
( Just so you know I only had time to write this chapter before I went to bed so some of it might not make sense or stuff like that. Lol, sorry about any mistakes and the long wait there was for this last chapter. )

In the last chapter:

Ash raised the sword so it crossed over to his left shoulder. He was just a couple feet away from Brock, who was kneeling on the ground.

" So.... any last words? " Ash asked once he was right in front of him, a sinister smile formed on his face.

Brock couldn't move his gaze from the eyes that stared down at him, awaiting his answer. He sighed and let a tear fall down his face before he answered.

" I guess there's nothing else to say. " He said and closed his eyes.

With that Ash raised the aura sword above his head and swung it down in a swift movement.


Brock kept his eyes closed, waiting.


But nothing happened.

He opened his eyes and saw Ash in front of him, the blade of the sword almost touching his neck. Ash's wet hair drooped across his face, shading his eyes. He just stood there, not moving an inch.

After a few seconds the end of his lips curved into a friendly smile, he stepped back and burst out laughing, clutching onto his stomach.

Everyone else stared at him, they were speechless.

" Nice fuckin last words! " Ash commented in between laughs.

" What are you doing?! " Lysandre yelled at him. " I ordered you to kill him! I command you! "

" You're not very observant, are you? " Ash said, wiping away the tears that formed from laughing to hard.

The aura sword that he held disintegrated as he walked away from the group, back to the spot he stood in when they first saw him.

" Although I gotta say, it was quite fun to play the part. " He laughed.

He stopped in front of one of the bodies that laid on the ground and held his hand out.

" What do you think, Serena? " Ash asked as Serena grabbed his hand and pulled herself up.

" I hope I never have to play dead again. " She smiled and dusted off her red stained clothes.

" Ugh... " Gary groaned and stood up. " Definitely not the best place to take a nap. "

" You got that right. " Sawyer agreed.

Lysandre along with the traitors stared at the group with a 'wtf' expression.

" You mean...." May began.

" This was... " Max continued.

" All a... " Cilan added.

" Trick? " Iris finished.

Ash turned to face them as he placed his hand on his hip.

" Yup! " He smiled.

The traitors let out a sigh of relief.

" Oh but don't get me wrong, I still hate you. " Ash added.

" So he's...? " Misty asked and pointed towards Lysandre.

" Still a bad guy that wants to kill me along with everyone else. So you know, nothing really new. " Ash replied.

" W-what is this?! " Lysandre exclaimed. " Why aren't you...? "

" Hmm,I wonder. " Ash said and turned to his friends. " hmm, everyone's here except... Hey Bonnie where's your brother? " Ash asked her, not surprised.

" Last time I saw him he was disabling that contraption over there. " She answered and gestured to Team Flare's mind control machine.

" Oh yeah, that's right. " Ash turned back around to face Lysandre with a grin on his face.

" Thought it would be harder to disable it. " Clemont said and came out from behind the machine.

" DON'T LAY A HAND ON THIS MACHINE! " Lysandre screamed at the boy.

" No wonder nobody likes you. " Bonnie stated. " I mean seriously grow up, maybe then you'll stop acting like a little bitch. "

" What did you call me?! " Lysandre yelled.

" I'd be more than happy to repeat it. " Bonnie smirked.

" Bonnie, that's enough. " Clemont scolded.

" So... what...? How...? " Dawn stuttered.

" What the hell's going on?! " Brock questioned.

" Take a wild guess, genius." Alain said.

" Well, we do call them dumbasses for a reason. " Bonnie chimed in.

" STOP IGNORING ME! " Lysandre cut her off.

All of their attention was turned towards him.

" Mind shutting up? " Bonnie groaned.

" Listen here ya little brat! " Lysandre shouted and pointed at Bonnie.

" You listen here bitch, you know a quantum supercomputer calculating for a thousand years could not even approach the number of fucks I do not give. " Bonnie commented before he had a chance to speak. (One of my favorite lines from SAO abridged)

Lysandre glared at her while she stuck her tongue out at him.

