Chapter 7
"How dare you....HOW DARE YOU HARM MY FRIEND!" Shirley shouted as she loaded her rifle with more ammo and set it to automatic. With the use of her speed ability and going at Mach 1, bunny ears, and a tail popped out of her body and began to shoot at the Neuroi who was starting to shoot our lasers at her.
"Look at her go" Rall said in amazement
"You go girl" Waltraud said
Back at the USS Gerlad R Ford, Captain Johnson was getting a report on what is going on. He tried to contact Alex on what the situation.
"Pilot Alex, what's the situation?"
There was no answer
"Pilot Alex do you read?"
Then another sailor ran to the bridge to inform him what happened. After hearing the news about Alex's crash. He immediately ordered his crew to send a rescue team.
"Send a rescue team immediately!" Johnson ordered
"yes sir"
A male Sailor is followed along with two other female sailors.
Shirley entered the Neuroi ship and began firing the inside of the ship. That was until she sees the core of the Neuroi. She immediately fired at the core until every last bullet is emptied. Then the Neuroi exploded into tiny pieces showing Shirley panting.
"Shirley, are you ok?" Lucchini asked as she flew towards her
"I'm ok," She said as she looked down at the ocean blue to see Ethan being pulled out of the jet. There was blood and burned marks on his skin. He was unconscious. Shirley then quickly flew over to the boat where Alex is being transported.
"ALEX!" Shirley shouted as Miyafuji followed. Shirley and Miyafuji followed the boat back to the ship. She put her striker unit and quickly head over to the infirmary where he was begin treated. They put on an oxygen mask for him to breathe. Then they cut open his clothes and showed off his six-pack. After that he inserted some IV through his arm. They first put on some electrodes all over his chest area and began monitoring his hearts. It was beeping like normal then after five minutes, it went flatline.
"ALEX!" Shirley shouted as she was being held by MIyafuji and others.
Doctors quickly turned on the defibrillator and began to rub them together and shouted.
The defibrillator made contact with his chest as it tried to restore his normal heartbeat.
"Alex! Please don't die!" Minna said as tears began to ran down her eyes
"We still need you!" Miyafuji said
"you're our first friend in this world! so please don't leave us!" Hartmann shouted
Sanya was crying her eyes as Eila comforted her.
A few other witches were in tears thinking he might be gone. After countless times trying to get his heartbeat to work, his heartbeat finally beat again after 5 attempts.
"His heart is stabilizing!"
"That's good to hear"
Then they administered more shots to stabilize the heart. After a while, they took off their mask and began their next task. To find any broken bones. The doctors got out of the room and told them the good news.
"Well got some good news, he's going to live," The doctor said as they were wiping their tears in relief.
"that's.....good!" Shirley said
"Can we see him?" Rall asked
"Not right now. He's unconscious. Maybe around the evening, you can speak with him." The doctor smiled at them.
"Very well, let's go," Minna said as the witches walked away in another direction to give Alex some rest.
Once the last remaining Neuroi has been taken care of, the portal was now open freely for NATO ships to enter. Honestly, they need to build something here to control the portal and the Neuroi if they were to deal with it. The ships entered through the event horizon. All they can feel is warmth coming through their body as they entered. As soon as they reached the other side, normal room temperatures began to increase.
Terra Magica, 501st JFW Base, Britannia
The USS Gerald R Ford land in the ports of the 501st JFW Base. Along with other NATO Ships. As they anchor it, the witches were the first ones to exit the ship and get back into their base.
"AHHH! Home Sweet Home" Lynette said
"So glad to be back at our world," Charlotte said as she stretches her arms.
"Yeah I sure do miss this place," Waltraud said
The representative of NATO got off the ship to inspect the place. They looked around the huge base to see it was different. As the witches were outside celebrating thier arrival, there were Britannian troops going outside to see what was going on. They were glad to see the witches, but what caught their surprise was to see at least over 10 ships in the dock area Ships they have never seen before and people with armor and weapons they had never seen before. Could they be threats? No way, they can't be Neuroi. The Britannian soldiers went up to the witches and said to them.
