Chapter 4

The monthly crime syndicate meeting was nothing more than a headache, but a mandatory evil. He had to sit through it for hours while the two gang leaders of the west and south rambled about their activities till wee hours in the morning.

The floor was crowded before he sent all the gangsters on the lower floor where the party was held. They were too loud for his liking and it worried him because he might lose his cool if they stayed too long.

Kang was smoking his cigar as his life depended on it while Chang, the one who leads the southern gang stuck to his glass of whiskey. There were a few times when they mentioned his boyfriend, all the questions were quickly deflated by Namjoon or Yoongi.

The truth was that Jungkook wasn't ready to introduce them to Jimin yet. Hell, he for sure knew Jimin wasn't ready. As he sat there, he couldn't help but think back to his conversation with his father earlier before the meeting.

"Is this about Jimin?"


His father was the first person Jungkook spoke to when he decided to pursue Jimin. As much as strict as his dad was, he was also a good father to him. He always listened and guided him properly.

"Taehyung pretty much can't stop talking about this boyfriend of yours whenever he calls." He chuckled fondly. Something he rarely did before his retirement. "Your mom absolutely adores him."


His dad laughed again. "What I'm trying to tell you is, that son, the position of the queen isn't just for anyone. It belongs to someone who owns your heart. It belongs to someone who will protect and cherish it."

Jungkook's heart clenched pleasantly. "I think I understand."

"Is he the one, son?"

"Yes." There was no hesitation when he answered. He glanced outside the window, at the beautiful view of the city and nightlights that reminded him of Jimin's beautiful smile. The way his eyes closed and his entire body fell sideways when something really amused him.

"You have my blessings," his father said. "Make us proud, son."

"Thanks, dad."

Jungkook took a deep breath, feeling relieved for the first time in days. He really hoped Jimin would be ready when the time came.

Jungkook was lost in his thoughts when he noticed a flash of pink in his peripheral vision. It could be his imagination but his gaze was drawn to pink and his breath was knocked out of his lungs seeing who it was.

Jimin was here, in his club, looking like sex on legs. His gaze slid down his body appreciatively before he realized where he was and why this shouldn't happen in the first place.

What the hell?

What is he doing here?

His gaze zeroed in on the three goons who stood too close to Jimin who looked unbothered, but the expression on his face was something Jungkook wasn't used to. Jimin looked like he was ready to throw hands.

Everything happened in slow motion when Taehyung approached Jimin, who in turn beamed before throwing his hands around his second-in-command. Taehyung's gaze briefly locked with his before he patted Jimin's back awkwardly. He was too stunned to even react.

Well, Jungkook couldn't blame him. First of all, he had no clue what Jimin was doing here. He had no idea how Jimin reached the top stairs, the most secured area of the club. This place was reserved only for the people of the underground and Jimin would have needed the exclusive platinum card to get in. He didn't remember giving any such thing to him.

Jimin paused before going with Tae and said something to the men. Jungkook watched in stunned silence as the men's face paled.

What did he say?

When Jimin left with Taehyung a hush had fallen over the crowd. Even the music stopped and whispers rose among the crowd. One name was repeated like a mantra.

Park Jimin.

"I see why he's special," Kang broke the silence bringing him out of his reverie. "He's definitely a catch." He barked out laughter with his belly jiggling. He took a long drag of his cigar.

Jungkook was speechless. Beside him, Namjoon and Yoongi were stiff as sticks, their faces tight with tension. He swallowed. This wasn't supposed to go down like this. Jimin shouldn't have been exposed to his world like this. Now that he was here, whether he liked it or not, Jimin had no choice.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Out of all the things that could have gone wrong, Jimin dropping in the middle of the most confidential crime syndicate meetings with both his western and southern allies present was the least he expected. The entire floor was crawling with underbosses and every piece of scum one could find on the streets. And Jimin, his precious Jimin was in the middle of all, shining like a pure diamond in the rubble.

This wasn't supposed to happen like this.


"I wasn't expecting to meet him this soon. But now that he's here, I'd like to say hello," Kang continued.

"I agree. You should have given us a heads up," Chang, the leader of the Southern gang said, pulling out a cigar from his pocket. "We have no gift to greet him properly."

Jungkook jumped to his feet when he noticed Taehyung approaching them with a grim expression. "I'll be right back." He knocked back the whiskey and left without waiting for their response.

He caught Taehyung who smiled tightly. "I don't know why he's here," he whispered under his breath. "He was supposed to be home. I left him in your office."

"I'll handle it," Jungkook muttered, walking past him toward the office room.

Jungkook's heart was racing. His mind conjured at least a hundred different ways this could go wrong. Jimin was in his base. The other mob bosses had already seen him. He wasn't sure how much Jimin had seen tonight. It didn't matter anymore because his presence here alone sealed his fate.

He swallowed the heavy lump in his throat. This was the very thing he feared. His worst nightmare. With a deep breath, he pushed the door open, greeted with a breathtaking view that was Jimin.

His boyfriend stood facing the floor-to-ceiling window that overlooked the busy streets of Seoul. Outside, the world was vibrant with night lights and never-sleeping city life. Jimin looked like a painting, both palms pressed on the glass as he stared into the outside world with wonder in his eyes.

What are you doing here? The question was at the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't get his words out. Mostly because he didn't trust himself at the moment. He didn't want to show his anger or helplessness to Jimin. He needed to know why he was here. And how he reached the top floor.

He cleared his throat and forced a smile, hoping his expression gave nothing away. The cold press of the metal against his hip was a constant reminder of the place and the kind of situation he was in.


Jimin whirled around, his face breaking into a relieved grin as he rushed toward him, arms opening wide even before he reached him. Jungkook reacted on autopilot mode engulfing him in a tight hug, burying his nose into the crook of his neck. For a moment, he forgot his real purpose. The questions at the tip of his tongue were forgotten. Yoongi and Namjoon were right. He was a whipped man.

"Why did you ask me to come here?" Jimin's voice was muffled into Jungkook's chest.


Jimin lifted his head, moving back enough so he could meet his gaze. "You know I'm not a fan of nightclubs. Why would you ask me to come here?" he asked again with a pout. "I thought we are being low profile. If this is one of your parties, wouldn't your business associates find out about us?"

Jungkook frowned. He didn't ask Jimin to come. "Baby, what are you talking about? I didn't invite you here."

Jimin pulled away. "What?" He blinked. "J-Jungkookie...this..." He chewed at his bottom lip. "Is this a prank?" He patted his pocket before bringing the small note and a platinum card. "You send a bouquet to school with this note and card."

Jungkook's blood ran cold at the sight of the card. Those were exclusive and the code on it changed for every fucking meeting. He was proud that his hand was steady when he took the note and card from Jimin, opening it and scanning through the printed words.

"This..." he drawled, his mouth opened and closed unable to form any coherent words.

The mole was deeper than they thought if he or she was capable of getting their hands on the platinum card.

"Tell me this is a joke," Jimin said. "It's not funny, Jungkookie." There was a slight panic in Jimin's voice. "Talk. You're scaring me. First, there was this reporter, who joined the school under the guise of an intern, and now this. Tell me I wasn't fooled. Tell me I didn't ruin everything."

When Jimin told Hoseok that he didn't trust the new intern at his school, Yoongi had run a thorough background search. Later, they found Hanuel did work for a tabloid.

Jungkook looked at his panicked expression and made a split-second decision. He smiled and pulled Jimin back into his embrace. "It's me," he breathed. "I asked my secretary to do it this morning and it slipped my mind. I'm sorry for making you worried."

