It's a few weeks into winter. The snow has covered the sidewalks and there were hardly any people outside. Because of the storm that's arriving in a few days, you were stuck at your cousin's place.
"Out of all the weeks, why this week?? It's so important for me to go back home", you whined as you looked out the window, staring at the snow.
Hyunjin walked out into the living room and spotted you on the couch. You were pouting while making little shapes on the window. He smiled and took steps forward until he sat next to you.
You quickly glanced at him before turning away, cheeks turning red. Every time he gives you that look, it's like your insides twist.
"Stop it", you muttered.
"I'm not doing anything", he chuckled, shrugging his shoulders.
"Yes you are. You're staring", you said.
"I'm not allowed to look at you?", he raised an eyebrow.
"Not unless you want to be punched", you answered.
"Fine. Punch me then", he smirked, leaning closer.
"You're seriously insane", you said.
He noticed you were hesitant to look him in the eyes. It's been that way since she admitted that's he's attractive.
Minho came in seconds later and noticed Hyunjin's hand on her knee which he quickly slapped away. Your cousin has always been protective.
"Don't touch her. She's still young", he pointed a finger at him.
"We're the same age", Hyunjin said, glancing at you.
"Doesn't matter. I'm always gonna see her as a baby. I can't let anyone disturb her innocent mind", Minho placed a hand on your head and lightly tapped.
"How do you know she's innocent? Maybe she murdered someone and is probably planning to murder us too but since you're saying she's innocent, you'd be the first to go. Or maybe she's done stuff you don't approve. You don't know", Hyunjin smirked, teasing the both of you.
"You better not have. If I find out you have, you're grounded", Minho turned to you.
"I will smack the both of you if you don't quit it. You already know I don't go out anyways. Not even for my birthdays. So chill", you rolled your eyes and stood up to walk towards the kitchen.
Minho let out a breath and sat down on the couch next to Hyunjin. They both looked as you walked away.
"So what do you have planned for her birthday?", Hyunjin asked, softly talking so you wouldn't hear.
"I don't know yet. She hates parties and whenever we take her out to eat, she refuses to go anywhere else after. Maybe she'll listen to you since she likes you. Last time I tried, she threw a donut at me", Minho said.
Hyunjin instantly imagined what you would throw at him if he kept trying to convince you to go out. Maybe a loaf of bread or microwave. Either way, he'd rather not be hit with anything.
"I'll pass", Hyunjin said.
"Oh come on, you'll be spending time with her. Did I mention she likes you? Do you not care about that at all? Would you rather have me ask Han to take her out? I know he has a thing for her too", Minho tried not to smirk as he stared down at his lap.
Once again his imagination took over. He imagines Han grabbing her by the hand and walking next to you. He imagines Han hugging you close if you felt cold or kissing you on the cheek by surprise. He doesn't even want to imagine Han kissing you on the lips.
"Fine. I'll try to convince her but if she doesn't budge, Han better not take over-"
"What?", Han walked into the living room, confused as he heard his name.
"I was just telling Hyunjin here that-", Hyunjin quickly covered Minho's mouth.
"Nothing. Just that it's your turn to wash the dishes", he said.
"But I did it last week. It's Seungmin's turn. Hey! Seungmin! You have to wash the dishes!", Han turned back around into the hallway and ran down towards the shared room.
Minho chuckled and pushed Hyunjin's hands away.
"Desperate", he whispered before getting off the couch, Hyunjin throwing him a pillow.
"Hey", Hyunjin leaned against the wall of the guest room you're in.
You were on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as you counted the little white dots you see every time you close your eyes. As he stepped in, you turned your head and sat up.
"What?", you asked.
"Just bored", he sat down on the bed before resting back.
His head landed on your lap which surprisingly you didn't push away. He closed his eyes, sighing softly before opening his eyes again to meet yours.He tilted his head, instantly looking like a puppy. His smile grew the more you'd look at him.
"You're cute", he poked your right cheek before chuckling.
