Chapter 7

Phew...Finally, the cat is out of the bag. He he.

I wanted to keep Jimin's knowledge of Jungkook's whereabouts a mystery. I was afraid I'll spoil it somehow and slip it bcos I'm an impatient bish.

On another note, while Jimin knows about Jungkook's double life, he lacks in depth knowledge of lot of things. So he judges things based on things he knows and witnessed.

Anyways, I'm glad it all worked out. There's another reveal waiting for you in this chapter. Badass Jimin coming through.

Hope you'll enjoy this chapter.

Updates on my next fic in end notes.


The entire ride to the police station was tense. Choi hadn't given a chance for Jimin to call anyone. As much as Jimin hated this, he also knew this was inevitable. He had anticipated this for months now. They had been trying to get to persuade him to work against Jungkook and he was continuously refusing it.

Just who do they think I am?

He wasn't a damsel in distress. And never will be.

After the call with Minhyuk, a lot of things made sense. He understood the police were pressuring him to side with them and they believed he'd relent once he saw the so-called bad side of Jungkook. Minhyuk was a scum who'd do anything for easy money. After all, that was the only reason he latched onto Jimin for so long, pretending to be a good guy. And he was a fool for not seeing it until it was too late.

It took every ounce of his strength to not fidget or show his nervousness in any manner. He acted nonchalantly. But again, the water had already gone over his head. Their relationship was public and the gangs knew him too. Determination tightened his features and he squared his shoulders, letting go of his soft demeanor.

This was no time for weakness.

The guy who accompanied him was literally breathing down his neck that he couldn't text or call anyone. Jimin didn't want them to see his phone or texts. He hoped the security already alerted Jungkook.

He texted Namjoon at the first chance he got. Surprisingly, they left him alone for a few minutes in the reception. He was quick, his fingers flying over the keypad. The attorney would know how to handle this. It was time to pull the cards.

To Joon hyung:

Hyung, I'm here at the station for some inquiry.

Do you think you can stop by?

[Location attached]

Then he decided to text Jungkook. He didn't care anymore. His boyfriend should know.

To Boyfie:

I'm headed to the police station.

I'm sure you'd have figured everything by now.

We need to talk, but just know that I love you and you matter the most to me.

To TaeTae:

TaeTae, I'm headed to the police station.

I know it's not necessary, but just in case...

Protect him with your life, please.

Love you.

He was interrupted before he could check the incoming texts and was led to an interrogation room. Choi looked pissed than usual and Jimin wondered if he found out what happened to his dear friend who was foolish enough to threaten Jimin.

"Please put your phone away." The guy who came earlier with Choi said to him as he led the way to the interrogation room. At least that was what Jimin thought. They were in a police station and they had nothing against him. They wouldn't just lock him up or do something else, do they? He pocketed his phone and followed.

"Thanks for coming today, Teacher Park." Choi inclined his head in greeting before taking a seat in front of him.

Jimin let his gaze sweep around and crossed his legs. The interrogation room looked every bit like the ones from the movies he'd watched. Perhaps not that clean or spotless like the ones in high-quality movies. The room smelled stale with the lingering smell of coffee and cigarettes. Maybe that cigarette smell came more from the investigating officer.

As Choi placed a file and a mug of steaming black coffee on the small table before pulling out some photographs, Jimin composed himself. If one thing he knew about these interrogations was that he shouldn't show his nervousness. After all, he'd been expecting this for months ever since Choi came to meet him in the school.

They were waiting for him to crack and slip, which wouldn't happen under any circumstances because he was good at lying as much as he was good at dancing. And he got the best poker face, which he had to put all his trust in for now.

"No bloodied photos like the last time, please." Jimin kept his voice firm and even despite the tremor that's running through his veins. He could imagine Tae telling him something along the lines of 'be the bitch, bro. Bite them hard.'

He should have at least called Namjoon before coming in. Perhaps, he should have pulled those 'I need to talk to my lawyer' cards. In his defense, he was so tense and wasn't thinking clearly. He just got off the phone from Minhyuk and he was still processing it. However, he did send a text to his attorney hyung while waiting in the reception. He grew anxious and wondered what would happen if Choi accused him of something he couldn't get out of. He could only wish Namjoon got here sooner.

Choi nodded non-committedly. "Your friend mentioned that you have Hemophobia. May I ask if there is any specific reason that caused it?"

Jimin knotted his brows. He didn't think Choi was genuinely concerned about his phobia. He was sure he was trying to get something out of his answer. He knew this type of people. They only looked for weaknesses they could exploit later. So he took a deep breath and braced himself.

"I was a victim of a car accident when I was eleven. I lost my parents," he stated in a clipped voice. Talking about their death didn't hurt anymore like it used to. But the memory of the blood was still fresh so was the metallic smell.

"I'm sorry for your loss." He didn't look the least bit sorry though. His face was an emotionless mask. Sungmin was such a lovely child. It was hard to believe this was his father.

"It was a long time ago. But yeah, it affected me deeply so..." he drawled not finished the sentence. "Why am I here?"

"Do you remember the Cobra's case?" His brows knotted as he leaned forward on his elbows.

Jimin furrowed his brows. "I do. That was long ago."

"We recently learned that you were one of the volunteers who worked closely with the victims."

Recent? He wanted to scoff. It was in the records because Jimin had given a statement too. Four years ago.

"That's right." He nodded. "I was one of the caretakers and also worked closely with the psychiatrists. My involvement isn't a secret. You must have my statement somewhere there." He pointed out.

The inspector continued to act nonchalantly as if he wasn't aware. "Then you must remember this victim." Choi pushed a photo toward him.

Jimin nodded again, gaze flicking briefly to the image of a thirteen-year-old girl. "That's Hannah. What about her? Is she alright?" Genuine concern flashed in his voice.

"Oh, she's perfectly alright. We are investigating the case again and I was going through the statements of the victims. Do you remember anything about her case? We heard you were allowed to be with her during her therapy and the only person outside the psychiatrist who knew her story. Any information you could provide us will help."

"I'm sorry. I cannot tell you anything. Patient confidentiality." He interlaced his fingers on his lap.

"But you're not a doctor."

"No, I'm not. But all the caretakers in the camp had signed NDA to stop them from talking to media or any outsiders for that matter."

Jimin was grateful for the NDA, which was signed as a precaution to stop them from leaking any news bits to the media like the identity of the victims or the gory details of the torture they were subjected to. The media hawks were hungry for those tidbits which should be none of their business.