" You all think you're so smart, but guess who will be the one laughing when you're all dead! " He threatened.

" As long as we don't have to see your fuckin face. " Bonnie commented.

" Besides in the end our death are the last thing to be worried about. " Gary nervously said with a forced laugh.

" May your soul rest in hell. " Paul muttered, placing his hand together in a praying type pose.

" What the hell are you talking about?! " Lysandre exclaimed.

" Well for the competition there's supposed to be a break after the third day of battles, but since we had to deal with this it was rescheduled to the day after. " Sawyer started to explain, dusting off the dirt that hung to his clothes.

" Some festival or fair thing was suppose to happen and Serena was looking forward to going with...someone. " Alain continued with a slight laugh.

" Like Paul said , may your soul rest in hell and other than that we couldn't really give a shit what else you do as long as you leave us out of it. " Bonnie snickered, placing her hands in the same way Paul did.

Lysandre focused his attention on the girl with honey blond hair, she was cracking her knuckles with a murderous expression that laid across her face.

" Time to intercept. " Ash quickly said and placed his hand on Serena's shoulder as to hold her back.

Serena sighed then nodded her head in agreement to back off.

" So what do you think we should do now then? " She asked, placing her hand on her hip and shifting her weight to her left leg.

" I have an idea. " Ash stated with an evil smirk the spread across his face.

" Please, pathetic children like you are nothing compared to me! To my power! " Lysandre yelled.

" Ash, please... just let me hurt him! " Bonnie begged.

" Relax Bonnie, there's plenty of time for that. " He assured her.

" What do you mean? " She asked.

" I'm sure you'll understand in a minute or so. " Ash replied and pressed a button on his watch.

There was a bright light and once it died down a certain yellow mouse stood in front of them.

" What is this? Do you honestly think you could win in a battle against me?! " Lysandre laughed.

" No shit I could, but that's not my intention right now. " Ash said and pointed at him " Just look behind you. "

Behind Lysandre there was a dark purple portal that grew with every passing second.

" Quick attack. " Ash calmly commanded.

Pikachu rushed forward as fast as he could before Lysandre turned around. He slammed into his target and pushed him through the portal, his screams being that last thing you could hear from him as the portal closed almost immediately.

" Well, glad that's over with. " Gary stretched out his arms and let out a sigh.

" W-what happened to him? " Dawn asked.

" He was taken to the dimension where Giratina lives, where he'll stay until we can find someplace more secure. " Ash replied.

" Wait so what's going on?! " Misty impatiently questioned.

" Well I guess I'd have to explain it sooner or later. " Ash sighed.

" Or we could just kill them and be done with shit. " Bonnie muttered under her breath.

" What did you just say? " Iris asked her.

" Nothing that concerns you. " She shrugged.

" Somehow I doubt that. " Iris grumbled back.

" Meh. "

" Do you always act like this?! You do realize that you're a jerk to like everyone!? "

" Not to worry, I have a permit. "

Bonnie slid her hand inside her pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper, she handed it to Iris without saying another word.

" Huh? " Iris began to unfold the paper and read it. " ...THIS JUST SAYS "I can do what I want." "

" Your point being? " Bonnie asked, amused.

" MY POINT BEING THAT YOU'RE SUCH A BI- " Iris yelled but was cut off.

" You might wanna think about what you say before hand. " Paul interrupted her, stepping between the two girls. " I'm sure you can think of a time where you made a rash decision and it cost you, right? "

Iris had a blank look on her face as she slowly lowered her head so that she was watching the ground below her, while Paul just smirked.

" Anyway do you want to explain things now Ashy boy? " Gary asked.

" Sure, but one thing first. " Ash whispered the last part but still loud enough that they could all hear.

He stepped forward on one foot and spun around, kicking Gary in the leg as hard as he could.

" That's better. " He smiled as Gary fell to the ground with a cry of pain.

" Well this sure is an...eventful day " Clemont commented.

" Yeah, I guess you're right about that. " Ash laughed. " So you see, this plan of ours actually worked on both taking care of Lysandre and getting back at you guys. "

" Because why the hell not. " Alain shrugged.