Jimin visibly relaxed in his hold. "That wasn't funny, Jungkookie. You know for a split second I thought someone was trying to get us into trouble," he mumbled against his chest.

And they succeeded. Jungkook wanted to add. Whatever they planned, they fucking succeeded. Jimin was now exposed to his world with no fucking way out. Now he had to keep Jimin close no matter what.

There was a knock on their door and Jungkook stepped back. "They're waiting," a muffled voice came from outside the door.

"I'll be there soon," Jungkook yelled and turned to face his boyfriend. "I know you don't like this but do you think you can come out for a bit? They want to meet you."

Jimin nodded hesitantly. "That's fine I guess."

Guilt washed over him. This was his fault. I'm sorry, Jimin.

"Do you trust me?" He found himself asking.

Jimin smiled. "Of course, I do, Jungkookie."

"It won't be as bad as it seems. I promise." He caressed Jimin's cheek with fondness. "No matter what happens, stay close to me, okay? If any of this makes you uncomfortable you have to tell me immediately and I'll take you away."

"I will."

Jungkook nodded. He wanted to say more, but he couldn't bring himself to talk right then. What if this doesn't go well and Jimin ended up freaking out? Did I tell them to put away the guns? Damn. He bit the inside of his cheeks. This wasn't the time to fret. He didn't know what would happen once they stepped outside the room. But what he knew was that he'd protect Jimin with every inch of his life. So he took Jimin's hand, interlacing their fingers, and walked him out.

"Is there anything I should know before I go out there?" Jimin asked when he opened the door for him to step out.

The music volume had lowered considerably and Jungkook grimaced at the thought of meeting others. "Um...Nothing I can think of." His mind was blank. "Just be you."

"Just be me?" Jimin cocked a brow. "Sounds pretty easy to me."

"It is." Being Jimin was less complicated than the double life he was leading himself.

"You look so different today," he commented, reached for the ponytail.

"Mhmm? Do you like it?" Jungkook teased. He often pulled his long hair into a ponytail when he worked out. Jimin loved to play with his hair, but this was the first time Jimin saw him in a ponytail outside of their home.

"You look badass," Jimin murmured. "You always do, but today it feels a little extra. I like it."

"Yeah?" Jungkook hooked a hand in his belt loop pulling him closer.

"Won't you kiss me for good luck?" Jimin suddenly looked fidgety and Jungkook closed the distance capturing his shiny lips and tasting strawberries. He allowed himself to deepen the kiss and got lost in the sweetness a bit more.

When he pulled away, he took a moment to memorize Jimin's soft features. He pushed the loose strand of hair behind his ears. It had gotten a bit longer, but he liked it better like this. He felt the calm once again settle in his heart. Jimin strangely had that calming effect on him whenever he was in Jimin's presence. He bent to kiss him again. Jungkook pulled back half-heartedly. "Break a leg," he whispered against Jimin's lips.

"You bet." Jimin grinned, the full-blown smile he always got rewarded with. "I love you, Jungkookie."

"I love you more, my Strawberry." He brushed his nose against his. "Let's go. The sooner we get over with this, the faster I can have you all to myself."

Then they were off. Jungkook's hand was on Jimin's lower back and he could feel every pair of eyes trained on them the moment they entered the threshold.

Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and they blatantly stared. Jimin inched closer, his shoulder brushing Jungkook's chest as they walked side by side. The kindergarten teacher held his head high as Jungkook led him to the tables adjacent to the couch.

They had all moved to the game area and Jungkook noticed the board games. Kang and Chang seemingly hovered over a chess board, smoking their cigars. Jimin scrunched his nose but said nothing.

"Ah, there he is!" Kang bellowed with his signature laughter. "I thought you bailed out on us."

"Just needed some time alone with my boyfriend," Jungkook spoke nonchalantly, wrapping his hand around Jimin's waist. "Can you blame me?"

Kang, Chang, and the others around them burst into laughter. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Taehyung's smiles looked forced. Jimin on the other hand looked unaffected.

"So, are you gonna introduce him to us?" Chang asked, his eyes shamelessly trailing down Jimin's body.

"Hi, I'm Park Jimin, nice to meet you," Jimin introduced himself with a slight incline of his head to acknowledge them but not enough to show them respect.

Jungkook smirked. Jimin might not know what his actions represented, but it was everything. Jungkook was the kingpin and his queen Jimin need not have to bow at all. But he hadn't told him that because then he'd have to reveal his identity and there was no time for that.

Chang stepped forward. "Chang Woo-bin. It's a pleasure to finally put a face on your name."

Jimin stared at his extended hand and Jungkook's heart threatened to break out of his ribs. He didn't want the asshole to touch Jimin. Hell, he didn't want any of them near him.

"I'm allergic to tobacco," Jimin stated calmly, scrunching his nose again. "Please accept my apologies. I can't shake hands with you."

Kang burst out into a fit of laughter, slamming his palm on the table. "I like him already." He continued to laugh much to Chang's chagrin before putting out the cigar in his hand and adjusted his round glasses. "My name is Kang Minseok."

"Jimin-ssi, would you like to join me for this round?" Chang jerked his head toward the chess board.

Jungkook really wanted to say no and wanted to warn Jimin to step back, but it wasn't his decision to make. Their judging eyes were on Jimin. This was a test. In here, every move Jimin made would be scrutinized. They wanted to see if Jimin was capable.

Jimin looked thoughtful before he flashed a smile. "I'd love to."

A crowd had already formed around them and Jungkook stood behind Jimin, a hand on his shoulder and another behind his back ready to pull the gun if needed. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Taehyung joined him side by side.

Bets were already being placed and Jungkook wasn't the least bit surprised when many took Chang's side. He was experience after all and a worthy opponent though his games were a bit fucked up. That old goat liked to play with one's mind more than the game itself.

Chang's intention was obvious from the moment they occupied the table. His scrutinizing gaze would have withered anyone else but not Jimin. Jungkook himself was surprised how unbothered Jimin was in front of the mob boss.

"Nice hair. A bit flashy and reminds me of cotton candy."

Jungkook wanted to fling a chair at Chang right then. How dare he comment on his Strawberry's hair? Didn't he know that he was obsessed with his hair? He had to take a few deep breaths and he shook his head when Taehyung lifted a brow silently asking if he was okay.

"Thanks." Jimin smiled. "Jungkook loves it on me."


Jungkook clamped his mouth shut to stop grinning like a fool. He heard a few goons cough at the mention of his first name. That's right. Anyone who dared say this name would be six feet under. That right was reserved only for Jimin and his hyungs.

The mob boss hummed non-committedly. "You look so soft," he commented.

"I'm a kindergarten teacher." Jimin made the first move since he had taken the white pieces. "Have to look the part."

"Ah...makes sense." Chang moved his pawn. "Pawns are the weakest pieces in chess, don't you think?" The moves progressed faster than Chang's usual approach. Perhaps, he was moving faster because he underestimated Jimin. Jungkook kept his hand on Jimin's shoulder. Chang started when he took Jimin's first pawn with a smirk. "So useless. I hate weak little things."

Jungkook clenched his jaw and felt Taehyung shift a little on his feet. Jimin only offered a smile but nothing more.

For every piece Chang took, he let out a mocking comment. He claimed a few pawns within five minutes of the game and Jungkook clenched his jaw. But Jimin remained relaxed under Jungkook's touch. Winning or losing didn't matter to Jungkook. Fuck. Jimin's game looked so a weak from an outsider's perspective at the first look. But then Jungkook noticed something else. Each of his moves were calculated. While Chang continued to boast his gaming prowess Jimin was silently moving. His pawn was almost close to the last rank.