"How convenient," Choi murmured. "We're not media, Jimin-ssi."

Jimin shrugged. "Patient confidentiality exists for a reason. I cannot provide you any information that would violate her privacy."

Choi clenched his jaw. "Hannah specifically mentioned that she saw the man who saved her and that you knew his identity." He pushed a transcript of a statement toward him. "Here, does this remind you of something?"

Hannah: I showed him to Minnie oppa once. He told me that he was my guardian angel and that he'd keep me safe.

"Oh, that was Jungkook," he replied. "I remember that now."

Choi whipped up as if he'd found a cookie jar. "You mean the Jeon Jungkook from Jeon Corporation."

"The one and only," Jimin confirmed with a smile, allowing Choi to have a brief victory dance internally as he believed he was onto something. "The Jeon Corporation donated a huge sum to carry out the majority of the medical expenses. They allowed us to use their local warehouses as temporary camps and later contributed a lot to the welfare of the victims. They helped the local healthcare and wellness division to build a support home to house the homeless victims and even have a lot of sponsorship options for students who want to pursue education." Jimin smiled fondly. "The children received a lot of toys and other things from the public and donors. The majority of them came from Jeon Corporation. He often sends them big boxes of chocolates. So yeah, the children knew him. Jungkook became the President of Jeon Corporation around the same time and Hannah was fond of him. So she would point at him whenever they showed him on TV."

Jimin watched in satisfaction as the inspector's smile deflated.

"You must be joking." He shook his head. "If you read her statement, she clearly mentioned she saw the person who rescued her and she showed them to you on TV."

Jimin took a deep breath. "Inspector, she was a thirteen-year-old child who was going through a trauma. She was subjected to horrors I cannot even think of. If you read the medical reports provided by the doctor that would tell you enough about her mental health at that time." He leaned back in his chair. "I can't tell you more than that."

Choi snickered. "She has clearly stated that she saw a man who rescued her. And then she showed him to you. On TV."

Jimin shrugged. "She suffered hallucinations and nightmares that kept her awake for days at a stretch. There were a lot of things she said at that time that didn't make sense." His features tightened.

"Did you or did you not tell this Jeon Jungkook is her guardian angel?" Choi gritted out.

Jimin sighed. "First of all, you are not getting the point here, Yeonjun-ssi. To Hannah and the kids, Jungkook is a man who put food on their plates, gave them warm blankets along with a shelter to stay. They all know him as a man who helped them when they needed someone." He lifted a hand, stopping the inspector when Yeonjun tried to say something. "Yes, I told them Jungkook is their guardian angel. It wasn't just Hannah who sees him as an angel."

"That's the most insane thing I heard," Choi snorted. "You manipulated the children to believe he is some saint while he is a killer."

Jimin felt fury licking his veins. "Then I should remind you a phrase 'innocent until proven guilty.' You have no evidence that points out Jungkook is a murderer."

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, trying his best to keep his displeasure in the bay. They acted high and mighty when they had done nothing to stop the Cobras.

"It is what it is. You're trying to make him into a person he is not."

"And you're trying to read unwritten pages," Jimin scoffed. "Perhaps you should try to become a novelist. You do weave interesting stories."

"Stories? What do you know about him? He is the ultimate boss of the most feared mafia in Asia." He slammed his palms on the table. "He killed hundreds of men that night." Choi was furious now.

"And what do you know about Cobras? Why do I feel like you're empathizing with criminals who deserve no mercy? I shouldn't expect someone like you to understand the extremity of the horror they brought upon children, women, and those helpless families," Jimin countered.

"Jimin," Choi's voice rang with a warning.

"It's Mr. Park for you," Jimin hissed. "What do you know, inspector? You weren't there when they brought in those broken and bloodied victims." He was sure his face was red. Jimin didn't get angry that easily, but there were a few things that tested his endless patience. "You weren't there when they would wake up screaming because of a nightmare or basically reliving the moments of torture." He moved forward, planting his palms on the table. Jimin knew how his face would look when he was furious, even Choi leaned back in his chair, taken back but his sudden outburst. "You weren't the one who held them through the night because they couldn't sleep. And you dare to blame Jungkook, a man who protected them. How dare you accuse him of something vile as this?"

Choi ground his teeth and fisted his knuckles so hard they turned white. "You know very well what kind of person you're in love with."

"Exactly." Jimin leaned back. "Jungkook is a lot of things, but he isn't a murderer. Whoever feeding you this bullshit is misleading you. Because the man I'm in love with is the kindest and compassionate human I've ever had the pleasure to meet."

"You know what I think? That you're trying to protect your boyfriend." He spread more papers outside. "I have a firm reason to believe that your boyfriend is associated with many illegal activities," he hissed, his calm composure failing. "And now I know you have persuaded and manipulated the victim to believe he's a guardian angel while he was the culprit." And like that, they were in square one. Just what Jimin said didn't get through his thick skull?

"I did no such thing. The children went through hell and Jungkook was there providing them with shelter and a new life. Yes, I did tell them he was their guardian angel once while we were watching TV. It was to give them hope and something to hold on to when they had none." Jimin barely spared a glance at the documents and photographs he kept pushing toward him. "Why aren't you pressing charges? If you have enough evidence then why aren't you getting a warrant?"

"You're helping a criminal, Jimin-ssi," he stressed again. "Aiding and abetting a criminal is a crime. We can arrest you and prosecute you for this." The inspector exhaled. "You're a compassionate individual, Jimin-ssi. I talked to almost every victim in the camp and they all have only good words for you. I don't want to see you waste your life on someone who doesn't deserve that. Please understand. I just want to help you."

Jimin regarded him for a long moment. "You know what I think, Inspector? That you're trying hard to frame my boyfriend for the crimes he didn't commit. Criminal is a very strong word to use against an individual who isn't proven guilty." He uncrossed his legs and stood, pushing his hands inside his pockets. "My answer remains the same, Yeonjun-ssi. My boyfriend is a respected individual in society. He's a great businessman who also does a lot of charity. Naturally, he has rivals who want to see him gone. Threats aren't new to us or his family. I don't know who's feeding you with the wrong information. Please don't bring them to me and ask me to validate something that isn't true."

"Is that so? Don't forget that I can drag you to the court. How does that sound, huh?"

Jimin shrugged again. "We have nothing to be afraid of. We both are law-abiding individuals who live in peace."

"It's like that, huh?" Choi growled. "Where are Minhyuk and Heesung? I know your boyfriend has them."

