Chapter 1: The Disappearance of Will Byers pt.2
Authors note: so like I said big change right. Well I made alot of other changes, some characters who died lives, plot line is gonna probably be more messy and script wise I'm going of the OG script and my own, so here's the changes I've made for season 1 so far:
Jane/Eleven is a normal person, no powers just a regular like the others but she will have a huge part in the story, yes this is a Eleven x Male Reader book, Her name Jane 'Eleven' Ives, I'll explain later in the story why her name is still El but I don't really wanna call her Jane for the whole thing. BTW should I bring Terry and Becky into the fray.
Reader, your number will be shown later on but you have Eleven's powers.
Mike, I may make an oc but judging from the vibes I got from watching season 4 I may go with that.
Everyone else is much the same except for my man Steve, I may make him less of a dick but he still will be.
Final note, I just rewatched from scratch so some lines the characters say will either be sloppy or made up. Anyways on to the story. Long chapter ahead this will probably be the only long chapter except maybe the finale of each season.
We now see a child’s drawing of a kid and two adults next to a house. The camera slowly pans over various empty cans and trash to a TV, which is on.
Newscaster: And that's it for News Center this morning. Thanks for joining us. Let's hand off now to Liz at the news desk.
LIZ: All right, thank you, Donna. Turning now to local news, we're getting reports of surges and power outages all across the county. Last night, hundreds of homes in East Hawkins were affected, leaving many residents in the dark. The cause of the outage is still unknown. We reached out to Roane County Water and Electric, and a spokesperson says that they are confident power will be restored to all remaining homes within the next several hours.
We now see a man, who is asleep on his couch. Somewhere, a dog barks, waking him. He sighs and looks at his watch. We walks out of his trailer smoking on his porch. Back inside, he takes a shower, brushes his teeth, smokes some more, takes some pills, drinks some beer, and smokes even more. Cut to him putting on his police uniform, including his holster, his badge, and his hat. As he leaves, the camera pans back to the TV. The man, Chief Jim Hopper
LIZ: In other news, you might wanna stay home tonight or at least pack an umbrella. We turn to everybody's favorite morning weather guy, Charles.
Back at the Byers, we see Will's mother Joyce.
JOYCE: Where the hell are they?
Will's brother, Jonathan is making breakfast.
JOYCE: Jonathan?
JONATHAN: Check the couch!
JOYCE: Ugh, I did. (She finds them) Oh, got them.
She enters the kitchen.
JOYCE: Okay, sweetie, I will see you tonight.
JONATHAN: Yeah, see you later.
JOYCE: Where's Will?
JONATHAN: Oh, I didn't get him up yet. He's probably still sleeping.
JOYCE: Jonathan, you have to make sure he's up!
JONATHAN: Mom, I'm making breakfast.
Joyce goes to wake up Will.
JOYCE: I told you this a thousand times. Will! Come on, honey. It's time to get up.
Joyce opens the door and finds that Will isn't in his room.
JOYCE: He came home last night, right?
JONATHAN: He's not in his room?
JOYCE: Did he come home or not?
JONATHAN: I don't know.
JOYCE: You don't know?
JONATHAN: No. I got home late. I was working.
JOYCE: You were working?
JONATHAN: Eric asked if I could cover. I said yeah. I just thought we could use the extra cash.
JOYCE: Jonathan, we've talked about this.
JONATHAN: I know...
JOYCE: You can't take shifts when I'm working.
JONATHAN: Mom, it's not a big deal. Look, he was at the Wheelers' all day. I'm sure he just stayed over.
JOYCE: I can't believe you. I can't believe you sometimes.
Joyce picks up the phone and calls the Wheelers.
Cut to the Wheelers eating breakfast, with the phone ringing in the background. Nancy watches Mike pour syrup on his food.
NANCY: That's disgusting.
MIKE: You're disgusting.
The siblings proceed to make mocking faces at each other.
(A/N: Best siblings relationship ever)
Karen picks up the phone.
KAREN: Hello?
JOYCE: Hi, Karen. It's Joyce.
KAREN: Oh, Joyce, hi.
Mike squirts syrup on Nancy's plate.
NANCY: What the hell, Mike?
TED: Hey!
KAREN: Quiet!
TED: Language.
NANCY: Are you kidding?
JOYCE: Was that Will I heard back there?
KAREN: Will? No, no, no, it's just Mike.