"I thought you would be better at this. You said you are a teacher, didn't you? I think I'm a bit disappointed because I expected more." Chang's snicker was met with a lot more, except those of the Jeon men.

Jungkook scoffed. They knew better than to laugh at their queen's expense. Jimin, however, got his first strike when he claimed the bishop who was too ambitious to move in his path aiming for his knight. And he traded the pieces with a pawn.

"Looks could be deceiving, Woo-bin-ssi. To me, the pawns are extremely vital to a king's defense," Jimin said as he claimed Chang's pawn in another swift move. "They let you test the enemy's strength and help you break through the defenses." He claimed Chang's knight with a victorious smile.

From there, a vicious battle of chess and words ensued. Chang seemed to have an upper hand when he brought his queen forward to challenge Jimin's king.

"You know what, Jimin-ssi," Chang drawled. "Queen is my favorite because it's the strongest and most valuable piece in the entire game." He smirked at Jungkook and the mafia boss felt his blood run cold at the implication. "The queen is also the most vulnerable when it's exposed to attack by the opponent pieces. As dangerous as it is, sometimes it just crashes and burns. Such a unique piece, isn't it? Without a queen, the king is just as useless as a pawn. It's always fun to defeat a king using the queen."

That fucking snake.

It was no longer just a game of chess. The things Chang implicating under the guise of the game were rubbing him off in the wrong way. He was too tempted to pull the trigger right then. If Jimin hadn't been there, he wouldn't have hesitated. Namjoon took a step forward, looking intimidating as hell, but Yoongi stopped him with a silent gesture of his head.

Jungkook already began calculating the risk and he knew Hoseok was watching them though he was hidden from view, but ready as ever to engage. The tension was so heavy in the air that he could cut it with a knife. It could be felt by the others as well because they were all shifting on their feet, sharing looks of discomfort.

There had been peace for too long but that was all threatened by mere things Chang was suggesting in a game. One wrong was all it would take for chaos to ensue. Jungkook hoped it didn't come to that. Not with Jimin around.

Jimin leaned back in his chair, tilting his head to the side as he crossed his legs under the table before folding his hands across his chest. "You're right," he said. "But you talk too much that you failed to realize that I'm still alive." He ran his tongue over the bottom lip as he reached out to trace his queen with his index finger. "And as long as I'm alive, you cannot touch my king." Jungkook's jaw almost hit the floor as Jimin struck at Chang's piece with a force that sent Chang's queen hurtling over the table with a flick of his wrist. "Check. Mate." He emphasized each word with a smirk, jerking his head toward Chang's side of the board where one of Jimin's pawns now sat at the last rank. "Do not underestimate a pawn, Woo-bin-ssi. When you push it too far, a pawn may become a rook, a bishop, or a queen," he whispered. "In short, stay away from my king."

The game was over, but the silence that fell over them was so thick. Everyone just stared for a long minute before someone from the crowd, must be a Jeon man clapped. The room erupted into applause but Jimin hadn't removed his gaze from Chang. It did not waver and Jungkook could almost feel the tension coiling around his body by the way he'd gone stiff under his palm.

"Game over, Woo-bin-ssi." Jimin stood. "Thank you. I had a great time." He smiled as if he wasn't staring him down a few minutes ago. He turned away but paused to retrieve the king from the board. "He's mine," he said to no one in particular. "I'm keeping him."

"You surprise me, Park Jimin." Kang, who was watching the game intently, clapped his hands. "It makes me wonder if all this courage is just a fluke. If this is all just a façade because your king is right behind you." His smile looked as fake as Chang's.

Jimin chuckled. "You take life too seriously, Minseok-ssi. But I'll entertain you. If life is a game of chess, my king would have ended you even before you so much as think of touching his queen or his men. You forgot that in real life the king is stronger and his hands aren't bound with rules." He smirked, turning to Jungkook. "Isn't that right, Jungkookie?"

Jungkook was too stunned to react because Jimin's duality caught him off guard. One moment he looked so lethal, that if looks could kill Chang would have been dead, the next he knew he was looking at Jungkook with those soft eyes that always made his knees weak.

"That's right, baby." Jungkook looked at them pointedly with a smirk. "The king wouldn't let anyone touch the queen." He wrapped his hand around his waist, bringing him closer. "Only fools will be brave enough to go after the queen, don't you think? After all, wars have been fought over one's queen in history."

Chang and Kang's face darkened at the reminder. It was Chang's boss who attempted to kill his mother. His father had ended their reign, one of the wars he waged to avenge his queen. Chang who was only a goon for hire then had taken over the stray gang and built it to who they were today.

Jeon Jiwon wasn't keen on expanding his territory so he didn't bother with a new gang forming. In fact, he even formed an alliance to ensure peaceful coexistence. Now Jungkook wondered if that was a mistake after a blatant threat to his queen like that.

Jimin tugged at Jungkook's sleeves. "Jungkookie, I'm tired. Is it okay if I rest a bit? I'll be in your office."

"Sure, baby." Jungkook kissed his forehead and motioned Taehyung to follow him before facing Chang. He grabbed the queen Jimin used, tracing the soft edges before bringing it to his lips and kissing it gently. "The queen is mine," he said pointedly. "I'm keeping him."

With that he pivoted on his heel to go to his office, so he could reward his precious boyfriend who had brought Chang to his knees just with a game of chess. He felt giddy because Jimin had proclaimed himself as his queen.


Jungkook found his boyfriend in his office room, his second favorite place after his home. It used to be his first favorite place before Jimin moved into his mansion.

This was one place Jungkook felt most comfortable with. He still remembered coming here as a little boy, clutching his brother's hand with wonder in his eyes. He had admired his father sitting behind his desk in the leather swivel chair, barking orders to his men. His mother would sometimes perch on his father's lap as Jungkook played with his brother and sister by the window.

Most of his memories associated with this place were beautiful and warm. That was why it felt so special and right to have Jimin here. He locked the door behind him, instructing his men to not disturb them unless the club was on fire.

Jimin held a cup of water, staring into the distance outside the window. Jungkook could see the slight tremble in his hands. When he noticed it was Jungkook, a small smile reached his lips.

"You okay, baby?"

Jimin nodded, walking toward him. He put the half-empty glass on the small coffee table on his way. They were silent when Jimin wrapped his arms around his middle, burying his face into his chest. Jungkook felt Jimin relax and going lax in his embrace. He nuzzled his nose into his hair, inhaling the comforting scent.

"That was fucking brilliant," he whispered. "I had a boner just by watching you play. What was that, baby? Fuck." He couldn't help but laugh.

"So when were you going to tell me you own this place?" Jimin asked looking around.

Jungkook's smile faltered. "It's not exactly a secret, baby," he managed nervously. "Jeon Corp owns a chain of hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, and even casinos. It falls under our leisure division." He brushed their nose. "When I'm not in our headquarters, I'm mostly here."

"I guessed as much."

"Did you now?" Their breath mingled, lips brushing against each other.

"Your desk has a photo of your family and that of ours." Jimin kissed him softly. "It's hard to not deduce as much."

Jungkook smiled. If one thing he learned about his boyfriend it was that Jimin preferred honesty. He tried to lie initially and failed miserably, but he found Jimin often let matters slide if he offered at least partial truth. Honestly, once he had figured that out, things had been pretty easy. A piece of cake. Jungkook had also become a pro in twisting the truth. A little something he had perfected along the way. As expected, Jimin let the matter slide once again.

