S3 Chapter 10: Blazing Flames! Atlas Ember!!

*It was the next day and Bella was training as hard as she could, Rangara stood by and watched her*

Rangara: You don't need to beat yourself up too bad just because you lost one battle,

Bella: I lost to Shu in front of thousands of people, i need to get much much stronger if i am to win next time. There's no time to waste!!

Rangara: Still though, you shouldn't push yourself too hard over this.

Bella: I won't leave New York until i defeat Shu and then there's that guy...

*An image of Main Kuromi filled her mind*

Bella: I won't lose to someone like that guy either..

*Rangara simply looked at his friend in worry, he held his Ragnaruk in his hand*

Rangara: I get how you feel, that Main guy.. I desperately want to defeat him as well.

*The 2 noticed that the New York Bulls was quiet and empty, not a single blader was around but them*

Rangara: On the other hand, there's nobody here.. it's usually pretty crowded and busy.

Bella: I don't know, it is usually busy in here but i guess not.

Rangara: I haven't seen Athena or Lane around in a bit either, just where on earth have they gone?

Bella: I don't know but i don't like this, i don't think it's supposed to be this quiet!

*Shu eventually came through the front door and came up to the 2*

Rangara: Shu! Where is everyone?!

Bella: Why isn't there anyone here?

Shu: Today is Saturday. nobody comes here on the weekends.

Bella: Where's Athena? Or Lane?!

*Shu just looked at her and finally broke the ice*

Shu: Athena is in the process of making an Origin Bey.

Rangara: An Origin Bey?!

Bella: Already?!

Shu: Lane is with her, helping her. Constructing the new Adeona will take at least a few days since she is recreating it from the ground-up. A process that detailed will take some time.

Bella: I wonder what it'll be like.. her new Bey.

Shu: Well Athena has done this a lot, it was after her victory at the Sparking Legend Tour that she began to take things a bit more seriously when it came to blading. Now that her main goal was fulfilled, she devoted her time and effort into training bladers herself and keep them from going down a dark and evil path, a path me and Lane both took and we both deeply regret it.

Bella: Huh?

Shu: Once, i went by the name of Red Eye, a different blader under the command and control of the Snake Pit.

Rangara: The Snake Pit?

Shu: An organization that weaponizes the bladers who go there and turn them into something else. They put them through incredible torturous training which pushes one past their limit, the Snake Pit doesn't care about the bladers who put their life on the line just to get stronger, they treated me and everyone there like an object instead of a real human being.

Bella: That's terrible!!

Shu: I found out that Ashtem, the leader of that godforsaken place has been seen here in New York. He was here, the New York Bulls is within the Empire State Building and he was found via security cameras on the roof of this place with Main Kuromi, the blader who has a little grudge on Athena.

Bella: I already know who he is, he attacked my little sister and she's unconscious because of him! But why is he with that guy?

Shu: I don't know but the fact that Ashtem came this close to the Bulls means that he has unfinished business with Athena and Lane, people who had ruined his name publicly, rightfully so might i add.

Rangara: Do they know? Does Athena and Lane know about this?

Shu: They're aware of Main's current whereabouts but they know nothing about Ashtem as of now, they haven't been the least bit concerned with him since 3 years ago.

Rangara: Is there anything we can do to stop them?

Shu: For Main, the only thing we can do is defeat him. But with Ashtem, the man is too dangerous to even be near kids, it's just not safe.

Bella: There has to be something we can do.

Shu: I'm sorry but beating Ashtem is out of the question. like i said, he is simply too dangerous.

Bella: What about Athena?

Shu: Athena is a strong lady, she'll be fine. She's taken on the Snake Pit before and if she has to again then she'll fight them with no mercy.

*Bella began to think about everything, Athena was somewhere in the New York Bulls creating a new Adeona so that she could eventually take on Main and his tyrannical power. Bella runs deeper into the New York Bulls and she starts to look for Athena*

Bella: Athena, what exactly is the Snake Pit and... how did you beat them?!


*Main Kuromi stood in one of the training rooms in the New York Arena and his bey, Primary Michael spun in the center of the arena at full speed, its aura of light emitting from it.*

Main: Michael, with your legendary power we'll absolutely crush Athena Valhalla for good, her legacy and family history going down with her.

*Michael began to glow brightly as its spin wasn't decreasing at all, Main began to grin as his eyes glowed with a red energy*


*Bella finally found Athena who was in the Beylab continuing to work on a design for her new Adeona*

Bella: Athena!!

*Athena turns around and was surprised to see Bella standing at the doorway*

Athena: Bella? What are you doing in here, i thought you would be out there in the lobby training with Rangara and the others.

Bella: Well... i thought i would give you some company while you work.

*Athena simply just smiled and sighed*

Athena: Well you came all this way.. sure you can stay, just don't touch anything or mess with anything.

