Chapter 15: Hunting the Beastmen

6 Days after Establishing a Contact with the Lizarmen and a Successful Friendship with one of it's leaders 

But they Did keep their hopes up since it is only one of the leaders from the lizardmen Not the Oldest and most powerful 

It will be hard to Convince the Great toad himself lord mazdamundi but with the Proof of the Ultramarines that are Touch with the Old Ones as well as they share their Common enemy it might Enough to Convince him that the Space Marines can be a Potential allies with the Children of the Old Ones 

and Guilliman Hopes that they Can Establish a Alliance with the Lizardmen


Ultramar's Honor Library

They are in the Library again to Read History of their Legion or just read their Adventure Including Guilliman's and Ronan's Travel in the Resident Evil Galaxy and Mostly Just plain to Read Novel or Arts Or Comics That the UNSC Called 

Ronan is Currently Reading the War of the Worlds an Alien Race that attacks Earth During World War 1 and it is Enough to make the Entire Human Race to face the Martian Invaders (I Don't Know the story)

"So much Destruction to an Era who have Barely able to Build the Tanks hmm" Said Ronan as he kept Reading the Novel

Then Someone tap on his shoulder

and looked at that person

And to see the Chief Librarian Varro Tigurius (Surprise?)

He is the One of the Most Powerful Psyker in the Entire Imperium 

It is Been Believed that he is able to Rival Ahriman in Terms of Might and Power Despite being Younger than Ahriman 

Ahriman Acknowledge Tigurius that he is a Rival to him and the Only Space Marine able to Penetrate the Hive Mind and Escape alive that which makes him have a good friends with the Thousands Sons Sorcerers as they are all Amaze to him

"Brother still Reading some Novel i see" said Varro

"You Know me my Friend i'am bit like to Read the Moment the UNSC gave us this Novels to Copy as well as Let us to Read them for you know Free time" said Ronan

"HELLO" said Nath as he Suddenly Appear but Varro is much Faster as he hit Nath in the Face with his Stuff  and Nath Hit his Face and it sent him fly to the Adamantium Walls with his face

Then all the people who is busy Reading looked at the incident

"Don't Scare us you Idiot!" Said Varro as he scolded Nath "And How Many times that you stop keep doing that!" 

"Sorry" said Nath weakly "Ouch my Teeth" said Nath as he spit his Teeth Out

He then approach them again

"Where was i?" said Nath "Commander what are your Reading?" Said Nath

"Well i'm reading the War of the Worlds were the alien invade Earth in this industrial age" said Ronan "This is Were Humans begun to unite to fight them and these alien does not have a strong immune system and that makes them die due to the Human bacteria" Said Ronan after closing the book

"Let's go to Mess i'm hungry" Said Ronan as he stand

"That's what i agree with you every Time" Said Nath as they moved

"Return the books please" said Varro

With it they Return the books for where they Came from and Proceed to the mess hall to eat


Mess Hall

They're all watching the Opened Season 1

"That Bear Surely likes Biscuits" said Habriel as he Eat his Bread 

Then the saw a Space Marine approach them with a Tray of Food

"May we Seat here?" Said the Space Marine

"Feel free Watch Commander Marius Avincus" said Ronan

Marius Avincus he is the Watch Commander of the Deathwatch Currently in the Ultramar's Honor

Currently the Numbers of this  Deathwatch Marinesare Numbered in 15,000 all in different Legion 

As the Watch Commander have Decide at least to Join the Adventure of the Ultramarines but they must follow the orders of Roboute Guilliman for this is his ship

Normally Any Deathwatch Marines will answer to their own not Even the Inquisition from ordo Xenos Can Command them (Remember Guys this is an AU So Those Bastard does not have the Omnipotent Authority to the Cannon 40k) they Could only Request 

It was been Created during the War of the Beast Millions of space Marines have died fighting against the Largest Ork Empire that they have Ever seen

With it Guilliman, Horus, Corvus Corax, Konrad Kurze, Khan And Sang Have Authorize this New Organization of Space Marine to Be Created an Space Marine that are Dedicated to Hunting down Xenos 

The first 10,000 Space Marines are able to kill most of the Leaders of the Orks but Not the Prime Orks for they are too strong

And it takes the Strength of the 18 Legions as well as their Primarch even the Empress herself who have joined the battle with tens of thousands of the Adeptus Custodes

The Eldar are able to Join as well and aid their Allies to defeat the Orks and Purge the Ullanor with it's population and Renamed it as Armageddon 

The Total Number of Deathwatch are in Number of 650,000 Space Marines all in Different Legion and as well a part Time and Only Few who have Stayed Permanent to the Death Watch

