Chapter 4: The Sauna Test
Hey guy, little announcement. This one may get kinda silly, but I'm trying to find some originality to put in here, not sure if you guys will like it but give me some feedback after this chapter, it'll be greatly appreciated.
[Max Home]
Y/N paces around Max's Room still pondering about Billy. It's off.
Y/N: It doesn't make sense.
Max: What doesn't make sense?
Y/N: Heather. The blood. The ice.
Max: Heather had a fever, so she took a cold bath, but she's better now. That has to be it. I don't know where that blood came from, but... we saw her. We both saw her. She's totally fine.
Y/N: What about Billy?
Max: What about him?
Y/N: He seemed wrong.
Max: Wrong is kind of like
his default.
Y/N: But from what you and the others have told me, Billy is usually....mean.
Max: That's a nice way of putting it. But it's nice to know he's not a murderer,
because that would've totally sucked.
Max starts reading a comic book.
Y/N: Who is that?
Max: See, this is why you can't just hang out with El all the time. This is Wonder Woman. AKA Princess Diana. She's from Paradise Island,
which is, like, this hidden island where there are only
women Amazon warriors.
Y/N: Does she have powers.
Max: Yep, super speed, super strength and my favorite lasso of truth. If only it were real.
[Hopper's Cabin]
Grogily Hopper wakes up from his fight at Hawkins Lab while Joyce tends to him.
Joyce: Hey, careful.
Hopper sits up and notices he's shirtless and covered in a blanket.
Joyce: Careful.
Joyce hands Hopper a cup of water which he takes and gulps down.
Hopper: How long have I been out?
Joyce: A while. You've been drifting in and out.
Hopper: Where Terry?
Joyce motions to Y/N's room where they see Terry staring at a picture of Y/N and Jane.
Hopper: How did I get here?
Joyce: What's the last thing you remember?
Hopper; Some thug attacked me.
Hopper attempts to get up but is stopped by Joyce.
Joyce: Hey, you need to rest.
Hopper: No, I'm fine.
Joyce: No, you're not fine, Hop...
Hopper: I'm fine. I'm fine.
Hopper stands but Joyce immediately looks away as the blanket falls but Hopper catches if before it falls all the way.
Hopper:Um... Where are my clothes?
Joyce leads the blanket wrapped Hopper to the porch where Hopper's clothes are soaking wet.
Joyce: They were soaked.
Hopper: Did you recognize him?
Joyce: Who?
Hopper: The thug.
Joyce: Well, I didn't get a good look. Well, I mean,
he's gotta be government, right?
Hopper: Yeah, but if he's government, what's he doing slinking around?
Joyce: W-Why is he running?
Hopper: You know, why didn't we find anything down there?
Joyce: Let's ask him.
Joyce holds up a piece of paper that shows a few words and numbers.
Hopper: What is that?
Terry: His license plate.
They turn to see Terry walking out of the room.
Terry: Nice skirt.
Hopper: What are the dashes?
Joyce: Well, they're blanks. There was... I think it was either an H or a P with the part rubbed off. And there was definitely a Y. For sure. And that, I think, was a B, but it could've been an eight.
Hopper: I think you should stick to sales.
Joyce: Can't you run a search or something? I just think you have to lower your expectations. I mean, this is a state government agency. Gonna take weeks before they find a match.
Terry: Weeks?
Hopper: If we're lucky. I mean, what are the odds that this guy registers a car in his own name?
Joyce: It wasn't a car.
Hopper: What do you mean it wasn't a car?
[Max's Room]
Max peacefully sleeps on her bed while Y/N is on the floor sleeping on a mat. It was early as they were both sleep but awoken to Lucas on the walkie.
Lucas: *over radio* Do you copy? This is a code red. I repeat, this is a code red. Max. Do you copy? This is a code red.
Max fishes her walkie from under her bed.
Max: Shut...up.
She turns it off sliding the antenna down.
Max preps to go back to sleep but is stopped when the phone in her room rings.
Max marches from her bed avoiding the still sleeping Five and answers the phone.
Max: I'm sleeping. Go away.
Mike: *over phone* This is Mike. Do not hang up. Something happened, something bad. Our very lives can be at stake.
Max: What are you talking about? Just come over to my house. We'll explain everything. Hurry.
Dustin: That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately, the Russian with this keycard
also has a massive gun. Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it.
Robin: But there's gotta be a way in.
Steve: Well, you know...I could just take him out.
Dustin: Take who out?