*Athena kept on working on designs for her new Adeona, the design she currently had looked like a 4-Bladed Dangerous Belial and Athena smoothed out the blades a bit and inhaled excitedly, she finally found the perfect design.*

Athena: Just a little bit more Adeona and you'll be ready for battle once again, i can't wait to have so much fun with you again!

*After about an hour watching her, Bella eventually leaves and went back to the lobby and Shu and Rangara were still there. She wanted to face Shu again*

Bella: Shu, i've decided: I want to battle you once again!

Shu: Really now? You didn't forget that i defeated you yesterday?

*Bellas eyes began to glow with a energy filled with darkness, catching Shu off guard*

Shu: W-What was that?!

Bella: I want to battle.

*Shu simply sighed and pulled out his launcher*

Shu: Very well then, if it's a battle you want then it'll be a battle you get.

*Both bladers step up to the stadium and Shu immediately changed his beys driver into Attack Mode.*

Bella: Left Spin Attack Mode, he's going on the offensive and go for a burst huh? Well it's no use, i've seen all i need to see from Spriggan so i have the perfect plan!

Rangara: First Battle!!

*Bella switched her Launcher into Power Mode and prepared to launch*

Rangara: Ready Set!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys land in the stadium and both beys raced around the stadium at full speed*

Bella: Beherit, let's go!

Shu: Spriggan, don't back down!

*Both beys clash hard in the center and Spriggan was the one who was sent flying*

Shu: What the..?!

Bella: You may have rubber on your bey but so do we!

*Beherit lands a brutal follow-up attack and knocked Spriggan into the wall*

Shu: Counter Break now!

*Spriggan used the rubber of its attack mode to speed up and deal a brutal attack on Beherit*

Bella: Origin Spin!

*Using the rubber on its layer, Beherit drained away a bit of Spriggans momentum!*

Bella: You see? Beherit is full of surprises!

Shu: So you can absorb spin too huh? Interesting... but it won't be enough.

*Spriggan disengages and it rides the slope of the stadium as it heads onto the Upper Deck and rushed into the Secondary Stadium*

Shu: Atlas Slash!!

*Spriggan dives toward Beherit at full speed and slams into it, its golden axe blades grinding against the top of the layer*

Bella: Get out of there Beherit, don't lose!!

*Beherit managed to escape and it races around the stadium*

Shu: I'm afraid that is useless.

Bella: Say what?!

Shu: I counted on you using your beys features to your advantage so you could get the upper hand but now it's my turn!

*Spriggan was draining the power it lost from Beherit and was now starting to get even faster*

Bella: No way!!! I won't let you!!

*Beherit skids on the ring of its High Driver and began to speed up, escaping Spriggans next attack. Both beys were then locked in a fierce back and forth clash, both of them weren't giving an inch at all*

Shu: Spriggan now, cut them down!!

*Spriggan comes in and deals an attack that completely erases Beherits stamina and slammed it into the wall as it settled in the center and its tip began to spark as it raced for the final blow*

Shu: Atlas Ember!!

*Spriggan charges in and began to launch a super fast barrage of attacks on Beherit, it was like little red lasers were striking it from all angles! Beherit was being overwhelmed from the attack and Bella was in absolute shock at what she was seeing*

Bella: That's... incredible!!

*Spriggans attack was lifting Beherit into the air and it burst from the overwhelming barrage. Bella gasped in shock as a blast of flames blew her off her feet*

Rangara: Atlas Spriggan, Burst Finish! Shu Kurenai wins!

Shu: I will give you credit for managing to push me to the edge with your attacks.

*Bella got to her feet and just looked at Shu*

Bella: Atlas Ember huh? I'll admit, that's impressive.

Shu: So are you. As a reward for making it this far, you may have this.

*Shu handed something to Bella, it was an upgrade for Beherit*

Bella: What is this thing exactly?

Shu: Just something i made when creating Spriggan, i think its better off in your hands. I think it could make Beherit stronger.

*The Upgrade was something of a Cho-Z Level Chip as it was equipped under the layer. Bella disassembled her bey and placed the Upgrade on Beherits layer*

Shu: However this upgrade is only the start. Beherit has all sorts of hidden potential to evolve but alas, it will take great mastery and training to use them all successfully.

Bella: I see..

Shu: Origin Beherit, it really is a special bey. This Strike Origin Chip will not only grant better burst resistance but will also allow your bey to be more balanced, retaining stamina and attack better.

*Bella stared down at her newly upgraded Beherit, its dark aura getting even stronger. Bella could feel its power coursing through her veins*


*Athena was still working on her new and improved Adeona but for now she was taking a break and she looked back at the design she came up with*

Athena: It's almost ready, just a little more and it'll be ready for its debut.

*Athena smiled and laughed a bit but now she needed name ideas*

Athena: But now i need something to call you but what...?

