S3 Chapter 36: Dreamy Battle! The Best And Unbeatable Style!!

*The next day had came and Bella was training with Rangara and the thought of what Athenas new bey came into her head, butterflies filled her stomach as she began to overthink*

Rangara: She's going to explode, watch out.

Adeline: Bella, are you sure you're ok?

Bella: Totally..!! I am totally A-Ok!!

Rangara: Are you sure? You look like you're about to recreate Mount Vesuvius.

Bella: I told you i'm fine! I'm just thinking about what Athenas new bey will be like!

Rangara: Now that you mention it, it's been some time since we've seen her or Lane. Do you think they're alright?

*Shu and Valt eventually came into the room upon those words*

Valt: Athena is just fine. She's just taking her time creating the perfect bey.

Shu: Lane is with her, helping her construct the bey. I just spoke with them and with any luck, they should have the new Adeona completed today.

Bella: Today?!

Valt: They've been working hard since Athena lost to Main, working to revive Adeona and bring it back into a new form.

Shu: I saw the design of it and i think you guys are really going to like it.

Rangara: It's that amazing? Woo boy i'm getting so fired now!!

Valt: Bella, Aiga actually wanted to challenge you to a battle, but he wants to battle you in private.

Bella: In private?

Valt: I'll be with you of course but it'll be just us with Aiga. He wanted to test your skills before actually facing you in a ranked match.

Bella: Ranked Match?

Valt: An Official wbba battle where a victory or a loss will count towards your rank. Aiga while he may not be the World Champion anymore, is actually one of the highest ranked bladers in the world.

Rangara: in the world..?

Shu: Aiga rarely loses even to some strong opponents. bladers like Valt, Athena and Lane have ever managed to overpower Aigas power and defeat him with such ease.

Valt: And with an Origin Bey evolution, Aiga has only gotten even stronger ever since the Sparking Legend Tour.

Shu: One of the biggest tournaments in the world, Athena won the tournament and her rank skyrocketed after that. She's currently the 3 time American Champion and she hasn't gotten much weaker since then.

Bella: Makes me wonder how strong everyone else that participated in that tournament was..

Valt: Oh there was a lot of strong people there like Phi, Zac, Sisco, Drum, Free and even legends you already met and challenged like me, Shu and Lui.

Shu: Athena and Lane also participated in the tournament obviously and they pretty much swept the competition, even after months of training on our part, we still couldn't beat them.

Bella: Oh wow..

Rangara: That's incredible..

Valt: Athena and Lane both had an ancient and mysterious power called Flare. It's almost hard to describe but it made both Adeona and Lucifer some of the most powerful beys in the world, they were near unstoppable at that time.

Shu: Flare was a special ability only capable of being used by Bladers who could handle its scorching hot flames, if you couldn't then it would harm you to great lengths. Lane abused his flares power constantly and it nearly destroyed permanently. Athena went to great lengths to stop that from happening.

Bella: Athena... did all of that? She mentioned something like that before but she was very vague about it.

Shu: It has no need to be brought up with such meaning again. Events like those are best left buried and never uncovered. There is still so much you don't know about your own family.

Bella: Yeah.

Shu: She doesn't tell you those things because you simply aren't ready to bare the weight of their meanings. Your family has a very complicated history.

Bella: It's not something i need to know. As much as i would like to know the secrets behind my family, some things are better left buried.


*Athena and Lane were just finishing up the final touches on the new Adeona and after some time, it was finally completed: The Last Adeona Evolution.*

Athena: This is it. The ultimate evolution, Final Adeona!

*Final Adeona has a 4 sided shape with 4 large rubber blades which were purple. Its face was similar to the Valkyrie1 DB Core but it had 8 Wings to signify its 8 different variations. It's new Disk+Driver fusion was called conclusion which had a very bulky shape with a tip that resembled the Charge driver which could bounce and absorb the impact upon touching the stadium, its metal part was around the same shape as the Giga disk.*

Lane: Final Adeona huh? Sounds interesting..

*Athena held her newly evolved bey high into the air as purple and blue aura was coming off of it*

Athena: Yeah, this is the ultimate Adeona! It is the true ultimate attack type.