You pushed his hand away and asked what he wanted. Staying silent, he watched how your face turned red and how your eyes would slightly twitch. Of course you liked him. You were never like that before.
"Do I make you uncomfortable?", he asked.
"", you answered.
"Then why aren't you looking at me?", he asked.
"Because there's no reason to look at you", you said.
"Well I'm talking to you. I consider that rude. Friends look at me in the eyes when they talk to me. Are we not friends?", he asked, sitting up.
"Of course we're friends. We're just friends. We've been friends for almost two years so there's no way I'm not comfortable with you", you explained.
He nodded, realizing what he just said. Now you're thinking he doesn't think of you as more than just a friend.
"So for your birthday-"
"I'm not doing anything for my birthday and no one is going to make me do something so I wouldn't go any further from there", you told him.
"You're just gonna stay here? Doing nothing? That's no way to spend a birthday. Especially you're 21st birthday", he said.
"It's my way of spending it doing nothing. There's nothing you can say that'll change my mind", you said.
"(Y/n), I'm not letting you spend your birthday doing nothing. I know that day for you is the hardest and mostly difficult. It's been three years. I'm not saying you should forget about your brother. But he wouldn't want you feeling upset on your birthday. I want to take you out that way you can have fun and actually enjoy doing something with someone that you personally know. If you don't like it then I can bring you back and you can do nothing if you want. Just give me a chance to make you happy on your birthday. So tomorrow I want you to put something nice on...or something comfortable, whatever you want and you are going to let me take you somewhere and we will have fun. Then I'll bring you back and we'll have cake. And the entire time you will have a smile on your face and I would have completed my goal except when the day is over I will have a new goal and that is to make sure you have a smile everyday. A genuine smile. Not a fake smile that you always show whenever you're around us. Understood?", he sounded more serious and his smile disappeared.
From the look on her face, he thought he must've scared you or push you away further but instead you nodded and said, "okay".
"Alright. I'll let you sleep then", Hyunjin stood up and began waking out of the guest room.
After closing the door, you raised both eyebrows and felt your heart beat quickly. Not even washing your face with cold water helps. Your hands were on the sink, grip tightening as you took deep breaths. The night is not gonna be easy for you.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, wondering if the outfit you're wearing is appropriate and nice for today. Minho knocked as he leaned against the doorway, watching as you fixed your shirt.
"Happy birthday little cousin. You look great", he smiled as he walked inside.
"Really? You don't think it's too much?", you asked.
"You're 21 now. You should be going over the top. I think it's fine. Do you know where he's taking you?", Minho asked.
"No. All he said it's somewhere close. He doesn't want to go too far because of the storm", you said.
"Good. If there's a problem, feel free to call me okay? I won't hesitate to go running in the snow to kick his ass", Minho said, making you laugh.
"And I won't hesitate to call. Thanks Minho", you smiled and looked in the mirror one last time before heading out of the room.
You walked down the hallway and met up with Hyunjin who was leaning against the wall while looking at his cellphone. He took one glance at you and widened his eyes. The beanie he gave you fit perfectly. You don't know this but that was actually his lucky beanie, one he had for years.
"What did I say about staring?", you said, interrupting him from his thoughts.
Shaking his head, he apologized and smiled, telling you that you look beautiful even though you know he's lying. Pure wearing a huge coat and layers of shirts. You probably look chubby.
He held your hand and softly pulled you towards the front door but Minho was quick enough to pull him back.
"Just go out to the car. I need to speak to him", Minho said to you.
When you walked away, Minho face Hyunjin and warned him that if he hurt you, he'd become angry and not hesitate to hurt him back. Hyunjin promised he wouldn't hurt you and never will so with that he walked out and opened the car door for you.
You loved looking at the snow. It reminded you of when you were five years old. Your brother would throw snowballs at you and build snowmen. He would drop to the floor and create snow angels with his body. That was your favorite part because he would always say that he's the angel that will look after you.
"(Y/n)?", Hyunjin placed his hand on your knee.
Shaking your head, you smiled and looked over at him.
"Anywhere is fine", you answered.