Jimin lifted a brow. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You exactly know what I'm talking about. Their last call was to you." Choi got in front of him, invading his personal space.

Jimin met his gaze, his demeanor not wavering. "I'm under fire for dating Jungkook. I get at least a hundred calls from reporters and haters. You have to be more specific, Inspector."

Right then the door opened and Namjoon entered with a furious look.

"That's my cue," Jimin said, a small smile stretching his lips. "As I said before in the school, you can contact my lawyer for any further questions. Do not contact me again with baseless accusations and stop stalking my boyfriend. You're intruding on our privacy."

Choi gritted his teeth. "We will meet again, Park Jimin-ssi."

Jimin paused and turned to meet him.

"Drop it, Yeonjun-ssi. If you know what's better for you that is," Namjoon warned.

"Are you threatening me, Namjoon-ssi?" the inspector sneered. "I can press charges based on this."

Namjoon tilted his head to the side. "It's a genuine warning," he said. "I don't think Seoul police department will be happy to fight a lawsuit against Jeon Corporation for continuously harassing the President and his partner, not to add violating their privacy by stalking them. We also now have evidence to prove that you have been pressuring Jimin-ssi to not only spy on his partner for crimes he didn't commit but also testify against him, which violates his spouse privilege." His features hardened.

The inspector scoffed. "That shit doesn't work here, Namjoon-ssi. Same-sex relationships aren't legally recognized and he will receive none of that privilege in South Korea." He laughed. "Perhaps you should go back to law school, you know, to refresh your memories."

Namjoon looked down at the inspector with a smug smile, hands pushed deep into the pocket. He towered over the inspector who stood a couple of inches shorter than him. If looks could kill, the inspector would be dead by now.

"Then I have to remind you that my client is an American citizen who is married for the past six months. It'd take years for the court to decide whether or not to allow Jimin-ssi the privilege of a spouse here in South Korea." He took a step forward, invading Yeonjun's private space. "I shall remind you that the country legally recognizes the spouses of the foreign nationals. Wanna bet?"

Jimin's jaw went slack and eyes were wide as saucer, his mind vaguely supplying the memory of him signing some documents several months ago. They were in English and since his English knowledge was as good as a kindergartener he hadn't bothered with the contents. He was told those were visa request documents.

"If you are that desperate, inspector, go on and file the charges. The Jeon Corp will handle this legally. But keep Jimin-ssi out of this. You will not come anywhere near him."

Jimin watched as Namjoon sent a salute before guiding him out of the room with a hand in his lower back. He didn't know what would happen to Heesung, but if Yeonjun wouldn't stop then he didn't know what Jungkook would do to him. He could only hope that Yeonjun dropped it for the sake of his son.

Taehyung was the first one to embrace him in a bone-crushing hug as soon as they stepped outside. Several cameras flashed in his direction and Jimin ducked his head. His wall of defense was cracking and his hands began shaking. He was absolutely terrified and he realized it was his anger that fueled his courage while he was inside.

"Why are you here at the police station?"

"Jimin-ssi, is it true that you cheated on Minhyuk with Jungkook?"

"Will you resign your job as a kindergarten teacher?"

"How long have you been together?"

Questions shot from every direction. Jimin hid his face in Taehyung's chest as he was guided through the crowd.

Perfect. Just what I need today.

Namjoon and Taehyung blocked him from the view of the reporters.

"Namjoon-ssi, please tell us what's Jeon Corp's next step?"

"Will Jeon Jungkook continue to be the President and CEO of the Jeon Corporation?"

"Is it true that several investors have withdrawn from the Jeon Corporation?"

"The share values have gone down to an alarming level. It's something Jeon Corp never saw before. What are your thoughts on that?"

Jimin was pushed gently into the car and Taehyung climbed in after him, closing the door thereby blocking all that nonsense.

Jungkook was there, pulling him into his embrace immediately. Jimin moved to climb on his lap, burying his face into his chest as he let out the first set of tears he'd been holding for so long. He was safe.

Jungkook is here.

And he was holding him tight. Jimin fisted his shirt, didn't bothering the creases that caused. Jungkook was here and he was holding him, talking soothingly in his ear. That was all that mattered.

Jimin let out a sob, his defenses finally crumbling under the peer pressure that was on him for the past couple of days. He wasn't cut out for this life. He had panicked when he stepped out of the station and saw all those reporters.

He dug his nose into his chest, inhaling Jungkook's familiar scent that was his Victoria's Secret perfume. Mild yet fragrant and soothing to his sore mind. It was a scent that blanketed him with a sense of security.

This was what they wanted to take away from him. His clutch on Jungkook's shirt tightened at the thought. No. He wouldn't allow that. He would fight for this as long as he was alive. He would fight for everything they had now.

"D-Don't let me go," he stuttered. "C-Can't lose you." Sobs racked his body violently. He wasn't a fighter. He wasn't physically strong. But that was the person Jungkook fell in love with. That was the person Jungkook came home to. That should mean something, right? He pulled away to stare into Jungkook's eyes. "Please," he begged. "I-I need you. C-Can't..." He shook his head. "I-I love you. O-Only you."

"I know, baby." Jungkook cupped his nape, pressing their forehead together and he felt Jungkook's tears even before he saw them. Their tears mixed.

"Don't let me go. Please...C-Can't live without you."

Jungkook chuckled, brushing their noses and their lips just a breath apart. "You're a fool, Park Jimin," he whispered. "You're a fool if you ever thought that I'd let you go. You're mine."

"Yours." Jimin nodded fervently. "Only yours."

"I love you, Jimin." Jungkook kissed him. Just a long press of their lips as they drove off to God knew where. Jimin didn't care. He was with Jungkook. He would go to hell if that meant he was with his boyfriend.


"I don't care what you do. I don't want those dogs anywhere near him," Jungkook hissed. He had forced Jimin to a bubble bath with relaxing music as soon as they reached home. He left Tae to accompany him while he went to talk to Yoongi and Namjoon.

"They won't," Namjoon promised.

"I put a bounty on the anonymous person who put a bounty on Jimin," Yoongi informed. "Whoever gives us information will be heavily rewarded. We have a few leads we are investigating."

Jungkook nodded. His heart clenched painfully witnessing Jimin's breakdown. "Cancel the Yakuza meeting. They will understand. We cannot risk someone finding out."

Yoongi agreed immediately, "The mole is too close than we thought. I have already sent a word to everyone. We will hold our weapon dealings until we find the mole and dispose of them."

