Chapter 3
Mentions of mild panic attack and violence ahead.
The next morning came with sunlight filtering through the gaps of the dark curtains and comforting warmth plastered to his back. Jimin stirred with a pleasant yawn, rubbing the sleep off his eyes as he lay there basking in his boyfriend's embrace. He blindly reached for his phone switching off his alarm before it blared and ruined the peace of the morning.
When he had enough fill of his morning cuddle, he turned in Jungkook's arms to face him or more like observe him and try to etch every inch of his face into his memory. Jungkook was so beautiful, especially in his sleep. He looked so peaceful and young. He traced his cute nose with the tip of his finger before running it along his thin lips that were slightly parted.
He pressed his palm flat over his sculpted chest before leaning in to press his lips on his, savoring the soft feel of his lips. Jungkook hummed in his sleep but did not wake up. Jimin pulled away with a smile, taking his time to trace the soft ridges of his tattoo lines, especially the huge dragon that covered most of his upper torso.
As much as he found Jungkook intimidating, he was also drawn to him like a moth to a flame since the beginning. The same gaze that had reminded him of his nightmare and froze him to his place also gave him butterflies in his stomach. But then there was his smile that changed his entire demeanor in a second. The first time he saw his smile, Jimin was a goner.
It happened after their first date when Jungkook dropped him off in front of his apartment complex. The dinner was comfortable though their conversation was very minimal on Jimin's part. He kept his answers in one or two words. Not to mention the meal cost almost half a quarter of his monthly salary. But he had to be prideful and demand that he paid half of the bill.
Afterward, they had both sat in the car feeling awkward about the entire thing. When Jungkook leaned in to help with his seatbelt that was stuck, he'd mistaken it for his attempt to kiss and told him outright he didn't kiss on his first date or the second.
Jungkook had flashed a genuine smile before telling him, "I don't kiss any of my dates."
That time it sounded absurd and even arrogant.
Jimin had rolled his eyes before getting out of the car and walking away without so much a good night or a thank you. He was convinced it was a one-time thing because of how awkward both were the entire time. But Jungkook surprised him by asking him out on another date. The rest was history.
Jimin snuggled into his boyfriend's naked chest, breathing in content. He didn't even bother to think how or when they had reached the bedroom last night. It happened too often. He remembered falling asleep on top of Jungkook on the couch last night.
Two hours later, when they were eating breakfast Jimin broke the silence. "Is everything okay?" he asked. Jungkook had been tense since last night. Even in the shower, he had been zoned out with barely any teasing though he clung to him more than usual.
Jungkook blinked slowly, looking up from his plate. The frown was still in place. "Huh?"
Jimin put a hand over his. "You seem troubled. Is everything alright?"
"Y-Yeah." He nodded. "Just some work-related stuff."
"Do you wanna tell me about it?"
Jungkook shook his head. "Not really. It's no big deal."
Jimin retrieved his hand going back to his breakfast. Jungkook was like this. He didn't like talking about stuff and Jimin didn't push him if he wasn't willing. "I'm here if you ever wanna talk."
The silence that followed was heavy with Jungkook being silent once again, his knee bouncing and fingers fidgeting. Jimin put a hand on his knee stopping him before turning in his chair to face him fully.
"Okay. Spill. Whatever it is, you're bothered by it. What is it?" Something was clearly bothering Jungkook and he had a feeling it was related to him. It was starting to make him nervous.
Jungkook stared at his plate for a long moment. "Um...Just wondering what happens if the public found out about our relationship," he spoke after a while. "I think we might have slipped somewhere."
Jimin narrowed his eyes with a frown. "Are you ashamed of people finding out that you're into men? Or does this have something to do with me?" He couldn't help the words he spat because right then the ugly head of his insecurities was coming out and it was all he could think. He'd never given it much thought before. But what if Jungkook didn't want the world to know because he was ashamed of him?
"What? No!" Jungkook almost yelled. "I'm just worried you'll have no privacy and you'll be expected to join me for public and some private events as my boyfriend. You may not have time to do a lot of things you otherwise do because you know how hectic my work could get and how many of these events I have to go to." He rushed to say with wide eyes.
Jimin found himself relaxing. "Is that all?" His voice softened.
"Yeah." Jungkook's shoulder slumped. "I just want you to be safe."
"I am safe." Jimin took his hand in his, threading their fingers together. "I have you to protect me." He leaned to kiss his cheek with a soft smile. "I didn't think of it before but I really don't mind because that would mean I get to spend more time with you."
Jungkook smiled, brushing their noses as he caught his lips in a chaste kiss. "Good to know." He deepened the kiss only to be interrupted by his phone. "Damn phone," he grunted before slanting a glance at the screen. "It's Namjoon hyung. I have to take this." He stood, swiping a thumb across the screen as he shoveled the last few bites of his food into his mouth, humming in acknowledgment for whatever was being said to him. He kissed the top of Jimin's head before mouthing a goodbye and then he was off.
Jimin sighed with a soft smile. He was putting the washed plates aside when Hoseok arrived and soon they were off to school.
"Jimin-ssi," his fellow teacher came inside his classroom with a knock on his door halfway into the first class. "The principal said Hanuel will be working with you this month. I'm here to show her to your class."
Jimin eyed the intern who joined a couple of weeks ago with a friendly smile. He hadn't talked to the girl much except for a short greeting they shared on her first day. She was fresh out of college and was too young. That was all he knew.
"Welcome to my class, Hanuel-ssi. Please introduce yourself."
"Hello, I'm Lee Hanuel. I'm twenty-two and I love anime. Please take care of me." She greeted the children who were watching her in interest.
"Good morning, teacher-nim," they all greeted in chorus while Jimin showed her to the additional chair that was brought in.
They'd had interns before, so it was nothing new. Jimin gave her a short introduction and then began the class. She was bubbly and was good with children. Soon it was lunch time and he sat at his table with Hoseok talking about the work that was needed in his dance studio when someone reached their table.
"Jimin-ssi!" Hanuel greeted enthusiastically. "I hope you don't mind me joining you for lunch."
Jimin shared a look with Hoseok who glanced at Hanuel with a frown. "Um...yeah, sure I guess." He moved his lunch box to give her space. They weren't used to having company. It was always just Hoseok and him.
"Your dishes look delicious," she commented, opening her takeout box. "Do you cook?"
"Yeah, I do," Jimin replied. He often packed an additional box for Hoseok who sucked at cooking and relied on take-outs.
"Oh, I see you brought his lunch too." Hanuel pointed out.
"Um...I did." Jimin was frowning. While he wasn't taken back by her over-friendly nature, it felt weird to have someone who kept pushing their nose into his business. It happened a few times in the class too and he deduced that she was just too eager to please. He wasn't used to this and liked his space.
She placed her red bento box on the table. The red and white color of the box matched her cute outfit that consisted of a white sweater, red scarf, and a black pencil skirt. She smoothed her skirt and pushed her short shoulder-length hair behind her ears before taking her seat.
