Saving Asui And Entrance Exam!
It's been 5 months since Izuku met Momo and Koby, since then he's been working on his Gum-Gum techniques and perfecting them to it's absolute best, as well as doing more physical training. Right now, Izuku could be seen jogging home for the day when on his path crossing the street, he met three siblings coming from the opposite end of the crosswalk, or what he assumed were siblings as they all shared the same frog characteristics along with dark sea-green hair.
"Look both ways before crossing the road you two kero," lectured the eldest of the three, a female that looked to be about his age.
"Ok!" cheered the youngest female.
"Alright, Tsuyu-neesan," nodded the only male in the family, the middle child.
The trio greeted Izuku politely as he greeted them back when they all heard a noise, as if something crashed into a vehicle.
"Alright, Tsuyu-neesan," nodded the only male in the family, the middle child.
The trio greeted Izuku politely as he greeted them back when they all heard a noise, as if something crashed into a vehicle.
"Watch out for that truck!" screamed a civilian.
All four of them looked up to see a truck flying towards them.
Tsuyu quickly grabbed her siblings, ready to leap out of the way when she noticed the other person standing there, looking towards the falling truck. She was about to shoot out her tongue and wrap it around Izuku when he cocked his fist back.
Izuku said as he launched his fist and stretched his arm in order to reach the truck.
"Pistol!" Izuku screamed as the truck stopped on impact from his punch, falling onto the ground.
"Whoaa...," said the two younger siblings.
"Strong," noted Tsuyu.
Then, a villain came charging towards them, trying to escape Kamui Woods and Death Arms.
"Halt, evildoer, in the name of justice!" shouted Kamui.
Izuku was about to move when he noticed not only Tsuyu and her siblings were there, but behind them, a few feet away, were children not paying attention to their surroundings. If Izuku moved, he was sure the siblings would easily be unharmed as the older sister had a grip on them. He wasn't so sure about the other children.
"Kid!" shouted Death Arms, noticing Izuku and the group of children behind him, "Help us stop him! You have permission to do so!"
"Oh, really? You're not gonna scold me for helping you guys out?
Izuku then grinned.
"Ok then!" Izuku said as he clenched up before, inhaling as much air as he could, he suddenly inflated like a giant ballon as he kept sucking up as much air as he could.
"Out of the way!" shouted the reptilian villain as he charged right into Izuku.
"Gum-Gum..." Izuku said as he clutched his gut as the villain went deeper and deeper into the rubber boy. He held his ground as the villain's momentum completely went to a halt and found himself stuck inside.
"Ballon!" squeaked Izuku as he thrusted his hip forward, rebounding the villain out of his gut. The villain was sent flying, and only the quick action of Kamui Woods prevented the villain from crashing into the truck on the street. Quickly binding the villain, he gave the villain a quick knockout blow to the head.
After Kamui and Death Arms thanked Izuku for his assistance, he was about to leave he turned around just in time to stop himself from crashing into the green haired girl with frog-like features.
"You're strong, kero," complimented Tsuyu, "Are you going for the heroics program?"
"Yea, I'm planning to go to the examination for U.A. High," replied Izuku.
"Ooh, isn't that the one you're planning to go to?" asked the youngest sibling.
"Yea, she's been studying a lot for that school," replied the brother, "So we can't keep bothering her all the time, okay? It was selfless of her to take us all the way over here to see the museum."
"It's alright, family is important, kero," placated Tsuyu before turning to Izuku, "Thanks for saving us all."
"I'm sure you could've rescued your siblings easily," replied Izuku, "I noticed you were already about to move, and even ready to rescue me even though we're strangers."
Tsuyu blushed lightly on this, but shook it off, "Well then I hope we meet in U.A. then, kero. I'm Tsuyu Asui."
"I-Izuku D. Midoriya." replied Izuku as he lifted his hands to give her a handshake. Tsuyu complied, noticing how firm his grip was.
"B-Best of luck to the both of us," said Izuku before leaving.