"Sounds good. I'll be with him. We will meet once he's ready to talk." With that, he went back inside prepared for anything that would make Jimin feel better.


"I've always known who you're, Jungkook-ah." Jimin smiled fondly. "I'm from Busan. I lived there until my grandparents moved to Seoul after my parent's death." He took a deep breath, putting his half-finished coffee mug aside.

They all sat in the living room. Jungkook and Jimin perched on the love seat while Namjoon, Yoongi, and Taehyung occupied the other available seats.

"We lived in the middle of Jeon and Cobra territory. So there were always fights and whatnots. Our neighborhood wasn't rich. Everyone did what they had to survive. They took odd jobs. It was impossible to grow up without the knowledge of the gangs that ran the city and everything they did. Dragons were the good ones though. They often protected us and kept us safe from the Cobras." He paused, worrying his bottom lip. "Can you um...can you hold me?"

Jungkook blinked, and then he opened his arms. "Come here." Jimin scooted closer, but Jungkook pulled him onto his lap. The kindergarten teacher settled in his arms comfortably, sighing as he buried his nose into his chest. Jimin stayed like that for a while and the others waited patiently.

"There was this boy in the home next door. His father used to work for your dad. But one day he was killed by the Cobras in one of the altercations. Your father visited them personally. That was the first time I met your dad. I was only nine. I still remember that day clearly because he had this aura around him you know. He patted my head on his way out and told me I'm a smart one." Jimin recalled after a while with a soft chuckle. He pulled away from Jungkook's chest but stayed close. "He's a nice man. Your dad supported the family and took care of my friend's education." He looked down at his lap. "His family had food on his table because of your dad."

Jungkook ran a hand on Jimin's back, one hand rested on his nape, playing with his hair.

"Then the accident happened. My parents died. We moved and lost all contact with them. My next encounter with the Dragons was when I volunteered with the local healthcare department that was overwhelmed when that incident happened. There were so many victims who needed help and I was assigned to work with psychiatrists because of my phobia for blood."

Jungkook pressed a kiss on top of his head as he hummed. Once Jimin had recovered from his breakdown during the car ride, he demanded that they had so much to talk about and here they were.

"Hannah had just turned thirteen and the things she went through..." he trailed off, his eyes filling with tears. "I was there when she talked to her therapist. I was one of the few people she was comfortable with so I was allowed to be there during her therapy sessions. wouldn't go otherwise. Then one night I was tucking her to the bed. At that time they were kept in a huge hall with beds and there was a TV."

"Oppa, Oppa look!"

Jimin looked down at the girl who was tugging at his sleeves. "What is it, sweetheart?"

"That's the one." She pointed at the TV. "He's the one who saved me."

Jimin looked at the TV.

In one of the press conferences held today in Seoul, the Jeon Corporation announced Jeon Jungkook as their new CEO and President. The decision comes as a result of former President Jeon Jiwon announcing his desire for early retirement last month. The twenty-four-year-old Jeon Jungkook, a young genius who graduated high school at just sixteen went to Harvard University. He holds a master's degree in business and...

Jimin zoned out the news, turning to face the little girl. "You mean Jeon Jungkook."

Hannah nodded fervently. "I saw him," she whispered, tugging him close. "He looked so pretty."

Jimin looked thoughtful, his gaze flicking to the TV screen where Jungkook was giving an acceptance speech. He was breathtakingly handsome. Jimin knew exactly what the young girl meant. Rumors on the streets claimed the Dragons had a new head and they were the ones behind the Cobras' annihilation.

"Are you sure he's the one you saw?" he found himself asking as his mind reeled.

"You don't believe me, Minnie oppa? He was the one who killed the bad people."

Jimin blinked several times clearing his thoughts. "Sweetheart, I believe you." He sat next to her combing his fingers through her soft hair he had brushed a few minutes ago. The other children were mostly asleep; their caretakers were out of earshot. He looked at the TV again. "But you can't say this to anyone else?"


"Because..." His gaze flicked to the TV again. No one could learn of his identity. If they did, it would bring down the Dragons. They didn't deserve that. No. Not when they took down Cobras and were still helping all these victims.

"Do you believe in angels?" he asked instead.

The little girl nodded. "Mommy used to tell me that every child has a guardian angel, who protects them from bad people."

"What if I tell you that he's your guardian angel?"

"He is?" The girl's eyes were wide and it twinkled with something akin to hope.

Jimin didn't think twice before affirming because now he knew Jungkook did not only save the girl, but their company was also one of the sponsors who donated a huge sum to the welfare of the victims. They even allowed one of their warehouses to be used as a temporary camp for the victimsa camp where Jimin worked now.

"Yes." He took her hand in his. "You told me how he protected you from bad people, didn't you?"

The girl nodded.

Jimin exhaled. He didn't want to lie to the girl. "The thing is, sweetheart, if the police ever found out, they will take him away and lock him up." He took her small hands in his. "They will punish him." His voice softened.

"But why?" the girl inquired. "He helped me."

"I know, sweetheart, but the law doesn't think like that." He caressed her cheek. "If they did that." He waved around them. "All of this will stop."

Her face fell. Her lips trembled. "That's unfair."

Jimin nodded, knowing what will happen if the police ever learned of Jungkook's identity. He didn't stop to think or argue about right or wrong. According to him, the Cobras were filth that had to be removed from the earth. He'd been a witness to several atrocities since childhood. He'd seen the extent of damage they'd done and seen the witness himself. The police hadn't able to touch a hair of the Cobras for years, but if Jungkook did it, then he did them all a favor.

"It is. That's why I want you to promise me something, sweetheart."

Hannah looked confused.

"He saved you from bad people, didn't he?"

She nodded.

"Now it's our turn to protect him."

"How?" she whispered, her eyes growing wider again. "I can't fight." She pouted. "How do I protect him?"

Jimin smiled, stroking her hair. "You don't have to fight to protect someone, sweetie. Sometimes, you can protect someone you care for by staying silent. Help me protect him by hiding his identity," he said. "I can't ask you to lie. But soon the police will come. They will ask if you know anything."

"I already talked to them twice. Told them everything I saw."

Jimin worried his bottom lip. "But they don't know his name." He'd seen her medical records. She was recovering, but her statement cannot be produced to the court because she suffered mental trauma. That should work in their favor.

"I won't tell his name to anyone."

Jimin nodded, bringing her small hand to his lips to press a soft kiss. "That'll keep him safe," he said softly. "This is our little secret. What do you say?" He extended his pinkie. She caught his pinkie with hers, sealing the promise.

"I promise."