"I didn't like him. That Chang Woo-bin." Jimin pulled away with a scowl. "Just what type of people do you work with? He looks like a person who won't hesitate to stab you in the back given the chance."

Jungkook froze. Once again for the umpteenth time that night, Jimin had rendered him speechless. His boyfriend was good with judging a person. He swallowed. Jimin had from time to time proved to him that he was an intellectual. But he hadn't caught onto Jungkook yet. He laughed nervously. Maybe it was because he was a good actor or it was pure luck. But then, his intentions toward Jimin had nothing but genuine.

"He's just an idiot," he said instead. "Come here." He pulled Jimin closer. "This is such a special place for me." He turned Jimin around to hook his chin on his shoulder so Jimin faced the room. "My dad brings me here all the time. I used to spend my weekends here playing with my brother and sister," he reminisced. "I used to be obsessed with Dad's chair then." He chuckled, turning them toward the chair and kissed Jimin's cheek. "When dad is not here, I used to sit on his chair and pretend that I am my father."

Jimin chuckled. "That's so sweet. How old were you?" His voice was soft like a dripping honey.

"Maybe eight or nine? I don't remember exactly." Jungkook sighed. "But that's when I wanted to be like my dad. My brother wasn't that interested in business and my sister was more of mom's daughter. She liked to do her own thing." He pulled away and led Jimin to the tall window. It was his favorite spot in the office next to his father's chair.

"I'm so proud of you, Jungkookie. I can see why this place is special." Jimin smiled kindly.

Jungkook nodded. "Dad was my inspiration. I just wanted to become like him." Jimin hugged him again, pressing his cheek to his chest as they both looked outside, admiring the lights. "I was supposed to take over dad's businesses with my brother. But then..."

It was still hard to talk about his brother. Jungwon was a great brother. At least he was until Jungkook left for America for his education. He didn't know how his brother got mixed with the wrong crowd or how he got addicted to drugs. One day they found him dead in his bed. He had overdosed.

"You don't have to talk about it," Jimin said. "I know it's a sensitive topic for you." He pulled away to cup his cheeks. He'd vaguely mentioned the reason for his brother's death to Jimin once. But being the precious soul he was, he never pushed. Always understanding.

"We were close until I left for the United States. After that, I got busy with my studies and I began working as an intern during the final year of my college to gain experience. We spoke once in a while and he visited me thrice. He was supposed to be there for my birthday, but he never showed up." Jungkook sighed. "It was a hard time for my family."

"I'm sorry, my love."

A silence settled between them. When Jungkook took over the Dragons from his father as its head, he vowed to eradicate drugs from his domain and that was what he did. "Let's talk about you now, shall we?"

"What about me?" Jimin looked curious.

"Let's talk about how beautiful you look tonight. Black suits you so well. You should dress like this often." Jungkook backed him toward the window.

"Yeah?" Jimin breathed.

"I wanna dance with you, but I also wanna fuck you against this window. Can't decide." He nuzzled Jimin's cheek, slightly nipping at his jaw.

"D-Dance then," he stuttered.

"As you wish, my Prince." Jungkook took his hand in his and led him toward the middle of the room.

"A prince? I thought I was your queen," Jimin teased.

Jungkook's gaze darkened.


"A queen it is then." He pulled him flush to his body. "If anybody can become my queen, then it can only be you," he damn near growled before crashing their lips together. The kiss was possessive and domineering. Jimin let him lead the kiss. He loved to be the one in control and Jimin was always happy to let him. His chest heaved when they pulled apart. "Let's have that dance before I strip you right here."

"Can't wait till we get home, huh?"


Jimin chuckled when Jungkook grabbed a remote from his pocket, clicking the play button. One of Jungkook's favorite western artists crooned sensually. He pressed another button that dimmed the lights.

He was back to Jimin in a matter of seconds, making him giggle. "Jungkookie... we are in your office."

"Exactly. We are already in a nightclub and you're here dressed to kill. It's a shame if I don't get at least one dance. After this you're mine." He wrapped his arms around Jimin's middle pulling him closer.

"Jungkookie..." Jimin giggled. "I have been yours since we began dating."

"Shut up and let me woo you again." They began moving to the sensual rhythm. Their bodies moved automatically to the familiar music.

"Woo me with what? Your sexual moves?" Jimin teased back. He loosely wrapped his hands around his neck.

"Aren't you aware of my sexual moves already?" Jungkook pulled him flush against him again rolling his hips to prove his point. "It's proven that my tongue game and stroke game are on point too. Pretty good judging by my boyfriend's reaction if you asked me."

"Jungkook!" His breath hitched.

The mob boss smirked. It was too easy to rile his boyfriend. "Yes, baby." Jimin gasped when he sucked on his neck.

"We should be dancing." Jimin's head dropped to Jungkook's shoulder, his lips parting.

"You're the dance teacher here. Show me the moves, baby."

It felt too good to tease Jimin. However, as much as they wanted to dance both were getting carried away. Abstaining from sex for two weeks could do that. This was the longest Jungkook had gone without as much as a hand job. He wasn't a sex maniac, but he was a young man with an active sex drive who got off in his shower at least five times a week before Jimin.

But then, Jimin was hurt and he didn't even think of anything remotely close to sex in these two weeks while he recovered. Now that Jimin was here looking like sin, he couldn't control his arousal any longer. He backed him until Jimin's back was pressed against the window.

He captured Jimin's lips in a smoldering kiss. His boyfriend's body was perfectly molded into his. His lips were soft and plump. He tasted like strawberries, so sweet. Jungkook devoured his mouth, relishing the soft little moans he let out.

Jungkook loved how shy Jimin got even during his aroused state. His boyfriend had shown him a whole new level of pleasure in taking things slow. But now he didn't want to go slow. He felt like exploding just by looking at Jimin. It was surprising how much power Jimin had over him.

Jungkook cupped his ass, massaging the firm flesh as he pulled him closer to grind their hips together. When he pulled away, it was to kiss a trail along his jaw to his neck. He greedily sucked on the milky skin, wanting to leaves as many marks as possible, especially after tonight he was possessive than ever. People should know this gorgeous creature belonged to him. Only him.

His fingers worked deftly to unbutton Jimin's shirt, revealing more of his porcelain skin that was now blooming with pink. Jungkook kissed down Jimin's chest, laving at his nipple. His boyfriend arched into him.

"J-Jungkook... the door." Jimin's hands were buried in his hair now, pulling him closer.

"Locked," he growled, enclosing his lips around the bud.

"The g-glass..." He tugged at his hair. It was borderline painful and Jungkook loved the heck out of it.

"One-way glass." He moved to the other nipple, sucking on it until the skin was red.

Jimin whimpered. "Please...Ju-Jungkookie...ah—"

"What do you want, baby?" Jungkook kissed him senseless, his hands working with Jimin's belt and unbuttoning his pants before slipping a hand inside Jimin's underwear to cup his bare ass.

"Y-You..." Jimin's chest heaved. "Please... Do something. Anything." His fists curled around the front of his shirt. His boyfriend rarely showed this side of him and when he did Jungkook enjoyed it.

"Gonna fuck you so good, baby? You look so fucking delicious in black." He grabbed one of Jimin's ass cheeks, parting it to trace the rim, only to find it was already slick with lube. He pulled back. His chest heaved as his eyes darkened with lust and desire. "You came prepped," he breathed.

"It's-It's been two weeks." Pink coated Jimin's cheeks. "Knew you wouldn't wanna wait."

"Fuck! I love you so much, baby." Jungkook turned him around, pressing Jimin's front to the window as he pulled his jeans and underwear down to expose his ass. He pulled his collar down to kiss his shoulder while inserting two fingers and scissoring him. "Can you get any more hotter?"