"I'm so glad to see you all, you girls and the 502nd hasn't been seen in a while. No to mention Neuroi threats have been very low. What's going on here? and who are these people?" The Britannian General asked
"oh, let's say we got new allies," Minna said
The Britannian soldiers were confused, were the people of these strange ships were new allies or something like that. That was until one of the NATO Representatives came up to the Britannian General and introduced himself.
"Greetings, My name is William Adams, I represent NATO and The Nation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain," he said
"General Armstrong of the Britanian Army...may I ask what nation you hail from again?"
"Great Britain," he said
"Don't you mean Britannia? and what is this NATO?"
Then Lynette interrutped the two men
"NATO is our new allies. NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. An organization consist of 30 nations"
"30 NATIONS?!" Armstrong said in shock
"Maybe we should talk this over inside so we can get a better explanation" Adams said
Inside the 501st base, Armstrong along with his men and the NATO Representatives who are sided with NATO Troops began explaining and negotiations.
"So let me get this straight, you guys hail from a Parallel Reality of our world where witches and Neuroi don't exist? in this Parallel Reality, it is year 20XX? That is just rubbish!" Aromstrong said in disbelief
"It's true!" Minna said "I have inspected everything in their world. They have technology and military strength that we don't have.
Minna then took our here smartphone to present it to the General. He glared at the device as he can see his own reflection.
"What is this contraction?" He asked
"That is called a Smartphone. it's a phone, a camera, a video camera, sending mail, a journal, and other things. So you can say it's a device that can multi-task." Minna said as she showed how it works and such. They were awed to see how it works, more surprisingly it can take pictures in good quality.
"Ok that technology is never heard of...but it's not enough"
"Oh there is more to that" Barkhorn said
Minna then showed some pictures of the witches and their time in America, of course, Rall also has a smartphone on here to show pictures of her time in Japan. Another photo showed Sadako reading a manga book. After inspecting the photos, the general was now convinced that these people who called themselves NATO is from a parallel reality.
"I must say, I'm truly convinced now, so if Commander Minna says it's true, you guys possessed technology that can destroy Neuroi?"
"Yes General, our ships are filled with missiles that can reach max range at 13,000km" the American Rep said
"13,000 KM? Impossible!"
"I can assure you that NATO will help us. Since the portal opens up to their world as well, it is clear that they are threatened as well" Minna said
"So what are you going to do now?"
"We're going to contact our world leaders to begin our presentation. Also, we need Adolf Hitler and his family, Benito Mussolini, and other members we need to list"
The General nodded in approval
"I'll see what I can do," he said
"thank you," Minna said
A few days after arriving back at Terra Magica, Liberion President Franklin D. Roosevelt was sitting down at his office in the while house passing some bills. Then soon one of the intelligence people came into his office with the news.'
"How can i help you?" he asked
"Sir, a message from Prime Minister Winston Churchill," he said as he handed him a telegraph letter. the message reads.
"Mr. President, I'm inviting you to an urgent meeting in London. We have discovered why we haven't got any Neuroi activity, and where some of your Liberion witches have been"
Roosevelt then placed the telegram letter on the table, he stood up and said to him.
"I need a plane to London ASAP"
"Yes Mr. Presient," he said as he exited the office
Romanga, Rome
The Duchess of Romanga, Maria was in her room getting ready for bed, as she was brushing her hair, a knock on the door can be heard.
"Come in," She said
One of her bodyguards gave her a telegraph letter
"What is this?" she asked
"A Letter from Prime Minister Churchill of Britannia"
Maria opened the letter and began reading it
"Ti sto invitando a una riunione urgente a Londra. Abbiamo scoperto perché non abbiamo alcuna attività Neuroi"
After reading it she looked up at her bodyguards and said "Thank you" She said " I'm going to need a ride in London tomorrow morning"
In another part of Rome, Mussolini got the same letter. He was angry seeing that his beautiful sleep was interrupted by the government.
