Chapter 6
Dragons (Jeon Mafia) Revealed characters:
Jungkook/JK - The Kinpin (Ultimate Boss)
Taehyung/Vantae - Second-in-Command (2nd in hierarchy)
Hoseok/Shadow - Assassin (Retired)/ Alias Kindergarten teacher (Teaches Physical education)
Yoongi/Shield - Head of Securiyy/ Hacker (Eyes & Ears of the Dragons. Tae's Boyfriend and well respected in the gang.)
They all use nicknames among themselves. Look at the end notes for characters, who will be revealed at this chapter. Don't wanna spoil it now.
Jimin rejected the call he received from an unknown number for the umpteenth time that day. As much as Jungkook wanted to stay home with him, he had work and had to be in office.
With a dejected sigh, he made to his driveway and decided to wait for his guest. The security inclined his head, acknowledging his presence before moving away. He occupied the stairs, eyes trained on the path that led to the main gates.
Hannah had texted him earlier saying she wanted to see him immediately and he right away understood they couldn't talk over the phone. However, he was holed up in his home for the past two days and couldn't risk going over to the support home where she stayed. So, he had requested his driver Kangmin to pick her up and drive her to the Jeon mansion.
The day had taken a one-eighty-degree turn after the public learned that he was Jungkook's boyfriend. There were mixed feelings everywhere and reporters were flooding the school grounds. Both Jimin and Jungkook were under fire.
The world had literally gone into chaos since the news about his relationship with Jungkook got out. His boyfriend asked him to stay away from the media and he did. He watched the news, where a few entitled anchors debating how Jungkook coming out as gay would affect their business and they even took it as far as to debate who would be the next heir of the Jeon business empire.
For one, Jungkook had topped the Forbes list as the most eligible bachelors in Asia. So the public hadn't been kind to learn he was into men. Secondly, Jimin's profession as a kindergarten teacher was being widely debated. Both the media and public were going on about his sexuality, which had nothing to do with his profession.
So he'd stayed home. The school management surprisingly understood and told him to take a few days off from work while they handled the things. And, that shouldn't have been a surprise because he learned that morning from Taehyung that Jungkook had been donating consistently to his school since they began dating. And the renovated playground the children enjoyed was all Jungkook.
That sneaky ass. He smiled warmly. Jungkook was such a passionate lover and Jimin didn't know how he could match him though this wasn't a competition. He felt grateful nonetheless.
His phone wouldn't stop blowing out with calls and texts from unknown numbers. The majority of them were reporters and there were a few hate calls. So Jungkook had asked him to turn his phone off and not go to social media for a couple of days.
Jimin, however, didn't want to keep running. He knew things like this wouldn't stop now that they were in the public eye. So he put his phone on do not disturb mode, so he would get notified when Jungkook and the contacts in his VIP list tried to reach him. He was pulled out of his reverie by a joyful squeal and a familiar Mercedes rolling into the driveway.
"Minnie oppa!"
The seventeen-year-old girl squealed as soon as she saw him, waving both hands in the air with most of her upper torso hanging out of the window. Her contagious excitement caught up with him and he found himself running toward her. She ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck.
Jimin lifted her off the ground, twirling the teen. "Wow, you're all grown up, Hannu."
"You just saw me last month, Oppa. I couldn't have grown a lot than that." She beamed, her brown eyes twinkling.
Jimin shrugged, giving her a once over. She looked brighter than ever and healthier. Her cheeks held a healthy glow and her eyes twinkled. "To me, it feels like you did." He turned to his driver. "Kangmin-ssi, thank you for her bringing her here."
"You're welcome, Mr. Park." The old man inclined his head, driving away to wait for his next order.
"It looks worse than the other day." She tilted his head to the side, tracing the fading bruise. She had been livid when they face-timed the other day. "Does it hurt?"
"Not anymore." He smiled, caressing the side of her face fondly. If he could, he would have adopted her already. She was like a little sister to him, the only one he considered family after his grandmother. It was another reason he felt immensely grateful to Jungkook.
"I wish Jungkookie oppa kick their asses," she grumbled making him laugh out loud. His identity was no secret to her after all, she knew what she saw. She'd witnessed Jungkook killing those men in cold-blood, however, strangely it had aided her recovery.
"I sleep easy knowing those men are dead and won't be coming for me again," she had said during her therapy sessions. In her eyes, Jungkook was a superhero—her protector. "He killed the bad man, oppa. He even covered me with a blanket and said help is coming. I was feeling so cold. He is a good man, isn't he?" Her broken voice filled with so much hope still rang in his ears. Jimin schooled his thoughts. They didn't talk about it anymore.
Jimin led her inside.
"Your place is so beautiful, Oppa," Hannah gushed, exploring their living room with an enthusiasm of a child. "Everything is so pretty, just like you."
Jimin laughed. He met Hannah four years ago in the rescue camp. They had grown closer during that time and he visited her every month without fail. "Here, I bought you something." He grabbed the paper bag from the coffee table in the living room and handed it to her.
Hannah skipped toward him from where she was admiring one of the showpieces on their TV deck. She opened the paper bag he handed her, lips parting in a surprise-filled gap. "You bought me a dress."
"Of course, you'll need one to go on dates and you know..."
"Oppa..." She hugged him again. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, sweetheart." He stroked her hair fondly, kissing the top of her head. The last time he visited, she'd told him that one of the boys in her class had asked her out. He thought he'd buy her first proper dress since she didn't have parents anymore. "So, how's is this boy, hmm?"
She pulled away cheeks tinting pink. "He's nice, Oppa. He treats me so well," she gushed. "He wants to go to med school."
"So someone with a brain. Sounds good."
She nodded enthusiastically. "He said he'll take me out on a date once the exams are over."
He smiled fondly, making a note to ask his boyfriend to run a background check on this boy though he sounded sweet. That meant he'd have to tell Jungkook about her. Jungkook didn't know much about his visits to the support home. His boyfriend trusted him and never asked questions.
"Come on, it's almost lunchtime. You must be hungry." He led her to the kitchen.
"How is Jungkookie oppa?"
"He's fine."
"You look happier with him," she mused. "You smile a lot."
"I am happy," he said softly, pulling a chair for her to sit. "Why did you demand to see me immediately?" He asked, grabbing the plates and bowls for them to eat.
"Oh, there is this policeman who visited me earlier this week. He was asking about... Jungkookie oppa, you know?" she whispered his name as if it shouldn't be said out loud.
Jimin's head whipped to her, gaze sharpening. "What?"
She nodded vehemently. "He had my old statement with him and he kept asking me about Jungkookie oppa. I didn't tell him anything," she rushed to add. "I told him I don't remember anything and then he read my old statement. I told him it was embarrassing. Then he showed me some pics, including oppa's, and asked me to identify him. Of course, I said he isn't there," she huffed, rolling his eyes. "As if I'd rat out my only family like that."
Tears rushed to his eyes and he brushed them off discreetly. "Thank you."