JOYCE: Will didn't spend the night?
KAREN: Have you tried, Claudia, Sue or Terry. Last I say was they rode of together.
JOYCE: Um, you know what? I think he just left early for... for school. Thank you so much.
KAREN: Okay.
Joyce and Jonathan exchange glances in worry.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin bike to school. They lock their bikes up.
MIKE: That's weird. I don't see him. Or El.
LUCAS: I'm telling you, his mom's right. He probably just went to class early again.
DUSTIN: Yeah, he's always paranoid Gursky's gonna give him another pop quiz.
EL: What are you losers looking for?
The boys turn around and see Jane riding next to them but no Will.
Two school bullies, Troy and James, approach them.
TROY: Step right up, ladies and gentlemen. Step right up and get your tickets for the freak show. Who do you think would make more money in a freak show? Midnight, Frogface, Shera or Toothless?
As he says this, he pushes the boys one by one. James looks pensive for a moment.
JAMES: I'd go with Toothless.
DUSTIN: I told you a million times, my teeth are coming in. It's called cleidocranial dysplasia.
JAMES: (In a mocking voice) "I told you a million times."
TROY: Do the arm thing.
JAMES: Do it, freak!
Dustin cracks his arms. James and Troy groan and recoil.
TROY: God, it gets me every time.
Troy and James walk away, pushing the boys as they go.
LUCAS: Assholes.
El: Damn mouth breathers.
MIKE: I think it's kinda cool. It's like you have superpowers or something. Like Mr. Fantastic.
DUSTIN: Yeah, except I can't fight evil with it.
JANE: Still don't get why they call me Shera.
Mike: It's either her or She-Hulk, personally I like Shera.
Lucas: You're the only girl who's actually fought back against those assholes.
Dustin: That and Shera is bad ass.
Jane: I just wanna play D&D again.
Dustin: Your mom didn't get upset.
Jane: Told her we lost time, campaign took 10 hours, besides Aunt Becky helped me a little.
A van arrives at the police...
...and its driver, Chief of Police Jim Hopper , enters the place.
FLO: Good of you to show.
After passing by receptionist Flo, he comes near the table where officers Powell and Callahan are playing cards.
JIM:Oh, hey, morning, Flo. Morning, everybody.
POWELL: Hey, Chief.
CALLAHAN: Damn! You look like hell, Chief.
JIM: Oh, yeah?
JIM:Well, I looked better than your wife when I left her this morning.
FLO: While you were drinking or sleeping, or whatever it is you deemed so necessary on Monday morning, Phil Larson called. Said some kids are stealing the gnomes out of his garden again.
JIM: Oh, those garden gnomes again. Well, I'll tell you what, I'm gonna get right on that.
Jim picks up a donut and messes with the cards in Powell's hand.
FLO: On a more pressing matter, Joyce Byers can't find her son this morning.
JIM:Mmm. Okay, I'm gonna get on that. - Just give me a minute.
FLO: Joyce is very upset.
JIM: Well, Flo, Flo, we've discussed this. Mornings are for coffee and contemplation.
FLO: Chief, she's already in your....
JIM: Coffee and contemplation, Flo!
He enters the room, and, due to not paying attention, is surprised by Joyce already waiting.
Chief is now typing the file on Joyce's charges as she, clearly nervous, smokes for relief.
JOYCE: I have been waiting here over an hour, Hopper.
JIM: And I apologize again.
JOYCE:I'm going out of my mind!
JIM: Look, boy his age, he's probably just playing hookie, okay?
JOYCE:No, not my Will. He's not like that. - He wouldn't do that.
JIM:Well, you never know. I mean, my mom thought I was on the debate team, when really I was just screwing Chrissy Carpenter in the back of my dad's Oldsmobile, so...
JOYCE:Look, he's not like you, Hopper. He's not like me. He's not like most. He has a couple of friends, but, you know, the kids, they're mean. They make fun of him. They call him names. They laugh at him, his clothes...
JIM:His clothes? What's wrong with his clothes?
JOYCE: I don't know.Does that matter?
JOYCE: Look, he's... He's a sensitive kid. Lonnie... Lonnie used to say he was queer. Called him a fag.
JIM: Is he?
JOYCE:He's missing! Is what he is.
JIM: When was the last time you heard from Lonnie?
JOYCE:Uh, last I heard, he was in Indianapolis. That was about a year ago. But he has nothing to do with this.
