Chapter 9: A New Discovery

After discovering what was raiding through his garbage, Dustin quickly captures it in his ghost trap and begins to sneak into his house.  Hoping and praying that his mom won't come and catch him. But, he jumps as he hears her call out for him. 

"Dusty!" Dustin gasps and freezes when he sees his mother come into the living room with a big smile of hope, still dressed in her cat costume, "Dusty, how was it?" She asks in curiosity.  

Like a deer in headlights, Dustin stood frozen, confused with what she was asking him, "How was what?" He stammers. 

She scoffs at his words, "'How was what?' The greatest night of the year, of course." She says, obviously. 

Snapping out of his shock, Dustin chuckles nervously with a smile, "Oh. Oh, yeah, it was...It was, uh, tubular."

She frowns at him, startled by his words and tone, "What's wrong with you?" She could see right through him. 

His smile drops and he tries to play it cool, but he could see he was failing, "Nothing."

Worry begin to fill her, "Did something happen?"

"No. What? No." Dustin frowns, trying to assure her, but she continues with her worries. 

"Are you constipated again?" She asks.

Disgusted with her question, Dustin exclaims, "No. Mom!" He scoffs.

"Okay, you're acting weird." She crosses her arms over her chest as she glares down at him in suspicion.

"I am not acting weird!" Dustin states strongly. 

Suddenly, a loud thud comes from Dustin's ghost trap, causing both of them to jump in terror, mainly his mom.  

"Whoa!" She shouts as she places a hand over her chest in shock. 

"Ah!" Dustin begins to laugh nervously and hears Mews hiss angrily at the trap.  He looks up at his mom, seeing the fear in her eyes as she looks at the trap.

"Awesome, right? Yeah...I rigged the trap with, uh, a motor to make it look like I caught a ghost. Just like the movie." He stutters. 

Laughing nervously, his mom sighs in relief, "Oh, Dusty."

Dustin laughs again, "Yeah." Both of them laugh in relief.  

"Funny. Look at that. Look at that." He says as he finally got his mom to calm down.  After assuring her once again, he manages to escape her and heads to his room.  Pulling the sliding door open, he quickly shuts it and glares at the trap, " I told you to keep quiet. All you had to do was stay still for one minute. One minute." He mutters.  

He places the trap down to get his pet turtle out of the tank, "Sorry, Yertle. Temporary eviction, buddy." He apologizes and places the turtle on the floor.  He quickly gets the trap and opens it to free the creature.  A large, green tadpole-like creature falls from the trap, carrying a streak of yellow over it's smooth slimy skin.  It's chest was covered with light red color.  It chitters softly and rushes to the rock, hiding from it's captor.  

"What are you, little guy? What were you doing in my trash?" Dustin eyes it with wonder and smiles at it.  He has never seen anything like it.  He wonders if it was hungry or thirsty.  "You hungry?" He asks it and begins to open up a 3 Musketeer, he breaks it up and scatters it on the sand in front of it's hiding place.  He bites into the bar and holds it up as he chews, showing it was food, "Nougat. Go on, eat." He gestures it softly to try it.  

The creature slowly begins to come out from it's hiding spot, but once the heating lamp touches it, it screeches in pain and goes back into the dark.

Dustin frowns in confusion, he was sure the creature resembled a cold-blooded amphibian.  But, seeing it's reaction to heat, he couldn't explain it. 

"Too hot? Sorry about that, little guy." He shuts off the lamp.  He watches it come out of the shadows cautiously and moves to exam the weird food that was dropped before.  Dustin smiles as he watches it dig in and almost looked like it was smiling.  He chuckles at it's reaction, "You like nougat, too, huh? You're pretty cute, you know that? I'm glad I found you." He says and begins to think that the creature deserves a name, he eyes the candy bar, remembering the story of the 3 Musketeers.  "D'Artagnan. I'm gonna call you D'Artagnan." He says. 

D'Artagnan chitters softly, as if he was approving his name and continues to feast on the nougat.  

Through the night, Dustin skimmed through most of all of his books he had about reptiles and amphibian creatures, but he couldn't find one thing that resembled D'Artagnan.  It was too weird.  But, maybe, just maybe, Dustin has discovered a new species.  He needed to talk to his friends about this.  Tomorrow.  

