Chapter 2

Thanks to my bestie who made this wonderful cover!!! I love it so much.


The day was over soon and Jimin sat in his staff room going through the links Taehyung shared earlier. Jungkook wouldn't be here for another thirty minutes so he usually took that time to relax and scroll through his social media accounts.

From Boyfie:

Baby, something came up at work.

I will be home late. Don't wait for dinner.

The driver is on his way to pick you up.

Oh, I also have a corporate party tonight. Can you send one of my suits over?

I forgot I send the ones in my office for cleaning.

Something dark, please.

Jimin sighed. It wasn't the first time or it won't be the last. Jungkook's schedule was hectic. He even had a bedroom in his office and Taehyung had told him that Jungkook often slept in his office. But that has changed once they moved in. He always came home.

To Boyfie:

Sure, love.

Don't forget to have your dinner on time.

From Boyfie:

I won't.

Love you, baby.

To Boyfie:

Love you too, darling.

" you need a ride today?" Hoseok approached his table, ready to leave.

"No. Jungkook sent his driver." Jimin stood, packing his things. "Let's walk together."

Hoseok nodded and they exited the staff room together, talking about their day. His friend opened the back door, throwing his bag on the seat, and closed the door while Jimin casually leaned on the side. Hoseok always waited for him until someone came to pick him up or drove him home himself, so it had become a routine for them. Jimin liked it because he didn't have to wait alone.

"You remember the dance studio I told you about? Taehyungie sent me some links to look through," Jimin said browsing through the property description. "I like these two. They're close to home but also close to subway and bus station."

Hoseok took his phone excitedly. "Wow...these look great. It's only a ten-minute drive from our school. We can check them out during our break time tomorrow." He scrolled through. "I can drive you."

Jimin beamed. "That'd be great." He leaned closer, their shoulders brushing. "The rent looks affordable too."

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "As if your boyfriend wouldn't buy it for you in a heartbeat."

Jimin chuckled. "You know I don't want him to interfere with things like this. I want to do this on my own."

"I know." Hoseok squeezed his shoulder gently. "And I respect him for that. I know your boyfriend is possessive as heck, but he always respects your wishes."

"He does." Jimin took the phone Hoseok handed back to him and pocketed it. "Sometimes I feel like this is all too good to be true." He sighed and snuggled to Hoseok's side accepting the sideways hug.

"Why do you think that? You're an amazing person, Jiminie." He squeezed him to his side. "I'd vouch that you're the most genuine person I've ever met. You're a rare gem, my friend. Anyone who has you by their side is fortunate."

Jimin wrapped his arms around Hoseok's middle, smiling and feeling light-hearted. The car rolled in as if on cue. "Thanks, hyung. Wanna join me and Tae for shopping this weekend?"

"No. I have to be somewhere this weekend. I'll join you the next time." Hoseok has been occasionally joining their hangouts on weekends and to say he gost along with Taehyung so well. Well, Hoseok got along with anyone and everyone.

The sleek black Mercedes slid into the curb smoothly stopping in front of Jimin. He hugged Hoseok one more time bidding goodbye and jumped into the car, waving at Hoseok as they pulled away.

"How was your day, Kangmin-ssi?"

"It was great, sir." The driver, a middle-aged man in his early fifties smiled kindly. "How about you?"

"The children were fantastic. How is your daughter? Is she settled in her new job?"

"Yes, sir. They're treating her well."

"That's good to hear," Jimin acknowledged fixing his gaze at the road. The traffic was hectic as usual but Kangmin was an efficient driver and a kind one.

When they reached the mansion, Jimin got out. "Jungkook wanted a suit for tonight's event. I'll be right back."

"Sure, Mr. Park."

Jimin walked leisurely inside nodding his head toward the cleaning staff who were about to leave for the day as he headed to their bedroom and then into their shared closet. He sifted through his boyfriend's never-ending collection of black. Inside, it was so easy to identify which side belonged to whom. Jimin's side was full of light colors while Jungkook's side was dark.

He scoffed internally, but a fond smile traced his lips. Though he wanted to see him in other colors, he adored this part of him too. It was just endearing like any other character traits of the youngest.

He pulled the first black suit he saw, replacing the black shirt with a maroon shirt. Dark colors looked so good on him that Jimin sometimes found it hard to breathe. When he was about to turn, he noticed the stained Saint Laurent suit hanging by the far end of the closet, wrapped in transparent covers.

Unlike what Jungkook had told him, he had never trashed it or sent it for cleaning. It still stayed in the closet, reminding them of their first meeting. A smile tugged at his lips and he ran his fingers over the suit.

"Fifteen-thousand dollars?" For the first time since he arrived at the Jeon headquarters, Jimin felt glad for being alone with Jungkook in his office because he had jumped from his seat, his eyes almost popping out when Jungkook had mentioned the cost of his suit. "And you trashed it?"

Jungkook shrugged. "There's nothing to salvage."

"Unbelievable. That's half of my annual income. There's no way I can pay you the amount in full." His chest wheezed as dread settled in.

Jungkook looked nonchalant and elegant in his leather swivel chair as if Jimin's entire life wasn't crumbling in front of him. "Should have watched your steps."

"No one asked you to wear the freaking suit and walk on the street," Jimin shot back, causing Jungkook to cock his brow. The older rubbed his face before plopping back on his seat. "I'm sorry. It was my fault." Tears filled his eyes. "I-I need time."

"Time and patience is something I do not have, Mr. Park."

When Jungkook fixed his intense stare at him, Jimin froze. His entire being went on alert and his flight mode was only a few seconds away from being activated. He gripped his thigh, trying to ground himself.

"Listen, mister, I-I'm a kindergarten teacher and I teach dance during my free time." His throat closed when he realized what he was about to do. It was hard and humiliating but it was better to surrender than fight a battle he knew he will never win. Jungkook had both power and money, a dangerous combination. He'd done his research on the Jeon group before coming in and knew he was in the lion's den. Now it was really a life or death matter.

"And how is that my concern?" Jungkook leaned back, crossing his leg that made him look regal.

Jimin swallowed. "Y-You're right. It's not your concern. I can make the payments in installments," he suggested, not meeting Jungkook's eyes.

"You're twenty-eight years old. Are you telling me that you don't have fifteen-thousand dollars in your bank account to pay me?"

Jimin spared a glance at the youngest, worrying his bottom lips and blinking his eyes to keep his tears at bay. He couldn't cry in front of this man. Couldn't afford to show his weakness, but what would he do when being in his mere presence brought out all his worst fears?