Lane: So when do you plan on testing it out.

Athena: Soon, i don't want to just reveal my new Adeonas abilities so quickly, i want to battle somebody who i think can really see it for what it is. Adeona just isn't ready to get back into battle just yet, it'll respond to me when it's ready.

*Lane just looked at her and smiled*

Lane: Well i guess i can't go against Adeona's wishes, can i?

*Athena laughed and shook her head*

Athena: No, no you can't. But rest assured, when it's ready, i want you to be its first opponent.

Lane: Me?

Athena: Who else?

Lane: Why not someone like Bella or one of the others?

Athena: Because you have been with me for the longest. I want to battle someone i know can give a great fight. Bella i will battle sooner or later, if she can defeat Lane then i have something special for her.

Lane: Something special? Like what?

Athena: You'll see when the time comes, the stakes of the battle will be high.. Like extremely high.

*Lane immediately knew what she was talking about*

Lane: You don't mean..?!

Athena: If she can win against me then she deserves it more than i do. If anyone can carry on my legacy then it's her.

Lane: Are you really willing to entrust something that major about you to her? You've only known her about a few weeks.

Athena: Well, like i said. Someone has to carry on my legacy when my days of Beyblade are over, i would want it to be Bella, she has the capability to do that.

Lane: Well if there's nothing i can do to change your mind then i guess its settled. 

Athena: Yeah! I heard Aiga will be battling Bella later today, i can't wait to see it.

Lane: Yeah, Aiga really put on a display yesterday with the battle royale, i'm curious what he can do against Bella now that he's finally challenging her.

Athena: I don't know, i guess time will tell.


*Valt had brought Bella to an undisclosed location and Aiga was waiting for her there*

Aiga: Bella Akazara, i've been wanting to battle you for some time now.

Bella: Really? I'm honored.

*Bella held up her Obsidian Beherit and it began to glow with a pink and gold aura*

Aiga: Obsidian Beherit, it's a bey apart of the Ultimate System just like the new Supreme Michael.. I want to see what that bey is truly capable of.

Bella: I hope you're ready because i'll blowing Achilles to the skies, this battle is as good as mine!

Aiga: Is that so?

Bella: I hope you studied about my Obsidian Beherit, it has no weaknesses in the slightest.

Aiga: Oh i studied but found nothing..

Bella: Of course you didn't because there is no weaknesses to be found!

Aiga: However i'll be the one that wins this battle.

Bella: Tch..

Valt: Alright, 1st Battle!

*Bella looked at the bottom of the Forge Driver and the 1st Level of rubber spikes had worn off*

Bella: So it finally awakened.. in that case, we'll take things to the next level and blow it away with a powerful attack.

Aiga: Obsidian Beherit has a lot of attack power so i may have to go on a defensive strategy..

*Aiga changed his Metal Xtend+ driver into Defense Mode as the sharp tip was barely exposed*

Bella: Defense Mode huh.. is he that desperate to win? Or is he scared that Beherit will be too much for him?!

Valt: Ready Set!!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys were off and Achilles had taken the center as Beherit was charging around the stadium at full speed, its awakening bringing out more and more speed*

Bella: Alright now! Obsidian Shoot!!

*Beherits driver began to spark as it came charging in for the attack*

Aiga: Bring it on!

*Beherit slams into Achilles at full force but the smooth section of its shield had repelled the attack*

Bella: Beherit, keep the attacks up! Don't let up!!

*Beherit began to fire off more and more attacks on Achilles but nothing seemed to work*

Aiga: Is that all you got? Attack even more!!

Bella: Gladly!

*Beherit disengaged from its assault and tried something else, a new move for that matter*

Bella: Obsidian Flash!

*Beherit hits the rim of the stadium and picked up even more speed as a purple aura trailed behind it*

Bella: Now send them flying!

*Beherit comes charging in and slams into Achilles with full force and it goes flying high into the air and landed outside of the stadium, ending the battle*

Aiga: Tch..!

Valt: Obsidian Beherit, Over Finish! Bella Akazara earns 1 point!

Bella: How's that?!

Aiga: She's just as strong as i imagined and her spirit.. her spirit is fine. I don't know why i was worried from the start. 

