S3 Chapter 2: Beherit VS The World!!
*It had been some time after Bella had completely decimated Ragnaruk and Bella stood alone in the Throne Room alone as she watched her Beherit spin and race around the stadium with full speed*
Bella: That's it Beherit! Soon we'll get even stronger than the world can even fathom!
*Bellas little sister, Ikari came into the room and she brought out a plate of cookies for her*
Ikari: Big sis! Grandpa made some cookies for you!
*Bella looked over and smiled towards her little sister*
Bella: That's so kind of ya'll Ikari, just sit them over on the table, i'll eat them in a little bit.
*Ikari went over and placed the plate on the table and walked back over towards the stadium where Bella still trained*
Ikari: Are you really training for whatever opponent is gonna come your way next?
Bella: Mhm! I'll train as hard as i can and i'll defeat anyone who enters the gates of this castle!
*An alarm went off and Ikari pulled up the screen, 2 bladers had made it to the gates of the Castle Of Demise*
Ikari: It would appear that you have some visitors.
*Bella looked up at the screen and saw the 2 bladers, one was Rashad Goodman and the other being Valt Aoi*
Bella: Looks like there's a 2 for 1 deal on bladers tonight, open the gates Ikari.
*The gates to the castle opened and both Valt and Rashad were a bit surprised*
Rashad: Looks like they know we're here.
Valt: Well too late to turn back now.
Ikari: The tall one is Rashad Goodman also known as the Supreme King, his bey is a balance type called Greatest Raphael. I've seen this dudes battles and he seems to have the real stuff.
Bella: Who's the blue one?
*Ikari began to search through the data and was completely shocked when she finds Valts data*
Ikari: EHHH!!!!
Bella: What is it?!
Ikari: That guy is Valt Aoi!!!
*Bella stared back up at the stadium in amazement*
Bella: You mean that's Valt Aoi!?
Ikari: That's right! He's said to be the Legend Of Legends and the wbba's official World Champion! His bey is an incredible attack type called Ultimate Valkyrie!!
Bella: Ultimate Valkyrie you say?
*Bella looks up at the screen and she began to smile wide*
Bella: So you're here, Valt Aoi.. it'll be the greatest honor to defeat you for sure. Ikari, get the antenna ready! We're gonna show the world this awesome battle.
---In New York---
*Athena and Lane were training with the Bladers of the New York Bulls until they see the broadcast coming from the Castle Of Demise.*
Lane: Another one?
Athena: I wonder who she's facing this time.
*The broadcast started and Bella came on screen*
Bella: Bladers of the blading world, listen up! I, Bella Akazara have a very special battle for you all.
*The camera switched over and it showed Rashad and Valt standing there*
Athena: Valt and Rashad?! What are they doing there?!
Lane: Beats me..
Athena: Bella, Valt and Rashad are much more stronger opponents than Rangara was! What is your plan to beat them?
Bella: It doesn't matter which one of you comes at me first, i'll win either way.
Rashad: I'll go first!
Valt: Rashad?
Rashad: Valt, it's too early to show your signature techniques to this girl. Even if i lose here, i'll expose Beherits weakness so you can win.
*Valt smiled and nodded*
Valt: Alright then, you've got this Rashad!
*Rashad nodded and turned towards his opponent who simply just grinned at him*
Rashad: Looks like it's just me and you.
Bella: I guess so, even if you find Beherits weakness, there will be nothing Valt can do to stop my Beherit.
*Ikari switched on the referee-bot and the battle began*
Rashad: i can't fight Beherit head on or else i'll be caught in its 3-Bladed Assault, i'll play it safe in defense mode and put up my defenses and win that way. It's the best i can possibly do.
Referee-Bot: First Battle!
Bella: Prepare yourself to meet your doom Goodman! I'll put an end to this battle with all my strength!
Referee-Bot: Ready Set!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*The beys land in the stadium and Raphael took the center right off the bat*
Rashad: Yes! The centers mine!
Bella: Not for long!
*Beherit clashes with Raphael with all it's might and tried to push it back but failed*
Bella: Wait what?!
Rashad: How's that?
Athena: He actually managed to keep her at bay! That's awesome!
Lane: Just wait until the Greatest Armor starts to move.. once Raphaels signature technique is in effect, Beherit won't be able to break through its defenses with its light weight..
Athena: I see..!
*Beherit was sent flying and Raphaels armors began were now in motion*
Bella: Tch grrr...!
Valt: There it is!!
Rashad: Now! Greatest Lord!!
*The armors move into formation and the halo appears with a sparkling sound*
Bella: You think something as trivial as a halo will stop us? Go Beherit, send them flying with all you got!
