S2 Chapter 51: All Or Nothing! The Final Battle Commences!!

*A few days had passed and the ship was nearing the port of Japan where it departed from, Athena waved at the legends that were previously eliminated and other spectators were there as well, Athena was amazed at how many people were there*

Aiga: You see all those people Athena? They're all going to watch you battle this evening, everyones been waiting for this match for a very long time now.

Athena: Yeah, today is finally the day. The day i finally put an end to everythin.

*The boat finally docked and got settled and the remaining passengers got off and Athena was immediately swarmed by paparazzi and was immediately bombarded with all sorts of different questions, Athena thankfully was saved by Xhaka who was one of the biggest people in the area*

Xhaka: Come on you guys, have a bit of respect. Poor child needs a bit of rest before her big match today and you bombard her with questions, get lost.

*Xhaka carries her inside the Sparking Arena and locks the door behind him, stopping the crazed reporters and journalists.*

Athena: Thank you for.. saving me.

Xhaka: Well paparazzi can be rough sometimes, this just happened to be one of those times i guess.

Athena: Yeah, i guess so. I guess i should some last preparations before my big match, get a bit more training in.

Xhaka: Yeah, it would appear you'll need all the training you can get today. You have only a few hours and you have one of the most strong and dangerous people as your opponent.

Athena: Yeah and i'll be one who slays him for good.


*Lane stood in one of the other training rooms in the Sparking Arena and his Flare began to burn bright as he thought about the battle between Athena and Valt*

Lane: There is no doubt about it, her Flare is evolving and it will continue to evolve even further if i don't do something about it but the question is: How is her Flare evolving that quick and how strong is it compared to mine..

*Lucifer spun in the center of the stadium as it glowed with a dark flare, tiny gold sparkles were emitting from it. Lane simply smiled as he was completely enveloped within his Flare*

---A little while later---

*It was only 2 hours until the match started and Athena spoke with Aiga one last time before her big match*

Athena: Aiga, how've you been holding up?

Aiga: I've been well but i'm more concerned for you now that we're here.

Athena: Aiga, i'll be fine. I won't let Lane hurt me again, i promise.

Aiga: You honestly don't know that, now that we've made it to the grand finals, anything could happen now.

Athena: I said i'll be fine Aiga, nothing will go wrong.

Aiga: I just don't want to see anyone else get hurt, much less you. I think i've had enough of seeing people get hurt because of Lanes antics.

Athena: Well you can rest easy tonight knowing that i will put an end to him once and for all.

Aiga: Athena..

Athena: I need you to trust me on this, i want you to believe i can do it, that i can succeed in something i've been longing to do.

*Aiga just stared at her and inevitably just smiled*

Aiga: Alright, i trust you but i want you to know that if anything goes bad, i'm coming down there.

Athena: I'm afraid i can't allow you to do that.

Aiga: What?!

Athena: This is between me and Lane, i refuse to let anyone interfere. I've waited too long for this moment, i've already told Valt and now i'll tell you: I won't fail like i did in New York.

Aiga: Athena, you know i want to help you but-

Athena: If you really want to help, the best you can do for me is cheer for me in the crowd. That's all i could ever ask for. If you really believe i can do it then you will let me do this alone, either way i won't let you interfere with my battle.

*Aiga was troubled, he stared his friend in the violet eyes which started to glisten like amethyst crystals.*

Aiga: Alright, i trust you. Just know that everyone supports you, we're all here and we're all watching.

Athena: Thank you, Aiga. You can never understand how much this'll ever mean to me.

*Shu Kurenai returns and he walks behind Aiga*

Athena: Shu.. you're here!!

Shu: The doctor finally released me and i had to see this, you're finally doing it, you're fulfilling your dream.

Athena: Shu, i genuinely don't know what to say at this point.. i'm excited but i feel so nervous at the same time.

Shu: You've got this Athena, i know you do. And like Aiga has said, we're all rooting for you to the end.

Athena: You know i figured this would be easier done than even said but i realized for a long time now that this is serious stuff we're dealing with, at this point... it's all or nothing, if i lose here.. it's over, i can't go back from that.


*Ashtem and Lane Valhalla stood in the pressbox at the Sparking Arena as they looked over the stadium that would soon be filled with the flares of Adeona and Lucifer*

Ashtem: You may have scared me shitless the other day Lane Valhalla, but now things have gotten serious as per usual, the tournament finals are here.