"I'm from Ilsan. This is my first time in Seoul and all my friends are back in Ilsan. My dream is to travel the country when I save enough," she continued with an enthusiastic grin as he tried hard to return. "Eunji-ssi tells me that you're a dancer and you also teach dance in your free time. What form of dance do you teach?" she asked Jimin.
"That's nice! I love contemporary. I always wanted to learn dance. I'd love to be your student if you'll have me." She clapped with a wide grin.
Jimin coughed, his eyes tearing up. Hoseok patted his back and handed him the water. He took a few sips and cleared his throat before looking at the young teacher with a forced smile. "I only teach children below sixteen years old."
"Oh, come on, Jimin-ssi. I'm no less than a child." She cupped her face, batting her lashes. "I mean look at this face. I've been told I'm cute."
Jimin gritted his teeth and adjusted his chopsticks. "It doesn't change the fact that you're an adult." He pointed out. "There are other teachers in the area. You should be able to find someone to your liking. They have great reviews."
"Can't you make an exception for me?" she pouted, still trying to look cute. "I'll be a good student."
Jimin shrugged. "I'm not taking any new students now. Even if I am, you're not an exception."
Her smile fell. "Oh." Jimin almost felt bad for shutting her up like that but she was up with her talks again and he took back whatever regret he felt a moment ago.
Jimin wasn't someone to dislike a person at the first sight, but there was something about Hanuel he couldn't quite figure out. She unsettled his nerves and she asked too many personal questions in a short time. Perhaps it was the introvert in him that he was always wary of people, but he couldn't help it. He couldn't wait for the day to end already.
Finally, the evening came and when the bell rang announcing the end of the day, Jimin was the first to exit the classroom. Jungkook couldn't make it because of a last-minute meeting so Hoseok was driving him home again. He had just strapped the seatbelt in when he heard the knock on Hoseok's side of the window. The elder lowered the window, lifting a brow in question.
"Hoseok-ssi, do you mind if I join you? It looks like the storm is closing in and I don't have a ride." Hanuel smiled, clutching the strap of her bag in anticipation.
Jimin looked up at the sky. It did look gloomy with darkening clouds but the weather was still good and there was no warning about impending rain. He left the decision to him; it was his car after all.
"Sure. Get in." He unlocked the door letting her inside.
Hanuel hopped inside enthusiastically, scooting to the middle of the back seat. They eased into the traffic and Jimin looked outside losing himself in his thoughts when Hanuel spoke again.
"Are we going to drop Jimin-ssi first? I live closer to you."
"How do you know where I live?" Jimin slanted a glance over his shoulder, his eyes narrowing with a small frown.
"Oh, I asked the principal earlier. And I've seen you coming in Mercedes. It's easy to guess you live in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Gangnam," she replied nonchalantly with a grin he was suddenly tempted to wipe away.
"Good guess," was all he said, his features tightening.
"See...I'm good that way."
"Where do you live, Hanuel-ssi? I'll drop you off first." Hoseok cut in.
"Oh, what about Jimin-ssi?"
"We have somewhere else to be," Hoseok said.
"Oh, you already have plans. That's so cool. I didn't know you hung out. What are your plans for tonight?"
Jimin clenched his jaw. The woman didn't know when to shut up.
"Dinner," Hoseok gritted through his teeth.
"That's so nice. I don't have that many friends here." She rattled the address and thankfully she quieted after that busying herself with her phone and her stop came sooner.
"Thank you for the ride, Hoseok-ssi. See you tomorrow. Bye, Jimin-ssi."
The men both bid her goodbye before Hoseok turned the car around, driving in the same direction they came from.
"Are you okay, Jiminie?" Hoseok asked after a while.
"Am good," he said. "I just don't trust her." He frowned looking back though he couldn't see her anymore. Her bubbly voice rang in her ears. He didn't have any reasons to dislike her. She just rubbed him off for some reason he couldn't put a finger on. "She is overly enthusiastic for some reason and too nosy." He shook his head looking away. "She just met us today and asked too many questions."
"I understand. Too bad you're stuck with her this month." There was no humor behind Hoseok's words. He was suddenly serious and Jimin assumed it was because of Hanuel. The elder often mirrored his emotions so it was nothing new.
"Please don't remind me," he grunted. "I don't know how I'm gonna survive that."
When Hoseok dropped him at the mansion fifteen minutes later, his body was tight with tension. He didn't get irritated easily. But that girl had some knack in bringing the worst out of him. He shook his head, scolding himself for feeling that way as he made his way inside. Maybe he just needs a bath to cool down.
Sighing, he made it to the bedroom and paused in the middle of the room when he heard some rustling noise coming from the closet.
"Jungkook?" he called. The rustling stopped.
His boyfriend had texted earlier saying he would come home late. No servants were allowed inside the bedroom or the study room without supervision. Who else could that be?
The room was open when he came in. He took a step back. He hadn't paid attention because he was distracted by his thoughts. "Jungkook?" he called again. "Is that you?"
Should I call security? He reached for his phone. However before he could make a call a figure dashed out of the closet, almost knocking him down as he raced toward the door. Jimin recovered faster, kicking his feet out and tripping the stranger on reflex. He was fully covered in black, a mask covering most of his features.
"Security!" he bellowed, avoiding the foot that was aimed for his face in the last possible moment. His phone fell out of his hands and there was no time to retrieve it or make that damn call.
Jimin turned his body sideways, digging his elbow into the other's ribs in a move Taehyung taught him not so long ago. Pure adrenaline rushed through his veins and he acted on pure instinct. A few punches landed on his ribs and to the side, knocking his breath out. It was nothing close to the mock punches Taehyung usually landed on him during their weekly training.
He received a kick to his ribs. However, Jimin held his ground, ducking his head to avoid the stranger from hitting his sensitive areas. He landed a few punches and received a few grunts in response. But the guy recovered faster and attacked like a dog. The punches and kicks were unorganized nothing like the practiced ones he was used to but Jimin held on.
Jimin brought both hands, safeguarding his head and chest from serious hits. His forearms ached from where the guy's fists connected. It was much better than getting it on his face or head though. Jimin dodged a series of punches, their feet moving in an uncoordinated stance as the guy backed Jimin to the wall. In a blink of an eye, he had Jimin cornered.
But the teacher wasn't the one to give up. He pushed at the guy who was too strong for him and taller than him. The stranger effortlessly avoided every punch Jimin aimed for his head. A hand closed around Jimin's neck, tightening its grip and Jimin felt the air supply cut off and dark spots clouding his vision. He dug his nails into the guy's arm, another hand blindly reaching sideways to reach for anything that could help.
Jimin struggled for breath. He wasn't sure if the guy aimed to kill him or knock him out. Jimin tried to knee him in the groin but that effort was blocked as well. He was growing desperate, the grip on his throat didn't seem to loosen and with little more effort, he reached for something he could wrap his fingers around.
The door burst open and the security entered at the same moment. The stranger whipped his head to see a new threat and that was all the distraction Jimin needed before he brought whatever item he grabbed and smashed it over his head with all the strength he could muster.