"He seems cool," noted the youngest sibling, "Will he be your boyfriend?"
Let it be said that in the Asui family, saying whatever was on their mind was a family trait.
"Satsuki!" Tsuyu half-screeched.
"I wouldn't mind. He seemed pretty chill with our frog-like looks, not to mention his hair color is something you like," said the brother.
"Not you too Samidare," groaned Tsuyu, though she couldn't completely deny her brother's accusation.
It was the day of the entrance exam, and it's been 10 months since Izuku started training. And All Might was on his way to see him only to be shocked at what he saw.
He saw Izuku standing on a pile of trash while screaming to the heavens.
"Oh my...oh my...goodness!"
Just then Izuku fell off the top of the pile of trash as All Might caught him. "Young Midoriya, not only did you clean the entire beach ahead of schedule, you made it spotless!"
Izuku smiled weakly. "Thanks All Might, but I don't think I deserve this much praise."
All Might looked at Izuku as he calmly stated. "Young man, you worked the hardest out of anyone I know, unlike all the others who were born with quirks thus having the easy way out, you worked hard to earn your rightly earned strength, so be proud Young Midoriya!"
"Now let us get going, you don't want to be late for the entrance exam!"
Izuku nodded as he placed his straw hat on top of his head, said goodbye to All Might and left for the exam.
Izuku arrived at the entrance of U.A., staring at the large building and the equally as large gate. He checked to make sure he had his student ID in his pocket as well as make sure he hadn't lost anything in his backpack during his commute. Izuku didn't get any information from All Might no matter how much he tried to wheedle it out of him. The man's lips were surprisingly zipped tight when it came to U.A.
"Ace, Shanks, Grandpa I made it. This is the first step to becoming the next number 1 hero then after that I'll become the next vigilante king!" Thought Izuku as he was about to take his first step.
But was interrupted when he heard a familiar sharp voice that snapped him out of it.
"Move to the fucking side, Deku!"
Izuku gave a deadpan expression as he turned around to see Katsuki Bakugo walking towards him, still acting like a delinquent as ever. Izuku merely glanced at the clearly open path around him, his expression clearly painting the picture that Katsuki could easily just walk around him.
"Good morning to you too," said Izuku with a tired tone before the phone inside his pocket rang.
Ignoring Katsuki's follow up, he stepped to the side, standing next to one of the many statues. Katsuki scoffed as he continued on.
Izuku pulled out his phone only to see a text from Momo.
"Good morning and good luck, Izuku! I'll be cheering you on! I know you can make it to U.A., and will be waiting for you!"-Momo
Izuku smiled when he saw the message as he blushed a little bit for Momo calling by his first name since she allowed him to use hers.
As he put his phone away and was about to head inside the building, from the corner of his eye, he saw a girl with chestnut brown hair as well as a permanent blush on her cheeks about to fall.
Izuku being the man he is quickly rushed to catch her. "A-Are you alright?"
She looked up to see a green haired boy with a straw hat on his head. "Yeah thanks for catching me." She said as Izuku set her down.
"O-Of course, it's just that we can't have someone like a l-lady such as yourself fall on a important day such as this."
Hearing this the girl started to blush more. "N-No it's fine, well it was nice to meet you, my name is Ochako Uraraka."
"O-Oh, my name is Izuku D. Midoriya, it's nice to meet you." he said nervously.
Ochako then went on ahead as Izuku had one thought on his mind. "I-I just talked to a girl again, and so casually!"
For the written portion of the exam, they were given assigned seating as well as writing utensils to prevent cheating. Izuku easily blazed through it, since he studies for the test beforehand. After the written portion of the exam was done, all the examines went in the auditorium and for Izuku he was sitting next to Katuski.
"Damn it, why am I sitting next to the damn nerd." muttered Katuski as he gritted his teeth.
"Must be by school." thought Izuku.
It wasn't long before the lights dimmed a little and the spotlights all shone at one place, the center stage, to reveal the hero Present Mic.
