Meeting New Friends
After the moment Izuku and All Might had, Izuku's phone started ringing, the Izuku picked up and answered. "Hello?"
But the removed the loud phone from his ear. "Damn squirt, what do you think you were doing?"
Izuku quickly realizing who it was, quickly apologized. "A-Ah! I'm sorry Grandpa. I guess you saw the news, I just couldn't sit there and do nothing when I saw Kacchan's face in fear."
He then heard a sigh. "At least both of you squirts are okay, well then bye."
Izuku then turned back to All Might looking confused on what just happened.
"S-Sorry about that, that was my grandfather, he got angry but he's calm now."
All Might nodded his head in understanding.
"It's alright young man I understand, so for the next ten months I'll help you train for U.A's entrance exam." so both All Might and Izuku decided to meet tomorrow at Dagobah Beach. the next day Izuku started jogging in his track suit to Dagobah, there he saw All Might in his muscle form.
"Ah, young man you made it." said All Might before turning back to his scrawny form while spitting out blood.
"For the next ten months you will be returning this beach to it's former glory before it was this junk yard for training."
But first, let me see how much muscle you have already and how much we can improve on." Izuku took off his track suit jacket off and surprised All might of the amount of muscle he had.
'M-My goodness, if he were to have One For All he would be able to handle 25% of it's power a little more than my successor.' All Might thought as he started going around Izuku and analyzing him.
"Alright now back to the subject of your muscles and not only that it seems that someone trained you on how to fight, may I ask who trained you?"
"O-Oh! It was my f-foster father and my g-grandfather who taught me how to fight. My father use to be a pro hero in his time."
This fact intrigued All Might. "Oh really, can you tell me his hero name? I might know him." asked All might.
Izuku quickly replied to his question. "His hero name was Red-Haired Shanks."
This answer left All Might to be shocked beyond belief. "What?! He used to be the number 1 pro hero before he retired and I made my debut!"
Izuku started to rub the back of his head. "Y-Y-Yeah crazy I know."
4 months later
Izuku cleaned the beach ahead of schedule but is still training there. All Might brought him weights and bars for Izuku to use in the mornings, meanwhile near the beach we see a raven haired beauty, Momo Yaoyorozu.
"Where is this diner I been hearing so much about? I heard that they had some kind of mystery chef who brought it back to it's former glory and that this chef could put even some famous chef's cooking to shame."
She then stopped near Dagobah Beach, she then saw a ten year old boy with pink hair, wearing glasses and reading a journal.
"Excuse me, do you know where the near by rest-" she stopped mid sentence and looked at the journal.
"Hey what are you reading there?"
The boy turned to her with an excited expression on his face.
"It's a journal about heroes and their quirk's strengths and weaknesses and how to improve or work around them."
Then Momo took a look and was amazed by how much detail it went into the pro's quirks.
"Incredible! How much detail is put written about people's quirks and how to improve them, alsohow to work around their drawbacks, did you write this yourself?" asked Momo as she was highly impressed.
The boy then flinched from the question, Momo noticed this. "Where did you get this?" She asked giving him a stare.
The boy sighed. "I found it when I was walking nearby and saw it falling out of this bag." he said and pointed to nearby yellow bag.
"I couldn't help it, the first page I saw drew me in."
Momo sighed. "It's not right to look at other people's things without their permission."
The pink hair boy looked down ashamed.
"Alright, I'll help you find the owner and return it to them."
The pink hair boy nodded with a serious face.
They realized the noise nearby the sound of grunting and clanking noise of metal, both of them walk toward the noise to a surprising sight.
(Imagine Izuku doing hops in his track suit.)
Both Momo were shocked and amazed by how much the green haired boy with a straw hat was lifting.
"My goodness! By the looks of it, it looks like he's lifting about 9,000 pounds of weight, what incredible strength."
Izuku soon put the weight down and dried himself off with a towel from his sweat. He then turned around to see Momo and a boy, Izuku started to blush to see his hero journal in the boy's hand and pointed at it.
