You Can Become A Hero
From the start, I knew that not all men are created equal. About 80% of the human population developed superpowers called quirks at the age of four, but I wasn't so lucky. I was born quirkless which made 20% of the population and because of that, they are treated terribly. But even though I was born without a quirk, I still have a power that's beyond Quirks, something that was forgotten by society. And with that power I'll not only become the number 1 quirkless hero. I'll become the next King of Vigilantes as well and travel across the world. My name is Izuku D. Midoriya!
Wee see Izuku running to school with his straw hat on but stops to see a hero fight against a villain at the train rails.
"Wow, that's the pro heroes Death Arms and Draftback!" a random civilian said.
They were keeping civilians at a distance while Kamui Woods fought the giant villain. Izuku started fanboying out and brings out his Hero Analysis Journal out and starts writing down about their quirks, the old man next to him noticed this.
"Hey kid, your a fanboy aren't you?" this made him a bit embarrassed.
"Ugh m-maybe a little." Izuku said quietly.
When Kamui was about to bring the villain down, a new pro hero arrived and kicked him down, knocking him out while sticking out rear.
Then a group of men with cameras started taking pictures of her pointing her ass out. This made Izuku disgusted with the men and caused him to yell at them.
"Hey! You shouldn't take pictures of someone, especially a lady without her consent. It's up to her if she wants image to be captured and not in your dirty thoughts."
This caused the camera men to stop and made Mt. Lady to have a slight blush when he was talking about her image and what she wanted. Izuku realizing what he just said turn redder then a tomato and quickly ran off to school, realizing he would be late.
Aldera Junior High
"Alright class, as third years, I will be handing career test bu~t you all probably want to be heroes." He said as he threw the papers into the air. The whole class started to show off their quirks except for Izuku who was muttering to himself and writing more info in his journal and his former childhood friend who became his bully since he was 7 years old, Katsuki Bakugo or as Izuku liked to call him 'Kacchan'.
He just laughed and said "Hey teach! Don't lump me with these damn extras."
This in turn got the class mad.
"Hey Bakugo! What's that supposed to mean?!" the class yelled.
"Oh, that's right you applied to U.A. right Bakugo? the teacher asked.
"Whoa, that's one of the biggest hero schools in the country!" a student exclaimed. Then all the other students started to say that all of the best heroes come from U.A.
"That's right, U.A. is the only place that deserves me." he said with a smug grin.
"Hey Midoriya, didn't you apply for U.A. as well?" said the teacher as the whole class got quite then started to laugh and mock him.
"What a joke! Deku getting into U.A.?! They won't be grading on the written part of the test alone!" one student whose quirk was literally just having a long nose and a heightened sense of smell said. Though the third of the class weren't laughing at him, they did nothing to defend him either.
"No kidding! Man he doesn't have a shot at U.A. without a quirk, and the quirkless aren't allowed to participate!" the class said the same thing.
"A-Actually, their allowing q-quirkless people to take the test s-so I ca-"
Izuku was cut off from an explosion to his desk, as he quickly reacted by removing his notebook away from it.
"Deku! What the hell do you think your doing?!" Bakugo exclaimed as Izuku backed up into the wall.
"Aah K-K-Kacchan."
"Do you really think that they will let someone as worthless as you go to UA?!"
Izuku looked behind Katsuki to see the teacher doing nothing...absolutely nothing, none of the kids were doing anything to defuse the situation, it was the same thing over and over again, Maybe he just had enough of this school's crap? Or maybe he just had a limit to what he could take? Izuku didn't know what got over him, but what he said next shocked everyone in the room.
"W-Well it doesn't hurt to try. A-And besides even if I didn't get into the Hero Course, I-I could still go into the General Studies or the Support Course and help behind the scenes! But none of you thought of that because you're all idiots! You say you want to become a hero but y-you don't act like it! All you do is bully other people who're weaker then you because of your explosion quirk, if anything you act like a villain! A hero's job is to protect others, not to use their quirks on them! I-If you want to be a hero then start acting l-like it. This s-society is corrupted and I'm g- gonna change that. B-Because as far as I'm concerned, Quirkless doesn't mean powerless!" Izuku exclaimed.
Bakugo as well as the entire class was shocked, especially with Izuku's last line. Bakugo was stunned since Izuku never stood up for himself until now. But his shocked expression quickly turned into anger as soon as he got over his shock.
"What the hell did you just say to me?!"
But before Bakugo could say anything the teacher finally decided to do something useful for once and intervened.
"Alright Bakugo settle down and go back to your seat before I have to send you to the principal's office again." the teacher said with a sigh as Katsuki walked back to his chair.
"This isn't over yet Deku, you hear me?!"
Meanwhile in the city
"Aaah someone help me! That guy stole the register!"
"Really? A robbery in broad daylight and no pros near by who are going to stop him."
We could later see a small scrawny man notice this and start to grow.
"Fear not civilians, for I am here!" All Might said as he appeared on the scene.
