Chapter 5

It was nearly seven in the evening when Jungkook stepped out of their shared bedroom to head down. Jimin had clung to him like a koala ever since they came back and he hadn't found it in his heart to move even after his boyfriend fell asleep. He curled to his side, face buried to his side and fists clenched around his shirt. It was heart breaking to see the purple bruise that bloomed on the side of his face. Jungkook wanted to break every limp of the men who put their hands on his body.

He left the door slightly open on his way out. He needed a drink to process all this. However, on his way to the kitchen, he found Taehyung sitting on the living room couch with a grim expression and a can of soda in his hand.

"Anything?" he asked as he walked toward him.

Taehyung slanted a sideways glance from where he sat on the love seat, sipping his soda. TV was just background noise with an action movie they watched a zillion times as his best friend looked lost in his thoughts. Jungkook took the single-seater adjacent to him waiting for him to talk.

"The men escaped before our team reached the gym parking lot and the others are dead. We found the security footage. Yoongi hyung is on it. He will have something for us soon. Where's Jimin?"

"Sleeping." He crossed his legs with a tight expression, the need to have a drink long forgotten.

Jungkook was livid when he received that call from Jimin. It felt like someone was ripping his heart out when he heard Jimin's crying voice on the other end. It still rang clear in his ears. He would never forget today for years to come. Fortunately, their security team was able to intercept them before things went south.

Thanks to Taehyung's excellent driving skills and presence of mind. He'd driven like a bat out of hell, dodging every attack like the pro he was. Jungkook was sure, if it was for anyone else other than Taehyung or Hoseok in that vehicle, both Jimin and the driver would have been dead by now. An involuntary shudder ran through his body at that thought.

"Motherfuckers! I'm just pissed that none of those kills are mine," he growled. "When we get our hands on them first kill is mine."

Jungkook nodded curtly. "They're all yours. You earned that." He clenched and unclenched his fists.

Taehyung nodded, but then his expression soured. "There's something else." He took another sip. "Someone reopened the Cobra's case."

"What the fuck?!" Jungkook hissed, moving to the edge of the seat.

Taehyung's grip tightened around the soda can. His eyes still narrowed and gaze fixed on the TV screen. "The investigation has already started. We don't know anything else."

"Fuck!" Jungkook ran a hand through his dark hair that fell over his eyes and framed his cheek.

"Those bastards are asking for it." His best friend scoffed, reciprocating his feelings. "We need to increase the security for Jimin. This shit is not random."

Jungkook agreed. "I've already spoken to Shadow. Someone will guard them 24/7."

"Oh, Namjoon hyung filed a police complaint and sent the video footage as evidence." Taehyung glanced at him. "It happened in public and there were a few witnesses so he thought it's the best move. The press might soon learn of your relationship with Jimin. With his identity exposed to the crime syndicates, we cannot hide this anymore. The police know already, so it's only a matter of time before someone leaked it to the media."

"That's fine. I'll inform the security team to suit themselves."

"I wanted to ask you something. It's about Jimin." Taehyung put the soda can on the small coffee table and reclined in his seat. "Does something feel different to you?"

"Different how?" Jungkook perked up.

"We both know Jimin for how long? Two years? Isn't he too calm?" Taehyung's brow furrowed. "I can't help but wonder."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Jungkook asked, leaning forward slightly. "I mean he is growing stronger emotionally."

Taehyung scoffed. "A person with Jimin's history doesn't get stronger just like that, Jungkook." His sharp gaze flicked to him. "He can't even stand someone getting hurt on movies. Remember how he reacts while watching action movies."

Jungkook was silent. He knew Taehyung was onto something, but he didn't like where this was going.

"Earlier during the fight, I half-expected him to have another panic attack. Not that it's a bad thing. He was tense during the entire ride, but he was trusting." Taehyung scoffed.

"I don't think I understand."

"The men were armed, Jungkook. And, they were shooting at us. The chase was fucking dangerous. Jimin had no reason to trust me. But..."

Jungkook frowned. "Tae, I don't understand why that isn't a good thing."

Taehyung scoffed. "Think, Jungkook. Jimin is a scaredy-cat. He doesn't know about our double lives. He doesn't know if I can protect him in situations like this. He hasn't seen me fight in real life before. Don't you get it? Why would he trust me? Don't tell me it's because I'm his best friend."

Jungkook froze. It made sense. Why? Jimin had no reason to trust Tae to handle this.

"When someone is in danger such as this, shouldn't their first instinct be calling the cops? He didn't even mention them once. I have been in similar situations before and I know how a normal person would react. But Jimin...he is just too calm. Too trusting." He shook his head. "Now I think about it, he was way too calm in the club too. You know how dangerous the situation was, but Jimin was...just there unbothered. Then the incident with the intruder. He suggested that we shouldn't call the cops, didn't he? Why? Doesn't it bother you?"

Jungkook's mind reeled. Now Taehyung put it that way, Jimin did seem a bit unbothered—a bit too trusting and too calm for the situation.

"Why isn't he freaking out?" Taehyung stood. "Why isn't he frightened?" He was once again shaking his head more to himself. "Jimin is too clever. He reads people like an open book. He sniffed Hanuel and Chang's ratty asses' right from the moment he met them."

Jungkook swallowed.

"But then I'm also worried because this isn't good, Jungkook. Suppressed emotions can be harmful. He's a victim of a car accident. He lost his parents in that which left a scar. He's still suffering. We both know how worse his panic attacks could get. Hell, you even had us all learn about his condition and trained us to handle such situations so we are equipped to handle him when you aren't there."

Jungkook paled at the warning. Jimin had stopped going to the therapist after they started seeing each other. He haven't had a relapse in a year apart from some minor incidents.

"Just keep a close eye on him, yeah? I wonder if this would trigger him and the way he was calm during the entire thing is just spooking me off." Taehyung put a hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "I'm going to work out a bit before I call it a night. I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay. Goodnight."


He watched Taehyung leave with a frown on his face.

Why is Jimin so calm?


Jimin woke up in cold sweat, panting harder with a hand over his chest. It took a few moments for him to calm down and come to reality. He looked to his side to see Jungkook sound asleep.

His boyfriend had left the bedside lamp on, which now illuminated the slope of his perfect nose and sharp jaw. Jimin turned to stare at the ceiling, seemingly lost as he focused on his ragged breathing. He did the breathing exercise as Jungkook's presence alone eased his mind. He hasn't had a nightmare in a long time. It had subsided sometime after he'd gotten close to Jungkook.

That brought him to the memory of when he'd gotten news about his grandmother's death. Jimin was on a date with Jungkook. They were done with dinner and were stepping out of the restaurant when Jimin received the news. Though he had expected it for quite some time now, it still left him stunned.

But then Jungkook was there. Jimin was too numb to protest when he took over the things, including arranging the funeral. He hadn't lifted a finger. It felt too good to have someone he could lean on. Jimin had quietly packed an overnight bag when Jungkook invited him to stay with him for a while. They were still new and had only kissed thrice at that point.

"Why don't you come to stay with me for a few days? A change of atmosphere might help you," Jungkook had told him and he jumped at the opportunity, not wanting to be alone.

Later when Jimin crumbled when he thought no one was looking, Jungkook was there, holding him through it all. When he moved out after a week, not wanting to overstay his welcome, he found himself heading to meet Jungkook every night after that. The days he didn't go, Jungkook came over.

Soon they had started staying at each other's place, just hanging out and talking late into the night.