Jimin's mouth fell open. He was a vision with his palms pressed flat on the window and back arched. His face glowed in the backdrop of city lights. So beautiful.

Jungkook inserted the third finger just to make sure he was thoroughly stretched.

Jimin pushed against his hand, letting out soft moans. "I'm ready. Hurry, please..."

"My baby is so needy today." He used his free hand to unzip and free his already erect cock. "I'm gonna take the edge off first. Can you take it one more time tonight, baby?"

He pulled his fingers out and lined his cock with his entrance. Jimin nodded fervently. "Yes. Please...Jungkookie, oh—"

Jungkook bottomed out in a smooth thrust, he circled his hips, biting into his bottom lips as Jimin clenched around him. He dropped his head on Jimin's shoulder. Then he began to move with slow yet deep thrusts.

Jimin felt like heaven, so tight and warm. Jungkook's eyes rolled back to his skull, mouth parted with silent gasps. When he opened his eyes, Jimin was panting against the window, his forehead pressing against the cool exterior.

"This is my second favorite spot in this office. But look at you. Standing here, looking so gorgeous and making everything else pale in comparison." Jungkook had dreamed of this once. He snuck a hand holding Jimin's hip in place around to flatten it on his stomach. Jimin came willingly when he pulled him to press his back flush against his chest. He kept the movements slow, drinking in Jimin's beauty. "I won't last long," he told, kissing his neck. "You first."

He used his hand to wrap it around Jimin's hardened length, jerking in time with his thrusts. The pleasure built slowly but steadily. Their combined moans and harsh breaths drifted around them.

"C-Close..." Jimin moaned and soon he felt him tense under his grip. With a jerk of his hips, he was coming all over his palm next. Jungkook too followed with a couple of thrusts, his mouth parting in a silent scream.

Jungkook pulled out slowly. "Stay here, baby. Let me clean you first."

"Okay." Jimin nodded and rested his forehead on the glass again as Jungkook went to grab the tissues.

He cleaned them both quickly before helping Jimin out of his pants and hoisted him in his arms, bridal style. He left the shirt on that was open but contrasted so well against his pale skin. He lowered him on the leather couch pulling away only to quickly undress and climb over him.

Jimin let his legs fall apart, bracketing Jungkook's hips as he leaned forward to kiss him slowly. They kissed languidly as if they had all the time in the world. Jimin ran his hands along Jungkook's torso.

"Was that okay? I didn't make you uncomfortable, did I?" he inquired.

Jimin shook his head, tracing the side of his jaw. "No. I loved it. Kiss me more."

"Mhmm..." He kissed him just like Jimin asked. "Can you take a few days off from work?" Jungkook pulled away struck by a sudden thought.

After tonight, he decided it was time for Jimin to officially meet his family. Jimin talked to his mother and sister a few times over the phone. Now that he knew Jimin was the one Jungkook thought it was the right thing to do.

Jimin blinked looking up at him. "Sure. The school will close for winter break in December."

"How about we celebrate this Christmas with my family then?" he suggested.

Jimin gasped. "R-Really? In Spain?"

"Yes. I want you to meet my family and I know my mom and sister love you already." Jungkook brought Jimin's hand to his lips to kiss his wrist. Jimin looked at him with so much love that he couldn't help but blurt out, "I have to tell you something."

He was surprised at his stark confession. Jungkook didn't know just how much he could tell his boyfriend, but now that he was exposed to his world he thought there was no point in hiding anymore. Was he really doing this?

"What is it?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook swallowed. Was this the right time? What was he supposed to tell him? Hey, Jimin, I'm Jeon Jungkook. You may know me as the CEO and President of the Jeon Corp, but I'm also the leader of the Jeon mafia called 'The Dragons.'

That sounded perfect. The moment Jimin heard those words, he'd come running at him and engulf him in a bone-crushing hug before kissing him silly. Right.

He sighed, dropping his head to rest it against Jimin's forehead. Perhaps he should wait until Jimin had met his family. Yeah, his family was sweet. His mom and sister had more similarities with Jimin. They would click right away if they met. Maybe Jimin that would give Jimin more reason to stay. He would show all the good side of him and everything he had to offer.

"Not now," he replied kissing Jimin's nose. "I'll tell you once you have met my family. Can you wait for me until then?"

"You're scaring me now." Jimin laughed nervously.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Jungkook assured. "All you have to remember is that..." he trailed off, staring intently into Jimin's eyes. "I'm a man who is madly, deeply, and hopelessly in love with you. I don't know when or how I fell for you. But I know I can't love anyone else or so much as look at anyone else."

Jimin's eyes brimmed with tears, his lips trembled and Jungkook felt himself react to it. His own eyes filled with tears

"You're it for me, Strawberry. I love you to the moon and back. And, I'll do anything to protect you."

"You can't just say something like that and not kiss me," Jimin sniffled. "Kiss me now, Jungkook. Kiss me like you mean it."

So Jungkook kissed Jimin. He kissed him pouring all the love and passion into it. He kissed him until both were breathless and both their lips were swollen.

"Make love to me, Jungkookie," Jimin panted against his lips. "But I want it harder and faster."

"You mean you want me to fuck you," he teased.

He slapped at Jungkook's chest. "Don't say it like that. It sounds dirty."

"What we did over there," he pointed at the window, "and what we're about to do now is dirty, sweetheart."

"Shut up." Jimin's cheek flared red.

Jungkook laughed as he nudged Jimin's entrance with his cock. "You love it when I talk dirty."

"I-I don't." Jimin arched, his lips parting as Jungkook entered him slowly.

"You flush red and let out beautiful moans when I do." He snapped his hips, taking Jimin by surprise.

His boyfriend yelped but was throwing his head back as Jungkook set a brutal pace from the start. The pleasure was pulsing in his lower region as Jimin was letting out a litany of unfiltered moans, his body jolting up with every thrust. He knew Jimin's body like the back of his hand so he'd found his prostrate in the first attempt and got going.

"Is this what you wanted, baby?"

Jimin's hair stuck to his forehead. Sweat coated both their bodies. "Yes. Feels so good." His legs slipped from around Jungkook's hips.

"You like that, my Strawberry?"

Jimin's hand curled around his bicep. "Love it. Oh, God!"

"I'm glad." Jungkook continued with his thrusts. "You look so pretty, baby."

"I like looking pretty for you," Jimin moaned. "Only for you."

"Only for me."

Jungkook sucked more hickeys along his collarbone. "You feel like heaven. So tight," he grunted. "My personal heaven."


"Yes, mine." He inhaled Jimin's exhales. "And I'm yours."

"Mine." Jimin's back arched. "J-Jungkook."

"Yes, baby."

"So good," Jimin whimpered. "Wanna come. Touch me. Touch me, please."

Jungkook obeyed dutifully. This was the most forward Jimin had been in bed, telling him what he wanted. He was loving this Jimin. It only proved how much his boyfriend trusted him.

"Oh, God!"

"J-Jungkook, oh—"

Jimin was coming once again. Jungkook continued to fuck him through his orgasm with a sudden urge to see just how much he could push him tonight. He held Jimin's arms above his head in a tight grip when Jimin tried to push him away.

"T-Too much."

"Just a little more, baby." Jungkook continued to hit his prostrate. "You can do it."

"I-I don't think...oh—" Jimin sobbed at the overwhelming pleasure. His initial attempts to get away were long forgotten now that he was digging his ankles into Jungkook's back. "J-Jungkook...g-good."