"Not everyone is fortunate, Mr. Jeon. My ex-boyfriend almost left me bankrupted before kicking me out of our apartment which I paid for." Jimin decided he will be honest though it was painful to get those words out.

It wasn't that he didn't want to pay. He knew it was his fault that Jungkook's suit was ruined. If that wasn't enough he had to faint in his arms, which they later found wasn't only because of his phobia but also due to exhaustion and malnourishment. The doctors had kept him at the hospital for two days and it definitely wasn't Jungkook's responsibility to discharge him. But he did it anyway and Jimin hoped, perhaps if he could make him see reason...he would give him enough time to pay back the money he owed him.

"Once again, how is that my concern, Mr. Park? Borrow it from your friends, family or get a loan. Do whatever."

Jimin's tears slid out, unable to hold any longer as his words sliced through his heart. He didn't even understand why his words had to hurt so much when he was a stranger. Perhaps it was because he no longer had friends he could rely on or his only family, his grandmother was sick and counting her days. Perhaps it was because he had no one to share his burden with.

"I-I'm not asking you to excuse me, Mr. Jeon." He dared to meet Jungkook's eyes then. "I-It was an accident. I want to pay you, but I'm just asking you for more time. Is it too much to ask for, Jungkook-ssi?" His lips trembled as he stared at the stranger he owed.

Jimin didn't fancy being in this situation. He'd exhausted all his savings to rent his shitty loft after his ex kicked him out. He was barely getting by until his next paycheck came in.

Jungkook regarded him for a long moment. "And how do you plan to pay, Jimin-ssi?"

Hope bloomed inside him as he noticed the intensity of Jungkook's glare softening at the edges. "I-I can take extra dance classes, work overtime," he rushed to say. "I can make payments in monthly installments until I pay it all." He looked at him hopefully.

Jungkook scrunched his nose as he leaned forward. "Or we can come to some sort of agreement." His dark eyes trailed over his body and Jimin felt the heat licking over his skin.

"W-What agreement?" Jimin averted his gaze.

"I don't know," Jungkook smirked in his peripheral vision. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as his eyes narrowed. "You tell me. I'm open to suggestions."

"I-I'm not s-sleeping with you," he deadpanned despite feeling like dying of embarrassment inside. But that gaze...he knew lust when he saw one. Jungkook had been eying him since he came inside and wasn't the least bit subtle about it. He had brushed it aside so far, but he couldn't think there was any other meaning behind his suggestive words.

"No?" Jungkook grinned with mild amusement. "Was worth a try," he said instead. "How about a dinner then?"

Jimin blinked, his mouth agape. "I..." He closed his mouth, struggling to school his thoughts. "I'm not going out with you. I don't know what game you're playing, Jungkook-ssi." He stood. "I-I should go." He took a step back, feeling like a trapped mouse. "I'll pay your money in installments. You can text me your account details and I'll transfer them every month. We don't even have to meet each other."

"Why should I trust you?" Jungkook stood as well, circling the table to come and stand beside him. "You could bail out on me. Leave the country or move cities."

Jimin scowled at that. "Trust me, Mr. Jeon. If I had enough money to leave the country, I'd have done it already." A sigh drifted off him. "I'll pay you. You have my word and I don't go back on my promises."

Jungkook clicked his tongue. "I do not know you enough to trust you, Mr. Park. I need some sort of leverage."

The older fidgeted with his fingers. "I don't have anything of value to give you as leverage."

"Meet me for dinner every Friday. So I'll know you haven't run away."

Jimin just stared at him blankly. This man would never give up. "I'll report to your front desk every Friday after work," he replied. "You're a busy man, Mr. Jeon. I'm sure you have other better things to do than having dinner with me. I'm also sure you do not treat every person who owes you to dinner." The tell-tale sign of Jungkook's amused smirk said it all. "I'll sign a promissory that way you won't have to do any of this."

Jungkook pushed his tongue inside his cheek, his smile widening. Jimin was expecting another proposition, but the smile fell and his face went back to that impassive mask. "That's settled then. You may leave my office, Mr. Park. My lawyer will be in touch with you one of these days."

Jimin released a breath he didn't realize he was holding and nodded curtly. "Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Jeon." He pivoted on his heel and left the office without a second look.

Jimin shook his head to clear his thoughts as he approached the driver, handing him the suit. The evening was over and the sun settled on the horizon with Jimin sipping his coffee on their rooftop garden.

Life with Jungkook was peaceful. It surprised him that they barely had any disagreements or arguments. The youngest mostly relented even before the argument started while Jimin first hand knew how hard he could be, which was why he always thought this was too good to be true.

He rubbed a hand over his pleasantly aching chest. Falling in love with the Jeon heir was the last thing he expected when they began dating. At first, it was to get Jungkook off his back. He expected the youngest would give up after a date, but he kept coming back.

Jimin didn't have much luck with relationships. He thought it was because of his personal rules. He never allowed intimacy until he was comfortable with them. It took a lot of time given his shy nature but many didn't last that long. They always wanted more than Jimin could give them. The two who got past that stage didn't last either.

Perhaps, his previous relationship reached that stage because they were doing long distance during the initial stages of a relationship and Jimin was a fool to believe he was in love. Or his ex was so good at pretending. After moving in, he learned that his ex didn't even have a proper job though he called himself a freelancer.

Minhyuk barely brought anything to the table and Jimin being the most understanding one in the relationship always made sure their bills were paid and they had something to eat. After all, a couple should stay together during their highs and lows, shouldn't they? But Jimin didn't have any close friends to tell him his ex was leeching off him with false promises.

If that wasn't enough, his abusive words had taken a toll on Jimin so much that he was spiraling back into his old habits. He was slowly dying inside unknowing how to make this relationship work. Minhyuk was good when he gave money or spent something on him, when he denied he turned into a monster.

Jimin was too naïve to see what was happening. Thankfully, he'd walked in on Minhyuk cheating on him one day when he came earlier from school because he was sick. But then things didn't go as expected for Jimin. Minhyuk didn't like to be confronted and he retaliated by kicking Jimin out of their shared apartment.

As his fate would have it Jimin had met Jungkook in less than four months and the rest was history. Jungkook never allowed him to spend a penny. He always insisted on taking care of him and he did. While Jimin had all the freedom in the world, Jungkook liked to be in charge of everything and he let him. It felt good to be taken care of for once in his life.