As Dustin sleeps with books covering most of his body, D'Artagnan chitters as he moves around in the tank, chittering softly, but soon, he lets out a screech as he feels his body begin to change.  Growing.  


Eleven dreams of the night when she and Fiona discovered who was leaving all that food for them.  They hid behind the trees near the hunter's storage box and sees a figure walking towards the box.  Opening it and leaving Eggos once again and more food.  They lean from the side and sees who it was.  Hopper.  He was leaving all the food for them.  

Fiona gasps softly when she watches him walk again.  She pulls on Eleven's jacket collar in alert. 

"We can't stay here anymore.  We need shelter.  Food.  Warmth.  I'm tired, Sister." Fiona sighs out. 

Eleven sighs softly and nods, agreeing with her.  Together, they move from their hiding spot and begin to follow Hopper.  

Hopper was walking towards his truck...with Gloria waiting for him.  She turns and sighs out a cold breath as she sees him walking back. 

"Anything?" She asks with hope. 

He sighs and shakes his head, watching her face that was full of hope fall in disappointment.  Gloria discovered after a few weeks that Hopper has been leaving food around the woods and she interrogated him till he finally caved.  He told her that he's been getting strange reports.  Hunters running into two girls who attack them by making things fly and electrocuting them.  Gloria wanted to be there when finds them.  After weeks of searching and dropping off food, no luck.

But, both of them perk up as they hear footsteps coming from behind him.  Hopper turns and, to their surprise and relief, there they were.  Fiona and Eleven.  Dirty, tired, and hungry.  

Gloria gasps softly and sends the girls a soft smile.  She was happy and relieved they were both ok.  She rushes to them and hugs them in her arms.  

"Oh, thank god.  I knew you two were ok." She pulls away and scans them both, checking them over for any injuries.  She cups Fiona's face in her hands and smiles big.  "I missed you so much."

Eleven stirs from her slumber, blinking at the morning light.  She sighs softly when she opens her eyes, but frowns when she sees Hopper leaning on her bedroom door frame.  

"Rise and shine." He greets her.  But, she turns on her side quickly, avoiding him with an angry aura.  She was still upset with him.  

Hopper sighs, sensing she was still mad with him.  He looks over his shoulder and sees Fiona setting the table.  He rest his head against his wrist and looks over to Eleven again.  

"So that's it, huh? You're still not talking?"  Still met with silence. "All right. I guess I'm just gonna have to, uh...enjoy this triple-decker Eggo extravaganza on my own." He baits.  "Fiona and I worked very hard on this. It's going to be so good." He sing-songs as he walks back into the kitchen. 

Eleven couldn't resist when he said Eggo.  She sits up and begins to get out of bed, walking towards the kitchen.  After eating a nice breakfast, the three of them begin to enjoy a triple deck of Eggos, covered with candy corn and cream and chocolate kisses.  

Hopper grunts at the sweetness, but makes yummy sounds.  Despite how strong the sugar was, it was still good.

"Mmm! Mmm! Good, right? Know the great thing about it? It's only 8,000 calories." He says. 

Fiona scoffs and laughs as she licks up the cream off her fingers.  

She looks over at the tv in Eleven's room and sighs when she realizes her main distraught. 

"Sister, did you see Mike?" She asks. 

Hopper sniffles and waits for Eleven's answer. 

Eleven sighs as she keep her eyes down, thinking about Mike and how much she misses him, "He says he needs me."

Hopper wished he could do more, but all he can offer is just what he had now, "Want me to go check on him?" But to his surprise, she shakes her head.  He knew that she wanted to see him for herself. "Look, I know that both of you miss Jace and Mike.  I do.  All right?  But, remember, it's too dangerous.  Eleven, you're the last thing Mike needs right now." He says, he didn't mean to sound so harsh, but it was true.  Mike needed to get his life straighten out and he can't do that if she comes back into his life. 

Hopper turns to look at Fiona, "Jace, too. He's still having a hard time dealing with what happen..."

"I know." Fiona cuts him off with a sad look, thinking about her visit last night.  

Hopper watches her face, she lowers her eyes as she falls into her memories, "Did you share waves again?" He asks. 

Fiona slowly nods, "He was scared.  In pain." Her voice cracks. 

"Hey, he's ok.  Just needs to take it easy.  After what that thing did to him, mentally and physically, he needs to heal.  Okay?  Both of you are going to see them.  Soon.  And not just in those heads of yours. You're gonna see them in real life. I feel like I'm making progress with these people." Hopper assures them both.