Bella: But in the next battle, i'll end things with a burst!

*Bellas eyes began to glow as Aiga just looked at her, his eyes glowing too*

Aiga: In that case, i'll just have to burst you first then.

*Aiga began to switch his Metal Xtend+ driver into Attack mode, his aura burning brightly*

Bella: Attack mode huh? So he's going all out with the fierce attacks this time around.. well it's no use!

Valt: 2nd Battle!!

*The bladers take their positions and the battle began*

Valt: Ready Set!!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys were off and were both on the move this time but Achilles was going even faster*

Bella: I-It's so fast!!

*Achilles was charging around the stadium at full speed as it came charging in for Beherit*

Aiga: Send them flying!

*Achilles used its metal swords to slash across Beherit and knock it back*

Bella: Keep going!

*Beherit hits the wall with a hard impact and managed to stay in the game, it's burst stopper saving it*

Bella: Yes!!

Aiga: Not bad but let's see if you can handle this!

Bella: Beherit! Meet its attack!!

*The 2 beys were locked in a fierce head to head clash as neither of them were backing down*

Aiga: Finish it off!

Bella: Push through!

*Both beys were knocked back and Beherits wings were pushed back in from Achilles' attack*

Bella: W-What?!

Aiga: Achilles!!!

*Achilles was racing up the stadium at full speed, its aura glowing brightly*

Aiga: Blow them away Achilles!!

Bella: Beherit, show them what you can do!

*Both beys race around the stadium and was heading for the center at top speed*

Bella: Obsidian Thunder!!

Aiga: Royal Buster!!

*Beherit and Achilles clashed hard with full force as a massive explosion burst out of the stadium*

Aiga: Now go!!!

*Achilles pushed as hard as it could and with one last push, Beherit was burst in a single instant*

Bella: T-There's no way...!!

Valt: Royal Achilles with a Burst Finish! Aiga is the winner with a score of 2-1!!

Bella: Tch... i lost!!

*Aiga picked up his bey and it burst into pieces in his hand*

Aiga: Even though i was able to easily counter its Ultimate System, she still managed to do enough damage to Achilles to almost get a burst on me. Had i not gave Achilles one last push, things would've ended different.

*Bella was still very frustrated at her loss as she put her bey back together*

Aiga: Still, she has skill, there's no denying that. I can see a little bit of Athena in her.. maybe they're a lot closer together than they think..

*Aiga smiled and walked off, leaving Bella and Valt alone*


*The Sun was shining bright upon the castle that was Supreme Prime which was now Mains home and his first challenger had arrived. The gates to the castle had opened up and the challenger stepped inside*

Main: Well he's certainly going to be glorious prey for Michael, i'm curious to see what he's capable of..

*After some time, the challenger had finally made it to the main room where Main was. The challenger who had fiery blue hair glared up at him with fierce eyes*

Main: It's an honor to finally have you here, Lui Shirasagijo!

*Lui glared up at him as his eyes glowed and his aura burned to life around him*

Lui: You call yourself the Supreme Lord, i'll see how much of a lord you really are.

*Main smiled as his aura was starting to glow as well, his fierce smile wide across his face*

Main: Winter Longinus huh? A left spin Attack Type with metal attack power, a bey with that kind of power is truly something wonderful. How well it will fare against my Supreme Michael remains to be seen.

Lui: You try to act tough but whatever you have against Athena and her little buddy group has blinded you. You are nothing more than a pathetic excuse for a blader.

Main: I no longer care about Athena Valhalla, whatever she does is not my concern. I gave her the punishment she deserved and to me, that is all that matters. The destruction of Adeona is the start of a new era in my life, now that i've taken my revenge.. the world will now what true power is as i take it over with this bey, one fit for a king!

*Lui just stared at him and held up his bey as it began to glow*

Lui: Just prepare yourself, because i will crush you with all i have!

*Main just smiled as his aura began to glow more*

Main: Then bring it on!

*The 2 stared each other down and the battle was about to start*


Next Chapter: Explosion On The Holy Lands!!

Main and Lui's battle gets intense fast as Main starts to go berserk, showing off a more feral and wilder side of his new Supreme Lord persona as the whole world watches!

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