Hannah smiled. "No. Thank you." She took his hand in his. "You were the only person who was there for me when I was all alone." She chewed her lip. "Besides, I have a place to stay because of Jungkookie oppa. He pays for my tuition and everything else."
It was true. Jeon Corporation had created a trust to support the victims of the Cobras. They provided full scholarships to the students and job opportunities in their companies.
"They can come and ask me how many ever times they want. I won't tell them a word. In fact, no one in the home will speak a word against oppa. They all love him."
Jimin didn't know what he was even thinking when he asked Hannah to keep it a secret all those years ago. In his mind, Jungkook did not deserve to be punished. After all, he ended the most notorious gang out there and brought peace to several families. He cleaned the streets and took out the rats. Jimin didn't feel any remorse. He had firsthand witnessed the horrors the Cobras were capable of. They didn't deserve an ounce of sympathy.
He patted her cheek affectionately and went to grab the envelope he meant to give her later. "I was going to give you this later," he said. "Here are some applications for the college. You know I'll support you in whatever option you choose."
"I know." She put a palm over him, pressing her cheek into his more. "I have nothing to fear when you and Jungkookie oppa are there for me."
Jimin pushed the few strands of her hair behind her ears and motioned her to the table. "Let's eat before the food gets cold."
They ate and talked a lot, Hannah telling him everything about her school and friends, asking him how his work was. He told her about his dance studio, which had her so excited.
"I want to meet Jungkookie oppa someday," she said when he walked her to the door.
"Sure. I'll arrange it someday." He ruffled her hair like he did every time. Kangmin held the car door open for her. "Kangmin-ssi, please bring her back to the home. Drive safe."
One of the bodyguards Jungkook hired for him slipped into the passenger seat with Kangmin and Jimin relaxed. He waved at her until the car disappeared from her view.
The day was boring without work. With nothing else to do, Jimin settled on his couch with his phone, belatedly noticing several missed calls from his boyfriend and friends.
From Boyfie:
Baby, whatever you do, don't look at the news.
Don't go online.
Let me handle this, okay?
Baby, answer me.
Oh, no problem, the security said you have a visitor.
No matter what, just know that I love you.
From TaeTae:
Minnie, don't go online, please.
Once I'm home we will have a quality soulmate time.
But like any other person who would go snooping right when someone says don't do something, Jimin went online, regretting it immediately, but also learning what was going on while he snoozed at home.
"We were so happy. I wanted to marry him someday, but then everything changed. He changed," says Jimin's ex Minhyuk in a recent interview.
Jimin left his boyfriend of two years for Jungkook.
Kindergarten teacher Park Jimin under fire from netizens after his ex-boyfriend reveals how he cheated on him with Jungkook. Read more...
"What the fuck!"
Jimin sat upright, fuming as he clicked the links, quickly reading the claims. The article was posted an hour ago.
Is this why Jungkook told me not to go online?
He couldn't help but kept scrolling through various news articles and blog posts.
Jeon Jungkook refuses to comment on the cheating claims of Jimin's ex. Requests the media to respect their privacy.
Park Jimin didn't show up at work and the school management refused to comment on this matter.
Parents have mixed feelings about Park Jimin.
"My child goes to that school. Jimin is a great teacher. My daughter loves him," says a parent.
"I don't know if I want my child to be around someone like him."
"Teachers are a strong model for children at such young age. They should advocate perseverance, honesty, respect, lawfulness, patience, fairness, responsibility and unity."
"Park Jimin is kind and so humble. My son adores him and misses him in school."
"My daughter never fussed a day to go to school just so she can see Jimin-ssi. He's her favorite teacher."
Tears slid down his cheeks at the kind words and he felt a pang in his chest reading the crude remarks. How could Minhyuk do this to him? Even after everything he did to him? He was the one who cheated on him and kicked him out of their shared apartment.
He decided he had enough and shut the browser.
To Boyfie:
I'm sorry, I left my phone inside.
I saw what's going on. I couldn't help it.
I'm fine. Trust me.
I love you too.
I'm going to bake probably for your entire office now.
To TaeTae:
I'm fine, Tae.
I saw, but it's okay.
I'm gonna bake your favorite cupcakes now.
Jimin headed to the kitchen with a sigh. Baking and dancing were two of his outlets, but he was in no mood for dancing. So he opted to bake. He settled for cupcakes since Jungkook and Tae loved them the most. Grabbing the remote, he set his R & B playlist to play in the background.
Humming low in his throat, he preheated the oven and set out the ingredients. Cupcakes tasted better if they were moist, tasty, and expertly iced. To Jimin baking was like meditating. Baking is all about being gentle, mixing the ingredients to perfection at low speed to create air bubbles in the batter.
He always preferred to make frosting at home and find the process calming. While the cakes baked at the required temperature he set out to puree the strawberries. Jungkook loved the strawberry flavor. Well, he had a sweet tooth, but he could never turn down a good strawberry treat any time. He proceeded to slowly cook the puree on the stove to reduce it by half.
Jimin continued to sing low, feeling relaxed than ever. Before he knew how much time had passed, the oven beeped announcing the cakes were ready. He pulled the trays out and set them out for cooling before going to finish preparing the frosting.
He was getting ready to decorate the cake when he felt warm hands circle his waist and pulling him flush against a sculpted body. "I'm home." Jungkook kissed the sensitive spot under his ear before trailing his lips over the outer shell of his ear, warm breath hitting his skin and making him shiver. "You've been busy, Strawberry."
"Jungkookie..." Jimin breathed out, hands clutching Jungkook's that were wrapped around his waist. His boyfriend sucked his lobe sensually, trailing open-mouthed kisses down his neck. "What are you doing?"
"Distracting you," Jungkook murmured against his skin.
"Why?" Jimin threw his head back, eyes falling shut and lips parting as Jungkook nibbled at his skin and proceeded to suck a mark. His skin tingled. As usual, Jungkook knew what he was doing.
"You bake when you're stressed. Thought I'd take some away. Is it working?" he crooned in his ears.
"Always." Jimin's tone was breathy by how he was getting turned on with just a kiss on his neck. Well, that had always been his weak spot and Jungkook happen to know it.
"I've always wanted to fuck you on the kitchen counter," Jungkook murmured against his skin. "That frosting is such a bonus." He turned him around, pulling Jimin's sweater over his head. His boyfriend wasn't here to play. He was never one to play. If Jimin learned something it was that Jungkook never speaks without intent.
"What?" Jimin's eyes widened, but Jungkook was already lifting him settling him on the counter, pushing all the stuff to the side.
"Exactly what I said."
"But Taehyungie—"
"Knows not to come home until it's time for dinner and the door is locked." He tipped Jimin's chin back with a finger. "Do you trust me, baby?"
Jimin blinked owlishly, watching Jungkook remove his black striped tie. He wore his hair in a ponytail unlike when he left home today with his hair down, which made him wonder if Jungkook was coming directly home from one of his mafia meetings. Jungkook was still watching him intently and he remembered he asked him a question. "Y-Yes."
