Elseworlds III

"What are you talking about?" Oliver asks Clark.

"Clark, it's us. Barry, Peter and Oliver." Barry says.

"Oh, I know who you are. Your confusion lies with me." Superman tells them.

"Deegan." Peter guesses. "The Monitor did give you the Book back."

"And then he showed me how to really use it." Deegan confirms.

"You can't just write yourself as a hero. It doesn't work that way." Barry tells him.

"Doesn't it, though? You were struck by lightning. He was bit by a spider. I was given the Book by a higher power." Deegan says. "All random acts of chance. But this, this is my destiny. So much more than being the Flash or Spider-Man was ever yours."

"People don't become heroes because of circumstances. They become them in spite of circumstances." Peter corrects him. The spider bite didn't make him a hero, honoring his uncle and everyone else he lost is what does that.

"You're just a cheap knockoff." Oliver adds.

"Oh, I'm anything but cheap." Deegan says and uses his heat vision and blows up around a crane. "Just wait till you see what other fun changes I've made. To your family, friends. There is no safe harbor for you. This is no longe your world. It's mine!"

He thunder slams and sends them flying backwards.

"Got any bright ideas?" Oliver asks them.

Peter looks up at the crane and gets an idea he's gonna regret later.

"Hand me that gun." Peter tells him and Oliver hands it to him and they stand up to face Deegan.

"Idiot, I'm bulletproof." Deegan reminds him.

"Oh, I know." Peter says with no emotion. He turns the gun to the crane and sends it tumbling. "You wanna be a hero?! Then you have to make a choice."

"Save the children, or stop us." Barry tells him.

"Your choice...Superman." Oliver says and Deegan flies off to stop it and they take off running.


"Being bad makes me feel bad, man." Barry says as they all run.

"How do you think I feel?" Peter asks. "Besides, the crane would've just landed in that empty parking lot. Physics, momentum, mass. Everything a psycho doctor fake-hero doesn't account for."

They take a minute to breath and come up with a plan.

"We need to find out how extensive this reality change is, and we need to get off the streets." Oliver says.

"Wait. Other people from different realities aren't affected the same. Maybe if we find Harry, he can help us. We can have him make a device to breach us to Earth-38, get the real Superman and my doppelgänger." Peter tells them his plan.

"How do we find Harry?" Barry asks.

"That's another problem." Peter says as they run off.

Kara is as of this moment trapped inside the pipeline at Star labs now Superman's headquarters and the heroes head to where they supposedly live.

"Okay, we find Harry, get him to build a breach device, get to Earth-38, and get the super friends." Barry agrees and they head to their apartment and head inside.


The three of them suddenly appear in space on what looks like some Super Smash Bros. platform.

"Gentlemen." They year the Monitor and turn to face him. "It's time we talked about your destiny. I must confess, my interest has been piqued. You possess neither power nor abilities, and yet still managed to outwit an opponent with the powers of a super man."

"It's just one word. Superman." Peter tells him.

"What is this?" Oliver asks him. "If you're testing us, then let us get back to it."

"Oliver Queen, a man who channels his hubris and anger and calls it strength. Are you truly that eager to die?" Monitor asks him and it's like he's reading him. "Not eager. Willing. There might be how for this universe yet."

"If that's supposed to be a pep talk. I've had better." Barry tells him.

"Self sacrifice alone will not see you through this trial. Survival will only be found by knowing your true self, or this world will be doomed like all the others." Monitor says and suddenly they find themselves back in the hallway.

"I'm starting to not like this guy." Peter states.

"Okay, where would we find Harry?" Barry wonders.

"Where's the nearest coffee place?" Peter asks.

Harry was at Jitters when Peter came in with a baseball cap and glasses.

"Deegan rewrote reality again?" Harry guessed.

"How do you do that?" Peter asks him.

"Let's just be glad that I did." Harry says and shows he already built the breach device. "Worked on this when I woke up in this new reality. Get Allen and Queen. Time to fix reality."



Peter, Morg'Ann, Clark and Lois were at the Fortress of Solitude when a breach opened and the team exit.

"Oh, thank goodness." Barry says seeing the others.

"You're welcome." Harry says while taking a drink from his coffee.