" We also got some help from the Professor and Tracey, along with these guys. " Ash said and gestured to the figures that were heading towards them

In front of the group stood Mewtwo, Zapdos, Raikou, Zekrom, Azelf, Meloetta, Darkrai and Giratina.

" You have legendaries?! " Max asked, amazed.

" Yup and this isn't all of them. " Ash smiled and took a step back.

Mewtwo went forward and a sort of screen appeared, it was purple around the edges and showed the surrounding area in the center, just like a tv.

On this screen it shows the town and all the buildings, even the forest. Mewtwo began as the screen focused on a clearing in the forest. This clearing you see here, what do you notice about it?

" It kinda looks the same as this one, but I don't see any of us. " Delia answered.

That is correct, where we are now is not the real thing. All of us are currently in another dimension that I had created, its purpose was to move the fighting here so that nothing else would be destroyed.Mewtwo continued.

The screen showed the town with all the buildings, mostly all of them destroyed. There were people who were sitting down and some standing up, all watching the scene in front of them, none of them injured.

The fire was almost completely put out and the buildings near being fully restored, the rest of the pokemon that belonged to Ash were helping not only rebuild the town, but cheer up the people and calm them down.

Not only was there Ash's pokemon, there was the elites and the frontier brains' as well. Along with them there was Mew, Ho-oh, Latios, Palkia, Entei, Yveltal, Suicune, Moltres, Lugia, Celebi, Latias, Deoxys, Jirachi, Manaphy, Shaymin, Reshiram, Victini, Genesect, Cresselia, Articuno, Xerneas, Dialga and Arceus that were all in the care of Ash as well. (cause why not.)

" Mewtwo, Zapdos, Raikou, Zekrom, Azelf, Meloetta, Darkrai and Giratina helped created the lightning and watched to make sure nothing drastic happened. The others were sent to take care of the other people and clean up the town from the mess that was created. " Ash explained.

" You said that the Professor and Tracey had helped, what did they do? " May asked.

" Those two are wearing the same type of charm/pin thingy as we are. I got Clemont to modify them so that they could act as a walkie talkie, when you guys were getting closer they contacted us so we could have a heads up and start preparing to put things into action. " He answered. " Mewtwo was able to stop the time in this dimension right after that blast went off and we were all pushed backwards, during that some of the wild pokemon who offered to help had used sleep powder on everyone other than us. When time was returned from its frozen state we covered our clothes in fake blood that Clayton had made for us and I altered Lysandre memory to think that he had taken control over my mind and that he was winning and you know what happened next. "

" Yeah, we do... " Dawn sweatdropped.

" Although it does sound like a plan that would work, there were some problems that we had to find a way around. For example, after the blast that Team Flare had made, they also activated the mind control machine nearly at the same time. The idea came up that if I were to use my aura powers, I could cancel out the waves that the machine produced, thus eliminating the threat of the machine, especially after when Clemont had taken some of it apart. Before he had a chance to take care of that for us, it was that I had to cancel it out in the split second of space before we would be hit with the full force of the explosion and Mewtwo stopping the time. It barely didn't work. " Ash admitted.

" So what happens now? " Max questioned.

" By tomorrow everything should be fixed so we'll continue with the competition. " Ash informed them.

Serena stood behind him and was glaring at him, giving everyone the chills from her cold stare.

" Um... I mean after a day break. " Ash commented with a slight forced laugh.

" So.. how do we get out of this dimension? " Cilan asked.

" Simple, you don't. " Bonnie joked, trying to freak them out.

After the large group left the dimension they returned back in front of the hotel, Ash and his friends went to go check up on the people of the town while the traitors headed to their hotel room.

The next day Ash and Serena both went to the festival had spent most of the day there, they played some of the games at the stands and had joined up with Gary who was wanting to beat Ash in some of the games. By the end of the night the three of them walked back to the hotel, well two of them at least, Gary was a bit behind limping from getting kicked in the shin multiple time throughout the day by Ash.

