It had been 3 years after the climatic showdown between Athena and Lane in the Sparking Legend Tour and the events of Dynamite Battle and now a new generation of Beyblades were on the rise. In a dark palace in the farthest reaches of Europe, a singular girl with a ferocious attitude! Her bey was a Right Spinning Attack Type with the face of a fierce demon, the palace quakes with a loud explosion as the thrown room was filled with smoke, Beys fell to the floor burst! The girl who stood atop the thrown began to laugh as a fierce pink and purple aura began to surround her.
It was a nice day in America and training was proceeding as usual at the New York Bulls, Legendary Blader and American Champion, Athena Valhalla and her Brother Lane Valhalla stand on the balcony over the lobby of the New York Bulls, Athena smiled as she watched all her fellow bladers train to become as strong as ever, Shu Kurenai was absent from the team for a while so he could train so Athena and Lane were watching over the team until he returned
Athena: Everyones doing so great as usual, Shu really has a great team.
Lane: Not to mention us, you just won your 3rd American Championship and my Flare is getting even brighter by the day.
Athena: I guess you just can't get enough of that golden flare, can you?
*Athena had won a championship in California 3 years ago, the year she had brought Lane back to his senses. Athena wasn't just a legend nor a national champion, she was considered a Beyblade Celebrity! she was now given the nickname "The Legendary Angel" which derived from her heart of light and her status as a Blader. Lane had gotten much stronger since his defeat at the Sparking Legend Tour Finals and continued to leave his old life behind.*
Lane: I wonder when Shu will be back.
Athena: He did say he wanted to get stronger so he went on a little training journey, who knows maybe he'll join a few minor tournaments while he's away.
*The screen in the New York Bulls training room came on and all the bladers began to gather around! Athena and Lane watched with concern and wondered what was going on*
Lane: What's going on down there?!
Athena: I don't know.
*Athena and Lane come down the stairs and they have a look at what was happening*
Athena: What is the meaning of this?
Blader 1: There's a broadcast coming through!
Athena: A broadcast? What is it, a tournament or something?
Blader 2: Haven't you heard? There's something very weird going on in Europe!
Lane: Weird? What are you on about?
Blader 1: There are rumors saying that there is a mysterious blader in an evil castle in the darkest place in Europe, they say that this girl uses a bey which has said to be able to take down even the strongest legends.
Athena: Come on you guys! "Evil Castle"? "Mysterious Blader"? I think you guys have been training too hard, a good break is very important.
Lane: I mean there is people like Bell Daikokuten out there who kinda fits that criteria, however this is in Europe apparently. Now that you mention it, i think i know where they're coming from.
Athena: Come on Lane, you seriously can't possibly fall for this. This is all something straight out of a fairy tail, back to training everyone-!
Blader 1: It's starting!!!
*The purple screen disappeared and the camera was pointed straight towards a thrown, a small figure gets off the thrown and heads to the camera.*
Athena: Who is that..?
*The voice finally spoke and it was a rather menacing and feminine voice. The girl wore a black shirt with a red "B" imprinted on her left breast with a purple overcoat with black tights with a leather belt and violet slippers. The girl also bared a golden armbrace over her right arm. She had long black hair with pink streaks, her eyes as blue as the night. Eyeliner and Purple eyeshadow also lined her eyes. the girl smiled with a big grin, her name was Bella Akazara*
Bella: Welcome one and all to my domain, this my friends is the Castle Of Demise! You are welcome here, any gender, any age! You are all welcome to challenge me but i do warn you.
*Bella held up her bey which was a new type of system, called the Origin System*
Bella: This, my Beyblade friends is Origin Beherit and i am the Princess Of Darkness!
Athena: The Princess Of Darkness huh?
Lane: Looks like she's stole your Princess title.
*Athenas eyes narrowed as she continued to observe this new blader*
Athena: I'm not worried about that but something tells me... i think i might actually know her from somewhere but i'm not sure where..
*Lane looked over at her sister with a concerned expression and looked toward the screen in wonder*
Lane: Bella Akazara, just who in the world are you?
*A challenger came through the door and he looked rather familiar but not really.*
Bella: Just who might you be?
*The blader held up his phone which was broadcasting the current stream from the Castle Of Demise. The blader was actually yet another relative of the Kiyama family tree, his name was Rangara Kiyama*
Rangara: So you're Bella Akazara, it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. My name is Rangara Kiyama!
Bella: Ah so you saw the broadcast and you came to challenge me, that's so sweet of you! i ought to give you a kiss and a hug for coming all this way!