"Still Barry?" Clark asks.

"No. We got that stored." Oliver tells him.

"Oh, so it's fixed. That's great." Clark says and Peter notices their faces.

"Where's Skirt?" Peter-38 asks.

"Everything's back to normal, but we have a new problem." Peter-1 tells them.

"Also, who's she?" Barry asks, looking to Morg'Ann.

"Oh, I'm Morg'Ann. Peter's sister." Morg'Ann introduces herself to them.

"You have a sister?" Oliver asks Peter-38.

"It was a...recent discovery." Peter-38 explains. "A lot of things have changed."

They filled the others in on everything that's happened and about the evil Superman.

"You wearing all black. I'd love to see that." Peter-38 comments while chuckling.

"He changed all of Central City, possibly the whole world. They all think he's you and we're bad." Barry says.

"Bottom line, Kara's nowhere to be found." Oliver adds.

"Not entirely true." Harry tells them. "I survived the rewrite this time, so Danvers must just be somewhere Deegan can keep an eye on her and keep her powers off."

"She's in Star labs." Peter-1 puts together.

"Or as its known as now, Superman's fortress." Harry tells him. "If I had to guess, that's where the book is also."

"Okay, so we get in there, we should be able to rewrite reality back to normal." Oliver says.

"How do we do that?" Barry asks.

"I've encountered books similar to this before." Clark tells them. "The author writes things into existence through sheer force of will. But changing the story comes at a cost."

Peter-38 looks to Morg'Ann. "What do ya say, sis? Wanna visit an alternative reality?"

"Like you have to ask twice." Morg'Ann says and picks up her shield. "When do we go?"



Kara was able to escape the pipeline by convincing Alex to help her and runs into Deegan, Killer Frost and Diggle by the elevator.

Deegan was getting ready to kill them when a breach opens and a shield comes through, slams Frost and Diggle before the others arrive through and Morg'Ann catches the shield.

"What's up, doc?" Peter-38 greets the evil Superman.

"Nice suit." Clark comments.

Peter-38, Clark, and Deegan take off into the sky and start fighting.

Morg'Ann uses her shield and slams Diggle and Killer Frost into the elevator and keeps them inside as the doors close.

"My alternative reality sister is awesome." Peter-1 comments and they all look to see Alex and Kara.

"See you brought your doppelgänger." Kara points to the air.

"Yeah, well, told him you were in danger and he started seeing red." Barry says.

"Where would Superman keep something valuable?" Kara asks Alex.

"Anything important to him, he keeps in the fortress of Solitude." Alex tells them and leads the way.

"Come on, I just came from the fortress." Barry complains as he runs with them.


Outside, Deegan shoots a laser at Peter-38 who activated his holo-shield and Clark punches him while he was distracted.

"Just like old times, huh?" Clark asks Peter-38.

"Just like old times." Peter-38 agrees when Deegan throws a Helicopter and Clark races to save it as Peter-38 grabs Deegan and starts wrapping him up in several layers of webbing.

"You can't stop me!" Deegan promises.

"Watch me." Peter-38 dares and when he was webbed enough, he webbed Deegan in the back and flies him into the ground and uses his mechanical arms to drag him through the streets.


The team finds the time vault and Deegan left the book unlocked.

Kara tried to read the book and set things right, but failed because she's too weak to do it and needs to get it to Clark.


Deegan got free of the webbing and slams Peter-38 into the ground by grabbing and flinging him by his mechanical arms.

"Okay...that hurt." Peter-38 says as Clark comes up and punches Deegan away.

"Clark!" Kara calls and they see her come out with the Book. "We need you to open this. Fix things." She asks and they back away as Clark opens the book and begins to fix reality.

First thing that occurred was they all get their suits and abilities back and Star labs became Star labs again.

Barry sped out and they watched Clark fixing everything.

Deegan came flying in and Peter-38 sensed him before he could do anything and Deegan clapped, sending everyone flying and causing Clark to drop the Book.

While everyone was regaining their strength, Deegan stole it and flew off.


They threw Killer Frost and Diggle into the pipeline and closed it up.

The team all came back together when Deegan started rewriting the world, causing it to shake and Star labs returned to Superman's fortress.