He parked in front of a restaurant that you've never seen before. The banner that says 'grand opening' gave you an answer that they had just built it and is now open. But there were people waiting in line.
"We can go somewhere else if you don't feel like waiting", you said.
"Are you kidding? I made reservations. I know I asked you where you wanted to eat but I had to come up with a plan. I wouldn't mind losing the reservation if you wanted to eat somewhere else. But this is new. I want you to experience new. Is that okay?", he asked.
"...yeah. That's fine", you said.
You were seated in a booth near the back where it's quiet. The waiter gave you the menu and asked if you two wanted anything to drink. You asked for water and he asked for lemonade.
"I don't like the way he looked at you", Hyunjin said.
"What?", you chuckled.
"He was giving you flirty eyes. I'm the only one allowed to give you flirty eyes", he said.
You couldn't help but laugh.
"You never gave me flirty eyes. I would know", you said.
"I gave you flirty eyes yesterday on the bed-", as soon as Hyunjin said that, the waiter was near the booth, cheeks flushing as he handed the drinks over.
"Ready to order?", the waiter asked, avoiding your eyes.
"Yes. I'd like a Fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp and extra garlic bread please", you smiled and closed the menu.
"I'll have what she's having", Hyunjin said as he grabbed both menus and handed them to him.
The waiter nodded and quickly walked away. Hyunjin laughed at his reaction and fixed the napkin onto his lap.
"Oh and it's her birthday today. You think she can get something?", Hyunjin called out for the waiter, eyebrows raised.
"Sure", the waiter said, staring at the floor.
You softly punched his arm for saying that. You don't like the whole 'brings cake and sings happy birthday in front of strangers'. Not since the incident when you were ten and cried in front of everyone.
"Why did you say that?? I don't want them to sing", you said.
"They won't. If you don't want them to, I'll ask them not to. But I'm definitely singing happy birthday to you because that is a part of the birthday experience. Now it's your choice whether you want me to sing when people are around or when we're alone, and trust me if we're alone, I will try to kiss you. So make your choice wisely because that opportunity comes once", he softly smirked while nudging you.
"Don't make me call Minho", you warned.
"Hey I'm kidding.....maybe", he smirked to himself as he looked away.
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed a napkin and placed it on your lap like him.
"Oh, that reminds me. I have another gift for you", he smiled and took out a small box from his pocket, getting your attention.
"Hyunjin, you already have me this hoodie. I don't need another-...whoa", your eyes widened as he opened the small box, revealing a beautiful necklace.
"I noticed you were looking at this in a magazine so I wanted to get it for you. It was quite hard to get but after like three days and a few calls, I managed to buy it but it was gonna take another three days so luckily I ordered it before your birthday passed. It came early actually", he explained.
"The reason why I couldn't get this necklace was because it's expensive. Why would you buy something like this?", you asked.
"Because I know how much you wanted it. You said it reminded you of the one your mother had. Obviously it's important to you", he said.
"So why did you buy it?", you asked.
"Because you're important to me", he said.
The seriousness in his face slapped you across the face and stabbed you in the heart. No one has ever said anything like that to you, except Minho but he's supposed to say things like that since he's family.
Hyunjin smiled and said "you're welcome" in a very satisfied voice. He took out the necklace from the small box and told you to turn around so he can place it on you. Holding your hair up, you can feel the coldness on your neck, coming from the necklace.
"There. It looks good on you", he smiled as he watched you touch the small diamonds embedded into the small locket.
The food arrived a few minutes later. Hyunjin talked about the daily routines the group has to do before going into the building. Apparently it's harder than how people explain it. He wanted to know more about you since you live hours away from them. You told him about how you have to wake up everyday at 5 in the morning to get to work on time. Studying medicine is also a pain but it's worth it. He loved listening to every story you told because it's quite interesting how excited you get.
When you finished eating, the waiter brought a small chocolate brownie that had a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. It did look and smell delicious and Hyunjin of course carefully planned today so how could you say no.
"Did you make a choice?", he asked.