And Jungkook gave it to him. It didn't take long before Jungkook saw stars with his orgasm washing over him with the way Jimin clenching so hard around him. His boyfriend hiccupped, more tears flowing and his makeup already ruined. His body heaved with a dry orgasm, his cock dribbling just a few drops of cum. He'd come untouched.

Jungkook released him as he went limp, his eyes fluttering close and his body still heaving with heavy breaths. He carefully pulled out, wincing and watching in satisfaction at the come dripping out of Jimin's hole.

So pretty.

He kissed Jimin's face, ignoring the mess they made between their bodies. He nuzzled into his neck, leaving soft kisses along his shoulder and neck. "You did so well, baby. My angel, you're the best."

"C-Call me that again." Jimin was sniffling.

Jungkook wrapped him in his arms, adjusting their positions so Jimin lay on top of him. "Angel?"


"You're my precious angel," Jungkook said. "My one and only." He continued to speak soothingly, running his hands on Jimin's back, massaging his lower back and along the spine as they recovered. "Where have you been all these years, hmm? Why didn't we meet sooner?"

"Would you have felt the same?" Jimin asked, his voice tired. "If we had met sooner, and if I hadn't poured the coffee in your suit, would you have asked me out?"

"I don't know," Jungkook answered truthfully. "But you're hard to resist. I'm sure I'd have tried my best to tap that booty in one way or another." He squeezed Jimin's ass to prove his point.

"Jungkookie..." Jimin squeaked, swatting his hand.

The mob boss chuckled, feeling lighter. Teasing Jimin was fun. "I'm not lying though."

"Is that why you wanted me?" Jimin asked, adjusting slightly so he could see Jungkook's face if he craned his neck.

"Maybe at first," Jungkook admitted. "You're an enigma. I couldn't stay away. I thought it would go away. I believed the feeling would fade with time. That if I had you once I'd be able to move on."


"But I fell in love instead. And, it's the best feeling ever."

Jimin sighed. "Good. I'd have been devastated if you hadn't fallen in love because I felt the same."

"Yeah? Since when..."

"Maybe the first time we kissed?" Jimin confessed. "You had that look on your face. I couldn't help it." He lifted his head resting his chin on his chest. "Then you were there when I needed you the most, holding me together when I was falling apart. I felt so lonely when I lost my grandmother you know. I didn't have any friends I could rely on. All my friends I have now are yours. You gave me everything, Jungkook. What I have now, it's all because of you. You showed me what it feels like to be truly cared for. Maybe spoiled me a little." He chuckled. "Sometimes I feel it's too good to be true because nothing this good lasts forever. That's why...That's why I'm afraid to lose you. I-I don't think I'll be able to live in a world without you." He blinked away the tears.

"You won't lose me." Jungkook brushed his tears off. "You're stuck with me forever if you let me."

Jimin laughed, snuggling into Jungkook's chest. "We should clean up, but I'm so tired."

"Did I push you too far?" He stroked Jimin's hair. "I know we usually stick to the soft stuff."

"I liked it," Jimin admitted. "Because it's you."


"Yeah. As long as it's with you, I don't mind."

"So you won't mind me fucking you against the window again? That sight was spectacular if I might add."


"I will never understand your aversion with that word."

"Stop cursing around me. I work around children all day and can't let your bad habits rub off on me," his boyfriend chided.

Jungkook shrugged. "I'll try, but that's literally the word for that baby."

"I prefer lovemaking," he huffed, warm breath puffing out and caressing his chest.

Normally that word would have caused him to scoff, but not anymore. He understood the difference between fucking and lovemaking now. And, he'd come to cherish not only that word but everything associated with Jimin.

"Can't promise you, darling. Because I hate to break my promises."

They stayed that way and Jimin slowly began to drift off to sleep. Jungkook held him closer, kissing the top of his head. He should now keep a close eye on Jimin.


Jimin grunted when his back met with the mat. His breath was knocked out of his lungs and he panted as he was sprawled on the floor with Taehyung on top of him. His best friend was light on his feet with reflexes faster than a blink of an eye.

"Giving up already?" Tae teased.

"Get off me, you stupid oaf." Jimin pushed him off his body.

Taehyung laughed as he rolled away to sit with a hand propped on his bent knee. "Come on, Jiminie. All you have to do is to take me down once and you can go home."

"I'm trying to do that for the past two hours but you won't let me," the kindergarten teacher griped.

Their Sunday training sessions resumed this week again and he was almost happy to see his best friend again. However, he was happier for the two weeks break he got because he didn't have to wake up in the ass o'clock in the morning and drag his ass to the gym.

Taehyung barked with laughter. "So you were aware." He cocked a brow.

Jimin huffed. "That you were going easy on me? Of course, I knew. You fight like a beast. I've seen you sparring with Jungkook. There's no way I can compete with that. Just how many years are you guys training anyway?"

"Since birth maybe?" Taehyung shrugged. "What?" he asked when Jimin narrowed his eyes at him. "I'm serious. My dad began training me as soon as I began crawling. It was the same with Jungkook. He was and still is my workout partner. We then went to the military together as soon as Jungkook turned eighteen. He took a break from his studies until we got that out of the way."

Jimin had also done the same. Military enlistment was mandatory for men in South Korea. So, he'd applied as soon as he graduated high school. However, he was exempted because of his phobia and medical history associated with psychological trauma.

"I was exempted," he said. "Never got around to do anything remotely related to all this." He waved a hand as he sat up. "Maybe I should start joining your weekly hang out."

Jungkook had a licensed gun and so did Taehyung. They always hung out every Sunday, practicing their shooting skills at this local club, which was undoubtedly owned by Jungkook. Jimin, however, preferred to stay home to bake or read to his heart's content, enjoying his little 'me' time.

"You should," Taehyung said. "I'm sure you'll love archery. And maybe try other stuff too."

"You just want to pit me against Jungkook and see him lose." Jimin grinned.

Jungkook was extremely competitive and was a jack of all trades. He'd heard Taehyung grumbling about it all the time. But there was an exception. Jungkook would let Jimin win in a heartbeat. It started with small board games they played during their monthly get-together to the video games they played at home. A pout from Jimin was all it took for Jungkook to cave in. The others made fun of Jungkook for this, not that his boyfriend ever cared.

"I'll come with you guys, but can't promise about anything else."

"Come on it'll be fun to have you there." Taehyung had been trying to drag Jimin there for months now. Jimin usually preferred to stay home on Sundays after his tiring sessions with Tae.

"Fine. If you let me win this time, I'll consider it." He stood, positioning himself on the mat.

His best friend stood with a huff. "I can see why Jungkook can't resist you."

"As if you can," Jimin snorted. "Just accept you're weak for me too and go."

Taehyung shrugged. "You're lucky that you're too cute to argue and your ass is great."


"What? I have eyes you know."

"Keep those at Yoongi's ass. Now come, so I can whoop your ass."

"In your dreams."

With that, they began sparring again. It was little after an hour when they stepped out of the gym they frequented, freshly showered and donned in fresh clothes. Jimin decided to postpone his weekly baking session to hang out with the others.

"Minnie, can you wait in the car. I just need to take this call." Taehyung threw his keys at him and Jimin caught it easily.

"Sure." He hitched his bag higher and headed to the silver Maserati that stood elegant in the reserved parking lot. However, before he could reach the vehicle someone grabbed him from behind.

What the—

The first punch came out of nowhere and Jimin saw stars when the fist connected with the side of his face. He thrashed in the rough hold, his arms straining to free themselves. His lips stung and he was sure he must be bleeding.