His ringing phone brought him out of his thoughts and an involuntary smile spread on his lips upon seeing Jungkook's name on his screen.

"Hey..." he breathed.

"I missed you, Strawberry." Jungkook's voice was husky. He sounded exhausted.

"I missed you too, my love. Are you tired?"

"A little bit," he said. "What are you doing?"

"I'm on the rooftop just chilling." He stared at the orange sky. Listening to Jungkook's voice in the evening while they snuggled together with a coffee on their couch was his favorite thing. But those evenings were rare because Jungkook worked so much and often came home after eight.

Jungkook hummed and it felt as if he was relaxing. "The sky is so beautiful today."

Jimin smiled. "It is."

"I wish I was there with you."

"Me too." Jimin's face heated up. He still didn't understand how Jungkook could make him feel like a teenager in love with just a few simple words.

Someone spoke in the background and he heard Jungkook grunting. "I gotta go now, baby. Eat on time and go to bed, yeah?"

"Okay, my love. I love you."

"I love you too, Strawberry. I'll try to leave at the earliest so I can come and cuddle you."

Jimin chuckled. "Won't have it any other way."

"Bye, baby. See you soon."

"See you soon."

The call ended and Jimin let out a sigh of content. He stood lazily stretching his arms above his body before grabbing his coffee mug and heading down to the kitchen. He decided to retire early, maybe read the new book he bought. He padded to the fridge, heating up the leftovers from last night and quickly scarfing it down.

After a warm shower, he settled in Jungkook's study room couch comfortably with his new book. It was a romance novel he picked up during his last shopping trip with Taehyung. Speaking of which, he remembered something.

To TaeTae:

Are you going with Jungkookie to this party?

Tae responded immediately.

From TaeTae:

You know I'm his right-hand man. I'm where he is.

Jimin chuckled at that. He could rest easy most of the days because Taehyung was there with Jungkook.

To TaeTae:

Just make sure he eats something, please.

From TaeTae:

I will.

To TaeTae:

I'll let you go now.

Goodnight TaeTae.

From TaeTae:

Goodnight Minnie mouse.

Jimin could already picture Jungkook scowling while reading their texts. The youngest got jealous so easily that it was so endearing to watch. He got overly clingy and drowned him with kisses no matter where they were. While their relationship was still under the radar and Jimin never joined him publically, it didn't bother him much.

It was understandable. Jungkook was a public figure. Having a bunch of paps following you everywhere was the last thing he wanted. But that didn't stop the youngest from taking Jimin outside. He never shied away from PDA too so Jimin always wondered how they haven't caught any attention yet. Also, secretly glad for the things like the way they were.

Putting the phone on his lap, he set to read the book. The reviews were right, the book was humorous from the start. Before he knew he was already few chapters into the book. The interactions of the main characters reminding him of his boyfriend all the time. It was such a pleasant feeling. Before he knew it, he was asleep on the couch, hugging the book to his chest and a smile on his lips.


"Relax, Jungkook-ah. We will find who it is." Taehyung tried to ease Jungkook's anger as best he could. They were alone in Taehyung's car and only a few people were allowed to call him by his first name. Taehyung and Jungkook had grown up together since they were in their diaper days. Taehyung's father was Jungkook's father's, right-hand man. "We're almost there. You can't meet Jimin like this."

Jungkook clenched and unclenched his jaw. He felt like he was doused in ice water at the mention of Jimin's name. Taehyung was right. He cannot go in like this.

"Deep breaths," Taehyung spoke in a calming voice as he effortlessly careened through traffic. "Just sleep it off tonight."

Jungkook nodded jerkily. Tonight was one of the most important nights with them closing a deal with their overseas client. But the meeting had to be cut short because their location was compromised. The information was a top-secret with only a few people knowing the details. He didn't know how the cops even got wind of it.

Though the majority of their businesses were legal, his clients weren't. He hoped the cops were sniffing butts of his client who was the most wanted head with several bounties for his head in the underground. It was risky for someone to find them together. After all, Jungkook was known as a cutthroat businessman and most of his underground dealings were unknown to the world.

No one knew the real face of JK, the ruthless mafia king who ran the scene in South Korea. He didn't interfere with the other gangs as long as they didn't meddle with his business. But they always knew who the real boss was. He made sure of it.

"We're here," Taehyung announced as they entered the huge compound of his mansion, driving through the neat path that led to the driveway. "Take a shower before you go to him."

Jungkook nodded tightly before slipping out of the car, slamming the door shut without another word. Taehyung pulled away. The mafia boss ignored his security guard, entering his home. He made his way to the bedroom taking several deep breaths only to be met with an empty bed. He frowned but knew where to find Jimin if he wasn't here.

He followed Taehyung's advice, stripping and jumping into the shower before dressing into comfortable sweat pants, and went looking for Jimin. As expected, Jimin was asleep on his study room couch, curled to his side. He stood there for a long moment, taking in his soft features, and found himself relaxing.

Jimin looked so soft with a pout and fists curled under his chin. His pink hair was fluffy and fanned out. He had worn Jungkook's t-shirt that almost swallowed him. The neck of the t-shirt was loose, sliding down to expose his marked neck and collarbones. Jungkook felt the surge of protectiveness rush over him. He vowed for the millionth time that he would never let anyone or anything harm his boyfriend.

Hooking an arm under his legs and torso, he effortlessly lifted Jimin off the couch, who stirred but settled in his arm once he realized it was Jungkook.

"Jungkookie..." he mumbled sleepily while wrapping his arms loosely around his neck.

"Yes, it's me, baby." Jungkook kissed the top of his head, inhaling his comforting scent.

"Did you eat?" Jimin continued, digging his nose into his chest.

"I did." Soon they were in his bedroom. Jungkook gently lowered Jimin to the bed before climbing to lie beside him.

Jimin clung to him like a koala, burying his nose into his neck this time, tangling their legs. With his breath puffing out and warming his neck he went back to sleep instantly. Jungkook too relaxed leaning to bury his nose into Jimin's hair. His little angel always eased his mind. With all his anger and rage were forgotten he fell asleep with Jimin in his arms.

The next morning Jungkook woke to an empty bed, patting the other side with a frown. What time is it?

He blindly reached for his phone on the table only to realize it was nowhere to be found. His eyes shot open and he sat upright remembering he'd brought his other phone home and he'd left it on the table before going to get Jimin.