"WELCOME TO MY LIVE SHOW! EVERYBODY SAY HEY!" shouted Present Mic before cupping his ear towards the crowd just to hear nervous silence. Izuku had been debating on whether or not to reply, as well as being excited to see another pro hero.
Present Mic just shook it off, though people could tell he wasn't happy nobody responded by his body language, "WHAT A REGAL RESPONSE! BUT I GOT SHIVERS DOWN MY SPINE TOO LISTENERS! SO LISTEN UP EXAMINEES, I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU THE LOWDOWN ON HOW THIS'LL GO DOWN! ARE YOU READY!?"
Present Mic then proceeded to explain how the exam would work, the television behind him playing to help illustrate his point. There were seven examination sites, meaning they would all be randomized into different sites.
"So they don't intend on letting classmates or friends cooperate with each other, huh?" muttered Katsuki as he peeked over to Izuku's ticket number and frowned. He was in site A, as it should be as he was the number one and A was the first letter. Izuku, however, was at site B. As an extra, it suited him, but Katsuki wanted to directly crush Izuku.
The pro hero continued his explanation.
Once Present Mic finished the explanation, he waited a few seconds to let it sink in. Then he noticed a student stand up and raise his hand.
"Excuse me but I have a question about the print out."
Then the boy spoke. "On the print out it said that there are four robots, if this is an error than U.A should be ashamed for mislead information for top prestigious hero school in Japan!"
"I see, I guess I'll have to stay away from it then." said Izuku.
"Thank you for the clear up information." he then turned to Izuku. "And you! With the unkept hair and straw hat. You been having that same plain and uninterested look on your face, and why do you have a straw hat on your head? Take it off! If you don't plan on taking this seriously then you should leave!"
Izuku was just going to brush it off but the statement the blue hair boy made about his hat pissed him off so he stood up and voiced his own opinion.
"No, I don't think I will, you can say whatever you want about me but my hat is another thing. This hat stays with me at all times so I won't take it off. And if you're more focused on the look on my face then Present Mic's presentation then you should leave since you obviously weren't paying attention." said Izuku bluntly with a angered look in his eye.
Present Mic interjected before things could further escalate and explained that the fourth robot is a zero pointer and should be avoided at all times.
While all of the participants went to their beta grounds, Izuku was in beta ground B. He was tense until he saw Uraraka a bit nervous. He was going to walk up to her until he felt a hand on his shoulder, only to see the same blue hair boy with glasses slightly glaring at him.
"Are you planning on hindering her success by distracting from the exam?"
Izuku looked around to see all of the other examiners already judging him as one of the weaker students. Izuku shrugged the boys hand off his shoulder and was about to speak but was interrupted by an announcement from Present Mic.
Izuku then recalled Shank's words to him when he was younger.
"Izuku, I want you to listen to me and listen well. The sea is constantly a battle field same goes for Hero Work as well. Whenever you take the exam don't wait for the go ahead just run right in, got it?"
"Yeah! Heroes don't wait for a buzzer! They save people regardless, and that's what I'm going to do and once I do that, I'll become king of the vigilantes. I won't disappoint dad!" Izuku exclaimed.
Shanks was shocked into silence as Izuku realized what he just as he quickly tried to apologize but was cut off by Shanks rubbing his head as he gave him a fatherly smile.
"I know you will."
As Izuku was done reminiscing, the doors opened. He went with his gut and ran on ahead, not without looking back to Ochako and yelled.
"Come on Uraraka!"
That snapped Ochako out of her trance and she ran on ahead as the others still stood at the entrance.
"The hell are those two thinking? The count down hasn't started yet, are they idiots." said a random participant.
This caused everyone to run frantically into the city.
Izuku, who was far ahead of everyone in the group, was the first one to meet a villain robot that was one of many on the streets ahead.
A one pointer suddenly turned and saw Izuku, it's red eye flashing as it recognized an enemy.
"Target acquired. I'll kill you!" threatened the one pointer as it revved its wheel, speeding towards Izuku.