The rest of the competition went by quickly and the winner of the competition was announced. Paul had won in all his matches, even his last one against Gary. Now, to bring the tournament to an end there would be one last battle, Paul vs Ash.

( Someone asked for a battle, so here it is. )

The stadium was packed and countless people were watching on the tv from the comfort of their home.

Both of them entered from their own sides and stopped in the small box from where they would give commands. The announcer said the same boring lines as always and they were now allowed to begin.

" About time we had another rematch. " Paul smirkered.

" Seems you've been looking forward to losing. " Ash sighed in a non caring way.

" This time i'll win. "

" Keep telling yourself that. "

" You can send your pokemon out first " Paul offered.

" Alright. " Ash replied, once again playing with the buttons on that watch of his. " Pikachu, you're up! "

A bright light appeared on his side of the battle field and when it died down there was a bright yellow mouse laying down on the ground, sleeping?

" Hey, wake up. " Ash held his hands on his hips, his voice in an annoyed tone.

" Pika pikachu pi pika chu chu Pikapi. " Pikachu muttered, turning around trying to fall back asleep.

" Fine, no ketchup for you. I'll just give it all to Clayton, you wouldn't mind that, right? " Ash shrugged.

Pikachu immediately jumped up and got in a battle stance, while Ash just laughed.

" Torterra, let's go. " Paul said and tossed a pokeball and a grass pokemon appeared on their side of the field.

" Torterra, huh? " Ash whispered under his breath.

" We'll take the first move, Torterra use frenzy plant! " Paul ordered.

The ground started to shake and not before too long really large fucking twigs burst out of the ground and went straight for its opponent.

" Dodge, then use quick attack towards Torterra and get ready. " Ash commanded while debating their next moves.

Pikachu jumped up as high as he could, then did a spin forwards before falling back to the ground. Torterra's attack missed but it didn't stop it, it quickly went for the yellow mouse once again. Pikachu used quick attack and ran towards the large grass/ground pokemon, with it's attack not that far behind.

" Jump on its back and slide off! " Ash shouted once Pikachu was nearly right in front of it.

Pikachu did exactly what Ash said and stopped on the ground right behind the other pokemon. Torterra ended up getting hit by its own frenzy attack without have anytime to redirect or stop it. Although it didn't have much of an effect.

" Quicky! Use crunch! " Paul yelled.

Before Pikachu had time to get out of the way, Torterra chomped down onto the mouse's tail. Torterra turned its head and threw the electric mouse across the field.

" You better not be going easy on us, Ash. " Paul shouted.

" I just thought that you'd want a chance to win. " Ash replied.

" Stone edge. " Paul said.

Rocks formed around the grass pokemon and shot in the direction of its opponent.

" Iron tail. "

Pikachu's tail began to glow and started to hit the incoming rocks back, but was still hit with some of them.

" Giga drain! "

Torterra used giga drain while Pikachu was still trying to avoid the incoming rocks from the last attack. The giga drain ended up hitting its target, taking half of Pikachu's power and gaining it itself.

Pikachu was looking a bit worn out from both getting hit with stone edge and having most of its energy drained from giga drain.

" If you want to play that way, then fine. " Ash whispered under his breath. " Pikachu, use electro ball straight at Torterra! "

" You do know that Torterra is immune to electric attacks, right? " Paul questioned with a slight laugh. " Just hit it away with your tail. "

Torterra spun around and hit the electro ball back in the electric mouse's direction.

" You know what to do. " Ash said and Pikachu nodded his head.

Pikachu stood still, watching the electro ball as it came closer, not moving an inch. When the attack hit, Pikachu used the energy to restore that, that was taken from giga drain.

" Seriously? It won't help you that much, Torterra use stone edge! " Paul commanded.

" Quick attack followed by electro ball! " Ash ordered.

Torterra used stone edge, the rocks once again heading right towards the electric mouse. Pikachu ran forwards using quick attack, on the end of his tail he was charging up an electro ball. When he was almost in the way of getting hit, Pikachu hit the first incoming rock with the electro ball, smashing it into pieces. When the rock was destroyed it created a ton a dust, the other rocks had missed and crashed into the ground, stirring up more dust that now covered mostly the entire battlefield.

