Nostradamus and his predictions
Nostradamus and his predictions
Nostradamus was a French seer living in the 16th century. His predictions of the future are some of the most famous in history, and continue to enjoy widespread popularity to the current day. With the exception of Biblical prophets, his visions are by far the most well-known of the many seers who have existed over the past few centuries.
Nostradamus was born Michel de Nostredame at the dawn of the 16th century, to a notary and grain dealer. In his early adult years, Nostradamus practiced as an apothecary. He attended medical school for a period, but was expelled when his past as an apothecary was discovered. The next few years of his life were spent battling the plague in France and Italy.
(Nostradamus’s student days came to a sudden end when a virulent plague broke out devastating most of southern France, causing the Faculte’ de Me’decin to close, along with all other schools in Montpellier. “The black plague,” was so devastating was that burials could not keep pace with the deaths. Doctors treating patients attempted to protect themselves with special oils, garlic, cotton gloves and goggles, this was to no avail.
The plague was the first of three similar battles Nostradamus was to wage and be victorious, ability to accomplish this is shrouded in mystery. Like a fearless angel of mercy, Nostradamus went travelled to the countryside, he travelled the roads of southern France, Narbonne, Bordeaux, Carcassonne, Nimes and Toulouse. Where he went people recovered, everyone came to know him as the man who could cure the plague, a task thought to be impossible. Everyone who heard of the miracle worker, Michel de Nostradame, sought his services, he worked ceaselessly, the plague lasted four years, thus Nostradamus became a legend in his own time.
Due to the closure of the university Nostradamus had no formal diploma at this time, the required time for the course that was interrupted two years into his study, was meant to be six years. He was allowed to take his final examination due to his spectacular field work during the four years of the plague. The examinations were oral and public, presented rapid fire by the faculty and representative of the Church, it was a long and arduous process which he excelled in. From this Nostradamus was formally invested with the four cornered hat, the ermine trimmed rob, the golden girdle and ring of the brotherhood of Hippocrates.)
As a physician he came to specialize in the Plague, on which he was recognized as one of the foremost experts: in his 'Traité des fardemens', though, he frankly admits that none of his cures actually had much effect on the disease - not even the bleeding that some commentators insist that he never used.
He was also famed as a mathematician and astrologer. On his semi-retirement in around 1550 he turned to writing. Apart from a highly popular cookbook (actually, a 'Treatise on Cosmetics and Conserves') and a number of academic works, his main fields were astrology (with which, as a contemporary doctor, he was of course already fully conversant) and prophecy. This brought him into great public prominence, and he became particularly influential at the French court. He also invested heavily in local public works - notably the irrigation of the vast Plaine de la Crau just to the west of his adopted home-town of Salon-de-Provence, a scheme whose results (like his house in the town) can still be seen today. Twice married, he had two children by his first wife Henriette d'Encausse (all three died) and six by his second.
In his late forties, Michel de Nostredame changed his name to the Latin Nostradamus, and began publishing tracts. He began writing yearly almanacs, which contained among them thousands of prophecies. These almanacs began to do quite well commercially, and their success prompted many distinguished people to request individual astrological consultations from Nostradamus.
He decided to record his predictions. These are written in the form of quatrains. As these quatrains are written in a symbolic form, so different people make different interpretations of them. The first edition of his book Les Prophesies (The Prophecies) came out in the year when he died.
The Egyptians would capture the King of Persia in October, 1727:
“The third climate included under Aries
The year 1727 in October,
The King of Persia captured by those of Egypt:
Conflict, death, loss: to the cross great shame. (3:77)”
It turns out that the Shah of Persia (Ashraf Hotaki) was involved in a battle in 1727, which he won, forcing a peace treaty in September, 1727.3 However, there is speculation that a month later, the sneaky Egyptians (who were not involved in the war) crept over 1,000 miles into Hamadan, captured the King, and returned him before next morning, fulfilling the prediction of Nostradamus, while keeping their actions out of the history books. How else could the prediction come true? We know that Nostradamus is always right!
Death of Henry II
"The young lion will overcome the older one,
On the field of combat in a single battle;
He will pierce his eyes through a golden cage,
Two wounds made one, then he dies a cruel death."
What happened: In the summer of 1559 King Henry II of France (older one) lined up to joust the Comte de Montgomery (young lion), six years his junior, on the fields of France (field of combat).
Both had lions on their shields.
In their final pass Montgomery's lance tilted up, and burst through the king's visor splintering to pieces.
Two shards, one through the eye (pierce his eyes through a golden cage), and one through the temple, lodged in the king's head (Two wounds made one).
Henry suffered for 10 days (then he dies a cruel death) before dying in his bed.
The Great Fire of London
"The blood of the just will be demanded of London
Burnt by fire in the year '66
The ancient Lady will fall from her high place
And many of the same sect will be killed."
What happened: The small fire that started in the bakery of Thomas Farriner on Pudding Lane in London September 2, 1666 (in the year '66) turned into a three day blaze that consumed the city.
One of the explanations for the blood of the just, refers to the millions of flea carrying rats that were killed.