He took Jimin's hands in his, gently massaging his wrists. "Wanna tie you up today," he said. "Will you let me, baby?"
Jimin's mouth fell open. They had never done something like that before and his heart cartwheeled in his chest. Sudden excitement thrummed inside him and he found himself nodding. "Yes." His response was barely above a whisper, yet Jungkook heard him perfectly.
His boyfriend proceeded to tie his hands and Jimin was sure he'd look as red as a tomato with the way his cheeks were flaring. He bit his bottom lip harder, anticipation churning his stomach. Jungkook pushed him onto his back, his bareback sinking against the cold marble top counter.
He didn't question his boyfriend when he pinned his hands above his head or circled the counter to tie the other end of his tie to the wooden chair. It wasn't tight, but it kept his hands in place. Jimin could move if he wanted to but he didn't. He watched every movement of his boyfriend without batting his eyelashes.
Jungkook settled in front of him, discarding his Tom Ford suit jacket and draping it around the back of the chair before pushing the sleeves of his shirts to his elbow. Jimin swallowed as Jungkook's intense gaze finally locked with his. He could easily read the unspoken promises lurking behind the gaze.
He looked like a predator and Jimin his willing prey. When Jungkook finally let his hands run over the sides of Jimin's body, it took everything in his to not moan. Jimin didn't know what it was, but just lying there helpless with his hands tied and completely at his boyfriend's mercy did things to him.
"Look at you," Jungkook spoke in a thick tone laden with lust and desire that stirred Jimin's own. "Tied up and all pliant to take what I give you." His fingertips traced his body, toned with years of dancing. "You have a great body." He traced the curve of his hips. "And even great personality."
Jimin flushed at the compliment. He loved getting praises from his boyfriend. Who didn't? And Jungkook always had nice things to say to him.
"Wanna devour you," his boyfriend continued. "Pleasure you until you can remember nothing but my name." He unbuttoned Jimin's jeans, sliding them down through his legs at a torturously slow pace, leaving him only in his boxers. "So beautiful..." he murmured more to himself as he ran his hands all over Jimin's toned legs before guiding him to wrap them around his hips.
Jimin waited patiently, eyes trained on Jungkook when he bent to kiss his navel. His body arched when Jungkook's tongue dipped into his belly button. His eyes fell shut with a breathy gasp as he unconsciously tugged against the bond, realizing his hands were tied.
But then Jungkook's hands were on his chest, over his nipples, and around his collarbone. He vaguely noticed something cold being spread across his skin. He watched with hooded eyes as Jungkook dropped the bowl that contained strawberry frosting back on the counter before bringing his lips to Jimin's skin to lick over it.
His tongue swirled over his heated skin, lapping at the frosting, leaving wet trails and sucking on some spots. Jimin was gasping, his skin tingling with a new sensation as pleasure blossomed from wherever Jungkook touched.
"Jungkookie..." Jimin moaned, arching into his mouth, his legs around his hips tightening its grip and pulling Jungkook closer on their own accord.
When Jungkook finally reached his nipples, Jimin was a goner, moaning loudly and letting out soft whimpers, tugging at his wrists. It felt so good. Jungkook's lips were such a warm contrast to the coolness of the atmosphere. He wanted more. Needed more. Needed everything Jungkook could give to him.
"Jungkookie... m-more please..." he pleaded. "Kiss me. Kiss me, please..."
Jungkook lifted his head, his lips red with the ministrations and wet with spit. He captured Jimin's lips in a wet kiss and Jimin tasted the lingering sweetness of strawberry frosting in his mouth. His boyfriend's kissed him with a purpose. He sucked his tongue, hips grinding against his growing erection. His large hands cupped his ass, kneading the firm flesh and Jimin wished there were no barriers separating them.
As if reading his mind, Jungkook detached his lips from him to mouth down his neck, sucking fresh bruises over his collarbone before kissing down to his waist. Jimin lifted his hips when Jungkook tugged at his boxers. He unhooked his legs from Jungkook's waist to allow him to remove the last piece of clothing from his body.
Jungkook's eyes were filled with hunger and Jimin shuddered at the intensity of it. He went to wrap his legs around Jungkook's waist again, but his boyfriend put a hand on his thigh stopping him. He answered Jimin's questioning gaze by spreading him wider and pushed his knees toward his chest, almost folding him into half. It was no secret he was flexible and Jungkook was mesmerized every time with how flexible he was.
However, Jimin blushed deeper, feeling extremely exposed to Jungkook's eyes on daylight. They never did it out of their bedroom though it had been a year. Sure they made out and did other things, but always took things to the bedroom. But today there was a different glint in Jungkook's eyes and when he said he wanted to devour him.
Jungkook was still fully dressed—the fact more arousing for some reason. There was nothing he wanted more than for his boyfriend to strip, but he knew he wouldn't, even if he asked because he could tell Jungkook was on a mission. A mission to make Jimin cry out of pleasure.
Jimin gasped when he ran a thumb circled his rim. Jungkook was grabbing the bowl again and Jimin swallowed, panting slightly with anticipation. Their gazes locked and held as Jungkook dipped their finger into the bowl, bringing it to his private region. Jimin closed his eyes, unable to hold his gaze any longer. His toes curled as Jungkook continued to brush the frosting over his cock, down his balls and the rim only to cry out when warmth licked over his sensitive skin.
He dug his foot on Jungkook's strong shoulders for purchase and arched to his mouth that was working its magic on him. Tension coiled in his abdomen. He couldn't believe how much he was missing out on until recently. His boyfriend's drunken night sex was an eye-opener and Jungkook hadn't held back after that.
Jungkook liked to hear his moans. Loved to drive him crazy until he gave it to him. Jimin used to hold it in before, but soon realized it was futile.
"Oh, God! Jungkook, oh—"
His boyfriend didn't respond, however, he parted his butt cheeks, diving deeper. Jimin's body arched like a bow. He whimpered when Jungkook sucked at his rim, pushing a finger along with his tongue. A hand wrapped around his painfully erect cock, working him languidly. Jimin knew he wouldn't last long at this rate.
But there was no point in fighting the inevitable. Jungkook liked to draw out as many orgasms from him as possible. And it was okay with Jimin. He loved it even and he was discovering a lot of things about himself in these past weeks.
Taehyung was the one to point out he may have a bit of a submissive streak and Jungkook was known to have dominant tendencies in general.
"I'm not into BDSM. It doesn't interest me, but I do like control in the bedroom," he had told him when they became intimate. And, Jimin always preferred for his lovers to take care of him. So it worked out perfectly for them.
They were exploring the boundaries of this new territory, learning what the other liked. Then the other day when Jimin gave him head for the first time, Jungkook had said he wanted to try new things and Jimin readily agreed. In their relationship, things like this were always spontaneous and Jimin went with the flow just like now.
Jungkook was relentless with his tongue and Jimin tugged at his binds more times than he realized. It felt great. His moans were unfiltered, blending with the background music. The cake was long forgotten and all the frosting he made for the cake was being used on him. Jimin would have blushed more if Jungkook's tongue hadn't been deep in his ass, pushing him to the edge.