When he saw how uncomfortable Jungkook was at his place, he began to make an effort to meet Jungkook at his place. It went on for a while until Jungkook suggested that he should keep some clothes so he didn't have to run to his place every morning. Before they knew they had gotten too comfortable to the point they had fallen asleep beside each other a few times in their living room after having a movie night.

It was during that time someone from the Seoul organized crimes division approached him.

Jimin was out shopping for a gift for Jungkook. A few days ago, he'd spotted the ruined suit Jungkook still kept in his closet from their first meeting and Jimin decided he wanted to buy him something in return. Jungkook had refused to take his money and had shredded the promissory note he signed.

"There is no need for this anymore," he had said. "I just forced you to sign one so I have a reason to meet you."

Jimin smiled warmly at the memory. He was looking through the shirts, wanting to buy something that fit Jungkook's tastes. He even chose his favorite brand, but the prices were making his head reel. Even the lowest price one easily swallowed his two months' paycheck.

He was moving from one aisle to the next when someone bumped into him, pouring something cold on his clothes. Jimin hissed as the cold liquid touched his skin. He pinched the material between his fingers, holding it away from his body.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." The man who bumped into him apologized. "I should have watched where I'm headed to. Please let me help you get cleaned."

"No. It's okay. I'll just head to the restrooms." He was about to walk out when the man stopped him.

"The owner of this boutique is a friend. There is a bathroom in his office." He pointed toward the door that said employees only. "Please, I insist. It looks so inconvenient."

Jimin sighed. "Okay."

However, once they entered the said office, Jimin realized there was one more man inside and they didn't bring him here for cleaning. The office room was small with glass walls that were now closed with blinds. A man in his early thirties sat at the small desk. There was no bathroom.

"Where is the bathroom?" Jimin furrowed his brows, taking a step back, and readied himself to bolt out of the room.

The man who poured coffee on him, however, pulled a badge from his pocket. "I'm detective Lee Heesung. That's Inspector Choi Yeonjun."

Jimin swallowed thickly, wondering why the police wanted him here.

"Please take a seat. There's something we wanted to discuss with you." Heesung gestured to one of the empty chairs.

"I don't think I understand what this is all about." He eyed them apprehensively, still not believing them. If they were cops why would they ask him to meet him in this boutique and not at the station? Both wore civil clothes but had crew-cut that stood out from normal civilians.

"This inquiry is very confidential. It's not safe to discuss it elsewhere so we had carefully chosen this location where we can talk freely." The man headed to the blinders, looking outside through the small gap.

"I still don't think I have anything to do with any of your inquiries." Jimin frowned, observing each of their faces carefully.

"You volunteered as a caretaker in one of the rescue camps and worked with the victims of organized crimes related to the Cobras," the man called Choi Yeonjun said. "We are here within reason, Jimin-ssi."

"You could have done that without spilling the drink on me." He looked at his ruined white button-up. Police inquiry wasn't new to him. As a caretaker, he had accompanied several victims during their interrogation and had even given out statements a few times when required.

"Sorry about that. We didn't think we would be able to get you inside without drawing attention otherwise." Lee Heesung shrugged and gestured him to the armchair.

Attention from whom? He wanted to ask. Instead, he kept quiet and wordlessly took the seat, waiting for them to tell him whatever reason they brought him inside.

"Since you're already familiar with the Cobras, I'm sure you'll be able to follow what we are going to tell you. Several major and minor crime syndicates run illegal activities in South Korea. The Cobras were one of them." He turned his laptop screen toward him. "Biggest of them all is the Dragons."

Jimin narrowed his eyes as a few photographs popped on the screen. His throat constricted with a sudden ball of emotion clogging it. All traces of confusion were gone, replaced with shock and fear. His heart hammered and he wondered if his face showed what he felt. His hands were becoming clammy and he held them together in a tight grip on his lap.

"The rumored leaders of this group are the Jeon family." A family portrait was pulled up and Jimin froze in his seat. He began to pull the photos one by one, studying Jimin's expression carefully. "Now you know why we wanted you here," he continued. "This is Jeon Jiwon the former kingpin aka the ultimate boss. He retired and left the country three years ago with his wife. We don't know there whereabouts."

Spain. They lived in Spain.

He knew Jungkook's family. His father looked like the older version of Jungkook.

"His wife Jeon A-Yeong aka the queen of the Dragons." The inspector chuckled as if it was a joke. "I don't know what that means. She wasn't involved in any of the gang activities as far as we know, but she's well respected among the gangs."

She was beautiful. Jungkook had inherited his eyes and lips from her. He'd talked to Jungkook's mother once. It was an accident. Jungkook was in the shower and had asked him to attend the incoming call on his behalf. The woman was so warm and welcoming to him, inquiring fondly about his teaching job.

"His first son Jeon Jungwon passed away a few years ago. We don't know the real reason behind his death, but rumors say that he overdosed."

He knew that. Jungkook had told him about his brother's death. It was a sensitive topic for him so they never broached the subject.

"His daughter Jeon Jeong-seon, a fashion designer by profession. There's nothing that connects her to the Jeon's family business."

Jimin didn't know Jeong-seon personally, but from what Jungkook had told him, she was a sweet person. His breath hitched when he saw who the next person was.

"He's Jeong-seon's boyfriend Jung Hoseok. We don't know much about this man. He lived in Italy with his girlfriend until a few months ago, but he recently joined your school as a kindergarten teacher."

Jimin swallowed. The photo was taken outside a fancy restaurant. He was in a black suit, holding the door for his girlfriend to enter. He looked so different from how he dressed normally. His hair was pushed back and he look every bit lethal.

Hoseok was a new joiner and his new friend who was always cheerful and easygoing. They had hit it off as soon as they met and though it was only a month, they were already close. He couldn't believe he dated Jungkook's sister. Jimin hasn't spoken to him about Jungkook though. He didn't talk about their relationship to anyone else. It was pretty new and he wanted to keep it to himself until he knew for sure where he stood with Jungkook.

He let his shock show and curled his fists. Yeonjun and Heesung looked pretty satisfied and he let them be. Jungkook's high-quality photo popped on the screen.

"Jeon Jungkook, mostly known as JK in the underground circle, the rumored kingpin and the man behind the annihilation of the Cobras. The most ruthless mob boss even the other gang leaders fear. He's a nightmare to the police." The man scoffed. "Do you know what happened to those Cobra members?" He questioned and continued to answer without waiting for Jimin's response. "He ordered every single member of the Cobra to be found and burned until only their ashes remained. He's a ruthless killer."

Jimin was very well aware of the horrors of the crimes Cobras had committed. Had witnessed the extent of the victim's sufferings and the scars that were left on them. A part of him was satisfied to know what happened to the Cobra gang members.

No. Yeonjun was wrong. Jungkook was none of those things to him. Jungkook was the kindest and caring man who doesn't even raise his voice at him. Jimin couldn't tear his gaze off the screen even when the photo changed.

"Kim Taehyung, his second-in-command. He's just as ruthless as Jeon Jungkook. Our sources claim that he's the only one who could talk to Jungkook the way he does and get away with."

Once again Yeonjun was wrong. His TaeTae was the funniest and goofiest person to be around. He was one giant fluff ball who loved cuddles and any sort of affection Jimin showered him with.

"Kim Namjoon, the brain. He's the attorney of Jeon Corp, but we firmly believe he's the advisor of the Dragons. Jungkook doesn't do anything without consulting him first."

Jimin had met Namjoon twice. First time, when he signed the promissory note and the second time in a restaurant owned by his brother Seokjin. He was the sweetest and wise person who loved to read. Jimin had talked books to him for most of the dinner.

