*It was the following day and training was getting intense, Main was still finishing repairs on Michael and Bella was training as hard as she could! The battle was rescheduled to the next day instead so the 2 bladers could have enough time to train*
Bella: Main.. we're coming for you! We're going to blow you away!!
*Rangara and all the others were watching as Bella was training as hard as she possibly could*
Rangara: She looks intense.. is she alright?
Lane: She'll be fine.
Athena: The battle between me and Main has lit a fire under everyone, it's no wonder she's training so hard. I bet Main is doing the same thing right about now.
Ikari: It's amazing how far she's come.. i can't wait for the battle!
Athena: It'll be interesting to see after all this time.. how far she's come.
---A Little While Later---
*It was approaching noon and Bella saw Main getting ready on a road. He was preparing to do a 100 yard sprint*
Bella: Main..?
*Main immediately took off running and his sprint speed was absolutely incredible! He had reached the finish line in just 14 seconds*
Main: A... A new record..!!
Bella: A-Amazing..!
*Bella was in awe at the training Main was doing in order to get prepared for the battle the next day. Bella needed to step up her game if she was going to win*
Bella: Man.. i really have to step up if i am to win!
*Bella continued to watch Main and eventually, she left to continue her own training; she went to the Beypark and she trained at the stadium there*
Bella: I've battled Main so many times throughout this journey, it's hard to believe our biggest showdown yet is finally happening..
*Beherit spun in the stadium, its Burst Lock wings glowing brightly as its awakened driver propelled it forward even faster*
Bella: There were good and bad things along this journey but i'm so glad everything has worked out, i'm so excited for the battle later..!
*Beherit was picking up incredible speed, its avatar aura surging to life and the stadium erupts with a beam of darkness! Bella stared into the black, purple, gold and pink beam of energy as her aura began to glow*
Bella: Tomorrow is the day we embrace and reveal our True Princess Of Darkness persona, we're going to show the world the best battle in the history of Beyblade!
*Bellas aura began to grow even more as the burst of darkness was sucked back into Beherit and it was glowing with a dark aura*
Bella: Let's do this thing! Beherit!!!
*The sun was starting to set and the battle was going to start the following morning so Bella had plenty of time to kill. She was told to come to the Sparking Legend Tour Cruise Ship as there was a surprise waiting for her*
Bella: A surprise huh..? I wonder what it could be..
*Bella had eventually made it down to the cafeteria and confetti cannons popped and ribbons flew all over the place, it was a surprise feast before the battle*
Bella: W-What?!
Athena: Since your battle is tomorrow, i think it would be a better time than ever to eat. It's a surprise party for you too!
*Bellas eyes lit up with excitement as she ran over to the dinner table, a vast assortments of different foods was spread across the table and Bellas mouth was watering*
Bella: It all looks so good..!!
*Athena smiles as she got out the plates, all the other bladers present grabbing one too*
Athena: Eat all you like, there's more than enough for everyone.
*Everyone grabbed some delicious food and everyone dug in as laughter and chatter filled the air from the excitement*
Bella: MMMMM!!! It's so good!!
*Bella took her plate outside and went to the bow of the ship but when she got there, Main was there, training at the stadium*
Bella: Main?
*Main looked up from his training and looked at Bella, his yellow eyes glowing in the shadows*
Main: Oh it's.. you.
Bella: You've sure been training a lot.
Main: Indeed i have. I am more than determined to win tomorrow and i will win, The Supreme Lord will prevail.
Bella: You're wrong. The one who will prevail is the Princess Of Darkness!
*Main just smiled as he continued to train*
Main: You're persistent, i'll give you that.
Bella: You bet i am! I'm not going to lose tomorrow, i can promise you that!!
*Main just looked at her, his eyes fixed on her*
Main: The battle isn't even until tomorrow and she's already declared victory.. guess she's more interesting than i've thought.
