*Rangara stood at the stadium with a confident expression and Bella jumped down from the Throne and headed to the stadium*
Bella: So you made an Origin Bey too, how interesting! I can finally have someone who can truly put up a fight!
Rangara: Yeah! With this Ragnaruk, i'll become super strong and surpass you and become the strongest blader.
Bella: Interesting, in that case, we'll burst that bey in one shot!
Referee-Bot: First Battle!!
*Both bladers get set up and take their position*
Rangara: Origin Beherit, i need to watch out for its 3-Bladed Assault or else i'm doomed. However, it shouldn't be too much of an issue for a bey like Ragnaruk.
Bella: Whenever you're ready!
Rangara: Right, let's get this show on the road!
Referee-Bot: Ready Set!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*The beys land in the stadium and Ragnaruk takes the center*
Rangara: Well would ya look at that?! A free center just for me!
Bella: Getting overconfident already, that's your first mistake.
Rangara: Say what?!
*Bella grins as her green colored eyes began to glow with a purple mist*
Bella: Blow them away Beherit!!
*Beherit comes rushing in and clashes with Ragnaruk but gets sent flying instead*
Bella: Interesting, so it's got a very low center of gravity for a Stamina Type! that's pretty cool!
Rangara: And that's not all, Ragnaruk was a ton of metal on its two giant blades! Its weight and stamina is unrivaled!
Bella: Is that so? In that case, we'll just break right through!
*Beherit makes contact with Ragnaruk once again and tried its best to push it back*
Rangara: That won't work on us!
*Ragnaruk repels Beherit once again and it landed on the other side of the stadium*
Bella: Ragnaruk has so much stamina huh? I like it, we're not giving up so easily!
*Beherit climbs the slope of the stadium and knocks Ragnaruk into the air at long last*
Bella: Alright!
Rangara: Lucky hit! However, let's see you try and take this on!
*Ragnaruk reclaims the center and its spin wasn't dwindling at all*
Rangara: Roaring Gale!!
*A vortex of winds began to swirl around Ragnaruk and create a barrier of wind around it, the winds were pushing Beherit back even more*
Bella: Beherit, push through those winds even more! We're not gonna let a little wind beat us!
Rangara: Prepare yourself, get swept away by a raging tornado! Go!!
*Ragnaruks vortex of wind pulls Beherit into the air and slings it out of the stadium and it slammed into the wall with a massive impact, Bella was absolutely shocked at what just happened*
Referee-Bot: Gale Ragnaruk, Over Finish! Point standings are now 1-0!
Rangara: Yes! We've snagged the first point!!
*Bella reached down and picked up her bey and stared back towards her opponent*
Bella: A little bit late to be celebrating, the match isn't over yet.
*Bella held up her launcher and pulled a switch back, initiating a new mode*
Rangara: What is she doing? She just did something to her Launcher...!
Bella: Again, whenever you are ready! This time, we're gonna win for sure!
Rangara: A-Alright! Let's do this!!
Referee-Bot: First Battle!!
Rangara: It doesn't matter what she did to her launcher, it won't make a difference! We're gonna come out on top in this battle too.
Referee-Bot: Ready Set!!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*Bursts of flames shoot out of the vents on Bellas launcher like the exhausts of a drag racer. Beherit landed in the stadium and began to race around the stadium at full speed*
Rangara: W-What in the world was that?!
*Ragnaruk had taken the center and Beherit was racing around the stadium at light-speed*
Bella: Knock them out of the ring Beherit!
*Beherit attacks with full force and Ragnaruk was sent reeling up the stadium from the blow*
Rangara: Its attacks are so much more stronger now! How's it doing that?
*Beherit layed into Ragnaruk with full strength as it was knocking it around like a little ping pong*
Bella: Beherit!!
Rangara: Now! Roaring Gale!!
*Ragnaruks tornado formed once again as a windy vortex surrounded it*
Bella: You really think something like that will work against Beherit now that it's been launched by Power Mode!
Rangara: Power Mode?!?!
Bella: My launcher has 2 modes. a Central Mode which has more controllability but less speed and stamina. Power Mode is the exact opposite, more speed, power and stamina all in one at the cost of low controllability! Your little tornado won't stop Beherit like this!
*Beherit clashes with Ragnaruk and starts to push it down closer to the stadium floor*
Rangara: Ragnaruk! Get out of there, it isn't safe there!!