Steve: The Russian guard. I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy.
Dustin: Did you not hear the part qbout the massive gun?
Steve: Yes, Dustin, I did. And that's why I would be sneaking.
Becky: Well, please, tell me this, and be honest, have you ever actually... won a fight?
Steve: Okay, that was one time...
Dustin: Twice. Jonathan. Year prior?
Steve: Listen, that doesn't count.
Becky: Why wouldn't it? Because it looks like he beat the shit out of you. You got a fat lip, crooked nose,
Dustin: Swollen eye, a lot of blood...things that all added up...
Quickly thinking Robin stands from her chair and leaves the kitchen.
Steve: Robin. Hey, Robin!
Hey, what... what are you doing?
Robin takes the money in the tip jar and leave the parlor.
Robin: I need cash.
Steve: Well, half of that's mine. Where're you going?
Robin: To find a way into that room, a safe way. And, in the meantime, sling ice cream, behave, and don't get beat up. I'll be back in a jiff.
Terry: Aren't Russian like really strong?
Dustin: It's how they're portrayed.
Terry: Real or not, you better prep yourself Steve cause those guys out there were big, bigger than Hopper too.
Max and Y/N arrive at the basement where they find Eleven, Lucas and Mike surrounding Will.
Max: What the hell is going on.
Eleven: Tell them Will.
Will: I didn't think it was anything at first. I mean, I think I just didn't want
to believe it. The first time I felt it was at Day of the Dead. Power went out that night, too. And then I felt it again at the field near the Nelson farm the next day. Then again yesterday outside Castle Byers.
Max: What does it feel like?
Will: It's almost like... You know when you drop on a roller coaster?
Mike: Sure.
Max: Yeah.
Y/N: No.
Will: It's like... everything inside your body is just sinking all at once, but... this is worse. Your body... it goes cold and... and you can't breathe. I've felt it before, whenever he was close.
Max: Whenever who was close?
Will: The Mind Flayer.
Max: Y/N closed the gate.
Will: I know, but... what if he never left? What if we locked him out here with us?
Y/N: Nancy said that it left Will's body, when Hopper and I closed the gate the only shadows was the mind flayer himself in the Upside Down.
Will places a paper he drew of the Mind Flayer a year ago down on the table.
Will: This is him. All of him. But, that day on the field, a part of him attached itself to me. My mom got it out of me. And Five closed the gate. But the part that was still in me, what if it's still in our world? In Hawkins.
Max: I don't understand.
The Demodogs died when Five closed the gate. If the brain dies, the body dies.
Mike: We can't take any chances. We need to assume the worst.
Eleven: The Mind Flayer's back.
Will: Yeah. And if he is, he'd want to attach himself
to someone again. A new me. A new host.
Y/N: I feel like I may know who the new host is.
Mike: Who?
Y/N: Max. You won't like who I'd suggest.
Max: No. No way, he's always like that.
Eleven: Who are you guys talking about?
Y/N: When has he ever been nice, not only that, it explains the blood and the ice we found.
Max: What about the ice?
Y/N & Will: He likes it cold.
Lucas: Guys, the new host?
Y/N: Billy.
Robin returns but this time with a rolled up paper
Steve: Hey, you're home early.
Robin: Yeah. Light day. It is fascinating what 20 bucks will get you at the County Recorder's Office.
Robin and Steve walk through the back where Dustin and Becky eat a bucket of Ice cream.
Steve: You guys are paying for that.
Becky: We will. What's that?
Robin puts the paper on the table and unrolls it.
Robin: Starcourt Mall. The complete blueprints.
Steve: Not bad.
Robin: So, this is us, Scoops, and this is where we want to get.
Steve: I mean, I don't really see a way in.
Robin: There's not, if you're talking exclusively about doors.
Dustin: Air ducts.
Robin: Exactly. Turns out, this secret room needs air
just like any old room. And these air ducts lead all the
Steve grabs a step ladder and places it near a wall with the vent. He opens it.
Steve: Flashlight.
Dustin hands the flashlight. Steve turns it on and looks around the vent itself.
Steve: Yeah, I don't know, man. I don't know if you can fit in here. It's, like... super tight.
Dustin: I'll fit. Trust me. No collar bones, remember?
Dustin now attempts to squeeze through the air ducts.
Robin: Uh, excuse me? Oh, he's, uh...Yeah, he's got some disease. Chry, uh... It's chrydo, um...