With a shout and without warning, he came all over his abdomen, a few drops shooting over his chest. He vaguely registered Jungkook cleaning him with a tissue. But his fingers were already back at his hole. He didn't know when or how or from where Jungkook produced a lube, and three of his fingers were scissoring and stretching him.
"You like that, baby?" Jungkook's voice was so deep and sexy that Jimin felt the second wave of heat coiling in his stomach.
"Y-Yes...l-love it."
"Want more?"
Jimin nodded fervently. "M-Mo—Ah!"
Jimin loved Jungkook's long fingers, they stroked his sensitive spots just the right way. And, his boyfriend never held back. Soon Jungkook was sinking inside him, his length stretching him and making him fuller than anything else he'd ever had down there. The stretch was good. Always good. Jimin threw his head back, lips parting with soft pants.
Jungkook was still fully dressed, which somehow felt extremely sexy. One of his hands pinned Jimin's hip to the counter while the other held his right leg up as he began to thrust. Each stroke left Jimin breathless and wanting for more. He felt every drag of Jungkook's cock inside his walls, brushing his sensitive bundle of nerves pleasantly.
"So tight..." Jungkook growled. "Gonna go hard," he warned as he picked up his pace.
"Ngh...Ah-Ah-Oh, God!"
Jimin was an incoherent mess in a matter of seconds. It was overwhelming. But he couldn't move. Suddenly he felt the overwhelming urge to feel close to his boyfriend. There was just so much distance. He wanted to touch Jungkook, kiss him.
His sharp gaze flicked to his face. "What do you want, baby?"
Jimin tugged at his wrists with a soft sob. It wasn't enough. "Please...w-wanna..." Words failed him. "Off..." he cried. "Off...please..." He pulled at his binds again.
Jungkook stopped immediately lunging forward to free his hands. "Fuck! You okay, sweetheart? Did I hurt you?" He hovered over him, cupping his face with concern filling his gaze.
"N-No. D-Don't stop." Jimin shook his head. His hands were finally free. He wrapped it around Jungkook's neck, pulling himself up to a semi-sitting position, his cock still buried deep inside him. "K-Kiss me. Kiss me please."
Jungkook obeyed and started to move again at the same time he began kissing Jimin earnestly. Jimin dug his fingers into his hair, pulling their chests flush, legs wrapping around Jungkook's hips. Jungkook's hands went to cup his ass, holding him in place as he continued to thrust into him, his pace never faltering.
Jimin gasped against his mouth. Jungkook delved his tongue into him, tasting every inch. He bit into his bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth. Their lips slotted together, groaning and moaning against each other's mouth.
Jungkook threw his head back and Jimin latched onto his neck, placing wet kisses all over his neck before settling on the crook of his neck to suck on the pale skin there. He pulled at the collar of the shirt forcefully. One of the buttons popped but none of them paid any mind.
Both were lost into the throes of passion with a sheen of sweat covering their bodies. Jungkook moaned out Jimin's name.
"J-Jimin...Feels like heaven."
Jungkook's thrusts grew sloppier and he snuck a hand between their bodies wrapping it around Jimin's cock, stimulating him into his orgasm, spilling inside him shortly after. They kissed again, riding out their orgasms together with soft moans that sounded so obscene in their kitchen.
Jimin slumped against his boyfriend, feeling spent. His mind was peaceful and dosing off. His boyfriend kissed his forehead, brushing his sweaty hair away from his face, and proceeded to kiss all over his face. It made Jimin smile fondly.
Who would have thought the scary mafia boss was just a soft baby? Jimin certainly didn't think Jungkook was capable of such a soft side. But things changed when they began dating. He certainly did not believe they could make it work, especially with Jimin's past experiences with other men. He really believed Jungkook would get tired of him, but his boyfriend continued to prove him wrong at every turn.
As he pulled away to stare at his boyfriend's handsome face, he realized he was far gone from this man in front of him. What he felt was nothing close to fear. He didn't fear Jungkook.
"I love you, Jungkookie." He rested his forehead against his. "Love you so much that it hurts." He brought Jungkook's hand to his heart, pressing it over his chest. "It hurts in the best way ever."
Jungkook smiled, pecking him followed by several others. "I know, baby." He stroked his hair, cupping his cheek. "Because that's the way I feel too."
Jimin closed the distance between their lips again. They kissed languidly just enjoying the soft feel of their lips against each other.
"Shower or bath?" Jungkook asked once they pulled apart, lifting him from the table.
"Shower. I gotta finish the cake before Tae comes home. I promised him and you know how grumpy he gets." Jimin leaned his head on Jungkook's shoulder. His half-hard cock was still buried inside him. He hadn't pulled out yet and Jimin wondered if he had it in him to go through another round.
Jungkook scoffed. "Tae can wait."
As expected and to Jimin's pleasure, Jungkook once again made slow love to him against the bathroom tiles, making him come dry.
"I didn't know you were capable of something remotely close to mushy until Jimin came into our lives." Yoongi eyed the things at the backseat with a scoff.
Tae rolled his eyes. "Jimin just brings the best out of us all. Just accept and go." He surveyed his nails with a frown. "It's time for a spa visit," he murmured more to himself. "I think it's time to change hair color. What color should I go for?"
Yoongi shrugged, focusing on the road as he effortlessly changed lanes. "You'll look good in everything. It's been a while you went blonde. Or maybe try blue again," he suggested.
"Hmm...I will ask Jiminie." He looked outside.
Yoongi huffed again. Jiminie this and Jiminie that. He knew his suggestions would go down the drain again. Ever since Taehyung met Jimin he had become this whole new person. More mellow and fun-filled. Yoongi wasn't complaining. He loved this side of Taehyung who laughed more, instead of the stoic man he met and fell in love with. While his boyfriend still had that side, he was more easygoing this way.
Growing up with a family that had deep roots in the mafia wasn't easy. Their futures were already decided for them. And everyone had accepted them since childhood. He had gotten used to that lifestyle.
They were all about work. Though they grew up together for most of their lives, they didn't do much fun stuff. Well, their world wasn't filled with flowers and rainbows. It was either kill or be killed situation most of the time. Among the gang wars and power struggles, they lost their childhood and maybe a part of themselves along with it.
Compassion and kindness were seen as weaknesses. Besides they were surrounded by organic assholes and ISI certified criminals that demanded the way they acted. Jungkook was hardened from a young age. When his father stepped back, calling it quits after the death of his elder brother, Jungkook had taken the reins.
While their alliances tried to exert dominance, eying for his position, Jungkook struck back twice as much and clamped them all down with his steely grip. There was no place was weakness. Over the years, many tried to topple him from power. But he was a kingpin for a reason. Jungkook was ruthless. They wanted a tyrant and he gave them that. Then Jimin walked in without a hint of their lives with that brilliant smile and soft demeanor.
Yoongi witnessed the most feared and youngest mafia bosses of all time change right in front of his eyes. The man who killed anyone without further thought dropped to his knees at the name of his boyfriend. It was fast, but Jungkook had fallen harder to the point he was ready to risk it all for Jimin.
