Chapter 8

People who are present in the Presentation

Many other witches as well



Nicholas II

Fredrick IV

Duchess Maria 


Common People


Hitler, his wife, and kid

NATO Reps and Troops


World leaders, Witches, and common people of Terra Magica are sitting in a huge room filled with troops they had never seen before. The flags on their side looked very similar to their world countries, but who were these people? What is NATO? Not to mention a very sexy-looking female who is representing a nation called America. Don't they mean Liberion? Well according to her NATO is from a Parallel universe where Neuroi doesn't exist instead they will be reacting to a presentation called

"A World without Neuroi" 

The screen showed a date. The date reads 

"June 28th, 1914"

Chapter 1: A Global War

"Wait a minute isn't that the date that the Neuroi first attacked Europe?" An Ostmarkian witch named Waltraud Nowotny asked as her comrades gave her a nod. The video then changed to a video of what it seems to be some type of reenactment of some kind. All of the Ostmarkians recognized that it was Archduke Franz Ferdinand who was riding a car with his wife.

"Hey that's the Archduke" An Ostmarkian named Grete M. Gollob said 

They were parading in the streets with people cheering for them. Except for one young man who looked very angry seeing the presence of him. The young man took out an old FN M1910 and pointed it at the Archduke and his wife. Two shots were fired at the couple and they were laid dead in their car. Lots of people were shocked to see what they had witnessed. Mostly the Ostmarkians who highly respected the Archduke

"What the fuck!" Nowotny said in shock

"Please tell me that didn't happen!" Gollob shouted

People were panicking in the streets of Sarajevo after witnessing the death of Franz Ferdinand. Then it transitions to a black screen. The text reads.

"What you just witnessed was the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand that occurred on June 28th, 1914. He was murdered by a Serbian Radical Nationalist named Gavrilo Princip" 

"Imagine a world where Neuroi never existed and humanity had to relay their problems to themselves"

The ambiance has turned into an ominous sound like something bad is going to happen. It gave them chills just imagining if something like that happened in their world.

"A month after the death of Franz Ferdinand, Austria declared war on Serbia. In turn, Serbia calls on its ally Russia. Then Germany supported Austria. Then in 30 days, the whole of Europe is engaged in what becomes the First World War. 

"The First World War?"  A Liberian named Jane T Godfrey said 

"I get it now! This is a war on a global scale"  a Fusoian named Suwa Amki said in a loud tone

As everyone heard that, it was shocking to think about how humans can kill each other on a global scale.

After watching a re-enactment of World War I, everyone was shocked to see what would a war be like if Humans fought each other on a global scale. Then they showed the factions.

"There were two factions. The allies and the central powers" The German Rep said. The next screen showed the factions including the names of their world as well.

United Kingdom (Commonwealth of Britannia)
France (Republique galliaise)
Russia (Orussia)
Italy (Romanga)
Japan (Fuso)
United States of America (Liberion)

German Empire (Karlsland)
Austria-Hungary (Ostmark)
Ottoman Empire (Ostman Empire)
Bulgaria (Moesia)

All of the leaders, witches, and commoners took a close look at their perspective nations. It was shocking to see they were not united as one but divided due to bad conflicts and issues. They start to understand how their world was not being invaded by Neuroi instead of fighting each other. 

"I can't believe it!" Mussolini said "This Romanga or they call in Italy" 

"This has to be a joke," Hirohito said

"A War where humans fought against each other? I thought that was impractical" Roosevelt said

Minna was watching from the back in the room seeing the faces and reactions of everyone. Minna could even imagine what if the witches fought against each other if the Neuroi decided not to invade this world. Not to mention the nation like Italy was a united country instead of two. Plus the naming of the nations. They continued to read out the history of World War I, Germany invading France and Russia. Allies forces land on the Gallipoli Peninsula of the Ottoman Empire, the sinking of the Lusitania.

"How did Liberion or America got involved in the war?" Roosevelt asked

"Well Germany tried to send a telegram to Mexico, but the British deciphered it and showed it to the United States. Thereafter the US declared war on the Central Powers. But that was nearly the end of the war. 

Then when the war nearly ended, they learned about Russia withdrawing the war and sign a treaty with Germany because they had problems in Russia. 

"As World War, I come to its conclusion, Russia had its own problems to deal with. A Civil War occurs. This was called the October Revolution "

"The October Revolution?"  An Orussian witch name Galina Kostylev

The Orussian Tsar was paying close attention to see what was this October Revolution was.

"As the Civil War continues, Lenin's party continues to grow in high numbers. Meanwhile the Tsar of Russia, Nicolas II was getting ready to get a picture taken with his family. That was until a group of men came into the room took out their guns. The religious family members made a gesture of the cross in their bodies. Then they shot every member of the family. It caused many shocks and gasp to the Orussian witches except for Aleksandra and Sanya since they already know what happened to them.