Becky: Mom wasn't listening while at the doctors
Steve: Something. Yeah, I dunno. He's missing bones and stuff. He can bend like Gumbo.
Robin: You mean Gumby.
Steve: I'm pretty sure it's Gumbo.
Dustin: Steve, just shut up and push me!
They soon turn to see the boy almost stuck inside the duct.
Becky: This is where we usually laugh our asses off.
Robin: Not sure I like it, almost looks sexual.
Steve: Okay. I'll push ya.
Steve walks over and pushes Dustin feet while Robin and Becky stare.
Becky: Watch this be some kind of thing in some years.
Robin: What, it being sexual?
Dustin: Not my feet, dumbass. Push my ass.
Steve: What?
Dustin: Touch my butt! I don't care!
Hesitantly Steve pushes Dustin but he doesn't budge.
Dustin: Come on! Harder! Push harder!
Steve: I'm pushing!
Dustin: You're playing with my legs.
Steve: I'm not playing, I have terrible footing.
Becky: Out of context this would be weird.
Robin: These walls aren't soundproof at all. How do you think I found out about you guys translating Russian.
Becky: I feel worried for the people outside.
Dustin: Come on!
Steve: I'm gonna just shove you, ready?
Dustin: Just shove me?
Steve: One, two...
Steve puts all his force but it fails as Dustin gets nowhere.
Erica: Ahoy, sailors! All hands on deck!
Robin and Becky turn to see Erica on the other side of counter.
Erica: Ahoy! Get over here
and serve me some samples.
Robin smirks at Becky.
Becky: No.
Robin: Hey kid how about we make a deal?
[Hawkins Pool Parking Lot]
The party 'hide' behind a car while Mike stares at Billy with his binoculars and he sees the older teen sitting under an pool umbrella with a shirt and drink in hand.
Max: I don't know. He looks pretty normal to me.
Mike: Normal? How many times
have you seen him with a shirt on?
Lucas: I mean, it's a little weird.
Eleven: More than a little. He was in a tub with ice. The Mind Flayer likes it cold.
Y/N: Plus everything else...
Max: But he's lounging at the pool, which is, like, the least Mind Flayer thing ever.
Will: Not necessarily. The Mind Flayer likes to hide. He only used me when he needed me. It's like... like you're dormant. And then, when he needs you, you're activated.
Max: Okay, so we just...wait until he gets activated.
Eleven: No. What if he hurts someone? Or kills someone. We can't take that chance.
Mike: We need to find out if he's the host.
Mike hands the binoculars at Max as he steps away.
Max: Where are you going?
Mike: I have an idea. Boys only.
Eleven: Seriously?
Mike: Just trust me on this one. Or do you wanna go inside the boys locker room in public.
Max: Suddenly staying here is a better idea.
The boys follow Mike ad they make their way inside the boys locker room.
Mike: Okay, so we wait until the pool closes, until everyone leaves, and we somehow get him to come from here and... get him into here.
Mike points at the sauna door, he opens it to find several elderly men in towels.
Man: Hey, shut the door!
Man: Hey, come on, kid, shut it!
Mike closes the door as the others cringe.
Lucas: I think I just threw up in my mouth.
Y/N: You could have just said that without opening it.
Mike: And look, the controls are right here. It's perfect.
Lucas: Will it get hot enough?
Mike: 220 degrees. We just have to figure out how to get him in here. Then we lock him in...
Will: Heat him up...
Mike: No matter what happens, we'll know. We'll know for sure.
Y/N: Even though, I have strong confidence that it's Billy, what if we're wrong?
Lucas: What do you mean?
Y/N: With what happened to You and Steve I'm sure he'll attack us if we're wrong.
Mike: Then you use your powers to knock him out of something.
Y/N: Good to know that I'm useful when it comes to my powers.
[Scoops Ahoy]
A loaded ice cream sundae dish is pushed along the table revealing the Dustin, Steve, Robin and Erica. Robin has already told Erica the plan and what the operation is but Erica wants to oush it further.
Erica: Hmm... Yeah, I don't know.
Robin: You don't know if you can fit?
Erica: Oh, I can fit. I just don't know if I want to.
Dustin: Are you claustrophobic?
Erica: I don't have phobias.
Steve: Okay, well, what's the problem?
Erica: The problem is, I still haven't heard what's in this for Erica. Go on.
Robin: All right.
Robin points at the air duct blueprints.
Robin: You see this? This is the route you're gonna take. Then we just wait till the last delivery goes out tonight. Then you knock out the grate, jump down, open the door.