" Where'd he go? " Paul frantically looked around, unable to see through the cloud of dust.

" Now, iron tail! " Ash shouted so that his pokemon could hear him through the crowds noise.

Right after Torterra was hit head on with Pikachu's iron tail, finally knocking the grass pokemon out.

" Torterra is unable to continue, the round goes to Pikachu. " The Announcer shouted as he signalled that the match was over.

" What just happened? " Paul exclaimed.

" Simple, when the dust was first spreading out from when Pikachu had destroyed the first rock with an electro ball he jumped up in the air using the other approaching rocks without anyone noticing. When I gave the command for him to use iron tail, he was at a high enough height that the attack would have some time to charge up before hitting its target. " Ash explained as Paul returned his pokemon.

Pikachu ran back to his trainer's side and hopped up to his shoulder, followed by getting petted on his head.

" You can chose your pokemon first this time. " Ash offered.

" Alright. Let's go, Froslass! " Paul held another pokeball and tossed it out onto the field.

" Goodra, you're up! " Ash held his hand out in front of him as a bright light appeared from the watch and moved onto the battlefield.

Now both of the pokemon were on the field and ready to go.

" Snow cloak. "

Froslass disappeared into the snow that started to fall, waiting for the next command.

" Try to sense where it is! " Goodra heard Ash shout threw the wall of snow.

" Ice beam! "

" Goodra, try to dodge! "

Goodra tried to get out of the way from Froslass's attack but was unable to move fast enough and was hit by the attack.

Even though Goodra can use ice beam itself, that does not get rid of the fact that it still may hurt like a bitch.

" Ice beam once more, but direct it on the ground close to Goodra! " Paul commanded Froslass.

" So that's what he's planning. " Ash thought of how to counter this. " Spin around, break them with your tail! "

Goodra understood what Ash was thinking and did what he said to.

Froslass aimed the ice beam at the ground, along the surface it was cracking, eventually sending large pieces of the ground that were somewhat covered with a layer of ice, in all directions.

With Goodra spinning around, everything that came close was broken into pieces from coming into contact with it's tail.

" Use rain dance! " Ash quickly yelled.

Though it was hard to see the clouds that formed from the snow blocking the view, you could sure hear the sound of it beginning to rain, followed by some thunder.

With the cold air, most of the rain became close to adding the amount of snow there already was. The rain bounced off all the surfaces so you could see a slight outline of Froslass and it's location.

" Dragon pulse and don't let up! " Ash shouted and pointed at Froslass.

" Move out of the way! " Paul desperately called out.

Goodra was able to act fast enough before Froslass had a chance to move out of the way. The pokemon didn't change the constant flow and power that was used in the attack, keeping Froslass's HP constantly dropping at a rapid pace.

After a while Goodra was forced to stop,before it ran out of power. Both Goodra and Froslass were looking like they were getting tired, Froslass just barely hanging on.

The snow had died down quite a bit so it was easier to see both of the pokemon.

" Quickly use ice shard! " Paul commanded.

" Dragon pulse once more. " Ash said to Goodra, then whispered something.

Froslass charged the ice shard for a second or two before sending it towards its opponent. Goodra sent another dragon pulse, the two attacks colliding in the middle.

Both trainers eagerly waited to see which pokemon would be the one to win.

" Now. " Ash calmly spoke.

Goodra increased it's power, pushing the ice shard back. The dragon pulse was able to push past Froslass's attack, knocking the pokemon out.

" Froslass is unable to continue, the round goes to Goodra! "

Paul returned his pokemon and Ash did the same, thanking it for its help.

" Well another round done. " Ash sighed, stretching his arms up in the air.

" 50. " Paul randomly spoke out.

" Pika? " Pikachu chirped out, tiredly laying on Ash's hat.

" You usually have your pokemon battle around 45% or less, but for the last attack you have Goodra increase it to 50%. " Paul explained.