"Others might see you as a killer. But to me, you are a savior, Jungkook." Jimin sighed. "I saw every victim you saved, talked to the most of them. I might have told them you were their guardian angel. The children at the home needed hope. It came in your form and I have no regrets about doing that. I did what I thought was right." He shrugged.

Jungkook's throat clogged with emotion. He went after Cobras because he was disgusted with their actions. They constantly killed his people, intruded into his territory, and even abducted his sister. His father couldn't subdue them during his reign, but Jungkook was clever. With the help of the others, they had devised a plan to break the Cobras.

First, they took out the small gangs and corrupted officials who were supporting them. Second, they continuously leaked information about them to the police, ruining their deals and meetings. But when he saw the police were powerless against them in a long run, he went after them with guns blazing, and maybe Jungkook went all Samurai mode wielding a sword. No one has to know that. In his defense, he was good at close combat than with guns.

It was a huge risk and he almost exposed their identity, but money did wonders. And Jungkook had a lot. He shut the mouths of the politicians and the police department.

"Then we met and I was so afraid of you," he admitted. "I thought it was over for me. But then you asked me out. We were so different, worlds apart." He played with his fingers and refused to meet his gaze. "But I couldn't help the way I felt when I was with you. You were nothing but kind. It was confusing. I kept wondering... If I could ever be someone you deserved." He worried his lip. "You never talked about your work. Kept that side away from me and I thought it was better that way."

Jungkook was speechless. He watched Jimin in awe. His heart beating faster.

"I just wanted to be selfish for once in my life. I lost too much and never had any luck with love. Then I found you. You made me feel so special and gave me so much love that I wanted to keep it all to myself. I just...I just try not to think about your other side because I'm still...afraid?" Jimin laughed nervously. "But there's nothing I'd do to change any of this."

"Oh, baby... How did I get so lucky?" Jungkook was close to tears. He was so afraid of Jimin's reaction if he ever found out. But it turned out that his boyfriend knew who he was all along. He hugged him closer.

"I'm the one who is lucky," Jimin mumbled.

Jungkook cupped his face. "You're so precious, baby. I was afraid you wouldn't look me the same way you do once you learned who I am." He brushed his cheek. "And here you are, protecting me from those bastards even before we met." He chuckled. "I wish I had told you sooner. But I wanted you as far from this mafia world as possible. I didn't want any of this to taint you."

Jimin rested his forehead against this. "I understand," he smiled. "I don't hold any of that against you. Our relationship was new and I couldn't come to you and tell you that I knew about you. Well, I was afraid you would have put a bullet in my head if I did that on our first date. I mean..." He shrugged.

"Baby, I'd have never done that."

Jimin shrugged again. "It was a possibility. Can you blame me? I was dealing with the JK, the most ruthless and cold-blooded crime lord everyone feared. I've seen grown-up men and those small-time gangsters as one would call them, pee their pants just at the mention of your name." He laughed nervously. "Not a pretty sight, actually. But yeah. You get the gist."

Jungkook sighed, running a hand through Jimin's soft hair. "Thanks for giving me a chance. For dating me despite your fear."

"I feel like a fool," Taehyung mumbled. "Seriously, Jiminie, you got a perfect poker face for someone so innocent. You have us all fooled and I'm fucking glad that you're on our side." He looked at the others. "I mean... if you ever sided with the cops, we would have never known what hit us."

Namjoon nodded. "We have to give you that. You had everyone wrapped around your little palm and now to think, you fucking knew what you were doing when you playing that chess with Chang."

Jimin lifted a shoulder with a grin. "I didn't like him or the way he spoke. I knew he was insinuating something and couldn't let him win." He looked at Jungkook. "I'm not a fighter, but I'm damn good at chess and he messed with the wrong person. What can I say?"

Jungkook pecked his lips. "I'm so proud of you, baby."

Yoongi chuckled. "That's not all," he said and turned to Taehyung. "He saw you taking out the hitmen in the shopping mall. Way to be discreet, man." He flicked his gaze to Jimin. "Is there anything else you saw and pretended that you didn't?"

Jimin smiled, looking at his hand on his lap. "I mean...a few times. That time when Hoseok hyung fought in the parking lot," he admitted. "You guys aren't that careful when you're at home, you know? I've seen your guns peeking out multiple times. Then sometimes, when Jungkookie talks on the phone, he forgets that I'm there. So yeah."

Jungkook dropped his head on Jimin's shoulders. "Damn, baby."

"You got a perfect poker face," Yoongi admitted. "I'm good at reading people, but you even had me fooled."

"That's why I am the queen, aren't I?"

Jungkook swore that the spark of arousal he felt then was definitely not because of the word. But fuck that was hot. Jimin knew. The memory of that night in the club was still fresh in his mind. Jimin was fucking amazing.

"So how did you learn about Hoseok?" Yoongi asked.

"First, it was the inspector Choi. I mean he didn't know Hoseok hyung was involved with the Dragons. They don't know anything about him except that he is Jungkook's future brother-in-law. They know Taehyung is his second-in-command, but don't know about the others. But yeah, once I saw Hoseok hyung with Jungkook's sister, it was easy to connect the dots," Jimin replied. "I didn't bother because they told me you killed all their resources. I didn't see any immediate threat. Over the months they kept contacting me and I always said no."

"What did you tell them exactly?" Namjoon asked.

"That they were lying and had no proof. I told them I'll believe when I see it with my eyes that Jungkook isn't what he claims." Jimin took a deep breath. "I think that's why they did it. They couldn't persuade me. So they wanted me to see who Jungkook was with my eyes. That's why they send me to the club."

"Did you know?" Namjoon asked. "Did you know before you went to the club?"

Jimin shook his head. "I tried to contact Jungkook and Taehyung, but they didn't respond. I knew the flowers weren't from Jungkook, but I also knew the club belonged to him. I used to teach a student in that neighborhood and learned it was a hub of sorts for the Dragons. You know, how the locals talk. I went because I was worried about him. Don't worry. I saw his car and Taehyung's car in the parking lot. So I knew you guys were in there."

Jungkook nodded, still frowning. "It was dangerous. You could have walked into a trap."

"I could have," Jimin agreed. "I was worried more for your safety."

Jungkook massaged his nape. "Let's just agree that you don't put yourself in danger. Do not go off like that even if you receive any correspondence from me. I'll always tell you in person if I want you somewhere and will always arrange for your travel." He brushed the few strands of stray hair aside with his other hand.

Jimin hummed in agreement.