He jumped off the bed, searching for it in the bedroom and when he didn't find it he dashed out of the room. Probably, Jimin might have seen it. His blood pressure only increased when he didn't find Jimin in the kitchen or living room.

Did Jimin leave already?

He climbed the stairs, two steps at a time, and came to a halt when he noticed the door to his study room open. A relieved breath left his lungs and he rushed to the room, his heart coming to a stop when he saw his phone pressed to Jimin's ears.

"Baby..." He clenched his fists, his gaze narrowed at the phone.

"Oh." Jimin whipped around. "Hey...I'm sorry I overslept," he said averting his eyes and walking around the room with a frown.

Jungkook almost had a heart attack when Jimin dialed something on his phone again. He fought the urge to snatch the phone out of his hand. Fuck. That phone was a ticking time bomb and he should have known better. He clenched his jaw wondering what Jimin was up to in the morning.

"What are you looking for?"

Jimin hummed absent-mindedly. "I can't find my—oh." His eyes widened. "Do you hear it?" He stopped by the couch and crouched down with his phone still pressed to his ears.

Jungkook forced himself to relax. He's just looking for his phone. At least it was what it looked like. His breath almost stopped this time for completely different reasons. Jimin was on all fours, his chest and cheek pressed to the floor, one arm reaching under the couch.

"Fuck!" Jungkook's eyes darkened as he swallowed.

"Ah, can't reach it," Jimin groaned catching his attention.

Jungkook inched closer, his eyes never leaving Jimin's plump ass that was flexing with his every move. The heat was spreading to his groin. He ignored it and went to lift the couch with ease. The sooner he got over this the faster he could get his phone back. Did Jimin see anything?

"Got it!" Jimin beamed, climbing to his feet with a victorious smile and Jungkook found himself returning the smile without even trying. "Oh, did you change your password?" Jimin handed him the phone. "It won't take my fingerprint."

Jungkook's smile fell, eyes zooming in on the phone. Oh, fuck. ",'s a different phone." He grabbed the phone as gently as possible, pocketing it.

"You have another phone?" Jimin was frowning.

"It's for work," Jungkook replied forcing his expression to stay calm. It was a response he practiced several times in his head to give Jimin if he ever found the phone he usually left locked in his study or safe when he was with Jimin. "I usually leave it in the office or lock it in the study so I don't get tempted to work when I'm with you. It's only for clients you know." He forced a smile. "I came directly from work yesterday and forgot to hand it over to my secretary."

"Ah, that makes sense," Jimin murmured. "It's good you don't bring any work home." He was already walking out, dropping the matter.

Jungkook followed. "How did you open it?"

"I used your thumb. Duh!" Jimin threw a glance over his shoulder. "I overslept. There was no alarm to wake me up today." He pouted. "I hate it when this happens. I'll call in late and will ask Hoseok hyung to look after my class. Don't you have to be in office?" He checked the time, stopping briefly to look at his boyfriend.

"No. I don't have any meetings in the morning," Jungkook said feeling relieved that Jimin hadn't seen anything else.

His throat tightened at the thought of how close he had come to reveal his identity. He snuck a look at his phone when Jimin climbed down the stairs. Sure enough, there were texts from Taehyung and the others talking about last night's deal. He pocketed the phone quickly. Now was not the time. Everything would have to wait until Jimin left for work.

"Why don't you get ready for work while I fix something for breakfast?" he asked hoping for some distraction.

"I'm hungry, Jungkookie." Jimin pouted again. "I'll just make some toast. Can you get the coffee going?"

"Sure, baby." Jungkook kissed the top of his head and got to work.

He had to be really careful. He eyed his boyfriend who was flitting around the kitchen without a clue. It helped that Jimin wasn't nosy and didn't dig for information. He seemed to be content with whatever Jungkook gave him and that seemed to work so far.

He sighed, running a hand over his face. Last night's mistake should never be repeated again.


"What is that, baby? Did you say something, hmm?" Jungkook nibbled at his earlobe, sucking the outer shell.

But Jimin was a blubbering mess pressed against the tiled wall of their shower stall. His legs slipped as they trembled from where he had them wrapped around Jungkook's waist. The youngest had an arm wrapped around his waist, holding him in place while the other cupped the back of his head to protect Jimin's head from hitting the wall.

"Oh, God!"

"Oh, my God!"

Jimin moaned with each hard thrust that sent Jungkook's cock deep inside him. He could barely contain his moans anymore and his body was flushed red.

"Aww...You can just call me Jungkookie or love." He snapped his hip forward, hitting the sensitive bundle of his nerves inside of him repeatedly.

Jimin cried out with every thrust. Jungkook captured his swollen lips, swallowing every lewd moan. "You look like a fucking sin," he growled against his lips. "If I were a teenager, I'd have nutted so hard at the mere sight of you."

Jimin whimpered, biting his lips. Jungkook didn't have any intention of sex when he stepped into the shower with Jimin that morning. He often slipped into a shower or bath with him in the morning despite Jimin's shy protests. But this morning he just wanted to kiss Jimin senseless but one thing turned into another and soon he had Jimin pressed against the wall.

He was right. Jimin looked like a fucking dream with his wet hair plastered to his forehead, water cascading around his milky skin, mouth parted with a litany of moans. It was so obscene that Jungkook felt his stomach tighten at the sight.

So fucking beautiful.

He pressed further into Jimin's body feeling his hole clenching tightly around his cock. His aching cock rubbed between their bodies. He could tell Jimin was close. "Come for me, baby. Let go."

"Ah...I'm-I'm..." Whatever followed was incoherent to Jungkook's ears but beautiful nonetheless.

"Do it, baby. Show me how beautiful you are," he urged.

Jimin let go. He clenched so hard that Jungkook's orgasm hit him out of nowhere. His knees buckled and he cried out Jimin's name, dropping his head on his shoulders as he bucked his hips uncontrollably. Their chest heaved together and Jimin went limp in his arms.

Jungkook kissed Jimin's skin wherever he could reach. As he did, he couldn't help but wonder how things had changed for him after Jimin. He never kissed anyone before Jimin. Not even his parents. Physical intimacy made him uncomfortable.

Sex was something he indulged to take off the edge and something he saw as a means to blow off the steam. He liked his partners a bit naughty and teasing but he never did missionary because he didn't like seeing their faces when he wouldn't even remember their names the next day. It was always fast and he left as soon as the deed was done.