" Damn, I guess you really are smarter than Gary. " Ash smirked.

" You can chose your next pokemon. " Paul declared.

" Fine by me, Hawlucha let's go! "

" Electivire let's go! "

The two pokemon stood on the field, waiting to receive a command.

" Karate chop. " Ash gave the first command.

" Thunder punch. " Paul ordered.

Hawlucha and Electivire both ran at each other, readying their attacks.

" Dodge, then continue. " Ash quickly shouted.

" Don't let the attack miss! " Paul yelled after he heard Ash's instructions.

Hawlucha stepped to the side at the last second to dodge, but Electivire had been carefully watching Hawlucha's movements and managed to hit his opponent in the side before getting hit itself by a karate chop.

" While you're still close use thunder! " Paul said.

Electivire unleashed the powerful thunder attack while Hawlucha was still within a close range. Hawlucha let out a cry before jumping back, creating distance between the two of them.

" Brick break! " Paul pointed at Hawlucha as he gave the command.

Paul's pokemon ran towards its opponent and powered up its attack.

" Hawlucha, in the air. " Ash called out.

Once Electivire had gotten close enough, it swung its arm aiming to hit Hawlucha. Although before the attack had landed Hawlucha jumped onto Electivire's head and propelled itself higher into the air.

" Great, now use flying press! " Ash immediately yelled out.

" Move out of the way! " Paul countered.

Electivire tried to move out of the way but when the brick break had missed it hit the ground, covering its hand and arm with the dirt from the ground.

Hawlucha spun around diving down to the ground, hitting its opponent with incredible speed, resulting in knocking Electivire out.

" Electivire is unable to battle, the round goes to Hawlucha! "

" Well that was quick. " Ash remarked.

" Gastrodon let's go! "

" Talonflame you're up. "

" Water pulse. " Paul gave the first command.

" Cut it with razor wind. " Ash countered.

Gastrodon sent a water pulse right towards Talonflame, but it was canceled out by the razor wind.

" Fly around the battlefield. " Ash said.

Talonflame circled around the battlefield and its opponent, changing its altitude every so often.

" Knock it down with ice beam! " Paul ordered.

Gastrodon used ice beam multiple times, but was unable to hit it target.

" Get a bit closer. " Ash yelled.

" Counter shield! " Paul immediately called out.

Gastrodon used its attack muddy water but spun in circles, creating a sort of tornado like shape shield around itself. Talonflame was unable to get any closer without getting hit by the attack.

" Seriously Paul? " Ash asked, the tone of his voice sounding unimpressed as well as annoyed.

" Is there a problem? " Paul smirked.

" You do realise I came up with counter shield, right? I know how to get around it. " Ash replied.

" Shit... " Paul whispered under his breath, while glaring at Ash.

" Damn right, Talonflame use steel wing and cut right through it. " Ash commanded.

Talonflame's wings glowed as it dove right towards the muddy water tornado. It was able to cut right through it and land a hit on Gastrodon.

" Let finish this, Talonflame use brave bird! "

" Quickly get up! " Paul yelled to his pokemon.

Gastrodon was trying to get up after being knocked to the ground from Talonflame's steel wing, while Talonflame was already in the middle of its attack.

Gastrodon was knocked out from getting hit with brave bird and was returned back to its pokeball.

" Gastrodon is unable to battle the round goes to Talonflame! "

" Ready to lose another round? " Ash asked as he stretched his arms up in air and to the side.

" Haha you're hilarious. " Paul sarcastically muttered.

" Well am I wrong? " Ash laughed. " Alright, Noivern you're up! "

" Drapion, let's go! "

Both of the pokemon now stood on the battlefield.

" Pin missile! "

" Acrobatics! "

Drapion thrusted its claws forward and sent the pin missiles in Noivern's direction, while Noivern continued to dodge them. Once Noivern was close enough, it slammed right into its opponent.

Drapion was knocked back but quickly got back up to a battle stance.

" Boomburst! " Ash commanded.