"Now that you know about us, you should also realize there will always be eyes on you, both allies and enemies," Namjoon warned.

Jungkook nodded. "They tried to kill my mother once," he recalled. "Fortunately, dad reached us before it was too late." His features hardened. "I was there when they shot her. Our enemies had paid our own bodyguard to turn against us. He was going to shoot me next. I was only eight, Jiminie." He cupped his face. "As my life partner, your life will be in constant danger. I kept our relationship a secret for this very matter."

Jimin leaned into his touch. "I understand. I'll be careful."

"Hoseok hyung or Taehyung will stay by your side all time. I don't trust anyone else to guard your life with theirs," Jungkook continued. "And I apologize...I think you might have to take a long break from your work until we figure these things."

Jimin nodded. "It's okay, Jungkookie." He looked away at the others with a sigh. "I know I can't have it all. You're my priority." Their smile was lighthearted and they stayed in each other's embrace a while longer.


"Namjoon hyung, I think you have something to tell me." It was time for their dinner and they ordered take-out from Seokjin's restaurant.

Namjoon blinked owlishly before understanding settled in his features and he scratched his nape. "Oh, that..."

"Yes, that. When were you gonna tell me that we are married?" Jimin's tone was light-hearted. He wasn't angry. He was mostly surprised.

"Married?" Jungkook lifted a brow. "You processed the documents already?"

Namjoon shrugged. "I had no choice. You were serious about him. So I took the liberty to process the documents when I went to the US last time."

"Can someone explain what's going on without being cryptic?" Jimin looked between both men.

"Ah," Jungkook drawled, looking at Namjoon, narrowing his eyes.

"Ah, right." Namjoon took the hint. "The thing was Jungkook's dad's idea. I mean, he meant no harm. Since same-sex marriages aren't legally recognized in South Korea, you will never be accepted as his legal spouse and hence will not have any legal rights as his husband." He rubbed his chin and uncrossed his legs as he exhaled. "Jungkook has American citizenship. So he suggested that if you marry Jungkook legally in the United States, it will give you legal recognition everywhere. Our initial plan was to get you both to move to the United States until you get your citizenship and you know all that formalities and shit."

"Okay?" Jimin frowned.

"So, ah, six months ago we started processing the visa documents. I saw how serious you both were and suggested that you both get married as soon as possible. We also learned there was a snitch inside our gang and if police were to go after Jungkook, we wanted to protect you from being involved."

"You said something about spouse privilege," Jimin stated.

"Yes. As his husband, you will be exempted from any of the legal proceedings against Jungkook. In short, they will not be able to force you to testify against him. The majority of Jungkook's businesses are legal though we do a lot of illegal stuff using it as a cover. You aren't connected to any of his businesses. So you will be safe in the eyes of the law. Jungkook agreed to this so he could protect you if something were to happen."


"I'm sorry, Jiminie. Jungkook wanted to wait until he could do this rightfully, but as his Consigliere and an attorney, it's my job to do what is best for all of us. I processed the documents without his knowledge and pulled some strings. So, guys are legally married as per the law of the United States."

"Wow." It was a lot to take in, but strangely Jimin wasn't the least bothered. So he was married to the man he loved. Did that mean? His head whipped to his boyfriend. Oops. Husband. They were in this forever. He was serious.

"So what if we hadn't worked out?" Jimin asked. "What if we parted our ways?"

Namjoon shrugged. "One of the documents you signed was the divorce papers. I always cover my bases."

Jimin scowled. He was speechless. "You know what, you better burn that damn thing." He snatched the cheesecake he was digging in. "No dessert for you in this household for a week."

"What?" Namjoon's eyes widened. "Jimin-ah..."

Jimin narrowed his eyes. "I can put up with you marrying us without our knowledge. I can't say the same for this. I'm pissed."

"Come on, it was just a precaution," Namjoon reasoned, pouting. He looked at the others for support, who only shrugged in response.

"No desserts for making me sign my divorce papers even before I got married."

Namjoon conceded with a pout. "Only for a week, right?"

"Keep that up until I add more to the list." Jimin turned to Jungkook with the same scowl. "You knew about that too?"

His boyfriend shook his head with an accusing glance toward his hyung. "No. No, I didn't, baby. I promise. I only knew about the marriage," he explained, relaxing when Jimin stopped scowling. "This changes nothing," Jungkook rushed to explain. "I'll date you and propose to you when the time is right. I'll give you the wedding of your dreams. If you...if you ever decide you don't want to be a part of any of this..." his voice cracked. "I-I'll understand. You'll be protected and I'll ensure that you have everything you'll need to carry on your life as normally as possible."

Jimin stared at him fondly. "I'm not leaving you." He grabbed both his hands in his. "I cannot imagine a life without you, Jungkookie. Because I'm madly, deeply, and hopelessly in love with you. So, give me that proposal the way I deserve and give me the wedding of my dreams."

Jungkook kissed him then, ignoring the audience, and the wolf whistles. He kissed him as if he was starved for him and Jimin savored every moment as he melted into his chest.

Later that night, when Jimin lay in their bed, sleep didn't come easily. Though they talked it out, things were finally dawning on him and the stress was catching up. He found himself tossing and turning before finally giving up. Jungkook was a sound sleeper. He didn't even stir or seem to realize the turmoil Jimin was in.

Jimin was half tempted to wake him up and ask him to distract him but he shook it off immediately. He needed to let out these emotions clogging his brain. With a sigh, he slipped off the bed, heading to his dance studio in their basement, which Jungkook kindly created for him after he moved in.

He closed the door, grateful for the soundproof walls before padding toward the music system. Turning it on to a playlist he danced often, he settled for some mild stretches before letting the music take over him.

Jimin didn't know how long he danced. His muscles ached and his lungs burned. Finally, his mind was free. Exhaustion washed over him and he collapsed on the floor in a heap of sweat and heavy breath. He sprawled on it, panting harder, and drifted off.


Jimin woke with a sigh of contentment and a soft groan. He was in their bed. He had snuck out of bed to go to his dance studio in the basement and danced until he collapsed on the floor due to exhaustion. The curtains were closed, so he couldn't tell what time it was.

As he stretched his limbs, he realized someone was kneading his calf muscles, working out the kinks. He turned his head to the side from where he lay on his stomach to see Jungkook seated at the foot of their bed. He was still fully dressed and Jimin was stripped to his boxers, he realized belatedly. His hair was disheveled as if he'd woken up recently. Jungkook must have shifted him to the bedroom last night and removed his sweat-soaked clothes.

