» Volume 2
Steve awakes to the sound of knocking at the front door. Confusion is written in his features as he takes in his surroundings, then he realizes that he's still at Frankie's house.
He quickly jumps off the couch and looks around for Frankie and Will. Where the hell did they go?
The knocking continues.
His eyes wander to the clock.
"Shit," he grumbles to himself, recalling Will's curfew. Quickly, he rushes to the door expecting to see Jonathan. As he swings it open, he sees Joyce Byers instead. Immediately he stands up straighter and attempts to look more welcoming.
Ms. Byers looks a little confused for a second.
"Hello, Steve. I didn't know you lived here?" She hums. Steve smiles politely and begins to shake his head.
"Oh, I don't. I'm just babysitting, actually," he corrects. She nods her and attempts to look around him. "Oh I see," she mutters, "well, uh, Jonathan said I could find Will here? Apparently he's hanging out with a friend– which I had no idea about. I'm not mad, or anything– I know I sorta suffocate him– I just want him to be safe," she begins.
Steve politely listens while welcoming her in.
"I understand," he insists as they enter the living room, "I'm sure they're just playing a board game in Frankie's room. I'll go get him."
Joyce nods and watches Steve exit the living room.
"Frankie?" She whispers, attempting to rack her memory for any faces to match the name. She thinks every male teen Hawkins, but can't seem to figure out who the name belongs to.
Meanwhile, Steve prays that they really are just in Frankie's room. How could he fall asleep? He's so stupid!
As he walks into Frankie's room, he's relieved/annoyed to see her and Will napping beside one another. Their hands are linked, nothing more than that. Still, Steve feels annoyed to see them so close.
Quickly, he shakes the two awake.
"Frankie, wake up!" He whispers, nudging the girl. Frankie groans before forcing herself to sit up and rub her eyes. Will wakes up as soon as her hand leaves his.
They both look extremely dazed.
After a minute though, they're both wide awake and spring away from each other. Will blushes deeply and face-palms.
"Steve!—" Frankie begins, fumbling to explain herself. Steve rolls his eyes at the girl.
"Save it," he grumbles, "Will's mom is here. So you two get your shit together and come out to the living room." With that, he walks out of the room; leaving the two to fix themselves up.
Frankie looks towards Will, who in turn looks at her. They both break into laughter.
"He's gonna hate me forever now," Will says through laughs. Frankie nods her head along with him, still laughing. "You got that right! As soon as you leave he'll probably lecture me for the rest of my life."
As their laughter calms, Frankie pulls Will into a tight hug. Despite his initial surprise, he returns her hug.
"Thanks for coming over," she mumbles into his shoulder.
"It was fun," Will hums.
Once they're done hugging, Frankie walks Will to the living room. Joyce and Steve stop whatever conversation they were having as the two walk in.
Joyce's eyes widen at the sight of the girl. She feels stupid to think that "Frankie" was a boy's name.
She feels a lot of things right now.
Should she be mad? First, Will lied to her about where he was. Then, he was at a girl's house?! Will has never lied to her before.
"H-Hey mom," Will greets as he walks towards the woman. Joyce looks away from Frankie and towards Will with a knowing look.
"This is my friend, Frankie," he introduces, gesturing towards the girl now stood beside Steve. Frankie nervously hides behind his arm a bit. Steve habitually blocks her. Frankie smiles brightly at the woman, to which Joyce returns.
"Nice to meet you," Frankie introduces, walking forward and shaking her hand.
"Nice to meet you, too."
"We should go," Will comments before his mom gets a chance to start an interrogation. Joyce nods and begins to leave the house.
"Bye Steve and Frankie, have a nice night!" Joyce calls.
"Bye!" Will shouts, following his mom.
As the two get into the car, it is silent except for the radio playing quietly.
"You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend," Joyce laughs, breaking the silence. "Mom!" Will whines while sinking into his seat, "she's not my girlfriend!"