"Last but not least, Min Yoongi. The CTO of Jeon Corporation. There's not much we know about him. This man is like a ghost. Our sources had claimed that he attends almost all meetings with Jungkook along with Taehyung and Namjoon."

Jimin hadn't met Yoongi yet. But had heard enough from Taehyung because they were dating.

"I'm sorry to spring this on you like this, Jimin-ssi. But by now you'd have understood the seriousness of this all." He shut the laptop lid. "You're dating a criminal."

Jimin pursed his lips, averting his gaze to his lap. His mind was in turmoil and his heart hammered in his chest.

"I know it's hard to process. Here, have some water."

Jimin accepted the drink, uncapping the bottle and taking a few sips to keep him occupied.

"We need your help, Jimin-ssi. After seeing your contribution to the victims of the Cobras, we think you're the perfect candidate for the job," Yeonjun spoke convincingly.

Jimin still didn't meet his eyes. "I'm just a kindergarten teacher, Yeonjun-ssi. There's nothing I can do to help you."

"That's where you're wrong, Jimin-ssi. You already have Jungkook's trust. Our sources claim you have the kingpin wrapped around your fingers."

Jimin laughed at that. Their relationship was very fresh and it was a blatant lie. They got along well, but no one had anyone wrapped around their fingers. "Jungkook is nice to me, that's all."

"He is never nice, Jimin-ssi."

Jimin shook his head. "Why me? Why aren't your sources helping? I'm sure you already have someone on the inside. I mean where else did you get this information from? Why do you need me?"

"Because no one was able to get anywhere near the kingpin JK. Every single one of them failed." Yeonjun ran a hand over his face. "I mean they died. JK killed them," he growled.

Jimin looked away, unable to stand the intensity of his gaze. The man looked furious and Jimin just wanted to get out of that place. He nibbled at his bottom lip, his breathing growing heavier as he squirmed on his chair.

"You think we haven't tried before? This guy is the hardest criminal we have trouble tracking with. He practically has no weaknesses. He doesn't do drugs or much of a drinker. He's a control freak and is known to be pretty wild in bed. So we tried that route too." Jimin's heart lurched to his throat at that. "He doesn't kiss any of his sexual partners. Doesn't even fuck the same person twice. His partner of the night isn't allowed to touch him and the people he has been with said that he doesn't allow them to look at him during sex either," the inspector listed. "And certainly he's never been on a date before you."

Jimin's cheeks flared. He didn't need that image in his mind. Jungkook was none of that was all he could come up with. They haven't had sex yet, but they kissed a lot. His boyfriend was gentle and caring always mindful of his comfort.

"You're different, Jimin-ssi." He opened the lid of the laptop and showed him another photograph that showed them kissing in their car. The picture was blurry but Jimin could identify them anywhere. It was taken during one of their dates. "He's different to you, which is why you're our best bet at getting this job done. You even moved in with him in less than four months."

Jimin worried his bottom lip, trying to tame his inner turmoil. "So what you're telling me is that you want me to spy on my boyfriend and report his whereabouts to you just because your department suspects that he's into some shady business."

A muscle ticked on Yeonjun's jaw. "We just don't suspect it. We know this is true. Anyone who has lived in Seoul or any other part of Korea would have heard about the Dragons. They run the scene here."

Jimin took a deep breath and reclined in his chair, crossing his leg for comfort. He knew about the Dragons. After all the rough life he lived during his younger years, it was hard not knowing about them. His gaze was sharp when he looked at the officer. "I live in Seoul, but I never heard of the Dragons."

"But you knew of the Cobras and the rumors surrounding it that it was the Dragons behind the gang war."

"Because it was all over the news channels and newspapers. I don't follow crime news, Yeonjun-ssi. And I stopped being the caretaker because I couldn't handle it."

"Okay. Just tell me this. Does your boyfriend have a dragon tattoo on his body?" He pulled another photo with a dragon tattoo from his pocket this time. It was a crime scene photo, but fortunately there was no blood. The tattoo was inked in the inner wrist of the victim—just a small black tribal dragon. "This is their symbol. Every member of this gang has this tattooed into their skin."

Jimin eyed the photo pensively before he scowled. "No."

He pushed the photo away. Jungkook had the biggest dragon tattoo that started from the left pec of his chest, ran along with his delectable abs with its spiked tail dipping down his hipbone to drape around his right thigh. Taehyung had it in his broad back with the Dragon's tail curled around his abdomen. Both tattoos were identical but tattooed in different places. However, their tattoos looked nothing like that of the one in the photos. So he wasn't lying in a sense. That helped him to maintain a straight face, even though he was frightened to death on the inside.

But Yeonjun or Heesung didn't have to know that. Jungkook liked to sleep in his boxers while Taehyung worked out shirtless. He had seen those swirling ink with red and black colors countless times, traced it on Jungkook multiple times while he slept.

"Think again, Jimin-ssi. It's not hard to miss."

"As far as I know he doesn't have a dragon tattoo," he said again.

"You must be joking." Yeonjun shook his head in disbelief as he jumped to his feet, running a hand over his hair. "That's a blatant lie."

"What did his previous sexual partners say? Where does this tattoo lie?" Jimin asked, his expression calm and composed now that he'd gotten past the initial discomfort.

Yeonjun scowled. "I told you they weren't allowed to see him and he never undressed in front of them." Then his expression turned into a smirk. "Or...he treats you the same like treats all his flings."


That hurt, but Jimin wasn't the one to hold back, especially when he was cornered. He lashed out when he felt threatened and he did exactly that.

"I'm his boyfriend, trust me, I'd know." He stood, grabbing his things. "He has a lot of tattoos on his body," he stated confidently. "But Dragon isn't one of them." He eyed Heesung, who had his eyes narrowed at him. Both officers pissed beyond belief, not that he cared. "You know I believed your story for a moment there. But then you told me about how this...JK behaved in bed and this tattoo...none of it is real. Jungkook is a sensual lover. We like to make slow, passionate love while facing each other. He never did any of those things you said to me."

"So you will believe the criminal instead of a law enforcer?" Yeonjun snarled.

"I believe my boyfriend and what I see with my eyes. Jungkook is anything but those things you told me. Our relationship is secret to the public. The reason you have followed us and taken pictures of our date is creepy enough."

"You will regret this, Jimin-ssi. One day you'll find his true face and you'll regret it."

I won't. Because I already know who Jeon Jungkook is.

"If I did, I'll come to you, Yeonjun-ssi. Thanks for ruining my shirt. Don't ever come near me with those coffees again." With that said, he marched out of the small office and then out of the boutique, letting out a relieved breath he was holding. It was already six in the evening and his mood to shop was ruined.

When he arrived home Jungkook was in the living room, watching TV. "You're home." He beamed.

"Hey, you're early," Jimin noted.

Jungkook looked so domestic with his tie discarded on the couch and the top three buttons of his shirt open. His sleeves were pushed back to his elbows.

"Jeon Jungkook, mostly known as JK in the underground circle, the rumored kingpin and the man behind the annihilation of the Cobras. The most ruthless mob boss even the other gang leaders fear. He's a nightmare to the police." The inspector's words echoed in his mind.

He almost snorted at that. This was his Jungkookie. The man who drew him a bath and gave him massages after a long day of work. The man who tried to cook something even though he despised cooking or doing any type of chore at home. This was the man who insisted on doing laundry despite Jimin's protests just because he wasn't comfortable with Jungkook's cleaning staff doing their laundry. This man was the only one who brought him flowers and chocolates, waited for his beck and call despite Jimin feeling like he deserves none of his kindness most of the time. This...was the man who showed him what love was.