Fiona rests her head over her hand and picks off the candy corn to nibble on them.  She understood, but it was still hard.  Eleven, however, didn't believe him anymore.  

"Friends don't lie." She glares at him.  

"What?" Hopper frowns at her and Fiona was startled with her sister's new attitude. 

"You say 'soon' on day 21. You say 'soon' on day 205. You now say 'soon' on day 326?" Eleven scoffs. 

Hopper looks at her in disbelief, "What is this? You're counting the days now like you're some kind of prisoner?"

"When is 'soon'?" She demands. 

"'Soon' is's not dangerous anymore." Hopper says, hesitantly.  Honestly, he had no idea when is 'soon'. 

"When?" Eleven demanded a straight answer, she was tired of the waiting. 

"Sister..." Fiona tries to calm her, but she couldn't help her. 

"I don't know." Hopper says. 

"On day 500?"

"I don't know."

"On day 600?"

"I don't know."

"Day 700? On day 800?" Eleven's voice begins to rise with her anger and frustration. 

"No!" Hopper meets her tone, trying to calm her, but she has had it with it all.  She wanted Mike!

"I need to see him. Tell me!" Eleven shouts. 

"I said I--" Hopper tries to assure her, but Eleven jerks her head up, calling the energy inside to force the Eggo extravaganza fly at him.  He shouts in surprise and Fiona jumps as the cream flies everywhere, hitting the walls, Hopper, and her.  "Oh! Shit! Shit!" Hopper jumps to his feet as he exclaims at the feeling of the food splattering all over him.  He sends Eleven a glare and Eleven matches his with a colder one as she snaps to her feet. 

"Friends don't lie!" She shouts and paces back into her room, waving her arm to use her energy to slam to door shut.

In a fit of rage, Hopper kicks the table, causing Fiona to jump in fright.  She sighs and places her elbows on the table and covers her face.  

Snatching the rest of the Eggo extravaganza, Hopper paces in anger towards the trash can and shoves it into the bag, even tossing the plate inside.  After cleaning himself up, Hopper buttons up his uniform as he exits the bathroom.  He looks up and sees Fiona cleaning the kitchen.  He sighs deeply, still bothered with Eleven's attitude, but he walks to grab his belt.  

"Look, see if you can calm your sister down somehow.  Make her see from your side." He says. 

Fiona tosses the rag from her hand to the nearest hamper and places her hands on her hips as she glares at him, "I don't like it when people yell at my sister.  But she didn't need to act like that.  Why didn't you answer her?" She asks.

Hopper sighs and picks at his hat, "I honestly don't know when is 'soon'.  Getting the lab on my side is taking time.  When?  I don't know.  I know you and Eleven hate that saying but it's the truth.  I don't know.  But, once I make more progress with them, I'll find out." He says. 

Fiona wasn't liking this, but she had no choice.  She looks down and shifts her feet.  She sighs as she looks up at him, "Just please keep Jace safe for me." She pleads.  

Hopper nods, "I will.  That I truly promise." He checks his watch and mutters, "I need to go.  Gotta figure out what's causing the crops to rot.  I'll be back as soon as I can.  Keep an ear out for me." He says as he gets his coat on and points at the HAM radio. 

Fiona nods and watches him leave.  She looks back at Eleven's door.  Honestly, she was worried about her sister.  With her experiencing the strong urge to see Mike in person, she worries Eleven might endanger them both.  When is what scared her.  When.  


Meanwhile, another morning at the Byers' house and Joyce, once again, lost her keys.  The entire family search far and wide throughout the house for her keys.  Joyce checked the couch, Jonathan checked the kitchen, and Will was checking the bags. 

"Jesus. Have you seen them?" Joyce asks as she tears through the couch. 

"We're looking, Mom." Jonathan says. 

"Yeah, we're... we're looking." Will says as he continues to search, but all three of them stop as they hear Bob from the bedroom. 

"A-ha!" He shouts and comes walking out as he holds the keys in triumph.  "Found 'em." He chuckles. 

"Oh!" Joyce exclaims in relief and takes them from Bob's hand. 

"Hiding under some jeans, sneaky little buggers." Bob says with a grin. Happy that he made Joyce smile once again. 