Fortunately, no one needed saving from Jimin. In fact, Jungkook's little angel had been saving him since even before they had met. He still didn't know why Jimin did what he did, but in his eyes, he had already earned his respect and loyalty. If anyone who deserved to become Jungkook's queen it was Jimin.
When they reached Jungkook's mansion, Tae jumped out of the vehicle, leaving him to carry all the things inside. He knew why he was in a hurry but he wasn't going to comment on that now. Taehyung could barely keep still during their ride here.
"My soulmate..."
"My mochi..."
"Where's my baby?"
Yoongi heard Taehyung calling out as he entered the mansion.
"He's my baby," Jungkook's voice grunted from the living room.
"Back off, bitch. He's mine tonight." He saw Taehyung snatching Jimin from Jungkook's possessive grip from where he was perched on Jungkook's lap. "Soulmate privileges." He began walking toward the stairs with a giggling Jimin in his arms. "Besides his ass needs a break from you."
"Tae!" Jimin slapped at his chest and continued to laugh as they climbed to go to the bedroom.
"Hyung...keep your boyfriend in a leash," Jungkook grumbled, but there was no bite behind his words. Even the mob boss knew his boundaries when it came to his boyfriend. Jimin valued his friendship with Tae a lot.
Yoongi fought the urge to laugh when he noticed the pout. Who'd have thought he would live a day to see the scariest Jungkook pouting? It was funnier nonetheless.
"What has gotten his knickers in a twist?" Jungkook asked.
"I may or may not have asked him to top me..." Yoongi drawled.
Jungkook's brow lifted. "You what?"
"You heard me the first time." His eyes narrowed.
Jungkook leaned on the couch with a roll of his eyes. "You're telling me that you haven't all this time?"
"Have you?" Yoongi directed the question toward him.
"There wasn't a need." Jungkook shrugged. "He likes it when I take care of him."
Yoongi decided to push it, knowing how much Jungkook liked to be in control of things. "What if he wants to take care of you?"
Jungkook's gaze flicked to him. He looked like he was mulling over the idea. "I think I'd let him," he answered without hesitation.
Yoongi smiled. "You got it hard."
"Never claimed otherwise." His smile was light-hearted, just like the ones he used to have as a kid. The one he lost when he took over the Dragons.
Yoongi nodded. "We couldn't find that bastard. He wasn't in his apartment. I have two men tracking him," he said, crossing his legs. Jimin's ex was a douche bag. He was offered money to speak against Jimin to the media which he had graciously taken and spewed bullshit about Jimin. "We have to be careful while dealing with him. We got both police and the eyes of media on us."
Jungkook nodded tightly. "I want him gone." His fists clenched on his knee. "I was respecting Jimin's privacy all these years by not going after him even after knowing how he treated him. Do whatever you must, but make it hell."
Yoongi nodded. "I will. Just focus on Jimin. This must be hard for him. You know Yeonjun would reach him again any time soon. Maybe talk to him before that."
Jungkook sighed. "I should."
"Today's visitor was Hannah, the same teen who saw you all those years ago. Jimin asked Kangmin to pick her up from the support him and drove her here," he informed him. Now they learned Jimin had a bounty on his head, Yoongi kept an eye on everything. It was necessary to know who he met and who was in touch with him so they could keep him safe.
Jungkook only nodded.
Taehyung didn't come down or let Jimin come either. They had ordered pizza and other drinks which Yoongi had delivered to their room. Jungkook paced outside the room like a caged tiger but he didn't dare go inside knowing what these soulmate times meant.
It got even funnier when Jungkook showed up in his room later with a pillow and a blanket. "Your boyfriend kicked me out of my bedroom," he growled. "My own bedroom." He stomped to the bed leaving an amused Yoongi at the door. "And my boyfriend...he was drunk and was giggling when Tae kicked me out." Jungkook was pouting again and Yoongi didn't think this night could get any better than this.
The next day Jungkook was even grumpier because Taehyung whisked Jimin out after the quick breakfast. In Jungkook's words, "He took him out before I could get my fill. You know how important these morning kisses are. I'm blaming Tae if I killed someone today."
Yoongi could only watch Jungkook in amusement as he drove off to work. Well, Jungkook was going to be in the boardroom all day handling important meetings while Yoongi had another task. He had several subordinates he delegated work to, so his main job was to monitor.
He logged into work, quickly finished his morning routine at the office, and headed to his personal haven leaving a do not disturb tag outside his door. The secret room lay behind the bathroom wall. Monitors lined the walls, displaying the security feed. It was hidden perfectly from the outside world. He couldn't be at two places once and the stuff he handled couldn't wait until he could shuttle back and forth between the Jeon HQ and their gang base.
He disabled the security alert with his fingerprint before logging into the system. He did a quick security sweep in all their servers before fixing minor bugs. He was only warming up when his phone buzzed. It was Shadow.
The man smirked. "Hello Shadow," he greeted.
"Hey Shield, I intercepted something this morning. Also, got some visuals. Check this."
Yoongi pulled a screen, displaying it on the big screen. It was the security feed of the shopping mall Taehyung went to this morning. He clicked the received audio in the meantime.
"I see him going in," one voice said.
"Target identity confirmed. Park Jimin," another voice said.
"Fuck! The Consigliere is here. I repeat the Consigliere is here."
"Hold!" a voice ordered. There was silence for a moment before the voice crackled again. "Double the rate for a person taking out the Consigliere."
"Heard the Fixer is back in town," Shadow spoke. "I took the liberty to call in a favor."
Yoongi crossed his legs, a smirk tugging at his lips. The tips of his fingers itched and adrenaline pumped through his veins. He fucking lived for this.
"You never cease to amaze me, Shadow."
Even after leaving the organization, Shadow still had influence within. Well, it had to do mainly with his reputation and partly because of his position as Jeon's future son-in-law. Taehyung wasn't a Consigliere, but he was considered as one in the eyes of the public.
Unknown to the public, the Dragons had two Consiglieres. While Taehyung was the second-in-command, his elder brothers Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon had assumed the position after their father retired and even before Jungkook ascended as their ultimate boss. Their real identity remained a secret.
Everyone mistook Taehyung for both Consigliere and second-in-command and they let them be. To them, Namjoon was a harmless attorney and Seokjin was a restaurant chain owner who occasionally acted as a Fixer for the Dragons.
When it came down to that both brothers were incredibly intelligent, ruthlessly efficient, sophisticated, and diplomatic advisors. Seokjin had the face of Gods and was a king of manipulation. If Seokjin's power was his beauty and excellent presence of mind, Namjoon matched it up with his cunning, strategic thinking, and vast knowledge.
Seokjin was also someone who got the things done. His role was to neutralize problems within their international clients and other networks. He didn't often go to the field, but when situations like this arose, he never backed away from getting his hands dirty.
To Tae:
Buckle up.
You're surrounded.
Fixer is in.
You know the drill.