He tasted word in his tongue and realized it didn't feel scary anymore. In Jungkook's eyes, he only saw passion, assurance, and security. Home, he had said. Jungkook was his home.

"Yep." Jungkook jumped to his feet. "The evening meeting got canceled, so I rushed home to be with my baby." He frowned when he noticed the coffee stain on his shirt. "Is everything okay? You look distracted."

"Ah, y-yeah..." He laughed nervously. "Someone thought he could brighten my day by spilling coffee on me." Jimin shrugged. "I guess it's not a pleasant experience to be doused in coffee. I can feel the wetness down to my underwear." He grimaced.

"Trust me, I know." Jungkook chuckled. His gaze softened and he caressed the side of Jimin's face. "After all, that coffee brought us together."

Jimin laughed, tilting his head to kiss Jungkook's hand. "I'll go shower first."

"Dinner is ready. Come to the rooftop garden once you're done. I'll be there."

"Okay." He threw a glance over his shoulder as he walked off to wash the remnants of sweat and coffee.

That night Jungkook arranged a lavish candlelight dinner at his rooftop garden, where he asked Jimin officially to be his boyfriend and asked him to move in with him. Jimin had of course said yes. He'd lost the count of their dates by now and when Jungkook leaned forward to kiss him, he was eager to indulge him.

He wasn't the least surprised when he found himself with his back pressed to the wall after a hot make-out session. He vaguely remembered Jungkook carrying him to the bedroom. But Jimin had been ready. He had been ready for a while now.

Jungkook had that look on his face. The one almost had Jimin melt into a puddle. They usually broke off whenever things got too heated. It was usually Jimin who was pulling away first. But today, when Jungkook pulled away Jimin fisted his shirt, pulling him closer to kiss him again, chanting, "don't stop," against his lips.

His boyfriend kissed him until he was breathless and squirming under him. He was an excellent kisser. Knew how to make his toes curl and pull soft moans just with those kisses. Never once complained how conscious Jimin was being around him. Tonight though he wanted to let go for once and completely surrender himself to Jungkook.

His boyfriend had a way of making him forget their surroundings. When they kissed, Jimin's toes curled. Something that never happened with his previous lovers.

Jungkook always had sweet words for him that made Jimin feel special and wanted. He couldn't help the way he felt drawn to Jungkook.

"I want you," Jungkook panted against his lips. "I think I'll explode right here if you won't let me have you tonight. Please..." He gripped his waist, blunt finger tips digging into his skin over the clothes. "Let me touch you, baby. Let me make you feel good."

"Please..." Jimin whispered, arching his back. "Want you. Want everything, Jungkookie."

Instead of answering him, Jungkook kissed him passionately and his hands were on his clothes, buttons flying because he had ripped his shirt. When he released his lips to kiss down his chest, Jimin pushed at him.

"Jungkook...wait. Wait—"

"What is it, baby? You okay?" His boyfriend panted above him.

Jimin shook his head, breathing harder. "C-can we take it slow? Please..."

Jungkook blinked, some of the haze in his vision clearing. "Anything for you, baby."

And slow he did. Jungkook had taken a few deep breaths and took his time after that. He undressed Jimin as if he was unwrapping something precious and delicate, kissing every inch of his skin that was revealed to his eyes.

Jimin was once again rendered speechless. When he was finally bare as the day he was born, he wanted to hide. A part of him panicked, wondering if Jungkook liked what he saw.

And Jungkook wiped off his concerns with his words. "So beautiful," he stated, running his hands up and down his thighs. "So perfect."

Jimin sucked in a breath when Jungkook undressed. His tattoos stood proud and dark against his pale skin. He wanted to reach and trace every line as he did in the mornings while he waited for Jungkook to wake up, but he held back.

"I've been waiting for this since the day I met you."

Jimin's body shuddered at the sound of his voice that was thick with lust. He then grabbed the lube and condoms from his bedside table.

"How do you want this?" he asked waving the lube in front of him. "You want to do this yourself? Is it okay if I prepped you?"

"Um..." Jimin swallowed. He preferred to open up himself because his past lovers were too impatient to prep him properly and that ended up in a not so pleasant experience. He nibbled at his lips. "I-I can do it." He shakily rose to sit up, taking the lube from his hand. "Um...I-I'll be back."

"Where are you going?" Jungkook stopped him when he tried to get off the bed.

"To the bathroom?" Jimin flushed red, having not done such a thing in front of someone. He grabbed the sheet, pulling it over his lower half, suddenly growing conscious of his body.

Jungkook wordlessly took the lube from his hand. "I never did this before. I gave you a choice because I didn't want you to be uncomfortable." He removed the sheet, pulling him onto his lap, his large hands trailing back to cup his ass. "I don't care about the assholes you've been with. But if I ever meet them in person, they're dead," he growled, capturing Jimin's lips in a searing kiss.

Jimin shuddered in his embrace, knowing full well Jungkook was capable of fulfilling his promises. His body automatically melted into Jungkook's and he gasped when he sensed a cold finger tracing his rim.

"Gonna prep you now, baby." He pulled away to mumble against his jaw, nibbling it slightly. "I'll go slow." He parted his ass cheek, inserting a finger inside.

Despite the tension rolling off Jungkook in waves, he was slow and gentle, checking if he was okay every time Jimin squirmed. The way he cared almost caused Jimin to tear up. He hadn't felt this comfortable with anyone else. This was his Jungkook. His one and only.

When they made love for the first time that night, Jimin saw stars. Their movements were slow yet sensual. Jungkook continued to roll his hips with slow thrusts, sending his cock deeper as he did so. He didn't stop kissing Jimin even once. He kissed every inch of his face, neck, and everywhere he could reach, telling him how wonderful he felt.

Jimin cried out, burying his face because of the overwhelming emotions combined with pure pleasure. When he came apart in his boyfriend's hands, Jungkook had kissed his tears away, murmuring how perfect he was. That moment Jimin knew, Jeon Jungkook had ruined him for any men out there.

In the throes of passion, when he felt completely bare and vulnerable, Jimin locked his gaze with Jungkook and whispered, "I love you, Jungkookie."

Jungkook froze above him for a moment before his face broke into that signature smile. "I love you too, my Strawberry." He then shook his head with disbelief. "God, I was dying to say that to you since last week."

Then they were kissing again, languidly relishing every stroke of his tongue against his. That night Jungkook made love to him one more time and Jimin felt thoroughly satiated, falling asleep almost immediately in the arms of his lover with the knowledge that the next morning and all the mornings after that he'd wake up in his arms.

Jimin blinked the tears away, tilting his head to look at Jungkook.

Who cares if you're ruthless?

Who cares if you're a mob boss?

Why does it matter what you do for a living when all I ever got from you is love and kindness?

He caressed the side of Jungkook's face, curling to his side.

Does it make me a bad person that I want to protect the man I love?

Is it bad that I'm in love with a man who can literally kill anyone who dares to hurt me?

Is it wrong that I want to be selfish for once?

Jimin decided he'd gladly be wrong all the time if it meant he'd get to be with Jungkook. He didn't know how long he lay in Jungkook's arms, but he couldn't go back to sleep. His brain was wide awake and sleep was too far.

So after fighting the urge to toss and disrupt Jungkook's sleep, he dragged himself out of the bed, pulling Jungkook's discarded hoodie over his head, and headed out of the room. His barefoot made no noise as he padded down the stairs.

His mind was in turmoil. He was rummaging through the refrigerator when he felt warm hands encircling his waist. The same hands pulled him back and he came in contact with a warm, sculpted chest.

"Can't sleep?" Jungkook kissed the side of his head before hooking his chin on his shoulder.