The grip on his throat was gone the next moment and he swayed slightly on his feet. The stranger was on the floor, gripping his head with both his hands but Jimin froze when he saw the droplets of red dripping to the floor.
Oh, damn.
He wanted to laugh upon looking at his nemesis.
Stupid blood.
His world went dark.
"Your men were captured in our territory today," Namjoon spoke. "Wanna explain why they went after someone off-limits."
"Namjoon-ssi, I already told you. We were only following a lead regarding the leak. Our investigation led us here."
"Yet, you didn't bother to inform us knowing well that your men weren't supposed to be in our territory," Namjoon countered.
Jungkook was quiet, letting Namjoon lead the conversation because he didn't trust himself with Kang right now. The man was sweating exceedingly looking at his second-in-command every few seconds. The atmosphere was tight with tension. Jungkook clenched and unclenched his fists under the table.
Kang's second-in-command stood rigidly behind him. Taehyung was stoic, his face an emotionless mask as he sat beside Jungkook, a hand on top of his crossed knee. Yoongi and Namjoon were on the other side. Kang only had a bodyguard and his second-in-command with him.
"We are allies. Our men are allowed to commute through each other's territory," Kang gritted out. He wiped his forehead, laughing nervously.
"You said it yourself," Jungkook intervened. "Commute," he stressed the word. "They're allowed to commute peacefully and not get involved in things they don't have business with."
"I apologize. We should have informed you prior and sought help," Kang admitted. "As I stated before, we were merely following a lead that is of interest to both of us."
"You went after a Jeon," Namjoon said. "Your men attacked Shadow." He had an arm draped over his chair, looking every bit lethal than he was in a courtroom. His long fingers rested on top of his crossed knee. His gaze was so intense that it made Kang, one of the mob bosses squirm in his seat.
Kang's eyes widened at that. He whipped his head toward his second-in-command, swallowing thickly. "What was that?" he hissed. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" Though his voice was low, they all could perfectly hear it. He then turned to Jungkook and the others. "I'm sorry I wasn't aware of this." He craned his head to his second-in-command again. "Explain."
His second-in-command shook his head, his gaze sweeping over every face in the room. "No. I don't know why they went after Shadow. Our command was clear. They were supposed to take Park Jimin to our base. We even sent a photo of the target."
Jungkook slammed his fists on the table with a growl. "Don't you dare say his name," he hissed, his chest heaving. "Park. Jimin. Is. Off. Limits," he continued, emphasizing each word and his gaze burned. "Your men should have known to back off the moment they saw Shadow with him. But they still went after him."
Kang was sweating profusely now, the implication of what Jungkook said finally settling on him. "H-He is under your protection?"
Namjoon put a hand on Jungkook's shoulder; uncrossing his legs as he leaned forward gently urging him to sit. Every action was keenly watched by the other gang leader. Not everyone could hold back Jungkook from lashing out or make him take a step back like that. Hell, no one dared touch the mob boss even by mistake. Jeon Jungkook despised physical touches. It was a fact known to all. Two years ago, even Namjoon trod carefully around Jungkook.
The young mafia boss took a few deep breaths to reign in his anger. "Park Jimin is mine. You and your men will stay away from him if you know what's better for you."
Kang was silent for a long moment. The silence was thick and heavily filled with tension. He took a deep breath and then nodded. "I see he's yours. So whatever you do with the information we found is up to your discretion." He leaned forward interlacing his fingers over the table. "We received Intel from our inside man at the police station. The police had reached out to someone. man."
"And how did you conclude it was Park Jimin?" Namjoon asked.
"Um...we received a phone call earlier this morning confirming the identity of the said man," Kang said. "We were only following the lead and were going to interrogate the said target." He eyed the Jeon men. "The men we sent were new recruits. They don't know who Shadow was."
Jungkook knew well how their interrogations worked. He was getting worked up with his anger skyrocketing when he felt Namjoon squeezing his thigh gently to stay put.
Yoongi who was silent all this time uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. "The intel is wrong," he said with a stoic face that made it hard to read what his real thoughts were. "Whoever trying to feed you this information clearly knows who Park Jimin is and what going after him means." He scrunched his nose before leaning back in his chair. "We will excuse your men this time. But do not make the same mistake twice."
Kang swallowed thickly. "Is he..." He eyed the men. "Is he your..."
"Queen?" Jungkook asked with a tilted head.
"Yeah. Shouldn't you be introducing him to us?" Kang looked around.
"It's too soon," Namjoon intervened. "But you're right. We will send a word to the others. For now, Park Jimin will be known as JK's boyfriend and nothing more. Someone is trying to start a gang war." He tapped his long fingers thoughtfully on the table neither confirming nor denying the claim.
Kang appeared thoughtful and he nodded after a moment. "Like I said I'll leave this to you. But don't you think he's the best choice if the police have to choose someone to infiltrate your gang? Just saying..." He shrugged when Jungkook cocked a brow.
Yoongi beat Jungkook to it before he could respond. "Do you take JK for a fool? Park Jimin is someone who's monitored 24/7, his phones included. It'll be a foolish move to go after him," he stated without missing a beat.
Jungkook relaxed back knowing Yoongi got it covered. They never monitored Jimin's phone but Kang doesn't have to know that.
"I'll look into this. Thanks for pardoning my men. We're good?" Kang asked.
"Yes. We are good," Jungkook confirmed.
"Good then. I'll see you at the party next Friday." Kang stood with a grunt, smoothing his suit jacket and pulling a cigar. He left with his men while Jungkook sat fuming in the room.
"The fucking cops don't know when to stop," Jungkook hissed under his breath. "I did them a favor by ending the Cobras. What more do they want now?"
Furious was an understatement to explain how he felt now. Cobras were pests that had to be removed. They were filthy criminals who engaged in sex trafficking, organ theft, and much more unspeakable crimes. They were nothing but trouble. Jungkook never thought twice before he issued that order. He did what his father should have done years ago. The crimes have dwindled and he took pride in that. He'd do it all over again if he had to.
"They might want to punish you for bringing peace." Yoongi chuckled. "You know how they work. Are you sure they haven't reached out to Jimin though?"
"Jimin knows nothing." Jungkook frowned. "He has no clue about me. Hoseok hyung or Taehyung is always with him one way or another. We would have known if someone approached him."
Yoongi nodded thoughtfully and was about to say something when Taehyung's phone blared.
"What?" He jumped to his feet garnering everyone's attention in the room. "I'm coming." His features tightened when he turned to the others. "Someone attacked Jimin."
"The fuck?!" Jungkook was on his feet, already rushing out of the room followed by the others.
This is not happening.
"He's safe. Hoseok hyung is already there," Taehyung said on their way to the mansion, but Jungkook was too furious and frightened to let those words sink in. The sound of the ringing tone was too loud in his ears.
"He's fine. I have the intruder detained," Hoseok stated as soon as he answered the call. "I came as soon as the securities called. Jimin fought the guy and knocked him out."