JIM: Why don't you give me his number?
JOYCE: You know, Hopper, he has nothing to do with this. Trust me.
JIM: Joyce, 99 out of 100 times, kid goes missing, the kid is with a parent or relative.
JOYCE:What about the other time?
JIM: What?
JOYCE: You said, "99 out of 100." What about the other time, the one?
JIM: Joyce.
JOYCE: The one!
JIM: Joyce, this is Hawkins, okay? You wanna know the worst thing that's ever happened here in the four years I've been working here? Do you wanna know the worst thing? It was when an owl attacked Eleanor Gillespie's head because it thought that her hair was a nest.
JOYCE: Okay, fine. I will call Lonnie. He will talk to me before he talks to...
JIM: What, a pig?
JOYCE: A cop! Just find my son, Hop. Find him!
Cars arrive at the research facility. From them, emerge a team of scientists carrying briefcases, including...
SCIENTIST: Dr. Brenner.
...who shakes this scientist's hand.
BRENNER: This way, gentlemen. The entire east wing will be evacuated within the hour. We've sealed off this area following quarantine protocol.
The team of scientists, including Dr. Brenner, suit up in protective suits, grab guns and flashlights, and go down an elevator, where they proceed to the quarantined underground subsystem. There, they find strange biologic growth spreading - originating from a mysterious fracture in the wall.
SCIENTIST: This is where it came from?
SCIENTIST: And the boy?
BRENNAN: He can't have gone far.
A growl is heard from the growth as we see two bare feet walking along the dry leaves. As they stop, the camera pans up to a young boy dressed in a hospital gown, with a completely shaven head. Then we cut to his point of view.
He's watching Benny Hammond, owner of the local burger joint, leaving through the back door to put garbage in the can outside. As he walks back, the boy is pensive.
The boy enters the back door, passes by the pantry, and gets to see Benny serving a costumer.
BENNY: All right, and one more.
The boy enters the kitchen, eventually appearing by a basket of fries, which he starts to gobble. Benny eventually notices him...
BENNY: Hey! Come here!
...and he grabs the basket and tries running away, before Benny gets him just as he's about to leave through the door he came in.
BENNY:Hey, come here! You think you can steal from me, boy?
He then takes a look at the kid he just caught.
Clark: Remember, finish chapter 12 and answer 12.
3 on the difference between an experiment and other forms of science investigation.
This will be on the test, which will cover chapters 10 through 12.
It will be multiple choice with an essay section.
Mike, El, Lucas and Dustin wait till the room is empty before walking over to the teacher.
El: So, did it come?
Clark: Sorry guys. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it came.
All: Yes!
The group rushes out of the classroom into the AV Club and see Clark present.
The Heathkit ham shack.
All: Whoa.
Clark: Ain't she a beaut?
Mike: I bet you can talk to New York on this thing.
Clark: Think bigger.
El: California?
- Bigger.
Dustin: Australia?
Clark nods and smiles as the kids still are in awe.
Lucas: Oh, man! When Will sees this, he's totally gonna blow his shit.
Clark: Lucas!
Lucas: Sorry.
Mike: (In Australian accent) this is Mike Wheeler, president of Hawkins Middle AV Club.
El: (gigging) What are you doing?
Dustin: Hello, this is Dustin, and this is the secretary and treasurer of Hawkins Middle AV Club. Do you eat kangaroos for breakfast?
Principal: Sorry to interrupt, but, uh, may I borrow Michael, Jane, Lucas and Dustin?
JIM: Okay, okay, okay. One at a time, all right? [points to Mike] You. You said he takes what?
MIKE: Mirkwood.
JIM: Mirkwood?
MIKE: Yeah.
JIM: Have you ever heard of Mirkwood?
CALLAHAN: I have not. That sounds made up to me.
LUCAS: No, it's from Lord of the Rings.
DUSTIN & ELEVEN: The Hobbit.
LUCAS: Who cares?
DUSTIN: He asked!
LUCAS: [mocking]"He asked!"
MIKE: Shut up, guys!
JIM: Hey, hey, hey! What'd I just say? Shut up. One at a damn time. [to Mike] You.
MIKE: Mirkwood, it's a real road. It's just the name that's made up. It's where Cornwallis and Kerley meet.
JIM: Yeah, all right, I think I know that.
ELEVEN: We can show you, if you want.