"Yeah. Thought I'll get a drink, but there are so many options and I'm confused." He waved at the fridge.

"How about some hot cocoa with marshmallows, hmm? My baby deserves some chocolate treat for being so brave today," he cooed.

"I wasn't brave. That was all Taehyungie." Jimin sank into his embrace with a pout.

"No. My baby stayed strong throughout and did as he was told." He kissed his neck. "I won't rest until I find who is behind all this. Now go and sit down, baby. I'll make us both a cup and then we can watch some rom-com. How does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect to me." He craned his neck to kiss Jungkook's chin, who in turn kissed him thoroughly on his lips.

Jungkook had always made him feel safe, except for the first few times maybe. As he snuggled to his side in the living room couch with a cup of hot cocoa in his hands ten minutes later, Jimin felt his earlier worries melting away. He didn't want to ever let go.

Jimin barely registered anything that was playing on the TV. They were both silent. It was extremely comfortable as usual.

"Why are you so good to me?" he wondered idly. "When I agreed to be your boyfriend, every day I woke up with a fear that you might get bored of me, that one day I'd become too much, one day you'll realize how much of a burden I am and would leave me. You only gave me love. I don't know what I didn't deserve this."

When he lifted his gaze, Jungkook was watching him intently.

"Why Jungkookie?" He cupped his cheek, adjusting his position to straddle to him. "Why am I special?"

"Because you are, Jimin." His eyes narrowed. "You're too good for me." He caressed the side of his face. "You're way out of my league."

Jimin snorted. "Do you even hear yourself? I'm not normal Jungkookie. I-I can't stand violence. I have trouble watching action or horror movies. No one could handle these things. Everyone left seeing how hopeless I am."

A muscle ticked in Jungkook's jaw. He could tell he was furious. He despised when Jimin talked about himself like that, but he couldn't help it. His insecurities were once again gnawing at him and he needed some sort of assurance. The sort only Jungkook could provide him with.

As he watched, Jungkook took a deep breath and he felt some of that tension leaving his body. "You did watch all Marvel movies with me and Tae."

"That's because you made me watch the behind-the-scenes and making of the film first. It got easier once I saw that it was all CGI."

There was a time when Jimin couldn't withstand the sight of blood even on TV. So, Jungkook always made sure to watch the movies beforehand, making sure there are no triggers before watching with him.

Jungkook and Taehyung really loved Marvel movies. So Jungkook made him read the comics first, then he made him watch the making, explaining how it was all fiction and nothing was real. He struggled at first, but now he could handle them as long as there was nothing too extreme. Also, even if there was, Jungkook always closed in eyes as a precaution so Jimin could now enjoy action movies. It was something he missed before.

Jungkook had fallen silent and Jimin could see him struggle to form the right words. He leaned to peck him on the lips before resting their foreheads together.

"Thank you," he whispered. "Thank you for everything you do. You heal me. You make me a better version of myself. Thank you for teaching me how to value myself. Thank you for helping me to push past my insecurities."

Jungkook pressed their lips together. "You bring the best out of me. You make me want to be a better person." He caressed his soft cheek with his thumb. "You're my everything, baby. You keep me sane. I'll fucking lose it if I don't have you in my life. You're my home, Strawberry."

"I love you from the bottom of my heart, Jungkookie. You're the only one that matters the most. There is nothing in this world that could make me change my mind about that," Jimin sniffled.

"Careful, baby," Jungkook mumbled against his lips. "Your boyfriend is not a saint."

"I don't care." They kissed lazily, just slotting their lips together and breathing each other's exhale.

"What if I'm a criminal? What then? What if I'm a cold-blooded murderer?" Jungkook's grip tightened around his and tension coiled around his shoulders.

Jimin froze. He lifted his gaze, almost gasping at the intensity with which Jungkook was staring at him. "It doesn't matter," he answered honestly. "As long as you aren't a rapist or a pedophile, it doesn't matter."

"I'm none of that, but I'll keep that in mind." He chuckled humorlessly.

"As long as you don't make me hide dead bodies..." Jimin chuckled. "It doesn't matter. I'll love you no matter what."

"I promise not to make you do any of that." Though it sounded like a fun-filled banter, Jimin sensed the sincerity behind those words. He couldn't just tell him yet. Not when Jungkook decided to keep his other life away from him. This was as honest as they could both get at the moment.

" know I'm boring in bed." He toyed with the string of Jungkook's gray hoodie. "But um...I really like what we are doing lately. So...I-I wanna things?"

Jungkook's eyes darkened and Jimin averted his eyes. His large hands slid down to cup his ass, squeezing it once. "What do you wanna try, baby?"

"Um..." Jimin felt his cheeks flare and heart hammering in his chest. "C-Can you—"

Jungkook cupped his face with one hand, kissing his lips softly. "Tell me..."

"C-Can you know..."


"You my mouth?" Jimin buried his face into the crook of his neck, fists bunching the front of Jungkook's hoodie. He always had been careful not to curse too much because he worked with children. They tend to pick new words faster and it always made him blush when used the curse words.

Jungkook visibly froze under him before he cursed. "Fuck! That was... Fuck! I almost nutted." He chuckled. "You wanna do it now?"

Jimin nodded without lifting his head from where he was hiding.

"Baby, your lips..."

"It doesn't hurt," Jimin rushed out. "I just...I just wanna feel close to you. I need this. Please..."



Jimin lifted his head, eyes shifting toward the stairs.

"Taehyung won't step out of the room until morning," Jungkook almost growled. "I'm so hard already." He ground their hips together just to prove his point.

Jimin squeaked, his grip on Jungkook's hoodie tightening. He lifted his head. "Um...C-Can we go slow?"

"Anything for you, baby." Jungkook closed the distance, catching his lips.


Jimin went to work the next day, despite Jungkook's protests. His boyfriend wasn't the least happy. But he had successfully hidden his bruise under an insurmountable amount of concealer.

"You should have stayed home," Jungkook grumbled for an umpteenth time that morning, his face pulled into that cute little pout Jimin had begun to adore since their first date. When he had told him that they'd split their bills Jungkook had sat with that pout throughout the dinner.

"It's better than staying at home, my love." He kissed Jungkook's cheek, cupping the side of his face. "Hoseok hyung is there. It's only the kids. The intern is there so I'll be alright."

"Fine. I'll call in between. You better answer your phone."

"Yes, sir."

Jungkook's eyes darkened. He leaned to whisper in his ears, his lips grazing the outer shell of his ear. "Call me that again and I'll fuck you right here."

Jimin's body shivered, his hands curling around Jungkook's arm. A part of him wanted to hide his face in Jungkook's chest while the other part of him decided to tease a bit. "Then how about I call you that tonight?"

"Yeah?" Jungkook nibbled at his ears. "Suit yourself then, Strawberry. I'm gonna eat you out and then wreck that ass tonight."

Jimin's entire body heated up and he had to bite his lips to keep that whimper inside. "I-I gotta go," he said with great difficulty as he pulled away.

Taehyung winked at him from the front passenger seat. "Bye, Minnie mouse."

Jimin rolled his eyes, sticking his tongue at him before dashing out of the car and into the school.

"Ah, Jimin-ssi, good morning," Hanuel greeted, sounding extra cheerful today.

"Good morning." He set his things on the table, gaze scanning Hoseok's table.

"He left for his class. You're late than usual."

Jimin hummed as he grabbed the things he needed for the morning class.

"Jimin-ssi, you lips... Are you okay?"

Jimin blinked. Oh, right. It was easy to hide the bruise but not the cut on his lips. "Oh, it's nothing. I had a minor accident at home." He ran a hand through his hair.