"You're awake," Jungkook observed, his skillful fingers working deftly on his sore muscles. "You were moving too much in your sleep, mumbling how much your leg hurt." Jimin groaned out when he increased the pressure on a particular spot. "You gotta take it easy, baby."

"I'm sorry." Jimin pulled a pillow closer, hugging it.

Jungkook let out a displeased huff. "I don't like it when you push yourself like this. I know the present situation is hard on you, but it hurts me when you are like this."

Jimin tried to get up so he could kiss Jungkook and comfort him, but his fingers on his legs restricted his movements.

"No," he said curtly. "You'll take what I give." A muscle in his jaw ticked and Jimin swallowed, realizing how furious Jungkook was. So he settled in the bed, burying his face into the pillow. Jungkook was scary when he was angry. Ticking him off was the last thing Jimin wanted.

The silence that stretched was awkward and filled with tension. They didn't speak a word, except for Jimin's occasional groan or a soft whimper when Jungkook's fingers dug into his skin. It relieved the tension from his muscles. Jimin contemplated if it was a good idea to say something.

"Feels so good," he said after a moment, testing the waters. When Jungkook said nothing he continued, "Jungkookie, I'm sorry. You know how it is. I didn't realize I was doing it. Once the music starts I tend to forget myself. I'll be careful next time. Or maybe stick to just baking."

Jungkook's fingers stopped their ministrations. Jimin felt his boyfriend move and felt his soft lips pressing a kiss in his nape before nuzzling his neck.

"You fucking passed out, Jimin. You have no idea how scared I was to see you gone from my bed, only to find you on the floor like that. Never do this to me again." He squeezed his hip.

"I won't," Jimin replied immediately. He tried to get up. "I'm sorry, babe. Let me make it better."

"No," Jungkook said sternly, tightening his grip on his hip. "You'll let me take care of you. No arguments."

"Okay." He settled on the pillow with a pout, letting Jungkook continue with the massage. He really didn't think he would end up like this. He sighed and let his body relax further. His eyes fluttered to close as his body melted under his boyfriend's touch.

When the sleep blanketed him, he vaguely registered being pulled into a safe embrace and a soft smile tugged at his lips. A whisper of a kiss was the last thing he felt before drifting off completely.


Good things never last forever. Jimin should know this better than anyone else. A week had passed and everything had seemingly settled. Taehyung continued to stay with them and Hoseok visited once in a while.

Jimin stayed holed up in their home, not wanting to go out. He spent more time gardening and creating a new dance routine while finalizing the interior designs for his dance studio. Maybe he should quit kindergarten and become a full-time dance instructor. That way he could control his schedule effectively, but he would miss the children dearly. He sighed, nibbling his bottom lip.

He thumbed through the different designs his interior designer sent over. Tae perched on the table with a cup of green tea. They had finally upgraded the building to fit their security standards and Tae announced Jimin could move in anytime.

"I think I'll finalize this one," Jimin said. "I'll ask her to start this week." He went to grab his phone when it blared, seeking his attention. He frowned noticing it was Hannah.


"Oppa!" Her sudden cry had him jump out of the chair with an alarmed look. Tae was also on his feet immediately.

"Hannu, where are you? Why are you crying?"

"I-I just got home," she sobbed. "T-There were so many people outside my school today with cameras. They a-asked so many things."

Jimin cursed. Her gut-wrenching cry tugged at his heartstrings. "I'm coming to get you."

"I-I'm scared. T-They're still outside."

Jimin ran outside with Taehyung hot on his heels. "I'm coming, sweetie. Oppa is coming, okay? Just lock your room and stay on your bed until I get there."


"I'll stay on the phone until then, okay?"



"You had no right," Jimin hissed at the inspector. He almost lunged for him only to be held back by Taehyung and Hannah who had her arms wrapped around his waist in a steel-like grip. The girl was still crying which only fueled Jimin's anger.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Yeonjun smiled smugly. "We warned you this would happen."

"She's a child!"

"She's seventeen-year-old and well aware of the consequences for lying to the law," Yeonjun countered.

Jimin shrugged off Taehyung's hold on his bicep. His eyes narrowed before his gaze scanned around them. "I warned you, Yeonjun." He took a step closer, aware of the trembling hands around him. "You overstepped your boundaries. You reap what you sow. When everything goes down, remember, you dug your own grave." He looked over his shoulder. "Let's go, Tae."

"You can't take her away," Yeonjun reached forward with a hand only to be stopped by Taehyung.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Taehyung warned.

Jimin smirked. "Watch me."

With that, he wrapped an arm around the teenager, guiding her safely out of the support home.



Kim Hannah, who goes to SNS, was mobbed by a swarm of reporters this evening. An unknown source earlier claimed that the seventeen-year-old is the victim of Cobra's organized crimes and was present when the unknown individuals attacked the gang, effectively killing them all four years ago. Hannah refused to answer any questions related to the identity of the attackers.

"The Seoul police will do their best to protect the said individual," says inspector Choi Yeonjun who rushed to the support home that is home to several other victims of syndicate crimes. He further confirms that Kim Hannah was indeed the witness of the events that went down that night.


Park Jimin rushes to the support home minutes after the incident. The kindergarten teacher was recently revealed to be in a relationship with South Korea's most eligible bachelor Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook's best friend and Deputy Vice President of the Jeon Corporation Kim Taehyung was spotted on the scene.


Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung are seen leaving the support home with Kim Hannah.


Jeon Jungkook's private security team forcefully removes the reporters from the support home and also tightens the security around the property.


Jeon Corporation files a lawsuit against seventeen news agencies in the past hour for breaching their private property and violating the privacy of its inmate. Earlier this week, Park Jimin had filed a lawsuit against his Minhyuk for libel and slander. The legal team of the Jeon Corporation also warned lawsuits against anyone who violates their privacy and security.


Jungkook was normally good at controlling his emotions. He never let any of his anger reflect on others and especially when he was home.

When Jimin brought Hannah to their home, he was already there. He welcomed the girl with a soft smile and to their surprise; the teenager had lunged forward, hugging him as she cried out loud. Jungkook had stood there awkwardly before returning the hug and calming the girl.

Once Hannah was settled in her new room on the ground floor, Jimin had stayed with her and made sure she had something to eat before leaving her to sleep.

When he came out, however, Jungkook was pissed and was ready to head out. "Jungkookie..."

"Not now, Jimin," he growled, one hand at the door and one inside his pocket, his hair pulled into a tight ponytail. He was once again dressed in black, looking every bit lethal.