With Jimin, there was this overwhelming urge to watch him when he writhed underneath him. He was the first person he wanted to genuinely kiss to the point it was the only thing he could think of for weeks after meeting Jimin. His boyfriend still had trouble believing when Jungkook claimed he was his first kiss. But he could see the fond smile stretching his lips every time it came up. He knew Jimin fucking treasured that fact just like how he will treasure the fact that he will be Jimin's last.

He took his time, gently cleaning his boyfriend and carrying him to the bedroom. He helped him dry and dress, kissing and nuzzling his cheek as he recovered.

"Kangmin-ssi will drive you to school. I'll send in lunch for today, okay?"

Jimin hummed, walking lazily beside him snuggling to his side with a protesting groan. "Don't feel like going to work today."

"You know I'm only happy to entertain you, but you will regret your decision later. Jungkook opened the door nudging his boyfriend gently. "Go and make the kids happy." He kissed his nose and pecked his pouty lips. "I'll be home around eight. We will catch up with that series we couldn't finish for a while now and eat on the couch."

"And cuddle?" Jimin looked so fucking cute like this, he had the urge to hide him somewhere and protect him like the precious gem he was.

"Yes, that too. Anything for you, baby."

"I love you..." Jimin wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Love you too, my baby. Now, off you go." He gently pried off his hands.

"Okay. I'm going to look at some places Tae sent. Hoseok hyung is driving me."

"Sounds good. Call me or Tae if you need anything."

"I will."

"Bye, baby."


Jungkook stayed in the driveway until the car disappeared from his sight. His phone blared for his attention and he swiped his thumb across the scene without even looking at his screen.

"Kang's men are onto something. We don't know what it is yet."

"I don't trust them. Keep an eye on them."

"On it. They were last seen in Gangnam. I have our men on standby," Taehyung said in the other end.

Jungkook nodded. Kang's men had no business in his territory. Did they have a lead? He decided to stay quiet this time because it concerned both the parties if it was the case. His fingers tapped idly on his thigh as his mind raced. Who's the fucking mole?


Jung Hoseok saw them as soon as he had eased into the traffic. They stuck out like a sore thumb. For anyone, the black Toyota Camry looked like a normal car with normal people going on about their regular day, but in the eyes of Korea's most feared assassin, he saw it for what it was. He eyed Jimin casually and noticed his friend was distracted with his phone, too busy and excited to notice something like this or the change in his mood.

To Jimin, he'd always be the literal sunshine, who cannot stop smiling. But in reality, Jung Hoseok was a dangerous man. Someone you never want as an enemy. And this wasn't something he'd normally do for anyone, but Jungkook was family and so was Jimin who was his first real relationship.

He pulled his phone and shot a text to Taehyung, receiving an immediate response.

To Vantae:

We're being followed.

From Vantae:

Is Minnie with you?

To Vantae:


From Vantae:

I'm coming.

Kang's men are in town.

Watch out while I alert our men.

Stay close to Minnie.

To Vantae:

Got it.

It was afternoon and the classes were cut short because of some inspection. It was a normal thing but the management decided to engage children in some fun activities in the main hall after the inspection so Jimin and Hoseok decided to take the rest of the day off leaving the other teachers to handle the rest.

As they drove to their first destination, Hoseok kept an eye out and stayed close to Jimin like he always had, his body and mind poised for attack. When Jungkook asked him to protect Jimin two years ago, he hadn't thought twice though it wasn't something he did. He was a skilled assassin and not a protector. Going undercover as a teacher in a kindergarten was the last thing he had on his to-do list.

However, Jungkook never asked him anything before. He rarely did. When he said he didn't trust Jimin with any other men, he'd given in and switched his otherwise dark clothes for lighter ones that matched Jimin's aura. After all, he did know how it felt to be hopelessly in love with someone.

The visit went back in a jiffy and now he was waiting at the parking lot in front of his car while Jimin talked to the realtor, a middle-aged woman in her late forties. The woman was irritating him already by how she was pushing Jimin to accept the property. He was half tempted to drag Jimin out of there when the youngest bowed deeply and excused himself from the woman.

"Hyung, we can leave." Jimin climbed in, securing his seat belt. Hoseok pocketed the phone and climbed inside, revving the engine with a grim look.

Hoseok maneuvered his vehicle effortlessly through the heavy traffic, following Jimin's directions to their next destination. The first two dance studios they visited were close to their school, but this building sat in somewhat an isolated area. The streets weren't too crowded but the rents were cheaper compared to the other two with a lot of parking space and a convenience store close by and a small children's park sat at the opposite side. The building was newly renovated and the interiors looked great.

The older eyed Jimin who was busy talking to the realtor before his gaze flicked to his rearview mirror. The black car had been following them since they left the school grounds. He'd seen them lurking when they checked out the last two properties. Now that they entered the street he noticed two more vehicles following them.

He pulled his phone out, opening the message thread.

To Vantae:

Send backup.

[Location attached]

I see three vehicles.

From Vantae:

On our way.

They slowed down and the cars tailing them slowed too. He side-eyed Jimin again, relaxing when he was too immersed in his phone to notice. He quickly shot a message to Vantae. Gang wars were a thing, but there wasn't one since Jungkook incinerated the Cobras four years ago. It was surprising why Kang would allow his men to wander into their territory even though they were allies.

To Vantae:

We're almost there.

Remember no guns.

From Vantae:

I'm right behind you.

Just get Minnie inside.

Our men will handle the rest.

The parking lot was almost empty excluding the two cars that were already parked there. His expert eyes didn't miss the idle black van that was pulled at the end of the street. Hoseok was no stranger to fights. He knew he could hold his ground even if guns were involved. But it was risky while Jimin was around. For one, he couldn't risk blowing his cover. Two, he couldn't risk Jimin getting in the crossfire.

"Jiminie, why don't you go inside? I need to make a call and I'll be right behind you." He parked the car, his phone already out in his hand and fingers dialing Taehyung.

"Sure." Jimin exited the car with the phone pressed to his ear, talking animatedly or more like trying to evade the realtor who was trying hard to persuade him to lease the property they visited half an hour ago.

Hoseok parked the car, calling Vantae and suiting himself with the Bluetooth earpiece before grabbing his gun and the knife from the secret compartment underneath his dashboard, securing it in their respective places behind his waist only to freeze when he noticed the men following Jimin instead of coming to his car. His gaze flicked to the street noticing the other two cars waiting.

"Fuck!" He jumped out of his car. "Jimin is their target," he hissed into his earpiece before breaking into a run. "Do not interfere until I get Jimin away," he barked the orders. In his peripheral vision, he saw Vantae's men moving stealthily to the unsuspecting men in the cars.

