Hawkins' Happenings 2

Jason's Jocks
- September 1985
- Canonicity: Canon

Not to like, barge right in or anything but there's a whole lot of facts hidden that no one actually points out. One of them being that the battle at Starcourt mall and the Byers moving was 3 months apart. And counting from the 4th of July 3 months ahead you'd be in the beginning of October. And school started in September, so yes, Will and I actually went to the same high school for less than a month. I don't know whether or not that was a great idea though because in that time period a lot happened.

It all started the first day of school actually. I woke up borderline depressed as I knew I was going to have to really focus on school because I barely passed the previous year. But oh well, I guess I had no choice other than go for it again, another year of school. On my way to school I of course met up with Will. He seemed nervous, anxious for the big change of going to a new school with new scary people. "It's going to be okay Will, trust me, and we will always have each other," I assured him. He looked at me and smiled in a way that just begged for a hug. So when we reached school we hopped off our bikes and I gave him a hug. 

"You might not wanna do that in public." I let go of Will to see who said that. It was Mike, followed by Dustin. "And why is that?" I asked. Mike looked at me as I started thinking. Then of course I realized two boys hugged could imply the two of them dating and since that wasn't really a normalized thing for the 80's. I of course felt like it was bullshit, like hello, just let me live my life. But the law wasn't really up to that, so I guess I couldn't show affection at school, which hurt. I already wanted to just break down and start crying but no one wants to see me cry so guess Imma just shove the feelings away and then one day just explode.

Inside school I somehow found my new locker, which was fairly close to Will's, so atleast I'd see him every time at my locker for four years (this was before I knew they were moving). At my locker I saw something familiar walk past me. I turned and saw Max passing me, so of course I had to catch her attention. "Max!" I said. But she gave no response. That hurt given we were friends, and now, I don't think she wants to be my... our friend anymore. But that's not my fault right? I couldn't save Billy, with the powers I could've used to save him. No, I shouldn't think like that. I should just focus on what I have, and move on. Everyone has moved on, so I should too. 

On that thought I closed my locker and went over to Will again, who was still grabbing his books. "I wasn't expecting them to be this heavy," he said while struggling to put another book in his arms. "But why are you holding them like that, couldn't you just like, grab one book at a time to put in your locker?" I asked. "Well I uh, didn't think of it," he said with an awkward laugh. I smiled back as he then pushed his body towards the locker so he could drop the books in. Then he quickly started organizing them. Then the bell rang as first period began. But Will was still organizing his books. So I grabbed his arm and started pulling him away. "No, but, no," he started. "We cannot be late on our first day!" I said as I pulled him away. "No but, my books!" he yelled as the little drama queen he was. 

Once arrived in class we of course sat down as close to each other as possible. Dustin and Lucas joined us for this class. Dustin sat down behind me. "Hey guys," I said as I looked at Dustin and then towards Lucas. But he didn't sit down behind Will. No he walked straight past us and sat down at the back end of class. Weird if you ask me, but like with Max, he was probably moving on. Dustin however, didn't brush it off that quickly. "Lucas, why are you over there?" Dustin asked him across class. Lucas looked at him but didn't respond. There wasn't any time to continue asking questions as class started. Still, pretty weird.

