it had been a couple of hours since woojin had left stray kids, but it seems like he hasn't returned ever-since. "i wonder what's taking woojin-hyung so long to bury a body?" felix asked as the night started to sneak in, "i don't know mate, but as he went deeper into the forest.. it looks like he will take a while." chan answered while everyone could hear a blood-curdling scream from a range. "wait that sounds like.. WOOJIN-HYUNG!" jisung shouted as the remaining members started to run towards the direction of the scream, chaos occurring. they sprinted as fast as they could, but as they arrived.. it was too late.
woojin's body could be seen submerged into the high voltage water, an exposed cable looked like as if it's been dropped carelessly was at the side. "no, no, no.. not our eldest no.." chan dropped down onto his knees and cried, his fellow 97 liner was now dead.. he had lost his hyung who helps him take care of their members. "why is this happening?!" chan shouted while felix dropped down next to chan to embrace him. "that's it, woojin-hyung would never kill himself on purpose and jeongin doesn't like the idea of violence.. that's enough deaths and proof to confirm that there is a murderer lurking inside this forest!" minho exclaimed as seungmin shuddered in alarm.
"no.. that can't be right, jyp-hyung said that this land is completely private!" felix argued while still comforting his australian mate. "then someone must have trespassed or sneaked-in here, we must be careful." minho said as everyone agreed immediately. "looks like we can't take care of the body this time as it is already inside the water which has a cable.. no one would want to risk their live just for that." jisung spoken while the members nod their heads and began to walk away.. except for the two on the ground.
"i'm sorry hyung, i've failed you again!" chan shouted as he sobbed onto felix's shoulders even louder. "please calm down hyung, it's been a tough day for all of us. plus, we need to prepare for tomorrow.. remember?" felix helped the older on his feet as chan held onto the other's hand. "you're right lix.. even though we wouldn't be able to celebrate with the complete team, we still need to congratulate him. let us get going now.. rest in peace woojin-hyung." the two australians leave the scene looking forward for the next special day.. too bad not everything are rainbows and cupcakes right?
if you hear closely, you could hear disturbing laughter hidden far away. "huh that's odd.. i almost forgot that tomorrow would be minho's birthday." a distant wrenched voice that resembled 'woojin' echoed through the forest. "well what do you think of giving him a 'unique' present from his lost members, hyung?" another voice which sounded like 'changbin' spoke. "i think that would be lovely! hyungie will be surprised for sure!" 'jeongin' peeped into the conversation, "then it's settled.. HAHAHA!" more laughter could be heard as the three vanish once more.
it was now dawn, a certain leader was already awake as he started to wake up the others.. all except one. "hyung why are we doing this again?" seungmin asked as he scrunched up his nose. "it's because we need to make minho a birthday cake! and if you all will ask me what ingredients we will use and how in the hell we are going to bake it.. again just leave it to me. now come on, before we wake minho up!" chan whisper-shouted as they went out of the tent to find some ingredients. "hmm, what does minho-hyung like?" hyunjin asked out loud before getting an answer from jisung. "come on hyung, we all know that he likes berries!" "okay then, so let's get a basket from our bag of supplies and pick some wild-berries." chan ordered as everyone complied and got the basket, before venturing off on their little treasure hunt. a couple of minutes had passed since stray kids have been searching for berries, they've looked left and right.. eyes fixed on every tree but to no use.
until, they saw a bush that had a sort of red-ish-purple berry growing on it.. there were almost enough to feed a starving pack of wolves. "hyung look!" seungmin shouted as everyone turned to the pointed direction. "awesome seungmin! now, we just need to test if it's safe to eat." chan said as he casually picked a berry and plopped it into his mouth, the rest of them watching in worry. "so..?" felix questioned as chan's frown started to burst into a smile, "..tasty!" hyunjin gave his hyung a high-five as everyone started to get to work, making sure to pick enough berries for the 'cake'. once they were done with their business, they headed back to their tents.. discussing on what else to put into the 'cake' on the way. "ooh hyung, remember when you asked felix to pack some marshmallows, chocolate and gram-crackers for s'mores? we can use those.. and we can make a bon-fire to bake it!" jisung said as everyone cheered. "you're a genius, jisung!" "hehe i know.. but respect your hyung, felix! where are the honorifics?" felix gave jisung an 'are you kidding me' face and proceeded to rant on about how jisung is only a day older than him, causing the group to burst into a fit of laughter.. but not for long. as stray kids arrived at their tent, they placed their basket of berries on a nearby wooden table as they went off to search for things required to make a bon-fire.
as they were distracted, they never noticed that 'woojin' had appeared having his mischievous smile on.. changing the sweet, edible wild-berries into poisonous, inedible ivy-berries in the process. "they would never know what's hitting them.." 'woojin' whispered as he vanished. felix, who had just collected some fire-wood came back to check on the basket of berries as he felt suspicious. but as he arrived.. he noticed that nothing has happened to them, shrugging the uneasy feeling off of his guts. unfortunately, there was something wrong with the said berries.. but felix would've never found out because the fruits look basically the same. "felix, get the basket and the bag of supplies! i think we've got enough wood." chan yelled as the younger obeyed. as he got to the venue, the fire had just been lit.. chan approached the aussie and helped him with the bag. taking out the marshmallows, chocolate, gram-crackers and a baking pan out of the bag.. seungmin, who came a while ago started arranging the ingredients into the pan. putting the chocolates in first, the marshmallows next and finally the 'wild-berries'. the boys took the pan and placed it carefully on the bon-fire, watching it slowly but surely bake.. it would probably take about 15 minutes before it was done.