Meanwhile, Frankie is listening to Steve's never ending lecture on why girls and boys aren't allowed to share beds. She rolls her eyes every once in awhile, but decides to stop after being scolded for it. Steve paces the room as he raises his voice at the girl.
Finally, he stops talking to take a breath.
"And, what's in that locked room?!" Steve questions, demanding to know.
"Want me to show you?" Frankie offers. Steve gives her a slightly surprised look, but nods his head vigorously. The girl stands from the couch and walks towards the room.
Steve follows her until there both stood in front of the door.
"Bring me the key," she says loudly. Steve looks at the girl incredulously.
"I don't have the key—" he confusedly states.
"No, not you. I wasn't talking to you," Frankie deadpans, causing Steve to become even more confused. Frankie rolls her eyes.
"Bring me the key," she repeats louder. Nothing happens. Just as Steve's about to say something else, a key flies from behind them, hitting the door. Steve screams and nearly falls over.
Frankie picks up the key, unfazed and begins to unlock the door.
"What the hell j-just happened—" the high schooler stutters in disbelief, looking around him for an explanation.
Frankie pushes the door open, revealing a piano. An empty room with nothing but a piano.
Steve is so confused.
"What is going on. Who threw the key, and why do you have a piano locked up?!" Steve questions, desperate for answers.
"It's a long story. A story for another day," Frankie sighs. "–and, I don't like people touching my piano. That's why it's locked away from everything else." Before he can asks any more questions, she begins to close the door.
"wait!" He intervenes. Frankie sighs deeply. "Can you play me something?" He asks.
Frankie raises an eyebrow.
"Play you something?"
Steve nods his head, smiling down at the girl. She weighs her options for a second. She supposes she could play him something. As long as it isn't her solo.
"Yeah, okay. Only one song though," she complies.
With that, she opens the door back up and steps inside. Steve follows and watches as she sits at the piano seat. His eyes fill with curiosity as the girl plays a single note.
Her fingers begin to glide smoothly across the piano, and Steve takes a seat on the floor beside her. He listens closely to what she plays, attempting to identify what the song might be. Although he doesn't seem to know the song, it is truly a work of art. It makes him want to cry.
Frankie herself, feels overwhelmed with emotion as she plays the song. So much so, that half through she allows a single tear to stream her cheek.
The song comes to an end all too soon. It leaves Steve speechless. Yet, he feels the need to say something to acknowledge her talent. He's absolutely astonished to say the least. So, as the girl begins to stand up and leave the room, he follows quickly behind her.
"That was amazing," he compliments, "I didn't know you could play piano."
"No one does. Lets keep it that way, okay?" Frankie hums, closing and locking the door behind her.
Steve looks at the girl, and decides not to question her.
"Can you stay here, tonight?" She suddenly asks, looking down nervously. "I really don't want to stay alone..."
Steve frowns guiltily and nods his head.
"Yeah, sure."
Frankie grins and quickly tugs him towards her room. Steve, shocked, stumbles behind her. As they reach her room, she starts mumbling a whole bunch of things about how this is her first sleepover.
Steve's eyes widen, but he listens to her talk anyway.
"You sleep in here with me, okay?" She hums. Steve chuckles and nods his head.
"Yeah, sure."
Frankie smiles and plops into her bed. When Steve doesn't move, she pats the spot beside her. Steve rolls his eyes and lays next to her.
As soon as he's laying beside her, she wraps her arms securely around him. Unlike when she slept with Will. Clearly, she has a different type of bond with Steve, and sees less boundaries. Steve is surprised by her actions at first, but quickly loosens up.
"G'night, Steve-y Nicks," Frankie yawns. Steve laughs.
"G'night Fran."
Despite their long naps before hand, the two drift into a comfortable sleep.
For once, neither of them have to sleep in a lonely house.
(The above picture is actual footage of Frankie and Will.
The below is clearly Frankie and Steve. In which, Steve is the cat. Note the difference.)
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