He rushed forward, intercepting the first man, hooking his feet underneath him to trip him, and silencing him with a quick neck slice before rushing after the next. Hoseok was fast on his feet. Quick and agile.

He tackled the second guy who went down with a grunt, which drew the attention of the other two in front of him. The surprise was evident on their face. The guys stopped going after Jimin and switched their attention to Hoseok, who blocked their fists with practiced ease.

They attacked with a combination of punches and kicks, one kick landed on his ribs but that barely made any impact. One even drew a knife out, which Hoseok discarded with a flick of his wrist.

"You're fucking pathetic," he growled, his eyes darkening as he broke the wrist he just caught. The guy screamed, tears ready to slide out of his eyes as Hoseok pushed him to the ground before elbowing the other guy on his face who came at him and knocking him out. "You fight like a chicken," he spat applying more pressure on his broken wrist.

"Ah, hello there," a deep voice interfered.

Hoseok threw a glance over his shoulder to lock his gaze with Taehyung. "The fucking prick thought it was a great idea to go after the Jeon's men in his fucking territory."

"D-didn't know," the man cried out. "J-Just following orders."

"Why did you come after me?" Hoseok asked, his voice deep and threatening.

"N-Not you," the man wheezed. "It's the other guy we want."


"P-Park Jimin, age thirty, kindergarten teacher."

Hoseok let go, his features hardening even more. The guy was on his knees, cradling his injured hand. "Fucking wrong answer," he growled kicking at the side of his head, knocking him out. He turned to Taehyung who sported a similar expression. "JK won't like this."

"The Kangs signed their fucking death warrant by sending his men after Jimin." Taehyung clenched his jaw as he looked ahead. "I have to bring Jimin home personally after this appointment."

"He doesn't know?"

Taehyung scoffed. "It'd be a blood bath if he did." He waved around them as their men deftly removed the unconscious men from the premises. "Fortunately, he's in an important meeting with the Yakuzas." His glare hardened further. "I sent Namjoon hyung to deliver the news. If anyone can knock some sense into him when he's raging, it's him."

The Yakuzas shouldn't be messed with. They had a deathly reputation, but thankfully they were on good terms with the Jeons for decades. However, their meetings were highly secured and no weapons or phones were allowed inside the room. Only the leaders were allowed to enter their confidential meeting room and once the doors closed, it will never be opened until the leaders stepped out.

Hoseok nodded. "Let's go in." He smoothed the shirt and ran a hand through his hair before walking in as if he didn't take down four men a few minutes ago.

They found Jimin who was touring the spacious studio with a look of awe. The realtor, a young man in his early thirties listed the amenities and other stuff as he showed him around. Hoseok could tell Jimin loved this.

"Hyung!" he called when he spotted Hoseok, his eyes widening and his features brightening with a blinding smile when he saw Taehyung who stepped in after Hoseok. "TaeTae!" Jimin ran toward them engulfing Taehyung in a bear hug.

It still surprised Hoseok how warm and welcoming Jimin was. He only saw the good in people and he could totally understand why Jungkook wanted to protect him and keep him away from their world. He was too good to be involved and he agreed. It was no surprise that Jungkook wasn't the only goner for Jimin's charms. All of Jungkook's most-trusted men, including him, were mesmerized by him and had a soft spot to the point they saw Jimin as their family.

"I was in the area and hyung said you're hunting for a studio. Thought I'll stop by and take a look myself." Taehyung released Jimin and looked around. "Yeah, requires a lot of work but it looks great."

Jimin turned. He reached up to straighten Hoseok's hair by running his small fingers through it a few times. "What do you think, Tae?"

Unlike the other two properties which were ready to move in, this was more of space with bare walls that had to be modified to fit their needs.

"This place looks good. The neighborhood looks friendly. The subway is a bit of a walk, but that shouldn't be a problem given the majority of your customers are people who can afford private tutoring," Taehyung mused.

"The security is shit though," Hoseok pointed out. "No CCTV outside or inside. There are no lights in the parking lot either."

"I like this place." Jimin nodded. "I'll speak to the guy and see if they could get it done. I'll need some time. It might cost me extra with all the work it requires."

Beside him, Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Just say the word and it's yours."

"What?" Jimin whipped around. "Tae you know I can't let Jungkook do this for me."

"Who said anything about your boyfriend? I'm gonna have a word with him." Taehyung was already walking toward the realtor, leaving the flustered Jimin behind.

Hoseok held him back when Jimin tried to follow already having a hunch of what Taehyung was about to do. Kim Taehyung was a loyal man and he was fiercely protective. He'd never seen Taehyung caring for someone who wasn't Jungkook or the other five men in their close circle so when he announced Jimin was his soulmate it was a surprise, but also a huge relief. Because even though he worked for Jungkook, the young boss valued his opinion a lot and he was tensed until Taehyung had welcomed Jimin with open arms.

"I know an interior designer. Why don't you talk to them and ask for an estimate?" he said hoping to distract Jimin and it worked. "That way you'll know how much money you'll need and you can plan accordingly."

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan." He cast a glance at Taehyung and the realtor before agreeing. Before long, Taehyung made his way to them.

"It's yours."

"What? Taehyungie...we talked about this before. You're not getting me this." Jimin scowled.

"Save it." Taehyung cut him off. "I'm not Jungkook and I'm fully utilizing my soulmate privileges. Say hello to your new landlord." He bowed.

Jimin's mouth fell agape. "You bought the building."

Taehyung simply shrugged. "Can't let my bestie work in a ratty place. I'll see to the security measures and other renovations as needed. Probably I'll get more businesses to move in so you're not the only tenant here," he said. "You'll still have to pay the rent but I'll give you a soulmate discount." He winked earning a slap on his chest from Jimin.

"You're an idiot." He pouted.

"And you love me."

It was Jimin's turn to roll his eyes. "Sadly I do."

"Ah, come on. Don't be a baby." He opened his arms wide.

Jimin shook his head but walked into his embrace nonetheless, hugging him tightly. Hoseok watched with a fond smile as in the background the realtor talked to the current landlord in a hushed tone. No one said no to Jeon men. He knew Taehyung would pay a hefty sum the owner could only dream of, but he'd do the same if it meant to keep Jimin safe.

Taehyung swayed them from side to side. "Come now. I'm done for the day. I'll take you home and will stay with you until Jungkook comes."