*The 2 sat together for a while as Main was taking a break from training a bit*
Main: I have a question.. what kind of connection do you have with Athena..?
Bella: I'm her sister. We don't have the same mother in common but we both have the same father but he's dead now.. upon learning the truth about him, maybe that's for the best.
Main: Why? What was wrong with him?
Bella: He just wasn't a good man. My biological mom is a flight attendant and i have a healthy and good relationship with her too, i check in with her as much as i can but it shocked me upon hearing that my mom wasn't actually my mom..
Main: I see..
Bella: Me and my biological eventually moved in with my grandfather in a castle in Spain and it wasn't until a few years later that i found out from my sister from another mother about the truth of who i really was..
Main: You found out from Athena.. one of the largest ranking bladers in the world.
Bella: She came to me that day for a battle like all the others but i would never have thought i would've received that information that day.. and then i found out about your existence, i met you for the first time upon leaving to go to New York.
Main: I remember.
Bella: I still want to know more about my family history but i'm afraid of what i'll find if i do..
Main: Did she ever tell you about Ashtem? The full story?
Bella: I don't think she did..
Main: Ashtem has been doing what he's been doing for years, He developed the Requiem Project and Project: Shadow, both of which physically and mentally enhanced the bladers potential. As for me, he didn't do anything to me but his project which he never told me the name of, was how Michael came into being.
Bella: So your bey was the result of some science experiment?
Main: Pretty much. The bey contained so much power that it eventually took control of me and my desires.. i wanted to get revenge on Athena for shattering my old bey prior but i didn't anticipate myself going this far.. I didn't want to go this far.
Bella: Well all that matters now is that we work on bettering ourselves, if we feel bad about the past then we should improve ourselves to be better, it's the only real way we can move on.
*Main nodded and smiled*
Main: You're right and i'm glad to have met you all, especially you.. I can't wait to have a very exciting battle with you tomorrow.
*Bella smiled and jumped to her feet*
Bella: Same here! And like i said before, The Princess Of Darkness will be the winner!!
*Main smiled and stood up*
Main: We'll see. The real winner will be the Supreme Lord!!
*The 2 bladers smiled at each other as their auras started to glow again, their eyes locked in a fierce stare*
*Athena and Lane stood alone on the other end of the Ship and they were talking about what was to come after*
Lane: It's hard to believe they've both come this far.
Athena: Yeah, it's impressive. For Main, there were a lot of bumps in the road but i know he'll work on bettering himself in the future.
Lane: Speaking of which, what do you think will happen? What is to become of the future?
Athena: I don't know. One thing i can say for certain is that the story is never truly over, the key to true and ultimate success is to keep on going no matter what. The memories and the fun is what truly matters in the end.
Lane: Yeah, things are only just beginning. Our way of Beyblade will forever live onwards, even in the ones we've supervised over the course of time.
Athena: That's right, and i cannot wait to see where the future takes Bella, Main and all the others. They all deserve the world and the best success they can find in their lives, i'm proud of them all.
*Athena and Lane continued to talk and eventually, they joined Bella and Main on the bow of the ship as they stared into the night sky*
---The Next Day---
*The day of the battle had finally come and it would be about 15 minutes before the bladers would be called up to their battle; Bella sat alone in one of the waiting rooms as she waited to be called up to her battle*
Bella: Today is the day, today i will finally beat that guy once and for all!
*Athena smiled as she kneeled down to Bellas height and placed a hand on her shoulder*
Athena: Good luck today, i know you can do it.
*Athena hugged her little sister as she and Lane went off to the crowds*
Bella: Beherit.. let's do this thing!
*Beherit shined in the light as Bella smiled. After about 15 minutes, the 2 bladers were finally called up to their match*
---At The Arena---
*The 2 bladers were walking up to the Ultimate Level Stadium and the 2 bladers stared each other down as the tension was starting to build up fast.*
Bella: Main Kuromi..
Main: Bella Akazara..
Ikari: Is she going to be alright?