"Whoa! It's All Might, the number 1 pro hero!" they said in amazment.
Back to Aldera
"Oi Deku! What the fuck do you think your doing you shitty nerd?!"
Sighing, Izuku turned around to see Katsuki with his two lackeys behind him while the other students stayed behind watching curiosly.
"W-What is it K-Kachhan?" asked Izuku.
"Easy, I'm going to make this simple. You see, the best heroes out there, they showed signs of greatness even as students. They got stories all the way from their years as kids. Me, I'm going to be the first and only one to get into U.A. from this shitty public school. I guess you could call me a perfectionist."
'So vain.' most of the students thought.
"So in other words," smiled Bakugo as he put his hands onto Izuku's shoulders before it began smoking, "Don't even think about applying to U.A. not to the hero courses, not the general, support, or business. Don't even consider going there."
'Try saying that to Shanks, he was the number 1 pro hero before All Might. And he did it all without some measly quirk, this society is just a bunch of quirkest bastards, these guys included.' thought Izuku as he glanced down at Katsuki's hand, he was about to grab it but thought against it as he didn't want to cause any unwanted attention, especially if he didn't want people to find out about his power. So just to spite Katsuki and make him feel good about himself he agreed and left.
After Izuku left the school, he started walking through a abandoned tunnel.
"It's been about 8 years since Shanks found and adopted me alongside my grandfather Garp as well. Even if I don't look it, I know how to fight but there are some battles that just aren't worth fighting for."
But then Izuku instinctively dodge an attack out of nowhere. And when he turned around, he saw a villain who seemed to have a quirk that allowed his body turn into sludge.
"Hey kid hold still, I need to find a meat shield before that guy finds me."
Izuku was backing up, but tripped on some rubble, causing the sludge villain to catch him.
"Just hold still, it wouldn't hurt t- Gahhh!"
The villain was interrupted by Izuku ripping his arm out of the sludge and punching him in the eye.
"GET THE HELL OFF ME!" his voice was muffled and before Izuku could kick him again the manholde flew up.
"Fear not citizen, for I am here! Texas smmmaaasshhh!" this caused the villain to splatter all over the tunnel also causing Izuku to faint due to exhaustion.
"Young man, are you alright?" All Might asked but soon Izuku woke up and was surprised.
"W-Whoa it's All Might! Is this real, am I dreaming right now?!"
Then All Might spoke "No young man this is not a dream for I am actually here."
Then Izuku quickly pulled out his hero journal to ask for an autograph but to see he already signed it.
"T-Thank you All Might! I will treasure this for the rest of my life!"
Then All Might turned around and squatted down, about to jump through the air.
"Now then, I should be off and throw this guy in the slammer." showing the two soda bottles carrying the sludge.
"Wait I want to ask you something."
But before All Might jumped Izuku grabbed onto his leg while in the air.
"Young man I love my fans but this is ridiculous now let go."
Then Izuku spoke with less wind blowing on his face. "If you do that I'll end up falling."
Then All Might realizing that they were still in the air landed on a nearby building, but then a bit of blood came out of his mouth as he uttered "Shit."
Meanwhile with Katuski
"That fucking Deku!" cursed Katsuki as he was walking with his flunkies, crushing a can of soda he had finished before tossing it into the recycling bin, "Next time I see him I'll kill him!"
"Dude, don't you think you went a little far?" asked Nabi, the boy with extending fingers as he grabbed a cigarette from the other lacky.
"Yea, weren't you childhood friends?" asked the other lackey as he smoked one.
"It's his fault," muttered Katsuki, "Everything he does just pisses me off! Piece of shit doesn't have a quirk, and he thinks he can be a hero!?"
"Who says he doesn't have one?" replied the lacky, "It could be really subtle. Every time you beat him, he seems to take it better than anybody else. Rokan punched him in the stomach several times with his rock fists, and Izuku just walked away without a problem. So many punches should've caused some bleeding. Could be a shittier version of the hero Fat Gum with his Fat Absorption."
Katsuki kicked a bottle full of liquid as hard as he could to vent off his frustration, letting bounce on the wall before landing in a trashcan without the cap. When he smelled smoke, he turned around to his lackeys in anger.
"What did I tell you about fucking smoking around me!? Get caught, and it'll go on my record and make me look bad!"
His flunkies didn't reply but rather pointed behind Katsuki in fear.
"What!?" said Katsuki as he started to turn around.
"An invisible cloak... with a great Quirk!" shouted the Sludge villain as he pounced onto Katsuki.
On a roof, we could see our favorite rubber boy Izuku getting off of All Might's leg.
"Alright now I should be off now."
But before All Might left Izuku called out to him. "Wait All Might, I want to ask you a question."
Then All Might turned around. "Alright but make it quick."
Izuku started to remember all of the people who told him to give up on his dream.
"All Might, do you think a quirkless person can become a hero and bring smiles to the people that see and bring hope to them. That it's never impossible, I want to become a symbol of hope!"