"Your face is swollen too. Are you sure you're alright?" For a moment she looked really concerned.

"I'm fine, really," he assured her, hoping that she'd drop the subject.

"Jimin-ssi, you know you can trust me, right? If this is your boyfriend—"

"What?" Jimin whipped around suffering a whiplash. "He would never—" His eyes were wide. "Hanuel-ssi, thank you for your concern, but that thought alone is scandalous."

Hanuel shrugged. "Just looking out for a friend."

Jimin swallowed the comment that was on the tip of his tongue. Jungkook was his safe place. But he couldn't blame Hanuel for looking out for these things either. She might be a reporter, but he didn't want to be a bitch about something like this. Because he knew how many times he wished he had someone to talk to when he was with Minhyuk. So he just nodded and continued to walk to his class, followed by her.

The day had been uneventful till lunch. He wasn't thinking much when he received a call from an unknown number during lunch because the parents of his students called him all the time and sometimes it was his dance students.


"Jimin-ssi," the unfamiliar voice on the other end drawled. "How was your weekend?"

Jimin frowned. "Ah, who's this?"

"Consider me a fan of yours. The Friday night's chess was dope. I'm honestly flattered."

Jimin froze in his place, nervous gaze flicking toward Hoseok and Hanuel. He excused himself from the desk and walked out of the earshot.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about. I don't even know you." His grip tightened over his phone.

"Ah, we can rectify that. Talk more and get to know each other."

Jimin pinched the bridge of his nose. "What's your name?"

"That I can't tell you."

Jimin disconnected the call and blocked the number wordlessly. He had no time for freaks. But before he walked inside he got a text from another number.

From Unknown Number:

That was rude, Jimin-ssi.

Maybe this will convince you.

[Photo attached]

Jimin froze.

What the hell?

Attached was the image of Jimin at the bar, talking to those three men. His heart hammered in his chest.


Jimin whipped around coming face to face with Hoseok.

"Hyung." He wordlessly thrust his phone to Hoseok. "I got a call and he was talking nonsense. When I disconnected and blocked him, he sent me this."

Hoseok's face hardened. "You need to tell Jungkook immediately. This looks like some stalker shit. First, the attempt of theft, and then they tried to attack you yesterday in the parking lot." He shook his head.

"What do they even want from me?" Jimin asked in exasperation.

"Jungkook has many enemies, Jimin. Taehyung told me this kind of things isn't new to Jungkook. That's why he has a top-notch security team. Tell him and he'll know what to do," Hoseok insisted again.

Jimin nodded. Dealing with this alone was a bad idea. He could tell someone was purposefully doing this. Why? He couldn't comprehend. He stood no chance against whoever this was. He couldn't go to the police either. Besides this also concerned Jungkook's safety. If someone could get past all that club's security then he could only imagine how close this man was.

As expected, his boyfriend was furious when he called him to inform him. Jimin knew his anger wasn't directed at him. "Baby, I might have to ask Yoongi hyung to track your phone. Is that okay?"

Jimin smiled. "Okay."

"He will have to monitor your incoming calls and texts for a few days. Is that okay, baby?"

Jimin worried his bottom lip. "Jungkookie, I trust you."

"I love you, my Strawberry."

"I love you too."

"Thanks for letting me do this. Now forget this ever happened and go make those kids happy." Jimin smiled. It was really nothing. They both had access to each other's phones. He knew all of Jungkook's passwords. The majority of the security features had access to his fingerprints, including the ones in Jungkook's office headquarters.

He could already guess why someone would go after him. Though he didn't know anything about Jungkook's work, he was worth millions like Taehyung said.

"I'll see you tonight."


"Is everything okay, Jimin-ssi?" Hanuel asked. "You were gone for a long time."

Jimin frowned. She was the last person he wanted to see right now. "Yeah, just a parent who can't take no for an answer," he replied distractedly.

"Oh, for the dance class?"


"May I ask why? I heard you've stopped private lessons." She had her hands pushed inside her pocket as she looked up to meet his gaze.

He wanted to tell she was being nosy, but he could almost see the wheels turning in her head. It reminded him of the conversation they had in the morning.

"I'm just looking for a more convenient option, that's all." The bell rang announcing their break was over. So he turned to go back.

"Does your boyfriend not like it?"

Jimin clenched his jaw. He paused, turning to look at her again. "What does this have to do with my boyfriend?" he snapped. "He does not dictate my life."

Haneul shrugged. "I don't know. Just had an inkling that he might be controlling in all aspects."

Jimin snorted. "You don't even know who he is, but you already have an opinion on him. I don't owe you an answer, but my boyfriend is anything but controlling. He respects me and treats me well."

Hanuel sighed, looking at her feet before responding, "I've seen many abusive relationships, Jimin-ssi. Two weeks ago you showed up with fingerprint marks on your neck that showed clear signs of aggression. And today you have a lot of makeup on your face that hides god knows what and you have a busted lip. Forgive me if thought your boyfriend is getting handsy here. I don't know much about you and I just wanted to help."

Jimin sighed, his shoulders slumped in defeat. He closed his eyes and chewed at his bottom lip. Once again, Haneul had rendered him speechless by showing genuine concern. His experience he earned during his volunteering days taught him several aspects of domestic violence though he wasn't subjected to one.

"Thank you for your concern, Hanuel-ssi. I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier." He ran a hand through his hair. "I should have been honest with you, but you're still a stranger to me and I have trouble letting people in," he answered truthfully. "Two weeks ago someone broke into our home and I walked into an attempt of theft. There was a bit of altercation and yeah..." He shrugged. "Then someone attacked me and my friend yesterday."

"Oh, my God!" She clapped a hand over her mouth.

Jimin shrugged again. "Happens when your boyfriend is rich." He then looked at her with an earnest face and a soft smile. She was a good person, only if she wasn't a reporter. "Hanuel-ssi, the reason we are keeping our relationship a's for our safety. I hope you understand and don't speak of this to anyone."

Though he knew the media might catch up before the day ended, he didn't want it to happen because of her. Maybe he was being petty, but he didn't want her to earn that credit because she was spying on him all these months.

"Oh, no. I won't. My lips are sealed."

"Good. Because you're the only person apart from Hoseok hyung who knows this. I'll know who let this out if this got out," he warned good-naturedly and went back to the classroom.

The rest of the day was okay until there was a commotion outside the school grounds. Hoseok dragged Jimin to the staff room and locked him inside.

"Jimin, I think someone leaked the news. You're all over the news along with the clip of your video in the parking lot yesterday. Jungkook's company released a press statement. Jungkook is on his way. You can leave once his security team secures this place, okay?"

Jimin nodded vehemently. "What about the kids?"

"The school gates are normally closed during the working hours, so none of them got inside. One of the teams reached immediately to keep them out and the kids are all in their classrooms."


"You might have to stay low for a few days."

"How bad is it?"

Hoseok's face was grim. "We will have to wait and see. For now, it's only the media."

Jimin watched the man as he went toward the window, peeping through the small opening to see the situation outside. The kindergarten teacher knew he had nothing to fear, not especially when he had Shadow to protect him.

He didn't know what role Hoseok played in Jungkook's gang until Taehyung told him about the Shadow yesterday. He'd connected the dots quickly. It meant Hoseok was also the one investigating yesterday's incident.

He took a seat at the table, waiting for his boyfriend. There was no point in getting tensed under these circumstances. He had people to protect him. Nothing could harm him as long as he had Jungkook.


