large bedroom. He blinks his eyes to see more clearly and raises his hand to block out the lights.

"Oh, thank the maker." A robotic voice says when Peter turns to see a droid walking in that resembles C-3PO a little too much.

"3PO?" Peter asks, confused to what's happening.

"Master Ren, it's good to see you have awaken." The droid tells Peter...Ren?

"What did you call me?" Peter asks the droid.

"Master Ho-Ren, of course. I'm happy to see you awake, your father has been worried that the fever would not pass." 3PO tells him.

"Father?" He questions. "3PO, where am I?" Peter asks.

"The High Counsel, Sir." 3PO answers and Peter gets out of bed and sees the outfit he's wearing looks a lot like his spider emblem, and he remembers his father's message. The House of Ren.

"I'm on Krypton." Peter now realizes gazing out the window to see an unfamiliar environment. And considering he's never actually been on Krypton, his mind must be filling in the gaps of his memories with his own fantasies. Via Star Warsand Star Trek.

"Ho-Ren, you're awake!" A young voice called out and Peter looks to see a young girl running in and engulfing his leg in a hug. "I knew you'd be okay. It's me, Lee-Ren." She tells Peter who's surprised to see in this life, he has a sister.

"Hey, There. What are you doing here?" Peter asks, needing to focus on the assignment. He needs to find Kara, and wake her up.

"3PO said you were awake." Lee explains to him and let's his leg go.

"Hey, Lee, listen, I need to find a friend of mine. Kara. Do you know where I could find her?" Peter asks, hoping his fake sister can help.

"Kara Zor-El, your friend?" Lee asks him.

"Yeah, where will I find her?" Peter asks her.


Kara is with a ten year old Kal-El and her parents, even Astra after they convinced her that her tie on earth was only a dream.

"Kara was a natural in court today." Alura tells them all and Kara starts blushing. "Kal-El, you would've been so proud of your cousin."

"I noticed your mother and I were not the only ones who came to watch you today." Zor-El comments.

"Ho-Ren is a very nice young man." Alura tells her husband and Kara is wondering where she's heard that name before, then she remembers he's the prince of Krypton. And one of her friends.

"Boy." Zor corrects her. "And yes, I like him very much. Clearly, Kara does too, otherwise she wouldn't be spending so much of her free time with him." He says and Kara starts blushing.

"Father!" Kara complains begging him to stop.

"Kara?" A voice says and they look to see Peter/Ho-Ren.

"Ho-Ren, what are you doing here?" Kara asks him, not understanding why he's here.

"I'm not Ho-Ren. I'm Peter Parker, you know me." Peter tells her and walks closer to her family. "Look, Skirt, you're suffering from the effects of a creature that attacked you, called the Black Mercy. Your aunt told me how it's what created this perfect world for you. You're in the DEO on Earth, I'm here to help you wake up." He tells her.

"Earth?" Kara questions.

"Earth, where we've been raised for most of our lives. Your friends and family are worried about you." Peter tells her.

"Do you still have a fever, Your highness?" Alura asks him.

"No, I'm fine." Peter states and looks to Kara. "Kara, you know me. I'm your friend, remember? Super friends." Peter tells her.

"Your highness, I think you should probably get some more rest." Zor tells him.

"Kara, if you don't remember, we will be trapped here until the Black Mercy kills both of us." Peter tells her.

"Don't listen to him." Zor tells Kara. "He just needs some rest, then we'll be happy."

"Kara, they're trying to keep you here, keep you happy. It's the worst prison than any torture can be brought, because you know it's not real." Peter states and Kara is getting confused.

"He's trying to confuse you with lies." Alura tells Kara.

"Kara, search your feelings. You know this isn't real. I know life isn't perfect, I'm one of the few people who understands your pain. It can be hard and it can be lonely, especially for people like us. Who have sacrificed so much to gain so little. Look, I wish we could've had a life like this with our families, but I know this isn't real. It's nothing but our memories being used against us. Deep down, you know it's all fake." Peter states when the planets surface has started shaking.

"I wish I could tell you the pain goes away with time, but it never does. But they're a part of life, it's what makes us who we are. It's what makes us heroes, it's our greatest gift. To bear their pain without breaking." Peter promises to her.

"You've fought every day alongside me, to keep the people from sharing the same pain as we did. Our power comes from the most human abilities...hope. I need your hope to return, Kara. Try to remember who you are. Because the earth needs its heroes." Peter tells her as the planet continues to shake.

"Supergirl." Kara says, starting to remember.

"Remember your life. With James, Winn, Alex, and Hank. Your family needs you." Peter says and holds her hand as she comes closer to him away from her family. "You have to choose to leave for yourself. Is this life worth it to you?" He asks, wanting her to make this decision.

Kara then turns to look at her family. I wish...I want this to be true. To stay here with you. But this isn't real." She states and looks to her mother. "You taught me to be strong. And I am. Thank you. Krypton will be in my heat forever. But Peter's right. Spider-Man is right. I have to go." She states and the planet starts falling apart and she hugs her mother as a light consumes them.


