King of New York
"Hey drink up boys, and don't say I don't ever give ya nothin'. And before you say water it nothin', just ask a fish, in the desert," Jacobi said, before going back to the kitchen. It had been a few days since the brawl and things weren't looking good for the newsies. Jack went missing, Crutchie has been spending his days in the Lodge, refusing to leave his bed, and Feister was still in the Refuge. As for the rest of the boys they were all at Jacobi's, with nothing else to do but mope around.
"Why do old people tawk?" Finch asked while sitting up straight.
Race sighed before pulling his cigar out of his mouth and said, "Ta proves they's still alive." the blonde tried to lighten up the mood as much as he could, considering the state he was in. There was a small chuckle from Finch, and head nods from the others. Besides Jack missing, there was another elephant in the room. Getting Feister out of the Refuge. Race wasn't exactly sure when, or even how that would happen. Yes, there have been break outs before, but that doesn't mean it would be easy. The break out team was usually, Jack, Race, Finch and Albert.
Jack would find out where a newsie was and give him (or in this case her) instructions to bust out. Race and Albert were the muscle/on ground distraction. Whether it was punch or a prank, they'd double team up on whoever is trying to stop them. And Finch was well...the watch bird. He kept an eye from the roof top of nearby buildings and would shoot pebbles at the guards when needed.
But with Jack missing, Finch getting migraines every now and then. Albert's bruised eye, not to mention a wound on his upper arm, and Race also having a bruised eye. The break out team was well...the broken team. But, there was no way Feister was staying in the Refuge a moment more. Yet, there was the fact she could always get busted up. If Race had to guess - no - he knew Mush was already planning on going to see Feister again that night. So hopefully if she isn't too injured, Race could possibly set up another break out team for that night.
Race would obviously have to take Jack's place for the team. The blonde thought about who'd he bring for a few moments. It would be the safer bet not to bring Finch since can't see straight with those migraines. Sniper would be the obvious choice, though, he is one of the younger newsies. But with the state Finch is in, there wasn't another choice. Race knew Albert was going to go no matter what state he was in. A couple of bruises and a wound won't stop Albert, that's for sure.
Lastly, there was his place to cover. Mush would probably be the best to take, but Race wasn't sure if that was the brightest idea on the planet. Strong bond can equal trouble. It would definitely do more harm than good if Race were to let Mush go along on the break out mission. Race could make a whole list of reasons of why that would be a bad idea. But...there was always a, "but" to everything.
"Good morning gentleman." Katherine said as she walked into the Deli with a smile on her face. The newsies' response were groans. None of them were in a very cheery mood at the moment, and Race was starting to get stressed on the whole break out mission. "Would you look at these glum mugs. Could these really be the same boys who made front page of The New York Sun!" This made them perk up faster than you can say 'papes'.
"Would ya look at that! That's me!" Race exclaimed, slapping the paper with the back of his hand. Though there were a million things to be worried about. He had to keep up the happy mood so no one would be down in the dumps. But being on the front page, Race didn't have to try so hard to be happy.
"Front page and you ain't even dead yet." Jojo yelled over the noise.
"Where's me? Where's me?" Romeo asked as he quickly grabbed the paper from Race.
"Wait in till my old man gets a load of this!" Buttons exclaimed as e grabbed the paper from Romeo. "I won't be last in line for the tub tonight!"
"But you're still gonna stink." Romeo commented.
"You got us in the paper?" Davey asked.
"You got yourselves in the pape," Katherine replied, who was very happy she could cheer up the boys.
"Newsies stop The Woild," Mush yelled as he stood on top of the table with the paper in hand. "Now There's a headline even Elmer could sell!" he said making the others laugh, and earning a glare from Elmer. But his smile quickly faded when he saw Feister's face. She was wedge in between him and Crutchie with a huge smile on her face and sparkling eyes. Mush was so lost in thought he didn't even notice that the paper had been grabbed out of his hands, and the boys ran to the other side with it.
But when he did he hopped down from the table to join them. "Can ya believe it? Kid Blink asked. "We's front page news! Now we's might actually have a shot at winning. Plus, I's pretty sure Feisty wouldn't want you'se ta be moping."
"I's an idiot," Mush mumbled.
"Hey, she's the toughest goil I's ever met; she ain't gonna break that easily. You of all people should know that," Blink said trying to cheer up Mush.
"Hey I heard they arrested Feister, did they get Jack too?" Katherine asked, a little worried. More than a little. She was scared that something bad happened. Maybe Jack went to The Refuge or worse. And even though she didn't know Feister very well, she knew that the boys cared a lot for one another.
"The Delanceys are spreading a story that he took it on the lam at first sight of the cops," Albert replied sadly.
"Jack don't run for no fight!" Les yelled as he pushed Albert.
"Take it down shortstop, I'm just reporting the news," the redhead replied while poking Les.
"For jumping Jack sake, can ya stow the seriosity , long enough to just drink in the moment. I'm famous!" Race exclaimed as he slung an arm around Albert and pulled him closer in excitement. Only to be shoved away just seconds later.
"Yeah? What of it?" Henry asked.