They drove like a bat out of hell, reaching the mansion in record time. Jungkook breathed in relief when he found Hoseok just outside the room, talking to a doctor. His stance was relaxed and that was all the assurance he needed then.
"How is he?" Jungkook rushed out, his chest heaving and eyes wide.
"He's fine. He knocked out the intruder with a bed lamp but then there was um..." Hobi snorted fondly. "He fainted because the intruder was bleeding out on your bedroom floor. He's got a few bruises but otherwise, he's fine."
"Is he awake?"
"Yeah. He has a headache though." He jerked his head toward the bedroom.
Jungkook went inside, releasing a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Jimin was shirtless, bedsheet pooling around his waist as he talked animatedly to Taehyung who had slipped inside the room while Jungkook was talking to Hoseok. The room smelled like disinfectant and the curtains were drawn open, one of the windows opened to air out the room.
"I knocked him out, TaeTae. You should have seen me fight. I used the hook you taught me last week. I got him real good, but he was way too strong for me. I managed though." He heard him saying, arms waving in the air and he felt tears prick his eyes.
Jimin's smile widened at the sight of him and he beckoned him over. "Jungkookie...I'm perfectly fine."
"Baby..." Jungkook couldn't get his words out and when he noticed the purple bruises forming along his ribs he almost cried. He closed the distance to the bed in three long strides and engulfed Jimin in a hug, pulling him onto his lap, and didn't even realize he was crying until Jimin brushed his cheeks with a fond smile.
"I'm perfectly fine, my love," he whispered softly. "There was" He cleared his throat. "The blood," he mumbled. "I think I hit my head when I fainted."
Jungkook also noticed the faint hand print on Jimin's neck and saw red. "He tried to kill you."
Jimin shrugged. "I don't know his intention. He was inside our closet when I came in. I was about to call the security when the guy rushed out and knocked the phone out of my hand. Then we fought. He was strong. He backed me into that corner and choked me, but I managed to knock him out. I got him real good." He looked and sounded proud. "I think I got a bump." He rubbed the side of his head, which Jungkook followed to find he indeed had a bump.
"I'm so sorry," he murmured. "It's my fault."
Jimin frowned. "Why is this your fault to begin with? The security said he was one of the cleaning staff who joined recently. Also, the study room lock is damaged. He couldn't get in so he got in here. He must have tried to steal something."
Jungkook's jaw clenched and he slanted a glance toward Taehyung who nodded curtly, leaving the room.
"I just..." Jungkook swallowed, refusing to believe this was an ordinary attempt of theft. "You were attacked in our home. The one place you should have felt safe. I failed to protect you in our home."
Jimin cupped his face then. "Don't be hard on yourself, Jungkookie. No one can predict these things. I'm glad the security was here on time. I'm grateful that he didn't use any weapon on me. And thanks to Tae who insisted that I must train in self-defense and dragging me every weekend to practice."
Jungkook knew why Taehyung began training Jimin ten months ago. Jimin didn't fancy their training sessions but Taehyung was adamant and Jimin always gave in. Every Sunday he'd come home after a session to complain how hard it was and how much his body ached. Jungkook would then run a soothing bath and massage his sore muscles.
He was tempted to stop Taehyung several times from training Jimin because he couldn't see his little angel suffering from small bruises and body pain. Now that he thought about it, he was glad he didn't stop Taehyung. To quote Taehyung, he was always right.
Jungkook kissed on top of Jimin's head. "So you won't complain about your training sessions anymore?"
"As if that'd change anything," Jimin huffed. "Tae always gets what he wants."
"He does," Jungkook agreed absent-mindedly knowing well about his childhood best friend turned second-in-command. Taehyung was also a person who wouldn't think twice before taking a bullet or two for him or Jimin. "Are you hungry, baby? I'll order some soup and Japchae. Eat and rest for the day while I handle the rest, yeah?"
Jimin nodded tiredly. "Yeah. That sounds good. Are you done with work? Did you have to cut short because of this?"
"I'm done. Even otherwise you know nothing matters other than you. You're my priority."
Jimin sniffled suddenly. "You know you should kiss me better if you're going to say emotional stuff."
"Anytime, baby." Jungkook leaned forward kissing him as softly as he could just breathing in his exhale. Someone was here to hurt Jimin. In their home. His jaw clenched, but he forced his body to relax. He pulled away after a minute. "Stay here, hmm? I need to talk to the security and I'll be back with food, okay?"
"What are you going to do about him?" Jimin asked.
"I'll call in the cops and cancel the contract with this company."
Jimin looked thoughtful. "Can you not involve the police?"
Jungkook frowned, wondering why Jimin would demand such a thing. "You don't want me to take any action on him?"
Jimin shook his head. "I don't want the police to get involved in our relationship. We are keeping a low profile. If you call them, they'll ask too many questions. It's just an attempt at theft. No harm done."
Jungkook relaxed visibly, expecting Jimin to ask why no cops were coming in to ask questions. But his boyfriend always took him by surprise. "No police then?"
"No police," Jimin confirmed.
"Anything for you, baby." Jungkook was a weak man and he could never say no to his Strawberry.
Jimin nodded. "Can you send Tae inside?" he asked tiredly and Jungkook nodded. "I don't wanna stay alone."
"I'll send both Hoseok hyung and Tae inside." He cupped Jimin's cheek.
"Hoseok hyung is also here?"
"Yeah. I think Tae must have called him." Jungkook shrugged. "I'll be back, yeah?"
Hoseok acknowledged him with a nod when he stepped into the foyer. "Jimin wants you and Tae inside."
Both went in without another word while Yoongi inched closer to him. "Namjoon took him to our base for interrogation. He was surely looking for something."
"How did this happen? The cleaning crew is thoroughly vetted," Jungkook hissed under his breath, mindful of Jimin inside the room.
"He joined as a temporary replacement a couple of weeks ago. His background information checked out so no one suspected a thing."
"Anything else?"
Yoongi shook his head. "Jiminie got him good. We gave him first aid and moved him. He has a concussion and wouldn't be ready for interrogation until tomorrow."
Jungkook nodded grimly. "This doesn't sound like a coincidence to me. First, they tried to go after him and now they attacked him in our home."
Yoongi put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I have tightened the security and told one of the guys to be with the cleaning crew all the time while they work."
"I wanted to ask you something," Yoongi drawled. "It's about earlier. Do you still not want me to look into his phone? You know..."
Jungkook shook his head. "I promised myself that I'd never do that to him, hyung. I'll never intrude on his privacy and this wouldn't be a proper relationship if I do. What is the point in this relationship if I can't trust my boyfriend? I'm not someone who breaks promises."
"Not saying Jimin will backstab, but just asking... What if what Kang said was true? What if the police had approached Jimin? Or what if they approach him in the future? What if he turns against you?"
Jungkook took a shuddering breath. He always anticipated this question from one of them from the moment he decided to keep this side of his life hidden from Jimin. His chest tightened with the various onslaughts of emotions.
"Then it'll be my downfall," he answered after a while without missing a beat. "If it's Jimin who wants to take me down, if that's what will make him happy then I'll go down happily." He put a hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "I'll free you and the hyungs from all this before that happens."