"You got to be kidding me!" Kostylev shouted in disbelief 

The Tsar of Orussia was even highly respected in Orussia, now after witnessing this tragic and brutal event, the people of this other Orussia wanted him out. 

Another witch named Alya Aleyuhin who is a witch from the 505th JFW was crying her eyes out after seeing the death of her Holy Tsar. Nicholas II couldn't believe what he had just witnessed, a Parallel Version of him was murdered by a bunch of radical terrorists who wanted him out of Russia for good. What's worse was his death was brutal and show no sympathy towards them.

"Comrades tell Lenin that the Romanov Family is dead. It's time that we began the Communist Revolution" A Bolshevik said 

The video transitions to black

"After the death of the Romanav Family, Radical Activist named Vladimir Lenin took power and reformed the country into an Authoritarian Dictatorship. The new ideology was called Communism and the country was renamed the Soviet Union." 

The Orussian witches and the Tsar wondered what is communism and what does this ideology mean. But that is for another time.

"The World War I ended when Germany surrenders to the Allies. The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was about 40 million: estimates range from around 15 to 22 million deaths and about 23 million wounded military personnel, ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history."

The total deaths in World War I was just shocking. Many gasped were heard in the room. It showed that if humans did go to war on a global scale the numbers would be so high. This World War I was nothing like the FIrst Neuroi War

"Forty Million?" A Gallian Witch named Rosalie de La poype said as she was shaken by the fact that many people have died.

Chapter 2: Rise of Evil

The Romagna Duchess was tearing up after seeing that many people have died. She was being comforted by Lucchini as she caressed her. 

"They saw this war was called. "The War to end all war"  But oh no they were WRONG. Even in modern times, the causes of the war are still being debated to this day" 

Lots of people shook their heads in the silence seeing they are still fighting over who is to be blamed, 

Before they reach the next slide,  A quote is shown 

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Everyone agreed with this quote. 

"Everyone agreed that Germany was highly blamed for the war because it took the first move for supporting Austria-Hungary by invading peacefully Belgium. After the war, people in Germany were divided into political factions. The Kaiser of Germany was overthrown by its people and went into exile." 

A video showed angry Germans from communist to democratic parties, nationalists and much more rioting in Germany and shouting out like



The Karlanders, Hitler, and Fredrick IV were shocked to see that their own people wanted to overthrow the Royal Family. They watched as Germans toppled statues of older Emperors and the current one. The Military had to step in and put an end to these riots and such. 

"Mein Gott" A Karlslander named Adolfine Galland could say

"As Germany was slowly falling apart, A man who came out of nowhere has a vision for Germany's future. This man was born on April 20th, 1889 in Braunau  am Inn, Austria-Hungary"

Eva's eyes widen as he saw the date and the place where this man was born. Coincidentally this was the exact same year and day when Hitler was born and surprisingly the same Inn. Hitler on the other hand wondered why this man had a vision for Germany's future.

The video showed what appears to be a young man in his 20s mourning his mother's death, there was even taking art classes in college. Then it cut to a scene where it showed the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The only thing is that the young man's face wasn't shown.

"I went to that school and it helped me very much with my art career," Hitler said as he smiled seeing his school existed in the other universe. Then it showed the same young man. Only this time his face was shown to the entire room.

Hitler saw his younger self getting rejected in the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. 

"I'm sorry, Herr Hitler. You don't have a style. Your people are like buildings. There's no life to them. Perhaps if you tried architecture or theatrical design. I'm truly sorry. I have a class to teach" 

Hitler recognized the man who kicked him out. That was his professor who taught him how to become a professional artist. 

After the doors closed, Hitler looked down in sadness after being rejected. He was alone, hungry, cold, homeless, and had no family to go to. With only a little money with him.

"After telling him that he had no talent for being an artist, his dream of becoming an artist was crushed. Sadden by the fact that he had nowhere to go."

The Karlslanders felt so bad for this Parraell version of HItler. If only they took him very seriously then maybe he would be accepted. Even Eva teared up after seeing this version of her husband being rejected. 

"At the same time, somewhere deep in his mind, a monster was born" 

"Hitler constantly traveled all over Vienna migrating from one place to another just to find a job and put food on his table. Every night he slept in the streets begging for food or money."

Then another scene showed where he stayed when he was homeless

Vienna, Austra


"Come on wake up!" 

