S3 Chapter 7: The Princess Of Darkness Soars! The Flight To America!!

*About 4 hours into the flight, The Valhalla Private Jet soared through the skies as it left the European Airport Runway and was bound for New York*

Bella: So what all are we gonna be doing in New York?

Athena: Well first, i think it's fair we show ya'll around. New York is one huge city so there's a lot to see. Some of it is Beyblade-Related and some of it isn't, either way i think you'll like it.

Bella: What then?

Athena: Well defeating Main is now a priority, he's too dangerous to have roaming around the Beyblade world by himself. But even so, it's too dangerous to face him without knowing what his bey can really do. Primary Michael he called it..

*Ikari pulled up the details for Michael on the screen in the jet and it gave an analysis of what data was available for it*

Ikari: I have the details right here, however they are limited as Main hasn't participated in an official match since he was defeated by Athena.

Bella: It looks so much more jagged and spiked from this perspective, didn't you say it was a Stamina type?

Ikari: It is! It has a super round disk for i would assume would be for outward weight distribution and its driver is Bearing'! Even though we haven't seen it in a battle, i can imagine it will have a lot of stamina. 

Athena: Lane. Doesn't this bey look... familiar?

Lane: How so?

Athena: I may sound crazy but the shape of the layer reminds me of Greatest Raphael in a sense.

Lane: Are you sure?

Athena: Yes, if you really look at it. It has 8 spikes total on the top but it has a smooth section underneath.

Lane: I can see it now. It would appear Michael, an archangel, took the heavenly and angelic features of Adeona and Raphael and took a similar shape to Raphael as well.

Rangara: Main Kuromi.. do you really believe that this guy coming for us?

Athena: Well he won't be after you for sure Rangara, he only wants us. No offense but you mean nothing to him, he doesn't care enough to come after you.

Rangara: I see..

Athena: Bella, i'm thinking of putting you through the Bulls' training routines.

Lane: Already?

Athena: I mean you gotta start somewhere. Besides we're not going to start off with any of the strenuous stuff, i actually have something else in mind.

Bella: Like what?

Athena: A new stadium.

Bella: A new stadium?

Athena: It was supposed to have arrived at the Bulls today, it's an interesting stadium that will definitely put a spin on how you battle, No pun intended.

Bella: Man, this is gonna be awesome!

Rangara: Alright! As THE strongest Kiyama brother, i will dominate this new stadium whatever it might be!

Athena: I wouldn't be so sure. This stadium even despite its easy appearance, won't be an easy challenge.

Bella: Either way, we'll conquer this new stadium and get much, much stronger!

*Athena softly smiled*

Athena: Even though they haven't even seen the new stadium yet, they are already confident they'll master it so soon. Interesting.. These guys really are something else..!

---A few hours later---

*Shu Kurenai stood in the New York Bulls lobby and was on the phone with Valt Aoi*

Valt: You're really willing to face off against Bella just right after you made your new bey, are you that confident you'll defeat her?

Shu: It's worth a shot, Athena and Lane aren't here so i assume they went to challenge her but she hasn't broadcasted a day.

Valt: Well you know those 2, they're always into something.

Shu: I suppose that's true. You plan evolving Valkyrie?

Valt: Athena talked to me about that and it got it me thinking, a bey has so much unlimited potential and Valkyrie is full of that.

Shu: I can agree. Valkyrie has so much room to develop and evolve, another evolution is certainly possible.

Valt: Well to answer your question, i am. In fact, i'll be thinking of a great design for it.

Shu: I can't wait to see it.

Valt: I'll see you soon Shu.

Shu: Yeah.

*Shu hangs up and his phone began to ring once again, it was Athena.*

Shu: Athena, where have you been?!

Athena: Relax Shu, we've been in Europe.

Shu: Europe?

Athena: I battled Bella Akazara.

Shu: Really well you have great timing, i was about to head out to face her as well.

Athena: No need to do that Shu, we're bringing her to you.

Shu: What are you talking about?

Athena: Shu, when you told us about the theory that there was another Valhalla sibling of ours.. you were right.

*Athena hangs up and Shu was left wondering*

Shu: Bella Akazara... looks like Athena found her long lost sibling at last..

---On The Jet---

Athena: Well we should be in New York within the hour, you guys will see the new stadium soon.

Bella: Oh man i can't wait!