"What will you do if he wants to walk away?" His expression was still serious.
"Then I'll let him walk away and he will never hear from me." Jungkook didn't hesitate.
Yoongi looked thoughtful, his gaze habitually sweeping around them. "Do you think we will let you do that alone?" he asked. "I won't let you go down as long as I'm alive. Jeon mafia is a family. You go down, we will go with you."
"I promise. No one will harm Jimin. We will take him away from all this chaos and lock him up if needed, but I'm not letting you or the others go down," he promised. "The trust you have in him is alarming, but I don't expect anything less. He's good for you. You're more level-headed after he came into your life. Let's hope he gives you a chance when the time comes." He patted Jungkook's shoulder twice in assurance. "I still need to talk to the security and go over the security feed. I'll be outside if you need me."
Yoongi paused, halting in his steps to look over his shoulder. "You know in a way I'm anticipating how this is all gonna play out."
Jungkook frowned, not understanding what Yoongi was raving about. The elder often talked in a cryptic language he found hard to keep up with.
He scoffed as if reading into Jungkook's thoughts. "I see this as Jimin's chance to prove his loyalty. As much as I want Jimin to be away from all this chaos, I also know this is inevitable. Sooner or later, he's gonna find out. So, Jungkook-ah, I'm anticipating this so much because then I'll know if he's worthy to be your queen. Because..." He left the remaining words unsaid before marching away.
Because a queen always protected the king.
Jungkook swallowed at what Yoongi insinuated. He trusted Yoongi. He'd saved their asses on more than one occasion. While Jungkook knew it was selfish of him to even think that way he would always respect his decision. Yoongi was right. He always was.
Even if Jungkook took the blame eventually it'll catch up with the others. This wasn't his decision to make. It involved the others. He didn't want to lock Jimin or make him do things he didn't want to do. He hoped against hope that it didn't come to that.
Jungkook forced his body to relax as he pulled his phone to order take out and called his secretary to move a few things around so he could work from home. His mind kept going back to Jimin and he vowed he would find out whoever it was and would make them regret it.
Later that night when Jungkook settled with Jimin snuggled to his side, he'd spend hours tracing the bruises and kissing his hair as he slept. The fear of what could have happened only grew as time passed.
Someone must have found out. They weren't exactly being secretive. There were times they were found out but Jungkook's men, especially Yoongi had made sure none of them saw the daylight. Now that he thought about it, he realized how much of an easy target Jimin was to his enemies. The reality of what his selfishness had brought upon them settled in his mind.
He cursed internally, but there was nothing he could do anymore now that it has come to this. Kang knew about him and soon others will know of his name. It had to be done so no one would harm him.
Jimin's soft breathing puffed out against his neck. It was Jimin's favorite sleeping position. A fond smile tugged at his lips. Once upon a time, he couldn't even imagine sharing his bed with someone. Not even Taehyung, his best friend since childhood who loved to give him bone-breaking hugs. But now he couldn't imagine going a day without Jimin by his side.
Jungkook was protective as hell. It shouldn't even surprise Jimin in the least when he found out his boyfriend had not only called his school to say Jimin wouldn't come to work, but was also doing most of his work from home so he could take care of him. His entire body ached, especially his ribs hurt with every breath he took. So he wasn't complaining. The last thing he wanted was to explain this to Hanuel or the other nosy staff.
Jimin was flattered, honestly. Jungkook was someone who didn't even lift a finger to get his things done. At least that was the way before him. But how tables have turned. Then there was Taehyung, who was hovering around both of them clucking like a mother hen.
They'd insisted on cooking because both knew Jimin preferred home-cooked food. Jimin watched them for an hour as they both hunched over their phones going through one video after the other just to decide what to cook. He could only laugh when they grudgingly settled for ramyeon. Served them right for not allowing him to even walk around.
Once again it was smothering him but he wasn't going to complain. He knew not to look at the gift horse in its mouth. If anything, he basked in his boyfriend's attention soaking up everything as if there was no tomorrow. Jungkook had drawn him a bath with Epsom salt and then ordered his favorite food before feeding him to the brim. Now that he was settled on his lap with the latest k-drama on Netflix, he was content.
Jungkook made sure Jimin was asleep before leaving his side to go to the study room. Taehyung attached himself to Jimin taking the spot he just vacated. He rolled his eyes with a huff and Tae stuck his tongue out, something he learned from Jimin.
Right. Namjoon wasn't kidding when he told him he was growing soft. But he liked this side of him. There was less tension around his hyungs and he felt their bond had grown into something more than just loyalty and friendship.
He locked the study room behind him and went straight to his desk. Namjoon and Yoongi greeted him with a grim nod before shifting the camera to the man whose face was barely recognizable.
"What did he say?"
"He's a thief." Namjoon wiped his hands clean off the blood before smoothing a hand down his immaculate suit. "Someone hired him to steal the documents in your safe. But he couldn't pick the lock and ended up damaging it. So he tried to steal something of value and went to your bedroom where Jimin found him. They fought and he tried to knock him out but things didn't go well."
"He doesn't know who hired him. The calls came from a private number and he was paid in cash. Someone dropped it off in front of his door," Yoongi continued.
Jungkook leaned back, nibbling at his bottom lip. "Render both his hands useless. That should show others what will happen if they touch what's mine."
Namjoon regarded him for a long moment before nodding slowly. "You've changed," he said. "A good change of course."
Jungkook couldn't agree more. The old Jungkook would have ordered his death, but now he thought it was too severe for something like this. He was still furious but he thought it was better if the man lived to tell the tale.
"I'll go now, hyung."
Namjoon lifted a brow with a knowing smile but said nothing.
Jimin was glad to be back at school. The weekend was great. Taehyung and Hoseok came over, staying late into the night as they binge-watched a TV series while snacking. Taehyung even stayed over on Sunday because he was too lazy to drive at night. Overall the incident was almost forgotten. However, the happiness he was feeling drained at the moment he saw Hanuel bounding toward him.
"Jimin-ssi... It's good to see you again." Hanuel was as cheerful as any other day.
"Good morning, Haneul-ssi. Hope you had a good weekend." He put the bag on his table, pulling out the contents he'd need for the class.
"It was okay I guess. A bit boring if you asked me. What did you do over the weekend?" she asked, walking with him to the class.
"Mostly resting because I caught flu. I'm fine now. Thanks for taking care of my class during my absence." He smiled, meaning every word. Despite his dislike toward her, she was still great with children.
"It was nothing. The children in your class were literal angels." She beamed, slightly bouncing on her feet with each step she took. "They missed you though."
Jimin hummed. They soon reached the class and the rest of the morning was a blur. During the lunch break, a bouquet awaited Jimin with a handwritten note from Jungkook that made his heart skip a beat. The simple three words 'I miss you' were enough to brighten his mood.
"Oh, my God! They're so pretty," Hanuel squealed. "Is that from your boyfriend?"