"Okay," Jimin readily agreed. "We're having a movie night. We can catch up until then. There's so much I have to tell you."

"I'm all ears." Taehyung beamed.

Jimin turned to him. "Hyung, are you free this evening? Wanna join me and Tae?"

"Of course. I'd love to." He checked his phone, shooting a message to his men asking to lock the prisoners until Jungkook decided what to do with them. He was sure none of them would make it alive if Namjoon didn't intervene. So he made sure to text him and gave him a heads up too. "Let's go. We will help you cook and maybe make some snacks for you both tonight while we gossip like the old women we are."

Jimin laughed out loud at that, the sound loud and carefree. "I'll ride with Tae so I can fill him in about yesterday."

"What about today?" Hoseok asked him playfully nudging his ribs as they walked out of the building. "Don't think I didn't notice your limp and you looked fucked out."

"Hyung!" Jimin hissed. "Don't say that word."

"It is literally the word, Minnie..." Taehyung chuckled.

"I prefer lovemaking." Jimin huffed as he made his way to Taehyung's car, jumping inside while Hoseok nodded at Taehyung. They had a storm closing in and they would be ready when the shit hit the storm. However, he hoped Jungkook was able to do this without Jimin finding out. Because there was no telling how he would react if he ever found out.

With a sigh, he got into his car and followed Taehyung and Jimin deciding to leave it to time.


The air was thick and heavy with tension when Jungkook stepped out of the meeting room. The meeting itself was very productive and the youngest was happy that he could uphold his father's reputation. But all the high he was feeling from the meeting drained the moment his eyes locked with Namjoon.

Something is wrong.

"It was nice meeting you, JK. Your father is an honorable man. I'm happy you take after your father," the Yakuza boss, a man who was also known as a ghost said. It wasn't easy to get a face-to-face meeting with the said man, considering there were several bounties over his head and the Interpol had an eye on him. But no one has been able to touch a hair on his said for decades.

"It's an honor to work with great men like you, Sir." Jungkook bowed.

Daiki, though a cold-blooded criminal was a man of his words and someone with morale. He was also a man Jungkook respected after his own father.

"I'll see you soon, JK." The man clapped his back and was on his way followed by his trusted guards while he stayed back, fixing his stare on Namjoon.

"What is it?"

"It's Jimin," Namjoon started and Jungkook's blood turned cold. "He's the target of Kang's men."

He was already seeing red when Namjoon put a hand on his shoulder, grounding him.

"Jimin is safe. Hoseok and Taehyung handled the situation. They're with him in your home."

"I'm gonna fucking kill them all," Jungkook growled, punching the wall beside Namjoon. The elder didn't even bat his eyes so used to his outrages. "How dare they touch what is mine?"

"I know and I'll support you no matter what," Namjoon stressed. "But we need answers. No one knows about Jimin except our trusted members. Why would they go after him knowing well he's yours? That too in your territory?"

"What do you suggest?" Jungkook clenched his jaw.

"I'll schedule a meeting tomorrow with him. We already questioned his henchmen in our custody. They know nothing. They had orders to bring him in alive."

"Those bastards," Jungkook hissed.

"No, Jungkook," Namjoon's voice was stern. "I know what you're thinking. But no. You won't touch them until after we meet with Kang tomorrow. You cannot start another gang war without knowing the truth."

Jungkook took deep breaths but nothing was calming his rage.

"Go to Jimin. Be with him tonight. We will talk tomorrow once you have calmed down."

Jungkook hated it, but he knew Namjoon meant well. He was their advisor for a reason. A man with intelligence and wise words. "I'll leave this to you. But if I find out they went after Jimin intending to harm him, I'll kill every single one of them."

"I won't stop you." Namjoon removed his hand and moved out of his way.

Jungkook stormed out of the meeting place and hurried to his car. His brain was in shambles, mulling over the recent events. The past four years felt like calm before the storm. First with the mole and now with his allies going after his boyfriend.

Fuck this.

He reached the mansion in record time, his other driver, Gureum breaking almost all traffic rules to get him there faster. Not that he minded. No one dared to stop him and if they did, he'd pay the fine and move on. Nothing mattered when it came to Jimin. Park Jimin was a priority. He was the only one that mattered.

When he entered his mansion, Jimin's unadulterated laughter greeted him first followed by that of his friends. Hoseok's laughter was louder. It was surprising how the cold-hearted assassin when all giggly just at the mere sight of Jimin. He had his doubts when he requested Hoseok for the simple task. But Hoseok had blended in like a fish and water. They were at the dining table, helping Jimin decorate some cupcakes he must have baked today.

"Come on, Minnie..." Taehyung whined in a high-pitched tone. "You're such a cheater. You promised you'll give me his name if you failed in the game. I won six times but you have given me nothing."

"You're not kicking his ass, Taehyungie."

"Just once please..." His right-hand man was pleading and Jungkook knew what this conversation was about.

Taehyung wanted to get back at Jimin's ex but his angel of a boyfriend withheld that information from them. He couldn't blame Tae. Jungkook would be the first person to kick him out of Korea if he could help it, but he couldn't bring himself to pressure Jimin for that information so he let Taehyung do the job for him. Not that he asked him of it in the first place. Taehyung always acted on his own.

Jimin hasn't noticed him yet. Though Hoseok and Taehyung already knew, they acted nonchalantly, continuing to banter with Jimin. He took a few deep breaths and composed himself.

"Hey, baby..." he called.

His boyfriend whipped around; rewarding him with a blinding smile before he jumped out of the stool he was perched on to saunter to him. "Jungkookie..." He wrapped his arms around his neck, burying his face into his chest. "You're home."

Warmth rushed to his chest at the word 'home.' He tightened his grip around Jimin's waist. "Yeah, I'm home." He inhaled Jimin's calming scent, nuzzling his nose into his soft hair. "Sorry, baby, I couldn't call you sooner."

Jimin pulled away, but beamed at him. "I know you were busy. Besides I had Hoseok hyung and Taehyungie with me."

Jungkook nodded as Jimin led him to the table. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

"I did." He sat him down before pushing a plate of cupcakes to him. Hoseok and Taehyung nodded at him finishing up the last of the cupcakes in front of them. "You won't believe what this idiot did today." Jungkook's brow quirked in question. "He bought an entire building just because he thought the security was shit," his boyfriend griped.

"The security was shit, Minnie. And there were no lights in the parking lot," Taehyung argued.