Erica: Then you find out what's in those boxes?
Robin: Exactly.
Erica: Mm-hmm. And you say this guard is armed.
Robin: Yes, but he won't be there.
Erica: And booby traps?
Steve: Booby traps?
Erica: Lasers, spikes in the wall?
Steve: What?
Erica: You know what this half-baked plan of yours sounds like to me? Child endangerment.
Dustin: We'll be in radio contact with you the whole time...
Erica: Ah, ah, ah! Child endangerment.
Becky come to the table and places another sundae dish with more fudge.
Becky: Erica? Hi. We think these Russians want to do harm to our country. Great harm. Don't you love your country?
Erica: You can't spell "America" without "Erica."
Becky: Oddly, that's, uh, totally true. So, so, don't do this for us. Do it for your country. Do it for your fellow man. Do this for America Erica.
Erica: I just got the chills. Oh, yeah, from this float, not your speech. Know what I love most about this country?
Becky: Capitalism?
Robin: Do you know what capitalism is?
Erica: It means this is a free market system. Which means people get paid
for their services, depending on how valuable their contributions are. And it seems to me, my ability to fit into that little vent is very, very valuable to you all. So, you want my help?This USS Butterscotch better be the first of many. And I'm talking free ice cream for life.
Steve: Whoa hold the break.
Robin: Deal.
Dustin: Deal.
Becky: Deal.
Erica: Deal.
Steve: Why am I the one no one listens to?
[Hawkins Pool]
Outside in the parking lot, Eleven and Max wait for the boys to return as they sit in silence, but Eleven is upset.
Eleven: Why?
Max: What?
Eleven: Why did you make him think I 'lied' lied?
Max: You did.
Eleven: If only you knew why.
Max: Yet you chose to lie overall.
Eleven: I'm sorry if I was told to give space when I didn't want to. I'm already pissed off you two are close as it is.
Max: Jealous much.
Eleven: Yes I am.
Max: I'm sorry that he came to me to ask him for help. I was just doing what I was told as well.
Eleven: What do you mean doing as you were told. Hopper told you to keep me away from him?
Max: All I can say is your party isn't as tight as it is.
Eleven leans forward now listening. She and Dustin were always the smartest in the room and now Dustin isn't there but Eleven soon realized what she meant.
Eleven: Son of a bitch.
Max: But that's not the worse. Even if that's the case you gotta let Five live a little. How is he gonna learn to have fun when you hog him all day just to make out with him.
Eleven: I'm still on the son of a bitch who told you to keep me and Five apart.
Max: I'm just the messenger. If roles were reversed I'd still do the same.
A whistle grabs their attention As they turn to see Mike waving them in as people begin to leave.
Elsewhere, Will and Lucas get into the storage room to get rope and something strong enough to stop the door from opening..
Lucas: Uh, Will? Um, you know, about yesterday...
Will: It's fine, Lucas. You don't have to say anything.
Lucas: I know, but it's just...It was a really cool campaign. And El and I, we should've never...
Will: I don't care anymore, Lucas. I really don't. We have bigger things to worry about now.
Five is in another storage room as he searches for what Mike explained to be a dummy. He finds the pool's dummy for CPR. Y/N picks it up and stares at it.
Y/N: Should do.
Eleven: Hey, I found the breakers.
Y/N turns to find Eleven in the doorway.
Eleven: Whoa, that thing is super creepy. Think this'll work?
Y/N: It will.
Eleven: Hey, Five...I just wanted to say... You know when I said Aunt Becky was sick? She wasn't. I lied.
Y/N: I know.
Eleven: Right, right, right. No, I just...think it was important for you to know the context. Hopper, he went all crazy on me, telling me I'm spending way too much time with you. He made me lie. I mean, you're the most important thing to me in the world.
Y/N: What if he's right?
Eleven: What?
Y/N: Dad.
Eleven: No, no, no, no. He's just some angry old man
who hates joy.
Y/N: First of all that angry old man helped, taught me, protected me and is my father. But if I only see you, and I'm a different species than Lucas, Mike and Will then I should be with my species more.
Eleven: What are you talking about?
Eleven finally realizes how he'd know.
Eleven: Did you spy on me? That's totally against the rules.
Y/N: More like checking in and I make my own rules.
Y/N leaves the room with the dummy leaving a confused, upset and pissed off El. What didn't help was who walked in the room after.
Mike: El, are you there?
Mike turns the corner to see Eleven who has a hurt look on her face.