After what felt like eternity in prison, we were saved as it was time for lunch break. And since my previous class was with Mike and Max, we walked to the cafeteria together. Well just Mike and I, not Max, Max kept her distance and then disappeared into a bathroom somewhere. In the cafeteria I got my lunch and then looked around the cafeteria with Mike. We found no traces of the others. That was, until I spotted Dustin at a table filled with junior and senior year students. Will wasn't sitting there though. But me and Mike still sat down there. Lucas joined us too for some reason. But then why did he leave us in class like that? Anyway, we were now all sitting at a random table, which was scary enough. But then all of a sudden the senior at the head of the table started speaking to us. "Ladies, gentlemen, it seems like we have found a new batch of lost little sheeps," the guy said. "And it seems like, they need some guidance," he continued. I could've responded but I was way to afraid to say something. "So, what's your names?" he then asked. It was quiet for a while because no one dared to say anything. "I swear to god, kids these days, you, what's your name?" the guy asked as he pointed at me. "Uh, I'm uh, (y/n)," I answered. "You," the guy then said as he moved over to Mike. "Mike," Mike answered. This process repeated until he knew all of our names. "Okay, high school, it already sucks right?" the guy then asked. "But it doesn't have to be the worst time of your lives," he said. "Who are you exactly?" I then asked. The guy was too stunned to speak. "I am Eddie Munson, leader of the Hellfire club," the guy explained. "Hellfire, seriously, you couldn't think of any other name so stuck to the X-men?" I asked him while thinking back to the summer, reading comics in Castle Byers with Will. "So, what is the Hellfire club?" Mike asked before I could go off even more. "It's a D&D club," one of the guys next to Eddie said. "But how did you know we are D&D nerds?" I asked. "Because I'm psychic, duhh," Eddie said as he then leaned back and threw his legs onto the table to apparently sit more comfortable. "I saw a flyer in the hall, they needed new members so I sat down at their table," Dustin whispered to us. "So are you guys in or not?" Eddie asked. I looked at Dustin who was already nodding yes in excitement. Mike looked at Eddie and then also nodded. Lucas said yes as he looked around the cafeteria and stopped at the basketball team. I also looked around, of course looking at what Lucas was looking at. I was about to turn back when I saw Will at another table. The table was filled with mostly girls, but there were guys there too. I could hear some stuff they were saying. "Well, I didn't bring anything cause I didn't expect this to happen on day one," Will told some of the girls. "Can't we like all draw something right here, right now and see who is the best?" one of the girl asked. Will had found the arts and crafts table. I was happy for him, finally having found people that were also interested in being creative and stuff. But then I remembered previous summer, he was angry at everyone because no one wanted to play D&D. And now? Everyone wanted to play again. I felt bad for him. But I realized this was probably everyone trying to move on, but not wanting to, and the only one that had actually moved on now was Will. So I said: "Yeah."

After the bell rang again I was going to my next class which I luckily had with Will. "Where were you during lunch, I couldn't find you," Will said. "Oh I was uh, at the D&D table," I said, afraid of his reaction. "Oh," Will said, he didn't seem to mind, but from the way he said that, it was clear he also thought back to last summer. "You were with the artsy people right?" I quickly asked. "Yeah, it was actually quite fun, but not as fun as hanging out with you," Will then answered. "Which is why, I uh, was wondering if you, uh, wanted to hang out, after school?" Will asked. I thought about it. Why though, why would I think about it, it's Will, and I love him. "Yeah, I'd love to," I said after which he smiled of course.

Then the rest of the school day continued like normal. It was long and exhausting. But then, the bell rang for the final time. I was free and it was time for me to hang out with Will of course. I met up with Will around the back since no one was there. He found me and grabbed my hand. "It's difficult to like not show any affection," he said. I smiled and I might've even blushed a little. "Which is why..." he said after which he started taking me towards the woods. Even though there were a lot of trees there was still a distinct path. It led towards a wooden table with two large seats. Like a picknick table. And surprise surprise, Will managed to actually set something up. "Now I sorta kinda had to prepare this in between lunch and your final class, and it might be horrible and not really well thought about and..." he started rambling as he started putting some stuff on the table. "It's perfect," I assured him because I knew he put himself through a lot of trouble to be able to do all of this. I knew he of course was going to down talk himself, he always does that. I walked towards him and threw my arms around him and pulled him into the hug. "Thank you," I said. It's really what I needed today, school was starting to get serious and difficult so I was afraid from the start and felt like I couldn't take a break. But Will now proved otherwise. I ended the hug and then he kissed me. 

"THEY'RE QUEERS!" I heard as I quickly pulled back from the kiss. I looked back at the path we took towards the table and saw one of the basketball jocks. Now at the time I of course didn't even know who this guy was, but in the future I would use the following description: 'still don't know, still don't care' so I hope you know which jock I mean now. "OH THE SCHOOL IS GONNA MAKE YOU FREAKS ONCE I TELL EVERYONE!" he yelled after which he ran off again. Behind me I heard a sigh. "He's gonna make school a living hell for you," Will said. I didn't really pay attention as I realized now we were screwed, he was going to tell everyone, but there had to be a way to divert attention again. But that wasn't for today, to be honest I wanted to continue where we left off, but Will didn't. "You know, this was actually a stupid idea, I should go home," Will said as started packing the stuff again. "No but you prepared this, for us, we..." I started. "No, I'm going home, what's even the point," Will said as he finished packing his stuff, closed his bag and walked away. I was left there, too stunned to speak. Eventually I left for home too, as there was no reason for me to stay.

The next day was scary, second day of high school. And the first day where there was a possibility that everyone found out about Will and I being gay. So of course, we mostly avoided each other. I do not know what Jason was up to though. He was probably trying to convince the school we were gay. Although I hadn't seen anyone who actually knew yet, so we were safe, but I just knew trouble was brewing. And that soon boiled over in the cafeteria.