You were about to take a bite but stopped as you remembered what Hyunjin told you minutes earlier.
"Am I supposed to decide now?", you asked.
"Unless you want melted vanilla ice cream all over the brownie, I'd decide now if I were you", he chuckled.
"...well I don't really like when people sing when there are people around", you mumbled softly, staring down at the ice cream that is starting to melt.
"Alone it is", Hyunjin smiled, digging his spoon in the brownie before putting it in his mouth.
"Do you wanna go anywhere else?", Hyunjin asked as he began driving.
"I don't know", you answered.
"I can take you back if you want", he said.
"No. I mean, I still want to be out but I don't know where I want to go", you said.
"I think I know a spot."
He drove a little bit over four hours. You didn't know where he was taking you but as you noticed one of the street signs, you turned back to look at him.
"What are we doing here?", you asked.
"It's your birthday. Maybe he wants to see you", Hyunjin answered, causing you to smile.
You passed each headstone until you found the right one, wiping away the snow from your brother's name. Sighing, you sat down, ignoring the cold snow. You hadn't been here in days, mostly because you try not to come here a lot. It gets you sad at times.
"You know, I remember him telling me to be careful. That's all he said before he passed away. Just 'be careful'. I never knew what he meant. I still don't know", you said.
Hyunjin sat down next to you and held your hand, softly squeezing.
"Before I really knew you, I never understood why you were so quiet or rude whenever people would talk to you. I thought 'maybe she's having a bad day'. But every time I would see you, you'd have the same attitude. So maybe not a bad day. Bad week? No. Then Minho told me what happened and I knew. That's why I never really pushed myself to talk to you", he said, smiling before continuing, "The day I saw you petting a puppy who hurt his leg, I saw you smiling. You were comforting the puppy and you kept telling Minho to take him to the vet. You were worried when it began to cry. So when the vet said the puppy's gonna be fine, you smiled again and hugged the vet. That was the last time I saw you smile genuinely. I guess that's why I keep teasing you because hearing that you like me, I was shocked. I mean, out of everyone, you chose me. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings when I said we're just friends. Because in reality, I wanna be more. And I meant when I said I want to make you happy."
"If you're gonna say no, I don't want to hear it. Because I'd rather not know than know your answer. If you say no, I won't be able to take it. Because I feel like I've tried and failed miserably. If it's a no, don't say it", he smiled softly.
The grip on your hand softened and his fingers went limp. How can he say that if he knows what you feel?
You tightened the grip on your hand and looked at him. His heart skipped a beat as you sat closer to him.
"Why would I say no when you already know how I feel about you? I mean, you even said that's the reason why you tease me. Isn't it? So again, why would I say no?", you said.
Your nose was turning red from how cold it's getting. He sat in front of you, rubbing his hands together before placing them on your cheeks. Your eyes got bigger which isn't uncommon for you. They're always big when he gets close.
"That reminds me, I still need to sing to you", he said.
You tried to pull yourself away but his hands went behind your head so you wouldn't go anywhere. He began to sing, a little bit off-key but he's trying. His voice is soft but clear. He would get closer but still keeping in mind what you want. Your eyes glanced down at his lips before looking into his eyes once more. He took that as an okay and leaned in, closing the space between you two.
Your hands went up his chest until they tangled themselves in his hair, pulling him closer. Is it weird making out in front of your brother's grave? Probably.
Hyunjin was about to pull you onto his lap before his phone rang, ending the kiss. He answered the phone as you fixed your hair.
"Where are you? I thought you guys were just going out to eat. That was a few hours ago."
"We'll be heading out in a bit. We're really far. But we'll try to get there as soon as we can", Hyunjin said before hangin up.
"Was that Minho?", you asked.
"Yeah, he's asking for us", he said, standing up before brushing off the snow from his pants.
He helped you up and walked over to the car.
You stayed silent the entire drive. Hyunjin kept wondering what you were thinking, whether the kiss was bad. But really you were thinking how amazing it was.
They were an hour away. The car stopped because there was snow blocking the way. What's worse, there was no one around.