Jimin cried out when Jungkook's tongue plunged deeper. His fists curled around the sheets and he almost came twice, but his boyfriend hadn't let him. He stopped altogether to kiss down his thighs and suck some more marks until Jimin calmed down before resuming the assault.

Jungkook had kept his promise about eating him out. He'd drawn him a bath as soon as they came home and after a light dinner, he'd said he wanted his dessert and had carried Jimin to the bedroom.

"P-Please..." he whined when Jungkook stopped for the second time. He'd warned that he was going to edge him tonight, but Jimin didn't know what to expect but now that he was experiencing it, he didn't think it was fun. "C-Can't take it anymore. Please..."

"What does my baby want, hmm?"

"M-Make me cum, please... W-Wanna cum."

Jungkook flipped him. His body relaxed now that he was on his back. His boyfriend was already there, pushing his legs open, guiding his cock inside. "Can you cum untouched, baby?"

"Don't know." Jimin shook his head. "I-It's too much."

"Want me to stop?"

"No." He shook his head harder. "No. D-Don't stop. Don't."

"Shh..." Jungkook kissed him, bottoming out as he did so. "I got you, baby." He began moving faster, setting a quicker pace and finding his prostate in just the second try.

Jimin couldn't help the moans that were slipping out of his mouth. Jungkook grabbed his cock, jerking him in time with the thrusts and as expected he was coming in his hands. It was so intense that his vision almost went white. But his boyfriend kept going, swallowing his moans. His toes curled and fingers dug into Jungkook's back as the overwhelming pleasure washed over him.

It was a mixture of pain and pleasure. Pain because of overstimulation but that slight discomfort was soon turning into pleasure and he arched his back silently asking for more.

"Look at you," Jungkook said. "I just fucked you last night, but you're still so tight. All for me."

Jimin whimpered. He liked it when Jungkook talked like that. It caused him to bite his lips and bury his face so his boyfriend wouldn't see. It caused his cheeks to flare but also puff with pride.

"I think there are no more words to describe your beauty," Jungkook continued with soft grunts of pleasure. "I've exhausted them all. How can one be so perfect, hmm?"

Jimin could only moan in response. Sex with Jungkook was always intense and he loved the way he made him feel.

"I'm so close." Jungkook touched him again, jerking his semi-hard cock to full erection, the glide smooth with cum that coated him.

Jimin bit into Jungkook's shoulder to muffle the moans. He wasn't one for biting and nipping but one day he did that accidentally when the pleasure was overwhelming and discovered Jungkook liked the bit of pain. So he didn't think twice before doing it anymore.

Jungkook's hips stuttered and soon he was coming inside him. "Fuck!" he hissed. He thrust a few more times riding out his orgasm and soon Jimin also tipped over the edge, spilling in his hands for the second time that night.

They laid in each other's embrace basking in the afterglow until there was a knock on the door. Jungkook gently removed Jimin's hands, reaching for his phone. Sure enough, there were a few texts.

"Sorry, baby. I gotta go out for a bit."

"Now?" Jimin blinked lazily, trying to clear the sleep from his eyes.

"It's just Tae," he said. "Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung are coming over. They have to discuss something related to the attack yesterday. I'll be in our study room if you need me." He kissed his nose.

"Okay." Jimin smiled.

"I'll clean you first. You can sleep or read. I'll join you soon, okay?"

"Just gonna sleep."

Jungkook cleaned him with all the gentleness he could muster as usual and Jimin found himself melting into the mattress more. Once done he dressed him in a boxer and pulled the sheets over him. Jimin was already feeling sleepy exhausted from the day's events and a round of best sex. He couldn't feel his limps anymore and his ass ached pleasantly. Well sated.

He was already drifting off when he felt Jungkook's feather-soft kiss on his forehead and a soft murmur of 'I love you.'

Good night. He didn't know if he said those words out loud because he was already asleep.


Jungkook dressed and hurried to the study room, where his hyungs were already seated with a serious expression. "Did you find the pig behind this?" he asked before he even took a seat on the couch.

"No." Yoongi's expression was grim. He also looked furious. "Someone put a fucking bounty on him." He clenched his fists.

"What?" Jungkook's eyes widened.

"Don't worry. Shadow already ended two of the assassins who accepted the bounty." Namjoon pushed his phone toward him.

Jungkook took it, scrolling through the texts. Sure enough, there were photos of the two bodies Hoseok had taken out. Or more precisely, photos of headless bodies. Because he knew those heads would be displayed elsewhere as a warning while they disposed of the body.

"As you already know, someone reopened the Cobra's case," Yoongi deadpanned. "The investigation has already started but so far they got no leads. One of our sources claimed they're inquiring every victim we rescued."

"Shit! Is there no way to stop them?"

"Too late," Namjoon said. "But there is a correction. They already inquired about every rescued victim. The investigation was kept a low profile. Only the police captain and the two investigation officers knew about it."

"Did they find something?" Taehyung asked.

Namjoon nodded. "Majority of the victims confirmed their previous statements. They said they don't remember much because their rescuers had a mask on."

"But there was one victim who saw my face," Jungkook remembered. "My mask slipped and she saw my face."

"She didn't reveal your identity to the police, but..." Namjoon drawled. "According to the reports, she talked to someone while she was in recovery." His eyes were sharp and intense as he regarded the people in the room before pulling a paper from the black folder he brought in. "A certain Minnie oppa she mentioned in one of her statements."

Jungkook's eyes widened when his gaze landed on the black and white photo. Jimin?

"Park Jimin was a volunteer in one of the camps four years ago. He worked with the teenagers and assisted the therapists assigned to them. The reports claim that this thirteen-year-old victim, who saw your face, was close to him."

"I don't understand." Jungkook looked up from the photograph to meet Namjoon's gaze.

"It means..." He pulled another file with a confidential seal on it. "This victim Hannah, claimed an angel in black saved her that night. When the police asked, she said it was a man and he looked like an angel. They couldn't get more information from her because she refused to say anything, but when they asked her why she kept calling her rescuer an angel, she told them her Minnie oppa said so."

Jungkook read through the interrogation report. His throat tightened. "Minnie oppa?"

"Read this line." Namjoon tapped on a printed line.

Hannah: I showed him to Minnie oppa once. He told me that he was my guardian angel and that he'd keep me safe.

"Her statement that time was deemed unfit because the doctors testified that the minor girl has been hallucinating and had trouble differentiating the reality from her nightmare because of the trauma she went through during the captivity. Later the case was closed because there were no leads."

"What about Jimin?" Taehyung asked.

"You need to look at this too." He slid another paper toward him. This one looked new. "This is the new statement from the same child. She's seventeen now."

Investigation officer: Is it true that your Minnie oppa knows your guardian angel?

Hannah: Uh, I think so.

Investigation officer: Can you show me too?

Hannah: No. I can't.

Investigation officer: Why?

Hannah: Because I don't remember much.

Investigation officer: You can trust me, Hannah.

Hannah: I don't remember much.

Investigation officer: Tell me what you remember.

Hannah: I'm not sure if that was even real.

Investigation officer: Here's a statement I received from your doctor. Don't worry he didn't tell me anything apart from the part where you mentioned that you saw your rescuer. You have said and I quote, "I saw a man. He wore all black and he had a mask on. I saw his face when his mask slipped. He had beautiful eyes and he had a sword. He dropped from the roof and I think...he had black wings?" Then there is this statement where you told the police that and I quote, "I showed him to Minnie oppa once. He told me that he was my guardian angel and that he'd keep me safe."

Hannah: Officer, that sounds embarrassing. I don't know what my thirteen-year-old self was thinking.

Investigation officer: Just tell me what you told your Minnie oppa.