Hitler woke up with the sound of the loud cup

"You all have 10 minutes to get dressed"

Hitler stretched his legs and feet thinking about what will he be doing for the day. There were some scenes where he was talking to his half-sister and his niece. Hitler was smiling to see they also existed in this universe as well. They even showed what he did during the First World War and earned the Iron Cross

"After the war, Hitler joined a small political party called the German Workers Party. There he would constantly give out charismatic speeches and such" 

"Pride is a weapon! A weapon that can be used against our enemies. But don't be deceived. They are strong! Stronger than we are. Our enemies live among us. Socialist! Communist! These foreign invaders come to our country to destroy us and take over our lives. Take our food, our money, and our nationality.!"

The crowd cheered after hearing him say that. 

"Hitler renamed the German worker's party into the Party of the National Socialist German Workers Party or known as the NSDAP NationalSozalistiche Deutsches Arbeit Partei"

Hitler thought to himself, he was no politician or a charismatic speaker. He was just an artist who can make beautiful paintings.

"WHo alone are responsible for the moral decadence that now riddles our society?!

"THE JEWS!" A man shouted in the audience


The Karlslanders were shocked to hear what this Hitler just said. Blaming Jews for everyone's immorality and the destruction of every German life. Eva and Hilter were also shocked to hear how this Hitler preached about. It was almost like it was prejudice against Jews. 

"We will sacrifice, we will struggle, yes, but only then will we triumph. And we will triumph!With the hero Lohengrin as our model and the music of Wagner as our inspiration,we will hang the profiteers, crush the Communists. We will disinfect our country of the Jewish vermin!!!!!!" Hitler said as he made hand gestures of his speeches.

"WE WILL TRIUMPH" Hitler said as the audience chanted along with him






Another scene showed pagan and Hindu symbols. An arrow pointed to the Swastika. Then it showed Hitler but only this time his wasn't shown. It just showed him drawing the symbol and painting it black as the main symbol color with a white circle, surrounding it with a red color. He turned it into a 45-degree rotation. The swastika was standing on it's tip. In the background, it was an ominous sound.

"Swastika?" A Karlsander withcn named Ottilie Kittel said 

"Isn't that a Hindu symbol?" Fredrick IV asked

As he was finished painting and drawing it, the face of Hitler was shown only this time his mustache was shaved only leaving the middle part of his mustache on.

"A new style Hitler?" Frederick asked sarcasticly

"I would never cut my mustache as that" Hitler said

As they continued to watch, they learned that Hitler attempted a coup de tat which landed him in jail. Thinking his party would fail, but oh no this made him more popular. They learned about the formation of the SA and the SS. The Karlslanders witches, Fredrick IV, Eva, and Uschi didn't seem to like where this Hitler is heading. They even learned that Himmler, Goering, and many others joined Hitler's party. Despite knowing that Himmler is a famous chicken farmer who sells chicken for a living. Then they witness Hitler's citizenship. After presenting it, an SS Officer stood up and stretched his arm out at a 45-degree angle and said

"Heil Hitler" 

Then later all said "Heil Hitler" 

Hitler felt awkward after hearing people saying that. It was like they are worshipping him like a god. Clearly, he wasn't 

"Though Hitler failed the 1930s election. In 1933, Hitler won a series of electoral elections. Thus becoming the Chancellor of Germany."

Everyone in the audience including Hitler was nervous about seeing what this monster would do during his leadership. They watched as hundreds of SS and SA officers paraded in the streets celebrating his victory and singing the NSDAP theme. 


A chant of Sieg Heil can be heard as he gave the Salute. 

"A year after his victory, the president of the time Paul Von Hinderburg dies from old age leaving Hilter as the Dictator of Germany."

The presentation explained events such as the Night of the Long Knives which purging his own members  who are to believe are a threat to his power

The Karlanders finally understood what kind of man has Hitler become. A leader who was power-hungry, and he would do anything just to keep it. Even it means sacrificing his own men.

In September 1935 Hitler Enacted the Nuremberg laws which isolated the Jews and deprived them of their citizenship

In 1938 Hitler unleashed Kristallnacht. A savage attack against the Jews, destroying Synagouses and Businesses and imprisoning thousands

Gasps can be heard after hearing this Hitler would go so far as destroying Jewish citizenship, destroying their properties, and imprisoning them. Hitler was just ranting on that he would never do such atrocities. Eva knew Hitler so much. Hitler truly condemned this version of himself. 

Chapter 3: The Bloodiest War

It doesn't stop here. In 1938 Hitler annexed Austria, In March 1939 Hitler annexes Czechoslovakia. Turning the nation Slovakia into a puppet state. Then on September 1st, 1939.....Hitler invades Poland marking a new global war called THe Second World War.