Jimin swallowed. His heart hammered in his chest. He was anxious for some reason and he couldn't help it. The day's events only meant one thing. "Please..." he whispered, reaching for Jungkook's hand. His fingers curled around his bicep. "Sungmin is only five."

Jungkook wrenched his hand out of his grasp and slammed the door shut. The next thing he heard was a squeal of the tires. His shoulders hunched and his eyes stung. Guilt ate him from the inside. He didn't know how he would live on with the knowledge of knowing he was one of the reasons Sungmin lost his father.

"You shouldn't do that, Jiminie," Taehyung spoke softly from behind him. "Jungkook cannot be reasoned with and he's certainly not someone who you can bargain with. What Yeonjun did was nasty. He exposed you to his enemies. Jungkook will never forgive someone who put you in danger." He put a hand on his shoulder. "Yeonjun is as good as dead. I'm sorry."

Jimin swallowed, letting the first of his tears fall. "I feel so guilty."

"It's not your fault," Taehyung assured. "You tried your best, Jiminie. You warned him, but he wouldn't give up. Whatever happens to him is not on you."

Jimin could only nod.

The days followed were filled with tension. Hannah mostly stayed in her room. Jimin had fixed an appointment with her therapist and arranged for her to do the therapy online while he spoke to her school and got two weeks' permission to skip the classes.

Jungkook was barely home and even when he was he would barely speak a word. Jimin didn't know how to cut the awkward tension between them. He seemed furious all the time and Jimin did his best to stay silent. He was tempted to confront his boyfriend but knew better. He'd heard loud voices yelling from the study room.

His boyfriend slept at ungodly hours and left early in the morning. Jimin hated it. He wanted his Jungkook back. The other night he vaguely remembered Jungkook holding him sometime during the sleep.

When the next week rolled in, he finally woke to Jungkook asleep in their bed. Jimin finally let out a sigh, feeling relieved to have him there. He looked relaxed but exhausted. There were bags under his eyes and he brushed out some of his hair away from his face.

He rolled out of the bed when he could no longer stay. It was still awkward after going for about a week, speaking so less. Jimin didn't know how to approach him. Taehyung had told him to give him space and assured him that Jungkook would come around. He really hoped he did because he missed him so much.

He was making breakfast when Taehyung came down, yawning and stretching. He switched on the TV, settling on the news channel. Jimin grabbed a mug of coffee for himself a cup of tea for Taehyung as he made his way to the living room. He handed the cup to Taehyung and took a seat beside him.

They were in comfortable silence, sipping their hot drinks and watching the news when suddenly the live telecast was interrupted with breaking news.

Just now: Inspector Choi Yeonjun of the Seoul Police Department was arrested in his apartment for conspiring with an ex-con.

Jimin's jaw went slack as he stood abruptly from his seat, mug clutched tighter in his hand.

In the recent turn of events, the public is shocked to learn that the police inspector in charge of the investigation of organized crimes was involved with an ex-con, whose identity is revealed as an ex-cobra member. He was paid a huge amount of cash in his overseas account to re-open the case that was closed four years ago.

In another statement released to the press early this morning, the police chief said that it was the organized crimes division that was behind the disbanding of the Cobras. Addressing the press a while ago he stated that several law enforcement officers lost their lives during the secret operation they carried out to rescue the several victims that day.

"It took us months to devise a plan

Jimin tuned out the rest of the news as he put his mug on the table and rushed upstairs to their bedroom. He couldn't believe his ears. Jungkook had listened to him. His boyfriend hadn't ignored his plea. Choi Sungmin wouldn't lose his father this way.

He tripped a few times as he finally reached the bedroom. Jungkook jolted up from his sleep when he finally burst into the room, wide-doe eyes scanning the surroundings and relaxing when he saw Jimin only to frown when he saw Jimin sobbing.

"You didn't kill him." Jimin jumped on the bed, crawled to him until he was seated on his lap. He threw his hands around Jungkook's shoulder and sniffled, "I didn't think you would listen. You spared his life."

Jungkook finally wrapped his hands around Jimin, hugging him tight and burying his face in his neck.

"Thank you," he mumbled. "Thank you so much." He continued to kiss all over Jungkook's face. "This is enough."

Jungkook cupped his face, finally stopping him from showering kisses only to wipe his tears off. "Anything for you, baby. There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you."

"I know that now." He closed the distance to their lips, kissing him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"I missed you so much this week." He pushed Jungkook on his back, nuzzling into his neck.

"I'm sorry, baby." Jungkook hugged him tighter as Jimin straddled him, their chest pressed together. "I've been busy and I was also angry. I'm not a good person to be around when I'm furious. Didn't wanna say something accidentally that I'd regret later."

Jimin nodded. "I'm sorry. I know I overstepped with Yeonjun. I wouldn't do that again."

Jungkook kissed the crown of his head. "Don't apologize. You can ask me anything."

"But still, I don't wanna get involved in your business. I wish we could keep it like before." Jimin lifted his head, looking at him hopefully. "Can we do that?"

Jungkook smiled, poking his nose with his pointy finger. "I promise. Anything for you, baby."

"Now cuddle me. I missed you so much and you need to make it up to me for all these days."

"Gladly." Jungkook pulled him into a bear hug, switching their positions so they lay side by side. Jimin wiggled until he was tucked neatly into Jungkook's chest, pressing his nose into his neck—his favorite position.

With a sigh of contentment, he breathed in his comforting fragrance and settled in his embrace, finally feeling at peace. 

A/N: One more chapter to go. Then it's a wrap. Wohoo!

Next chapter will tie the loose ends and will answer the rest of your questions. Get ready to meet Papa Jeon.

Thanks for your encouraging and supportive comments. It keeps me going.Our situation is same here. We are still under lock down and vaccines are not available for everyone. But yeah, I'm as good as I can be under given circumstances.

I'm also busy with editing my next novel for publishing. It's usually a hectic time for me. I'm also participating in Gamer JK fest [2 stories] and Omega Jimin fest [3 stories]. It's my first attempt in a/b/o though I'm no stranger to paranormal genre. I'm enjoying the FF version of werewolves.

So yeah, my next fic would mostly be for these fests. I'll continue to update Crossroads slowly. Look forward to my fest fics, I'm enjoying the prompts and I have another mafia fic in one of them. That's all I can for now.Keep an eye on my Twitter to see what I'm up to.

I'm safe and I'm praying for everyone's safety. Stay safe.

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