Lane: What's your point?

Ashtem: Today is a big day for you, this is your chance to prove that you are the so called "Emperor Of The Black-Sun" or whatever you're gonna call yourself.

Lane: Of course i will win, this match has already been decided.

Ashtem: Now that's what i like to hear.

*Lane turned and started to walk out but heard Ashtem calling out to him*

Lane: What now?

Ashtem: I'm counting on you, i expect a good win from you today.. don't forget about your Devils Mark, from what i hear about Athenas new flare.. you might need it today..

*Lane sighed and he kept on walking, the door shutting behind him*

---Later that evening---

*The time of the Sparking Legend Tour Grand Finals had finally arrived and both bladers were waiting on the lifts to get down to them. Athena waited at the door and she heard footsteps, she looked behind her and saw Shu, Aiga, Valt, Chiki, Hikaru and Hyuga all standing behind her*

Athena: You guys?!

Shu: There is one more thing before you head up to your match.

Athena: What is it?

Aiga: Well we all talked about it and gave it some thought and we've come to a decision, we're all going to fight alongside you no matter what.

*The bladers held up their beys*

Athena: Y-Y-You guys..! But i can't!!

Chiki: Why not? We're all friends aren't we?

Valt: We're all here for you Athena, we're going to support you even if you ask us not to.

Hikaru: it's what friends are for after all.

Hyuga: Friends are the best, they can help you go zoom zoom and ka-blamo!! Be sure to break every last one of your limits out there!!!

*Athena looked between the 6 bladers as tears began to stream down her cheeks, she held up her Adeona and it glowed in agreement*

Valt: it would appear even Adeona wants this.

Athena: Adeona... you...

Adeona: We can all do this together Athena, you, me and all of your friends. We can all take down Lucifer if we fight as one.

Athena: Adeona..

*Athena looked back up towards her friends and they continued to smile*

Athena: Alright, i'll do it.

Shu: We won't actually be up there fighting with you but all we can offer is the spirits of our beys.

Athena: The spirits of your beys? Have you lost it?!

Shu: You're obviously going to be returning them one way or another so its fine. We entrust our beys spirits to you for this battle Athena, take them.

*The bladers beys began to glow with their respective colors and Adeona began to pull the spirits of the bladers beys into it as a bright glow began to fill the area. Athena could already feel the overwhelming power from all the beys, it almost felt like too much but she eventually got it under control.*

Shu: Athena, are you alright?!

Athena: I feel fine... thank you all.. for everything.

*Athena turned and went up to her match*

---At the stadium---

*Athena and Lane had finally reached the top and they both stepped up to the stadium which would be the Speed-Storm Stadium this time. Both bladers stare each other down as Athena sorta smiled*

Athena: It's been some time since we battled, you can't possibly know how much i've been waiting for this day.

Lane: Honestly, i can say the same. Today is the day Adeona dies for good. I don't know what your plans or strategies are but they mean nothing in the face of my true power which i will be displaying for you in this battle.

Athena: Your true power huh? You mean to tell me you weren't using your real power all this time?

Lane: Oh no, what you've seen is only a small percentage of what my true strength is and i'll be sure to entertain everyone with a glorious show in which nobody will ever forget.

Athena: He's as serious as always, either way we'll win this, right Adeona?

Lane: Sovereign Adeona, an attack type with a right spin. It has rubber in its ring for dealing out strong attacks and its driver can mode change mid battle to gain a big boost of speed.. a bey like that will be worthy prey for Lucifer, at least so i hope.

Referee: First Battle!!

*Lane looked down at his Lucifer and it brought him into the Avatar World once again and Lane sat down with his head between his knees*

Lucifer: Lane, what's your plan?

*Lane was starting to get very worried and he began to tremble and shake in a bit of fear. He could feel the cold stare of Lucifer beating down on him as if it was pressuring him into an answer*

Lane: I... I....

Lucifer: Lane.

Lane: I.....

*Lane saw a vision of Athena right in front of him and the little vision of Athena smiled at him*

Lane: I don't know...!!

*The avatar world disappeared and the stadium was filled with an earsplitting scream, it was Lane!! Lane was surrounded by a fierce storm made up of his Flare, he screamed even more as the storm was blowing into the crowd*


*The Devils Mark activated and Lane began to transform as he gave out his speech of war! Wings sprouted from his back as his hands turned to claws, his teeth and eyes as demonic as the depths of hell!! Lane smiled as he prepared his launcher with Lucifer mounted upon it! Athena was in absolute disbelief at what she was witnessing*


Athena: No matter what, we're going to win this!