Orussia, Moscow
Tsar Nicholas II, though a man in his mid 70s, he was man who can still walk and run. As he was writing a letter to a relative, he found an unopened letter. He ripped it open and it read.....
"Я приглашаю вас на срочную встречу в Лондон. Мы выяснили, почему у нас нет активности"
"The Prime Minister of London?" He asked himself. "If he says it was urgent, I must go immediately"
Fuso, Tokyo
Emperor Hirohito was having lunch with a few of his friends and his bodyguards. That was until Prime Minister Tojo entered his room and gave him a letter.
"What is this?" Hirohito asked
"Letter from Churchill" he said
As he opened the letter, it read.....
"ロンドンでの緊急会議にあなたを招待します。 Neuroiアクティビティがない理由を発見しました."
Hirohito put his hands over his mouth trying to inspect the letter carefully. He knew he sent over a few witches in London, but if this was urgent, he must go
London, Britannia
Painter Adolf Hitler was finishing up painting the beaches of London. Then he felt like a muscle pulled in his back
"Argh! ow ow my back" he said as he sat down. He took a deep breath and said to himself "Dammit, this sucks"
His wife Eva walked over to him. She was holding a letter and put it next to him
"What is this?" he asked as she picked up
"Letter from the Prime Minister"
Hitler slowly opened the letter and took it out of the envelope. He unfolds the paper and it reads.
"Ich lade Sie zu einem dringenden Treffen in London ein. Wir haben herausgefunden, warum wir keine Neuroi-Aktivität haben"
Then he saw the date on when he should be arriving. He nodded
"Thank you Eva" he said
in another part of London, the Karlsland government which is in exile also got the same letter that every world leader was given. Emperor Frederick IV was also invited as well. He decided to take two guards with him for his safety.
Tomorrow, World leaders will be meeting in the 501st JFW base including some VIPs. Though the first leader to make contact with NATO was Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Who was greeted by the witches and the NATO reps?
"Greetings I am the Prime Minister of Britannia. Winston Churchill"
"Greetings My name is William Adams I represent NATO and Great Britain"
"As I heard, the portal that is located in the 501st JFW leads to an alternate reality of Earth. Tell me what is so different between our two worlds?" he asked
"Well, in our world it is the year 20XX and we have very advanced technology."
"I can see that. Judging by your ships, they looked very advanced compared to the ships we have"
Their conversation was interrupted when the sounds of fighter jets were patrolling the skies. Churchill was surprised to hear such loud noise. He had never seen that kind of plane before. Was this NATO truly a powerful organization consisting of 30 nations? Could they really help defeat the Neuroi once and for all?
"Well that was loud," he said
"I apologize for that flyby," The American Rep said "My name is Patrica Smith and I'm the rep of the United States of America" Winston glared at this woman who is wearing a tight skirt that was above the knee, a panty house to cover up her legs, a suit with a black tie and a button-up white shirt. Winstons didn't like the way she dressed then again he has to admit himself, she was sexy.
"I can see that," he said, "let me guess, you come from a parallel version of Liberion?"
"Correct sir," the young ambassador said
All the while, NATO troops were setting up a welcome center for the leaders to enter the room. They got food and drinks ready to be made for tomorrow's big event. The 501st and 502nd also helped them out. Well some of them did. Shirley and Miyafuji were at another part of the base in a hospital wing. Alex was still unconscious during the big fight with the Neruoi. It appears the doctor's prediction of waking was wrong.
The doctors were checking up on him on why he wasn't waking up. After doing some testing and hearing his heartbeat. It was confirmed that Alex was in a coma. She took off her stethoscope and place it on the side of the table. She got out of the room and told the witches.
"How is he?" Shirley asked
"Well, we figured out why...."
"What is it?" Yoshika asked
"It appears that Alex is in a Coma right now"
Everyone gasped hearing that
"How long will he be out?" Georgette asked
"I don't know, probably a month a year?"
The witches looked down at Alex's body. They were all in sadness and sorrow seeing Alex in that state.
Flashback End
Miyafuji was using her magic trying to speed up the healing process. She was glowing bright blue as a circle shape appeared with symbols on it.