*Ragnaruk scrapes against the stadium floor as sparks began to fly*
Bella: Tear them pieces! Origin Thunder!!
*the area around the 2 beys explodes with flames as Ragnaruk went flying into the air and burst from the impact. the smoke cleared as the shockwave that followed subdued as well*
Referee-Bot: Origin Beherit, Burst Finish!! Bella Akazara wins by a score of 2-1!!
Bella: I've had enough playtime with you, if you want to battle me again then battle me after i've had my dinner. you're welcome to come eat if you want!
*Bella ran off and she was out of sight, Ikari looks over at the distraught Rangara who was in complete shock from his loss*
Ikari: Are you ok?
*Rangara looks over at the little girl and got to his feet*
Rangara: Yeah i'll be fine i guess.. what's your name?
Ikari: I'm Ikari Akazara, i'm Bellas little sister.
Rangara: Ah i see, well your sister is pretty strong i'll give her that.
Ikari: You know there is still a way you can beat her.
Rangara: Didn't you see that battle just now? She completely slapped Ragnaruk into next year!
Ikari: Still, you saw her Power Mode Shoot. You can do one too.
Rangara: I can?
Ikari: There should be a little switch on the side of the launcher and that is what changes the modes.
Rangara: How does it work?
Ikari: The Origin Launcher is something Bella invented all by herself. In Power Mode, the gears are switched around inside and the intense friction from the long string creates extreme heat to where flames will burst out of the launcher. Just like she said, your bey will be much more faster and will spin longer but possibly losing control much easier. Your Ragnaruk is a stamina type after all so that shouldn't be too much of a big deal.
Rangara: You know of Ragnaruk?
Ikari: A Legendary Bey used by the Kiyama family? Yes i'm well aware of Ragnaruk and its strengths and weaknesses. I'm Bellas little beyblade assistant and i give her the answers to her beyblade questions if i know the answer.
Rangara: I see...
Ikari: May i see Ragnaruk real quick? I want to do a small inspection.
Rangara: Ummm sure..?
*Rangara hands the girl his Ragnaruk and she starts to throughly inspect it*
Ikari: Wow! With a low center of gravity and weight, Ragnaruk is incredibly hard to knock over! But there seems to be something else to Ragnaruk than just its weight.
Rangara: What is it?
Ikari: Take a look, Ragnaruk has its stamina wings but you seem to have put your own little twist on it.
Rangara: Yeah! If i launch hard enough, the wings will deploy and will stay out even if they take all of Beherits force but i'm gonna need a lot of power for that to happen though.
Ikari: That's where Power Mode on your launcher comes in. If you can master it then you can for sure get those wings out. However there is another with Power Mode, you can't use it more than once in a match. Once you do a Power Mode Shoot then the Launchers battery core is completely drained and needs time to charge. Using Central Mode, it still drains battery but not to the extent of Power Mode.
Rangara: So i need to use it wisely, meaning if i'm going to battle Bella again, i can only use it when i need to.
Ikari: Sounds about right, thankfully it doesn't take very long for the launchers to regain 100% charge, the good thing is if you use Power Mode in the first battle and the match is drawn out, you'll have at least 10% left for a Central Shoot which only drains 5% from the launcher. Go ahead and try and give it a go.
*Rangara switches his launcher into Power Mode and he could hear the launcher powering up for the discharge of flames*
Rangara: Go Shoot!!!
*The flames that burst forth from the launcher were so hot that Rangara felt like his eyebrows were burning off. Ragnaruks stamina wings were deployed and Ragnaruk landed in the stadium and took the center immediately*
Rangara: W-Wow...! That's amazing!!
Ikari: I told you. Power Mode does all sorts of great things to your beys power!
Rangara: Oh yeah! Bella won't know what hit her!
*Athena and Lane finally made it to BC Sol and Athena goes inside and meets up with Valt, Lane stayed outside to wait on her*
Athena: Valt, it's great to see you again!
Valt: Yeah, it's been some time since we came face to face.
Athena: Yeah. I'm just gonna go ahead and cut to the chase, where is the Castle Of Demise?
*Valt straightened as his expression went more serious*
Valt: So you want to challenge Bella too huh?
Athena: I do, i came all this way from New York just to find and battle her.
Valt: I can lead you to the path that leads to the castle, follow me.