"What happened?", you asked, looking out the window.
"The road is too slippery and snow is in the way. The storm must be coming sooner than expected. I need to call a tow truck or someone who can help", Hyunjin took out his phone and dialed a number.
You began getting cold so you hugged yourself, hoping you'd warm up. The car's heater was broken so you were out of luck.
"Well, since the storm is arriving, no one's allowed to leave their places so we have to wait until tomorrow", he said.
"Does that mean we have to sleep in this car? It's freezing!", you breathed out.
"I know. Luckily I have a blanket in the back", he reached over and grabbed a purple blanket, placing it on you.
"What about you? Your nose is red", you said.
"I'm fine. I'll call Minho and tell him the situation we're in. Just get some rest", he smiled before dialing again.
You sighed as you felt the blanket warm up your body. Your eyes closed and soon enough you fell asleep.
The dreams you normally have are about your brother. This time it was about Hyunjin. Although it wasn't a good dream. He was standing on a railroad track, just watching ahead of him. It looked like he couldn't breath. You try to go to him but your feet wouldn't move. You hear a train and your heart stops.
You woke up as you were startled by the dream. Hyunjin turned to check if you were alright.
"Just a bad dream. I'm okay", you sighed and leaned your head back.
Hyunjin had his hands in his pockets, lips trembling. Your eyebrows scrunched up, quickly feeling his forehead.
"You're burning up", you took off the blanket and placed it on him but he refused.
"Hyunjin, you'll die if you don't take it", you said.
He shook his head. With a stern look on your face, you told him to go in the backseat where there is more room. He carefully climbed over to the backseat with you following behind.
"I know this is gonna sound perverted but I need you to take off your coat and your shirt", you said as you took off yours.
He eyed you but quickly looked away with flushed cheeks.
"Hyunjin, having skin to skin contact will increase body heat. If you end up getting really sick, I will blame myself and then I will hate you. Please listen to me", you pleaded.
Quickly responding, he took off his coat and shirt. You tried not to stare at him so you grabbed the blanket and sat close to him until you were cuddled up. The blanket covered up your bodies and instantly felt better.
"You idiot. Why didn't you get some of the blanket? This wouldn't have happened", you said to him.
"You were more cold than me", he said.
"I don't care. Do you not know hypothermia is a thing?? If you ended up dead, I would've killed you if it was possible", you mumbled softly.
"Is someone worried?", he chuckled.
"You're damn right. You can't just kiss me and then risk your life. That wouldn't be fair", you said.
"I would risk my life for you. I'm not careless. I bet you'd do the same for me", he said.
"That's not the point. I'm not the one who's lips turned blue", you said.
"You could've kissed me to warm them up", he smirked.
Punching him, you covered your face and told him to stop laughing at you. Even at this state, he'll act like nothing is wrong.
"I'm sleepy", you yawned.
"I don't think it's a good idea to fall asleep. Unless I'm wrong about the whole hypothermia thing", he said.
"I'm just trying to stay awake because if I fall asleep, I know for sure I'm gonna want to pee real bad. Doesn't that ever happen to you? Whenever it's freezing cold, you're more likely to pee like every twenty minutes", you said.
"No that does not happen to me. You're weird", he chuckled.
"I know I'm not the only one. Anyways, what a way for an end on my birthday. It's like bad luck", you said.
"So you think it's bad luck for you to be stuck in a car with me, topless?", he smirked.
"I meant...even if someone tries to make this a good birthday, something always happens. Doesn't matter who I'm with", you said.
"You're always looking at the negativity. Didn't you have fun today?", he asked.
"I did. I swear I did. I can tell you tried really hard. And I love the necklace. But why does the damn snow have to ruin everything?", you muttered.
"I don't think the snow ruined anything. I get to spend more time with you. Even if it's like this. Although you won't be able to try the cake I bought for you today. You're gonna have to wait until tomorrow", he said, resting his head on yours.
"Is it strawberry?", you asked.