It was lunch break once again. I sat down at the Hellfire Club table with Mike and Dustin. Eddie was already there too. Will was once again with his artsy people. Lucas then walked up to us, but he didn't sit down, no he walked past us, straight to Jason's table. I looked at him, making eye contact in the process. He seemed to be up to something. Soon then Jason suddenly climbed up onto his table and yelled as his jocks proceeded to block all exits. "What is going on?" Dustin whispered to Mike who shrugged. Eddie put down his newspaper as something interesting was finally happening. "Ladies and gentlemen! I have made a discovery!" Jason then yelled as the cafeteria went quiet. I glanced at Will who nervously looked back at me. "And it's about two people in this very cafeteria," he continued. I knew he was gonna tell the secret at any second now. Then I saw Lucas who looked at me. He tried to tell me something by just looking. I looked questioning, but then he nodded and proceeded to flip me off. And I knew what I had to do. I had to divert attention, create something bigger, so the secret would be forgotten/ignored. "Lucas what the hell?!" I yelled. "What's wrong? I didn't do anything," Lucas said. "Oh you seriously still think that, god you're so stupid!" I yelled. The cafeteria was completely quiet, listening to our fight. "How am I stupid, nothing happened!" he yelled back. I quickly glanced at Mike and Dustin hoping they'd join in. "Yes, you walked right by us, you left your friends for some bunch of stupid, delusional jocks!" Mike said. "You're the stupid ones!" Lucas yelled. He got up from his seat and slowly came our way, so naturally us three also got up. "That still makes you delusional, what, a stupid rumor about two people that didn't even happen," I said. "And that is why I walked past you, always talking shit about others, like have you seen yourself?" Lucas said. "And you, you look like a corpse," he said to Mike. "And you're still toothless!" he said to Dustin. "See, you're the one shit talking right now, so you know what, fine, go to your new friends, but let them keep their delusions to themselves!" I said slightly hinting at that that was his new mission, keeping our secret, a secret. "FINE!" Lucas said. It was still quiet when Lucas walked back to the table and sat down, but afterwards everyone had indeed forgot about Jason as the cafeteria started doing its thing again. And there wasn't much time to remember either as the bell rang again and saved me and Will forever. 

After school Will, me, Dustin, Mike and Lucas were walking towards our bikes when someone yelled to us. "Holy shit, that was amazing, the acting could use some more practice but the way you all sold that lie!" Luckily no one heard it. It was Max who yelled it. "Oh so now you say something," I said. "Well, yeah, you guys were so funny to watch I swear to god," she said. I nodded as I started thinking back to the picknick I was supposed to have with Will. "Wait a second," I said as I turned to Will. We all stopped walking. "Yesterday, in the woods, you said 'he's gonna make school a living hell for you' you said, 'for you', why not for us, why didn't you include yourself?" I asked him. He was kinda startled as he seemed to remember something. "Oh yeah, uh, about that hehe," he said. "Me, Jonathan, El and my mom, we're uh, gonna move to California..." he explained. Everyone was quiet. "What?" Max said as she almost laughed because of the silence. "Will, why didn't you tell us this?" I asked him. "Well I was going to, but, uh, I didn't want to upset you all," he explained. It was quiet. For a long time. But that is how I found out. About him moving. That's all that really happened in between there. And of course you know what happened when they moved. I've already adressed that stuff. But that's how I found out. 


Escaping Troy
- September 1983
- Canonicity: Canon

This story takes us to all the way before Will was even taken away by the Demogorgon. It's probably one of the shorter stories because not a lot happened here, or well atleast, not a lot for me to tell about as it is pretty straight forward. It was the beginning of the schoolyear and I knew the guys for like a year now, maybe two? And as usual after school I would bike home with Will because we lived closest. Today was kind of like any normal day. Except today something else happened.

