Chapter Twenty: Nova
End him. End him. End him. End him.
The voice kept repeating its mantra over and over and over, causing a massaive migraine to occur.
As the day progressed on, I began wanting to listen to the voice in my head. The only solution on my part was to take a walk the whole day to avoid Peter.
I blasted a branch away as I kept walking foreword.
Hurt him. Make him cry. End his pathetic life.
The voice kept worming its way into my thoughts. It kept telling me to hurt Peter, to make him feel pain, to break up with him. I tried not to listen to the voice. I tried to be happy with Peter, but as the voice kept getting stronger and stronger, I couldn't. I couldn't smile when he took my hand. I couldn't sigh in relief when I was in bed with him. I couldn't even muster up the courage to kiss him anymore, much less make out with him. Ya know how people fall in love? Well this voice in my head is making me fall out of love and I don't want to.
My head was telling me to leave him- well the voice in my head- while my heart told me to stay with him and ignore the voice in my head. But the sad thing is that I couldn't. The voice had gained too much controll over me. It had begun to take me over. It had made me do what I regretted the most; I- I broke up with Peter as soon as I reached the cave.
"W-what?" He squeaked, tears already in his eyes.
"I said: I think we should break up," I said calmly. WHY THE HELL AM I DOING THIS!?!??!?!?!? WHY AM I CHOOSING TO HURT HIM?!?!?
Because you belong to me now, Nova.
Oh god, the voice knows my name.
"Sam?" Peter whispered. His eyes showed hurt, so much hurt. They also showed reget. I'm guessing reget for being with me. And that's the part that hurt the most. How are you controlling me?
Never charge into a room with smoke in it, it could be some kind of powder.
I finally relaize how the voice got in my head. The smoke that filled the weapons valet wasn't just smoke was it?
Get out of my head you green stalker!
"Why are you looking at me like that? We're done. Over. Finitio. D-O-N-E. What more do you need to hear?" I said, glaring at him. No, I can't do this to him, I can't.
You just did! BWHAHAHA!
Tears were slithering their way down Peter's cheek. He looked so heart broken. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and hold him close but he probably would slap me if I did that.
"You ok?" I couldn't help but ask. Peter glared at me through his tears.
"Are you fucking kidding me?! YOU BREAK UP WITH ME THEN ASK IF I'M OK? WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT!?!?!?" Peter exclaimed, raising his voice as the sentence continued.
I shrugged emotionlessly. "Just be cause we broke up don't me I don't care-"
Peter intrupted by slapping me.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!? Breaking up with me then saying you are about me?! I'm not some fucking toy you can play with. I have things called FEELINGS. And I can get HURT."
Yes you do have feelings and I know that.
He doesn't have feelings anymore. And now that he's in a state of shock, it's the perfect time for me to strike.
"Ya know, Luke was right. I shouldn't have fallen for a jerk like you. I mean what was I thinking? You have a new girl every other week!" Peter ranted, furious. I was still in shock. A new girl every other week?
I opened by mouth to speak, but Peter held his hand up to stop me.
"You can barely hold a relationship with a hollow stuck up girl and here I am thinking you could hold one with me. Bye and I don't even care what you do anymore as long as you stay away from me." With that, Peter stormed out of the the cave.
I blinked once, twice and I still couldn't believe I just did that. I just pushed away and hurt the most important person in my life.
I wanted to keep him close but for some fucking reason, I hurt him. Peter, my now Exboyfriend. I still can't comprehend this. (A/N: of course you can't comprehend this, your too stupid and just broke up with Peter. Why aren't you crying like he is?)
A single tear made its way down my cheek as I replayed the events over and over again in my head. I broke up with Peter.
I broke up with Peter.
I broke up with Peter.
I broke up with Peter.
Oh god how stupid could I be. I hate this voice in my head, I hate it so much. It's the one that cause Peter's tears. It's the one that cause me to feel empty and lost.
I'm nothing without him, I think as I slide down the wall, tears rucking down my face like rain. I sobbed into my arms, regerting breaking up with him. It's my fault he's not here with me. I'm the one to blame, the one to hit, the one that should be begging Peter to come back. But this voice, this stupid fucking voice isn't letting me find him. It isn't letting me show him how much he means to me. Ever since this voice took place, all I did was push Peter way, growling at him. This is its fault. It's all the voice's fault.
I sobbed myself to sleep, but I couldn't even have a peaceful rest. As I slept, I was plagued by horrible nightmare of Peter dying. Him saying he hated me. Him ignoring me. But the last one was the one that startled me awake. The I was standing by the Goblin as he hurt Peter. I was smiling and not doing anything.
I stared at the darkness if the cave, my eyes almost automatically began searching for Peter, but sadly, he wasn't back yet.
You belong to me now. Let my voice take over and come to me.
No, I'm not listening to you!
Well then, I've been patient long enough!
I struggled against the voice but sadly no matter how well developed my fighting skills were, I was over taken and the world was enveloped in black.
When the blackness disappears, I'm standing in front of no other that.... Yep you guessed it: The Goblin.
I struggled, but not a muscle moved. I was shocked, then the reliazion dawned me. The Goblin had taken me over with the powder that filled the weapons valet.
"Now my little pet, you listen to me and me only," the green pain in the ass commanded.
Never! I wanted to scream but unfortunately, I had no controll over my actions.
I nod. I'm trapped inside my own body while my body is controlled by a goblin manic who's going to use me to kill my own boyfrie- Exboyfriend.
Sometimes, I just hate my life.
SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY!!!!! IT HURT ME SO MUCH TO WRITE THIS!!!! Go ahead and give me hate for this. I still can't believe I wrote this. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
So sorry😞😣😖😩😫😢😭
Ok, ANNOUNCEMENT: this is the last chapter. 😣 I know, I'm sad too. I'm going to post the prologue in a few hours or minutes.... So stay sharp.
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