Jimin preferred to keep his relationships private and wasn't a fan of the gossip mills in the school. The management was great and the staff was mostly friendly, but lord they gossiped like a bunch of old women. However, his relationship with Jungkook was pretty much exposed because the stubborn kid wouldn't stop sending him flowers and coffee to school with notes asking him out.
They didn't know Jungkook's identity yet because he never stepped out of his car and his windows were tinted. But then his sexuality wasn't a secret. However, some of the old school staff still held mixed feelings so he didn't really have a friend until Hoseok.
"It could be from a friend," Jimin replied, pocketing the card because he didn't trust the others not to go through his desk drawer in his absence.
Hanuel hummed. "Ah, come on, Jimin-ssi. Tell me more. They must really love you if they're sending you flowers."
Jimin shrugged. He knew Jungkook loved him a lot. It was no secret but it was his secret to keep. For some reason, he didn't want Hanuel to know. "Maybe."
Hanuel huffed. "At least give me his name," she grunted, dragging a chair to his table just as Hoseok came in from his class. She planted both her elbows on the table, supporting her chin over her interlaced fingers. "Does he look hot?"
Just then his phone rang from where he had put it on the table. Taehyung's name popped out on his screen with their selfie.
"Oh, my God! Is that him?" Her eyes widened. "His name is TaeTae?"
Jimin rolled his eyes, answering the call. He couldn't blame her. They did look pretty cozy in that picture and it was nothing new to them, but to an outsider, it might look as if they had something more than friendship. "Hey, TaeTae."
"How is my soulmate today?" His voice alone put a bright smile on his face.
"He is doing great. He is having his lunch now."
"Ah...Don't tell me your Jungkookie insisted on cooking again."
"No. Seokjin hyung came to my rescue." Jimin chuckled warmly at the reminder of the eldest hyung in their group fussing over him as he cooked that morning. He was on another business trip and had come to visit as soon as he had landed that morning.
"Lucky bitch. He won't cook for me even if I begged for it. Save me some if you don't wanna end up with stomach pain."
Jimin shook his head. His friend was always overdramatic. He acted as if they didn't meet once a month for dinner, where Jin cooked for everyone in his high-rise apartment in Seoul. "Fine. Come over, you baby."
"As if I'm not coming over already. I even packed a bag. I'm gonna crash in your guest room until JK kicks me out or you both get tired of my ass."
"Not happening." Jimin chuckled. He enjoyed having Taehyung over and after the last Friday's incident, he insisted on staying closer. He didn't mind. In fact, he was relieved to have company. The incident was still fresh in his mind and he was still skittish when he was alone in his room.
"I'm sure Hoseok hyung is jealous he isn't there."
Jimin lowered his phone looking over at Hoseok who was digging into his lunch. "Hyung, pack an overnight bag and come over. Someone is flexing his privileges and trying to rub it on your face."
"You're a fucking traitor. Why would you do this to me?"
Hoseok took the phone from Jimin. "You're welcome, asshole. See you tonight."
Jimin chuckled while Hanuel looked between them with a pinched face. So many questions were written on her face. Hoseok disconnected the call, returning it to Jimin, who put it inside his drawer.
"So, you're going to have a sleepover?" Hanuel asked after a moment.
Jimin shrugged. "We always do."
"If TaeTae is your friend...What about your boyfriend?" She was watching him intently as if trying to decipher something.
"What about him?" Jimin cocked a brow.
"Is he okay with this?"
Jimin leaned forward, tilting his head to the side. "Why would he not be okay?"
"I...don't know." She shrugged, finally grabbing her chopsticks.
"You're right, Hanuel-ssi. You don't know." Jimin picked his chopsticks with a smile. "You only hear rumors and make assumptions based on everything you see. I'd suggest not jumping to conclusions when you know nothing about my life."
"It's a simple question, Jimin-ssi. Do you have a boyfriend or not?" she asked.
Jimin lifted a brow and then smiled. "That's for me to know and you to wonder." He grinned.
"How do we get along if I know nothing about you?" she pouted. "I just want to make friends."
Jimin looked at her pointedly. "You know enough about me as your colleague, Hanuel-ssi. True friendship and trust are earned with time. You cannot force a plant to grow. You should just nurture it and allow it to grow in its place."
She regarded him for a long moment and nodded. "I understand." Her voice came out softer than usual. "I'm sorry if I came off like that. I'm just overexcited I guess."
Jimin nodded in acknowledgment as they returned to their lunch. They continued to eat in silence and soon it was time for their afternoon class. Hanuel kept to herself for Jimin's delight.
There was a knock on his classroom door sometime in the afternoon. Jimin looked up from where he was crouched beside one of his students; helping the little girl in choosing the colors for the flower she was coloring.
"Mr. Park, someone is here to meet you," the school attendant announced. "He's waiting for you in the parking lot."
"Thanks. I'll be there in a moment." He turned to Hanuel who was with another student. "Hanuel-ssi, I'll be right back."
Jimin found the said visitor in the parking lot facing the other way with his hands deep inside his pocket. He was tall with broad shoulders and sported a crew cut and wore a long coat. His car was parked only a few feet from him and he could already see a few staff who were outside looking discreetly in their direction.
"Excuse me?"
The man turned around, his sharp gaze accessing Jimin as if they were meeting for the first time.
"Oh," Jimin said. He met Choi Yeonjun in a parent-teacher's meeting a year ago. His son Choi Sungmin was in Jimin's class. "Mr. Choi, what brings you here today?"
"Teacher Park." His smile didn't reach his eyes. "Inspector Choi Yeonjun," he introduced properly. "I'm here on business today."
Jimin took his extended hand hesitantly for a brief handshake. "I know who you are. What's this business that concerns me?"
"Oh, I just have a few questions for you related to a recent case. It's just a normal procedure," he replied, pulling a beige cover from his inner pocket of the coat. Jimin watched as he thumbed the opening and retrieved some photographs. "Do you recognize this man?"
Jimin took the photo and turned it around to see the mug shot of a man he didn't recognize. He shook his head with a frown. "No."
"Are you sure, Jimin-ssi?" The inspector asked again.
The inspector hummed. "Surprising." He smirked as if he caught Jimin doing something. "Because this man said he works for you and your...boyfriend."
Now Jimin's frown deepened. He tilted his head, clenching his jaw wondering what this man insinuated. "I'm not sure what you're insinuating, inspector Choi."
"I'll refresh your memory then." Choi grinned slyly. "Last Friday there was an attempt of theft in one of the mansions in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in downtown, Gangnam. The owner of the mansion was Mr. Jeon Jungkook. And imagine my surprise when I learned the most eligible bachelor of South Korea had a secret boyfriend called Park Jimin, who worked as a kindergarten teacher."
Jimin narrowed his eyes. "Our relationship is a matter of privacy," he snapped. "State your business."
Choi smirked again. "I don't think you're in a position to dictate what I should do, Teacher Park." He turned slightly to his side and began spreading the photographs on the hood of the vehicle. "The thief in question, Ha Yoon was found on the alleys of Namdaemun-ro. Someone had chopped both his arms off and left him there bleeding on the ground." He pushed a photo at Jimin.