"I don't wanna go to school tomorrow, I'm way too tired for that," I said as we were biking home. "(y/n), it's friday today, I thought you of all people would remember that," Will then said. I of course got a bit more positive at remembering what day it was. "Also this year literally started two weeks ago, how are you going to make it to next year if you're already out of motivation?" Will asked. "Well I could like, I don't know, go mad, and start rebelling against everything," I suggested. "Or, you could actually just try to make it, motivation or not," Will said. I sighed. "Fine, I'll try my hardest, but only because if I have to do this year again our friendship probably wouldn't last very long," I said. "Well, we could try," Will said. "Yeah, we could but it probably wouldn't work due to different classes, and the fact you guys are a whole year ahead of me," I said as I noticed someone biking far behind us. I thought nothing of it, probably just Mike or Dustin trying to catch up with us. "Well, I wouldn't let anything get in the way of our friendship, cause that's what's being friends is like, right?" Will asked. I nodded as I looked back again because the person behind us didn't look similar to Mike or Dustin at all. Then I actually saw who it was. It was Troy, furious, trying to catch up with us. "Shit," I said.

In a panic move or something I swerved off the road right into the woods where I crashed against the tree. Will followed as he now too had seen Troy was following us. We decided to dump the bikes and just start running. I don't know why Troy was so upset he was following us. Maybe he just saw us and thought: "let me do something annoying". That's a typical thing for Troy to do. And now you could be wondering, oh maybe he was just headed in the same direction, but no. Because behind us Troy also dumped his bike and started running after us. 

Will and I just kept running, even when out of breath and tired, we kept running, eventually I realized we weren't going to be able to keep this up forever so I grabbed Will as we started swerving around the trees. Then when I thought it was safe, I pulled Will behind a tree to the ground. "Why did you do that?" Will asked quietly. "Shut up, he might hear us!" I whispered. I heard some branches snap. Troy was close. He could find us at any second.

I looked back and saw him. Troy. He lost us, and apparently the road because he seemed lost. Troy was looking around at every tree but he couldn't find us because we were so good at hiding. He stepped forward, one step closer as he then got a knife out of his pocket. So of course I got startled, apparently he wanted to kill us. Will also looked around the tree, hoping to see something but he saw the knife too now. Will and I made eye contact and then we both looked back at Troy. He took another step forward, but didn't see a branch and tripped. He fell right onto the ground, faceplanted the ground. Now I just barely managed to keep my laughter in because oh boy did his muddy face look so funny afterwards. He also gave up the hunt because of humiliation as he walked off again. 

And this beautiful short story ends with me and Will going back to our bikes and biking the final way home, laughing about Troy on the way. "I had a fun afternoon," Will said. "Yeah, same," I said, laughing again. Then I said goodbye to Will as I biked home.


And that's everything for this month, I hope you enjoyed, even though these were probably the worst two stories. Yes it has released early again because of school and stuff. 

Now of course some more news. First of all, the next two stories:

- Teens

- A Day With Scoops Troop

"Teens" will be part 2 of the 3 part mini-series that is throughout Hawkins' Happenings. The second story doesn't really need an introduction.
However I do have to announce that as Season 4 has ended, the motivation of writing this story is slowly drifting away as I will slowly move into hibernation again. The October stories *MIGHT* release October 1st, so like, check here again October 1st because either then the next two stories have dropped or I have updated this A/N part with the release date. 

Some behind the scenes stuff has to be shared now of course:

- These two stories had the least amount of ideas beforehand, making them really difficult to write, that might explain why the quality might not be AS good.
- Escaping Troy is the first Hawkins' Happenings story to originate from the low quality male reader I wrote 3 years ago (meaning the Chapters covering Season 1 -> 3). In one of the final Chapters covering season 2, where y/n tells some happy memories to Will, "Escaping Troy" was one of these memories.

And to end this A/N on a positive note

1. "Chapter 34: The Piggyback" will not be the final chapter covering season 4 as I'm currently working very hard on "Chapter 35: If The Byers Stayed In Hawkins". To quickly summarize: I lost motivation for Hawkins' Happenings which you can probably tell by the quality of these two stories, but I have motivation for Chapter 35, (and the other Hawkins' Happenings stories, these two were just not quite it). Chapter 35 will be long (very long, the longest chapter yet) as it will cover the entirety of season 4 once more, but of course, if the Byers stayed in Hawkins. And even now, before it has even been released a warning: Chapter 35 will definitely be the darkest and most depressing chapter to date. Yeah so that's that.

2. We have reached 100K reads, which was a personal milestone and is like insane and not expected at all of course.

But I sincerely thank you, the reader, for standing strong and reading through that whole load of nonsense, low-quality writing and a whole lot of crying. So if u made it here, well congratulations to you, and yeah, once again thank you so much. I'd say, to another 100K reads!

And I'll see you all somewhere in October, or maybe earlier if Chapter 35 releases next month (idk when it releases, it releases when it's finished)!

~ The Author, Jelte :)

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