*About an hour or so later, Bella and everyone else had finally arrived in New York City. They would save looking around the city for the following day, Bella really wanted to see the new stadium*


Athena: The New York Bulls is just up ahead, Shu should already be here as well as the new stadium.

*Everyone finally makes it to the New York Bulls and they walked inside, Shu Kurenai was waiting for them*

Athena: Shu! You're finally back, that training journey took you long enough!

Shu: Well i would've been back sooner, but i most of my time was dedicated to this.

*Shu held up his Spriggan which began to glow with a crimson red aura*

Athena: So that's your new bey!

Shu: Yeah, this is Atlas Spriggan!

*Bella leaped forward and snatched the bey*

Bella: It's awesome! It's a dual rotating balance type, it's so cool!!

*Bella looked back at Shu and sheepishly handed his bey back to him*

Athena: Shu this is Bella Akazara, or Valhalla.

*Shu kneeled down to Bellas height and smiled*

Shu: I'm Shu Kurenai, i'm sure Athena has told you everything there is to know about me.

Athena: Is the new stadium here?

*Shu looks towards an oddly shaped object which was covered in a massive tarp*

Shu: It was already here when i got back, i haven't bothered removing the tarp yet.

*Bella was in awe at the size of the stadium, it was huge. Athena pulled off the tarp and the stadium was finally revealed! The stadium had an Upper deck that went up a smaller secondary stadium which wasn't as deep as the main one, this was the Zero Stadium*

Bella: A-Amazing...!

Rangara: It's huge...

Athena: This my friends, is the Zero Stadium.

Shu: Gotta hand it to the wbba, they always make the craziest stadium designs.

Bella: I call dibs to battle in it first!

Rangara: Me too!

Athena: Well i guess it's settled then, it'll be Bella VS Rangara.

Bella: Oh and by the way, if i win i'm facing off against Shu first!

Rangara: What!?!

Shu: Fine with me.

Athena: This scenario again..?

*Lane just smiled and walked off, Athena watched as he headed up the stairs onto the second floor*

Athena: Lane..?

*Both bladers get ready to launch*

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys land in the stadium and Ragnaruk took the center instantly as Beherit immediately went up to the Upper deck*

Rangara: I-Is she..?!

Bella: Go, Beherit!

*Beherit races into the secondary stadium and began to pick up some speed*

Bella: Now go!!

*Beherit flew out of the Secondary Stadium and launched itself straight for Ragnaruk*

Rangara: Not so fast! High Roaring Gale!!

*Ragnaruk manages to stop Beherits attack and repel it, sending it flying*

Rangara: Yes!! 

Bella: We aren't done here! Get in there Beherit!

*Beherit comes in and starts to fire a barrage of attacks on Ragnaruk, knocking it around and disabling its tornado*

Bella: Now go, burst it!

*Bella slams into Ragnaruk and launches it into the Secondary Stadium as well*

Rangara: You think that'll bring us down? We're just getting started!!

*Ragnaruk took the center of the Secondary Stadium and tried to retain its stamina*

Rangara: Ragnaruk!!

Bella: Beherit! Full speed ahead!!

*Beherit races onto the Upper deck and unintentionally slams into the wall, killing its own stamina*

Bella: Tch...!

Rangara: It's over!

*Ragnaruk pulls Beherit into its vortex and Beherit was the one to burst*

Bella: N-No!!!

*Shu simply looks at Bella and his Spriggan stopped glowing, like it didn't want to battle her anymore*

Shu: Even though she has a grip on the stadiums features so quickly, she still lost..

Bella: It can't be.. i actually lost..!

*Bella stood aside and watched as Shu stepped up to the stadium*

Shu: Well since you won abiding by Bellas rule, then it looks like you'll be facing me here.

*Rangara gulped as he watched Shu hold up his new bey, it was Atlas Spriggan*

Rangara: So that's Spriggan huh?

Shu: Yeah.

*Spriggan featured a shape and design that resembled that of Cho-Z Spriggan if it was more jagged along the blades. It had a 0 Disk with a Wall Frame along with a Quattro driver*

Athena: Atlas Spriggan.. Shu, what kind of power does it hold?

*Athena stepped up to the stadium to be referee*

Athena: First Battle!!

*Shu placed his Spriggan into Left Rotation Balance Mode and took his position, Bella watched as the sight of the battle-ready Shu Kurenai was intimidating to see*

Bella: T-This is so cool!!