"Thank you. Thank you.  You're a life saver." Joyce says, then continues to get ready for work.  She grabs her purse and turns to face Jonathan. "Can you take Will to school today? I cannot be late again." She says, pleading her oldest. 

Jonathan scoffs and leans in close as Bob moves away to talk to Will. 

"He's staying over now?" Jonathan asks in disbelief, he couldn't understand why his mother likes someone like Bob.  

Frowning at Jonathan's attitude, "Can you just take Will, please?" She begs him, but before Jonathan could say anything else, Bob speaks up.

"I can take him." He volunteers. 

Joyce was surprised that he offered, "Will you make sure he gets in okay?" She asks, almost unsure about letting Will go, but she trusts Bob.  

"Yeah, of course." Bob says and looks over to Will with a smile, patting his back, "What do you say, big guy? Wanna go for a ride in the Bobmobile?" He asks. 

Will liked Bob.  He did.  Even though he was dating his mom, and normally, he should be bothered by that.  And he was kind of a goof, but a him. And Bob didn't treat him like a freak.  He treated him like a person.  He nods at Bob, agreeing to the ride.  


Before school started, Dustin begins again with his search for what could D'Artagnan be.  What's his species?  Where did he come from?  He had so many questions and believed that they were in the books.  He grabs every reptilian and amphibian book.  Anything that could describe what he is.  He picks out five books, per Library rules and walks up to the librarian to check them out.  He sets them down and gives the Librarian a friendly smile, but she gives him a frown. 

"Mr. Henderson, you know the rules." She scorns him. "Five at a time."

"Yep. One, two, three, four and five." He counts off the books, not seeing the problem.  

"Ten." She corrects him and shows him that he had previously checked out five books before, "You already have five books checked out."

"My mistake.  However...I am on a curiosity voyage, and I need my paddles to travel.  These books...These books are my paddles." He tries to butter her up and pleads with her to take these books, but the Librarian wasn't having it. 

"Five at a time." She says as she places her foot down. 

Dustin scoffs at her, "Are you shitting me?"

Her eyes widen in offense, "Excuse me?"

Dustin frowns as he looks behind her and points, "What the hell is..."

The librarian turns to see what he was talking about, but when she looks back, she sees Dustin snatching the books off the counter and rushes towards the door. 

"Mr. Henderson!" She shouts. 

"I need my paddles!" 


On the way to school, it was getting too quiet in the car for Bob's liking.  He looks over to Will, watching him staring out in the distance in the window.  So, he decides to break the ice. 

"Was that you I heard milling around last night, or was that a ghost?" Bob says, with a teasing tone. 

Will snaps out of his thoughts and turns to look at Bob, giving him a soft chuckle, "Yeah. Me, probably."

Bob sighs and keeps his eyes on the road, but he would avert his eyes to Will.  Even though Will wasn't his son, he wanted to be his friend, at least.  He was dating his mother, he wanted to bond with them.  Maybe, someday, he would like to be a part of their family.  He knows Jonathan will be difficult to befriend, but maybe once he becomes Will's friend, Jonathan will see that he was a great guy.  

"Another nightmare?" Bob asks, honestly worried about Will and his condition that Joyce has told him about.  

"Um... no." Will shakes his head, avoiding the possibility of Bob changing his attitude towards him if he knew more about him.  

Bob sighs softly, sensing that Will was trying to build walls around him, so he decides to tell him a dark secret that he never told anyone before.  

"Did I ever tell you about Mr. Baldo?" He asks Will.

Will frowns and looks at Bob in curiosity, "Mr. Baldo?"

Bob nods, "Yeah." He sighs and begins his story, "I was a little younger than you, standing in line for the Ferris wheel at the Roane County fair." 

Will nods, listening to his story, "Mmm-hmm." He was familiar with the fair.

"And suddenly, I feel this fat white glove tap me on the shoulder. I spin around, and there he is.  Mr. Baldo." Bob shudders at the horrific memories.  He twists his face to a crooked grin and wiggles his fingers at Will, imitating the clown, "'Hey, kiddo, would you like a balloon?'"

Will couldn't help, but chuckle.  Who knew that Bob was scared of clowns?  Bob laughs with him. 

"Go ahead, laugh. It's funny.  It wasn't funny back then, I can tell you that.  I couldn't get him out of my head.  Every night, he would come to me in my dreams.  And every night when he came to me...I ran." He shakes his head, feeling the old shame.  