The inside of Noivern's ears glowed and sent a powerful/destructive blast of sound waves across the battlefield. Drapion was pushed back even more but was still able to keep its balance.

" Pin missile! " Paul yelled to his pokemon.

' What's he got planned this time? ' Ash thought as he saw the smile Paul had on his face. " Noivern, Acrobatics once more! "

Drapion thrusted its claws forward and sent the pin missiles in Noivern's direction, while Noivern continued to dodge them. Just like before Noivern had begun to close in, preparing to hit Drapion as its attack had stopped, leaving an opening.

" Cross poison! " Paul quickly shouted.

Drapion crossed its arms in an X shape and its claws glowed purple. Noivern would be unable stop in time and would be hit with the attack and become poisoned.

" Switch to dragon claw! " Ash instantly yelled/panicked without even thinking.

Noivern was able to switch its attack before it came in contact with the cross poison. Using dragon claw was able to block most of the attack within the close range there was, but it shoved Noivern to the ground from it not being able to charge its power to the full extent, unlike Drapion's cross poison that had a second or more to gain its power.

" Toxic spikes! " Paul commanded.

Drapion formed a purple orb in front of its mouth before sending it up into the air, where it then came crashing down to the ground.

Noivern was just getting back to its feet while the poison spikes were just starting to fall. Normally the poison spikes wouldn't be that much trouble to a flying type like Noivern but since it affects any other pokemon that is on the ground and Noivern was pushed to the ground from the previous attack it could in that situation very much apply.

" Fly up and dodge them! " Ash ordered.

Noivern swiftly moved past the falling spikes and was able to get out without getting hit by any of them.

" Let's hurry and finish this round! " Ash informed his pokemon. " Supersonic then use dragon claw repeatedly until this is finished! "

" Drapion use- " Paul tried to give an command to his pokemon but Noivern's supersonic was hurting basically everyone's ears and caused them to be more focused on trying to cover their ears to block the sound.

Eventually the sound had stopped after what seemed the longest time and Noivern repeatedly hitting Drapion with dragon claw and not before long drapion had fainted with swirls in its eyes.

" D-d-drapion is unable t-to battle, the round g-goes to Noivern! " The announcer shakely said.

Everyone's ears felt like they were still ringing and they felt somewhat dizzy. Paul tried to stand up straight and looked across the battlefield, Ash was returning his pokemon yet he looked completely unaffected by Noivern's supersonic.

"HEy AsH! " Paul yelled, obviously feeling some of the effects of the supersonic. " HOW cOme YOu'Re Not AfFectED bY iT?! "

" Huh? Did you say something? " Ash asked as he pulled his earbuds out of his ears. " Sorry, I was listening to music. "

Paul sweatdropped as he returned Drapion and brought out his last pokemon.

" Whatever. " He muttered as the effects had worn off. " Aggron, let's go! "

" Greninja, you're up! "

" Let's give it our all, alright? " Paul asked.

" Sounds good to me. " Ash replied.

" Beyond evolution, mega evolve! " Paul said as he held his arm up showing a key stone on the bracelet.

Glowing streams of light connected from both the Aggronite and the key stone.

Mega Aggron.

" Hmm. " Ash hummed as he listen to the crowd's cheer upon the revealing of mega Aggron. " We'll become much, much stronger. Let's go! "

A spiral of water surrounded the water pokemon and soon died down to reveal Ash-Greninja.

The crowd once again erupted with cheers.

" Aggron, use double edge! " Paul ordered.

" Greninja, double team! "

Aggron rushed toward Greninja and tried to attack but before he could Greninja had used double team so now there were hundreds of copies. Aggron hadn't managed to hit the real one but a copy.

" Use metal claw on the ground! " Paul shouted.

Aggron's claw started to glow and punched it into the ground. The ground started to shake and break apart, pieces of the ground were flying in every direction, destroying the copies.

After everything had died down, there was only the one Greninja left.

" Flash cannon! " Paul ordered.

Aggron opened its mouth and shot out a stream of bright light (Idk) straight at Greninja.

" Ariel ace! " Ash commanded and did similar movements at what Greninja did.