JIM: I said that I know it!
MIKE: We can help look.
JIM: No.
The boys protest while Eleven looks worried.
JIM: No. After school, you are all to go home. Immediately. That means no biking around looking for your friend, no investigating, no nonsense. This isn't some Lord of the Rings book.
DUSTIN: The Hobbit.
LUCAS: Shut up!
- Hey!
JIM: Stop it! Do I make myself clear? Do I make myself clear?
MIKE: Yes, sir.
- Yeah.
Joyce: Ring-a-ding-ding! Anybody home?
Will: Password?
Joyce: Uh, Rada Radaga Radagast?
Will: Yeah.
You may enter.
Joyce: Thank you, sir. So, guess what? I got off early and Ta-da! Poltergeist.
Will:I...I thought I wasn't allowed to see it.
Joyce: I changed my mind.
As long as you don't have nightmares for a week.
Will: No, I won't.
I don't get scared like that anymore.
Joyce: Oh, yeah? Not even of clowns?
Will: No.
Joyce: What about my witch?
Will: No. Mom
Joyce: Ooh
Will: I'm not five anymore.
Joyce: But Will Byers, I'm going to cook you up in my
Will: Stop. That's so stupid.
- Will?
- Will? Will?
- Will?
- Will!
- Will!
- Will? Will! Where are you?
Benny: Geez.
Your parents forget to feed you? Is that why you ran away? They, uh They hurt you? You went to the hospital, you got scared, you ran off, you wound up here, is that it? All right.
Benny is ignored qs the boy eats the food as if he hasn't eaten in days.
Benny: I'll give this back, all right? And you can have as much as you want.
All right? Maybe even some ice cream.
But you gotta answer a few of my questions first, all right? We got a deal? All right, let's start with the easy stuff.
All right? My name's Benny.
Benny Hammond.
See? Like this.
Benny extends his hand to the boy to shake it but the boy flinched away.
Benny: I got you. Don't worry. It's okay. Nice to meet you, yeah. And you are?
Benny then notices a number on the boys wrist.
Benny: Five? What's that mean? What's it mean? -
Boy: No.
Benny: Well, I'll be damned he speaks.
"No"? No, what? All right.
I guess no more food, then.
Boy: Five.
Benny: Yeah.
What's it mean?
Boy: Five.
Boy: All right, then.
Here you go.
Take it easy, take it easy.
Benny is now seen on the phone as the boy still eats.
Benny: Yeah, look, all I know is that he's scared to death.
Yeah, I think maybe he's been abused or kidnapped or something.
Yeah, it'd be great if someone would come by.
Yeah, we're at 4819 Randolph Lane.
Yeah, Randolph.
Will Byers? Will! Will Byers? Come on, kid! Will? Hey! I got something.
Hopper: Hey, i got something here.
Officer Callahan: That his bike chief?
Hopper: Looks like he crashed.
Officer Callahan: Maybe he got hurt in the fall.
Hopper: Not so hurt, he couldn’t make it home. And a bike to these kids... that’s like a Cadillac. Doesn’t make sense he’d leave it out here. He’d walk it home.
Hopper: He was in a hurry.
Joyce: Is Lonnie there?
Girl: Lonnie isn't here right now.
Joyce: Can you please
Girl: I told you, Lonnie's not here.
Joyce: Who is this?
Girl: His girlfriend, Cynthia.
Joyce: Cynthia.
Cynthia: Who the hell is this?
Joyce: Cynthia, this is Joyce.
Cynthia: Who?
Joyce: Lonnie's ex-wife. I really need to speak to him
Cynthia: Lonnie's not here.
Joyce: Can you please put
Cynthia: No!
Joyce: Why don't you call back later.
Cynthia: No, not later.
Joyce: Now! Can-
The call ends
Joyce: Bitch!
Joyce slams the phone.
Johnathan: Mom.
Joyce: What?
Johnathan: You have to stay calm.
Joyce picks dials a number.
Hey, you've reached Lonnie.
Leave a message and I'll holler right back at ya.
Joyce: Lonnie, some teenager just hung up on me.
Will is is missing.
I don't know where he is.
I need I just need you to call me back, please, just Damn it! Damn it!
Johnathan: Mom?
Joyce: What?
Johnathan: Cops.
Joyce opens the door and holds out a bike..
Joyce: and it was just sitting there?
Hopper: Yes.