Hannah: I really do not remember anymore, Officer. My memory from that time is fuzzy and I get headaches if I think too much.

Investigation officer: If I showed you some pictures, will you be able to identify him?

Hannah: I don't think he is in any of these photos.

Investigation officer: Take your time. Look carefully.

Hannah: I can't remember.

Investigation officer: I'll come back to your old statement. You mentioned that you showed him to Minnie Oppa once. How did you show him?

Hannah: On TV, I think.

Investigation officer: Your guardian angel was on TV?

Hannah: I don't really remember. But a thirteen-year-old me must have thought so.

Investigation officer: So this Minnie Oppa knows your guardian angel?

Hannah: Maybe. You should ask him.

"He knows," Namjoon concluded. "He had known all this time, Jungkook-ah. Choi Yeonjun is one of the investigation officers. According to the reports we received, he reached out to someone and whoever it was refused to help. From what Kang said it was Jimin. We have a strong reason to believe that he's after your boyfriend because he believes Jimin is the only person who can reveal your identity."


How much did Jimin know?

"You said that person refused." Namjoon nodded in acknowledgement. That must have happened even before Jimin moved in with him.

"And from this girl's statement it's evident that Jimin has known you for a long time." Namjoon smiled. "Her recent statement contradicts with everything she said before. She refused to confirm any of his claims."

"Police cannot have put a bounty on his head," Jungkook mused.

"No. But a gang can. Someone with enough money to do this," Taehyung piped in. "Hyung, did you look at the Changs?"

Changs. Could it be them? After the blatant disrespect Chang showed to Jimin and the not so subtle threat, they were the first to come to his mind.

"I did. There's nothing that connects them to any of this. But I'll get to the bottom of this," he assured. "For now, our priority is to keep Jimin away and safe. Convince him to take a few days off."

Jungkook nodded. "I'll see to that."

"Are you going to talk to him?" Taehyung asked. "Now that we know he knows..."

Jungkook reclined in his seat thoughtfully. "I'm not sure how to approach this subject. We don't know how much he knows." He was still in shock. If he had known all this time, why hadn't he said something? Their conversation from last night surfaced in his mind. "I have to talk to him. I'll give it a few days."

"Sounds good. We have to act the same until JK has clarified things with Jimin," Taehyung addressed the others.

"Sounds good to me," Namjoon said. "We're done here. I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll stay with Taehyung tonight," Yoongi said. "Call me if there's anything else."

"I will."

Jungkook sighed and rested his head on the backrest of the couch once Namjoon left. "Is shadow alone?" he asked.

His sister would have his head if something happened to him. Hoseok had retired as an assassin once he began dating his sister who hated anything to do with the mafia. And his brother-in-law-to-be hadn't thought twice before quitting. But now he was back because of that request he made when he began dating Jimin. His sister had allowed it because it was for Jimin.

"When did ever Shadow take a team? He works alone. But a team is close by at his discretion. Jeong-seon is aware of the situation," Taehyung answered. "Hyung already informed her after the last time. She's okay with it. She even told him to not go back until he'd removed all the threats."

Jungkook chuckled involuntarily. She really was their mother's daughter. Stern yet so loving. Life-threatening situations were unavoidable at this line of work, but Jungkook had the best men at work. And he took extreme care in his and his family's safety.

"Send her a gift basket on my behalf."

"You know the usual ones won't do." Taehyung narrowed his eyes.

"I know. Ask Hoseok hyung what she likes the most and send it to her. Tell her it's from me and Jimin."

"Sure. Go back to Jimin. I know you don't like to leave him alone after..." he trailed off with a knowing smirk.

"Shut up." He rolled his eyes.

"Nothing surprises me anymore after I saw the infamous JK kissing the sweet teacher as if he'd break if he went any harder," Yoongi stated with the same bored tone.

"Not even the fact that he ate his ass out? Or that Jimin went down on him?" Taehyung quirked his brows with that foolish grin.

"What?" Yoongi's eyes widened before he whistled low. "I thought he'd die without getting a blowjob."

"Hyung," he groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. Jimin was really shy to try those things and Jungkook never pushed him.

"Can you blame me? You went from being a sex constipated individual to full-blown rom-com hero on Jimin." Yoongi shrugged. His hyung was otherwise calm, but he never let go of an opportunity to pull his legs.

"I wasn't sexually constipated."

"Oh, please..." Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Your sexual partners all have loud mouths and everyone knows that you didn't like to touch them or do any soft stuff. You didn't even let them give you a blowjob because you didn't want them to see you."

"I hate weakness. And you know how mom only talks about love and romance. I liked sex, but didn't want to get attached to any of them or give myself a reason to be attracted to them," he reasoned. "You know how many tried to infiltrate the gang over the years. Having such weaknesses will only bring us down."

"Yet, you fell for Jimin. The softest kindergarten teacher who poured coffee on you and fainted on you afterward," Taehyung reminded. "All he did was to look at you with those googly eyes and poof you were in love."

Jungkook laughed at that. "I was pissed at first," he admitted. "I was in a hurry and that day was shit. But then this happened and..." he drawled with an involuntary smile tugging at his lips. "I don't know exactly what changed then. He was dabbing all that blood on my shirt and I was furious, but then he fainted. I learned he had hemophobia."

He had taken him to the hospital because he couldn't leave him at the side of the street and a crowd was starting to form. Some already was recognizing who he was. But then he received a call from the hospital next day saying Jimin was still unconscious and they couldn't contact his friends or relatives.

"I didn't know what shit he was going through that time, but he was malnourished and exhausted."

When he woke up, a day later Jungkook had asked him about his friends and Jimin had said he had no one to call. He looked so vulnerable at that moment and for the first time in life Jungkook felt something shift in his chest.

"I couldn't leave him like that for some reason. And I wanted to figure why."

"So you got him to sign that promissory note and then asked him out on a date." Taehyung chuckled. "To be honest, I called it as soon as I met Jimin. I won the bet by the way."

"You bet on me?" Jungkook wasn't the least bit surprised.

"And I won," Taehyung reiterated. "Hundred million won from each of them. It's not every day your best friend falls in love and I had to make the most out of it."

Jungkook shook his head and stood. "If that's all, I have a boyfriend to cuddle."

"When are you going to give him that ring?" Yoongi asked.

"I have plans for us when we are in Spain." Jungkook smiled, thinking back to the family ring his mother had handed him when she came for a visit six months ago. "He already agreed to spend the Christmas there."

"That's nice." Taehyung grinned. "Can't wait for you to get hitched."

Jungkook smiled. "Mhmm... Dad already has plans. He wants us to get married in the US. So Jimin can legally become my husband." He lived in America for over five years and already had citizenship. So Jimin would have to move with him temporarily there so they could legalize their marriage. They lived in a country that didn't provide any legal rights to the spouse in same-sex marriage.

"Sounds like a plan. It's just a few years. Go for it." Taehyung clapped his shoulder.

"We have to sort things out before that. I want every single person who wants to harm Jimin dead." His playful expression turned serious.

"You know we won't stop until that happened," Yoongi assured. "Rest easy, Jungkook. We got it covered."

With that Jungkook bid goodnight to both and left to go to his room. Jimin was waiting for him. His smile came easy as he thought about what Namjoon said. His precious little gem was protecting him even after knowing who he was. That took majority of the weight off his shoulders.

This changed a lot of things. He should talk to Jimin.

Not now.

Fornow, he will let it rest and will talk when the time comes.

Jungkook and Taehyung's tats are something like below.

Higher level members have big tats. Lower level members usually have small ones like below: 

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