» F E A R

"Remember, if anything happens, tell me," Steve reminds, pointing a finger at Frankie. Frankie impatiently unbuckles her seatbelt and nods.

"Yeah, I got it the first three times you said it! Can I go now?" She rushes.

Steve smiles.

"Fine. Seriously though—"

"Bye, Steve!"

Before he can even get through his sentence, the girl shuts the door and rushes towards the front of the school. He rolls his eyes a little, but carefully watches her.

He can't help but feel uneasy after everything that happened last night. She never did tell him who hurt her.

He drives away when he can see that she is safe.

Frankie tries to reach the entrance of the building as quick as possible, avoiding any sort of interaction she might have with Mike. As she walks past a car, she feels eyes on her. Her glance drifts to the passenger window, and she sees Will.

The boy hurriedly climbs out of the car to greet her before she can walk off.

"Uh– h-hey, Frankie!" He chirps, stopping the girl before she can get far.

"Hey, Will." She simply says.

He sighs in relief to find that she isn't mad at him. He felt bad for not standing up for her. He feels bad for ditching her on Halloween. Seeing her reminds him of whoever those people were.

Frankie, on the other hand, can only think about everything Steve told her. As much as she wants to tell him she knows, Steve said she can't. She can't tell anyone she knows.

"Don't forget your backpack, Will." The man inside of the car chirps.

Will blushes and turns back to the car. He hurriedly grabs his things before closing the door and turning back to Frankie. She laughs a little and links hands with him.

Bob drives off, reminding himself to ask Joyce about the girl later.

"I thought you'd be mad," Will admits as they walk hand-in-hand.

Frankie raises an eyebrow.

"Why would I be mad?"

Will's eyes focus on the people around them. They give him weird stares, like he's out of place. It makes him insecure, even with Frankie holding his hand. He's so focused on their strange stares that he almost forgets to answer her.

"I don't know. But I need to talk to you about something later, okay?" He hums.

Frankie tenses up, but nods her head.

As they enter the school, Will's hand unlinks from hers. The bell rings, and they find themselves walking to class.


As Mr. Clarke lectures, Frankie zones out.

Her eyes drift to the back Will's head, and she thinks about what happened to him. She feels so bad that she couldn't be here to help him.

Frankie isn't the only person staring at Will.

Max is staring too.

She doesn't buy the story Lucas fed her. Even if it is "public knowledge". Something about the whole situation just doesn't click to her. Will, feeling Max's stare, turns face her. Max diverts her eyes immediately.

Their minds drift back to Mr. Clarke's lecture. "At the time this was known as the American Crowbar case. Although it wasn't a—"

Dustin bursts into the classroom panting.

Frankie jumps back into focus, letting her eyes go to Dustin.

"I am so sorry, Mr. Clarke," Dustin huffs, and attempts to settle in his seat, "really, I am so sorry. Please continue with the class. Don't mind me. Really, continue, please."

Mr. Clarke continues.

"Although it wasn't a crowbar, it was a rod, as I said."

Dustin turns to the boy's and begins to whisper softly, but in a serious tone.

"We have to meet. All of us. At lunch, AV club."

"Why?" Mike questions.

"I have something that you won't believe," he insists.

They all nod before leaning back in their seats. Dustin turns to whisper-shout at Max.

"AV club. Lunch," he says to her.

"Dustin!" Mr. Clarke intervenes.

"Yes, my lord?" Dustin smiles, turning back to the front.

"Would you care to join the class now?"

"Please, yes." Dustin responds cheekily.

"The case of Phineas Gage." Mr. Clarke hums. Dustin scrambles to retrieve his textbook from his backpack.

"Phineas Gage," he repeats.

"Page 104."



"Focusing. Focusing," he hums, pulling out his textbook. As soon as he has it out, he turns back to Max once more and whispers, "AV club."

Max gives a thumbs up.

Frankie watches it all go down with curiosity. Alex appears behind her and begins to whisper everything they previously said. Frankie sighs a little at what Alex tells her.

"Guess that means Will won't be hanging with me at lunch," she quietly mumbles.

Will turns to look at the girl.

He can see Alex.

His eyes widen largely as he watches, what he assumes is an apparition, whisper into Frankie's ear. She even responds to it.

So she could see it too!

Frankie looks up and catches Will's eyes.

Clearly, she is unaware that he can see the ghost (because you know, he isn't supposed to). She waves at him lightly, snapping him out of his daze.

He waves back with a blush.

Quickly, his body shifts back around in his seat and his hands begin to flip open his journal.

The pages are full of drawings. Drawings of Frankie, mostly. A small blush resides on his cheeks as he flips past them to a blank page. There he begins to write a note.

"Meet at the AV Club for lunch."

He hands the note back, asking the people behind him to pass it to Frankie. They thankfully comply.

Once the note reaches Frankie, she curiously opens it.

As she reads the sentence, she smiles a little. She's glad to know she wouldn't be left out. She glance to Will, and nods when they make eye contact.

"Frankie, would you care to read that note out loud?" Mr. Clarke hums, causing the girl to look up with a blush.

He's gives her a teasing smile before turning back to his lecture.

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