Everyone couldn't believe it. It was just a coincidence that September 1st, 1939 would also mark the year that Neuroi came back and invaded Ostmark

."Hitler's new military tactic was called. Blitzkrieg"

"I get it now, basically you are encircling your enemy cutting off their supplies and such. That is smart" A Britannian Witch named Patrica Schade said 

"Not only in Germany, Italy was also under an authoritarian dictatorship. This man was the founder of Fascism. His name was Benito Mussolini"

Maria, Mussolini, and Other Romagna witches were shocked to hear that Italy was under a dictatorship.

In 1922, Mussolini led a coalition and forced the King to yield the government to him. Then he was appointed as the Prime Minister of Italy. By 1925 he had dismantled the democratic government and installed a new ideology into the system called Fascism. 

"This is unbelievable. Do I look like I'm a politician to you?" Mussolini looked upset after seeing himself becoming a dictator of Italy.

Mussolini of Terra Magic was nothing but a mere commoner who had a family to take care of. 

"After taking power, Mussolini had one goal, and that was to recreate the Roman Empire. The time had Italy had one had. Glory."

Lots of people chucked that state seeing that Mussolini wanted to remake the Roman Empire. 

He began by annexing Albania, Libya, Ethiopia, and Somalia. 

After hearing more about the Mussolini party, they moved onto the east about Japan

"Not only tensions is happened in the West but in Asia as well. The Japanese Empire expands its borders in Korea, China, and Southeast Asia. In 1937, Hirohito ordered his troops to invade China"

The Fuso Witches were shocked to hear that their great Emperor would invade China. 

"On December 13th, 1937, a tragic event called the Nanking Massacre would occur. Japanese troops marches into Nanking and began a systematic slaughter of the Chinese people. From looting, raping, massacring people, and more."

The video, showed Japanese soldier firing their weapons at Chinese citizens as they were trying to run for their lives. They even see them trying to rape people as well. The Fuso witches were overwhelmed seeing this. Some of them began to cry to see what their Emperor had become in the world. Another monster.

"Why just why!" A pilot officer from the 504th JFW named Suwa Amaki said as tears began to roll.

Another Fuso witch name Nakashima Nishiki was choked up after witnessing so many war crimes being committed by this Alternate Fuso or known as Japan. 

A member of the Music Squadron who is from Fuso named Shibuya Inori was crying her eyes out after seeing all those poor innocent people being slaughtered for just the pleasure of the Japanese soldiers. Next to her was Sylvie Cariello who is also part of the Music Squadron was comforting her. 

"Japan's goal is similar to Hitler's goal. World Domination. Through World War II, Hitler would attack and/or occupy the following nations.

Great Britain

Everyone was shocked to see that Hitler was able to conquer that many nations. Excluding Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. Then they saw a video on Nazi Germany's expansion

Before and during the war, Hitler imprisoned many people who are considered undesirable for his New World Order. Such as Jews, Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, Homosexuals, Political dissidents, Slavic people, Catholics, and the Disabled.

Then the video showed what it appears to be some type of prison camp. The video explained that the video is indeed a prison camp. A camp for the undesirables to live. They were wearing striped pajamas and doing hard labor while being tied into chains. Nazi Guards were watching them as they work. 

Gasp just got much louder after seeing those people being imprisoned. Some of the witches were actually Lesbians and they were absolutely shocked and scared seeing Hitler would do such atrocities. 

Out of all the camps, Auschwitz was the absolute worse one. Out of 1.3 million were sent to Auschwitz. Only 1.1 Million were murdered. 

Just by seeing those death rates just showed how shocking it was. It was clear that Hitler was a monster who preached nothing but Prejudice and Hate. The way they were treated in those camps caused many witches to weep or sob in tears. Even Hitler's daughter was crying her eyes out after seeing an evil version of her father.

Later they told them about Operation Barbarossa and Soviet leader named Joseph Stalin who turn the tide of the war 

"ok, so what about America? How did they get into the war" Roosevelt asked

"During the Japanese expansion, America started to do an oil embargo on Japan. Thus 90% of the oil was cut off from Japan. Then on December 7th, 1941, Japan attacked an American Naval base on Pearl Harbor."

Some Liberian witches like Godfrey and Gentile were shocked to see Pearl Harbor being bombed by Japanese Forces. They knew a lot of people from Pearl Harbor and they were good friends with them. They watched as the USS Arizona slowly sinks into the shallow seawater. Hirohito and Fuso witches were absolutely shocked and condemned the attacks. Some Fuso witches like Kawaguchi Fumiyo ranted on how dishonorable it was for provoking the United States

A day after the attacks, President Franklin D Roosevelt made a state of emergency speech on this event.

Roosevelt was shocked to see his own Parallel version of himself talking about the bombings of Pearl Harbor.

"Thus the United States has entered the War"

End of Part 1

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