Referee: Ready Set!!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys land in the stadium and Adeona raced around in the center as it began to gain a huge bit of acceleration but Lucifer was nowhere in sight*

Athena: Tch... it's on the upper deck!!!

*Lucifer took a ride on the Upper Deck and landed in one of the speed cradles and began to pick up some major speed*

Demon Lane: I'll burn you into ashes like you deserve! Come forth my Flare!!

*Lucifer began to glow with its Flare as it began to pick up insane speed and it dove straight for Adeona*

Athena: Dodge it with Barrage Boost!!

*Adeonas Barrage Driver activated and it managed to avoid Lucifers destructive attack*


Aiga: Yeah she's got it!

Shu: That's how you do it!!

Chiki: Way to go Athena, you've got this!!!

Hikaru/Hyuga: Now finish it!!


Demon Lane: Once this battle is over my reign as the Emperor Of The Black-Sun will begin and nothing will stop me! Lucifer, go!!

Athena: We're not going to let anything like that happen, let's go! Adeona!!

*Adeona began to glow with its Flare as it kept on speeding up even more as did Lucifer*

*Both beys circled around the stadium and headed onto the upper deck and Lane finally reveals his true power for the first time*

Demon Lane: Everything should just burn away! Dark Matter Disaster!!!

*Lucifer charges forward as its eyes glowed*


Chiki/Hikaru/Hyuga: Here it comes!

Shu: Together as one?

Aiga: Let's go!

Valt: let's go all out!!

Athena: Yeah let's go!!

*Athena and her friends charge through a black void as the avatars of Adeona, Spriggan, Valkyrie, Cthulhu, Achilles, Helios and Hyperion all followed suit, sparkles flowed around them*

Athena/Valt/Shu/Aiga/Hikaru/Hyuga/Chiki: Let's go, let's show them no mercy!!!

*Adeona speeds up even further as its Flare evolves, it was a new Flare! The Flare was as hot as a thousand nebulas, with a loud ping, Adeona began to shine with a golden light as it proceeded into a rainbow colored Flare*

Athena: Ultimate Flare!!

Demon Lane: W-What the-!?

Athena/Valt/Aiga/Shu/Chiki/Hikaru/Hyuga: Final...!!!

*Adeona and Lucifer circle around the stadium and race back in towards the center with full force*

Athena: ....Symphony!!!

*The 2 beys clash with all they got as a fierce explosion rings out*

Athena: Let's go!!

Demon Lane: Finish her!!!

*Both beys go flying high into the air and the first one to go out was Lucifer*

Demon Lane: W-What?!

Referee: Sovereign Adeona, Over Finish! Athena Valhalla earns 1 point, point standings are now 1-0!!

*The crowd erupts into a round of loud cheers as Lane stood shocked at what just happened*


Hikaru: Alright! She got the first point!!!

Chiki: I knew she could do it!!!

Valt: Yeah, however we still have another round to get through but she's definitely got this.

Aiga: And that Ultimate Flare too! It's all sorts of amazing!

*The other legends joined in*

Sisco: I have to give it to her, if this keeps up we're all gonna have to up our game!

Phi: I would've never have guessed she would get this strong in such a short amount of time, that's impressive.

Drum: But she couldn't have done it without us!

Shu: All of us helped her through this journey, it's all we could do to help her take down Lane. We can only cheer her on at this point.


Athena: Well Lane! We've got the first point, how's that?! Huh-!?

*Lane looked down where his Lucifer had fallen and he had the most dead look in his eyes as his mouth was still hung open, he looked up and his eyes fell directly upon Athena*

Lane: Why... Why are you doing this to me..?

---In the Pressbox---

*Ashtem simply grinned as Silver Eye stood next to him*

Ashtem: Very good Lane, everything is proceeding as i have planned.

*Ashtem smiles a wicked grin and the 2nd Battle was about to begin*


Season 2 Finale: A Symphony Forever Finished: Athena VS Lane!!

The intense clash between Athena and Lane reaches the climax as Athena pushes forward to reach Lane one last time! During the battle, Lucifer begins to shine with a blinding bright light!


1 more and then there is the Epilogue, then there will be Season 3 which i will go into more depth after tomorrows chapter.

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