Soon Taehyung was added to the line along with Shadow. He watched his boyfriend and Jimin on screen, entering one of the clothing stores. His other line buzzed. Yoongi attended the call, looping it in with Shadow's call.
"Welcome back, hyung."
"Yoongi-ah..." Seokjin drawled. "It's such a great day for fishing."
Yoongi chuckled at the sound of the elder's voice. Seokjin had a dry sense of humor that lightened up any sort of atmosphere and diffused tension. His gaze found Seokjin in one of the security feeds easily.
"Fishing is always fun with you." Yoongi missed having Seokjin on the field. They didn't get to do this in a while. Not since Jungkook burned the Cobras to ashes. Seokjin was flying from one country to the other, negotiating deals and whatnots. The usual boring stuff.
"It feels good to be back."
"Likewise. The cleaning crew is on their way. Just make sure there's no blood."
"You know I don't like getting my clothes dirty," Seokjin drawled, already moving toward the target at a leisurely pace.
"Two civilians behind you. There is an exit fifty feet to your right."
Seokjin hummed in his throat as he fell in pace with the hitman. Yoongi watched as the guy in the black bomber jacket startle and look to his right. The Fixer flashed his signature smile, throwing his hand around his shoulder and Yoongi knew that would be the last thing he would see.
"Just keep walking," he heard Seokjin say.
And as he watched, the man went limp in Seokjin's arms. The taller man didn't even flinch as he looped an arm around the hitman's waist before dragging him smoothly to the exit. The civilians behind him didn't even realize what was happening. Seokjin was deadly in that way. His victims never knew what hit them until it was too late. His years of martial arts training made sure of that.
"Where's the next one?" Seokjin exited the exit door and walked back into the hallway.
"I see one on the floor above you just a few aisles away from Min and Tae."
"Jiminie, didn't you say you needed some tights for dance?" Taehyung spoke. "Those are in the aisle over there."
"Thanks for reminding, Tae," Jimin replied.
Then the feed showed Taehyung casually walking to the aisle where the hitman was lurking. He didn't see Taehyung approaching him from behind because his attention was on Jimin who went ahead alone. Taehyung tackled him from behind him. The hitman went down without a fight. Taehyung silently dragged him to the nearest changing room from where the cleaning crew would remove him without a trace.
They were sneaky, but as Yoongi watched he didn't miss the way Jimin turned right on time to witness everything go down before turning away as if nothing had happened. Yoongi scoffed. That little fox. Of course, there was no doubt he had known all this time. While they thought they were clever, Jimin was cleverer. Just how many things did they miss like this?
"Level one, two stores down KK's, a man in a red jacket." For a normal civilian the hitman appeared like a normal shopper. But Yoongi hadn't missed the small bulge of his gun in his waist.
"On it." Seokjin moved stealthily, tugging his ball cap lower and slid a mask on.
The red bomber jacket was lingering outside the store, maybe to get an update from his partner when Seokjin approached him. He tapped on his shoulder, pointing toward the nearest store. The guy responded something, but Seokjin had thrown an arm around his shoulder, forcefully leading him to the store. For an outsider, it would look like one friend dragging the other. Inside the store, Seokjin took care of him away from the public eye and left him for the cleaning crew to handle him.
The store owner, who was a member of the Dragons, inclined his head toward Seokjin on his way out. That was the beauty of the Jeon mafia. When someone said they ran things in Seoul, they wouldn't be lying. Because Jeons did run the majority of the scene here.
Seokjin took down three more members in a similar fashion before moving to the parking lot where Shadow was engaged in combat with at least six men. Yoongi grinned hard. It had been ages since he witnessed their fight. Seokjin was lethal in every sense. He matched Shadow's every move. In the end, there was not a single drop of blood spilled, easy for the cleaning crew that way.
The mission went smooth from there. None of the hitmen suspected anything until it was too late. Shadow took out the men lurking outside while Taehyung kept Jimin engaged.
When it was all over, Yoongi reclined in his seat. Taehyung had to leave because they were in a salon now, ready to get their hair dyed.
"Any updates, Shadow?" Yoongi asked once both Shadow and Seokjin were back to their vehicles.
"There are rumors," he stated. "A few Cobras who escaped are trying to regroup. But the leads aren't useful. I'm looking more into this."
"My hunch is the Changs," Seokjin cut in. "One of their underbosses met a Japanese dealer last week in Japan."
Yoongi clenched his jaw. They knew well not to interfere with the drugs when Jungkook clearly banned all traces of it from his territory. "I don't trust them either. Not after the shit, he pulled with Jimin last week. I'll dig further to see if we get any hits. Any news on this ex?"
"No. His neighbor saw him leaving with a man two days before the article was published. I'm guessing he's staying somewhere else and his phone is switched off," Shadow informed.
"What about the men who attacked Jimin and my brother?"
"Dead end," Yoongi growled. "It's like they vanished without a trace. They have to come out sometime."
"Keep an eye on that police inspector. He's lurking around," Seokjin warned.
"Sure, hyung. I'll see you in the next meeting."
"Yes. I'll be around for a few weeks."
Soon they ended the calls and Yoongi relaxed in his chair, his mind reeling. The bounty was put in the dark web. He had been trying to find the person for the past couple of days with no luck. With a sigh, he snuck in again, his fingers working efficiently as he tried to track the source. It was going to be a long day.
After a few tension-filled days, Jimin felt relaxed and fresh. He turned his face left and right, observing his new hair color. He thought of going black but later changed his mind to go golden blonde instead. Taehyung also chose the same color saying he wanted to twin with him.
It felt nice to do things together with someone. He didn't have a close friend like Tae before. But now he did, he enjoyed every moment they spend together.
Last night, he'd gotten drunk while eating pizzas and watching movies. Taehyung had talked his ears off and they did some nice pampering sessions while on it. He didn't feel great for kicking Jungkook out, but it was funny, and also felt nice to spend the night with Taehyung. They haven't spent a night away since he moved in and Taehyung had said it was good to have a 'me time' once in a while.
But like Taehyung quoted, his ass also needed a break after the pounding he received last evening. It was great, really good. But tell that to his aching ass and his subtle limb. He reminded himself to take it easy for a day or two before letting Jungkook anywhere near him no matter how tempted he was to beg for more. They really need to exert more self-control.
"Oops! I forgot to bring my card." Jimin pouted, sifting through his wallet before pulling the wad of cash. He didn't have enough.
"Bitch, you literally have your sugar daddy's black card peaking from there." Taehyung pulled the black card from Jimin's wallet and threw it on the counter.
"Taehyungie! He's not my sugar daddy." His cheeks flared as he looked over at the cashier who was trying hard to not smile.
"Rich boyfriend equals sugar daddy. I don't understand why you have trouble using his money when he literally gave you that card."
Jimin rolled his eyes.
The cashier at the salon chuckled. "Thanks for visiting gentlemen. Please visit again."
"Of course." Taehyung winked. "I'll be sure to put in a few nice words to your boss." He retrieved the card thrusting it into Jimin's hands.