Rangara: Don't try to play me with the flattery because it won't work on someone like me.
Bella: Is that so? Well it's been a little while since i broadcasted an event like this, this ought to be a good refresher!
*Rangara held up his bey which was a Blue Cyclone Ragnaruk which unlike Ranzos, his had an assortment of different parts on it. Its combo was Cyclone Ragnaruk.Giga.Bearing'-10*
Rangara: This is my Cyclone Ragnaruk, it'll be the one to blow whatever bey you use out of the water!
Bella: That's kinda cute, this is my Origin Beherit! It's apart of a system I DESIGNED and perfected to its fullest maximum potential!
Rangara: Origin Beherit huh? It's looks like one of those old Cho-Z Beys..
Bella: That was the idea, the Origin System is a revamped Cho-Z System!
Athena: Did she say Cho-Z!?!
Lane: I understand now! She took the flaws and weaknesses of the Standard Cho-Z System and made them even better in every way.
Athena: How so?
Lane: A regular Cho-Z bey without the use of a Level Chip is unbalanced and is more easier to burst than one with a Level Chip. Bella seemed to have improved all those weaknesses in this so called Origin System.
Athena: Interesting.. Bella. But your opponent is a member of the Kiyama family, it would be wise to take him seriously even though he doesn't use a bey from your system yet.
*Bella smiled brightly as she stared at her opponent. Rangara looks at her confused*
Bella: I know most people will think of me as the next Bell Daikokuten but i'm nothing like him. I simply just want a good battle, the Castle Of Demise is a safe space for all bladers of any age or genders. You shouldn't be shaking in your boots like that, come on! Bring up your spirits a bit.
Rangara: Even though she has a very imposing appearance and bey, god forbid she lives in a castle of all places. She's actually pretty nice, Maybe the rumors saying that she also destroys beys aren't true either... if that is true then maybe it isn't on purpose, if that's my fate here then i guess we'll see.
Computer: First Battle!
*Both bladers place their beys on their launcher*
Rangara: Origin Beherit, it looks like it has a very bulky driver... it looks like it could be extremely mobile around the stadium, let's see.
Computer: Ready Set!!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*The beys land in the stadium and Ragnaruk was coming for the center*
Rangara: That's good Ragnaruk, hold down the center!
Bella: So you're gonna fight in Low Mode huh? Well then, this ought to be interesting then!
*The High Driver had a very bulky shape. It had a ring surrounding a flat tip which could stop it from being KO'd so easily. It's primary form of contact with the stadium was a tip that resembled that of Jaggy. Attacks using this Driver were always devastating*
Rangara: Let's do it Ragnaruk! Double Wing Cyclone!!
*Ragnaruk initiates its tornado and fierce winds began to rip through the stadium*
Bella: You really believe something as trivial as that will stop Beherits assault? Go!!
*Beherit manages to cut through the storm and clash into Ragnaruk at full power and sent it flying with a 3 bladed barrage*
Rangara: W-What?!
Bella: How'd you like my 3-Bladed Assault?
Athena: 3-Bladed Assault?!
Lane: I see now... Beherit has a 3 sided shape like Valkyrie, Belial and others but this ones sort of different. Within its 3 Bladed shape are 2 other blades, One made of soft rubber and the other made of metal. All together, it creates a 3-Bladed barrage attack! Looks like Beherit is full of surprises..
Rangara: We're not done yet Ragnaruk!
Bella: Yeah you are.
Rangara: What!?
*Bella began to grin fiercely now as a pink and purple aura began to surround her, just like before*
Bella: I'm a nice girl and i like to play nice but i'm not afraid to get my hands dirty if needed! Beherit!!!
Beherit: Leave it to me, i'll rip to pieces!
*Beherit lands another brutal strike on Ragnaruk and sent it off balance, not even its Bearing driver could save it*
Rangara: Ragnaruk!!
Bella: You're doomed! Origin Thunder!!
*Beherit slams into Ragnaruk with all its might and Ragnaruk was burst into pieces as the explosion that followed sent them flying into the wall*
Rangara: R-R-Ragnaruk..
Bella: That was a fun battle! Wouldn't you agree?
Computer: Origin Beherit with a Burst Finish, Bella Akazara is the winner!
Athena: Ok, looks like she has some skill after all.
Lane: I observed everything, now that Beherit has officially debut'd, we can now start studying it for a weakness.
Athena: You're not suggesting we-
Lane: That's right. We'll make Origin Beys too and we'll defeat that girl for sure.