Crap. He needed Taehyung, but the next punch aimed for his gut knocked the breath out of his lungs. Jimin coughed and shut his eyes tight at the first sight of blood drops.


The next punch caused his knees to buckle. He could barely breath with Who are these people?

He waited for the next punch to come but the hold on his was gone in an instant. Jimin risked a glance, making sure to keep his eyes up. Taehyung was there, fighting the men like the beast he was.

Jimin stumbled to the car, leaning his back on the side as he caught his breath. There were four men in total, all wearing masks and ball caps. It was an unfair fight. Four against one.

However, soon it was evident the men were the unlucky ones. Because the first one went down when Taehyung's fist collided with his nose. Jimin heard a sickening crunch and averted his gaze immediately knowing there would be blood. In his peripheral vision, Taehyung continued to fight.

He was fast. His movements were nothing like the ones he'd taught Jimin. It was as if he was watching a movie. His sidekick sent another man hurtling to the floor and the third one crashed against the car when he elbowed him on the neck. He grabbed the fourth man and Jimin noticed a flash of silver. His heart dropped to his stomach. But Taehyung already grabbed the man's wrist, twisting it with a growl. The knife clattered to the floor and Jimin saw one of the men who have recovered from Taehyung's blows coming for him.

He quickly turned, unlocking the car, and got inside locking it after him. The guy lunged a bit too late. He began to hit the window, cursing loudly. Taehyung was there though. In a moment, he had the guy pressed to the car's window before he knocked him out. Just as Jimin relaxed seeing no one else, another car approached with squealing tires. More men jumped out.

Jimin opened the door. "Get inside!" he yelled. "Let's go."

Taehyung nodded, his features hardening as he threw the bag inside and jumped into the driver's seat. The men halted before running to their car and got inside as well.

"Fuck!" Taehyung cursed. "Jiminie! Call Jungkook now."

Jimin nodded and pulled his phone out with trembling fingers.

"Put your seatbelt," his best friend growled. He backed the car, stepped on the gas and they left the parking lot with squealing tires.

"Okay." Jimin nodded again though Taehyung couldn't see him and went to do as he was told. He quickly speed-dialed Jungkook who answered in the second ring. "J-Jungkook!" he cried in relief. "Jungkook. Jungkook, we—"

"Jimin? What-Where are you?"

The car swerved to the right. Thanks to the seatbelt that held him in place. "Gym," he said. "Someone attacked us. T-There are more of them now. They're chasing us now."

"Where's Tae?"

"He's driving."

"I'm coming, baby."

The call ended and Jimin breathed in relief. "He's coming."

"Grab my phone and Bluetooth from my bag," Taehyung commanded, his eyes trained on the vehicle behind them.

Jimin once again did as he was told. Taehyung grabbed the phone, quickly unlocking it and calling someone before securing the Bluetooth in his ear.

"Hyung, I'm headed to our warehouse in E-348. We need backup."

Jimin's heart thundered. Amid the adrenaline rush and the buzzing sound in his ears, he noticed they weren't on the main road instead of one of the alleys that were barely crowded.

"Jimin is safe with me. We will reach the destination in twenty minutes."

Jimin didn't know what was being said on the other side.

"I'm taking a different route. They ambushed us at the parking lot."

Something hit the window causing Jimin to scream. He looked behind him to see the window had a slight impact.

"Get down!" Taehyung ordered. "The windows are bulletproof. But keep your head down." Then he cursed, gripping his wheel harder. "No. We're fine," he spoke into his earpiece. "The bastards are shooting at us."

"Taehyungie... w-who are these people? Why are they after us?"

Taehyung's grip tightened on the wheel. "These are idiots who want to make some quick money, Minnie," he answered as the car swerved again. Another bullet hit the rearview mirror causing a dent.

Jimin covered his ears, but kept his head down. "I-I don't understand."

"I guess that they were here to abduct you." He drove so fast that Jimin felt dizzy at the speed their surroundings flew past them. "You're worth millions, Minnie. Your boyfriend is a multi-billionaire. This is why Jungkook kept your relationship a secret. Someone must have figured who you are."

"Oh, God!"

"Don't worry, Minnie mouse. I got you." Taehyung threw a smile at Jimin. "I'm Jungkook's right-hand man for a reason." He smiled in assurance. "I'm the head of his security team. This is not the first time this has happened. Let me handle this."

"This has happened before?" Jimin was shaking now.

Taehyung nodded. "They took his sister once. Abducted her from her field trip."

"Oh, my God!"

"They must have been watching you for some time now." He tapped his fingers on the wheel. "You usually drive here every Sunday."

Jimin understood. But Taehyung had been living with them after the incident with the thief. So they came together. "Please be careful. I don't want you to get hurt."

Taehyung reached for the dashboard, expertly maneuvering the vehicle with one hand. He grabbed the tissue box and threw it to the back seat at Jimin. "Close your eyes, Minnie mouse. You're bleeding. Press those on your lips. Jungkook won't like this."

Jimin swallowed, tasting his own blood, and fought nausea that rolled in his gut. This wasn't the time to go into a panic attack. So he followed Taehyung's advice, closing his eyes and pressed the tissues over his lips. He should be fine as long as he didn't see the blood.

He didn't know how much time had passed. The car had bumped several times. He heard the bullet hitting their car twice more but then what felt like an eternity later, the vehicle stopped.

"Jiminie..." Taehyung called. "We're safe now," he informed.

Jimin blinked his eyes open.

"Keep your eyes closed," he said. "There's some blood on your T-shirt. This will be over before you know."

Jimin shut his eyes. "Okay."

"The ride is about to get bumpy, Minnie mouse. Hold tight and trust your soulmate, yeah?"

Jimin wanted to laugh at that. He wasn't the one driving the car or the one fighting bad men. He could tell Taehyung was pissed, but he was hiding his emotions well and still trying to cheer him up. His soulmate was always like that. He wasn't a fighter nor was he equipped to handle the pressure in a situation like this. So, it was best if he obeyed and did what was told.

The ride indeed got bumpier. More bullets flew by and something even hit the back of their car. Jimin bit the inside of his cheeks to keep his screams in. Closing eyes amplified the other senses and it certainly made things worse, especially not knowing when or from where the hit would come from. The last thing he needed to do was to distract Taehyung. As if sensing his distress, Tae turned on the radio, blasting some random song on high volume. That did help.

Then it was all over. The music was shut and Tae spoke up. "It's over, Minnie. We're safe now. We lost them. Just a bit longer, okay?"

Jimin nodded vehemently, but said nothing.

"You okay there, bub?"

"Peachy," he answered in a shaky voice.

"We just entered the warehouse compound," Taehyung announced.

The drive was smooth and silent for the rest of the way. Jimin could smell the blood that made him slightly dizzy so he changed the tissue. The car paused for a moment and then they were driving again. Heavy metal screeched and soon the car slowed down again before coming to a halt.

"We're here." Taehyung sighed. "I'm gonna clean you up and then you're free to open your eyes."

"Sounds good."

Jimin heard the car door opening and the vehicle shook with the movement and then his side of the door was opening. "Give me that." He took the used tissues and his phone from his hand. "Now I'm gonna remove your T-shirt, okay? Lift your hands." Jimin followed his instructions wordlessly. "Yes, that's it." Cold air brushed his skin and he shivered lightly. They were in some sort of air-conditioned space. He heard rustling and a zipper of a bag being opened. "I have a hoodie you can wear," Taehyung said. "Lift your hands, Minnie." Jimin did and felt him slip the soft material over his arms and then head. "Okay, now I'm going to clean your wound and dab some antiseptic, okay." The kindergarten teacher nodded. His heart was racing, but he had begun to relax a bit.