*Athena follows Valt and both siblings follow the Legend to the Path Of Demise*
*Rangara sat alone with Ikari in the castle as they waited for Bella to get back out here*
Rangara: Why does Bella do all of these things? Like challenging people in this dark place?
Ikari: Well Bella didn't always used to be this strong when she created Origin Beherit. It took her a long time to full master the system she created.
Rangara: I see..
Ikari: There's a certain blader out there in the world that Bella looks up to, Her name is Athena Valhalla. She is the reason Bella keeps battling so that one day, Bella can get strong enough to battle and beat her.
*Rangaras eyes widened at the name, he recognized that name immediately*
Rangara: You mean the Athena Valhalla!? She's pretty much considered a Beyblade Celebrity!
Ikari: Yes according to the data, she has won 3 American National Championships back to back. Her current bey is Sovereign Adeona.Barrage'.8A, it's surprising she has made it this far with a Sparking Bey which are kinda obsolete now.
Rangara: If she's won 3 championships in a row with a bey like that then it must have some insane power.
Ikari: It does say here that Athena has not gotten any weaker since her victory at the Sparking Legend Tour 3 years ago. She hasn't lost to anyone in her recent tournament records.
Rangara: Is she really that strong? I never heard anything like it!
Ikari: Officials now refer to her as the Princess Of Light, it's interesting.
*Bella finally returned and she was ready for action once again*
Bella: Alright! I'm ready for battle!!
*Rangara jumped to his feet and held up his Ragnaruk*
Rangara: Bella! It's time to battle once again!
*Bella simply smirks as her Beherit began to glow with a dark energy*
Bella: Alright, but first i have a little proposal.
Rangara: What is it?
Bella: Whoever takes the first battle wins it all. Unless there's a draw, there will be no 2nd Battle.
Rangara: Sounds interesting, i like it.
*Ikari looked at her big sis in wonder*
Ikari: A 1-Point battle? What is going through your head big sis?
Referee-Bot: First Battle!!
*Rangara switches his Launcher over to Power Mode as it began to power up for the discharge*
Bella: So he figured out Power and Central Mode... Either way it won't make a difference! My Launcher will be set to Power Mode as well.
*Both bladers take their positions and the battle began*
Referee-Bot: Ready Set!!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*The 2 launchers shot out flames from the vents on the side of the launcher from the discharge! The beys landed in the stadium and Ragnaruk took the center with its wings deployed as Beherit raced around the stadium*
Rangara: Alright Beherit, come at us!
Bella: So Ragnaruk has increased staying power and stamina when launched from a Power Mode Shoot, that's awesome!
Rangara: Whenever you're ready, me and Ragnaruk can take anything you throw at us!
*Beherit comes racing in and begins to land a fierce assault on Ragnaruk but it would not move an inch*
Rangara: That's not gonna work on us!
Bella: You may have gotten the hang of the Power Mode Shoot but you're still no match for us. High Shoot!!
*Beherit climbs the slope of the stadium and starts to fire a barrage of attacks on Ragnaruk*
Rangara: Counter Now!!
*Ragnaruk manages to land a counterattack and repelled Beherits attack*
Bella: Interesting, you managed to repel us there. Not bad at all!
Rangara: You're going down here and now! Ragnaruk!!
Rangara: Finish them off! High Roaring Gale!!
*The iron-clad steel stamina wings on Ragnaruk burst into flames as it creates a fiery vortex of powerful winds. Beherit comes racing in for the next blow*
Bella: Get in there Beherit, don't let something like this slow you down!
*Rangara simply just smiles as his aura began to glow even brighter*
Rangara: It's all over! Pull them in Ragnaruk!!
*Before Beherit could even make contact, Ragnaruk pulls Beherit into the vortex and threw it into the stadium wall where it burst into pieces*
Bella: W-What?!
Referee-Bot: Gale Ragnaruk, Burst Finish! With a score of 2-0, Rangara Kiyama is the winner!
Rangara: How's that, how's it feel to be on the losing side?
*Bella was incredibly frustrated as she picked up the pieces of Beherit, someone had finally beat her*
Bella: W-Why you little...!?
Ikari: Big sis...
Rangara: I can understand why you're upset, I felt the exact same way when you defeated me! this, my friend is payback!
Bella: Well you may have won this time but you won't be so lucky next time! Hmph!!