Then when Izuku finished he saw smoke covering a deflated All Might with blood spilling out of his mouth.
"W-What A-A-All Might what happened to you?!"
All Might began to tell Izuku about a fight five years ago and answer his question.
"So no I don't think someone without a quirk can become a hero, heroes are risking their lives everyday saving people from villains with dangerous quirks, it's nice to have a dream but make sure it's realistic kid."
But before All Might could open the building door to leave, Izuku spoke.
"No. Your wrong, I will become a hero without a quirk because I don't need one! And when I become the next number 1 hero I'll become the next vigilante king as well and change society for the better, because quirkless doesn't mean powerless!" Izuku said with a smile, surprising All Might but it was soon interrupted by an explosion.
"What's going on?"
Both look to see where the smoke came from and looks at All Might's pockets seeing that the sludge villain is gone and without hesitation, Izuku jumped off the building and landed on the next one and charged towards where the explosion happened with All Might then following suit by running down the stairs and to the burning area.
When Izuku got there he saw a crowd of people looking at the pros fighting the sludge villain, All Might got their and felt ashamed that he couldn't do anything.
'I have to tell them his weak spot.' Izuku knew the villain's weak point, it was it's eye. Since most of it's body was liquid due to it's sludge quirk, Izuku concluded that it's eye was it's weak point since he was able to hit it. Bur before he could, he could see that Katsuki was captured by the villain, and seeing his face pleading for help, Izuku without thinking ran toward the danger.
The pros yelled "Kid! Get back here, you'll die!"
"You!" glared the sludge villain, remembering how Izuku punched his eye, delaying him long enough for All Might to arrive. The villain sent tendrils at Izuku, but only for him to skillfully dodge which surprised everyone as he grabbed a piece of rubble and threw it at the villain's eye.
"Graahh dammit! My eye again." losing his grip on Katsuki as Izuku ran to try and pull her out of the sludge.
'Now!' thought Izuku to himself as he took a step forward and hurled his arms forward, allowing them to stretch.
Katsuki's eyes widened in shock as Izuku's hands went right through the sludge, and with enough momentum, managed to grab Katsuki by his torso. Izuku quickly extended his fingers to wrap around him.
'What in the world?' thought most of the heroes watching Izuku in action, already shocked by his impressive dodging skills.
"THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING DEKU?!" Katsuki yelled at him, he then answered.
"Remember what I said during class? A hero's job is to protect others, as well as putting their lives on the line in order to protect people. And besides, it looked like you needed help." said Izuku as he pulled Katsuki out and tossed him towards Death Arms.
"YOU DAMN BRAT! YOU JUST COST ME MY ME-" but was interrupted by Izuku stretching his arm foward and punching the villain in the eye, sending him back a few feet. Before the villain could react, Izuku ran to him and sent of barrage of punches to his eyes.
( Imagine Izuku is Luffy and the sludge villain is Arlong.)
When Izuku finished, the sludge villain passed out due to the shock and pain, giving the pros the chance to capture the villain but also yelling at Izuku by Death Arms and Kamui Woods while Katsuki was getting praised for his quirk.
"Sorry, my body just moved on it's own, and besides it's all over anyway. Shishishi." said Izuku with a chuckle as he laughed it off. Mt. Lady felt bad for the kid since he was getting scolded for saving Katsuki while Katsuki, the hostage in that situation was getting praised when he literally did nothing. She remembered that he was the same boy earlier that morning so she gave him a kiss on the cheek, causing Izuku to blush crazy.
This caused the pros to stare at her while she had a light blush. "Hey don't stare at me like that, I felt bad for the kid and he did do our job."
This caused the pros to snicker at her and her yelling at them. "HEY DON'T LAUGH AT ME!"
After that and the media, Izuku started walking back to his apartment until he heard Katsuki yelling out to him, saying he didn't need his help and made some other egotistical boast before walking away, stating that his quirk is stronger.
'Well the thing is my power isn't exactly a quirk to begin with but I guess he can call it that if he wants. At the end of the day I'm still technically quirkless.' Izuku thought as he continued walking down the path to his apartment.
But All Might came out of nowhere. " I am here!"
This surprised Izuku. "A-All Might! what are you doing here?"
All Might was about to answer but spit up some blood and turned back to his scrawny form.
"I came to apologize for what I said earlier and ask you why did you run into the danger."
Izuku thought about it. "I saw the fear in his eyes and my legs just moved on their own, if it was anyone else I would still charge head first into the danger and save them."
All Might smiled by his answer. "Even though you're quirkless, you were the only one to run into the danger and not only that being able to defeat the villain." All Might said, extending his arms out and then stood straight, smiling at directly at Izuku.
"I want to answer your question again."
Izuku stood there and started to cry tears of joy at what All Might said next.
"You can become a hero, and I wish to help you."
Authors Note: So I forgot to mention this but Izuku will also have a bit of his canon personality along with Luffy and Sanji's.
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