"Does it look bad?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly.

"No. It's just a small cut, but the bruise looks nasty. JK is gonna be mad."

Jimin swallowed, interlacing his hands on his lap.

"There you go, all done." His lips stung from where Taehyung had dabbed the antiseptic. "Does it hurt anywhere else?"


"You sure bleed a lot for that little cut. It's all clear. You can open your eyes now."

Jimin opened his eyes, looking around frantically and relaxing further. Taehyung had put everything away from his view. The spacious warehouse space was filled with boxes. Forklifts were going around carrying packed boxes.

"It's one of our frozen food warehouses," Taehyung explained. "JK will be here soon." He grabbed a bottle of water, uncapping and handing it to him. "Here."

Jimin gulped at least half of the bottle. "What about the people who were chasing us?"

"They couldn't keep up," he said with a shrug. "I'm one hell of a driver and our security team will handle the rest."

He slumped in his seat, his body shivered both from fear and aftershock as he gave a once over on Taehyung who seemed unaffected. His hair was a bit disheveled but that was because he didn't comb his hair after the shower.

"I half expected you to do all that Mission Impossible shit on them, you know? With your gun license and all," he joked.

Taehyung burst into laughter. "Not in my job description," he replied smoothly. "My responsibility was to get you safe. Though I will tell you one thing, I won't hesitate to pull that Mission Impossible if your life is in danger."

Jimin's features softened. "Oh, Tae."

"Come here." He beckoned and Jimin exhaled. His legs shook when he stepped outside of the vehicle and Tae caught him in a steel-like grip, steadying him. Jimin leaned to him, sinking into his embrace leeching of the comfort he radiated. "I'm sorry, Minnie. I wish you didn't experience that."

"That was scary." His voice wavered.

"I know."

"Tell me about Jungkook's sister. How did you rescue her? Tell me she wasn't hurt," Jimin asked, wanting to distract himself but also wanting to know the story.

"I wasn't the one who rescued her," Taehyung replied. He rubbed Jimin's back soothingly. "Have you ever heard about the Cobras?"

Jimin pulled away, his entire body freezing. Everyone who lived in South Korea had known about them at some point in time. They were a group that wreaked havoc in the lives of ordinary people, but four years ago they went down in flames. Literally. The police had closed the case saying it was a gang war.

"Everyone knows about them."

Taehyung nodded. "They took her. They were the worst case of human beings, Jimin. There isn't a crime they weren't capable of. Sex trafficking, Organ theft, you name it."

Jimin's body shuddered at the reminder. He'd seen the news. The incident had even drawn the attention of international media.

"If it was just money, Uncle Jiwon would have paid them triple of the ransom they asked for. But they weren't ones with honor. We had known they'd kill her whether or not we paid the ransom, worse they could hurt her or..." his voice trailed off and his jaw clenched.

"What happened?"

"Uncle Jiwon sent Shadow."

"Shadow?" Jimin blinked.

"Let's say...he's like a spy." Taehyung smiled.

"He works for the government?" Jimin's eyes were wide.

"Something like that." His best friend's smile was bright. "Let's say, he got that name for a reason. He went in, set the place on fire, and brought her back."

"Wow. What happened next?"

"They fell in love." Taehyung shrugged.

"What? For real?"

"For real."

"Whoa. That was...awesome." Jimin smiled. "They have one hell of a love story to tell then."

"Oh, everyone has got an interesting story, alright. Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung too. You should ask them sometime."

Jimin chuckled. Jin or Namjoon rarely spoke about their love lives. Jimin knew they had girlfriends, but they never got around to discuss that. They never joined any of their monthly get together. He just knew Jin's girlfriend worked in some sort of security firm while Namjoon's girlfriend was an attorney just like him and they were rivals. Taehyung once told him that they often butted heads in the court and eventually fell in love.

He was about to ask something when the huge metal shutter separating them from the outside world opened and Jungkook's car drove inside, coming to a screeching halt beside them. Jungkook jumped outside running toward him. Jimin almost recoiled at the look of fury on his face, but warmth blanketed him as soon as he wrapped his hands around him.

"Fuck! You're okay." Jungkook's almost crushed his bones. "You're okay." He let go of him only to cup his face with both hands. "I'll fucking kill those bastards," he growled, his eyes darkening at the sight of his bruise.

Jimin hadn't seen his face yet in the mirror, so he could only imagine how worse that must have looked. Those goons definitely packed one hell of a punch.

"Thanks, Tae." He gave a curt nod to Tae. "Let's get you home." He guided him to the car.

"I'll drive," Taehyung volunteered, going to the driving seat. "I'll have someone bring my car later."

"You okay?" Jungkook asked him. "Are you hurt?"

"No. We were ambushed, but I was able to fight them off before the others showed up. Jimin needs to get some ice on those bruises. There are three. Two on his ribs and one on his face."

"Fuck!" Jungkook cursed again, his grip tightening around Jimin.

"Jungkookie, you're hurting me."

"I'm sorry, baby." He loosened his grip. "Contact Shadow. I wanna know who's behind this."

Jimin got inside the car with Jungkook following after him.

"Yoongi hyung took care of it. You'll have the report on your table before the end of the day."

Jimin tuned them out and relaxed in his seat. His phone buzzed. He unlocked it to check the message.

From Unknown Number:

How did you like our little present?

He gritted his teeth, his gaze flicked to Jungkook feeling like he was doused in ice water. Right then, his boyfriend received a phone call.

To Unknown Number:

What do you want?

From Unknown Number:

Ah, Jimin-ssi, so that's what it takes for you to respond.

You know exactly what we want.

To Unknown Number:


From Unknown Number:

You don't have a choice, Jimin-ssi.

You can either do as you're told or...

To Unknown Number:

Fuck. You.

Jimin deleted the message and blocked the number before pocketing his phone with a clench of his jaw. Beside him, Jungkook was busy on a phone call.

He looked outside the window and interlaced his fingers to hide the tremble. His eyes stung and he was sure either Jungkook or Taehyung would catch up on his mood shift. So, he turned and sunk into Jungkook's embrace, burying his face into his chest.

His unsuspecting boyfriend wrapped his free arm around him as he continued to speak on his phone. The car whirred past the heavy traffic and through the city. Soon he was lost to his thoughts.

By now, you must have guessed someone is trying to expose Jungkook. So, here are a few things I thought might be confusing for you guys. I tried to clarify without ruining the fun...he he...

- Jungkook did not sent those bouquet to Jimin. He was busy all day and told Jimin he'd be busy. - In the club, the men was stunned because they knew who Park Jimin was. Jungkook had sent a word to his men. So they knew Jimin was Jungkook's boyfriend aka their would be queen.- Taehyung was not only stunned when Jimin hugged him but he was also shocked because, no one is allowed to touch the queen. Not unless they want to keep their heads. But there has only been females who ever played that role. So, when Chang offered a hand shake he was testing the waters. - No, Jimin doesn't know what being the queen meant. He understood Chang was insinuating something and he hated that man's guts. He was simply defending his boyfriend's honor or that was what he thought he was doing.- During the game of chess, Chang was indirectly shading Jimin by calling him weak and comparing him to the pawn. Jimin understood this.

Hope you all liked the chapter and also I hope you're staying safe.

We are under severe lock down and neighborhood has become a red zone. I lost my aunt to Covid and a few of my close relatives has also tested positive. Writing is the only thing that's keeping me sane.

Please keep us in your prayers and stay safe, follow the safety precautions. Borahae <3

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