"You didn't have to buy the building. I could have just talked to the landlord and got it done." Jimin scowled at him.

"I spoke to him and he wasn't going to do shit. So, I kindly informed him that I'm buying the building so he can go and fuck off."

"TaeTae!" Jimin squeaked. "Stop cursing in my home."

"Oops." Taehyung shrugged.

Jimin huffed and grumbled under his breath. The action was so adorable it brought a smile to Jungkook's lips. "You're lucky that I like you."

"Hey, I'm the best soulmate in the entire world and your royal best friend of the bunch." He pointed a finger at him.

Jimin stuck out a tongue while Hoseok and Jungkook shook their heads with laughter shaking their bodies. Taehyung called himself a royal best friend because according to him he came first and he had the first priority out of all of Jimin's friends. Jungkook wasn't going to argue with that dork.

"We should be on our way." Hoseok stood, checking the time. "I'll ask the interior designer to give you a call tomorrow, Jiminie. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Hyung, can you drive Jiminie tomorrow for work?" Jungkook asked. "I have an early meeting."

Hoseok's expression was neutral but Jungkook didn't miss the way his gaze turned sharp. "Sure, Jungkook." Then he looked at Jimin. "I'll text you the time tomorrow."

"Okay, hyung. I'll walk you to the door."

They all walked out, Taehyung secretly catching his gaze and nodding at him that meant they'll talk later. Jungkook leaned over the table, massaging his temples that were starting to ache. Why would they want Jimin? His soft, kind boyfriend. Why?

He was still raging, his mind nowhere near calm. He had half the mind to hurry back to his headquarters where the prisoners were being held captive. His fists ached to punch them until they couldn't see the daylights anymore. But Jimin was coming back to the kitchen, humming softly. He took a shuddering breath reigning in his anger.

It was only when they were laying down on the couch later with Jimin's back pressed to his chest, head on Jungkook's shoulder, the drama playing in the background did Jungkook let his mind wander. It had been a while since they had a movie night. His work had been hectic and he was working most of the days. Jungkook enjoyed these nights where he got to lay back and just relax without thinking about anything else but Jimin.

He didn't know when it all started for him. Perhaps something shifted when Jimin met his eyes with tears in his that day in his office.

I'm just asking you for more time. Is it too much to ask for, Jungkook-ssi?

Those words still haunted his dreams. Perhaps, Jungkook wasn't used to people telling him no and he just enjoyed the chase. In the end, it didn't matter. Because he fell for Jimin harder, face flat to the ground with no intention of getting up. Ever.

He ran his long fingers through Jimin's hair, stroking idly as he relished the soft feel of his breathing against his chest. Jimin was far from weak. A chuckle almost slipped out when he thought back to the time he'd led the most feared mob boss on a tail chase.

Jungkook wasn't one to give up. He had been relentless with his attempts. At first, he was just pissed Jimin said no to dinner. He just wanted him there to prove he could have anything he wanted and maybe tap that booty if he was allowed. He wasn't a prick to touch someone without their consent, but he wasn't also someone to hold back or promise he wouldn't try to seduce the other at any chance he got.

However, Jimin continued to deflate him at every turn. Jungkook had begun sending coffee every day to Jimin's school wishing him good morning, then texting him every day for two weeks asking if he was available for a coffee or dinner. Jimin had always cut him off saying no.

But then Jungkook had taken his next weapon. He had sent flowers one Thursday morning with a handwritten note. He'd half expected for the flowers and note to end up in a trash can, but much to his delight Jimin had relented. Jungkook was pissed when Jimin insisted to split their bill but had to give in when Jimin straight up said he'd let him pay his share if he wanted another date.

Jimin always had a way of making him do things. Jungkook wasn't one to kiss any of his hookups or sexual partners. He wasn't also one to take anyone out on dates, even a friendly one. So while he was still reeling from the dinner date wondering why he was doing all this, Jimin had dropped another bomb saying he didn't kiss on the first date or the second for that matter before exiting the car without so much as a goodnight or a thank you.

Jungkook sat dumbfounded watching the kindergarten teacher walk into the worn-out building that looked like it wouldn't survive a storm. For the first time in his life, he wanted to kiss someone, and that someone was Jimin.

He hadn't thought of the consequences when he murmured 'challenge accepted' and grinned into the night before shifting the gears. He hadn't realized that very kiss would be the doom of his bachelor life. Because weeks later on their sixth date, he had his first kiss with Jimin that left him coming back for more. Before he knew what was even happening, he had asked Jimin to move in with him and here they were being sickeningly in love and disgustingly sweet and domestic.

He hadn't given much thought about what would happen if someone found out or what would happen if Jimin found out. He was lost in the pure bliss and honeymoon phase that never seemed to end. It was too late to come clean now. More like it was dangerous for Jimin to know who he was. Now that the Kangs were after him, he could only imagine what awaited them.

He didn't know if Jimin was ready for any of the things he'd face if the world knew. They'd be expected to make public appearances and most likely his peers from the underground would want to get to know him, which he could not allow. He was safe as long as they thought he was his boy toy.

But did Jungkook even have the heart to claim Jimin wasn't someone important to him? Probably not. Tomorrow during the meeting he was gonna raise hell and he'd have to come clean to them about Jimin. Because touching Jimin meant, calling for war. One Jungkook wouldn't hesitate to give them.

In the underground, the queen was as important as the king. They weren't expected to get actively involved, but they were expected to be there. They were respected. The queen as they called the spouse or life partner of the kingpin held everything together. His mother had performed her role and his grandmother and great grandmother did that before her. Now it would be Jimin's turn.

Once again the questions bombarded his mind. The most important of them all...would Jimin ever accept who he was? Would he ever step into his world knowing what he was capable of?

For the first time in life, Jungkook was afraid. He was scared of losing the only person that mattered the most. How would Jimin react? Would he look at him the same way he looked at him now? Or would he look at him with fear and disgust?

Jungkook didn't know what he feared the most. If it was Jimin's disappointment or hatred once he learned his identity.

However, he knew one thing for sure. He'd move mountains for Jimin. He'd take him to the end of the world and hide him where no one would ever find him if that meant to keep him safe. Because Jeon Jungkook was deeply, madly, and hopelessly in love with Park Jimin.

Note: I am mainly focusing on the Jikook romance in this fic. I don't want JK to be a jerk just because he's a mafia boss. I just thought what if the most feared man is soft for only one man in this world. There will be other elements to make the fic interesting but yeah...

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