Athena: I don't know.. i don't know about you but i get a feeling that Bella is.. is...
Lane: Spit it out if you're gonna say something, i'm sure whatever it is you have to say isn't as ridiculous as you make it sound right now.
Athena: I have a feeling Bella might be related to us.
Lane: Well i take back what i said then. It IS ridiculous as it sounds.
Athena: Come on Lane! Shu told us the theory about how there could be another potential sibling of ours, i think we might have finally found her.
Lane: Valhalla, Akazara! The last names don't match.
Athena: Maybe she's a cousin or an aunt. Not all aunts or cousins have the same last name as you.
Lane: That's still not enough evidence to prove that she is somehow apart of our family. Besides if she were, mother would have told us about it sooner, what reason would she have to keep something like that away from us?
Athena: I don't know? Speaking of which, do you think we should tell her about this? Maybe she does have answers.
Lane: I guess it wouldn't hurt.
Athena: Great. I guess it's decided!
*The bladers at BC Sol had also saw everything, Valt Aoi, Free De La Hoya and Rashad Goodman were all amazed at how strong this newcomer was.*
Valt: Origin Beherit, it's so amazing!
Free: Looks interesting to say the least, maybe it'll be worth my while.
Rashad: Even so, it's rather curious she is so strong with a bey that is even lighter than even a GT Bey.
Valt: Either way, i'm getting so pumped right now!!
*Valt's bey: Ultimate Valkyrie.Legacy.Variable'-9 glowed in his hand and it was glowing in response to seeing Beherit on the screen*
Valt: Valkyrie.. you want to take on Beherit?
Rashad: Valkyrie wants to battle Beherit? I'm not sure about that though.
Valt: Why not?
Rashad: Still, even though it is lighter than a modern Beyblade, i feel like there is a ton of power inside that bey.
Valt: It'll be fine, besides i won't lose so easily.
*Rashad just looked at Valt and simply smiled*
Rashad: Alright then, i trust you'll bring home a great victory.
*Rashads bey, Greatest Raphael was in his hand and it was starting to glow as well.*
Rashad: Raphael..? You want to battle as well?
Valt: You're welcome to come if you want, i don't mind.
Rashad: Valt?
Valt: The more, the merrier.
*Rashad stared down at his master and smiled*
Rashad: Yeah, i'll come along.
Valt: It's decided! We're gonna blow Beherit out of the park!
*Free watched as Valt and Rashad were both now getting fired up. He was now starting to come up with a plan as he noticed Sisco coming by as well*
Sisco: So it's another battle from the Castle Of Demise huh?
Free: Another you say?
Sisco: I've been all over, i heard bladers go there everyday to face off against Bella but the sounds of beys bursting and explosion are heard each night. I also hear that going there means certain doom, it's hard to get in or out. Rangara was lucky he didn't get killed from all the dangerous traps that the Castle Of Demise holds.
*Valt and Rashad overheard the conversation and went over to them*
Rashad: Are you sure that last part isn't false. First part is believable but traps in a castle? I don't know about you but that sounds like something straight out of fiction.
Valt: He does have a point.
Sisco: Well those are only rumors and rumors only. Not up to me if they're true or not.
Rashad: Yeah ok. Valt, if we're gonna go then we should probably be heading out now.
Valt: Right! Free, Sisco, i leave BC Sol to you guys until we get back.
Free: Fine with me.
Sisco: We'll be sure to keep each and every blader in check.
*Valt nodded with a smile and he and Rashad headed out to Europe the Castle Of Demise. Which was actually surprisingly closer than the 2 expected.*
---At Valhalla Manor---
*Athena was taking a look at the data that was currently on Bella Akazara within her own home but she could barely find anything in the library*
Athena: Damn!! There is nothing in the Valhalla History Books about her! Even Mom doesn't know anything about her.
Lane: I told you, she just isn't one of us.
Athena: Maybe there is no proof now but i'll prove she is one of us!
*Athena began to think about her and wondered what she was up to*
---At the Castle Of Demise---
*Bella stood in the same thrown room and she continued to train, a smile went across her face as her Beherit spun in the stadium at full speed*
Bella: Beherit, we're getting all sorts of strong! Soon, we'll be unstoppable!
Next Chapter: Beherit VS The World!!
Valt and Rashad enter the Castle Of Demise and challenge Bella! Meanwhile, Athena makes preparations to visit as well, Rangara proceeds to make a new Ragnaruk apart of the Origin System
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