He sighs softly, "It got so bad that I made my mom stay in the room with me until I could fall asleep every night."

Will looks at him in surprise, seeing how much they had in common with how they deal with their fears and nightmares, "Really?"

Bob nods, "Really.  It went on like that for months.  And then one day, the nightmares suddenly stopped.  Wanna know how?"

Will nods, "How?" He asks. 

"Well, I fell asleep...and just like always, Mr. Baldo came to me.  Only this time, I didn't run. This time, I stood my ground.  I just looked at Mr. Baldo in his stupid face, and I said, 'Go away. Go away!' Just like that, he was gone.  Never saw him again. Easy-peasy, right?" Bob grins at him, hoping that his story will help him through anymore nightmares he'll have. 

Will smiles and nods, "Easy-peasy."

Bob returns a smile, "Just like that." He snaps his fingers.  


After witnessing what happened to Will that night on Halloween, Max grew curious about him.  She wanted to know what was wrong with him.  So after asking around, she learned that everyone thought of him as a freak and nicknamed him 'zombie boy'.  But no one would tell her why.  So she decided to ask one of his friends.  But, Dustin wasn't at school yet, and she sensed hostility from Mike, she went to Lucas.  

"I still don't get why they call him zombie boy." She says, frowning in confusion after explaining that she was curious about everyone's attitude towards Will and how she wanted to know what happened that night. "I mean, I get it. He got lost in the woods for a week or something, but why is he a zombie? Because everyone thought he was dead?" She asks. 

"Yeah. I mean, we had a funeral for him and everything." Lucas says as he walks with her to class. 

"After a week?" She scoffs in disbelief, she couldn't believe the town gave us so fast on him. 

"Well, see, some other kid drowned at the quarry.  We thought it was Will because his body was super decomposed." Lucas explains. 

"What? Okay, that's not funny." She frowns at him, thinking he was playing a sick joke. 

Lucas stops and turns to face her, giving her a serious look, "It's not a joke, all right?  It's public knowledge. You can ask anybody.  Except Will, because he is really sensitive about it.  All right?" He says, eyeing her to promise him that she won't.  

Max was in complete shock with this information.  She never imagined this to be far more than she expected.  How horrible these people are to Will after what happened to him.  

"Okay." She nods.  

At the same time, Bob made it to the school and was able to drop Will off on time. He pulls over towards the drop-off lane in front of the school and sends Will a smile. 

"Have a great day, kiddo." He says and waves him off.  

Will smiles back and waves, but when Bob leaves, his smile drops when he faces the school.  He passes people as they stop to watch him.  He wouldn't be surprised if the whole school knew about what happened that night.  He turns his eyes towards the ground and paces inside to get the day over with. 


"The case of Phineas Gage is one of the great medical curiosities of all time." Mr. Clarke gives out his daily lessons with the projector.  "Phineas was a railroad worker in 1848 who had a nightmarish accident.  A large iron rod was driven completely through his head.  Phineas miraculously survived.  He seemed fine.  And physically, yes, he was.  But his injury resulted in a complete change to his personality.  So much so that friends that knew him started referring to him as 'No longer Gage'."

Max could hardly pay attention to the lesson.  She couldn't stop staring at Will.  Wondering what happened to him out there in the woods that made him so messed up in the head.  Who was the kid who drowned that everyone mistaken for Will? Did they ever bother to find out?  She averts her eyes when Will looks over his shoulder.  The feeling of eyes on him was still there.  He looks and sees Max.  She was looking, but pretended she wasn't.  He knew that look.  She must have found out about him.  

"At the time, this was known as the American Crowbar Case.  Although it wasn't a--" Mr. Clarke continues his lesson, but jumps in fright along with everyone else as Dustin comes crashing into the room, panting heavily as if he has been running a marathon. 

"I am so sorry, Mr. Clarke." He holds his hands up in apology and rushes to his desk, getting his books out of his bag to catch up, "Really, I'm so sorry.  Please continue with the class. Don't mind me.  Really, continue, please. Thanks." Dustin pants out.

Mr. Clarke frowns at him and turns to go back to his lesson, "Although it wasn't a crowbar, it was a rod, as I said."

Dustin turns to his friends as they all lean in to listen, "We have to meet. All of us. At lunch, AV Club." He whispers softly. 