Several students that heard this hesitated in charging forward. This didn't stop Izuku as he jumped into the air and reeled his arm back.
"Gum-Gum Pistol!" yelled Izuku as he exclaimed and gave the one pointer a devastating punch, destroying it on impact. After landing, he stretched his arm, grabbing a three-pointer villain before dragging it and making it crash into a two-pointer, where they both blew up.
Quickly scanning the area he saw a two-pointer aiming it's gun at him. Izuku stretched his arm towards the roof and grabbed the ledge, making sure his grip was firm, he launched himself towards the two pointer has he dodged the bullets. When he got closer, he threw his punch towards it and went right through.
Hovering in the air for a moment, he saw a group of six villain bots, 2 of each point values, all gathered together. Quickly flinging his arms to the nearest buildings, he flung himself right towards the group.
Ochako, who had been ahead of the group, and the other student who had just been chastising the two, reached the cross street and turned just in time to see Izuku sending a barrage of punches towards the group of robots, his arm stretching as they landed punches strong enough to destroy the group of bots.
"Gum-Gum Gatling!" she heard Izuku say as he landed multiple punches to the robots, she had to admit it was a good name for the attack.
As destruction ensued, Izuku landed just as the last villain bot blew up, framing his body in light and shadow.
'So cool,' thought Ochako as she gazed before blinking and blushing, quickly slapping herself and going in a different direction than Izuku. She knew that going the same direction as Izuku would lower her chances of going into U.A., and she wanted to make it in so she could be in the same class as Izuku... she waved a mental hand through that thought process. She was doing it because she wanted to earn enough money to let her family live in peace!
Meanwhile in the observation room.
All Might and the rest of the teachers of U.A were watching the participants in the city destroying the robots.
"Hmmm, it seems we have some promising students this year." said the cement hero Cementos said as he saw Katuski blowing up robots.
"Hey look at the kid with the straw hat. He's doing really well. said Present Mic trying to keep it down.
"Yeah, and the first one to run into the city when the gate opened. Not only that but the way he's punching the robots so savagely ahhh~. said Midnight the rated +18 heroine.
"He seems to have a good handle on his quirk, it seems he can stretch and extend his limbs." Vlad King.
"Say All Might, isn't that the boy you were telling me about? The one you helped train?" asked a bear, dog, or mouse animal also known as Nezu, the principal of U.A
All the teachers turned towards All Might. "Yes I did." he said as he smiled.
Nezu then whispered to All Might. "why did you decide to help him when you already have a successor?"
This just caused All Might to proudly smirk more then he already was. "Because when I saw him, he had a strong determination and will, he has the true qualities and a true heroic spirit." All Might said as he remembered what Izuku said before the exam started.
"Young Midoriya, if you don't mind me asking, why do you want to become a hero?"
"It's because I want to prove everyone else wrong. I want to prove that even if your quirkless you can still become a hero because like I said before quirkless does not mean powerless. I'm going to create a brand new era, once I become the next number 1 hero, I'll become the next Vigilante King as well!"
This caused All Might to be shocked as he exclaimed. "S-Surely you're joking! Why would you want to become the next Vigilante King when you'd already accomplish your goal by being number 1?!"
"It's because the King of Vigilantes is more free then anyone else in the world as well as the strongest. Once I become the number 1 hero, I'll become the Vigilante King so I can start a new era where quirkless will be able to be hero's and change this damn society for the better, and it all starts with me being the first quirkless to get into U.A!"
All Might remembered Izuku's words very clearly as he smiled fondly at the memory. "If anyone can do it, I believe it'll be you Young Midoriya."thought All Might.
A man with long hair with bag under his eyes then spoke. "Huh? Where it says what his quirk is, he left it blank, but he's showing signs of having a quirk and from the looks of it, a rubber one, care to answer that for us All Might?" this caused everyone to look at him.
This in turn caused All Might to sigh as he explained. "The thing is, he's quirkless." This in turn shocked the entire room was shocked into silence.
"But how?! He's showing signs of having a quirk, maybe it was a misdiagnosis?" said Present Mic as he was to shock to even accept what All Might just said.