Athena: She'll be fine.
Rangara: It's Bella of course, she'll win this thing with no sweat!
Adeline: I wonder what kind of battle we're in for today, this is going to be fun to watch.
Lane: Indeed..
*Main raised his finger high into the sky and pointed down at Bella*
Main: I have a request. Let's make this battle a first to 3 point battle!!
Bella: First to 3 points?
*Murmurs began to fill the crowd and the group was in confusion*
Rangara: First to 3 points?! What's he up to now?!
Lane: Why is he making a request like that?
Athena: Guys it's fine.
Rangara: Really?
Adeline: Why's that?!
Athena: Bella and Main must really want this to be an explosive and fun battle so they're dragging the battle out to 3 points.
Ikari: Are you sure about this?
Athena: It's more interesting that way, and i already know this battle is going to be intense.
Main: So Bella, what is your answer?
Bella: Fine by me. I'm still going to absolutely defeat you!
Main: Very good!
*The point rulings were changed and the battle was now starting*
Referee: 1st Battle!!
Main: As the Supreme Lord, i hereby declare we are on good terms but you and i are eternal rivals for life! Me and Michael as the best team will not be going easy on you!
Bella: I wouldn't want it any other way, for the last time, we'll be the ones to win!
*The 2 bladers had taken their positions as they smiled fiercely at each other*
Referee: Ready Set!!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*The beys were off and Michael was hot on the move as Beherit was racing around the stadium at full speed*
Bella: Now go for it! Beherit!!
*Beherit was charging in for the attack and Michael was coming in hot too*
Main: It's time! Supreme Dagger!!
*Michaels spikes stabbed into the layer of Obsidian Beherit and it went flying back*
Bella: Tch..!!
Rangara: That attack is still so overwhelming!
*Michael wasn't letting up as it was coming back around for another one*
Main: That's it! Give it the gas Michael!!
*Michael was hammering away at Beherit as it was being knocked around with each attack*
Bella: Hold on tight Beherit!!
*Beherit was able to counter attack and it used its awakened tip to build up speed*
Bella: Now give it all you got!
*It was Beherits turn as it was starting to fire a barrage of attacks on Michael*
Bella: Now blow it to the skies!
*Main smiled; Michaels spikes began to retract as the Ultimate Dropper in the stadium was opening up*
Bella: Go for it now! Beherit!!!
Beherit: Leave this to me!!
*Beherit raced around the stadium at full speed as it started to glow with an aura of darkness*
Main: W-What is that?!
Bella: This is the true power of the Princess Of Darkness! Nothing can stop us now!!
*Beherit launched Michael into the air and it ultimately fell through the Hole and it took the center in the Low Level*
Main: Michael!!!
*Michaels spikes had retracted and its layer was perfectly rounded at last*
Main: Supreme Change!!
*Beherit was spinning around the perimeter of the High Level and its speed wasn't dropping as it was approaching the Hole*
Bella: It's over now! True Obsidian Thunder!!
*Beherit leaped into the Hole and it dives straight for Michael*
Main: Stop them in their tracks! Supreme Sphere!!
*Beherit and Michael clash with full force as the stadium explodes with a burst of light and darkness! One bey flew up and burst and it was Beherit*
Bella: W-What?!
*The parts of Beherit hung in the air for a few seconds as they hit the floor behind Bella*
Bella: T-There's no way..
Main: Supreme Michael with a Burst Finish! Main Kuromi earns 2 points!!
*Bella looked behind her as the pieces of Beherit laid there motionless and then Bella looked back at Main who stared at her*
Main: This is over. I win.
Next Chapter: Ultimate Bonds! Bella VS Main!!
The battle between the 2 eternal rivals has officially heated up! The power of heated bonds bursts throughout the stadium as the fight for victory is just within someones grasp!!
(If next chapter was an actual Anime episode, GOD TIER ANIMATION IT WOULD HAVE!!!)
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