Ronan have Served the Deathwach as a Captain for 50 Years then another 250 years for being a Watch Commander and Return to the Legion as a Chapter Master

And they would most likely going first to be meet with other New Alien Species to be Discovered 

They are not just Hunters but in some cases Diplomat to the New alien they Discovered as well as to their Allies to any Near Bases for Aid and  they mostly have work with the Eldar and Tau and Rare Cases the Necrons

"So Marius how's your Hunt?" Nath ask as he still chewing his Food

"Well last week i have just killed a Ghorgon from the Heretic Beastmen" said Avincus he is from the Ultramarines as he seat along along with the other Deathwatch Marines who have Taken this Adventure with Excitement for the very Least it would make their Brothers envy for they are able to Join of Venturing with other Galaxy

"Well even the Wood Elves Lady Flirt with me and a Good Night with her in the Bed" said Avincus 

with it they Chuckled

But Avincus Know Personally Ronan as well for he is his Former Chapter Master and he is also must obey his Commander For Ronan is Second in Command in the Ultramar's Honor

"Ah i hate that Deer" Said Avincus

"Chapter Master Nath you are in Need to the Bridge" said Athena

"Well it appears i have a Mission" said Nath as he Stand



"Yo Pops" said Nath

Guilliman stared at his Son for a Moment

"Son i have a Task for you" Said Guilliman

"Oh what is it Father?" said Nath Excited

"It seems your skills are in need" Said Guilliman "Hunting"

"Oh which i gonna Hunt?" Said Nath an Evil Smirk appeared in his Face

"Beastmen i want you To Exterminate in this Location" said Guilliman as he Pointed at the Holo map "For they have Been a Thorn in the Empire and Spare No one"

"Then they will be Punish for they have Worship Chaos willingly" Said Nath 

"You are Free to go Now Nath" said Guilliman

With it Nath Make a two Finger Salute to Guilliman 


He Returns to the Mess Hall

"Commander Ronan i have been Task to Hunt Some Beastmen Wanna Come?" Nath ask

"Well no" said Ronan "I will be playing some Video Games Called Command and Conquer" said Ronan

"Well then i will Come with you" said Titus "Beside i have nothing much to do for now" 

"I Will send some of my Brothers with you Chapter Master" Said Avincus

With it Nath Goes towards the Armory



Nath would be accompanied by 

400 Ultramarines and 250 Deathwatch Marines

"Alright Brothers and Cousins we are Here to Hunt some Chaos Beastmen" Said Nath 

"And we must make sure that they will Regret the moment they Choose to side against our Great Enemy" said Nath "And Make an Example of them of why we hate Chaos!"

With it The Space Marines Cheered

They then Entered into their Transports


Time skip 1 Hour

As they Fly they saw the Beastmen Encampment 

"Alright Brothers Time to Hunt" said Nath as he Sharpening his Claws

With it The Thunderhawks Begun to Bombard the Beastmen and killed several Hundreds

"All Assault Marines and Inceptors Jump Let's do some Hit and Run Tactics!" Said Nath

With it they Jump out from their Thunderhawk


While the Deathwatch have already Land To Somewhere Location

They saw the Beastmen are planning to attack an Wood Elves Village

"It appears they Do not know Our Pressence Which is Good" said the Watch Captain

As they Moved slowly to the Forest

There is an 10,000 Beastmen 

While they are only 250 they have an Air Support as well as Weapons that are Made to Fight with Numbers the likes of Orks, And Tyranids with Additional Reinforcement of another 200 Deathwatch Marines who are Ready as They are Coming

"Ready Brothers?" Said the Watch Captain from the Raven Guard Legion

"Yes Brother Captain" said a Sargent from the Space Wolves

Each Kill-squads (10 Space Marines Each) are Ready


With it they Begun to fire their Varied Weapons

While Space Marine with Jump Packs Jump from their position and Begun to Cut Every Beastmen they See

"Die Chaos SCUM!" Said a Devatator Marine From the Imperial fist as he Support a Tactical Marine Armed with a Plasma Gun from the Night Lords Legion


"Take this!" Said Nath as he kill Multiple Beastmen with his Claws

"Now Brothers!" Shouted Titus as he Charge along with assault Interccessors he is armed with his Chainsword and heavy bolt pistol

Titus Manage to cut several Bestigors then fired his Bolt Pistol and Kill their gore Infantry

Titus saw a Wargor charging at him 

He Block it the Wargor's face is shock at Titus Speed and Titus Then Slam his Pistol to the Wargors Face and it brought it down the Wargor and proceed to stomp it's head and kill it

Several Intercessor Squad Begun to fire their weapons and kill hundreds of Beastmen in every seconds