Jimin gagged at the mere sight of blood and gore taken at the scene of the crime. He thrust the photo back in the inspector's arms at a lightning speed before turning around the dry heave. Nausea rolled in his gut, his eyes tearing up and his body swayed.
A strong pair of hands held him steady just when he thought his knees would give up. "What's going on?" A voice so deep thundered and he leaned to the warm chest hiding his face and inhaling the familiar scent.
His head swarmed and his breathing came out in short pants. Hoseok rubbed his back soothingly, instructing him to breathe. Jimin blindly followed his instruction, his fists curling at the front of his shirt. "I got you, Jiminie. I got you. Just breathe for me, please."
"Yes, just like that," he continued to speak in a soft tone.
"You're doing well."
"Do it one more time."
Jimin followed the breathing pattern. In and out, he breathed slowly and found the fog clearing in his head.
When Hoseok addressed the inspector, his voice was hard again. "He has hemophobia. You better remove that shit from here," he almost growled.
Jimin's grip on Hoseok's shirt tightened and he held on.
"Inspector Choi Yeonjun," the cop introduced again. "I'm here for an inquiry and you must be Teacher Jung Hoseok. I have met you during parent-teacher meetings."
"I know who you are. What are you doing here with those pics? What were you even thinking? This is a school, inspector Choi." His chest heaved with anger. "You know well there are children around here. Shame on your behavior."
"I'm only doing my job, Teacher Jung. If Jimin-ssi had answered my question straight away we wouldn't have come to this point in the first place." He didn't even sound the least bit sorry.
Jimin took a few deep breaths and squeezed Hoseok's arm before he responded. He squared his shoulders and turned around to face the cop. He kept his gaze aimed somewhere over his shoulder so he wouldn't see anything.
"My boyfriend was being generous when he let go of the thief with a warning and did not press any charges. As for your question, inspector Choi, I still do not know this person because we have a contract with a third party to carry out cleaning and maintenance in all Jeon properties." He met Choi's gaze and held on. "The cleaning staff mostly comes when I'm at work. There was indeed an attempt at theft. I was the one who caught him in the act, but I did not see his face because he had a mask on. Our security detained him and took him outside."
Choi regarded him for a long moment, not pleased with his answer. "It's so nice of your boyfriend to let a thief walk away just like that," he said after a while. "That itself raises some questions, don't you think?"
"He did it because I asked him to," Jimin responded. "Before you ask, we are a people who prefer to live in peace. We canceled the contract with this company and changed our vendor. The company took disciplinary action against him. I think that was enough. We caught him in the act and therefore nothing was stolen. I didn't see the point in filing a police complaint."
"And you want me to believe that?"
Jimin shrugged. "I cannot dictate what you should do, inspector Choi." He threw back. "I have answered all your questions here." His features hardened.
"Not all questions, Teacher Park. His hands were chopped off. It was as if someone was sending a message."
Jimin felt his entire body going stiff. His face paled at the mention of the incident. "You said it, he was a thief. I can only imagine what type of people he mingled with and what else he was up to." He put a hand up stopping the inspector from saying anything else. "You can contact my lawyer if you have further questions and keep my relationship with Jungkook out of your files. It's none of your business." He slanted a glance at Hoseok. "I'm done here."
He pivoted on his heel and walked out of there without another look to see the inspector standing there with a clenched jaw.
Damn that inspector and damn those photos. His heart raced and his hands shook. Hoseok steered him toward the restroom as if sensing his turmoil. No words were exchanged as his hyung shut the door behind them and locked it.
Jimin went straight to the sink, splashing cold water on his face before planting his palms on the counter. His breathing was still ragged and he was proud of himself for being able to gather himself in front of the inspector.
His phobia for blood started at a young age when he witnessed his parent's accident. The sight of them lying inside the crumbled car broken and bloodied as he crawled out of the burning vehicle was still ingrained in his memory. An onlooker had dragged him away just before the car went in flames in front of his eyes. He lost his parents that day and all he could think about was the amount of blood that was pooled around him.
Too much blood.
Only the people in his close circle knew why the mere sight of blood affected him. He didn't suffer panic attacks often these days. The frequency had lessened over years. But he still suffered a vasovagal response at the sight of blood that often resulted in him fainting.
"You okay, Jiminie?"
Jimin shook his head. "What's going on, hyung?" he asked. "First, Hanuel and then that thief." He straightened, staring into the mirror.
"What about Hanuel?" Hoseok's expression was unreadable.
"I could be wrong, but I have a strong feeling that she's a reporter." He reached for a paper towel, wiping his face. She was also young and reckless. "She's too invested in my relationship with Jungkook. I don't like this."
"You should speak to Jungkook. He might know what to do," Hoseok suggested.
Jimin nodded. "I don't want them to out us like this. When that happens it has to be on our terms." He threw the paper towel into the trash bin. "Jungkook already has too much on his plate. I don't want this to be a bother. But I'll talk to him because this affects him too."
"You know I'm always here if you need something."
"I know." He took a deep breath and headed outside. "I'll have to go to my class. Thanks for coming, hyung."
"Anytime, Jiminie. Let's talk later."
When Jimin arrived in his classroom, Hanuel immediately crowded his space. "Who was that?"
Jimin cast a sideways glance. "A parent." He ignored her and went to his students continuing with the class.
One thing at a time, Jiminie. One thing at a time.
Jimin pulled his car in front of the nightclub, still frowning as he stared at the card. Why would Jungkook ask him to meet here?
A huge purple neon sign read "Euphoria." A long line of people stood outside the club waiting to get inside. He took a few deep breaths. Night clubs weren't his scene. Though he loved dancing and had no qualms about getting drunk, the clubs were just too crowded.
He never went clubbing with Jungkook though. The youngest was too busy for that and they preferred to spend their nights in the peace of their home or sometimes if they were in a mood, they went for a long drive or had dinner in some secluded high-class restaurant.
Things had been quiet since Choi's visit to the school two weeks ago. Even Hanuel was silent. She still hitched a ride now and then, joined them for lunch but she had kept her distance much to Jimin's delight. He felt like he could breathe again.
This afternoon when he received another bouquet from his boyfriend with a list of instructions for tonight's date he was surprised. Because in the morning Jungkook said he'd be busy tonight and will come home late. However, he thought there must be some change of plans. He tried reaching both Jungkook and Taehyung but there was no response, which was so unlike them. So he left a message saying he was coming over.
It was a party from what he understood. He dressed in a black silk shirt and black skin-tight jeans, leaving the top two buttons open. He'd switched his regular silver hoops for some dangly earrings Jungkook loved on him. Rings adorned almost all his fingers and the Chanel necklace felt cold against his skin. He hoped he wasn't overdressed for the occasion. He kept the makeup minimal but opted for a sweet flavored, shiny lip gloss that Jungkook loved.
Even the parking lot he parked was reserved for him when he arrived. He read through the instructions in the note once again before slipping out of the car and locked it. The late-night autumn air was chilly and he shivered, regretting his decision to leave the jacket inside the car. He hoped the inside of the club was warm as he made his way to the entrance.