"T-That's m-my j-journal why do you h-have it?"
The pink hair boy walked up to him. "I'm sorry I looked through your journal without your permission. he said as he handed him back his journal and bowed.
"I-It's okay, most people think it's pretty weird that I write these journals."
"No way, it's amazing! Why would anyone think it's weird?"
Then Momo spoke up. "Indeed why would anybody think it's weird? I think it's quite incredible how you went into so much detail." she said while smiling at him.
"T-T-Thank y-you for the c-compliment." Izuku said as he was blushing.
Then out of nowhere, there was two loud stomach growls, Momo started to blush and face her head down while the boy started to rub the back of his head and laughed nervously. Izuku then smiled at the both of them.
"I guess you guys are hungry, well there's a nearby restaurant I work at, we can eat there."
Then Momo remembered something. "By any chance, do you work at a restaurant where there's a rumor about some very talented chef working there? asked Momo.
"Wait really?" said the pink hair boy in disbelief.
"I guess you'll just have to find out, by the way my name is Midoriya D. Izuku."
"Oh my, that's right. I never asked for your name." Momo said as she realizes that she never asked the little boy's name.
"O-Oh! My name is Koby, it's nice to meet you."
Then she introduced herself. "And my name is Yaoyorozu Momo, it's a pleasure to meet you."
As she said that to both Izuku and Koby, they all started to walk to an old run down restaurant until they saw the old owner. Both Momo and Koby stared in disbelief and thought the same thing. 'Is this really the place?'
"Oh Midoriya! You don't have work today what are you doing here? Oh, and it looks like you brought some customers." said the old man as he greeted them.
"Yeah, these guys were hungry so I figured I could bring them here to eat and could use your kitchen to make them something to eat if that's alright with you."
The old man just laughed. "Hahaha! You don't even have to ask, go straight ahead."
They follow Izuku into the restaurant, that's when Momo noticed something and asked the owner a question.
"Hey, where are the other employees?"
The old man just sighed at her question as he began to explain, stating that Izuku is his only employee, it turns out in the past business hasn't been doing so well and all the former employees quit. Both Momo and Koby were saddened to hear this fact.
"But then this young man came out of nowhere and helped me out with my restaurant and business has been booming ever since then, and he completely does it for free without expecting any payment. Even though I offer him money, he just says money isn't everything."
Momo was simply amazed at Izuku's kindness and Koby thought he was a pretty nice guy, not noticing Izuku finishing.
"All done!" Izuku said as he smiled warmly and placed Momo and Koby's food on the table. Momo and Koby just stared at the omelet, almost drooling from the sight.
"Go ahead! Dig in, there's plenty more is you want more."
Koby was the first to take a bite. "Whoa! This is the best thing I have ever tasted in my entire life!" Koby exclaimed as he took another bite.
Then Momo took a bite. "Incredible, this is something I've never tasted from chefs at my home." putting her hand on her lips while smiling.
The old restaurant owner just smiled at the two. "So how does food taste from the famous mystery chef?"
Hearing this. both Momo and Koby stared and looked at Izuku in shock. "WHAT?!"
"Well I guess I should leave you kids to talk." said the old man as he left.
"Wait you're the rumored chef, but you seem so young." said Momo.
"W-Well I was self taught when I was younger, as well as my family back home."
Then Koby got curious and ask question. "Why aren't you living with them anymore if you don't mind."
"My grandpa had to go away for work, while I traveled with my dad for a bit before he told me I should go leave by myself and since I want to go to U.A. I came here."
"Oh you're planning to attend U.A? I'll be there as well."
"Wait did you say you'll be there so does that mean you already got accepted?"
"Y-Yeah, I got a recommendation to U.A so I'll go to U.A" she said.
Now that she told them, she was worried that the two would just think differently of her just like how the rest of her former classmates thought that she was just lucky and got in through her money, but what she heard next surprised her.
"Wow! The pros must see real potential."
Koby nodding his head agreeing with what Izuku said. "Yeah you must be really incredible."