The Riever Squad attack the Beastmen from the left flank who are all busy fighting against the Space Marines 

With their sudden arrival the Beastmen are all shock to see the skull face of the Reivers as they Cut them down with their Knife while the Sargent are combat experts as they killed Minoturs without even a Promlem

The Infiltrators have sudden arrived as well as they attack the Beastmens Least expected area as the Infiltrators begun to dwindle the Beastmen Number some even slit the Throats of the Beastmen unnoticed with their arrival 

And they Throw Some Grenades with it Dozens more Dead

Some Intercessors are armed with Grenade Lounchers and they fired it at the Organize Elite Formation of their Enemy and killed hundreds begause of it

While Stormtalons do Fire at the Beastmen most numerous Numbers and they killed more

"Take this One Eye Mutant!" Said the Pilot as he Fired a Missile to the Cygor and hit it to the Head and Die

And Proceed to kill the Infantry again


While the Deathwatch is having Enjoying their Time of killing the Chaos Beastmens

Their Reinforcements has arrived with Both the Blue Colors of the Ultramarines and Black from the Deathwatch

(Also All Space Marine Legion have these Aircraft)

They all Proceed to Bombard the Beastmen And Begun to deploy the Deathwatch Marines

With it they proceed to attack since they have now Enough momentum to fight to the Beastmen leader

"CHARGE!!!" Shouted the Watch Captain as they proceed to attack in their way and all the Beastmen who are foolish enough to face


"Should that be Xenos?" said the Deathwatch tech-Marine after Cutting a Harpy into half by his axe

"Well we are fighting against Chaos Corrupted beastmen" said the Chaplain as he smash his mace to the Minotaur and kill it

The Watch Captain attacks the Beastlord with his Power sword as he keeps Running with his Brothers attack the Beastlords Bodyguard

And you Could these Beastmen are more fearful to the Deathwatch since their armor is black and intimidating

The Beastlord try to Run but it was Too Late as the Watch Captain Cut off it's arms then it's head

After 20 Minutes of fighting the Battle is Over

"Watch Commander Our Hunt is Finish we are now Returning to the ship" With it they Return to their Transport


Nath's and Titus Company

Biker squads has been deployed and Harass the Beastmen left and right and a Never Ending bolter fire to the Beastmen

"Take This!" Shouted Nath as he Throw a Grenade along with other Space Marines and killed many Beastmen

Titus Saw a Minotaur charging against him and he attack as well as he Kill anyone who are in front of him

The Moment they are mere Inches the Minotaur it smash it's axe while titus Side step and cut off it's arm and fired his bolter to it's head and die

after 10 minutes of fighting the Battle is over

"Is that it?" Said Nath after Cutting the Beastlord into half

"Yes, The fight is over we have won and killed every Beastmen in this Area and Another Heavy loss to the Beastmen" said Titus as he stomp the Wargor it's head and destroy it

"Let's Return and Report back" said Nath "And by the way how are the Deathwatchs?"

"Their battle is already Over and are now returning" said Titus

"Then Let's Return as well" said Nath

With it they return to their Transport and back to their ship



Alarielle Stared at the sky

She is somehow Looking at her first Meeting with Roboute Guilliman

"My Lady are you okay?" Said one of her Handmaidens

"Oh Sorry i've having Just Remembering someone" said Aarielle

"It that Lord Tyrion?" She ask

Alarielle shook her head

"Don't say it's the strangers from the starts?" Said the Handmaiden in shock

"Well Yes, I'am having remembering my first Meeting with Prince Guilliman" said Alarielle 

"What's you Opinion to them?" Alarielle ask

"Well for one they are giant to a Human as well as Handsome even more attractive to any Human i have ever seen several ladies are already now have a dreamy of how they are going to get these Space Marine into their Bed... Can't blame thou because they are strong as well as Immortal they won't fear for their Early Death" said the Handmaiden

"You are Correct Especially Prince Guilliman" Said Alarielle "He is an Aura that kind of Only the gods have"

"My Lady isn't that you overestimate them?"

"No, His Aura is Powerful as well as He has this kind of Authority that only Kings Could have he has the ability for his Men to Follow him" said Alarielle

"And I can't wait to meet him again" said Alarielle

"Well there will be Feast will going perhaps to Invite them?" said the Handmaiden


With it she Returned to her chapters and rest

"I'll be waiting to meet you again Prince Roboute Guilliman"


And Done

I Have decided to make the Deathwatch Join the Chat

Now the Deathwatch have made their Debut as well as their First Battle

Next Chapter Guilliman will Meet Everqueen Alarielle again

See you Next Time Folks

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