"You know their boss?" Jimin's eyes were wide.
"Duh! You do too." Taehyung threw an incredulous look toward Jimin. "Your boyfriend owns this shopping mall, sweetie. Of course, I know every single shop owner here."
Jimin's jaw went slack. "He what?"
Taehyung shrugged. "They operate under different names, but Jeon Corp is the parent company. They have tons of subsidiaries. You bagged one of the most eligible bachelors in Asia."
Jimin realized there were still so many things he didn't know about Jungkook. It was around three p.m. when they reached home. Taehyung dropped him off and headed out, claiming he had things to handle.
Fortunately, there were no reporters and Jimin felt grateful. But it made sense why Taehyung took him here out of all places. If the building belonged to Jungkook then they'd have full control over the security there. Well, how else would Taehyung be able to hide a man that big in broad daylight in a changing room and act as if it was just a hide and seek game?
He'd known from the moment Taehyung slipped on his Bluetooth earpiece and his expression went stoic that something was going on. He was talking, but his mind was elsewhere. The same thing happened with Hoseok when they visited the dance studio. If Jimin had witnessed their fight in the parking lot from one of the windows, they didn't have to know that.
Once he was alone, his mind was going back to the incident again. He went online to see if there was anything new, only to shut it down when he saw it has gotten worse. Tossing his phone on the table, he headed to the kitchen, wondering what Jungkook was up to.
He decided to start with meal prep while he waited for his boyfriend to come home. Jungkook loved western cuisine so Jimin learned to cook some of his favorite dishes. Tonight he decided on some fried chicken, lasagna, and cheesecake.
His mind was somehow settling when the phone startled him, pulling him from his peaceful reverie. It was his land phone. He grabbed the cordless phone that was on the counter. Who is calling that line? With a frown, he answered it and pressed it to his ears. "Hello."
Jimin pressed the phone to his ears casually balancing it with his shoulder before going back to mixing the ingredients for the cake he planned to bake for dessert.
"Ah, Jimin-ah, how have you been?"
Jimin paused. "Excuse me? Do I know you?" He took the phone, checking the caller ID, and didn't recognize the number.
"You forgot me already?" The guy on the other end snorted. "You moved on too fast, but I can see why. Your current boyfriend is pretty loaded. Good catch if I might add."
Jimin clenched his jaw. The voice wasn't a bit familiar. It was hoarse and the man didn't sound professional to peg him as a media person. This was someone else. "Who are you?"
The man in the opposite end exhaled loudly. "Jimin-ah, I can't believe you forgot me that easily. Am I that easy to replace?"
Jimin left the mixing bowls and clutched his phone, a scowl forming on his face. "I left you?"
"I missed you. I wanted you back, but you already found another bed to warm after leaving me." There was a chuckle in the background that sounded mocking.
"What nonsense are you sprouting? Who the heck are you?" Jimin only had two serious relationships before Jungkook. But this voice belonged to none of them.
He then heard a rustling noise as if someone else took the phone. "I told him you wouldn't fall for that."
Jimin felt like someone doused him in ice water. "Minhyuk?"
"Oh, so you still remember me." He laughed. "How have you been, Jimin-ah?"
"What do you want?" Jimin gritted out.
"Nothing." He could imagine him shrugging his shoulders as he spoke. "Just wanted to see if you still missed me."
"Why would I miss your cheating ass?" Jimin spat. "And how do you think I'm doing?"
"Extremely well I hope, though I don't understand what he even sees in you. I mean you were a good housekeeper. You clean and cook. Apart from that, I don't see what's special in you. I mean you're not even that good in bed." He sounded so smug that Jimin wanted to punch his face.
Jimin closed his eyes, counting from ten to one. If Jungkook ever caught wind of this... His eyes shot open.
Yoongi was tracking his phone which meant he might be already listening to their call this very moment.
"And you're calling me after two years to say this?" he scoffed. "How much did they pay you to say all that shit about me in the news?"
Minhyuk laughed out loud. "Something more than you could ever imagine. But I just wanted to talk to you and see how that's all faring for you." He chuckled again and someone else laughed in the room with him. "I mean you got so desperate that you had to go and spread your legs for a criminal. You've always been the same, Jimin-ah, whoring around to make a living. I'm just wondering what he'll do when he finds out what you did to me."
Jimin understood Minhyuk was playing some shitty game. He went to the couch in the living room, settling comfortably. "Why don't you tell him yourself?" he asked, leaving Minhyuk to his fate. He'd kept his ex's name out of his mouth fearing what Jungkook would do to him if he found out. It was one of his boyfriend's promises and Jimin knew enough to not ignore them.
"Oh, I will. It has only started." He laughed like a hyena and Jimin had to hold his phone in a distance for a bit.
"What do you mean by that?"
"You'll see. By the way, how did you like my flowers?"
Jimin moved to the edge of the couch. "What flowers?"
Laughter boomed in the other end and Jimin head the handset being handed to another person. "Ah, Jimin-ah, you're too naïve for your own good," The voice that spoke earlier greeted. "Why would your dear boyfriend sent you a bouquet inviting you to the most confidential crime syndicate gathering?" His voice turned serious.
Jimin swallowed. "Why would you do that?"
"Well, to show you what your boyfriend really is, but I was really surprised to see the act you put on," the man continued. "Makes me wonder if you have always known about him."
"Now you're spouting nonsense," Jimin snapped. "I went to his business party. Nothing more." He wanted the man to keep talking, but also didn't want to give anything away if the call was being recorded.
"Is that what you think? Then let me make it clear to you. You thought you were playing safe when you refuse to side with us almost two years ago. Did you think we will just let you walk away like that?"
Jimin clenched his fist around the phone. "What do you mean by 'us'?"
The man scoffed. "You should have just accepted the offer, Jimin-ah. You still have time."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Jimin continued even as the puzzle pieces clicked into place. He very well knew this man was somehow associated with the police, but he wanted to hear it from the man. After today, there was no hiding from Jungkook. He'd have to admit to his boyfriend that he knew about his other life all this time.
"I want to see how long you can protect your boyfriend," the man said. "You know at first we didn't believe what you told that time. But we have been watching you closely and have realized you may not really know who he is. He keeps you too sheltered from his world. We sent you to that club because we wanted you to see what kind of person your boyfriend is with your own eyes."
Jimin kicked up his feet, on the coffee table leaning back comfortably. "And?"
"And you're still acting naïve. You thought you were safe. We tried our best to make you see reason, but you didn't. So we decided to break that pretense of safety and we did. Did you know there's a bounty on your head? There's no place you can run and there's no safe place for you, Jimin-ah. You're now exposed to the world. How does it feel to have assassins hot on your heels? Your reputation as the best teacher has gone to dust. This is everything you worked for, isn't it? What are you going to do now, Jimin-ah?
Jimin nibbled at his bottom lip. "So what you're telling me is that I'm not safe here, but if I listened to you and testified against my boyfriend you'll keep me safe," he egged them on.
"Ah, you're not so dense it seems. You finally understand your position."