Mike: El, you okay?
Eleven: Yeah.
Mike: Are you sure?
Eleven: I said I'm fine.
Eleven pushes pass Mike as she finds the other looking as Billy enters the showers.
Max: God, I hope it's not you. I really hope it's not you.
It's closing time at the mall, and Steve, Robin, Becky and Dustin is pulling overtime. They sit on the roof again as they had finally convinced Erica.
Dustin: Erica, do you copy?
Erica: *radio* Mm-hmm. I copy. You nerds in position or what?
Dustin: Yeah, we're in position. It's all quiet here, so you've got the green light.
Erica:*radio* Green light, roger that. Commence Operation Child Endangerment.
Steve: Can we maybe not call it that?
Dustin: See you on the other side.
Robin: See anything?
Erica: *radio* All right, nerds. I'm there.
Robin: Do you... Do you see anything?
Erica: *radio* Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're so excited about.
Steve: Any guards?
Erica:*radio* Negative.
Becky: *radio* Booby traps? If I could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps, wouldn't they? I'm in. Free ice cream for life.
The doors from room open to show Erica as they take that time to sprint downstairs as quickly as they can.
In the shower room, Billy showers after the hot day in cold water. It was quiet until a door opened.
Billy: Pool's closed.
A loud clatter noise is made.
Billy: Hey. Do you hear me?Pool is closed!
Billy turns off the shower and puts on some pants as he follows the noise.
Mike: Billy!
Billy: Who's there?
Eleven: *sing-songily* Billy!
Billy: *sing-songily* Who's there?
Will: Billy!
Y/N: Billy!
Billy: You think this is funny, huh?
Billy searches at find the trespassers as he can't find them yet.
Y/N: Billy. Come and find me.
Billy: I find you, it is your funeral.
Y/N: Come and get me.
Lucas: Billy!
Billy finally finds one of them as they have their back turned in the sauna.
Billy: Got you.
Mike: Come and get me,
you piece of shit.
Billy rushes in the sauna and roughly picks up the 'person' soon revealed as the dummy with the radio taped to his chest.
Max: *radio* Hey. Behind you.
Billy turns to see Y/N at the door glaring at him.
Y/N: Hi.
Billy begins to rush to the biy but he pushes Billy back with his powers slamming him against the wall.
Mike: Now!
Lucas and Will wrap a chain around the door as it's around the handle and a pipe Eleven pushes a pipe against the door and chain as another blocked just incase.
Eleven: Got it.
Max stares at Billy in the small window of the door.
Billy: Max.
Max: Do it.
Will turns the knob turning the heat up in the sauna.
[Mall storage room]
Steve but a Imperial Panda box on top of a random table and opens it to find a silver box inside.
Robin: That's definitely not Chinese food.
Steve: Uh, maybe you guys should, you know, stand back.
Dustin: No.
Dustin stands right beside Steve.
Steve: Just... Just step back, okay?
Dustin: No.
Steve: Step back. Seriously.
Dustin: No! No! If you die, I die.
Steve: Okay.
Steve take a handle and it releases a cannister of glowing green liquid.
Becky: What the hell? What is that and why the hell would it be in a mall?
The room then shifts around and the door closes.
Robin: Was that just me, or did the room move?
Erica: Booby traps.
Becky: You know what?
Let's just grab that and go.
Dustin: Which one do I press, Erica?
Erica: Just press the damn button, nerd.
Dustin: Which one? I'm pressing the button, okay?
Steve: Press "open door."
Dustin: I'm pressing "open door."
Robin: Just open the... Press the other button.
Robin pushes Dustin out of the way.
Steve: Out of the way so she can push the button...
Dustin: Would you stop?
Robin: I'm trying.
Dustin: Would you let me just do it? Would you stop?
Erica: Just open the door!
The room shift again but harder this time.
Becky: Oh what now!
[Pool sauna]
Billy: Max! Let me out of here! Let me out. You kids... You think this is funny? You kids think this is some kind of sick prank, huh?
Billy is now drenched in sweat as the sauna heats up.
Billy: You little shits think this is funny? What is this?Open the door. Open the door!
Billy begins the beat on the door making Y/N hold his arms out in a protective manner.
Billy: Open the door! Open the goddamn door!
Will: We're at 220.
Billy screams out as the heat gets to him.
Y/N: Show yourself you son of a bitch.
The steam from the sauna soon covers the window as Billy wobbily back away.
Billy: It's not my fault. It's not my fault. It's not my fault, Max.