"What's happening?" Kara asks.

"He's rewriting reality again." Peter guesses.

"Or destroying it." Peter-38 corrects.

"There might be a way to slow him down. We literally slow down time. That's got to be the fourth craziest thing today." Barry tells them.

"How do we do that?" Morg'Ann asks.

"If Supergirl and I travel around the globe in opposite directions at just over Mach 7, we should be able to create enough force to slow the earth rotation." Barry explains.

"And everything else." Kara adds.

"Then rip the book out of Deegan's hands, and everything goes back to normal," Oliver finishes.

"Sounds like a plan." Peter-38 agrees and they start heading out when Clark stops them.

"You both die." Clark interupts them and they all stop. "When I opened the book, I watched both of you die, doing exactly what you're talking about. If it's in the book..."

"It's destiny," Peter-38 finishes.

"We have to do something." Kara says and they leave.

Oliver gets an idea and starts leaving. "You guys, get the Book."

"What about them?" Peter asks.

"We need to hope destiny can be rewritten." Oliver says and leaves.


Deegan is still wreaking havoc with the Book when Peter, Peter-38, Clark and Morg'Ann come flying in.

"Stop this right now, Deegan!" Peter-38 tells him and raises his repulsers.

"You can't just wear that symbol on your chest and call yourself a hero." Clark adds. "Our powers amplify who we are."

"And the way you've been using your powers, tells us you don't have the mettle for this." Morg'Ann adds.

"No, no. You're wrong! I didn't think big enough. I won't make that mistake again." Deegan says as Amazo reappears and shoots Clark away as Peter and Morg'Ann use their shields to protect themselves. "You see? There is no defeating me! I am the master of this world!" He shouts.

A breach opens and Lois, Brainy, Spider-Ghost and J'onn appears.

"A bit much, don't ya think?" Gwenyth asks.

"An enormous robot with the powers of Superman and the Iron-Spider." Brainy says, commenting on Amazo who reveals his extra arms. "This is exciting. Thank you for including me." He tells Lois and he, Peter-1, and Spider-Ghost go to fight the robot.

"I'll protect the civilians. Finish this." J'onn tells them.

"Guess that leaves us." Peter-38 tells Clark and Lois who's wielding a giant hammer.

"It's over, Deegan!" Clark tells him.

"I decide when the story ends!" Deegan says.

"I liked you better in blue." Lois comments and slams the hammer, blinding Deegan.

Peter-38 takes the opportunity to shoot him back while he was down.

But it wasn't enough as Deegan holds the book out in Clark's direction and starts erasing him.

Peter-38 pushes him out of the light and it hits Lois, sending her flying.

That's when the world begins slowing down thanks to Barry and Kara.

Oliver comes in and Deegan tries using the book to stop him, but Oliver pulls out a glowing arrow and uses it on the Book, destroying it.

Peter-38 webbed Deegan, Clark catches Lois, Barry and Kara are shocked that they didn't die.

The punishment for rewriting reality takes its toll on Deegan as it messes up his appearance.

"Yikes." Peter-1 comments as Brainy drops the Amazo robot.

"Looks like they did it." Peter-38 says when the two return.

"Does the Book say anything about what I should do with this?" Brainy asks as he's holding Amazo's motherboard.

"Whoo. That was a workout." Gwenyth says.


Star labs

"Please tell me this isn't going to be a constant thing for us." Peter-38 pleads to everyone.

"I hope not." Peter-1 says.

"You look just like her." Cisco tells Gwenyth, shocked the woman is alive after being told she died.

"I get that a lot." Gwenyth promises.

"Well, it's been fun." Everyone says as they head back but Peter-38 and Peter-1 wanna catch up.

"You know someplace fun?" Peter-1 asks.

Peter-38 smiles, knowing exactly the place.



Peter brought Peter-1 to Al's bar and he finally sees why he loves this place.

"Just hear me out on this one." Peter-1 says as he finishes another drink. "We both have Spider-Man like copycats. Me with the younger kid, you with the zombie ex-fiancé. And we know there's a whole multiverse out there of spider people because of that younger version of us. Here's my thought; we gather all of the Spider-Men and Women of the multiverse. Create a...Spiderverse if you will. And we start fighting crimes all across the multiverse together like a team. We can call ourselves...the Web Warriors."