Peasant deaths were not recorded at the time, but it has long been held that six people perished in the fire.
French Revolution
"From the enslaved populace, songs,
Chants and demands
While princes and lords are held captive in prisons.
These will in the future by headless idiots
Be received as divine prayers."
What happened: In 1789, the French people decided they'd had enough of poor aristocratic rule and revolted.
The peasants (enslaved populace) took control of Paris and forced their demands on royalty.
The aristocracy (princes and lords) were taken from power were locked in the Bastille (prisons) and beheaded at the guillotine (headless idiots).
"From the depths of the West of Europe,
A young child will be born of poor people,
He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop;
His fame will increase towards the realm of the East."
"Beasts ferocious with hunger will cross the rivers,
The greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister.
Into a cage of iron will the great one be drawn,
When the child of Germany observes nothing."
What happened: On April 20, 1889 Hitler was born in Western Europe, to very poor parents.
This prophecy contains another one of Nostradamus' famous word games used to disguise the names of famous people. Nostradamus cleverly combines "Hitler" with "Ister" (Ister was the ancient Latin name for the Danube River) thus supplying us with both Hitler's name and place of origin. This quatrain describes the WWII armored allied invasion of Germany, and the actions of a madman who, like a stubborn child, refused to heed the advice of his generals to surrender. Hitler ultimately committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. The charred body of his double was left for the allies to find.
Charles de Gaulle
"Hercules King of Rome and of Annemark,
Three times one surnamed de Gaulle will lead,
Italy and the one of St Mark to tremble,
First monarch, renowned above all."
What happened: Charles de Gaulle (de Gaulle), was a three time (Three times) leader of France.
First as leader of the Free French Forces, then as prime minister of the provisional post WWII government and as the first president of the French Fifth Republic.
Atomic Bomb
"Near the gates and within two cities
There will be scourges the like of which was never seen,
Famine within plague, people put out by steel,
Crying to the great immortal God for relief."
What happened: In early August 1945 the United States dropped two atomic weapons on the island of Japan, in (within two cities) Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The suffering endured by those in the blast and the radiation poisoning suffered by those who escaped the immediate detonation (Crying to the great immortal God for relief).
JFK & RFK Assassinations
"The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt,
An evil deed foretold by the bearer of a petition.
According to the prediction, another falls at night time.
Conflict at Reims, London and a pestilence in Tuscany."
What happened: The (great man) John Kennedy, received numerous death threats (petition) and was gunned down (thunderbolt) in the afternoon of November 22, 1963.
Bobby Kennedy was killed just after Midnight on June 5, 1968 (another falls at night time). The world mourned (Conflict at Reims, London).
The death of Princess Diana
"God the Last but First the nickname of Nostradamus of the 90's
Takes the Goddess of the Moon for his Day & Movement
A frantic wanderer and witness of Gods Law
In awakening the worlds great regions to Gods will."
What happened: On August 31, 1997 Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed did die in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris.
The above quote (quatrain) is used to highlight the foretelling of the death of Princess Diana. Here's how that questionable leap of logic is made:
Believers say Diana is the Roman Goddess of the Moon. They also say the nickname for prophet is seer. Rees (seer backwards) is the name of the sole survivor in Diana's crash, Trevor Rees. Seer, (the nickname of Nostradamus) as a seer into the future.
The verse of the quote is 2:28, this is used as proof that Nostradamus knew she would be killed on the 31st, and despite the fact the number is one day off, if 28 and 2 are added together that's only 30.
The Challenger explosion
"From the human flock nine will be sent away,
Separated from judgment and counsel:
Their fate will be sealed on departure
Kappa, Thita, Lambda the banished dead err."
What happened: On January 28, 1986 the Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds after takeoff, killing all the astronauts on board.
The cause of the crash was a defective O-ring made by Thiokol and believers try and arrange the letters from Kappa, Thita and Lamda to fit the name of the company.
They also ignore the fact that seven dies in the disaster, not nine (nine will be sent away).
Sept. 11, 2001
"Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth
Will cause tremors around the New City.
Two great rocks will war for a long time,
Then Arethusa will redden a new river."
What happened: On the morning of September 11, 2001 the two towers (two great rocks) of the World Trade Center were attacked in New York City (New City).
“Born of obscure and dark family,
Of white and black of the two intermixed.
The dark one biding his time,
Before the Empire changes.”
Is it him:"Born of [an] obscure... family" means that he did not come from a prominent or privileged blood line. Obama most definitely does not have a well-connected political lineage; his humble beginnings are well-documented in his biographies. The word "obscure" also has the additional connotation of "not clearly understood," and questions have surfaced in certain quarters concerning his origins.
"Of white and black of the two intermixed." Obama had a white mother and a black father.