*Beherit began to fire a fierce barrage of attacks but Raphaels smooth and circular surface was deflecting all the attacks*
Rashad: Don't tell me this Is all you've got!
*Bella just grins as she stared up at the Supreme King*
Bella: I should be the saying that to you right now..
Rashad: What?!
Bella: Don't you get it? Beherit will rain hell on Raphael and that's only the first stage of my plan.
Rashad: Y-Your plan?! What are you talking about?!
Bella: I'm aware of your burst locks when the Overdrive system activates but that only does so much in the face of Beherit!
Rashad: Tch..!! She saw through my plan! All i can do now is fight back on the offensive now..!
*Beherit lands a solid blow and sends Raphael flying back, completely disregarding its halo*
Rashad: I won't let you defeat us! Raphael!!!
*Raphael climbs the slope of the stadium as it starts to pick up some insane speed*
Rashad: Greatest Breaker!
Bella: Beherit!!
*Raphael lands a fierce strike on Beherit using its Greatest Breaker and sent it flying high into the air*
Rashad: Yes!
Bella: It's over!
*Beherit lands back in the stadium and it was now right behind Raphael*
Rashad: W-What the-?!
Bella: Origin Thunder!!
*Beherit clashes with Raphael and burst it immediately. Rashad was absolutely shocked as the pieces of Raphael flew behind him and hit the floor*
Bella: How's that?
Referee-Bot: Origin Beherit with a Burst Finish! Bella Akazara is the winner!!
*Rashad retrieve the pieces of his Raphael and stared at Bella*
Rashad: Bella Akazara and Origin Beherit, how interesting.
Athena: So Bella was able to defeat Rashad and Raphael.
Lane: I'll admit i'm impressed, however she's facing Valt next. Things are gonna end differently here for sure, no matter how powerful Bella is, she simply won't be any match for someone like Valt.
Athena: Maybe, i guess we'll see.
*Rashad turned and walked back to Valt who was waiting for his turn to battle*
Rashad: Well i couldn't find a weakness like i was hoping for. It's all on you i guess.
Valt: It's alright. I know for sure i'll win anyway!
*Rashad nodded and wished Valt luck. Valt stepped up to the stadium and he held up his bey, Ultimate Valkyrie*
Bella: Valt Aoi, it's an honor to finally get to battle you. This Origin Beherit will send you flying!
Valt: Origin Beherit huh? I've seen what i needed to see about it and now i'll be the one who beats you.
Bella: Beat me you say? Interesting... Anyway, let's get this battle started shall we?
Referee-Bot: First Battle!
Bella: Ultimate Valkyrie, it's a bey of incredible proportions. It's the fusion of every Valkyrie before it. It truly is the Ultimate Valkyrie in every sense of the name.
Referee-Bot: Ready Set!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*The beys land in the stadium and Valkyrie was rushing around the stadium at full speed along with Beherit*
Bella: Let's kick things up a notch, Go!!
*Beherit skids on its High Driver and drifts towards Valkyrie and lands a brutal attack on Valkyrie*
Bella: Yes!
Valt: We're just getting started, let's do this!
*Valkyrie lands back in the stadium and it retained its original speed*
Bella: So you survived that.. well not this time!!
*Beherit begins to launch a relentless assault as Valkyrie was being pushed back*
Valt: Heh! Let's go!!
*Valkyrie moves out of the way and starts to speed up*
Bella: How did it just-?!
Athena: Oh man, that's awesome!
Lane: Valkyrie is using Beherits assault to its advantage, it's only getting faster!
Bella: The next attack will end it!
*Valkyrie was picking up some serious speed as all the iterations of the Valkyrie Line came forth and flew within Valkyries very core*
Rashad: So it begins...
Valt: Valkyrie!!
*Valkyrie hits the rim of the stadium and it starts to pick up even more speed, Bella was absolutely amazed by the power displayed by Valt Aoi today*
Bella: N-No way... Valkyrie has this much power?!
Valt: Ultimate Slash V!!!
*Valkyrie comes rushing in and bursts Beherit in one hit*
Bella: I-Incredible..!
Referee-Bot: Ultimate Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi is the winner!!
Valt: Alright we won!!
*Bella fell to her knees as she was in total surprise, she didn't feel mad or discouraged but rather even more pumped. Bella rose to her feet as she held Beherit up once more*
Bella: That was amazing! Valkyrie really is strong, but we're not going to back down so easily! Let's have one more battle!!
Rashad: You already lost, the battle is over.
Valt: Alright!
Rashad: WHAT?! Valt?!?
Valt: I know for sure you weren't using your full power in that battle, i'm curious to see if you can do better in this next battle.
