S3 Chapter 37: Explosion On The Holy Lands!!

*The battle between Main Kuromi and Lui Shirasagijo was now being broadcast across the entire world for the world to see, this wasn't a battle people needed to miss! Bella and the others watched from Japan as the 2 bladers stood in front of the stadium*

Bella: L-Lui?! what's he doing there?!

Shu: Is he out of his mind?!

Rangara: He's really about to challenge Main! The guy who destroyed Adeona!!

Valt: Lui.. what are you planning to do against a bey like that? Can Longinus even break through defenses like that?


Athena: Lui.. are you sure about this?

Lane: What is he thinking? He saw how strong Michael was and now he may end up facing its wrath..!

Athena: I don't think so.

Lane: What? What do you mean?

Athena: Even if Lui loses, his only intention is to reveal its weakness to me so i can battle it again and win against him.

Lane: Are you really sure about that?

Athena: I am. Lui saw how badly i struggled against him so he's going to do what i couldn't: Find Michaels weakness.


Lui: Main Kuromi, even though your ideals of Beyblade are a disgrace, you seem to be rather strong.. hopefully you can give my Winter Longinus a real challenge!

Main: Winter Longinus...

*Main remembered the last time he watched one of Lui's battles, it was when he was still using Rage Longinus, he had went into hiding in the Era Of Dynamite Battle*

Main: Left Rotating Spin, An aggressive shape with Metal Dragons... this bey really stays true to the Longinus legacy..

Lui: You're the only opponent since Bella who seems interesting. Hopefully you can live up to my expectations.

*Mains eyes began to glow and he held up his bey, Supreme Michael as he pulled off his cape and threw it to the side*

Main: And you my friend... seem interesting as well. Hopefully the energy of Longinus will be enough to satisfy Michaels thirst for power!

Computer: 1st Battle!!

Main: The rules of Supreme Prime are simple and easy to follow. The battle goes on until someone bursts, that someone being you in this case.

*Lui just laughed as his eyes began to glow*

Lui: Interesting, i like the sounds of that. Just a heads up though, it'll be me who gets a burst on you, this'll be over in just one battle!

*Both bladers take their positions and the battle started*

Computer: Ready Set!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys were off and Michael immediately took the center as Longinus came charging in for the attack*

Lui: Strike it down! Longinus!!

*Longinus came charging in as its Metal Spiral driver began to spark with intense heat*

Lui: Michael will fall in just one attack!!

*Longinus slams into Michael with full force and its metal dragon heads were scraping against its spiked upper layer*

Main: Is that all you got?

Lui: Crush it!

*Longinus was pushing even harder but it couldn't seem to knock over Michaels incredible balance. In turn, Michael used its spikes to launch Longinus back the other way*

Lui: Tch!!

Main: I've seen better.. a mouse could attack better than that!

Lui: We're not done yet!

*Longinus climbed the slope of the stadium as its driver began to spark once again*

Lui: Spiral Rush!

*Longinus kept up its barrage of strikes and the spiked sublayer on Michael retracted*

Main: Supreme Change!!

*Longinus's attack had no effect as it just swept right off of it*

Lui: Tch..! Keep going Longinus!

*Michaels spin wasn't going down a bit and it was still going strong*

Main: It looks like this is the end..

Lui: We're not even close to being done yet!

*Longinus kept up its momentum by hitting the rim of the stadium and began to pick up some incredible speed*

Lui: Wintry Spiral!

*Longinus generated its vortex of nightmares as it clashed with Michael but it was knocked out of the stadium and burst upon hitting the ground*

Lui: W-What the?!

Computer: Supreme Michael with an Over Finish, due to modified rulings, no points are awarded!

Lui: Why you little..!!

Main: Is that all you got?


Lane: So Lui actually lost the first battle..

Athena: Neither of them have a lead over each other though, this first-to-burst match makes things more interesting.

Lane: Are you saying Main did this on purpose?

Athena: Maybe.. What worries me is that Lui, if he isn't careful could face the same fate i did..

Lane: Well let's hope that doesn't happen.


Bella: Lui lost the first battle...

Valt: Michael is a lot stronger than anticipated..

Shu: If this keeps up, Lui may no longer stand a chance..

Bella: What does that mean?!

Shu: Main wants to demonstrate his might to the world but first he wants to toy with his first opponent, he could've ended the first battle with a burst if he really wanted to.

Valt: However, even if Lui does go down, he's going to go down without a fight.

Bella: Really?

Valt: Yeah, that's just the kind of blader that Lui is.


*Lui picks up his bey and he looks over at Main, after a moment he began to burst out laughing once again*

Main: What's so funny?

Lui: I have to give up props, Main Kuromi.. Supreme Michael really is worthy of being crushed by my full and complete might!