Peter-38 chuckles and pats his back. "Start finding some recruits when this wears off." He says sarcastically.

Later, Peter is dragging Peter-1 out of the bar as he's now ready to pass out in any second.

"Come on. Let's get you home." Peter tells him.

"I can taste sound." Peter-1 says.

"Yeah, Yeah." Peter-38 replies, remembering he said something similar when he first drank and opens a breach that leads right back to his place and lets him go through.

Peter chuckles at his drunk double as the portal closes and starts walking home.

"Well done, Peter Parker." Someone says, causing Peter to jump in fear and looks to see the Monitor.

"You have passed the test." Monitor tells him.

"What test?" Peter asks him.

"I saw you fight during the Elseworlds, and I could see the creation of a great warrior. Not many Spider-Men are willing to do everything like you. You believe that your destiny is fulfilled. But you don't know what is yet to happen." Monitor says.

"What are you telling me?" Peter asks him.

"A Crisis is coming. And during that crisis, you must make a decision."

"What decision?" Peter asks, hating this guy is beating around the bush.

"I've seen your future, Peter Parker, inexorable and unavoidable...I have watched you die." Monitor finally tells him.

Peter looks in complete shock and is now frozen in place. "During this...crisis?"

"You have to make the choice to either save the people you love. Your sister, your girlfriend, and your living dead girlfriend. Or you let them die and help save the multiverse." Monitor tells him. "I am truly sorry."

"Oh...you are, huh?" Peter asks, now feeling like his entire world has been turned upside down. "What is it you what?"

"For your universe to survive." Monitor tells him.

"Sounds like you want to end it." Peter states in anger while tears roll down his face and he starts pacing.

"Your determination is boundless, Peter. It is one of the qualities you share throughout every Spider-Man and woman throughout every reality, but you cannot avoid the crisis. On the day of the crisis, you will answer the call and will have to choose the fate of you or the people you love. Soon this world will fight for the fate of all the known universes."

"Tell me how to stop it." Peter tells him.

"I am sorry, but it is inevitable." Monitor tells him. "The events have already been set into motion that you cannot possibly comprehend."

"I don't care about comprehending! Just tell me how I can save them." Peter says, getting into his face.

"The only way for them to survive is you sacrifice your life for them. The only way for you to survive is to sacrifice them." Monitor breaks to him. "In order for billions to survive the upcoming crisis, the Iron-Spider...must...die."

With that, Peter blinks his tears away and sees he vanished.



The Monitor is back on his platform when Madame Web approaches from behind.

"Did you tell him?" Madame Web asks.

"Word for word." Monitor says and faces her. "He reacted just as you thought he would. Or predicted."

"He needed to know..." Madame Web says when Robbie Reyes, the Ghost Rider of Earth-616, appears and sees the Monitor while holding the Darkhold.

"I believe this is yours." Robbie says and tosses the book as it just slides over and stops at the Monitor's feet.

"Robbie Reyes. The man who made a deal with the devil and uses his power to spill the blood of those who spilled the blood of the innocent." Monitor greets him before turning towards Robbie.

"Wanna explain what that was about? Sending a book of unknown knowledges and origins to my world?" Robbie asks.

"The universe is a complex piece of machinery, and balance must be maintained. I am trying to prepare your universes warriors for the war that has yet to come." Monitor explains his actions.

"That doesn't answer my question. What are you doing?" Robbie asks.

"Whatever the universe requires in order to survive the crisis that is looming." Monitor says and starts to approach the man. "You can feel it, can't you? The cries of the universes who have died."

Robbie can in fact, especially here, hear the screams and cries of those who have died and knows there is more to come before the dying stops.

"What can I do to help?" Robbie offers when they look and see Madame Web approach him.

"we need you to..." Madame Web was saying when she starts to faint and Monitor catches her.

"Madame Web. What's happening?" Monitor asks.

"The Crisis...the timeline...it's...coming..it's changing..." Madame Web says as her mind is wrapping over the colliding realities.

"When is it coming?" Monitor asks.

It's already started.

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