*Bella simply grins and the broadcast for the world to see ended*
Athena: What? What happened to the broadcast?!
Lane: It looks like she ended the broadcast early, looks like their battle is going to continue in private.
*Athena looked down at her bey, Sovereign Adeona as it glowed with a white light*
Athena: Adeona, you want to battle her? I see..
*Athena turned and started to walk away, Lane watched as she headed out of the New York Bulls*
Lane: Athena... what are you thinking?
---At Valhalla Manor---
*Athena was in her room gathering things she wanted to take with her, Lane comes in and notices the scrambling Athena all over the place*
Lane: What are you doing?
Athena: I'm going to the Castle Of Demise.
Lane: You're what?
Athena: I'm going Lane, i want to battle her.
*Lane simply just looks at her and eventually pops a frown*
Lane: I apparently do as well. A blader like her is interesting, are you sure you want to go so soon? We know barely anything about her or Beherit.
*Athena held up an Ipad and it contained Beyblade Data within its software*
Athena: That's where you're wrong. This tablet has the data and possibly a way we can defeat Beherit and challenge it at full force with no worries.
Lane: In that case, i suppose it's settled. Looks like i can't change your mind after all.
Athena: Yep, you couldn't change my mind even if you tried.
*Lane smiles and they start to head out*
---Back At The Castle Of Demise---
*The battle between Bella and Valt was restarted and the match was about to start up once again*
Bella: You may have won the first time but this time you won't get so lucky.
Valt: We'll see about that, we're not going to hold back!
Referee-Bot: First Battle!!
*Bella looks down at her bey as it started to glow brightly*
Bella: Beherit, let's pull a Valt and go all out as well..!
*Rashad was watching from a distance as he observed the battle*
Rashad: Origin Beherit... something about it just feels off. How was it able to beat Raphael so easily?
Referee-Bot: Ready Set!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*The beys land in the stadium and both beys raced around the stadium at full speed. Both beys race to the center and go at it with a back and forth clash*
Valt: Valkyrie won't ever lose to you!
*Both beys clash once again and were sent flying back, Valkyrie recovers and touches the rim of the stadium and begins to speed up*
Bella: Here it comes..
Valt: Ultimate Flash V!!!
*Valkyrie starts to pick up some major acceleration and Beherit touches the rim as well*
Valt: N-No way!
*Beherit starts to pick up some incredible speed as it was rapidly catching up to Valkyrie*
Bella: Face the power and speed of Beherit!
*Beherit was closing the gap and it was about to make contact*
Bella: High Burst!!
*Beherit slams into Valkyrie with all it's might and sent it reeling once again, Valkyrie hits the wall and uses its rubber to absorb the attack and stay in the game. Both beys clash once again and Beherit was beginning to power up*
Bella: Beherit, let's show this champion who's in control here! Go!!
Valt: We've got this! Valkyrie!!
*Both beys clash once again and were locked together in a fierce brawl! Neither bey was willing to even give an inch. Both beys were sent flying and recovered safely*
Valt: End this, Ultimate Slash V!!!
Bella: Origin Thunder!!!
*Both beys clash with full force and a massive explosion tears throughout the arena, both beys were sent flying and Valkyrie was the one to burst this time*
Bella: ALRIGHT!!!!
Referee-Bot: Origin Beherit, Burst Finish! Bella Akazara is the winner!
Valt: Well you got me. You're pretty good.
Bella: You aren't so bad yourself, i await the next time we battle Valt Aoi!
Rashad: I get it now, she used the rubber and metal in the layer to overclock Beherits attack and overpower Valts ultimate technique, i'll admit she's good..
*Valt nods and he and Rashad turn and left the castle*
Bella: Well Beherit, that's another few bladers down. Things are now starting to get interesting..
*Rangara Kiyama was still around in the castle, he had not left once since his defeat at the hands of Bella. He was in the Beylab within the castle studying up on the Origin System and getting his new and improved bey ready for its construction*
Rangara: With this new and improved Ragnaruk, i'll be completely unstoppable.
*Rangara pulled up the design for his new Ragnaruk, which bared the design of Rising Ragnaruk and Crash Ragnaruk, Rangara smiled as everything was going according to plan. After hours upon hours of work, Rangara new and improved bey was complete.*
Rangara: It's ready, Gale Ragnaruk!
*Ragnaruk began to glow with an orange and yellow aura as Rangara began to smile*
Next Chapter: Dark Labyrinth! The Castle Of Demise!!
Another challenger enters Bellas castle and it may just be Bellas biggest challenge yet. Later, Rangara finally confronts Bella once again with his new Ragnaruk.
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