*Mains eyes glowed and his face didn't change from its serious expression*

Main: Is that what you really think? You can't brute force your way past Michaels incredible stamina and defense, it's just impossible.

Lui: Nothing is impossible. I used to win championships back to back with little to issue at all and what exactly have you done in your time of fame?

*Main straightened at Lui's words, his eyes narrowing*

Lui: You've terrorized the entire world with your little goal and you've destroyed at least 3 beys as far as i'm aware. You're nothing more than a pitiful excuse of a blader, when you eventually fall, you are going to be nothing!

*Main grinned with a hint of evilness behind it, his eyes glowed and his yellow spiked hair began to surge with electricity*

Main: By the time i'm done with you, there will have been 4 beys destroyed! Longinus is next!

Lui: Try all you like but you will not succeed in the slightest!

Computer: 2nd Battle!!

Lui: He managed to knock me out in the 1st battle with its overwhelming defenses, i have to give credit where it's due.. he's not half bad but i'm going to put an end to this right now, i won't let him win no matter what!

Main: The world of Beyblade is at my fingertips, when i'm through with you, everyone will know the true meaning of what it means to Beyblade!

Computer: Ready Set!!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!!

*The beys were off and Michael had taken the center once again as Longinus came charging in*

Lui: Smash them into pieces with all you've got!

*Longinus landed a fierce blow and sent Michael flying with just one attack*

Main: There's no way..! How did it-?!

*Michael hit the wall and its momentum had fallen back, its sublayer retracting back! Longinus charged around the stadium as it landed another attack*

Lui: It's all over Longinus! End this with your full strength!

*Longinus came back in and fired off a barrage of fierce strikes on Michael*

Lui: Don't stop! Tear them apart with your fangs!!

*The attacks wouldn't stop and Michael was starting to feel the heat as its lock was advancing hard, thankfully its burst resistors were keeping it from bursting*


Athena: Lui really isn't holding anything back now is he?

Lane: Maybe he can pull it off after all.

Athena: Maybe, just maybe..


Main: We're not done yet! Michael!!

*Michael tilted on the bearing plate of its Prominent Driver and came right back in for a counter attack*

Main: Supreme Break!!

*Michael clashed with Longinus at full strength and it went flying into the air*

Lui: It's time!

*Longinus was starting to come back down and it was imbued with a purple and blue light*

Main: W-What?!

Lui: Wintry Squall! 

*Longinus came charging back down as daggers of red energy were following behind it! It lands on top of Michael with incredible force and it went flying into the air*

Lui: It's over! That's a burst!!

*Michael landed on the floor next to Mains foot and Lui was a bit surprised*

Lui: W-What! It wasn't a burst?!

Computer: Winter Longinus with an Over Finish! Due to modified rulings, no points awarded!

Lui: How?! How did it not burst?!

Main: The Ultimate System...

*Main held up his bey, Michaels lock had advanced half way and the burst stoppers was gripping the prongs of the driver.*

Main: Thanks to the Burst resistors Michael contains, it's near impossible to burst it now. Your attacks would've burst a normal bey.. but Michael is anything but a normal bey.

Lui: Tch..!

Main: You may have knocked out Michael but you just cannot win against us, it's your fate to lose against us.

Lui: I don't care about things like that, you're going down right here and now!

Computer: 3rd Battle!

*Lui took his position once again, his eyes filled with a purple energy, his fiery blue hair bursting into flames*

Lui: I will not lose to the likes of you.. not now, not ever!

*Main just smiled, his aura faintly glowing*

Computer: Ready Set!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys were off and this time, Michael was on the move as Longinus came charging in*

Lui: Rampage now! Longinus!!

*Longinus engaged itself into a fierce head to head clash with Michael*

Lui: Show no mercy! Tear them apart!!

*The attacks wouldn't stop as Longinus was attacking harder*

Main: This isn't good, if this keeps up then Michael will actually suffer a burst!

*Longinus and Michael kept on attacking back and forth and the clashes wouldn't stop*

Lui: Your reign ends here, this is the end for you!

Main: You're wrong! This is the end for YOU!!!

*Michael and Longinus were finally knocked back and the clashes between the 2 had stopped*


*Bellas eyes were sparkling with amazement*

Bella: This is awesome.. Lui is so much stronger than before!

Valt: Yeah..

Shu: Lui's got this, i know it.


Athena: Lui... you got this.. i know you do.


*The spikes on Michael began to retracted and Mains eyes widened with aggression*

Main: Supreme Change!!

*Michaels spikes had retracted and the layer was now perfectly rounded. Main roared out with intense aggression as his aura began to burst to life*

Main: Michael!!!

*Michael was now starting to speed up, its aura glowing brightly*

Main: Now, come at me!!

Lui: This ends now! Longinus!!