" I thought you hate strawberries. I thought-"
"I was kidding. It's chocolate right?", you lightly smirked as you looked up at him, which was a mistake.
His lips were close to yours. He didn't hesitate to tease you.
"Wanna warm them up now?", he raised an eyebrow.
You punched his chest and looked away, hearing him laugh.
"If Minho was here, he would've kicked your ass", you stated.
"Yeah but he's not. Anyways he's gonna have to get used to it since we're gonna be together", he said.
You scoffed and flicked his forehead.
"Who says we're gonna be together? You're over your head", you said.
"So that means you don't really like me and you don't want me as more than a friend? I don't believe that. But I can tell you're shy with these kind of things so I'm gonna let it slide", he nudged you.
The next morning, you were woken up by a man tapping on the window. As your eyes opened, you quickly sat up and covered yourself with the blanket.
"Hyunjin", you shook his arm so he'd wake up.
When he did, he met eyes with the man and put on his shirt. He stepped outside and talked to the man which gave you time to put on your shirt and coat. You stepped out as well and leaned against the car as you waited for Hyunjin.
The amount of snow that covered the road is more than what you expected. You could hardly see anything.
"So the car has to be fixed because of the range the weather caused. We're gonna be riding in his car because he's gonna tow this one. Once we get there, we have to call Minho or someone who can pick us up because we're too far", Hyunjin explained.
You nodded.
On the way there, Hyunjin held your hand. He made sure to sit in the middle because you looked a bit uncomfortable. Your fingers would lightly tap on his hand while you stared out the window. It's a thing that you always do from time to time.
Hyunjin paid the man and both of you waited on a bench for one of the driver's from his company. As you waited, you smiled when spotting a dog across the street. It was a labradoodle. He was smelling the concrete floor, probably looking for food and since he didn't have a collar on, you assumed it was a stray.
"Look", you pointed towards the dog before standing up.
He watched as you crossed the street and kneeled down to face the dog. You were careful to let the dog smell your hand first before you could pet him.
"He doesn't have a collar", he said.
"Yeah that's what I was thinking. He's probably a stray. And he's skinny too. He's hungry", you said.
"I'll be right back", Hyunjin said before walking into the store near the corner of the street.
"Did you stay out during the storm? That's not good", you said to the dog.
His tail kept wagging despite the condition he's in. You wondered if taking him home will be any trouble.
Hyunjin came running back with a loaf of bread, kneeling down to give a piece to the dog. He ate it right out of his hands.
"I can't leave him out here alone. He'll die", you said.
"Do you want to take him to the shelter?", Hyunjin asked.
"No. He won't do any good there either. I want to take him home. He's harmless", you said.
"If that's what you wanna do, I got your back. He's gonna need a bath", he said.
"Yep, a really warm bath. I think he'll enjoy it", you smiled and scratched the dog behind his ear.
When the driver arrived, the dog jumped into the back, panting and wagging his tail. You decided to sit with him while Hyunjin sat on the passengers side.
"I can't believe a dog stole my girl", Hyunjin whispered to the driver, causing him to chuckle.
They arrived home an hour later and were greeted by the rest of the guys. They noticed the dog you brought and gasped before hugging and petting the dog.
"Did you go pet shopping or what?", Minho asked.
"(Y/n) felt bad for the dog and wanted to bring him home", Hyunjin said.
"He needs me", you pouted.
After settling in, Minho thought it would be a good idea to cut the cake. Before doing that, you wanted to give the dog a bath since he was dirty.
"What name should I give you, hm?", you asked as you poured water on the dog's body.
He panted again before licking your face.
"Ralf? You don't look like a Ralf", you said.
You began scrubbing dog shampoo that Hyunjin has for his dogs and noticed he was enjoying it. You haven't had a pet in years.
"Need help?", Hyunjin knocked on the door and almost laughed at how some bubbles from the shampoo landed on your head.
"I'm okay. But can you hand me the towel?", you asked him as you poured water on the dog's body to rinse away the shampoo.
You were about to put the towel on him but he shook himself and ended up soaking you and Hyunjin. You laughed and dried his head first.