Jimin took a deep breath. "And what exactly will I be testifying?"
"Just the truth. Tell the world who Jungkook really is. Help us lock him behind the bards and punish him for what he did to the Cobras."
"And if I refuse?"
"Then you will be hunted down, Jimin-ssi. You will not know peace. Your boyfriend might even kill you if he finds out you know a great deal than you let on. JK hates snitches. There will be proofs that will show how you have been working with us all this time."
Jimin sighed. They have come a long way. Jungkook had always been honest with him while Jimin was still waiting for Jungkook to open up under his own terms.
"There's a saying that that frogs get into trouble by their mouth. It means one should keep their largemouth shut to avoid getting into trouble." A small smile tugged at his lips. "Your plan sounds great, Mr. Whoever you are. But there is a slight problem."
"Problem?" The man's laughter came out a little nervously. "And what is that, Jimin-ssi?"
"You failed to notice that I'm not one of his hook-ups." He relaxed further in his seat. "Why do you think I went to the club in the first place?" he asked. "We're dating for two years now. You still believe I fell for a flower bouquet and printed card with his name on it, don't you?" Silence fell on the other line. Jimin laughed. "Hmm...that's what I thought. You know nothing about my boyfriend. But I'll let you in on this one. Jungkook always handpicks the flowers he sends me. Each time it's different. It depends on his mood and what message he wants to convey." He smiled at the thought. "He writes a card personally before delivering it to my school. The moment I saw the card, I knew it wasn't Jungkook. And, boy, let me tell you something, you have zero sense when it comes to flowers. If you ever want to woo someone with flowers, don't even try. That was such a shitty collection you sent me."
The man cursed and something crashed on the other end and Jimin smiled contently.
"Interesting, isn't it?" He sighed. "You dug your grave by calling me today. I'd have explained more but I'm afraid we won't be talking after today. I'll tell you one more thing about my boyfriend. He's a romantic man. Out of all places he could have taken me, a nightclub is the last place he'd plan for a date. So your entire plan was shit."
"But you went, didn't you? You took the bait."
"Oh, that I did. The moment I stepped into that club my boyfriend knew something wasn't right," Jimin snorted. "And..."
A loud crashing sound echoed somewhere in the room from the other end and Jimin heard the men cursing. This time he knew it wasn't an object crashing the wall. It must be the door being broken from the sounds of it.
"I guess it's a goodbye then."
"Hello, gentlemen, it's not a pleasure meeting you. But...You're coming with us," Taehyung's deep voice greeted in the background.
"You fucking bastard!" Someone yelled.
Jimin disconnected the call and sighed. Minhyuk and whoever was behind him brought it upon themselves. There was only so much he could do. And protecting them wasn't one of them. He doubted if Jungkook would even listen to his reasoning if he tried, not that he wanted to try. A part of him was afraid of the don everyone feared. It wasn't his place to interfere with the mafia business.
He sighed and put the phone down. However, the security buzzed him before he could catch a break.
"Mr. Park there's a policeman at the gate demanding to see you."
Jimin sighed. "Let him in."
He rubbed his forehead with a defeated sigh. They won't give him a break.
"I have them both under custody. Bringing them to the base for interrogation," Taehyung informed. "ETA five minutes."
"We will be waiting." Jungkook ended the call. He was furious after listening to the conversation they had with Jimin. He wanted to call Jimin immediately but this wasn't something that could be conversed over a phone call.
Before Jungkook could say something further Namjoon's phone dinged with a text and he held a finger up. His face hardened as he read the text and then he pushed his phone toward Jungkook.
From Jimin:
Hyung, I'm here at the station for some inquiry.
Do you think you can stop by?
[Location attached]
"That fucking inspector!"
Namjoon took the phone back.
To Jimin:
On my way.
"I'll come with you." Jungkook stood.
"Sure, but you have to stay in the car. I don't know what the situation is inside," Namjoon warned.
"But if he so much as hurt my boyfriend, I'll kill him."
"I'll help you hide the body as usual. And then I'll erase his records and will make sure he didn't exist," Yoongi added.
Namjoon rolled his eyes. "I'm sure it won't come to that because Jimin is very capable of handling the situation himself." He gathered the files. "He has known you for years and you didn't even realize that. His game with Chang makes more sense now. Jimin knew what he was doing. I'll take a car with Jungkook." The phone beeped and Namjoon attended the call. "Good. Meet Yoongi hyung at the garage. We're heading out." He ended the call and met their gazes. "Taehyung is here. He can follow with Yoongi hyung. Shadow and Fixer can take over the interrogation while we are gone."
Jungkook nodded, feeling pity for both men if Shadow and Fixer were involved. They were worse than him. They should have thought before going after his Jimin.
Jungkook wasn't bothered about Jimin betraying him in the least. He trusted him enough, but he was afraid of the police who might hurt him in the process. Whatever it was it would end today.
Unrevealed characters:
Kim Seokjin/ Fixer - Restaurant chai owner/ Consigliere (mostly handles negotiations among international gangs and such. His identity is a secret to many.)Kim Namjoon - Attorney/ Consigliere (handles legal disputes and such. His exact identity as a consigliere is unknown to the other gangs. Jungkook kept it that way.)
The others think Taehyung is both second-in-command and the consigliere. Jungkook keeps his internal hierarchy a secret because of his enemies.
Hoseok is retired and is back in the field only because Jungkook asked him to protect Jimin. He agreed to protect Jimin until Jungkook introduced him to his world and so Jungkook could have other men protect Jimin publicly. As of now, Jungkook could only protect Jimin discreetly since he isn't aware that Jimin know of his identity as a mob boss.
I think I covered everything. Let me know if you have further questions.
Consigliere - The consigliere, or chief advisor, or counselor, is the Bosses right-hand man and trusted confidant. The Consigliere is very powerful in the organization, and he plays one of the most important roles in a crime family. He is a close and trusted friend and confidant of the family boss for strategic information, diplomatic counsel, and sound advice. The Consigliere is the mediator of disputes within the crime family and often acts as a representative or aide for the organization in meetings with other crime families, rival crime families, and important business associates. Consigliere's job is too bribe politicians, law enforcement and government officials to protect the organization, and to be a consultant to the crime family, and use his diplomacy to keep the underlings, such as the captains, soldiers, and associates in line. The Consigliere is someone who the Boss trusts and goes to for advice, counsel or information regarding the organization, finances, operations, politics, rules, grievances, disputes, or businesses. The Consigliere is meant to offer unbiased information based on what he sees as best for the crime family. He's normally incredibly intelligent, clever, diplomatic, intuitive, ruthlessly efficient, sophisticated, rational, resourceful, perceptive, and astute, and he is normally a clever talker, resourceful thinker, and diplomatic advisor. Unlike the underboss, the consigliere is chosen solely for his abilities and the amount of vast knowledge and intellect, and incredible intelligence he possesses. Generally, only the boss and underboss have more authority than the consigliere in a crime family. The Consigliere is very powerful in the command hierarchy, he is the third in command.
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