*The door to the Beylab opened and Shu Kurenai walked through the door*

Athena: Shu??

*Shu looked around in the Beylab and walked over towards Athena*

Shu: I hear the new Adeona is coming along well.

Athena: Yeah i just need to add a few more finishing touches and get to work on the disk and driver and then it'll be complete! It's gonna rock!

*Shu smiled as he picked up the almost-completed Adeona layer*

Shu: Just like its previous evolution, it features rubber within its blades which allow it to give some incredible attacks.. seems interesting.

*Shu handed the layer back to Athena and she began to smile*

Shu: A bey like that will leave a larger impact on your legacy than ever before.

*the word "Legacy" immediately stuck with her*

Shu: Adeona with the upgrades and evolution process its getting, it'll be unstoppable.

Athena: I see..

Shu: I've challenged Bella to another official match but i'm giving her a day or so to train and prepare.

Athena: You challenged Bella again, well i'm curious to see if she'll be able to win this time.

Shu: Will you be there?

Athena: Not sure, depends on how long this takes.

Shu: I see.

Athena: If i can't make it then i'll be here, watching it on the TV.

Shu: Well like i said, i've given Bella the entirety of tomorrow to train and get ready. She's going to need it.

Athena: Well i want to introduce the strongest opponents in the world to her, battling and possibly defeating you will be a start.

Shu: I get that but i would advise caution..

Athena: You're worried about Main?

*Shu nodded*

Shu: Once your new Adeona is completed, he's going to come for you and he won't stop until you are defeated.

Athena: Well you don't have to worry about me, i won't lose so easily!

Shu: Glad to hear but now I must be leaving, good luck on your new bey.

*Shu left the beylab and Athena was alone again, she turned back to her completed layer and started working on the disk and driver. The disk would be a 4 sided metal disk with a plastic ring featuring rubber impact blades and the driver would be a bulky tip like Charge but with a rubber flat tip that would increase the speed and attack power*

---Later that day---

*Bella went back to Valhalla Manor and stood alone in her bedroom and stared down at her bey which had been upgraded with the Strike Origin Chip and she had taken a close examination of it*

Bella: Beherit, there are 3 other spots where upgrades could go. I can't wait to obtain them all and you'll get so much more stronger than ever before!

*The door to her room opened and Athena came walking in and she smiled*

Bella: Athena?! Where've you been?!

*Athena smiled and held up a new bey, her Origin Bey was finally complete! Bellas eyes widened as the bey began to sparkle and glow*

Athena: This is Legacy Adeona!

Bella: Legacy Adeona...

Athena: Bella, i want you to come watch its first battle

Bella: You don't want to battle me?

Athena: I want to wait until after you battle Shu, i know its unfortunate but i want to see how you do against Shu before i battle against you. But no matter how it goes, i'll still battle you.

*Athena leads Bella outside and someone was standing at the stadium, it was Rangara Kiyama*

Bella: That's your first opponent? Him?!

Rangara: Oi! She came to me alright?!

Athena: Like i said, i want to face you when you reach your full potential battling Shu. Besides just like at the Castle Of Demise, consider this a demonstration of my true power.

*Athena stood up to the stadium and she held up her bey to Rangara who began to observe it*

Rangara: Legacy Adeona, its layer is full of metal and rubber along with a very aggressive assortment of parts but i feel like there is a secret behind it..

Athena: Whenever you're ready, i can go all day!

*Both bladers take their positions and the battle began*

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys landed in the stadium and Ragnaruk took the center immediately*

Rangara: Yes! The center is ours!!

*The new Adeona comes rushing in for the attack, the eye on the motif glowing brightly*

Athena: Adeona, full speed!

*Adeona slams into Ragnaruk and its rubber blades were coiling back from the impact and Ragnaruk was sent flying!*


*Bella was in absolute amazement at the power that was just displayed by the new Adeona, she watched as its speed and power was getting even stronger*

Bella: Rubber attack?!


*Ragnaruk hits the wall and managed to survive, claiming the center*

Rangara: No matter, we're not going to let that faze us! Ragnaruk, High Roaring Gale!!

*Adeona was coming in for the attack, the plastic blades lining the rubber glowing with a streak of purple light*

Athena: Let's go!

*Adeona clashes into Ragnaruk with all its might, tearing down the tornado generated by Ragnaruk*

Athena: Legacy Bound!

*The entire layer of Adeona began to rotate the other way and it sprung forward violently, sending Ragnaruk flying and bursting it*

Rangara: So that's its other ability! Bound attack?!

*Adeona continued to race around the stadium at full speed, a white inferno swirling and flowing around it! Bella was in awe at the power being displayed by the new and improved Adeona*

Bella: That's amazing..


Next Chapter: The Perfect Strategy! The Plan That Will Defeat Spriggan!!

Bella trains hard to master the new upgrade given by Shu and get stronger so she'll be able to win against him the following day!

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