*Bella stormed off and Rangara seemed rather worried*
Rangara: What's her problem?
Ikari: She doesn't like losing, that's why she is so mad right now. When she first created the Origin System, it took her an entire month to just master launching her bey.
Rangara: An entire month?!
Ikari: Origin Beys are different than anything the world of Beyblade has ever seen. You wonder why it was able to defeat Raphael, Longinus and even Ultimate Valkyrie so easily? Origin Beys despite their smaller appearance, are full of raw and unfathomable power and are a great challenge for even the strongest blader but mastering that power is a challenge of its own.
Rangara: I see..
Ikari: When Bella loses, she gets frustrated because she'll think all the hard work and effort it took for her to master the system will forever go to waste. She also incredibly looks up to Athena and strives to be just as strong as her, that is her life goal.
Rangara: That's... rough..
Ikari: There are consequences for battling her no matter what. You lose, you get humiliated in front of the world. You win, you may end up getting on her bad side which is actually a lot worse than it sounds, i've seen it happen.. it's not exactly pretty.
*Rangara began to wonder as he held his Ragnaruk in his hand*
Rangara: So Bella hates losing because she wants to be stronger than Athena Valhalla? I'm intrigued..
*Athena and Lane were finally at the Castle Of Demise and stood at its gate*
Athena: Well looks like this is the place, we just gotta wait for her to let us in.
Lane: You know i feel like this could end really well or really bad, time will tell.
*The alarm within the castle went off and Ikari checked the cameras and her jaw dropped*
Ikari: EHH!!?
Rangara: What is it?
Ikari: Look at this!!
*Ikari showed Rangara the Ipad and Rangaras jaw hit the floor*
Rangara: T-Thats-!!
Ikari: Yeah! It's her.. It's really her!!
*Bella finally came back and she was more chilled out and calmed down now*
Bella: Sup guys! I've calmed down ...now?
*Bella notices the shaken-up expressions on her friends faces*
Bella: What's wrong? Is it something i said? Ya know i'm sorry for earlier!
Ikari: It's not that, look!
*Ikari held up the ipad up to Bella and Bella was absolutely stunned at what she was seeing*
Bella: W-What?! T-That's not..! It can't be!!
Ikari: I hate to break it to you but it is, that's Athena Valhalla in the flesh.
*The name rattled Bellas mind! Her idol was currently standing at the castles gates with the person she saved all those years ago.*
Ikari: Big sis..?
Bella: L-Let her in!
*The castle gates finally opened and Athena looked towards Lane*
Athena: Lane it's probably best i go in alone.
Lane: What is it now?
Athena: I feel like i'll be able to connect with her a lot better if it were just me in there.
*Lane simply sighed and agreed to it*
Lane: Fine, don't take too long in there.
Athena: That's not up to me.
*Athena stepped into the castle and started to enter the dark labyrinth*
*The trio watched as the young princess was walking through the dimly lit hallways, Bella was starting to get butterflies in her stomach from the thought of her possibly battling the blader she idolized so much*
Bella: T-There is no way this is happening..
*Athena finally reached the Throne Room and she was in awe at the place. Bella finally forced herself together and tried to act normal*
Athena: Wow, it's such a nice place.
Rangara: That's... Athena Valhalla!
*Athena looks over towards Bella and smiled*
Athena: You must be Bella, i've come all this way to have a battle!
*Bella smiles and she held up her Beherit*
Bella: Alright! Even if you are the strongest, i'll take you down here and now!
*Rangara jumps right in the way and holds up his Ragnaruk*
Rangara: Not so fast, i'll be battling her first!
Bella: What?!! No, she asked me first! I'm going first!!
Rangara: I want to battle her just as much as you do, i'm first!
Bella: No i am!!
Athena: HEY!!
*Both bladers froze and looked over towards Athena*
Athena: Ya know, if you want to decide who faces me first then just decide it with a battle! Either way, i want to at least battle both of you while i'm here.
Bella: Well i guess it's settled. We'll settle this with a battle then!
Rangara: Yeah and i absolutely will not lose!
*The tension was heating up and both bladers were now starting to get fired up.*
Next Chapter: Beherit VS Ragnaruk!!
To decide who will face Athena first, Bella and Rangara will have a battle to decide who goes first! Meanwhile, a mysterious threat meets Lane Valhalla outside!
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