"The dark one." Despite his racial dichotomy, his appearance is darker, rather than lighter."Biding his time." Nostradamus loved to insert puns into his writing. This particular one is taken to be a play on the name "Biden," as in Senator Joseph Biden, Obama's chosen running mate. Obviously, Nostradamus did not pen his quatrains in English, but his adherents point out that the familiar phrase can be translated in no other words, and has been done that way for centuries. They take it as further evidence that the same hand of Divine Providence that allowed his prophetic visions to reach across time provided this quatrain for our day and age. "Before the Empire changes." It is no state secret that George W. Bush is often referred to as the "Imperial President," an allusion to his Napoleonic nation-building, as well as for co-opting the Constitution and acting as unitary executive. And of course, Obama was running on a platform of change.
Osama Bin Laden or someone else?
"Out of the country of Greater Arabia
Shall be born a strong master of Mohammed...
He will enter Europe wearing a blue turban.
He will be the terror of mankind.
Never more horror. "
Is it him: According to Nostradamus, the first two anti-Christs were extremely evil, and history has shown this to be so; however, Nostradamus speaks of a third anti-Christ who is more hideous than all the others combined. Some have said Sadaam Hussein, the dictator from Iraq (proved false now), or even Osama Bin Laden. Could he be this evil tyrant? Others say that he has not yet appeared. What does Nostradamus say about this third anti-Christ? First, Nostradamus tells us he will come from the Middle East.
Next, Nostradamus says that a man from Greater Arabia will lead his forces on an invasion through Europe. This invasion will start a third world war that will be far worse than all the other wars put together. When will all this take place? In one quatrain Nostradamus gives us an exact date in which the war will be well under way.
“In the year 1999 and seven months
From the sky will come the great King of Terror.
He will bring back to life the King of the Mongols;
Before and after war reigns. “
Nostradamus predicts the war will begin shortly before the year 1999. As we are now 'at war with terror.' Interpret it how you will. He also tells us how long the war will last.
“The war will last seven and twenty years. (so 27 years) “
Nostradamus says that the war will be so terrible that the world will come face to face with final annihilation. Here, he implies that the war might involve some kind of horrible weapon, possibly nuclear. Nostradamus tells what the first target will be.
“The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
Fire approaches the great new city. “
In this phrase, Nostradamus refers to a great city in the new world of America near forty-five degrees latitude. Experts agree this could only be New York. I know many of you are thinking of other websites that claim this means he predicted September 11th. Again, interpret it how you will. The sky did burn at 45 degrees, but New York was not destroyed, nor was it a nuclear attack.
“By fire he will destroy their city,
A cold and cruel heart,
Blood will pour,
Mercy to none. “
Although Nostradamus 's predictions for our future sound frightening, the accuracy and dates he gave do not seem to flow. Are they being misinterpreted, or are they just plain wrong? Is the New City at 45 degrees yet to be destroyed? He does give us some hope by telling us how this third world war will end. He says it will end as a result of an unexpected alliance.
“When those of the Northern Pole are united,
In the East will be great fear and dread...
One day the two great leaders will be friends;
Their great powers will be seen to grow.
The New Land will be at the height of its power:
To the man of blood the number is reported. “
Again, the new land was a common term used by Nostradamus to refer to what we now call America. The countries of the northern pole could be Russia and the United States. We have recently seen the breakdown of Communism in Russia and an increasing friendship between Russia and the U.S. Perhaps the two countries will work together against the source of evil.
"The sloping park, great calamity,
Through the Lands of the West and Lombardy
The fire in the ship, plague and captivity;
Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn fading."
What's supposed to happen: A great earthquake (sloping park, great calamity) is reputedly foretold in this quatrain. In the New World (he Lands of the West), California is the logical choice.
According to astrologists ( Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn fading) the next time that Mercury will be in Sagittarius and Saturn in a “fading" position will be on November 25, 2015.
“The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.”
What is supposed to happen: These days, 2012's the trendiest day for end-of-world prophecies. Specifically, it's Dec. 21, 2012.
The doomsayers always warn that Nostradamus said the world was going to end and he NEVER GOT ANYTHING WRONG.
Believe it if you want. One thing is clear: Nostradamus himself wrote that his prophecies only went as far forward as the year 3797. Does that mean the world will end late in the 38th century? Only time will tell.
Third World War
"In the year five hundred eighty more or less,
There shall be a strange age,
In the year seven hundred and three (witness heaven)
Many kingdoms, one to five shall be changed."
What is supposed to happen : All the predictions / prophecies are said to require an addition of 325 to the numbers mentioned. By this logic we got to 1914 (325+1589), year of World War II. Destructive, yet a significant year. Following similar calculations, 1703+325 get us to 2028. It is believed that war, the third world war has been foreseen in this year.
End of the World in 7000 Years
"I / 48
Twenty years of the reign of the moon having passed,
Seven thousand years another shall hold his monarchy,
When the sun shall resume his days past,
Then is fulfilled and ends my prophecy.
X / 74
The year seven of the great number being past,
There shall be seen the sports of the ghostly sacrifice,
Not far from the great age of the millennium,
That the buried shall come out of their graves."
What is supposed to happen: Verses like these talk about expansion of the sun which will consume the earth in 7000 years.
Of Course! No one doubts he deserved the props, you be the final judge.
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