"No he said it himself, he's quirkless. But he told me that his power isn't a quirk but something far more powerful then quirks, something that was forgotten by society as a whole. He said that his power was beyond quirks and that's all he told me, he said he couldn't say anything else other then that."
"Something that isn't a quirk but beyond them?" asked Midnight as she was finding all of this hard to believe.
But then Nezu chimed in. "Though I have a theory, I'm curious. What else does it say Aizawa?"
"It says who is guardian is or well, guardians are."
"Well who are they?" Midnight asked.
"The former number 1 before he retired, Red-Haired Shanks. And his grandfather Garp the Fist." Aizawa said with a look of shock on his face.
"Wait wait wait. His grandfather is a Marine and his father is the former number 1?! When did he have a kid?! Present Mic yelled showing his shock.
Nezu once again chimed in. "I see, so my theory is correct. Midoriya indeed doesn't have a quirk but something far more greater. It explains the fighting style."
"What do you mean sir?" All Might asked.
"I knew Red Hair but he never told me what his quirk was now I know why. It seems he adopted him after his retirement, I'll tell you guys about this later for now let's test out their heroic spirit and see if they have what it takes." Said Nezu as he pressed a big red button.
After punching another robot, Izuku's retracted back in place as he started to add up the points he collected. "And that's 70! I think that's enough points for now." grinned Izuku as he looked around to see others destroying more and more villain bots. He saw one creeping up to another contestant, who whirled around and tried to attack back, but the villain bot was faster. Or would've been if Izuku had not kicked a piece of the destroyed bot right into it, damaging and forcing the attacker to stumble, but not enough to be destroyed and be counted towards Izuku's points.
The defender quickly took advantage of this and destroyed the robot, yelling out "21!" before running to find another one. He didn't even thank Izuku or look around to see who helped, but Izuku didn't care. The rubber boy knew he could've gotten those points and even more points if he didn't stop to help others from being hurt but that wouldn't be very hero like wouldn't it?
"TWO MINUTES LEFT!" shouted Present Mic to remind them all of the time.
"Well then, onto the next area." muttered Izuku as he was about to slingshot himself to a rooftop when he felt the ground rumble. He looked towards the source to see a group of examinees and an ever-growing dust cloud. Everyone felt it and looked up to see a giant machine towering over most of the buildings.
He was about to run until he heard something.
Izuku turned around to see Uraraka pinned under a pile of rubble. Izuku took charge and ran forward, bypassing the blue hair boy with glasses as he did so.
'What is he doing?' Thought the blue hair boy as he turned around to look at Izuku.
Izuku wasn't aiming to fight, though. He stretched his arms, grabbing random people and quickly tossing them gently back to safety before reaching Ochako. All those grabbed were able to land safely on their feet before running away, not even saying thanks.
'Damn cowards, if you're just going to run away then you have no place here!'thought Izuku as he was slightly pissed at the people running away.
Uraraka was expecting to be crushed until she saw Izuku run pass her and stretched his arms towards to buildings and slingshotted himself towards the zero pointer.
"I DON'T CARE! I WON'T LET MY FRIENDS GET HURT ESPECIALLY A LADY!" Izuku said he was getting closer.
"Now Gum-Gum..." Izuku said as he stretched his arms far back as he got closer and closer.
"Bazooka!" yelled Izuku as he then hurled both his arms forward, striking the zero pointer with both instantaneously double open palm strikes with both of his hands that sent the zero pointer's head clean off and sent it flying. The student audience gazed in shock as the robot's back reeled back from the impact parts of its body began to explode, unable to counteract such force, overextending it's balancing module.
The attack was heard from all the sites, who looked towards it just to see a head flying off into the distance before tumbling into the ground before being stopped by U.A's, sturdy walls, where it promptly blew up.
As Izuku landed, everyone at exam site B stared at Izuku as the 0 pointer continued to explode behind him.
"So Uraraka, are you all right? Shishishi."
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