In reality, Peter just wakes up and sees Kara hasn't waken up yet but the Black Mercy starts crawling away across the floor as Peter blasts it with his repulsers. He then continued to blast it a couple of times before stopping.

Kara wakes up and sees everything around her.

"Kara, you okay?" James asks her.

Kara stays silent for a minute and looks to the creatures remains. "Who did this to me?" She asks them.

"Non." Alex tells her.

"Where is he?" Kara then asks.

They bring her up to speed with what's been happening with their satellites going down and solar storms that Peter missed.

"The Kryptonians used the Black Mercy and the solar storms to distract us from their next move. Agent Vasquez tells me you have a working theory in what that might be." Hank asks Winn.

"Like I said before, I thought it would have something to do with satellites. And since I spent most of my day looking at satellite signals, I decided to analyze them with your computers which, by the way, If you're ever having, like, a fire sale, you just let me know." Winn begs Hank.

"It's like if you were a boy." Peter tells Gwen who agrees.

"I found some hidden transmissions buried in the C-band spectrum. They all seem to be using Lord Tech servers, which happen to be based at the San lab they attacked." Gwen explains and pulls up the maps of locations.

"He's using Maxwell's tech to override the civilian network." Alex realizes. "Non didn't take anything, he left something behind, a virus."

"How do we find them?" Kara asks.

"Lord's companies hand;e six other satellite farms in the city limits, might be their next target." Peter tells them what he picked up this morning, flying around the city.

"Scramble our teams to each location." Hank tells them.

"Non is mine." Kara states to him.

"Ours." Peter corrects her.


In the satellite farms, the Kryptonians are setting up explosives when Kara comes flying into Non and flies him out before slamming him into the ground.

"Do you have any idea what you did to me?!" Kara asks him before raising her fist. "You made me lose them again!" She informs him and starts listing what she lost while beating him. "And you think that I'm gonna let you take this world away from me, too? You think I'm gonna let you hurt them like you hurt me?" She asks and states she will never before throwing him.

At one of their other farms, Peter comes flying in to find Astra is there.

"I don't want to fight you, Astra." Peter tells her but knows their fight is inevitable.

"I helped save my niece out of a sense of duty, which does not extend to you." Astra tells him.

"Astra, we both know that's not why you helped her." Peter tells her and removes his mask to face her. "You love your niece. That's how I know your heart isn't in this war."

Astra uses her speed and pushes Peter against the wall and slams him into it. "You don't know anything about me."

"I know that you have had dozens of opportunities to kill me, the Prince of Krypton. Who you think failed Krypton itself. And even Kara. But you haven't, because you don't want anyone else to die. You just don't want to admit it after everything you've done. Give it up." Peter asks her when someone slams into the ground behind them and they look to see it's J'onn J'onzz.

"I thought all your kind were dead." Astra states.

"I am the last." J'onn confirms to her. "Earth is my home now. And I will not let you take it from me." He tells her and the two start to fight each other and Peter helps J'onn.

Kara and Non are also fighting as she promises that earth will always be under her protection when he mentioned something called Myriad. Whatever that is.

Astra has J'onn on his knees, and Peter is beaten down as she's ready to kill him.

"Fear not, Martin. You will die a honorable death." Astra promises J'onn when Peter uses the little kryptonite he keeps within the Iron-Spider, and turns it into a repulser blast, and fires it directly at her chest, leaving a hole in her.

Non used his heat vision to attack the satellite before taking off, and Kara let him go to save the satellite dish from killing others. That's when Peter called Kara about Astra's condition.

"I'm so happy to see your friend was able to bring you back." Astra says seeing Kara's okay.

"Astra, I have to tell you, when I was under the Black Mercy you were there as my family." Kara says and starts tearing up at her.

"Listen to me, Non can't be stopped. If you stand in his way, he will kill you and those you love." Astra warns her.

"He said something about Myriad. Tell me what it is before it's too late, please."

"It already is, Little one." Astra says as she dies and they see three lights approaching and they leave to avoid more kryptonians.


Non obvious hasn't taken the news of his wife's death easily, but Peter was too late to get Astra's Myriad databases.

Peter was sulking in his training room when Hank Enters to see him.

"You made the right call. Astra was a righteous kill." Hank tells him.

"Doesn't make taking a life any easier." Peter replies to him.

"You made the hard call. It's what heroes do." Hank states.

"How's Skirt doing?" Peter asks, knowing she must not be doing good. "Astra may have been her enemy, but she was also family. I know how it feels to need to stop people who you once loved."

"She's taking it hard as expected. I mean, she never stoped believing that she could be saved. That's what separates you two from soldiers. You know when the call has to be made, and still try to refuse to call it." Hank tells Peter and he leaves Peter alone.

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