Max listens to her brothers words carefully as she slowly makes her way to the door.
Billy: I promise you, it's not my fault.
Max: What's not your fault, Billy?
Billy: I've done things, Max. Really...bad things. I didn't mean to. He made me do it.
Max: Who made you do it?
Billy: I don't know, it's like a shadow. Like a giant shadow.
Y/N: The Mind Flayer.
Y/N slowly pulls Max away from the door moving her to the others.
Y/N: Billy I need you to tell me what he's doing.
Billy: Please, Max.
What did he make you do?
Max: Let me talk to him Y/N.
Billy: It's not my fault, okay? Max, please. Please, believe me, Max, it's not my fault. I tried to stop him, okay? I did.
Y/N: It's not him Max.
Billy: Please believe me, Max. Please believe me.
Max: Billy, it's gonna be okay.
Y/N turns to Max.
Y/N: It's not Billy talking to you Max.
Billy: Max, please.
Max: It's gonna be okay. We want to help you. We want to help you. You just have to talk to us, okay? You have to talk to us. I believe you, Billy. We'll figure it out together, okay?
Y/N: Max that's not Billy it's the mind flayer.
Will: I feel him.He's activated.
Y/N: I need you to trust me Max.
Mike: Five, get away from the door.
Y/N: What?
Eleven: Get away from the door!
Y/N isn't fast enough as Billy punches through the glass, in his hand is a tile shard, as Billy punches through it cuts the boy across his cheek.
Billy: Let me out, you son of a bitch! Let me out! I'll fucking gut you!
Billy thrashed around as he bangs on the door. He spots the pipe stopping the door. He takes it out and start using his body to open the door on the hinges. On its last thread Lucas uses his wrist rocket and hits Billy across the head knocking him on the ground.
Let me out!
Billy slowly gets to his feet as his body is covered in black veins. Billy rushes the door once again and knocks it off the hinges making the group back away. Billy gets to his feet and is ready to rush but Y/N uses his powers to a push barbell at Billy pinning him against the wall. He starts checking Billy but like Will had, Billy uses the mind flayers strength and pushes the barbell at Five making the boy duck down. Billy rushes at and begins to choke him. But Y/N doesn't let off.
Y/N pants heavily as he rubs his neck. Hopper stands over him.
Hopper: Shit I'm sorry kid, you okay?
Y/N: Why do we need to learn this?
Hopper: In a few months you're gonna be out there were so if you get in a fight you gotta learn how to without using your powers.
Y/N: But why with your hands on my neck?
Hopper: Cause it's a move most people panic in. When in that move there's a few moves you have to do when they choke you.
Y/N: What is it?
Hopper walks over to the boy and places his hands on his neck in a way to not impead his breathing.
Hopper: If they have you in this kind of hold the first thing you try is to use your forearm to hit their arms as hard as you can.
Y/N does as he is told and uses his forearms to hit Hoppers arms as it connects Hopper let's go.
Hopper: Good not the other one is a move anyone will back off from. If they are choking you use your thumbs and press it against their eyes, only use it in a life or death situations.
Y/N nods as he holds his neck again.
Hopper: You did good today, what do you say to a triple-decker eggo surprise?
Y/N raises his forearms above his head and hits it against Billy's but with the strength that he's using its no use as Billy stares at his friends as if signaling they're next. Y/N uses the trump card and presses his thumbs against Billy's eyes and presses hard. Billy moves his head away but every time Billy moves away Y/N goes back to gouge again. The party watches as the boy they knew from 2 years ago putting up a fight against the older boy, even if Billy is older, Y/N almost matches his height and arm length. Y/N breathing becomes heavy as his vision starts to fade but Billy let's go as Eleven hits Billy on the back with the barbell.
Eleven: Go to hell, you piece of shit!
Eleven swings again but Billy catches it and throws it away from the girl. He gets to his feet and marches towards the girl but Y/N wraps his arms around Billy's legs and trip him giving them enough time to back away and Y/N gets to his feet screaming at the older teen. Billy does the same and walks to the boy and his friends but Y/N uses all his strength in his powers to push Billy against wall. Billy tries to fight the force but Y/N's powers proves to be stronger as his screams turns into an almost beast like roar as Billy is pushed out of the building. Y/n falls to his knees completely drained from using his powers, blood running down his nostril as he hold his throat as Mike and Eleven help to his feet to see Billy running into the woods.
Y/N: Still think he's in there Max?
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