Greninja jumped to the side, dodging Aggron's attack and ran right towards its opponent. Aggron had stopped its attack,but right after Greninja had begun to repeatedly land hits by kicking it with incredible power.

Before Greninja was able to jump back and create space between the two of them, Aggron had grabbed onto Greninja's leg as the water pokemon had tried to land another hit.

" Great job Aggron, now toss it! " Paul yelled.

Aggron spun around as fast as it could, while Greninja tried to escape Aggron's grasp. Before it could, Aggron let go of Greninja, sending it across the battlefield.

Greninja had passed right by Ash and missed hitting him by an inch before the water pokemon slammed into the wall. Ash held his arm in pain as he felt the pain Greninja had gained.

Greninja stood back up, ready to continue the fight.

" Aggron, use flash cannon once more! " Paul shouted.

" Greninja dodge that and use cut! " Ash yelled.

Greninja moved out of the way, but still got hit by a bit of the attack. Greninja ran forward holding two knife things formed out of water. Aggron stumbled backwards after getting hit by Greninja's attack, The steel pokemon tripped on the uneven surface and fell down.

" Aggron, get up! " Paul called out to his pokemon.

" Finish this with water shuriken! " Ash commanded.

Greninja jumped into the air and pulled the shuriken off its back and held it above its head as it increased in size, then flung it right at the steel pokemon that was still trying to get to its feet. When the dust settled Aggron was laying on the ground, out of it's mega evolution form and had swirls in its eyes.

" Aggron is unable to battle, the round goes to Greninja that means Ash is the winner! "

The crowd was cheering and applauding for the battle between the two trainers. ( Sorry, i'm not that great at writing battles and stuff. )

" Hope we get to battle like this again. " Ash smiled, walking over to Paul and put his hand out.

" Yeah, but next time i'm not gonna lose. " Paul laughed and shook Ash's hand.

Ash's POV

With that the tournament was over.

" Thank you to everyone who had participated in this tournament, we hope to see you back here in Kalos again. " I said.

At the end we had set up a sort of closing ceremony, thanking those who had a chance to take part. Just like what we had at the beginning of the tournament, but instead bringing it to an end.

" You're all welcome back here anytime! " Bonnie happily cheered and waved at everyone in the crowd.

" With that, the tournament is over. Thank you. " I finished and the elites, the frontier brains along with me bowed as everyone started to cheer.

People slowly wandered out of the stadium and back to their rooms to pack up, while others were gonna stay in the hotel for a couple more days before they go back. It's not like we were gonna kick them all out, Gary wanted to but i told him if that's what he wants then he can clean all the rooms by himself. He almost immediately gave up.

My mother and the Professor had to go back to Pallet town to take care of the things they missed while they were at the competition. They sometimes call to see how things are going and stuff like that. All the others decided to stay in Kalos for a while to try and patch things up between us before heading back to do their own things.

The elites and the frontier brains no longer call them 'traitors' but instead Bonnie came up with referring to them as 'the pain the the ass' people. That was one of the better options out of all the other choices they came up with.

I do realize that they feel sorry for what they had done, but I don't think i'm completely ok for things to go back to the way they were before everything happened. Later on they decided that we should all meet up again for a cooking competition between Brock, Cilan, Clemont and Serena. I guess i'm sorta looking forward to that, you know, before Bonnie picks a fight with everyone.

Other than that, i'm still the champion of Kalos and wouldn't have it any other way. It is after all, the place where I feel at home and with those I love and care for. Except Gary of course.

Well, that's the end of this story.


Sorry if you didn't like the ending :P

Thank you to everyone who chose to read my version of an Ash betrayed story.

This was my first time writing a fanfiction so it really means a lot to me.

Some people asked if I was gonna do a sequel to this book, all I can say is that I will if people actually want me to do one

Also, thank you to @CoolWolfMaster for making me a new cover for this book. If anyone wanted to make one for me that would be great, although you don't have to if you don't want too.

I'm gonna be making another Ash betrayed story soon, so please at least think about reading it.

Thank you


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