The tall bouncer in black let him inside once he gave him his name and he walked inside ignoring the blistering looks he received from people who were waiting in line for maybe hours. Loud music reached his ears first and then he felt the vibrations under his feet.
The club was crowded as expected. He looked around to find the stairs to the VIP lounge to his left, tucked near the bar. He weaved through the crowd, shoulders brushing and bumping with each other before he made it to the stairs. A security guard dressed in an elegant suit blocked his path.
Jimin pulled a platinum card from his pocket and handed it to him. The guy's brows shot up in surprise but he was already removing the velvet rope and letting him up. "Take the stairs from the next floor," he stated gruffly.
He wasn't the least bit nervous when he entered the club or climbed the stairs. A little bit uncomfortable to be here alone. However, he thought he should have been nervous as soon as he stepped into the foyer. Up here, he felt he had stepped into a different world.
Instead of a classy VIP lounge, he was faced with somewhat another main area filled with tall and bulky-looking guys with tattoos, piercings, and various hairstyles. They were clad in dark clothing or leather. Some wore vibrant clothing and what caused his breath to hitch were the strippers. He was right. This was entirely a different world.
"What's a sweet little thing like you is doing here?" The voice that came from his left was gruff slightly drunk.
Jimin was taken back by his scary look and face tattoos. So he wordlessly waved the platinum card in front of his face again. The guy slightly paled before pointing him to another set of stairs to his right.
Jimin swallowed thickly as he climbed the stairs wondering what he would find here. This place was darker than the other two. Blue and red lights illuminated the area and the music playing was loud. A few people danced unceremoniously in the middle. Most of them wore business suits huddled together around tall tables with a drink and a cigarette in hand.
He cupped his nose at the onslaught of the smell and looked around. What kind of club is this?
He slowly looked around knowing he stuck out like a sore thumb in a place like this. The place was least crowded compared to the other two floors much to his comfort. He spotted a well-stocked bar with fancy drinks to his left. Jimin approached the bar, deciding to order a drink first.
He perched on the stool and pulled his phone out leaving another text for Jungkook saying he reached. As he waited for the drink, he took another look around. Maybe Jungkook was already here. His gaze sifted through the crowd looking for a particularly tall male with dark curly hair.
It didn't take long to spot Jungkook because when a particular group obscuring his vision moved, he saw him. His boyfriend looked breathtakingly stunning in another dark suit. They were in an isolated section filled with circular patterned couches. More guards in black suits similar to the one he spotted downstairs surrounded them.
Jungkook had a glass of whiskey in his hand. Yoongi and Namjoon sat on either side of him and he looked deeply immersed in conversation with a group of people. Taehyung was nowhere to be seen. Jimin sighed, deciding to wait until Jungkook was done with the meeting.
The drink came on time. The strawberry daiquiri tasted divine, just like he remembered if not better. He wasn't here to get drunk tonight. He just needed something to keep him occupied while he waited. He played with the short sleeves of his shirt while he sipped his drink.
"Hello, sweetheart..." a voice drawled from his left, a man with a buzz cut occupied the empty chair beside him. "You look way out of place."
Jimin forced a smile and sipped his drink, not bothering to respond to him.
"Playing hard, I see." The man snickered causing Jimin to roll his eyes. "What's your name, sweet thing?"
"None of your business," he replied, keeping his gaze straight.
The man inched closer. "Oh, you're in our place now, sweetheart. I think it's every bit of my business."
Jimin turned in his stool to face the crowd, drink in one hand, and elbow resting casually on the counter behind him as he crossed his legs. He wasn't afraid of people like him. They just didn't know how to respect someone's boundaries.
Besides, Jungkook was only a couple of feet away from him. He knew that platinum cards have to mean something and the way bodyguards stood guarding his boyfriend and his business associates said he was someone important. He was safe inside here as long as Jungkook was there. He continued to sip his drink watching with disinterest as two more guys joined the first one.
"Looks like Ricky got himself a catch," one teased, his gaze not too subtle traced from head to toe.
"What's his name?" the other asked.
"He's a little feisty. He thinks it's none of our business." They broke into a fit of laughter. Jimin saw nothing amusing about it. "What is it, sweetheart?" The man asked once he recovered. "Too afraid to talk now."
Jimin stared at him with the same disinterest. "I'm here for my boyfriend. As you can see I'm a little busy and can't entertain you guys tonight."
"Boyfriend?" The second one whistled low. "This one has got taste. So which one of us is your boyfriend, little one?" He waved around, his laughter a little too mocking.
"Come on, don't be shy," the third chided. "Give us his name. Who do you belong to?"
Jimin then met his gaze, too tempted to wipe that smug grin on his face. He jerked his head to the men in the isolated lounge. "He's in there."
"'re a bit too ambitious to point at them." The first one threw a hand around his shoulder. "Those men are way out of your league, sweetheart. Quit daydreaming and state your real purpose of being here."
Jimin shrugged off his hand, eyes narrowing and vaguely registering the few groups of men who were in the hall were now looking at them. "You'll keep your hands to yourself if you know what's good for you," he replied, all traces of smile leaving his face. He knew he looked intimidating when he wanted to be and he looked like he was seconds away from chewing their asses because the men took a step back. "My Jungkookie is a jealous man," he drawled, gaze shifting briefly to his boyfriend who still hasn't noticed him.
"J-Jungkook? D-Did you say Jungkook?" The second stammered.
"Did I stutter?" Jimin cocked a brow.
"W-what's your name?" The first one asked, a little serious this time.
"Jiminie?" Before he could answer them, a familiar tone cut through the music. More heads turned their way.
Jimin whipped his head around with a wide smile. "Taehyung-ah..." he greeted. "I've been trying to reach you since afternoon. Where the hell have you been?" He jumped off the stool embracing his friend who stood with a look of surprise.
When he released Taehyung and glanced up at his friend he heard a low voice behind him saying, "Jimin?"
He looked over his shoulder and smiled. "It's Park Jimin," he said, not registering the way the men paled at the mention of his name. "It was nice to meet you guys." He waved at them and then was being pulled away by his friend.
"Come with me." Taehyung led him out of that bar and toward a corridor he didn't notice was there before. He followed silently through the narrow corridor, passing a few glass doors which looked like an office area before his best friend stopped in front of a wooden door. "Go inside. I'll let Jungkook know that you're here," his best friend said with a tight expression he couldn't comprehend.
"Okay." He pushed the door walking inside once again failing to see the way his friend nervously swallowed behind him.
The term for the irrational fear of blood is hemophobia. While some people may feel uneasy about blood from time to time, hemophobia is an extreme fear of seeing blood, or getting tests or shots where blood may be involved. This phobia can have a serious impact on your life.
Hemophobia is unique because it also produces what's called a vasovagal response. A vasovagal response means you have a drop in your heart rate and blood pressure in response to a trigger, such as the sight of blood. When this happens, one may feel dizzy or faint.
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