Joyce: is there any blood or?
Hopper: No.
Jonathan: If you found his bike out there, why you here?
Hopper: To get the keys to the house?
Jonathan: Yeah.
Hopper: So maybe he came back here.
Joyce: So what? You think I haven’t checked my own house?
Hopper: This always here?
Joyce: Probably. I got to boys. Look at this place.
Hopper: But you’re not sure?
Hopper: This normal?
Joyce: Just hungry, I’m not sure. Come on...
Jonathan: What are you looking for exactly?
They ignore him
Officer Callahan: what’s going on here?
Jonathan: The tree is possessed. It’s... going inside her.
Officer Callahan: Yeeeeeeesh
Officer Powell: Hey kid, you got some water or juice or something? Dying here.
Jonathan nods then exits
Officer Callahan: You see that?
Officer Powell: See what?
Officer Callahan: Suspect number one. Am I right?
Hopper: That you buddy? You hungry?
Hopper enters the shed and examines it looking around for any clues or signs if Will was there. The light begins to flicker.
Officer Callahan: Hey! You deaf? I been callin for you.
Officer Callahan: You sure you alright chief?
Hopper: I want you to call Florence, have her get a search party together, as many volunteers as she can muster, flashlights too.
Officer Callahan: Think we got a problem here?
Hopper does not answer.
At the Wheelers house...
Karen: we’ve been over this. The chief said—
Mike: I dont care what the chief said.
Karen: Michael.
Mike: He is not even a real police mom. We have to do something, Will could be in danger!
Karen: More reason to stay put.
Mike: Mom!
Karen: End of discussion.
Nancy: So... me and Barb were gonna study for the chemistry test at her house tonight. That’s cool right?
Karen: No not cool.
Nancy: What why not?
Karen: Why do you think? Am I’m speaking Chinese in thIs house? Until we know Will is okay, no one leaves.
Nancy: So were under house arrest?
Karen: Dont be dramatic Nancy.
Nancy: This is such bullshit.
Ted: Language!
Nancy: Barb lives 2 minutes away, just because Mikes friend got lost on his way home-
Mike: This is Wills fault?
Karen: Nancy take that back.
Nancy: no!
Mike: Your just pissed because you wanna hang out with Steve.
Ted: Steve?
Karen: Who is steve?
Mike: Her new boyfriend.
Nancy: Your such a douche Mike!
Ted: Language!
Nancy shoves out her chair and storms off.
Karen: Nancy come back! Nancy!
Holly starts to cry.
Karen: There There, shhh...
Ted: See Mike this is what happens.
MIke: What happens when what? I’m the only one acting normal here. I’m the only one who cares about Will!
Ted: That’s not fair Michael. We care.
Mike leave.
Karen: I hope your enjoying your chicken Ted.
At the Ives house.
Terry and Becky are putting on their jackets as they're ready to leave. They don't notice Jane behind them.
Eleven: I wanna help.
The adults turn and see Eleven who has a flashlight in her hand.
Terry: One of your friends disappear and you wanna go out in the same woods and possibly go missing too, not a chance Jane.
Eleven: But Mama I wanna help.
Terry: And you can help from here, I'm not taking that chance.
Eleven then looks at Becky:
Becky: Don't look at me kid, if I say you could go I won't have a place to live, if I say no to you worst is that we won't get to watch Thundercats together.
Becky and Terry leave an upset Eleven as she throws the flashlight down and runs to her room. She grabs her backpack and pulls out a radio.
Eleven: Mike, Lucas or Dustin does anyone copy.
Eleven: Lucas, do you copy? It's Jane, Mike is on the channel as well.
Mike: Lucas?
Lucas: Hey, it's Lucas.
I know it's you two. And say "over" when you're done talking so I know when you're done. Over. I'm done. Over.
Mike: I'm worried about Will. Over.
Lucas: Yeah. This is crazy. Over.
Mike: I was thinking Will could've cast Protection last night, but he didn't. He cast Fireball. Over.
Lucas: (confused) What's your point? Over.
Eleven: His point is he could've played it safe, but he didn't. He put himself in danger to help the party. Over.
Mike: Meet me in ten. Over and out.
Back at Benny's, 'Five' and Benny are in the kitchen.
Benny: You like that ice cream, huh?
The boy smiles.
Smile looks good on you.
You know, smile?
The both chuckle as music is faintly playing on the radio.