"Don't worry Alex you will get better soon" she said
"Miyafuji, it's useless, just accept the fact that he is in a coma and we don't know when he will wake up"
Miyafuji then deactivated her abilities and then stood up. She sighed in tiredness
"Alright....let's help out the others," she said as the two left the room leaving Alex alone in the room resting
Today was the big day that almost every world leader will be meeting with NATO. Not only that other witches from other Joint Fighter wings will be joining as well. Of course, some members of the 503rd, 504th, 505th, 506th, and of course the Luminous Witches will be joining as well. The first to arrive was Winston Churchill who was greeted by the UK Rep. The second to arrive in the USL President, Franklin Roosevelt. He was greeted by the American Rep. The third to arrive was Emperor Hirohito escorted by two other Fuso witches. The fourth to arrive is Duchess Maria of Romagna, the fifth to arrive is Tsar Nicholas II of Orussia, the sixth to arrive was Mussolini, though he was given some glares by the Italian Reps and other people. After that was Fredrick IV of Karlsland.
The last person to arrive was the one and only....the man who does not need an introduction. Adolf Hitler and his family. Hitler looked around to see the place. All of NATO glared at him like they saw a ghost. Some were angry glares. Mostly were Jews who had families who were in the holocaust.
"My god!" An American soldier said
"It's.....him!" A German Soldier said
"THe evilest dictator to exist all of humankind," A Jewish American soldier said
"Uh Hallo, Mein name is Adolf Hitler, this is my wife Eva, and my daughter Uschi. ANd I'm a painter"
"yes, Mr.Hitler, we are aware of that," The Jewish soldier said
"Ah Hitler, how is my favorite artist doing" Fredrick asked him
"Ah, your majesty how are you?" He said
"I'm doing great," he said
No one had the balls to walk up to him and shake his hand. That was until the German rep came up to him and shook his hand.
"Good day to you Mr. Hitler my name is Wilheim Wolf, I am the Representative of NATO and Germany.'
Hitler smiled as he shook his hand. Some of the other witches were clueless and had no idea why nobody would want to shake his hand knowing he is one of the greatest painters to exist. Especially the Karlslanders Witches. Hitler went to her daughter and told her.
"Why don't you get some food for me and mom?" Hitler said
"Ok Dad," She said as she went over to the refreshments to get some food
Later as everyone else arrived, they all took a seat and presentations began. Patrica went to the front of the screen and said to them.
" name is Patrica Smith and I'm the representative of NATO and the United States of America. You may be wondering why you are all invited here today. Leaders, witches, and commoners. You may be wondering why there hasn't been any Neuroi activity going on. That is because, two months ago, the 501st Joint Fighter Wing has discovered a wormhole near this base. That leads to an Alternate Reality of this world. I happened to come from that reality.
Some of the leaders gave out chuckles thinking they might be serious while some gave whispering sounds.
"I understand this is hard for you to believe, but it's true," Minna said "Patrica and other NATO members are from an alternate timeline. You see they are from the future. It's currently the year 20XX."
"Do you expect us to believe in that" Roosevelt asked
"Do you have some proof?" Nicholas II of Orussia asked
"Yes..lots of evidence," Rossmann said "Well lets start off this presentation"
Minna used Ethan's laptop to start the presentation. The first picture showed the title. It reads
"An Alternate Reality"
The next slide showed what appears to be a map of Earth, but something was odd about it. The borders were wrong and the geography wasn't right.
"Wait a minute what is this? Is this some type of Joke" Mussolini asked
"It looks like our world, but the landmass looks different," Maria said
They zoomed into Europe and showed the modern borders. Surprisingly it was different. They see Romanga as united as one, there were more countries in Eastern Europe. One of them is called Poland.
"I don't understand what's going on," A member of the 504th JFW named Dominica Gentile said
"Ok ok....why don't you start off the history of this so-called Alternate Universe" A Sumous witch named Aila Payvikki Linnamar who is the leader of the Luminous Witches
"Alright then, let's start from the beginning. The date was June 28th, 1914"
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