Izuku then spoke. "Hey Yaoyorozu, what is your quirk if you don't mind me asking."
"Oh my quirk is called "Creation" it allows me to use my body fat to create non-living objects through my bare skin as long as I know the molecular structure."
Both Koby and Izuku had stars in their eyes at the explanation of Momo's quirk as Izuku exclaimed. "That's so cool! No wonder they see potential in you!"
"Y-Yeah, but the bigger the object the more s-skin I'll have to reveal." as she said turning her head away with a slight blush. Izuku didn't get it until he caught on and realized what she meant by the information and turned read with Koby looking on in confusion.
He then decided to change the subject and ask Koby a question.
"H-Hey Koby, what's your quirk?"
Koby looked down. "I-I quirkless... BUT I STILL WANT TO BE A HERO!" Both Izuku and Momo looked at Koby with a sad expression.
"Ko-" Izuku was about to call Kobybut was interrupted by a punk kicking the door open.
"Wow this dump of a restaurant? What a joke, it probably doesn't have any food."
"S-Sir may I ask you to leave?" the old man pleaded.
"I can do whatever the hell I want old man, now get lost!" he said as he pushed the owner away.
He then saw Momo and got a perverted look on his face as he approached her. "Hey there baby, come with me so we can ditch this dump."
"I'd rather stay here than go with a trouble maker such as yourself." she said giving him a stern glare.
"I wasn't asking." the punk said with an angry face, about to grab her arm, but was interrupted by Izuku.
"She said to leave her alone, are you death?" asked Izuku as he looked at him with a plain expression with a hint of anger in his eyes.
"What are you her boyfriend?"
"No, but I am her friend, and unlike you I know how to respect others especially women. So leave my friend alone unless you don't want to get hurt."
This enraged the punk. "Oh you're asking for it now buddy, maybe this will teach you how not to play hero!"
The punk then threw a punch at Izuku only for him to dodge.
"I warned you."
Punching the thug out of the restaurant. "NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE YOU DAMN PUNK!" as he gave the punk a glare.
The punk then got up and ran away scared. Izuku then turned back around to everyone with a smile. "Nothing to worry about, everything is fine now, shishishi!" Izuku said as he laughed.
"You shouldn't have done that, using your quirk like that could have gotten you in trouble." Momo said sounding concerned.
"Huh? But I'm quirkless." Izuku said with a blank look on his face.
"WWWWHHHAAT?!" both Momo and Koby yelled.
"B-But we saw you lifting all that weight, it shouldn't be possible unless you have a quirk." Koby said all confused.
"Nah, it's possible. You just have to work hard for it, and besides if I do get in it'll just prove that a quirkless can get in. Because I believe anyone can be a hero, even you Koby." he said with a smile. This caused Koby to have tears of joy, while Momo smiled at the scene. She then noticed the time.
"I guess time really does fly when your with friends."
"Huh?" Koby said as he looked at Momo confused.
"After today I like to consider us friends."
He then smiled, knowing that he made two new friends but realized he needs to get back home.
"I have to go now, thank you for the food."
Before he left, Izuku called out to him. "Koby! Wait for a second."
He started to write on a note. "Here, it's a training regimen but if you're really serious about this, then you will have to go through hell and back."
Koby gave him a serious look that was filled with determination. "Yes, I will. I won't disappoint you."
This caused Izuku to smile. "I know you won't." he said as Koby left smiling."
"Well I guess, I should get going as well." said Momo as she was about to pull her wallet out but Izuku stopped her.
"No need, I got to see you satisfied after eating the food I made for you. Knowing that my friend was happy is enough payment for me."
Momo only thought one thing. 'Too pure.' she felt like it was blinding.
"W-Well if that's so then for payment you call me M-Momo and since we're both aiming for U.A, let's exchange numbers."
After exchanging numbers and she started heading home, Izuku then realized what he just did as he started fidgeting.
'I-I really just talked to a girl. A-And s-she also g-gave me her number.' Izuku thought as he blushed.
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