There is then knocking heard and the boy jumps in fear.
Benny: All right. You just sit tight. Whoever it is, I’ll tell ’em to go away real quick, all right?
Benny: Yeah, yeah, yeah... Hey, can I help you?
Woman: Hi, you must be Benny Hammond.
Benny: I’m afraid I am. I’m afraid we’re closed for the evening, too. So try back tomorrow morning.
Woman: Connie Frazier. Social Services.
Benny: Ah, Social Services. My apologies. I didn’t expect you so soon. That’s a heck of a drive.
Connie: Not too bad this time of night.
Benny: Hey, listen, I... I haven’t told her that you’re coming yet. I didn’t want him running off again. Uh, he’s a tad skittish.
Connie: Children I work with usually are.
Benny: Right, right.
Connie: So, where is he?
Benny: Right. He’s in the kitchen. Come on up. I’ll introduce you.
Connie: Thank you.
Benny: Sorry again for trying to turn you away there.
Connie: It’s fine.
While Benny is leading Connie to the boy he doesn't see Connie pulling a gun on him.
Benny: You know, it’s funny. Your, uh, voice sounds different on the—
Benny doesn't get to finish as he is shot in the head. Even though it silenced the boy hears it a runs to the back but stops when two gunmen block him. The boy glares at then as we now see Connie hear dish clatter she runs to the back and see the gunmen on the ground, dead.
We now see Eleven, Mike, Lucas and Dustin in the woods.
LUCAS: Ah, man. This is it.
Lucas: Hey, guys. You feel that?
Dustin: I think maybe we should go back.
Mike: No.
Eleven: We’re not going back. Just stay close.
Come on.
Mike: Just stay on channel six. Don’t do anything stupid.
Dustin: Hey, guys, wait up.
Wait up!
We return to the Byers house.
JOYCE: Jonathan, wow. You took these? These are great.
[SNIFFLING] Wow, they really are. I know I haven’t been there for you. I’ve been...
working so hard and I... I just feel bad. I don’t even... barely know what’s going on with you. All right? I am sorry about that.
Jonathan sobs softly.
Joyce: Hey, what is it? What is it, honey?
Johnathan: Nothing.
Joyce: Tell me. Tell me. Come on. You can...
Johnathan: No.
It’s just... I should’ve been there for him.
Joyce: No. Oh, no. You can’t do that to yourself. This was not your fault. Do you hear me? He is... close. I know it. I...I feel it in my heart. You just have to... You have to trust me on this, okay?
Johnathan: Yeah.
Joyce: Oh, look at this.
Look at this one. Look at this one.
The phone rings again, Joyce runs over to the phone and answers it.
Joyce Hello? [STATIC ON PHONE] Hello? [STATIC CONTINUES] Lonnie? Hopper?
She then hears muffled breathing on the phone.
Joyce: Who is this? Will? Will?
Johnathan: It’s Will?
The muffled breathing continues as well as what sounds like animal chittering.
Johnathan: Mom, it’s Will?
Joyce: Who is this? What have you done to my boy?
Give me back my son!
The phone the surges and singes Joyce making her drop it. Johnathan picked the phone up and tries to contact whoever on the phone.
Johnathan: Hello? Hello, who is this? Hello? Who is this?!
No response.
Johnathan: Mom, who was it? Who was it, Mom? -
Johnathan: Look at me, Mom. Was it Will?
Joyce: Yes.
Johnathan: What did he say?
Joyce: He just breathed. He just breathed.
JONATHAN: And was someone else there? Mom, who was there? Who was it? - It was him.
Joyce: I know it was his breathing. I know it was his breathing.
MIKE: Will! Will!
LUCAS: Byers!
DUSTIN: I’ve got your X-Men 134!
DUSTIN: Guys, I really think we should turn back.
LUCAS: Seriously, Dustin?
You wanna be a baby, then go home already!
DUSTIN: I’m just being realistic, Lucas!
ELEVEN: Guys calm down!
LUCAS: No, you’re just being a big sissy!
DUSTIN: Did you ever think Will went missing because he ran into something bad? And we’re going to the exact same spot where he was last seen? And we have no weapons or anything?
LUCAS: Dustin, shut up.
I’m just saying, does that seem smart to you?
MIKE: Shut up.
ELEVEN: Shut up.
MIKE: Did you guys hear that?
They all then turn to the noise and see 'Five'.
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