Mike frowns in confusion, "Why?"

Dustin smiles excitedly, "I have something that you won't believe." He looks up over to Max, "AV Club. Lunch." He whispers loudly to her as she frowns at him. 

Mr. Clarke glares at him, "Dustin!" He raises his voice.

Dustin turns fast towards the teacher, "Yes, my lord?"

"Would you care to join the class now?" Mr. Clarke continues to glare and scorn at him for disrespecting him and interrupting his lessons.  

"Please, yes." Dustin says as he gets his books open, turning to the correct pages. 

"The case of Phineas Gage." Mr. Clarke states. 

"Phineas Gage." Dustin mutters. 

"Page 104."

"104. 104." Dustin nods and mutters, finding the page. 

"Focus." Mr. Clarke states strongly. 

"Focusing. Focusing." Dustin nods, but turns again to Max. "AV Club."

Max gives him a forced smile and a thumbs up.

Dustin smiles and turns back to listen to Mr. Clarke give his lesson. 

"And he began to curse, using terrible words that I don't dare repeat here."

While class goes back on it's track and Dustin begins to focus, unaware of D'Artagnan chittering and moving around in the trap he had stuffed in his bag.  


"Open wide...say 'ahhh'." Gloria says as she exams Fiona's throat. 

"Ahhhh." Fiona says as she let's her exam her.  Eleven was still pouting in the bedroom and didn't want to talk to anyone.  Not even Fiona.  

"Everything looks good.  Still healthy as a horse every time I see you." Gloria smiles as she removed the stick off Fiona's tongue.  "No nightmares? Depression or feeling weird?  Anything abnormal?" 

Fiona shakes her head, "I have some bad dreams, but nothing about Upside Down." 

Gloria nods, "Hopper told me you visited Jace last night.  Connecting to his waves again." She sighs. 

Fiona looks down and plays with her fingers, but Gloria takes her hand.  Giving her a comforting grip.

"He told me he saw you after his nightmare when I saw him this morning.  He really misses you.  As much as you miss him." Gloria says and then looks over to Eleven's bedroom door. "Is the little one still rebelling?" 

Fiona frowns, but remembers what 'rebel' means, "She's angry that she can't see Mike.  And I'm angry I can't see Jace.  But...I want him safe, too." She says as she feels the heaviness again in her chest. 

Gloria gives her a side hug, "You'll see him again.  Both of you will see them.  I know it.  Once we get those assholes off you and your sister.  And you, two back in your boyfriends arms." She gives her a big smile. 

"'Boyfriend'?" Fiona frowns.

"It's what you call someone you love.  A man is a boyfriend and the woman is the girlfriend.  Kinda like before becoming husband and wife.  In a relationship, there are steps.  Meeting, dating, becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, and then, if it's true love, then you become husband and wife.  The love is strong in that step, as long as you work hard to keep it strong.  Communicate, compromise, and fight like hell to keep each other.  Never let the fires of love die out.  If they do..." She sighs sighs and shrugs, "'s over.  Kaput.  Relationship is gone and won't ever be the same.  But, I believe in you and Jace can work it out.  Once you're together again, I know you two will work everything out to have a great life together." She smiles down at Fiona.  

Fiona slowly returns one.  Deep in her heart, she never wants to lose Jace.  She wants to keep the 'fires of love' strong for him.  

"Well, I need to get back to the office before anyone tries to come looking for me.  Since El isn't cooperative today, I'll try again another time." Gloria sighs out and walks towards the door, knocking softly.  "Feel better soon, little one.  Don't worry.  I know you're angry, but...all I can say is...have faith and patience.  I'll see you ladies again soon." She calls out and moves away from the door.  "Good luck." She sighs to Fiona and begins to leave. 

As the door shuts, Fiona quickly locks the door and moves to sit on the couch.  She sighs softly, worried about Eleven.  She wishes she would come out and talk to her like they use to.  Living in the bad place, they were always scared to be separate.  Now, Eleven doesn't seem to be bothered that they're not talking.  She only cared about Mike.  

Deep in Fiona's heart, she was a little jealous, but she knew she shouldn't be.  Mike was different.  Like how Jace is to her.  She's in love.  Both of them are just in love.  

Fiona grabs a book from the pile that Hopper brought her from the Library and begins to read 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow'. 

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