"Are ya stupid or what?" Race asked as he faced Henry. "When yer famous the woild is yer erster," Race said before sticking his cigar in his mouth.
"Ya what?" Henry asked with the most confused look ever. The other newsies, plus Davey and Les were wondering what the heck Race was saying. While Katherine covered her mouth to hide her smile since she knew what Race was trying to say.
"Yer erster," the blonde replied. All the boys had confused looks, trying to figure out what Race was saying. "Ya erster." Race rolled his eyes before saying, "Ya know, yer fancy clam with the poyler in side."
"THat's an oyster, Race," everyone yelled.
"That's what I said!" Race exclaimed.
"But you didn't," Albert replied in a matter of fact tone.
"Alright, alright," Henry yelled calming down the other newsies. "So how much does being famous pay?"
"Ya don't need money when your famous, they gives whatever ya want, gratis."
"Such as?"
───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────
"Feister," Joker whispered, trying to wake her up without moving her body.
"What?" she asked quietly while opening her eyes. Her body ached and her previous wounds also hurt, plus the ones she got not to long ago burned like no tomorrow. She couldn't feel a bone on her body. Heck, it even hurt to breathe. Also everytime she coughed from whatever it was that made the Refuge stink she'd end up moaning in pain because most of her hits were to the stomach.
There was also her shoulder that Flicker and Joker had to reset, which hurt more than her stomach. All she wanted at the moment was to be in Mush's arms, she always felt, and she loves the feeling when they would hug and he'd kiss her forehead just because, it always made her feel safe, like nothing could hurt her.
"Um...that boy is back."
Feister's eyes widened and she wanted to go see him. But she knew that she couldn't get out of bed in her current state. It hurt that she couldn't see him, especially since they confessed their feelings for each other. Feister sighed and then asked, "See that envelope on the nightstand?" Joker glanced at the nightstand and then nodded. "Can ya give it ta 'im an' say that I's sorry, not ta worry bout me an' that I'll be fine."
"Sure. Now you'se get some rest," Joker said. He waited until Feister was asleep before grabbing the letter and going to the other side of the room and over to the window. Joker took a deep breath and said, "Um...ya see she's hurt, real bad an' can barely move."
"Is she ok?" Mush asked worriedly that Feister, his best friend and the girl he loves the most is so hurt that she couldn't move.
"Hard ta tell. She says she's sorry that she couldn't see ya, an' not ta worry, she'll be fine. An' she wanted me ta give ya this." Joker handed Mush the envelope. Mush took it and looked at it sadly.
"Tell 'er ta hold on, this'll be over soon," Mush said, then left before he got caught.
───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────
It was late by the time Mush came back from the Refuge. All boys were already in their bunks. But Specs, and Race were still up. The two boys were all talking quietly, then stopped when they saw he was back. Mush gave them a small smile as he headed over to his bunk.
On the bottom bed, Mush saw Jojo was in his usual sleeping position. Which was on his back, one arm on his chest, and the other sticking out over the edge. Mush rolled his eyes when Jojo let out a rather loud snore. And people say his snoring is bad. Anyway, as Mush was about to climb up his bunk, Race came over and asked, "So, how is she?"
Mush froze for a moment, then said, "They's soaked 'er so good she couldn't even come ta the window." Mush got frustrated with this whole mess that he started to clench his fists into a ball. "Race I's swear if I's see Spider or one of his goons, they's better watch out cause-"
"Yer not gonna do anythin' that's gonna get ya into that place!" Race practically shouted. "It's already bad enough that Feisty's in that place, we's don't need another newsie stuck in there! Ya hear?!"
"If I's was there with 'er, maybe-"
"No maybe Mush!" Race cut off. "Spider already got you'se in there once. He knowns yer weaknesses, Mush. An' I's don't just mean the places ta throw a hard punch at ya. If you'se were in there with Feister, Spider would figure out in two seconds ya got a thing for that goil, an' then what? He'll pick on 'er just ta get ta you'se! An' what bout Feisty? It was already bad enough that she had ta worry bout you'se gettin' thrown in there. How ya think she'd react if she saw ya gettin' a bum beat?!" Race paused for a moment. "You'se wouldn't be able ta protect 'er in that place, Mush. If I were ta guess, just the sound of yer name is gettin' a reaction outta Feisty that Spider wants." another small pause. "Get some sleep, we'll try ta bust 'er out tomorrow." Thankfully, Mush didn't argue and went to bed.
Race went over to the other side of the room where his bed was. On the top bunk next door, Specs was getting settled. He leaned down and said, "Ya did a good job handlin' that."
"Thanks," Race said. Specs nodded before settling in for the night. Race followed in suit and laid down. He didn't bother pulling the covers up since it was the middle of July. Yet, Race couldn't go to sleep. There was too much on his mind. Jack missing, Feister in the Refuge, worrying about Mush doing something rash, the youngers possibly getting a nightmare, money getting tight. It all swirled around in his head. But, another question started to swirl in Race's mind. Why?
Why did Jack think that he could handle being second? How did Jumps ever manage to do it for so many years? Could the strike really go on? But, most importantly. Is it still worth striking?
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