Athena: Ready Set!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys land in the stadium and Spriggan took the center before Ragnaruk*

Rangara: W-Wait what?!

*Ragnaruk slams into Spriggan as it immediately started to absorb its power from the impact*

Rangara: Did it just drain away Ragnaruks spin?!

Shu: This is only a fraction of what Spriggan can do.

*Ragnaruk kept on attacking but none could move Spriggan out of the center*

Rangara: Keep fighting Ragnaruk, blow this guy out of the ring!

*Ragnaruk finally lands a solid blow and Spriggan was now on the move*

Shu: Go Spriggan, get up there!

*Spriggan climbs to the upper deck and rode along the bank of the Upper Stage and charged straight for Ragnaruk*

Shu: Spriggan!

*Spriggan leaps off the Upper Stage and begins to clash with Ragnaruk with all its might, knocking it back this time*

Rangara: We're not giving up so easily! 

*Ragnaruk was the one riding on the upper deck and it headed into the Secondary Stadium and prepared for its ultimate move*

Rangara: High Roaring Gale!!

*Ragnaruks tornado roars to life as a gusty vortex of flames swirled around in the stadium*

Shu: Is that you can do?

*Spriggan heads onto the Upper Deck and was heading straight for the Upper Stage*

Rangara: Don't quit now! Ragnaruk!!

*Spriggan heads onto the Upper Stage and rockets up its slope and rises into the air*

Rangara: WHAT?!

Bella: That doesn't look good! Get out of there Rangara!!

Shu: Atlas Crush!!

*Spriggan breaks through the tornado and lands directly on top of Ragnaruk and uses its sharp axe blades to grind against its layer and burst it after a few seconds*

Rangara: I-Impossible..!

Athena: Atlas Spriggan, Burst Finish! Shu is the winner!!

*Shu turns and heads upstairs, going further inside the New York Bulls and calls down to Athena*

Shu: Athena, show them around the Bulls and if you want to, you can show them to the training equipment.

Athena: Shu they just got here! Training right now just seems excessive!

Shu: If they want to become stronger bladers then training right now will be the best thing for them, show them around.

*Shu continued further into the Bulls and was out of sight*

Athena: I'm sorry about him..

Bella: It's fine! I love a good challenge!

Rangara: Same here, i'm ready to go even after an embarrassingly crushing defeat.

*Athena simply just smiled and leads the 2 bladers over to a tightrope.*

Athena: You 2 don't need to use the heavy exercise equipment like the treadmills and weights since you both appear to be in great physical condition, instead we'll be using this tightrope.

Bella: What is this for?

Athena: We're gonna practice launching on it. It's to train and test your physical balance! Hop on.

*Bella jumps on the tightrope and pulled out her launcher*

Bella: Like this?

Athena: That's right, now let's begin!

*The 2 sisters stand side-by-side as they both prepare to launch at the same time*

Athena/Bella: GO SHOOT!!!

*Athena's balance was perfect! Bellas however... she completely falls off and lands on the cold floor*

Bella: O-Ow..!

Athena: You got the form down but try focusing strength into your legs so you can maintain a stronger balance, you got this Bella. Let's go again!

*The launches continued for a bit and Bella kept on falling off even when she almost had it, Athena smiled as even with each and every launch, Bella was getting even closer*

Bella: Go... SHOOT!!!

*Bella lost balance but manages to stay her ground and keep her balance on the tightrope.*

Athena: Not bad, let's try it one more time.

*Bella nods and notices her launcher was at 35%, her eyes began to glow as her aura bursted to life*

Bella: Go Shoot!!!

*Bellas launch this time was perfect, the stance and balance was perfect! She had done it!*

Bella: I.. I did it!!

*The tightrope ripped and snapped instantly from the amount of weight that it sustained for a long period of time! Before Bella could fall and hit the floor possibly hurting herself, Athena catches her*

Bella: A-Athena..!

Athena: Don't need you getting hurt now.. you ok?

*Bella nods and Athena lets her go*

Athena: That was a good launch, you finally got the hold of managing to launch with great balance.

Bella: Great balance huh?

Athena: Having good balance is important when launching, if you don't have good posture and balance then you will never master the Zero Stadium, not any time soon at least.

Bella: And there's Spriggan..