the time required has passed as the boys quickly removed the pan from the bon-fire and onto the wooden table.. they were amazed on how delicious-looking the 'cake' had turned out. the 'wild-berries' had melted onto the marshmallow, giving it a purple stain as the marshmallows have turned into a golden-brown color.. the chocolate melted too of course, making the bottom of the 'cake' very creamy. seungmin took some gram-crackers, crushed them into tiny bits and sprinkled them onto the 'cake'. "wah! i never knew that it'll look this good, i want to try it so badly." "well you can't until minho wakes up hyunjin, sorry!" chan chuckled at the dancer's pout before the boys heard a groan. "oh shit, he's awake! quickly guys.. hide!" seungmin whisper-shouted as he hid behind a bush with felix.. carrying the 'cake' with him. minho on the other hand, got up from the mat and looked around him to see if the boys were already awake- wait, where the hell are they? minho went wide-eyed as he realized that he was alone inside the tent, "uhm guys? did y'all seriously leave me alone inside the tent.. wow they really did." minho walked out of the tent, expecting for the boys to be out there.. but nope.
suddenly though, all of them jumped from their hiding spot singing happy birthday. minho was shocked.. but mostly touched, how can the members remember his birthday? when minho himself even forgotten. "no you guys shouldn't have!" stray kids came closer to minho, all individually giving him a hug as seungmin gave him his birthday 'cake'. "we made this specially for you at dawn hyung, we really hope you like it!" minho started tearing up as he embraced them tightly. "aye seungmin, let's stop with all the cringy shit.. EAT THE CAKE MINHO-HYUNG, WE WANT SOME TOO BUT CHAN-HYUNG WON'T LET US GET A BITE TILL YOU TASTE IT!" everyone laughed at felix as minho rolled his eyes, "as you demand felix." the dancer took a spoon from the bag of supplies and scooped up a piece of 'cake', putting it into his mouth right after. "it's delicious right, hyung?" jisung asked as minho tried to answer yes, but before he could..
he suddenly felt an unbearable pain inside of his stomach. he dropped the cake, smooshing it onto the dirty ground which made the boys gasped. "URGH!" minho shouted as he held his stomach. "oh my god hyung, are you okay?" hyunjin was the first to rush over to the older as he patted his back. "i-i'm f-fine.." minho blurted out as he bended down and started to puke, chan was horrified.. it was bloody. when minho finished and looked up, his face was starting to swell. "w-what did you guys.. p-put on this thing?" minho was starting to get dizzy as the swelling is making it harder for him to breath, it's covering his airway. as a few seconds pass, minho fell the ground while hyperventilating. "w-who knew this was t-the way i w-was going to d-die.." minho let out a smile as he closed his eyes, his breathing stopped. "CHAN-HYUNG I THOUGHT YOU SAID THAT THE BERRIES TASTED GOOD!" jisung shouted as he ran to minho, trying his best to do CPR on him. failing to do so as minho never woke back up, jisung gave up and cried onto minho's chest.
"it did though, it really did.. unless that murderer that minho was theorizing about was real." chan's voice had gotten low, making the others speechless about how he could've been right. "i knew it! i've had a suspicious feeling about the berries, but nothing happened to them when i checked.. i'm sorry guys, i should've told you." felix lowered his head as seungmin patted his elbow. "lix-hyung.. it's okay, there wouldn't even be a way for us to avoid the situation anyway." "i can't believe minho-hyung passed away on his own fucking birthday.. this murderer isn't even considerate." jisung mumbled angrily as he stood up from minho's body and wiped his remaining tears. "should we bury this one?" hyunjin asked as chan shook his head, "it's better to leave this one as it is.. who knows? we're all probably going to die anyway." "don't think that way chan-hyung! the others wouldn't want us to feel like this. even if we die, at least we did trying to survive." felix interrupted making the others give him a small smile. "thank you lix, we really needed those words of encouragement right now.. let's all do some physical activities to distract us until night! we only have three more days to spend here.. let us hope that we make it." chan convinced the boys as they, after a couple of minutes agreed. they went back to the tent to take a volleyball that they brought from their dorm and went to go to a place with a bigger surface area.
meanwhile with the spirits, they were smiling widely as they watched the boys leave.. woojin was clutching the wild-berries in his palms while letting out a chuckle. they then felt a shadow appear behind them, quickly turning around to find a ruined 'minho' who still had his swollen face and blood flowing from his mouth plus the features the others had.. of course. "happy birthday hyung! did you like our surprise? hehehe~" 'changbin' 'innocently' asked, to which 'minho' answered with an amused smirk. "oh, so you three did this to me.. not bad. it feels nice to be a spirit.. you have all these powers and capability." 'woojin' approached 'minho' and handed the wild-berries to him. "well since you're on our side now.. you'll help us with killing off the others too, right?" 'minho' looked at his palms and clenched it, making the berries explode instantly. "yes hyung.. what's the point of being evil if you're not going to do bad stuff?" "that's good to know.. now come on, it's time to eliminate another victim." 'woojin' lead 'minho' to hold hands with the other two.. and instantly, they evaporated into thin air.
minho is now with the rest of the spirits.. leaving the dance line and entering the killer line. who would be next?
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