"Maybe I can call you Beau. I like that name for you", you said.
You grabbed your blow dryer and connected while Hyunjin helped Beau out of the tub. When you turned it on, Beau began to bark and wanted to jump on you.
"He must really like the blow dryer", Hyunjin laughed as you were knocked down.
"I put it on high by accident", you said.
A few minutes later, Beau was now dry and running around the house. Your focus was now on cutting the cake.
"I'm ready", you hopped your way towards the dining table where everyone was waiting.
"And please no singing. If anyone sings, I will grab a handful of this cake and slap it on your face. And don't think I won't", you warned them.
"No singing? That's no fun", Jeongin pouted.
"Yeah. We're just cutting the cake? That's just weird", Han said.
"C'mon, lighten up. We want to sing to you", Hyunjin nudged you, offering a soft smile that made you blush.
Some couldn't help but smirk. Minho on the other hand smacked Hyunjin behind the head.
"Fine. But I'm not biting the cake", you told them.
They began to sing and instantly you felt embarrassed. You had to cover your face as Minho pinched your cheeks. They took a quick photo as you blew the candles.
"Okay, present time! Open mine first!", Minho handed you a gift and softly clapped as he sat in front of you.
"But I want cake", you whined.
"Fine big baby. Have your piece of cake. And then open my gift", Minho stuck his tongue out at you.
The guys bought you a lot of things. You don't know how you're gonna take everything back on the train.
Hyunjin covered your eyes as you were sitting on the couch while eating the cake. You shook his hands away which surprisingly smelled like vanilla. He sat down in front of you and glanced back at the guys before quickly kissing your cheek. You almost dropped the cake on your jeans.
"What the hell was that for??", you asked, fixing yourself.
"I'm trying to top all the presents you received. No one can top a kiss", he said.
"But that doesn't count as a kiss because it was on the cheek", you said.
He smirked and leaned closer until he was a few centimeters away.
"I can make it count then", he said, glancing down at your lips.
"Don't make me call Minho", you warned him.
He smiled and kissed your cheek again before sitting back. Beau walked over and sat down near your feet, resting his head on your knees while looking at you.
"The cake is good", you said.
"I know. I'm good at picking out cakes", he said.
"And it's chocolate. You know me so well", you watched as Beau yawned and began to fall asleep.
"Well yeah, how else am I gonna win your heart?", he said.
"You're mushy", you chuckled.
He shrugged his shoulders and kept his hand on your knee. Han walked into the living room and noticed how close Hyunjin is to you and his hand.
"Hey, I was just talking to (y/n) about her necklace and how much she likes it. You remember the necklace right? Luckily I was able to get it for her. Your present is nice too though. Although she has to return it and get a smaller size but it's great", Hyunjin said, Han looking a bit sad.
"I'm not gonna return it. I like big sweaters. And I like all the presents equally. Thanks Han", you smiled at him, cheering him up.
He went over to the balcony and met up with Changbin.
"That was mean", you pointed out.
"You know he likes you right?", he said.
"I do but he knows I like you, moron. Don't do that. He's your friend", you said.
"Hm..that's the first time you admitted to me that you like me", he smiled.
"You're not even listening to me", you rolled your eyes, about to stand up but he grabbed your hand, preventing you from leaving.
"Okay, I'll apologize. I just like you so much, I don't want anyone else to like you", he said.
He made you sit on his lap, grabbed the plate that had half of the piece of cake and placed it on the coffee table before holding your hands, and sighed.
"I don't want to be afraid of losing you to someone else so I'm gonna be direct and hopefully I won't sound like a loser my girlfriend", he said.
At first your eyes open a bit wide before smiling.
"You don't sound like a loser at all. Of course I'll be your girlfriend. I'd be crazy if I say no", you said.
He smiled and placed one of his hands on your cheek, leaning forward to place his lips on yours. It was great at first but Minho ended up hitting Hyunjin with a pillow, saying he should keep his hands off of you. Although he's happy for you, he's not gonna risk something happening.
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