Athena: That is true... my only advice is to challenge Shu and Spriggan yourself.

Bella: You want me to challenge Shu already?!

Athena: You beat Valt and Lui. Shu shouldn't be that much different.

Bella: But Shu has an Origin Bey just like me, it's fair and even grounds now and i saw how powerful he was today. I can't face a bey like that until i've mastered the Zero Stadium.

Athena: I see.. well Ikari should've gotten some data on Spriggan so you can study for a weakness. If you don't want to battle it now then studying its data should suffice for now.

Bella: Speaking of which, where is Ikari?


*Ikari Akazara was at the Bey-Park just outside of the New York Bulls and she stood at one of the stadiums, in her hand was a Gold Dynamite Perseus.Shot-6

Ikari: I want to become stronger just like my sisters, let's do this!

*Ikari takes her launch position but notices someone come out from behind the pillar, Ikaris eyes widened at the site, it was Main Kuromi.*

Ikari: M-Main?!

Main: Your sisters, where are they?

Ikari: Why do you want to know?!

Main: I simply want to give them a little taste of Primary Michaels power, that's all.

Ikari: I won't let you! You're gonna try and break them aren't you?!

Main: You catch on quick, just tell me where they are and i'll gladly be on my way.

Ikari: Never! If you want to face them, then you're gonna have to go through me!

*Ikari held up her bey which was Dynamite Perseus, Main watched in surprise as the girl was getting even more angry and furious*a

Main: Well i've never seen a bey like that before, maybe it'll be a good warmup before my battle with Athena.

*It only took a few seconds and the area within a mile was illuminated with a golden light, Athena and Bella ran out of the Bulls and ran over to the park where the source of the light came from*

Bella: Ikari!!

*Bella and Athena noticed Main standing in front of the stadium and the high pitched sound of a bey spinning could be heard, it was Michael. Ikaris' bey was no where to be seen, Michael had completely destroyed the bey out of existence*


Main: I simply gave her the battle she wanted, and sooner or later it'll be your turn, Athena Valhalla.

*Bella takes her little sister into her arms and carries her back to the Bulls while Athena confronts Main*

Athena: Why have you done this?

Main: Consider this a warning, Athena. Today i only showed a fraction of my power, you're not gonna like it when i officially go 100%!

Athena: Is that a threat?

Main: What will you do if i said yes? Your days as a perfect little baby girl angel are over, i'll completely destroy you like i did with the little kid just then.

Athena: You are going to regret messing with us, i won't let you ever get under my skin!

Main: If i were you, i'd be very afraid! You will learn to fear me and your pathetic family will bow by my hand!

Athena: I will never bow to you! I bow to no one!!

*Main smirks and turns to walk away*

Main: We'll see about that..

*Main starts to laugh as he disappears into the city, Athena watches after him with a furious expression. She looked down at Adeona as it glowed with a bright aura*

Athena: Adeona, when the time is right, your brand new evolution will come..

*Later that evening at the New York Bulls, the group was about to pack it up for the day and Athena was going to take her new family additions to Valhalla Manor which had now been renamed to the Grand Valhalla Estate which was also now a safe haven for all bladers to battle and find rivals but before they left, Athena spoke to Shu about the incident in the park*

Shu: So he's back huh?

Athena: Yeah..

Shu: What are you gonna do now? Bella's little sister Ikari has already been hurt by that guys power.

Athena: I know and i'm gonna see to it that something like that never happens again.

Shu: You know he isn't gonna stop coming for you, he won't stop until he's gotten what he wants and that would be your complete and utter despair.

Athena: You.. You think i don't already know that Shu? I know he's coming for me but i do know that he won't face me until i've made an Origin Bey.. like you, Bella and Rangara.. Until i do, he's just gonna toy and torment me to no end. I don't want to be pressured in making a new bey so soon even with an outdated System.

Shu: Who do you think he'll come after next?

Athena: I don't even want to imagine, worst case scenario he goes after Bella who has no idea what kind of power Main holds. It's happening again Shu.. the life of the people i care about so much is now in my hands.. again and it's all my fault!

Shu: Athena...

Athena: My family... my family is in danger..!!


Next Chapter: Riding The Warp! Zero Stadium!!

Training intensifies at the New York Bulls as Bella works hard to master the Zero Stadium and to defeat Shu and Main. Meanwhile, Athena continues to worry for the safety of her new family.

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