*Longinus was starting to create a vortex of air around it as it was starting to accelerate greatly, its aura glowing brightly*

Lui: Longinus, let's finish this!

*Longinus was accelerating even more as it hit the rim of the stadium, its speed reaching astronomical levels. It hit the wall with a loud slam and it came charging for Michael, its vortex taking on a cyclone of destructive madness*

Lui: Wintry Spiral!!

Main: Do it now! Supreme Sphere!!

*Michaels sphere completely protects it as Longinus clashes with it and burst a few seconds later, the pieces of Longinus flying in front of Lui's face*

Lui: W-What?! That's impossible!!

Computer: Supreme Michael with a burst finish! Main Kuromi wins with a score of 2-0!!

*Lui picks up the pieces of Longinus and began to laugh*

Main: What's so funny now?

Lui: So you actually beat me, i like it. However, do you really think you're going to get what you want in the future?

Main: What do you mean?

Lui: There is no reality where you come out of this on top. You may have won but you will not be the one that rules the Beyblade world, you just aren't fit for that job.

Main: Are you saying i'm a terrible ruler?

Lui: I think a tyrant is a better title. You're way better at being that than a leader.

*Mains eyes widened with rage, he was not happy upon hearing that*

Main: A tyrant..?!

*Lui turned and walked out of Supreme Prime, leaving Main seething at his words, his aura glowing around him*

Main: A tyrant..? A tyrant? A tyrant?! A TYRANT?!!!


Athena: So he couldn't beat him after all..

Lane: Maybe not but at least it was a fun battle to watch.

Athena: That's fair. It was amazing.

Lane: Still, we don't know any sort of weakness in Michael..

Athena: Let's not worry about that right now, i think it's fair we just sit back and train for a while. We need to be fully prepared before we can face him again.

Lane: You sure you don't want me to face him? I was willing to fight in your place the other day.

Athena: The battle would've ended no differently, Lucifer would've been destroyed too.

Lane: Don't underestimate me so easily. Even if i can't win, i wouldn't let something like that happen to Lucifer. Just because you're able to, doesn't mean he is.

Athena: You're actually wrong about that. Main has the potential to do whatever he wants, Lucifers destruction is not far-fetched at all.

Lane: Whatever, if you say so.

*Lane just turned and walked away and Athena smiled, she then held up her new Final Adeona and it began to glow in her hand, Athena was in awe*

Athena: Adeona..

---Later that evening---

*Bella was all alone training at the park where Shu and Valt used to hang out, she held her Obsidian Beherit in her hand as it began to glow*

Bella: Beherit..

*Bella was brought into the Avatar world and Bella stared up at Beherit*

Beherit: So Lui couldn't find Michaels weakness, what now?

Bella: Well i don't really know what to do that this point.. for once, i'm actually stumped.

Beherit: Really?

Bella: Normally i would have the answer to all of our problems but for the first time, i don't. I watched Athena's bey get destroyed in front of me and Lui's defeat today. I don't know what to do Beherit.

Beherit: Then let's wait for an opportunity to show itself, if you can't think of anything then let's sit things out until we do. Sooner or later, another blader will go to Supreme Prime and maybe then, they'll reveal the weakness behind Michael and its incarnation of the Ultimate System.

Bella: Yeah, i like the sounds of that!

*The avatar world disappeared and Bella began to grin mischievously*

Bella: Beherit, we're going to blow Michael into the skies! Just you wait Main, we're coming for you!!


*Athena had went back into the BeyLab and Athena had made some adjustments to Final Adeona. The Conclude disk was now its own separate disk and it looked similar to that of the Sting Disk but with some added jagged areas and it now used a purple Charge' to honor the first Adeona she had ever used*

Athena: Is that better Adeona? I think that suits you a lot better.

*Adeona began to glow again and Athena smiled, her eyes glowing with a purple and white flame*

Athena: Adeona.. i guess this means you're ready to battle now. Let's do this then! We'll battle tomorrow morning!


*Main Kuromi stood alone in Supreme Prime as he stared down at the stadium*

Main: A Tyrant he said..! I am not a tyrant! I am the Supreme Lord, i will bring order and greatness to the world of Beyblade!

*Mains eyes began to glow brightly, his hair flowing on its own accord*

Main: I'll show whoever comes here next what happens when people defy me, they're going to feel Michaels true and ultimate wrath!!

*Michael began to glow in his hand and Main just smiled, his aura so bright it made his body seem darker*

Main: I will not lose... i will not lose..!!


Next Chapter: Battle Of A Lifetime! Athena VS Lane!! (This is the last Athena VS Lane battle in the series)

With Adeona finally awakened and ready to battle, Athena takes on the person who started her entire journey. With powerful bonds and beautiful sparkles emitting from the stadium, the power of the perfect and final evolution of Adeona bursts forth!

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